08-01-2012_FY2013 Public Safety & Public WorksVillage of North Palm Beach FY 2013 General Fund Budget Public Safety & Public Works August 1St - FY 2013 Budget Workshop TONIGHT'S - To do List! • Review the CURRENT fiscal year budget as it relates to the Public Safety and the Public Works Departments. • Workshop the Proposed FY2013 Budget as it relates to the Public Safety and the Public Works Departments (including each department's 5-year Capital Improvement Plan) z FY 2013 '4 - € Budget jug y� �. !, `` �`,`II� .. -g,� dt -�.I I I� I tl 7! yj r �� �1�!iH{ A !I I •S"� "f � '� `• � � �' � � Yf :� � I� ,fir, ,;�I., - \ r��,� Mir wnPix ;y1 4�N •�{ !'':r ; + 6 2 012 Budd Public Safety Pu i o f4j,� �• _- r� ,,-mss^ !a. +ifYr V�, _ ..�;I "�> rda V:- ��. aF .rti y V V\rl 3rd Quarter Ending Target: 75% Public Safety: The yfl age of2~orrh Palen Beach o Pretimivam� General Fund Budget Surnmarti- Combined 71 /o Third quarter Ending June 30.2012 ZZ Third Quarter Ending Eudms, Reused 2012 N,of Re-tiled Budget Prior rear Actual Aetual 6.+30+12 Budget {Tar et 73�ii) 6'30.11 WWII 09f30%,10 Public Safety: Law Enforcement 3,150,69 4,596,394 68.55 '. 3,065,253 4200,373 4,158,345 Fire Rescue 2,018,261 2,702,252 74.69°/. 1,878,600 2345,4-61 2,541,563 General Senices-Public Sa&ty 119,852 5,288,742 142,469 62.27 '. 7V56 115,066 120,930 Public Narks: Public Works Admin 354,349 79.20°{: 263,698 353,248 343,622 Sanitation 1,011,847 1,477,508 68.49% 1,032,904 1,3T2-'658 1,397,688 Facility Sersnices 418,471 634,063 65.55"{: 407,145 sa.564 620,140 Sheets&Grounds 848,748 1,214,467 69.890{: 898,423 1,413,441 1,545,641 Vehicle Maintenance 284,197 2,848,473 388,478 73.W: 266,873 356.730 350,213 Public Works: Combined 70% FY 2013 Budget •: " I If jWV- Your Taxes at Work Where does all the money go... This question as up every budget year as residents consider their tax bills_ It's a fair question_ Residents are very aware that nt of the valued services (fire and police county services, parks and recreation, and streets and sanitation) 221A v� eorrkmi come from their local governments_ However, the majority p �, j, of the property(ad valorem)tax dollar goes to jurisdictions 31% otherthan North Palm Beach. So,the answer to question can be answered simply.._ Only 31� of your tax dollar goes to the Tillage of North Palm Beach! .. nd this is where the 31 es.. . . ry2o 2 lic Pobliic Leisure General Debt and community FY 2013 6 l - Work Services Gavernin Other Development Budget k }r= Proposed FY2013 Ik � 3::k 1 4\' J PUBLIC WORKS = T �I 1 i.•a:..:�s..-,E��;�',r�,.�•�c`:A�i�..x' ;L;�is�lf�w..m-=ii... �..+.:.;•.r:...ref:?.'."�S..en.:Y,f,L'!�usr:F.rt�.i�l'.FV•._.-...,tl� �.�:_..•r_��..l��l �i.4.a::k2.,._.n�ih,'"i,T.':a►°.•�7�: �: :� _,..� FYI#fj The Vitae of North Palm Beach Public Safety: General Fund Budget Sum naLT Fiscal Yea r'Ol J13 $7,838,524 Olioal Fiscal h Increase Year H12 1Decremel over:01: Actual kcrull ?Atual i i i Budget Budget U4rAll 09.3A 10 09.30.09 Public Safety: Law Enforcemeaf 4,705, 70 4,595,199 2.41% 400;373 4,158 45 3,973,322 Fire Rmcue 2,@X5 2,702 52 9.91% 2,545,461 2�41�63 2,709,447 General Senims-Pdk Sakety 1 62,599 7,838,524 192,469 -15.52% 115,066 120,430 139,259 Public W.mks: Public Wcds A,dmm 362,333 359,349 0.83% 35348 343,822 341,232 Sumitatiun 1,472,954 1,477,50$ -0.31°lo- 1�7 658 1�97,688 1,456,876 Facahr Services 617,831 631.243 -2.12% 5U,564 620,140 616,076 Streets&aoiinL, Q47,915 i;?if;467 10.98% 1,413,441 1�45�41 1,262,278 V&deMaintenance 436,876 4,237,7119 388,978 12.31% 356,730 350,213 342,Hl Public Works: Total General Fund Proposed Budget: $18,484,863 $4,237,709 -Public Safety: $7,838,524 or 42.41% of total budget FY 20131 -Public Works: $4,237,709 or 22.93% of total budget Budget I JI *. po - - Nam i ;kit& - i�' r^iM �r'ti f �f r y Capital Outlay Departmeot Amount Public Works Sid,ewaLk repair-.iRage wide 40,400 Asphalt CK-erlay-Mays 58.400 1 48,000 PoBce VaMcle Replacement(1)marked 28,842 VeMcle Replacement(3)is reAed 86,574 115,548 Public Safety: Fire Rmcue $365,568 Self containing breathing apparatus(?') 200,000 General Se«ices-Public Safety Building Stonework replacement 50,000 UbtwT Roof replacement 152,000 AX Handler replacement 54,553 211,453 Community Development ,Vehicle Replacement(1)-Code CompLiaxe 18,000 Vehicle Beplacernew(1)-Community Planning 22,400 40,000 Parks&Recreation Small Bas 40,000 A'C Handlerreplacement(2) 2',400 Play;wmd Equipment(*) 43,400 Kiddie Pool E,nh; cement('') 50.400 (*)Funded by Developer Contribution Total Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Capital Outlay- S 8:1221 21 FY 2013 li Q Budget $72,221 Lair Enforcement Chief of Police 1 FT CALEA Manager 1 PT(+1 PTA Administrative Coordinator 1 FT Captains 2 FT Clerical Specialist 1 FT Patrol Division: Criminal Investigations= Sergeants 4 FT Sergeant 1 FT Police Officer 16 FT Police Officer (Detective) 3 FT Police Officer(Crime Scene) 1 FT Addition of one (1 ) part-time So-ecial Operations= Public Safety Aide 2 F CALEA Manager