10-2011 Newsletter“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
The Village Of The Village Of OCTOBER 2011 OCTOBER 2011
Next Objective: 2011 Holiday Shipment
It may only be October, but Support Our Troops
has already started planning its holiday shipment
and we need your help now to brighten the holi-
days for 768 soldiers deployed in Afghanistan.
There are many ways to help:
• A $15 donation purchase all the items for an
individual soldier
• Team up with friends, family, or an organiza-
tion to provide a quantity of one of the spe-
cific items needed
• Volunteer to provide individual bags for one
or more soldiers with the items requested
• Write cards and letters, which are one of the
most prized items
we send
With your help we
can make a differ-
ence! Contact the
Village Clerk’s office
841-3355 or Bob
Gebbia, 561-351-
Pg. 2—Village Manager/Clerk 561-841-3380
Village Manager/Clerk
Greetings from the Village Manager…
So far settling in at Village Hall quite nicely, I remain impressed by the
dedication of our council, staff, volunteers, committees, residents, and
the general camaraderie shared across all the sectors. Everyone
playing their part in the Village assures that our quality of life, upscale
amenities and community offerings remain pristine and available for all
to enjoy and for generations to come. I’m also appreciative that so
many residents have been wonderful in sharing plenty of good ideas,
anecdotal history and helpful tips and tidbits along the way helping me
get “my arms around” everything.
There’s been an up tick in activity here in the Village and we are seeing indicators trending positive. Business tax
receipts and building permits increasing, vacancy rates decreasing, new restaurants, marina amenities,
infrastructure and roadwork continuing too, the Village is on the move. Perhaps the best news… Council has
opted again to reduce the net ad valorem tax burden on our residents (for multiple years running) for this 2012
fiscal year. The Village is in good position and debt free, well capitalized and uniquely situated to fund ongoing
capitol improvement, maintenance and other amenity enhancements as needed. These expenditures are
investments in the long term quality and sustainability of the Village for all to share.
Working on issues facing the Village, I am confident there are always ways to improve any situation, create
change and modernization - yet still have every one come out ‘winners’ in the process. Reading a few headlines in
today’s media, one is appreciative that we enjoy a great, stable community with comparably minor challenges.
Likewise, solutions should come easily too, especially if we foster an environment of innovation and inclusiveness
in their pursuit.
I always welcome your feedback, ideas and concerns. Be thinking about what the future of North Palm Beach can
look like; got a picture in your mind? Good, let’s share that with one another. A collective vision of what your com-
munity is to be, will help us craft a plan, an easy roadmap, or blueprint to get us there cooperatively and efficiently.
MAILBAG: Support Our Troops received this
letter in response to our June shipment. To all
who volunteered their time, talent, and
resources, Thank you!
I cannot begin to thank you and your group enough for
these awesome goodie bags and the one giant goodie
box. I felt like Santa Claus going around with a black
trash bag handing them out. The packages you all put
together are the best. I speak for everyone who received
a bag in saying Thank You and These Are
Awesome. Please let everyone know who helped that the
time they took to put some goodies in a bag put a smile
on a soldier’s face over here.
Paul and the rest of the troopers
On Halloween night the streets in North Palm Beach are literally crawling with all sorts of
witches, ghosts, goblins, and vampires. This makes for added responsibility for
drivers to make sure that they operate vehicles safer than normal. Always remember to:
• Eliminate driver distractions (cell phones, music etc.)
• Scan as you drive and pay extra attention to crosswalks, intersections and road sides
• Drive below the posted speed limit in residential areas to increase reaction time
• Make a plan with your family if you are separated
• Discuss the importance of stranger danger
Village Matters—Pg. 3 www.village-npb.org
O n August 15th I had the honor of giving the commencement address to the 2011 Paramedic class at Palm
Beach State Colllege. It was a great time to reflect on the times when there was no 911, no EMS, no CPR
and the only ambulances were owned by the local funeral home. We have come a long way, eh?
Most of the message was about character. Paramedics encounter patients on the worst day of that
patient's life. The patient is in pain, or fear, often angry, often altered by drugs or
alcohol. It is easy to become jaded and judgmental over time, so I shared with
those new medics something I learned in college, that maybe all of us can reflect
on:"Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they
become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch you
habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes
your destiny."
We are fortunate in North Palm to have Paramedics who are
taught more than protocols. They reflect the message that if
all they can do is hold a patient's hand and assure that everything
will be alright, they have done an important job. Kindness and
compassion trump protocol. Before we act, we must monitor our
thought; because bad assumptions are the root of all bad decisions.
