06-2011 NewsletterJUNE 2011JUNE 2011
Village News
Honorable Mayor Aubrey and Council,
It is with both a heavy heart and tremendous trepidation that I must announce my plans to retire
my position as Village Manager effective July 1st 2011.
I want to express my deep appreciation for the wise counsel and unwavering support I have
received from Council over the years. I am also deeply grateful for the confidence which has
been placed in me and I pledge myself to give to my successor, the best that is in me.
I would be remiss to not give acknowledgement to those individuals that I have had the distinct
pleasure in leading. Village Staff at all levels have proven time and again to their untiring and
unwavering commitment to this community. I too am grateful for the faith and loyalty that has
been bestowed to me by the individual department heads; they are the true leaders and the
Village’s greatest assets.
The Village and its Residents will always have a place deeply
imbedded in my heart and for that which I was privileged to
serve, I too am profoundly proud.
As always, I remain truly yours,
Jimmy Knight
Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
Did you know…
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, North Palm Beach
evolved a great deal, shaping into the community as we know
it today. In 1961, a Channel Five TV tower stood in
the empty lot that would one day become Osborn
Park. When the company decided to relocate, the land
was purchased and redeveloped. Anchorage Park and the
Village Marina were completed in 1957. Shuffle-board courts were once located next
to the library, but they have since been removed. *Picture from www.historicalsocietypbc.org
Pg. 2—Village News
Village Council
Village Council—Pg. 3
Your Council in action
Vice Mayor David Norris and President Pro Tem William Manuel
represented the Village Council at the Florida League of Cities
Legislative Action Days in Tallahassee in order to hear from our
legislators and FLC staff about proposed legislation of concern to
municipalities. Vice Mayor Norris and President Pro Tem Manuel
met with Senator Ellyn Bogdanoff, Representative Pat Rooney,
and CFO Jeff Atwater to discuss pending legislative issues that
affect the Village.
Above: Heritage Day 2011: The Village Council thanks everyone who participated in this year’s Heritage
Parade and Festival – we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Left: Mayor Aubrey presented Councilman Robert Gebbia
with a Certificate awarded by the Florida Institute of
Government and the Florida League of Cities for
completing the 2011 Institute for Elected Municipal
Officials. The Institute provides elected municipal officials
with a comprehensive overview of Florida municipal
government and the critical issues that are addressed by
municipal government officials.
Right: North Palm Beach received the Distinguished Budget
Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers
Association (GFOA) for its 2010-2011 Budget. To receive the
award, the Village had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for
effectively presenting the budget as a policy document, financial
plan, operations guide and communications device. You can view
the 2010-2011Budget (and previous budgets back to 2007), as well
as each Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal years
ending September 30, 2004 through September 30, 2010 on the
website, www.village-npb.org by selecting the link on the Finance
Dept. page. Mayor Aubrey presented Finance Director Samia Jan-
jua with a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Presentation at the
March 24th Council Meeting.
It is my honor and pleasure to introduce myself as the new Medical Director of North Palm Beach Fire
Rescue. Many of you may know me from any visits you have made to the Palm Beach Gardens Medical
Center Emergency Department where I am the Medical Director as well.
My objective in each position is to make people feel better! To relieve pain and suffering is a humbling and
very rewarding experience. You have an extraordinary crew of Paramedics in North Palm Beach, partnering
years of experience with youthful enthusiasm, creating a passionate and compassionate corps ready to serve
you in any emergency.
In order to serve your needs better, I would like to hear from our citizens directly. Please send me reflections
on any personal experiences you have had with Fire/Rescue, and any suggestions on how we could serve
you better. My email is DrScott111@AOL.com and I will respond either by email or newsletter to your
questions and suggestions.
We hope we never meet professionally, but there is a very talented crew of young men and women waiting to
serve you just by dialing 911. I will use this column to discuss general preventive health issues, and alert you
to Community lectures and demonstrations that promise to be both informative and fun. CPR is a very
important personal issue, and I am available to any group that would like a brief demonstration on that
technique; or hear titillating stories from the ER, or get a few tips on how to stay healthy. Just reply to the
email above and let's get our relationship started.
Scott McFarland, M.D.