position in Sergeant 1 FT School Crossing Police Department Police Officer(K-9) 1 FT Guards 12 PT Pol ice Off ce r(Mann a Unit) 1 FT Reserve/Volunteers 6 (Commission on Accreditation for Law Summary_ Change= Emergency Dispatcher 6 FT FT=43 Enforcement Agencies) Records Clerk 2 FT PT= 13 +1 PT Volunteers=5 FY 2013 *. Budget w Police Revenues VC # Description FY 2013 Request A0911-01100 BICYCLE REGISTRAMNS-0911-03100 ACCMENT REPORTS&I.D. 1.200.88 -0911-04100 COURT FLYES 40,000.88 _k0911-041 18 FALSE ALARM FINES 5,500.00 -0911-041.11 ALARM-JSER:5 PERMIT FEE 21,500.M -k0911-04112 MOORING FEE -0911-04120 OUTSIDE SERVICES -k0911-0412 5 TOVirM VEHICLES -k0911-04130 PARKING FLYES 600.80 -k0911-04140 SE[ZED 11AG PAYMENT 1,200.00 -k0911-0415D WATER RESTRICTION FINE -0911-04300 POI-ICE EDUCATIONS$2.00 -0911-04385 TRAL14LNG REVENUE -k0911-04310 SPECML PAY REDABURSENI= -k0911-04315 SPECLkL DETAILS -0911-08993 DONATIONS -0911-08999 MESC.REVENUES TOTAL.REVEIVUES FY 2013 $85,000 Budget The Ydlage m+f NnatY Palm Beach Ce 1'Y 2012-2013 General Fond Budge t Laa Falarceueaf 0 M Insrease� OriWAFLMW 'The-aease) 7eer:012 mrar:h12 Actual Amhnj Armj FimalYew=-231.3 ~0- lkdpt BadgO 99.30.11 09.331G 4t Pa-samel SaL n-: R.�m Paf € Z781,44a 5 2,761.83a CRY, t 2.574,834 s 2,352,924 s 2.440,956 ClsermnePm. 1-Wm MOOD -2U-. 134,731 168,111 143.4155 $4,342,21 B�`�* 87386 2P,3,-" 31,69a 304': M,142 51,1452 31371 emefux Pem.NM 604-426 607,203 C61. 476 667 312,668 460.691 0 or 92% Hed&1wamce 444.134 413,144 9 386,752 336,79 259,166 FICANIedicare 22747a 229,432 -11A 2411,831 201,260 14'2,734 L ng Iem DIAW3h Ib5U a 12,007 15,728 -2-4;0 14377 14,4104 13 92 Term C�aaluv hu mmre 9',433 - 0% - - - Lj)e!h mmye. 3,741 4,644 -19% 4,so9 4.545 4.493 9[-alker;:r MPMOdmp 81,797 54,606 13% 46283 55,142 135,676 Ckher - 1,36W-6 7,156 -Iwf . 1fi30 6,522 5,6416 S 4,it42T21� S !�#3,39T Q4S # UlAA557 # a"A7 $ 3,TA'765 Opera A&ffi-g 25D a5D 0% 23 41 Ba2 BDaB,,Pabhcffwms&Subso4now 94D 6OD M% 4561 536 416 Conn ernes&SEom i 70D D 09C 4 0 1.045 Cnom CKWSeaMCEa 13,544 IO,10D 34`6 6,773 7,639 63S FmP1mM1�e Fe.Ab ms I-IN 50D '_0T% 212 -054 357 $248,192 ,w&-l jlx 95AOD 96,50D 17% 64,834 76,69] Law&wcem Tnst(Operxaq� D D Cam. 4004 14,068 l32d 0 Li:emses#Fees 445 25D 7r% 568 2,562 t P3 or 5% 3eb°PnaL3&-Supplies 25,735 26,05D -1% 25077 20;m 24.626 vkmner.�-Ps&Eftles 25D 57D 499 1074 .605 +R0 LklUUg&BiMd g ism 9OD 21376 918 1.058 1.783 Funral L40D 8,44D 0% 6.404 5,650 7.156 REpm&klmnDmanEe 4D-107 37,9OD 34:6 43,362 24,4156 40.4154 Iraq+-l&Trduuff 20ifOD 12,5OD 65:x, 13M 6,637 10;m Lnilo= 16j6OD IO,OOD 66% 7,£19 9,4155 13,453 LtbaEE. 1206D 9.900 23% 43#7 9,710 10.061 CyfLff0-rranEffcon D D CRY. 1,752 256 5.371 min W22D 2255 215" 16 7#2 2*Uld Cap" A', 115-ma 57,58'- 1011.ro 72.187 34,146 14.4166 $115,568 {'' D D 0�. 0 a 0 Capcml-LauF oraa �Iiusr D D C61. 0 a 7.392 C 4XMVJb!E MWdWWe&SdhVM D D Cr: 0 a 5656 or 3% Comauchm&--NIaj°Q F'e"a7d mn D D 0% 0 0 �&::h merp&E.3MPDeoft D D 0% 0 0 0 115,588 575M3 10155 7'_,78' 31,144 30-A2 IDWExpewes "� 4,4D5 J4 S 4.{95.199 2% S 4,2DD,3 3 4�-6 # SWVZ2 r FY 2013 ; Budget Budget is up 2.41% or $110,771 $4,705,970 10 Ce Capital Outlay 0 Marked Police Vehicle Total Cost: he age, mileage and mechanical condition of patrol unit# 236 (2006 Ford Crown Victoria), I am requesting replacement of this vehicle. I recommend the purchase of one (1 ) 2012 Dodge Charger marked patrol unit based on available government contract pricing. The marked patrol unit will arrive fully equipped and decaled at an estimated cost of $28,892. Unit 236 will be removed from service and sold as surplus. Unmarked Police Vehicle Total Cost: V9.ReRP-the ti age, mileage and mechanical condition of (3) three current undercover vehicles: -Unit # 221 (2004 Dodge Durango); -Unit # 222 (2005 Chevrolet Impala); and -Unit # 225 (2007 Dodge Charger). I am requesting replacement of these vehicles. I recommend the purchase of two (2) Dodge Chargers and one (1 ) Ford Explorer based on available government contract pricing. The vehicles will arrive with an installed administrative emergency equipment package; at a total e z estimated cost of $86,676. The (3) three unmarked units will be FY 2013 , Budget j removed from service and sold as surplus. Village of North Palm Reach 5 Year Capital ImprOVemeot Plait FY 2013-1017 Fnad: C;aeralFand Depardoeot: Law Enforrement Dilsion: N'A M013 FY M14 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY2017 Ich- Cost b-y CIP Year Budget Year 'ear x 1 'eor 4? ear 43) (Yeor a 4 ear#e I}escriglion Current Inventory Estiunated Life umrraM 2.921(2); ME(1};201D(I)-, 2008(1X 2007(5);2095(1); Patrol Vehidea 20x5 4 7 yam m10D,00DmileE '4.8F, '-'0-000 30,060 KOM 1 418.842 PnML P;;oa1 1949 1 ]5 sears $ 2611(2y MM(3),2411?(1); L;o::e u-.,eI%rebdH 'D05(1),20N(L);2W4 1 7 yam m 100,DN niDn S 5.6-5 A D04 72060 $ 182.676 R.eplaremeot&oar Fhpae= 2009(2) 3 yeah $ MMM Unit TMd, 2M 1 7 Yam or10D,MOmi]ea MPM $ 29.000 M Vehicle; 2M 1 7vemw 104,00DmihE 30M $ 30.000 Cnme 5reme Veldcle 1946 10 7ean $ aeblatal.9ruaneo-84x l l a.R 9 294,000 1MDM 40,0D0 $ 647.568 4farhborer.4 Egaai menl: £10.YJU Radio Sv tem 20H -- I - 'Sukaw-Wdiblmy&Lrw�mnu S - Esimalyd Iofal Cost i 115.369 'j 000 S ld9 060 ' S 40.000 1 6±4.568 F42013 Fy2@114 FY 2015 FY 2916 FY2017 Iota) Fundine Source Budge Ten(FearW1) (Vear#2) (Yearp3) (leQF44) [Yea r#S) -i0me 116.36E ?91044 160.000 90.000 $ 6,4:�68 Gnmt - Qther $ - Esimsted Io#aL Fuding S 116.669 3 294,000 S IN.= ' S MAN $ €9.n68 AnnnAOperaon;{:azIncreases Created byProjecr 5 - FISCa� Year. Total.t7e:cr;paon of Operaon;Impact: No operating[mpacl Total C I P 2013 $1151568 2014 $2941000 $659,568 2015 $1601000 FY 2013 � 2016 0 Budget 2017 $90,000 ..xa Fire Rescue Fire Chief 1 FT Fire Inspector 1 FT Fire Captain 1 FT Volunteer Firefighters 18 Fire Rescue Shifts: Fire Lieutenants 3 FT Firefighter/Medics 15 FT Firefighter/EMT's 3 FT Summary: Change: FT = 24 PT = 0 X201 3 r No personnel changes! Volunteers = 18 � Budget 'k rVAR, ,j Y Fire Revenues lc # Desciz lion FY 2013 Request A0911-03105 FIRE INSPECTION FEES 40.000_DO A0911-03106 FIRE PLAN REVIEW FEE 18.000.00 A0911-04600 AMBULANCE FEES 275.000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 333.000.00 $333,000 FY 2013 - Budget AA61b $cue The I-illage of North Palm Sench re Be FY-012-2013 General Fund Budget Fir-Rescue i4 Lrretlse! Original Fiscal {Ifenwm) Y"r ITLI over 2012 Armd Artmi L ArNmL Fiscal Year 2@11-2011 ~ Smi�.e# Haft O.3d,71 09-3A,ID {.9.30 09 Persamasel Salar+': Reedu Pay i 1,692,182 166a-123 1% s 1,584,479 s 1,548,389 1 1.449,793 $2,591 ,43 (h,;,t ems,. 92,8M E5,� 9% TLJ06 138,470 125,143 Pai t-am-Pay 1,'85 98? 0% 4 or 87% PEMM 378,035 367,485 3% 3c4,842 306,683 283_Lr- Hmnlnumooe 216,421 215,527 164,438 242,36 2C' FICAMedic - 136,552 134,023 2% 124-241 122,340 1L- Laa!I®aDisabiLiLvIusumace 7,472 9,553 -23% qN3 t Term niabam imswamce S-0" - M. Lie Tnanmce 2AM 1-592 2;365 2,547 2,4&L Workers Comspe-a mn 49,9M 42,51a 17% 364323 38,023 Le,486 - $ 1 91d3i $ 1,525 621 3#Y # ZA99li4 $ ZAMU4 # USLM Operat" &Wki,Publieatiom3&Subsaiptiams 979 950 476 Ti3 745 972 C,DnfEamces 1e Smnin?, 0 0 0% U 6 4 C'A=aehlal Servxea 35,040 27,3306 -1% 23,176 18,634 1,065 $178,521 Cm.�&Lubdraim 3A.I M 20,014 21% 22,102 L8a074 12351 Licrosea&Fees LIM 500 136% I m 3006 ldateLiaLa S SLPP1iei 60.917 56,70a 7% 45,71.6 23,462 3-,-. or 6% M mubo ipi&Dues 219 a19 4'41 441 IS94 ,Ds PnntmL&Siadme 60T 500 MA 244 395 c PraEmaDmal Secstices 15,60T 16,400 -594 14,911 15,613 15,2r Repay&Mamu mamre 8Al}9 15,706 4M 6934 13,186 14,295 Tm-PL&Tra=g 16,71T 15,140 10°16 14,426 13,645 9,455 UnLfmma 11,54T 13,006 -ir% 14,365 14}34 17,06 ULilmei 775 1,006 Z3'.6 737 I'M 1,332 VomleerFirefieit-rDnl]Pay 10.8m 14,a04 T'6 M75 iiwa L1,215 OLLerCtPE timgcest} 1.60T 0 T:-6 .65 0 64'- 176 411 176,631 1Si 1Li m 132" 134,438 L'ap�al $200,000 1117bmtiti% 0 0 (176 8 Q L&4y0D Audio,Vimal,A e ix=.$s; T 0 0% D p c ODmp yEr ITarh Te&Socft%ame 0 0 0% 8 D c or 7% Co=L€Wn&Majm Rffia-mom 0 0 0% 8 G c Ma[hm,e3v&Egmpma t 2M.O 0 0 T'.6 D D 38.20' 1*O,flL1U 0 OSi 8 D 223JA7 } Total ExpEwes tldg 55 1701 51. ID% FY 2 01 VW0 Budget h 1 $2,969,955 Budget is up 9.91% or $267,703 Rescue Capital Outlay Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) replacement Total Cost: $200,000 Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 171 - 185 govern SCBA cylinders and limits the lifetime of our cylinders to 15 years. Our cylinders will reach that limit before the end of the next budget cycle. Our SCBAs are regulated by NFPA 1981 which is on its third revision since our current SCBAs were purchased making them obsolete. The SCBA warranty expires this budget cycle which will increase repair and maintenance costs. FY 2013 Budget w Villave of North Palm Beach Yea r C,-Ipital IlnpiT%'Meut Pla u Public S�fets and: CkmuaiFund Deparfinent: Fi"eResrme Disidoo: YA EY 2013 FY 2dlA FT 111 Z FY M16 FY 1417 Ioral Cost bTCIPYear Bu gaiYear SeorR1 euN ear=-; "eu# ear# Description Current Inreotory Estimated Lif3 4Al orRofity- Fire EC--me X43 Mv&u> S - Ydoe '004 1 1Dyean a'.=;= S 35.000 Snbarban&o 5a rapimerd by 2064 Flan an 2014f 2002 1 10 war> S - S buck 1987 1 Iowan 140"4160 S 100.40 ,-14PkI-L' Irurk 2092 1 13r$u> 20,040 S 20.000 et Fire A tus 1997 1 Awu 340.000 S d00A00 Ambulance 2003 1 2014 1 6 vear :3 ...{ 5 185.040 1.AaAo-mua4r_ 35.000 1.IM 1FMO '00.000 S 940,000 AfsrhineFT&E ui none: Elvutttia Aa( scr 1999(1) 20vinn S - LaMn.l+tazto¢DefFbmLI'ator 2004 Swan S 50.000 =elf-comamd&Eadmg Appxiu. 2041 !'-V&Ur 244.40 S 200.040 H%&mdir EmnchanTools 2003 :'-VMB 60,044 S 64.000 Itum3aLImsa ' ECamea 2042 :?r&r> S 3€.000 3r 311 .� 204.500 &5.000 K'—OW-F S 2 5pw FstiejledTnWQmt 244.040 1 S 1200000 j 84.000 S 1950400 S '00.000 S 1 - 00 FY 2013 FY 2@14 FY 2015 F1'2416 Fy 201 Iotal Fundia.-5o•.uxe BadgeiYnT(VeorN1) (Feu I2) ('ieara3) (4"earI4) (Year aa) iDale 204.000 120.00 84.000 115.400 700.000 S 1.285.040 Taut S - rher S - Esfimaied Total Fmndio S ' 120.040 $ 84.000 S 18x.400 '00 000 S 1.2M.000 A uudOperating Cast LnTeasnCrundbyFrm;est: $ Fiscal Year: Total: Description mf Cperating Impart- 2013 $2001000 Total C I P: 2014 $1201000 $112851000 2015 $ 801000 - FY ZOi s ' 5 2016 $1851000 Budget PA " 2017 $7001000 iceso e� S era IIJ109 The Mage of!forth Palm Beach Gen iFY 2012-2413 General Fund Budget .� SIfetyy General Bemires-Public Safm Pnal/ 461ncrease? Original Fiscal (Decrease) Year 2012 over 2012 actual Actual Actnal Fiscal Fear 1011-1013 ~� Buk--et Budget 09:'30.111 04130-10 09130109 Operating Materials&Supplies 0 0 C°fo 0 1Q879 759 $112,599 Postage 1344 I'M -28% 1,120 1,148 1,151 ° I lltal 14 244 9,754 5% 10,163 1Q578 10,787 Or 69 /° Repairs&Maintenance 8,554 3,493 145% , 441 0 0 Utilities 92,469 115,846 -20% 93,792 48,474 115,174 Other Operating Casts 84 SO 4% 76 0 56 112.399 1 i 0 969 -14e/i 115,066 120930 1:7,4:7 Capital Audio.ViaW. &Comm. Sys 0 0 0% 0 0 5,992 $50,000 or computer Hardware&Software 0 0 0°I0 0 0 0 31% Construction&l hjorRlenova&:a 54,4D0 0 01% Machinery&Equipment 0 61544 -100% 0 0 0 40,000 6U0 -19% 0 0 11,832 Iotal Expenses 162,M S MAP -16% S 11.5,06+1 5 1:0930 139,:?9 $162,599 Budget is down 15.52% or $29,870 FY 2013 f Budget C090 16001 0 60pers � 9 Ca itaOuta Y b lic ga P� Replace exterior building stonework Total Cost: $50,000 Select stonework around the Public Safety Building's windows and water band must be replaced. The existing stonework is constructed of a porous material and as such has allowed water to migrate inside. This in turn has reacted with the reinforcement rods within those components and created a Spalding causing the material to degrade. z FY 2013 '4 Budget jug eral S i�d��g Village of North Pala Beach Gen Bu 5 Year Capital ImprovetnenrPlatt jC Safety �F 2013-2017 PPohtic 53fetr• Far,d: General Fend Nputmear- General 5enims-Pnhlic Safety Handing Dm i,,: XlAL 1'r-2013 FY 2014 FY 2101€ FY 2016 FY 201? Tonal Cast k-CEP Year Bmftk fear 'ear#1 ear#2 (yew R 3 ear# 'ear 4. Description Current biventor Esti:m�re::_::e C-giemadm&31gror Rmmtim m. Rerace slam %ork 5(= s MAN s - SubaaaQdCeav�rr�aajAkiftrIe"w m: x0,400 - S 54,004 3lacb8ramd: mnreer- 64 Tam AC Chillier M12 10-1'%ez- � sub0raf.Vachinf AEpomem E:timared Iaral Cam S :0.0-04 S - $ $ $ $ 54004 F'r'2013 F1'2014 FY 21015 FY 2010 FY 2CI7 Tual Fkiad:1Lg70-rrce Sn44 yew(4'ear#1) iiearr2) (tiearR3) (Year#4) (£ear#5) Uabge x ON - 5404 GIant Other 5 Estim ied Iaral Fume S x0.400 S - i 54,00 ?ianual Operating Cost hocreum Created by Praject: S Description of Operating Impart: So weratim�-Impact Fiscal Year: Tota I: Total C I P: 2013 $501000 $501000 2014 $0 2015 $0 2016 $0 2017 $0 FY 2013 fit;, Budget .: " pub • TheVM2FeafN-D7rthPalm Hearb F4-2012-2013 General Fend Bu-dpi �r �� Public Safety frombLmed} olbb • et '''�a Ori•imA P6[91 4+lu,creasr ••, 1nr20r12 [Derrm:c'-over Pisril3 err 2412-ZD13 ~ Hmdert X-12 Sud•ei A3 L W 51•Ll ium J-30+-d 1:? ­Or SO 39 Fenamue1 Aln. Ro¢n]u P2E5' t a,a53.SA t 4,429X] 141 $ 4,176 33 S 4,161,}LV i 3$76715 aLwb .spay '-12.EDD 273,41041 -11% 2u4a57 362,361 MLSa $6,933,64 Pm.-�o-lon. 6'.366 4,760.776 51,696 �D9i "-3Q 31,76,2 5737L a =EL: 4 Or $$% 962.961 975,168 1% 793519 07496x1 743567 Foakhh��� _679.555 626,731 743 553,150 SW966 495929 F=CAM&dwara 364,430 363,955 0% 323 aM 3x3" 347-65 LmigTa=I7is*flLtfhMMHI 19.979 25,361 -23% 23,W 121 a 23332 Shat Teem DuabikTyInssuc-0 15.337 - 0% - - - Li6a rmmula. 5.6`_9 7,236 -19SC 7LOT4 Ton t 9x7 'Wo:Lm&;Cmnpmm:aoom 117. ' 97,216 U% 114.5W 94 364 mm'%4 o- .10.s6s 7,150 -IGO% 3,fo} &s22 6p66 +.91414 S s, MN3 s aaKJM Adiwti-ma 250 25D Dr% x5 9ux E"K .?b1 auLcm:Sr SukssEris 1.650 1,55D 394: 3,334 1,ma 3,391 Cco=scsoc"k R,mum 700 4 Dr% Ccucacoral Gar X44 36,533 35,9DD 9% 33"1 L&#93 9,619 Emplc;wFjdzb...• 1.5110 500 14M 232 454 337 $539,312 Gas.4_Sr L-Jb czLt: 119.1741 106,514 12% 113J35 97,924 9,7,793 Law��Tr_::SOPsoat'6 4 4 41% 400 M&M 3,33A 7 umnm"&F"6 1.6m 730 117% 3149 5:m M57 or /J% Mmmals&6•53a: 66.553 62,756 !% 7g7n3 3a,xaa 6L766 Ed®L.¢-.hips 5 Llu: 1.669 lr'69 241% 3,5GS 1,117 3,375 Po-Ap 1,300 1,6410 -29% 3,1x6 1,3433 3,151 P.-xmc A El 3,100 1"M 136% 3,233 1;+53 7,792 pxrmlimd:{4nizg5 15,6110 HADD -5% 14,931 35_613 LL254 Rte] 16,600 16,1541 2�: 14w`A 36}70 17,937 Rapam.cr-%UM m X.p 65.657 56,693 1!4% a6 a 6 37,x41 54-W rrwa]&rmnaq 37.31D 27,690 3!% 23,+176 22,MU 2g4sl UM,b a 26,1D0 ''-3,DD9 22% IA3m 34;444 33,351 U-biL a: 105.304 1'-6,696 -17% 103,075 109.341 37U62 VmhnmarFLndicbowDnUPa_t 10.600 1D,6D9 0% ;475 3It4a 1],235 Qfboaop.C CIA: 1.660 90 IN 3,9133 m x,334 539 12 511.029 5% 47M472 4S7,71e 4-n:ra G npail -kaomaftlo- 115,566 57,562 161% 771t7 54.396 1`.kv• Am io,GimaLSe Cam Sis 4 4 0% 4 d 3,942 $365,568 Cap�l-Lma.?uar�mc r_usc c 4 4141 4 a 7,392 Cc`=juFm-d 9246+.