Written by:
Rosa Holden
Village Historian
After the new Country Club building was constructed in 1963, the old
Winter Club—originally built by Harry Kelsey—eventually became an art
center. A dance studio was located upstairs. In the basement, students learned
painting, sculpting, pottery and drawing, among other art forms. In December of
1964, the North Palm Beach Art Society held a sale of original works. The
artists included Mr. Ed Jacomo, at that time the director of the art center. Other
artists were Mrs. H.C. Waterman and Mrs. Jay H. White. The photo depicts Mrs. Geyer, on the left, and
Mrs. Hamacher, hanging a sign that announces the Village’s “Little Bit of Paris” Clothesline Art sale.
Our archives can now be found online! Visit the Village website and the
Village Historian link is located at the bottom left hand side of the page.
Village Matters
A Message from the Medical Director
Pg. 4—Library 561-841-3380
Websites offering free e-books B esides Amazon and Barnes & Noble, which offer free e-books and limited-time free promotional e-books for
the Kindle and Nook, other websites currently offer free e-books and audio books ranging in number and quality
of choices. To get you started on the search for free e-books from reputable sources, here are some sites we’ve
tested and liked:
NPB Library’s homepage - Go to the library’s website at www.npblibrary.org, and follow the link to the Florida
Electronic Library. Once there, connect to the OCLC e-books database of free e-books with thousands to choose
from. All that is required is a valid NPB library card and login using the numbers on the barcode in back of the
card. After creating a free account, users may “check out” e-books by downloading them to a pc to read online.
Don’t expect to find best sellers by popular authors here, but e-books in the public domain, classics, and aca-
demic and school titles, but who knows? You may find some old favorite reads.
Palm Beach County Library System - Hundreds of downloadable audio books and e-books, many by well
known authors like James Patterson, John Grisham, and Danielle Steel, may be ac-
cessed and transferred to a portable device. Requires a valid Palm Beach County
Library Card. This is a great resource if you are new to the world of library ebook
checkouts. www.pbclibrary.org/downloadables.htm
Project Gutenberg (PG) - over 33,000 titles compatible with PC, Mac, iPad, Kindle,
Sony Reader, iPhone, Android and others. A leader and one of the first to digitize
books and audio books for free public access, PG provides high quality content pub-
lished by bona fide publishers and digitized with the help of thousands of volunteers.
Internet Archive - A non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books,
movies & music, as well as 150 billion archived web pages. www.archive.org
Open Library - over 1 million books that may be read by internet browser. This site
forms part of the Internet Archive (see next entry). www.openlibrary.org
Google Books - nearly 3 million free e-books from the public domain are
compatible with Android phones, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, web browsers and others.
On Thursday, October 6th,
record breakers everywhere
will take part in helping to set a
new world record for the
greatest number of people
reading the same book on the
same day. The Literacy
Association of Palm Beach
County’s 2012 Read for the
Record campaign announces
this year’s book is Llama,
Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney This year,
Village of North Palm Beach Councilman Bob
Gebbia will read Llama, Llama, Red Pajama to the
children at our regular Thursday 10:00 Story time.
Participants can also set a new record for the
largest reading of a digital book—by enjoying the
Llama Llama story online. To learn more about this
event, and to register, visit www.wegivebooks.org/
Free computer classes for adults
Attend one or some or all classes, but
please pre-register for each class in
person. Limited seating. Sign-up
sheet in the computer lab.
Instructor: Gary Mallory
Wednesdays, 9:00 am – 10:00 am
October 5th Windows for Beginners
October 12th Browser Basics
October 19th Email Basics
October 26th File Basics
November 2nd Facebook
November 9th Digital Photography
November 16th Intro to MS Word
Parks & Recreation—Pg. 5 www.village-npb.org
Parks & Recreation
KFT Camp! - On Oct. 21st we will become pirates,
taking a guided search through the waters of Key
Biscayne, with narration and history throughout the
trip. We will have lunch at the Bayside Marina before
we set sail on this fun journey. Space is limited and is
for kids ages 9-15. Cost is $53 per person. Trip
leaves from the NPB Community Center at 9am and
returns at 6pm.
On Nov. 11th KFT Campers will encounter life size
dinosaur skeleton replicas, and see over 150
dinosaur replicas displayed in a life-like jungle
environment! Cost is $53 per person and is for kids
ages 9-15. Trip leaves from the NPB Community
Center at 8am and returns at 7pm.
Basketball League Registration Begins – Ages 5 –
16, starting Oct. 1st – 22nd discounted rate of $60/
resident, $70/non-resident. After October 23rd, the
price returns to the regular $70/resident and $80/non
-resident. Each team has approximately 2 games/
week and a practice. Games will be played week-
nights and Saturdays at the NPB Community Center.