Medical Director, North Palm Beach Fire/Rescue
Our North Palm Beach Police Department completed the first three-year CALEA (Commission on
Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) re-accreditation process on April 9th through April 12th,
2011. A team of CALEA assessors arrived at the Police Department and completed a full
examination which included; Management, Policy, Procedure, Operations, and Support Services. The
CALEA team completed its full review resulting in a final summary report that will be presented to the
Commission in July 2011.
This on-site re-assessment looked at some 464 standards that apply to Patrol, Criminal Investigations,
Administration, Crime Prevention, Property/Evidence, Police Reserve/Explorer programs, and all other
aspects of our Police Departments’ operations.
This re-accreditation is a voluntary process where we “open our books” for outside
scrutiny to insure that we meet the most rigorous set of standards designed for law
enforcement in the United States. We have agreed to meet all the standards
applicable to the largest of agencies as defined by CALEA, and to prove compliance
with those standards on a continual basis through documentation and inspection.
Inspections occur every three years, and are conducted by a team of law enforcement
professionals chosen by CALEA from non-bordering jurisdictions.
We thank our citizens for their continued support of the North Palm Beach Police
Department over the years, and look forward to continuing to build upon our level of
Public Safety
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Pg. 4—Public Safety
Library—Pg. 5
Vacation time is approaching and you don’t need to worry about overdue fines while you are away. If you are
planning an extended vacation and know you will need extra time on your materials, ask for the VACATION
CHECKOUT, and receive two extra weeks on all 28-day books and audio books.
Do you love reading and talking about books? We’re seeking a volunteer to set things in motion to form an
active reading group for the MONTHLY BOOK CLUB, reach out to new members, and be the
library’s liaison. The book club meets monthly in the library during the months of November
through April. For additional information and to request a copy of the new reading list please
call 841-3383.
New! AWARD-WINNING FILMS, first run, independent and foreign films from top festivals at
Sundance, Cannes, and Toronto, and New York, are shown in the library at 7:00 pm on the 3rd
Thursday of the month, every month. Selections are approved by a panel of Curators from such
prestigious film institutions as Lincoln Center, the American Film Institute and Roger Ebert's
Overlooked Film Festival. Free. Call 841-3383 for more information.
“One World Many Stories” is the theme this
summer at the North Palm Beach Library and each
week we will visit a different country. The 2011
Summer Reading Program is open to young
people, ages 5 thru 12, with programs, story hours,
crafts, movies, and more.
Registration begins on Monday, June 6th, kick-off
celebration on Wednesday, June 8th.
Pick up your reading log, book bag, and activity
schedule at the Summer Reading Desk in the
Children’s Department. All programs are free but
some require that you sign up.
Wed., June 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 9:00—10:00am
Computer Classes. Sign-up required.
Wed., June 15th, 10:15 am – 11:45 am
Mon., June 27th, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
The law firm of Shalloway and Shalloway will be
providing a free, educational seminar on protecting
assets and getting the best long term care in-home,
in assisted living or in a nursing home.
Thurs., June 17th, 7:00 pm
Free Independent Film screening
Call 841-3383 for more information
The Sand Dollars QUILTERS
GROUP meets on Fridays, 10:00am –
Saturdays, 2 - 4pm
One-on-one computer help in the
Computer Lab. Don’t forget, the
library is your source for free online
The TreeSearchers GENEALOGY
CLUB will resume monthly
meetings in September. This is a
great opportunity to network with
fellow genealogy enthusiasts.
Fridays, 2:00 pm, Ages 6-12
Space is limited & sign up required
Thursdays, 2:00 pm
Saturdays, 2:00- 4:00 pm
Ages 7 to 10 Learn the fundamentals of chess
Limited seating & sign up required
10:00 am Ages 2-3 (40 min.)
10:00 am Ages 3-4 (40 min)
Each program is carefully prepared with
age-appropriate materials, with themes that are filled
with stories, puppets, flannel board stories, music,
movies, and crafts.
Summer Recreation Camp
Summer Recreation Camp for youth 7 – 14 years
of age runs in 1 week increments from June 6th –
July 29th. Camp meets at the NPB Community
Center. Camp trips to local attractions occur on
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. On Tuesday &
Thursday campers remain onsite and participate in
a variety of indoor and
outdoor activity. Complete
schedules are available at
Rec. buildings or at
www.village-npb.org. $155/
$150/(RDF)wk (multiple
week discounts available).
Call 841-3386 for space
Sport Camps – We will offer several specialty
sport camps by Building Up Sports Academy again
this summer. New this year, will be 3 - (1) week
full-day multi-sport camps. The popular fishing
camps return as well as a baseball and a
basketball camp. Participants will learn the proper
techniques and skills of the particular sport during
these specialty camps. At the end of the week
campers will participate in a “big game”. For a
complete schedule, please visit www.village-
npb.org. All camps are held at the Community
Center except Fishing Camp which will be held at
Anchorage Park.
NPB Kids Triathlon
Join us for the 3rd annual NPB Kids Triathlon at the
NPB Country Club on Saturday, July 23rd.
Transition area opens at 6:15 am. Races begin at
7:00 am. Participant age groups are children born
in the following years: 2003-2004, 2001-2002,
1999-2000, 1997-1998. The swim is in the pool
(long course) and distance varies by age
(50 meters to 200 meters), the bike ranges from
1.2 - 4 miles and the run is from .50 - 1 mile. Entry
Fee: $30/child (sibling discount available).
Register by Thursday, July 21st. Maximum 150
participants. No RACE DAY registration. For
complete information, visit the village website
(Departments-Parks & Recreation – Special Events
– Kids Tri) or call us at 841-3386.
FITS Day Camps –
Summer Camp with
Coach Blair Kaiser will be
held at Anchorage Park
starting May 31st. This
camp has no traveling.
All programs and activity
are on-site and are for youth 4-12 years of
age. FITS camps are held from 8:45am-3:00pm.
The price is $32/$30(RDF)/day. This is a great
program for your visiting children/grandchildren.
Fun stuff includes: games, waterslides, bounce
house, arts & crafts, face painting, minute to win it,
sporting activity, and more! For more information,
please call Coach Blair at 776-6151. Openings
Super Kids Camp
This exciting ½ day program is for youth 4–6 years
of age. Camp program is registered in four 2-week
sessions from June 6th – July 29th. This program is
Mon.-Fri. from 9:00 am—noon. Each week
features a different theme with guests coming in to
present fun, exciting and educational programs.
Camp includes story
time, crafts, free play,
snack and much more.
Cost is $105/$100
(RDF)/session. Camp
Director is Marelen
Baylis. Call for avail-
Summer Pool Parties
Mark your calendars now for the summer pool
parties at the NPB Pool. June 17th, July 15th,
August. 19th. DJ Extreme will entertain you and
your family with dancing, contests, fun, and games!
Food and drink available. Admission: $1/person.
Babysitting Certification Course
Offered through AHS, this 8hr class will be from
noon – 4:00 on June 2nd & 3rd. Participants
between 13 – 16 years will earn certifications in not
only babysitting, but also CPR, AED and basic First
Aid. Instructor is CC Watrous. Please call
841-3386 for fees .
July 4th - Red, White & Boom!
We will be celebrating on Monday, July 4th at the
NPB Country Club. Dixieland band, the Southern
Gents play from 7:30 pm until fireworks at
approximately 9:00 pm. Plan on attending!
Pg. 8—Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation
Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
Lifeguarding Class Schedule
• June 7-11
• June 28- July 2
• July 25 - 29
Youth Water Polo
(Beginning June 6)
Mon. - Thurs., 10am - 12pm
Youth Swim Team
Practices daily Mon. - Thurs.
Group Swim Lesson Schedule
• Session I—June 6-16
• Session II—June 20-30
• Session III—July 5-14*
• Session IV– July 18-28
• Session V– August 1-11
Sessions run Mon. - Thurs.
Classes held at 6 & 6:30pm
$40.00 per Session
*Session III Week1 runs Tues.—Fri.
Private Lesson are also available!
Summer Programs
• Swim School
• Group Lessons
• Private Lessons
• Youth Swim Team
• Adult Swim Team
• Water Polo Team
• Lifeguarding Classes
• Water Aerobics
Water Aerobics
Mon.—10 - 11am
Tues. & Thurs. 10:15 - 11:15am
NEW members only swim hours to be added in September - (10am - noon, September - May)
NEW! Masters Members Lap Swim daily 11:30-1:30 pm
NEW! Summer Memberships Available. Resident Family $212 (good from Memorial Day-Labor Day).