`4•6 my C 0 41% a a Or 5% Ccuscuricu&3fajor l4�Lataa 55.540 D }D3; 4 a 3,944 Vachasar3 REr�mour '-:la,Sw 61,5D0 5% a a 3;267 365,-68 119,D62 29311 ar3rr s.4u+1 2�aO / Tou]Pxpee s S 7,836,524 7169 I1 1i 5 ean0.pm S 4,9213,17: i ilpum FY 2013 r � Rp Budget p r= $7,838,524 Budget is up 4.65% or $348,604 Public Works Ask.; VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT bkL 6�� Public Works Director of Public Works 1 FT Superintendent of Public Works 1 FT Accounting Clerk 1 FT Facility and Vehicle Division Sanitation Division Streets &Grounds Division Supervisor 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT Trades Mechanic III 1 FT Sanitation Driver/Operator 6 FT Equipment Operator II 2 FT Trades Mechanic II 3 FT Irrigation Tech II 1 FT Mechanic 3 FT Sanitation Collector 12 FT Irrigation Tech 1 1 FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 3 FT Summary: Change: No personnel changes! FY 201 3 FT= 37 Budgets _ PT= 0 Public Works Revenues IC # Desalption Fri 2013 Request A0618-03400 FEES-REFUSE CDLLEC-1 ION 365.000.00 A0618-03615 REIMBURSEMENT CC SERVICES 12-000.00 A0618-08300 SALE OF PLAINS & SPECS A0618-04120 OUTSIDE SERVICES IOI XL REVEN-US 377,000.00 A1500-02223 S A RECYCLING REVENUE SHARING 49.651.00 TOT.0 REVENUES 49,651.00 Total Revenues = $426,651 FY Zoi3 # R Budget �, u� Capital Outlay Department _ m-)uar Public Works: Public Works $98,000 SidEws&repair-Yffiag-Rzde 40,000 Asphalt Oi•erlay-A]]e}s 58.000 b 98,000 Police VEbkle Replacement(1)marked 28,892 Vehicle Replacem m (3)urnmarlied 86,676 115;568 FiLT Rescue Self containing breathing apparatus{?7) 200,000 General Senices-Public Safety BAd* StoReWQrt feplacemeat 34,000 Libran- RoOf replacement 152,000 A-C Han&LLxmplacement 59,.653 211,653 Community Development Vehicle Replacemen (1)-Code CompLiance 18,000 Vehicle Replacement(1)-Community Planning 22,000 40,00 Parks lac Recreadon Small Bas 40,000 A.'C Handler replacement{?} 2?,000 PLaygraumd Egnipfuenr(*) 45.000 Kiddie Pool Enhancement(*) 50.000 -.... (*)Funded IaV NVe]opef COntriblltUM Total Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Capital Outlay- 8"2,2 21 FY 201.3 f *. Budget kAPNOO $872,221 I I I I sifil The Village of Forth Palm Beach IQ f Is FY 2012-2013 General Fund$udtel Public Works Administra don �ro Inrre3se: Ori6"Fiscal {Decrease} Year 2 @12 *ver 2012 Aamal Act" Actual Feral Year 21D12-2013 ~� Budget Budget OlwA11 (3 @;14 Mm.w Personnel Saluy: ?.egul-P27 T 231,535 S 23@4038 1% 22-13,635 222,456 209.956 (h-Eta a?ay - - f% - - - $329,118 -- ePav 231 ' - - - o or 91% Pemsiam 46,158 45 58 2% 4.2,176 49,819 50,450 Healitilusrance 29,771 28,344 9Si 27.910 26,555 22,539 FTC L'4iedmam 17,713 17,587 1% 1([,190 15.493 14,54 LaugIumDhatditylmurau€a 1,021 1,324 -23% 1,305 1,274 1-05 Shot TermDisab:LbtyInsurance 744 - 0% - - - Life Insuranoe 261 324 -19% 324 314 321 WcikEfs C'ampensab m 1,415 1,662 13% 1,729 1,950 14985 cnber - 07 - $ 321,118 $ 324,638 1% T 318,1'0 $ 317,371 $ 314'rw Operating Contartmal Sen-ices 6,804 7,204 4% 6,413 6,333 6.557 Employee R-Jatioms lU4 104 0% 0 0 4 $33 215 Eras:OU&Luhricam 4 0 0% 0 30 365 7 L onus&Fees 4 0 0% 2,795 9D6 5U0 or 9°/ 3iaterrals&Swlies 1,700 2,004 -15% 1,214 1,734 1,817 0 Mem6eraW&D}ues 400 444 0% 15 450 255 PasUge 250 254 0`ti 365 339 225 Prmting&BLud mg 125 204 -32% 26 175 464 Rzp3irs&Mauttemamve 4 0 CF% 0 52 469 UmfM3W 304 304 084 381 431 1D1 Ut L Les 23,544 24,261 -3% 33,967 15,549 15,718 Othe1 Dpemblig Comas 4 0 0% (0) n 217 33,216 3x,711 -4% U.m 2S941 26,6Bf Capital Computti3e 0 0 Oti No capital ; NlaffiMEF}3r Fq-pmenr .D 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 @ Iotal Expenses S 362 33 364 349 1% S IQ.M S 3.13,822 S 341,i2 FY 2013 � Budget PA $362,333 Budget is up 0.83% or $2,984 ICes _ The Village North Palm Beach e FY 2012-2013 General Fund Bud°et i I Facikts Seriices Foc Ori}iaai Fi:ral e a IaCre a Se Year '_Q1? (Decrease)over Actual Actual ActuaL Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget 201'-Bodge Personnel Salarv: Regular Pa} S 194,139 S :39.137 3% 187.803 S I9D,686 S 258,873 (h- time Pay 1,590 1.540 Q'ro 1,156 1,489 2.=" $303 607 3 Part-time Pay - 197,134 - - 7 enefita: or 49% Pensloa 42,131 44,265 5% 39.637 45,148 59,d I D HmIthlammre 41,123 39,165 5% 37,915 40,413 56.446 FICA-Mediram 15,120 14,415 3% 12,943 12,275 IU. - Long IermDisabilitylasarance 881 1,116 -21% 1,074 1,038 1.-_- Shut Teua Disability Iiinam ce 745 - G% - - - Life Inc amxe 348 432 -195 432 413 729 Warke F,Cnmypensatian 5,660 4,757 ID% 4.455 5,710 26652 Other - 105,968 - 440 - 12,964 $ 303,6107 $ 2101,588 4% $ MS,560 $ 30%137 S 42A;M Operatiag C'omuactual5.enwes 175,0100 244;1040 -135 142,S59 153,327 46,426 L-gmpmieut Re=al 1,4100 1;640 0% 964 6093 476 $3141224 Go,OU&Labairants 10,150 9,100 12% 10.368 01-196 9,355 Licenses&Fees 150 2100 -255 75 75 75 or 51% M.t-2zals&SuppLies 34,900 39,500 -7% 29.402 43,093 41203 epx.: z:Ismteueace 59,000 59,600 -1435 46,5'-4 56,D96 42.446 Sold Masts Disposal 29,524 28,455 4% 25.568 35,D44 23,415 UMforms 1,200 1,200 04v 959 1,319 1,711 Other Operating Costs 700 0 G% (0) 196 314 314,224 339,606 -7" U3,0D1 2"0 161'13 Capital AuG maotl,'e 0 0 045 D 14,004 0 capital 0 0 OS5 D '--,640 C, No capital `°nPU'WrHr &S 0 V� D `,b C'.&mt.&hiajorRenocatiam. 