All participants 9 years + will be drafted onto teams.
A few coaches are needed. Call Adam at 841-3389,
after 3:00pm.
Movie in the Park – Our first FREE Movie in the
Park is scheduled for Sat., Oct. 1st at 8:00 pm. Our
feature presentation will be “Hoot.” This is a story
about a boy who moves to FL and befriends 2 kids
who are fighting to protect the home of endangered
burrowing owls from a real estate developer.
Arts & Crafts Fall Festival – Don’t forget to mark
your calendars for the annual Arts & Crafts Fall
Festival that will be held at the NPB Community
Center. This year we will be showing on Sat., Nov.
5th from 9am—4pm. Crafters from all over S.
Florida will be displaying their crafts. Booths will be
located both indoors and outdoors. The event is free
of charge. Crafters: a few openings remain so if you
are interested in participating call 841-3386.
IKEA Shopping trip – We have a trip planned to
the IKEA store in Sunrise, FL for Wed., Nov.
16th from 9am-5pm. Trust us, you will need
the time at this store! The cost is $20/person.
Lunch will be on your own at the store. We
will have room for normal purchases on
the return trip. If you purchase
large items, you may need to
have them shipped. Space is limited.
Spooktacular All-Nighter
Here’s something new and
exciting for the family! We are
hosting our first annual Spook-
tacular All-Nighter. This is an
overnight campout at Anchorage
Park on Fri., Oct. 28th from 8pm
– 8am. The cost is $25/family. All
youth must be attended by an
adult. You bring the tents,
sleeping bags, lamps, chairs, etc.
We will provide the ghost stories,
scary movies, campfire, hotdogs,
marshmallows, and a light
breakfast. This will be great fun!
Call 841-3386 for more details.
Parks &
5K Ghost Run
Sat., Oct. 23rd.
The 5 kilometer
(3.1 mile) certified
course begins
and ends at An-
chorage Park.
Ages 7 yrs –90
yrs are eligible
for participation.
100 yd Ghost
Sprint for youths age 3-
6, and a 1 mile Goblin Run for youth
7-10 years of age. The school with
the most entrants will get an award!
Pre-registration fee is $20/person.
Registering before Oct. 9th guaran-
tees a t-shirt. Pre-registration fee for
1K Goblin Run is $10. Race day
registrations are $5 more. Applica-
tions at the Rec. centers or on the
Rec. pages of www.village-npb.org.
Halloween Haunted Hunt
Calling all kids under the age of 9
yrs! Join us for a Haunted
Halloween Hunt on Oct. 28th,
hunt begins at 6pm! Wear your
costumes. We will be searching
Anchorage Park for candy and
prizes! You will need to bring
something to put your candy in!
We are very excited for the upcoming golf season here at North Palm Beach Country Club! There is
something for everybody including programs for Juniors, Beginners, Professionals, Women and Men.
Our Jack Nicklaus Signature Course has been ranked in the Top 10 courses that you can play in the
state of Florida and is truly unique to the area. The golf course, driving range, practice greens and
restaurant are all open to the public and we also offer a variety of membership options. For more
information please visit our newly remodeled website at npbcc.org or you can reach us by phone at
(561) 691-3433. I look forward to seeing you at the course.
Pg. 6—Country Club 561-841-3380
Country Club
JTA (Junior Tennis Academy) TOURNAMENT, Saturday, October 8th – Fun
for everyone; all ages (5 through 17). There’s something for all abilities. Intro-
duce your child to the rules of the game with the USTA recognized Quickstart
program or have your elite junior compete against others of his/her ability.
TGIF Adult Social – Friday, October 14th, 6:30 pm – Celebrate the end of the
week with some tennis, socialization, and lots of good competition.
Play for all levels of ability. Register in the shop, call (691-3425) or
stop by.
HOLIDAYS – The shop will be closed Thanksgiving Day (November
24th), Christmas Eve at 1:30 pm, Christmas Day (December 25th),
and New Year’s Day (January 1st).
Please visit the website at www.npbcc.org to view the most up to
date list of what we have to offer. The pro shop may be reached by
phone 691-3425 or e-mail jwheeler@village-npb.org.
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 9 www.village-npb.org
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,
(except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………..on call
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
David B. Norris
Vice Mayor
William L. Manuel
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
T.R. Hernacki, P.E.
James Titcomb
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, October 13, 2011, 7:30 pm
Thursday, October 27, 2011, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm