EAR Summary of Recommendations
Summary of Recommendations
The original Comprehensive Plan was written in 1989 and an EAR-based
amendment was completed in 2001. Therefore, the format and content is
generally in good condition. However, the following general items should be
incorporated within the EAR-based amendments to insure consistency with
current comprehensive planning requirements:
Update the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate new 5-year and 10-year
planning periods.
The newly enacted comprehensive planning requirements of Senate Bill
360, as discussed in Section 2.I.6. of the EAR should be incorporated
within the Comprehensive Plan.
Density and intensity standards for all of the future land use categories
should be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan during the EAR-
based amendment process.
The Village intends to amend the Comprehensive Plan during FY 2008 based
upon the recommendations in this report.
Specific recommendations for each Comprehensive Plan element are
summarized below. Elements are discussed in the order in which they appear in
the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan. Recommendations are
generated by analysis completed in the various EAR chapters, as follows: (1)
Analysis of major issues; (2) Communitywide assessment; (3) Changes to State
statutory requirements; and (4) Changes to State administrative code
Future Land Use Element
The Future Land Use element should be amended based upon the following:
A. Recommendations based upon the description and analysis of major issues.
Add an objective and related policies encouraging redevelopment along
the U.S. Highway 1 and Northlake Boulevard corridors (New objective).
Add density and intensity standards for mixed-use redevelopment within
Policy 1.4, such as:
Minimum lot size.
Permitted uses.
Residential density.
Height limitations.
Policy 1.4
Policy 1.4 currently reads: “: Land Development regulations adopted
to implement this Comprehensive Plan shall be based on and be consistent with
the following standards for non-residential land use intensities….”
Amend the Future Land Use Map Series to include overlay maps,
including the NBOZ, that identify areas where redevelopment proposals
will be considered by the Village.
Consider the need to add Special Policies to Objective 5 to address more
localized redevelopment issues such as use and compatibility with
adjacent land uses.
Objective 5 currently reads: Special land use policies shall be
developed by North Palm Beach when necessary to address site-specific issues
related to implementing the Village Goal Statement.
Special Policy 1.9 should be deleted and incorporated within the proposed
Annexation element.
Policy 1.9:
Special Policy 1.9 currently reads: “ Should annexation of residential
properties occur in the area west of Ellison Wilson Road, in Planning Area 2, an
RM- Medium Density Residential Future Land Use Map designation shall be
applied, as well as an R-2 zoning designation”.
Figure 3-18 should be deleted and incorporated within the proposed
Annexation element.
Figure 3-18 is the Future Annexation Area Map.
Prepare complete data and analysis to address the following issues and
draft objectives and policies related to residential density, as appropriate.
The need for Future Land Use element amendments to address the above
issues will be determined upon completion of the above data and analysis
Areas within the Village where increased density proposals will be
Criteria for consideration of density increase proposals, by
annexation area and sub-area, as illustrated on Map 2 of this EAR
Determination of whether or not a new intermediate density
residential Future Land Use category needs to be created.
Residential density standards for the CPUD and C-3 Districts.
Determination of whether or not to revise the PUD minimum parcel
Density incentives to provide workforce housing alternatives within
residential developments.
B. Recommendations based upon the communitywide assessment.
Add a policy to Objective 3 stating that the Village should maintain and
expand (i.e. to include all development orders permitting an increase in
residential density) its current practice of updating population projections
at the of Comprehensive Plan amendment approval.
Objective 3 currently reads: All development orders and
permits for future development and redevelopment activities shall be issued only
if public facilities necessary to meet Level of Service (LOS) standards are
available concurrent with the impacts of the development. Further, require that
all on-site lands for rights-of-way, easement, etc., be conveyed to the proper
authority prior to the issuance of building permits.”
Amend the Future Land Use Map Series in Planning Areas 2 and 3B to
indicate Public Buildings and Grounds land use for the Village Public
Safety Department and North Sub-Station parcels.
Amend Figure 3-17 of the Future Land Use Map Series to reflect the
current definition of the Coastal High Hazard Area, as illustrated on Map 7
of this EAR report
Figure 3-17 is the Village’s current Coastal High Hazard Area map.