0 0 0n5 D 0 0 Marhiuery&Equipm .0 0 OS5 D 3,111 27.149 @ 6 +J¢o d 25,55a 2',1.54 Totm[Egmmes 5 fil',831 S 031.24? -2-'o S 140,564 $ 624.140 S 616,@76 2013 Budget is down 2.12% or Budget $617,831 $13,412 eo'ces I I �-illage of forth Pa11n Beach ;Y ear Capital Ilnpro3-emeut Plan FIC FY 2013-2017 Farad: Giueral Fund D ipartmemr. Public S4arL Dw mad Fady&Smires FT 2013 FY2014 FY 2414 FY 2014 FT 2017 IawJ Castb�-CIPlear and etl-eae+fearx1 'Tear#2 earn 3) (Year#4 ear N5 Descripban Currant Iu+•ewory T ri_Y7rat!L:fe .4fffama dvr_ ."akrdda :: L' ]G:m 16-400 S 1 400 ancket ltu[k 12 tieaQa 3..'.i S 53,000 Dodae'-i00RA-M 20-02 1�24 6(1);2011D 1': 10wam 26.040 23.000 S 52,00 SaLeNdAmtctneli'tr_ I - 26AW 53,400 2CM 16,400 S 121,404 Camstr rdam l-VPfdr Aer n-adaiu Re-roof a an buLdme 20%-Ew; }5.00p S a4 400 Perimeter wall a=-;PT 2011 S PAL'Pwkmz Lat Enjuee&Swface 50."r., S 50,000 SMWAW CORAMCAoa&MqU AMffVM3dM - 14±.901 S 105 500 Varhiara)'h Er2aipmmi PalkteRacks fDT staraee '--016 10 wam S Sa3Ne fw 21dmr�neer3r dr E�aripm erer - - S EstieitedTDWCost - S 131,040 I 53,400 S 26AM $ 16,400 S 226,404 FY 2013 FY2014 rY2414 FY2016 1Y 2.417 TOW Funding Source 3ndg9Yeu(Year a l) (Year#2) (V—N 3) (Year#d) (y—N 5) - 131040 :um 1 2b.m 1 1 400 I S 22 404 Grant S - Other S - EsdmafedTa#a Tmuhmg S 131444 $ 53,400 S 2b.m 1 S 16,1140 I S 226,404 kmmuAL Operator;{asr Increase:{rested by Prajed: ; Fiscal Year: Tots Desrripliaoi of Operadn;Impact: No aperstieg Impart 2013 $ 0 Total C I P: 2014 $1311000 $2261000 2015 $ 531000 2016 $ 261000 2017 $ 161000 FY 2 O 1 3 ,R Budget u - ::� I The Village of Norrit Palm Beach 810 1Y 2012-2013 Geueral Fund Budget J,j Vehic4e Maiurenauce !v Increase; Original Fiscal (Decrease) Year 2012 m•er 2012 Actual Aril 4rh A Fiscal Year 2012-2013 ~� Budget Budget 09 bDai U9r34IID 093 M Personnel Saiaay: Regular Pay S 136,697 $ 130,511 5% S 126,042 $ 121,565 115,234 Chime Pair 1,500 1,500 0°.: 491 652 1,308 $200,596 Pact-ti--PEW - o3,; - - Beua$ts: or 46% panainn 29,606 27:956 wo 27,316 34,659 3:361 Health lasuramce 17,96() 17:096 5% 16,717 17,038 14,732 FIC',Alhiedicare 10,573 10.088 5% 4,072 8,712 8:323 Lcmg Tam Disability]Hama 614 768 -20% 738 699 675 Short Tema D3-,3blht4•Immramee 492 - (P: - - - Li£e i mura„ce 261 324 -19% 324 324 324 worbu's Compematiam 2,893 2,400 21% 2,364 2,627 8,146 Other - 62,349 - 0°.: - - - S 190,653 o- fi $ ]R3,OGi $ 152 36 S 18d�65d Operating ConhavWu Senwas 3,040 3,000 67% 1,7n 2,144 2,953 $236 280 Gas,011&Lubncanin 3,500 2,745 25% 3,117 3,117 3:444 7 Licenses&Fees 500 400 25% 138 150 144 St 0 Materials Supplies 10,7m 142,800 17% 136,710 124,242 110:178 or 54 0 Repairs&.Maintenance 58,200 48;000 21% 3 G 27,424 148 l mifarms 1,130 1,130 0°.: 954 919 1,064 l,U[mas 200 200 0°.: 0 9,942 9,835 O&vsOpMtmg C+6;*- 0 0 03: (0) (1j 4 236,28{] 148,325" 19 11r4 173f" IM Capital r"iutomoticE 0 0 0°.: 0 0 No capital c o, r 0 Op"; 1D 0 34:C Mad--y&Equipment C 0 0°•: 0 0 0 0 u 0fi 0 0 34,095 Total Expenses S 4M,B76 S 388,478 12% $ 356,730 $ 3�D,213 S 342,081 FY 2013 $436 876 Budget is up 12.31% or $47,898 Budget ,, NM I I'Mage of North Falin Beach 5 Year Capital Improvemeut Flan FY 2013-2017 Fmmd: {merol Fund DePR Meer-- Pobli€Waria Dwimn: Fleer Ifainleo mce FT 7013 FY 2014 132 2RS FY 2014 132 2017 I mJ Cost bry CIP Ieur Budget year 'ear a 1 ear# — (Year#d '—N a Desc4thn CurrentInrentor7 E-iiix-rredI-fe .lrrfoneorier: 3 Ton[ 'ehLle 2D67 1 - - t6,C�0 S 2 40G Su3r4v�m2;rlo�oa x: 25,DDI - - 5 2 H0 (anst rdaiv I UQJOrRewn-aR9M: Fue'TaukREpbcemem W S Slx3r4vW C-0JuftetWn I M*r.Reriffa fgm - - S MarAinm)&Eq N qmm mr Geoet3101 I9`a4(I) S flf'HO IvNi al.Weltinea}&Lpipm ew d I.JC J - - S 40.404 E.timatedTotalCost - 40040 2p" - - S so Or,- FT 2613 FY 2014 FY 2RS FY 2016 FY 2017 I.m.iJ Funding Source l3ndgetViLlf(Feaf41) (Year#2) (4eu k 3) (Yemr#d} (Feu S 3 Mip W.60D 2600 - - S R C JF Grant S Otter S Lfi=&dTDWTmmftmg d6-60D 26,04 - - S S6-404 Ammmal Operatmt C'asr Imcreme.Created bw Project: - Fiscal Year: Total: DesrrLydon Df Operaon4Impact: 5a operating lmparr 2013 $ 0 Total C I P 2014 $ 601000 $861000 2015 $ 261000 2016 $ 0 2017 $ 0 FY 2013 Budget AA61b lop The Village of Norrlt Palm Bead! FY 2012-2013 General Fund Budget Saaitatioo $$Increase' OriginalFis,x (Dei!rease) -mo=mI► Year Nl.' aver.'01= Akm2l Artual lutual Fiscal Year;01;-,013 Budget Budder 09130111 09130+10 0930+09 PeraDaael 5alaru: Regular Pay $ 777.367 $ 780,406 0% S 765,335 3 75QU25 S 719,220 Grmtime PLay 10.000 14,754 -7% 5,235 15 3( 5,508 $1 ,312,35 Part-tae Pay 787,367 - 0% - 4 or 89°/ senefits: 0 Pen Eiao 163,732 163,782 0?`. 146:414 180,597 17514 I4eakhIuna ce 232055 221,068 5% 216:002 215,022 189,�W9 FICA-ILEdicare 61234 60,451 0% 53:600 53,318 51,234 Long Term Disability k ranra 3,491 4,5$9 -24% 4,436 4,343 4,210 Shat Term DisabLbty In;,rance 2,793 - 0% - - - Li£e Insurance 1:653 2_,052 -19% 2,052 2,061 20= WOrkersCam Pen Aa M 61,02$ 53260 15% 51,771 59,278 174.060 O16er - a=4,987 - 0% (275 4.483 12.910 S 1,312,3x4 S 1,296,3*8 1°h S 1 530 S 1,28!,358 5 1^716 Operatiaq Ack tismg 1.400 1,400 0% 1:143 1,155 LU6 $160,500 Coen,l � ID 0 0% 5,226 0 0 Gas,W&Lubncant3 87,5(0 81,250 8% 83,626 66,632 65.2 o r 1 1% Mamnals.&Supplies 14.600 14,100 4% 12,131 13,228 13.47-' RF-PAiM&Mamfonanra 0 0 0% 0 0 7,5? Schd Waste Disposal 50.000 50,000 0% 17,297 2(,771 25,782 Uniforms 7.000 8,4(]0 -17mD V05 7T374 5,703 Other DpaatingCosts 0 0 0% 100 4,170 274 160,500 1m,1a0 3% 12S" 113,330 1416( Capital Autamati a 0 0 0% 0 0 0 No capital C°°°puter Hardmdre&S°ffawe 4) 0 0% 0 0 0 Consuuchon&Major Rem%-Ado 0 0 0% 0 0 hf daneiu&Enuipment 26,000 -100°: 0 0 0 0 ;6,000 -190% 0 0 0 Total Expenses 1,472,954 S 1,477,548 0% S 11'-1.x58 5 1,347,688 S 1;1,6,876 FY 2013 rci` Budget is down 0.31% or $1 Budget ,472,854 $4,654 lop 5 N'Wage of Nord!Palm Beach filtat Year Capital Improvement Plan FTi,013-2017 rd: Gena-31Fmd 17eputmeor PublicRarL Djtitioo: Sanirstion FY 2913 FY 2014 FY 2HS FY 2014 FY 2917 Told Coatk-C•IPIear Bud et Year 'ear4 1) (Year#2) (VearN 3) (YeorR Desrriptim Cu Trent Iorenrarr Estimated Life 20D1(1); 2001(1);21!44 C . Garbage Trurks 20M ;141}7 ;2M i 1' 10~-sera 144-GH 1?=.-li =41.5711 10:,620 S 891 Lich Loader 20al 1 -7am '25.00C. S 11€DUO S-10PKk-1 2000(1) 7TEM 16-440 S 1 DUO SaeMNWAW m&dw_ - 2KM 195,700 31d.571 2V,620 S 7343041 Marbimmy A Equgwcret_ S Tip"DuaipiiErAdiaduoem 2012 10 veaas 34.(M S 34 DUO 1995(1);1997(2);199a(1); szmrzr-ao L;AbtrVehidp 1994 2001 4 s: S S - SkkLvar-IfcrhMeU do EquoyHertr 39.049 - - - EsdmstedTDWC:ost 5 - S 2m.m i 19S 7U0 S 324 .1 $ 207, 0 5 M5891 FY HU FS-2014 lY 2MS FY20111 FY 2917 Iotal Funding SOUTe Budget Year(rear a 1) (yearn 2) (£ear N 3) (Year#4) (Yeu Vigo Ee 2MAMM 19417@0 3M,571 20?620 S Oda-891 GrMt S Other 5 EsdmstedTatsl Fundin g i S 2M.649 $ 194 290 5 324 ?1 $ 20?620 5 MS€891 Anneal Opera®;Casr Iacreoses Crea.tedbyPTajeck i DesrripbonafOperadn;Lmpacl: NooprrafimgWxt Fiscal Year: Total: 2013 $ 0 Total CIP: 2014 $ 236,000 $9657891 2015 $ 1957700 2016 $ 3267571 'N 2017 $ 207,620 FY 2013 f , Ii Budget NNI 016 The Village of forth PaLm Beach FY 2012-2013 General Fund Budget fit Streets& Grounds Ris Increase r Original Fiscal (Decrease) -40ME00- Year 2012 over 2012 steal Act W Admal Fiscal Ymr 2012-2413 B13dget Budget 09.34.11 Ulfilas 04..'30!29 Person.e] Salary_ Regular Pa3• # 314,938 5 337,7.16 -755 i 327.792 i 327,611E S 240,409 $508,209 01-utim Pay 3,000 3:000 or% 1.14 95 3 2,071 1,4 pail-time Pay 317" &s4 Benefits: or 38% Pension 64,196 74,645 0,526 75,027 6==: Health Inciumx& 82,764 78,842 S% a7,261} 81,477 =1.=rb FIC• lledi.care 24,323 26,037 -7% 23,420 23,394 17,724 Lang Term Disability Inm ante 1,406 1,975 -2954 1,910 1,830 1,445 Short Term Disability lnsin=e 1,125 - 0% - - - LiSe lnsm:=e *96 864 -19% 1164 839 639 Wnii eeS Compeosati M 15,761 14,047 12% 14_056 16,051 29,145 Other - 190A71 - 0% (70) 11,133 - S 546 09 $ &U,2m -5% 530,AM $ 412,Vi2 Operatin Cone mal Serd€es 435.400 435.000 D% 415.14a 411,676 124,910 $741 ,606 EquipmemReatal 2:400 2:000 0% 69 30S 0 Gas.Oil&Lubricants 31:400 31:853 -4% 2IA73 16,412 12,10_' o r 55°/ Materials&Supplies 43:700 41:000 71% 2C4" 41,313 34,99, 0 AF&DS Permitting 15,400 15:000 Cr% 14965 10,643 16,525 professional Senz€es 1,200 2:000 ✓4055 2,847 93 2,5@1 Repairs&Maimtm=e 75:400 24:100 211% 36.503 36,907 7.9@5 L.ni6oams 2:6m 2.600 0% 2.178 2,613 Utilities 146.106 137.708 6% 137.78a 141,086 - CxhELx Operating Costs 0 0 Q% (0) 250 741,406 681:261 9% 593m *61,294 321{'- Capital Automatrre 0 0 Il% 0 4 $98,000 CamputerHardAam&Soft-am 0 0 -D% 0 4 0 or 7°/ Canstraction&11lajarRena3,atim 98,000 0 0% 0 345,116 521,67= 0 Machmers&Equipment 0 0 Il% 0 4 3,471 98,400 1 0% 0 343:114 52A,743 Total Expenses S 1,347,815 1,114,W 11% $ 1 613 4A1 S 1,513:911 $ 1,262,278 FY 2013 ' 5 $1 347,815 Budget is u 10.98% or $133,348 Budget ' I,140 g p w 6foojis Capital Outlay Sidewalk Repair (Village-wide) Total Cost: $40,000 This is an ongoing maintenance project that was developed to reduce the number of trip hazards that continually crop up due to sidewalk upheaval from tree roots or settlement of the ground over a period of time. It has been proven to be cost effective and also deals with the issues in a much more timely fashion due to the contractor's resources of manpower and equipment. Asphalt Overlay- Alleys Total Cost: $58,000 This project encompasses designated areas of the east and west services alleys that run parallel to U.S. 1 from South Anchorage Drive to Yacht Club Drive. It also includes the service alley that runs behind Baer's Furniture and 7-11 . FY 2013 AA Budget Vilbp of North Palm Beach toolis 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan Fl 2413-:011 GamrAFmd Depunnw: Fubtir 5'arla Diumm: Srreets a GrOUDds FS 2413 1T 241! FT 2015 FT 2414 F4'201' -)r.J Cost bFCIPYear EadsetYear 'ear## earn? earNS earN4 il"ear-:i Description CmTreot Lvotw% Est�mated Life duunmo@vec 3=Ton 1Sout .2 T 200 10 ar S :5.040 DLanp In" 2OM 12 m 5 E35D Track 1491 20 ar 24,000 S .1!.040 F450--r@w Qb Truck 2-OX 13 m 31.500 5 31.540 R,,r.3500FIff ed 200 7(1) 15 ari S :3-zKk-m 2-001 Il 13 �� S 5.440 Sn:_L Dr-=TT-Lk 2-004(1) 12yEar. 33.75D S B.160 "bmhtl_9uuaee dLw - {7.040 - 39.250 T 1":250 CoAw 1f1 m&.Upor Rnemwaru- A4hik 2011 lOyEizri AThak 0sed3v--Uens 10 mrs 58,006 S 69.440 ccaly Club Aab=Lot 60% 2011 lOyEizri S Sep ue ARey WU 20 ar 2_00,004 200.004 S 140.440 aridmsNai9hkmLcnc-oet Kdewdh- " * Seemoe 20 THIS S VaL3=3Rid2s:ceara3= 44,06 S 40.440 SOaaralConrdaitrmoo&V FR m,m ar, flW 227.1170 4M.092 2m.092 4N.092 S 1.4c9.r76 Pack fine 149411 133Ewe M.O06 S :-0.000 QUA Trot W case 1451 l: 25)2-c... 15.0002 S 1+.070 Fwd TracDu 2 (i) =i2Y. S - Ra Yalu{*DamE 1599 11 21.40C' S :1.170 Submral Irrhrrrea}'A L7mpmerrr - 34.d40 54.000 S 56.140 Estimmd Total Cost 5 99.040 S 346.140 S m.ctp2 S 369.3J? S 4;90.