C. Recommendations based upon changes to State statutory requirements.
These recommendations are listed in Appendix C of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
D. Recommendations based upon changes to State Administrative Code.
These recommendations are listed in Appendix D of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
Transportation Element
The Village has updated the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate statutory
requirements for a Transportation element. Additional proposed changes
A. Recommendations based upon the description and analysis of major issues.
Add a policy to Objective 13 directing redevelopment proposals to provide
for public transit access, connectivity among developments along the
corridors, and additional opportunities for pedestrian and bicycle access
from adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Objective 13 currently reads: The Village shall promote the
increased use of the bicycles and walking as viable alternate means of
B. Recommendations based upon the communitywide assessment.
Objective 1: (1) Revise and update the list of needed roadway
improvements in the Village; (2) Revise Policy 1 to classify Village
roadways according to the Florida Functional Highway Classification
System; and (3) revise Policy 1.2 to delete daily traffic LOS standards and
revise peak hour LOS volumes, including Tables 4-1 and 4-2, to conform
with those used in implementing the countywide Traffic Performance
Standards ordinance.
Amend Objective 1, Policy 1.2 to conform with the County’s LOS standard
(i.e. Peak-Hour “D”).
Objective 1 currently reads: “ Existing roadway deficiencies
will be corrected by implementing the following projects. . .”
Policy 1.1:
Policy 1.1 currently reads: “ Village roadways shall be functionally
grouped based upon the number of traffic signals per mile as follows:
a. Group A- County Road A-1-A;
b. Group B - Prosperity Farms Road;
c. Group C - U.S. Highway No. 1, Old Dixie Highway (State Road Alternate
A-1-A), and Northlake Boulevard; and
d. Village Collector - Lighthouse Drive”
Policy 1.2:
Policy 1.2 currently readss: “ The Village hereby adopts and
maintains Average Annual Daily/Peak Hour LOS Standards, consistent with the
Florida Department of Transportation minimum acceptable operating levels of
service standards, for each of the following listed roadways:
a. County Road A-1-A - D/D;
b. Prosperity Farms Road, north of Burns Road - D/D;
c. Highway No. 1 and Northlake Boulevard - D/D;
d. Lighthouse Drive - D/D; and
e. Old Dixie Highway (State Road Alternate A-1-A) - D/D”.
Current Tables 4-1 and 4-2 list maximum acceptable average daily and peak hour
traffic volumes, by LOS, for Village roadway groups, as defined in Policy 1.1.
Objective 1, as well as the 5-Year Schedule of Improvements, should be
updated to include those improvements in the County’s 5-Year roadway
improvement program, as well as those defined locally.
Objective 2, as well as the 5-Year Schedule of Improvements, should be
updated to reflect any projected long-term transportation capital
improvements needs identified during the preparation of the EAR-based
amendments. If none are identified, the objective will not be revised.
Objective 2 currently reads: Projected transportation system
needs through the year 2010 will be met by implementing the following projects
(Reserved for future transportation system improvements, as needed):
1. Reserved.
Further, the Village shall maintain its annual program of resurfacing local
C. Recommendations based upon changes to State statutory requirements.
These recommendations are listed in Appendix C of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
D. Recommendations based upon changes to State Administrative Code
requirements for comprehensive plans.
These recommendations are listed in Appendix D of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
Housing Element
The Housing element should be amended based upon the following.
A. Recommendations based upon the description and analysis of major issues.
Add a policy to Objective 3 encouraging mixed-use developments to
contain alternative living accommodations such as lofts, second story
apartments and live-work arrangements to facilitate the supply of
workforce housing.
A policy should be added to Objective 3 encouraging projects that have
been granted a residential density increase to include a compliment of
workforce housing.
Objective 3 currently reads: Adequate and affordable
housing, consistent with the current character of the Village, shall be provided for
the existing population and anticipated population growth, including housing to
accommodate any defined specialized needs of low and moderate income, elderly
or handicapped or displaced residents. Also, provisions shall be made for foster
care housing and mobile homes”.
Consider density and intensity increases above the standard (to be
determined) as an incentive to provide workforce housing alternatives
within residential or mixed-use developments along the U.S. Highway 1
and Northlake Boulevard corridors.
B. Recommendations based upon the communitywide assessment.
Policy 4.1 should be amended to indicate that code amendments
providing for such facilities have been accomplished.
Policy 4.1:
Policy 4.1 currently reads: “ The Village shall periodically review,
and amend, when necessary, the Zoning Code so that different classes of group
home facilities that foster non-discrimination and encourage the development of
community alternatives to institutionalization, as required by state law, are
permitted in appropriate residential neighborhoods, and that no appropriate
residential neighborhoods are closed to such facilities”.
C. Recommendations based upon changes to State statutory requirements.
These recommendations are listed in Appendix C of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
D. Recommendations based upon changes to State Administrative Code
requirements for comprehensive plans.
These recommendations are listed in Appendix D of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
Sanitary Sewer. Solid Waste. Drainage. Potable Water. Natural Groundwater
Aquifer Recharge Element
No amendments proposed.
Coastal Management Element
The Coastal Management element should be amended based upon the
A. Recommendations based upon the description and analysis of major issues.
Consider adding a policy to Objective 3, or a Special Policy to Objective 5
of the Future Land Use element requiring redevelopment proposals that
include an existing water-dependent recreational land use to retain such
Objective 3 currently reads: “ The Village shall retain water-
dependent recreational land uses which are accessible to the public”.
Objective 5 of the Future Land Use element currently reads: “
Special land use policies shall be developed by North Palm Beach when
necessary to address site-specific issues related to implementing the Village Goal
Consider density and intensity increases above the standard (to be
determined) for redevelopment proposals which contain an existing water-
dependent recreational land use.
B. Recommendations based upon the communitywide assessment.
Objective 5 should be amended to reflect the Village’s participation in the
Revised Unified Local Mitigation Strategy Plan (LMS Plan), as well as any
direction provided by local hurricane preparedness plans.
Objective 5 currently reads: “ Maintain or reduce hurricane
evacuation times by implementing the FUTURE LAND USE and CAPITAL
IMPROVEMENTS elements and increasing the data base regarding special needs
populations and continuing to participate in the County Peacetime Emergency
Conservation Element
No amendments proposed.
Recreation and Open Space Element
No amendments proposed.
Intergovernmental Coordination Element:
The Intergovernmental Coordination Element should be amended based upon
the following.
B. Recommendations based upon the communitywide assessment.
Policies in Objectives 2 - 4 should be updated to reflect current conditions.
Objective 2 and its related policies currently read: ” In
conjunction with the Future Annexation Areas map (Ref: Figure 3-17, FUTURE
LAND USE element) coordinate with appropriate jurisdictions regarding: (1) the
elimination of enclaves in Planning Areas 2, 5, and 7; and (2) the elimination or
mitigation of potential land use conflicts with adjacent development activities in
Planning Areas 1, 5, and 7.
Policy 2.1:
Coordinate with neighboring jurisdictions, including the Florida
Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Palm Beach
County, Palm Beach Gardens, Juno Beach, Jupiter, and Tequesta regarding the
creation of a task force to jointly study the issues of: (1)Maintaining U.S.
Highway No. 1 as a four-lane section; and (2) creation of a greenway and bicycle
path along U.S. Highway No. 1 within the current right-of-way.
Policy 2.2 :
At the time of each required five-year Comprehensive Plan update,
the Village should actively participate in the comprehensive planning processes of
Palm Beach Gardens and Riviera Beach regarding the protection of existing land
uses in North Palm Beach from potential adverse impacts of development on
properties in adjacent municipal jurisdictions.
Policy 2.3:
Prior to, or concurrently with any annexation action by the Village in
the area west of Ellison Wilson Road, within Planning Area 2, petition the City of
Palm Beach Gardens to de-annex the Ellison Wilson Road fight-of-way.
Establish Level-of-Service (LOS) Standards consistent with
those of adjacent local governments and current service providers, while
recognizing potential differences in local circumstances.
Policy 3.1:
Should future conditions dictate, officially request the Florida
Department of Transportation, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and
Palm Beach County to jointly participate in designating the link of State Road
A1A in Planning Area 1 as a “constrained facility”, subject to a reduced level of
Policy 3.2:
For planning purposes, the Village shall use system-wide potable
water and wastewater level-of-service standards developed by Seacoast Utilities
Policy 3.3:
Request the South Florida Water Management District to jointly
develop a program to investigate alternative means to control bank erosion
problems along the C-17 Canal, including the development of a scope of work
and project funding.
Policy 3.4:
Upon completion of the NPDES permit, coordinate with the City of
Palm Beach Gardens regarding the preparation of a joint drainage study to
assess the capabilities of the drainage easement which discharges to Prosperity
Harbor (i.e. from the drainage area to the west of Prosperity Farms Road) to
accommodate stormwater runoff generated within the “Sandalwood Basin”.
At the time of each required Five-Year Comprehensive Plan
update, and through local land development approval processes, coordinate with
agencies and governments charged with planning and/or review responsibilities
at all levels of government for the purpose of maintaining consistency among
planning and development activities.
Policy 4.1:
Annually evaluate the need to strengthen mutual aid agreements for:
(1) Fire and police protection; and (2) emergency medical services
communications. The annual evaluation shall be completed in conjunction with
the Village budget process. Strengthen existing interlocal agreements, as
Policy 4.2:
Maintain current standards and responsible performance in the
development and execution of interlocal agreements with other jurisdictions.
Policy 4.3:
Continue to participate in the management of the Lake Worth
estuarine system, under the guidance of County, State and Federal regulatory
agencies, in conservation and management programs by requiring all necessary
permits (i.e. dredge and fill, surface water management, etc.) to be submitted to
the Village prior to issuing a building permit.
C. Recommendations based upon changes to State statutory requirements
These recommendations are listed in Appendix C of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
D. Recommendations based upon changes to State Administrative Code
These recommendations are listed in Appendix D of the EAR and reflect
new Comprehensive Plan requirements since the date of the last EAR
Capital Improvements Element
The Capital Improvements Element should be amended based upon the
B. Recommendations based upon the communitywide assessment.
Policy 4.2 of the Capital Improvements element limits general obligation
debt to an amount equal to 5% or less of the Village’s property tax base.
As a result of the dramatic increase in tax base, this policy should be
reviewed to determine whether or not it remains reasonable.
: “Policy 4.2:
Policy 4.2 currently reads In providing capital improvements, the
Village shall limit general obligation debt to an amount equal to or less than 5%
of the property tax base”.
The Village should prepare an updated 5 year Schedule of Improvements
(short-term), as well as a 10 year (long-range) improvements plan
considering the maintenance of level-of-service (LOS) standards, detailed
revenue projections and changes in funding in order to adequately
determine financial feasibility.
The Village’s Capital Improvement element and 5-year schedule of
improvements should be amended to comply with the additional
requirements of the 2005 Growth Management Legislation (Senate Bill
Delete Table 11.-2.B - School District of Palm Beach County Six-Year
Capital Improvements Schedule. Add policy 1.15 directing the Village to
retain the School District schedule of improvements on file.
Table 11.2B lists School District capital improvements. School District
improvements are no longer required to be incorporated within the Village’s 5-
year Schedule of Improvements. However, the Village is required to maintain the
schedule of School District improvements on file.
Public School Concurrency Element
None Proposed; however, future amendments may be necessary when the
Interlocal Agreement is amended to meet the requirements of Senate Bill 360.
Annexation Element (Proposed New Element)
A. Recommendations based upon the description and analysis of major issues.
1. Prepare data and analysis to support the proposed element.
2. Prepare objectives and policies to address annexation issues and
incorporate a framework for the annexation program.
3. Prepare objectives and policies to direct coordination efforts with Palm
Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County in disputed areas.
4. Prepare a methodology for the preliminary review and evaluation of
annexation proposals, as outlined above.
5. Incorporate Figure 3-18 of the Future Land Use Element to the Annexation
6. Incorporate Policy 1.9 of the Future Land Use element to the Annexation
7. Prepare maps defining annexation target areas.