(92 S 1.'F3.o2d FT 2013 FT 201J FT2015 FT 2414 FT 201' TRFLL Funding Soarce Eodeetl"ear "eam±'l (Ye ar;21 earRa earN4 (YearN5 3"illAgL-CA ndFand. 0.0001 306.400 534.092 369.3J2 484.092 5 Grant S OWer - 5 Es4®ared ToU Fundm WO S 346.140 S 534.092 S 36, 21 mm 1 S 1.783.926 {yj Thls paaject was idmdSRd,appal-ec an 5m':ed du&P Fiscal Yeu 2011;The EfIP embahed oost(#431-4"!.)was im1ec from the 4Sl M L IIna edFand Ralanre in FL;ud YEw 21}11.The prajert a rhed m aatplete m Fiscal Yffu 2012 amd is listed here fm wf=ttomal mpess c*. Fiscal Year: Total: -bmaaloperai Cost lmcreasesGreatedbti-Pro;ect: S - 2013 $ 981000 Total CIP: D-mof 01-'ftlzprt: 'aa-a°°*1°p°'rt 2014 $ 3061400 2015 $ 5301092 1 ,783,926 FY 2013 x E 2016 $ 3691342 Budget 2017 $ 4801092 the V iEnge of No pub/i North Palm Be-LA C Fl-'012-2013 General Fund Budget CO �Q`+ Public Wc�rk-s(combined) lhbjh /fs 4 IucrmSe ��.. Onpaal Fixal (Decrease) • N Year 2012 oTer 2412 Acme j AcvA 3cru1 Fixal Yeu 2G12-2013 Bdtl Ha$gd 09.3(111 09 30 10 IUt34V(1! Per-=I l RL19 uPay S 1,656676 f 1,668,439 -1% t 1,635a6e7 t L.W4 53 t 1,551,692 4hmwmPar 16,aw 16.750 -4% 7,995 L9,442 11,783 p t-=,.Phs $2,653,88 ftI,u.ra 403,3 .394:5�� - 38% 30,E 32-L- 4 or 63°/ FICAME 127963 128.776 -1% 115--75 113,109 0 Long IermDisab&lyTUSI a 7,413 9.377 -2490 9.4% 9,193 8933 %m Term DL�d�t_' hU=re 5,959 - 0% - - - LL a Imamaaae 3,219 3.PM -14)% 3,996 3,954 4,073 warkdi Campemom 87,258 76.1 76 15 6 74376 a5,616 253,044 oLtRy - 981,20a - 0% 945) 1 3,580 12$10 S 3,6~3,8,3 2,Q3 Sii 1bY s Z:RU i Z47A,D66 s 3,fs6932 a�g Adva=mg 1,400 1,4110 0% 1,1(13 1,155 3,156 amarnial$Ecims 621,SD0 645, -4% :fT,465 573,479 176,816 Emplm-ee ReImm 140 NO 0% ETupmem RaYW 1.600 3.6D0 0% 1,4136 6,RR7 676 Gax Od Lu4rmmu 121,150 114,598 6% 118,484 94,9®& 90,213 LicmuE eFee; 600 600 9% 3,4111 1,131 679 At $11485,82 '�'�A 5�1� 264,d5a 339,404 11% 4147 223,6m 201,(47 -N6mbenb*&> 400 4C0 0% 15 454 255 5 or 35°/Q SP ne 15,fl00 15." 0 1 5 14,6433 36,m Prmnro&-Dmdiag 135 2D0 -39% 26 178 Pra=eBduIULI Se SUea I,'--00 3+)00 -*% 2,947 93 2,591 Rep r4&Ma manse 193,200 131,7m 46% 113996 121E,3K 3$556 &AidWasoeDispud 79,524 78,455 1% 43,1d5 45•,1315 A198 Lt farm 19 230 13j630 -1@% 12,a77 12,716 11,954 TJLi4hei 241),846 162.16§ 5% 161,356 1%577 352 6 CUiu0peSafmgCmLS 700 0 W% 100 4,616 3,42.2 1,dR5,82.€ 14-09,1(12 943 IA$3.158 1126z-466 7(a,ns Capitml $98 OOO AumCw%-vH D 0 0% 0 L9,904 (1 vs Cap¢al D 0 0:-6 (1 7,644 (1 o r 2°/ des aa>a�do SodLaare D 0 01. .0 4 Q CCM nXUM&`danr$ff-madDn 954900 0 0:)6 9 345,1115 553,767 -m-L-Y& 26.000 -10)% a 3,111 30= K*DD 26.000 24M a 374,1571 U%M T43 L21ExpEmses S 4;3770 w 4% a saufsZ t 4,257,703 a 4usrU3 FY 2 013 ffx:� Budget j` $4,237,709 Budget is up 4.08% or $166,164 Synopsis - FY2013 • Public Safety (combined) is up 4.65% or $348,604 over that of this current year primarily due to an increase in capital outlay. Personnel accounts for 88% of this Departmental budget. • Public Works (combined) is up 4. 08% or $ 166, 164 over that of this current year primarily due to an increase in capital outlay. Personnel accounts for only 63% of this Departmental budget. FY 2 01 Budget Next S North Palm Beach Village Council work ChL FY2013 Budget 11'orkshop `shop /@a Proposed Schedule Day-: Date: Time: Subject: Wednesday Apiil 251 7:pin—10:PM Council Goal Setting ® Monday May.th 10:am— 11: am Staff[budget]Retreat ® Wednesday July 11l 7:pm—10:pm Country Club Budget(DsmnLew) ® Wednesday July 25'b 7:pm—10:pm General Fund Budget(averview) Thursday- July 20 Council Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Pr esentation Weduesday August 1st 7:pin—10:pm General Fund Budget(Public Safety&F'ablic W-arks Departments) Wednesday August 8' 7:pin—14:PM General Fund Budget(Community Development,Library,Council,Clerk_ Attorney and Manager Departments) Weduesday August 22`1 7:pin—10:pm General Fund Budget(Parks& R.ecreatim. Human Resources,Finance.I.T.. Debt and Other Departments) 4l'eduesdav August 29* 7:pm—10:pm Budget Recap and Millage discussions. * The FY2013 Budget'Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a 0& only, dates and times are subject to change in accordance with the `-public meeting"provisions of FS. FY 2013 # R Budget "NiN . y. Questions & Answers ? I FY 2013 6CI Budget AA61b