Call 904-2136 for complete membership information.
Resident +Tax Non Resident +Tax
Family $286.16 $413.40
Single $154.58 $229.67
Junior $83.92 $101.58
Masters $101.58 $141.33
Resident Non Resident
Family $367.43 $498.42
Single $186.38 $276.90
Junior $101.18 $122.28
Masters $122.48 $170.40
Parks & Recreation —Pg. 9
Parks & Recreation
We are very excited by all of the activity here at the Country Club tennis center. Check us out for the summer
with our very affordable summer membership rates.
We’re offering some great summer FUN! There is social play on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 a.m. and/or
6:30 p.m. This is a round robin for players looking to play and meet new players. Members will be free,
residents will be $5, and nonresidents will be $10 plus tax. We will also be offering a Friday night social each
month. Call for complete details (691-3425).
Junior Tennis Academy (JTA) WEEKLY SUMMER CAMPS for Children and Teens
beginning the week of June 6th, continuing through the summer, and ending the week of
August 8th through the 12th. There are half day and full day options with extended care
available to the full day campers. The half day camp will include tennis and the full day
adds recreational swimming. A golf option will be available for an additional fee.
These camps are designed for children ages 5 to 17. The younger campers start as
early as 8:30 am and the teens start at 9:30 am. Parents may register children by the
day or by the week. Prices are located on the Village website www.village-npb.org.
Call for details and registration for any of the following programs: New Player Clinic, 2-4-
$40’s, Men’s Drill & Play, Cardio Tennis, Clinic w/ Tanja, Mixed Evening
Workout, and Intermediate-Advanced Clinic. All of these programs are on the website
with complete details regarding the program.
Palm Tennis Summer Teams – These teams start play in June and a few openings
remain. Call 626-6515 for availability.
Palm Beach County Women’s Tennis Association Teams may still need players. We
have a full array of teams (Division 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7). Competitive doubles match play
for all levels with clinics and coaching from certified Professionals.
It's time for pool membership renewals! Come check out our beautifully renovated pool.
Membership runs from May 1, 2011—April 30, 2012
Pg. 10—Country Club
Country Club
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The days are longer and most of us finally have the time to squeeze in a few holes. With that said, I would like
to talk about how you should warm up before your round. I know what you’re thinking, “What’s wrong with how I
warm up?” For many golfers, warming up is arriving at the 1st tee one minute before your tee time, doing three
club behind the shoulders twists and two toe touches before you reach back and make the most ferocious
swing of the day during which you’re thinking about all of the people watching you (and guess what, they’re not
really watching.) If this sounds like you, or if you are a more seasoned golfer then hopefully we can help you
become more consistent with your pre round warm up.
This warm up routine is for the player who arrives at the course at least thirty minutes before their tee time. You
can perform any number of physical warm ups but the objective is to get the blood flowing (ex. arm circles or
even walking for a few minutes). Follow these movements with some light stretching and that can take up as
much time as you want. From there you will want to focus a little time on putting, pitching and full swing. The
order that you choose is up to you as long as you have the same routine every time you play. With putting,
spend equal amounts of time on short putting (inside of ten feet) and lag putting (putts over thirty feet). When
pitching, try to simulate shots that you typically have on the course as well as using the club or clubs you
normally play these shots with. In the full swing portion of the warm up, work from your shortest shots all the
way up to your driver. Now you’re ready for a great round.
For the player who is always strapped for time, your pre round warm up can be done in as little as ten minutes.
The first five minutes of this routine should be spent on preparing your body to make an athletic motion (follow
the physical part of the warm up from above.) Spend the next five minutes hitting pitch shots. This will further
loosen your body while building the most important part of your swing, impact. In addition, pay close attention to
how the pitch shots are reacting on the green. This information will let you know what to expect on the course
(ex. if the ball is rolling out a long ways then the greens should be fast on the course.) Now you’re prepared for
that opening tee shot. Just remember, nobody’s really watching.
Good luck,
Lee Stroever, Head Golf Professional
Support Your Local Businesses- Pg. 11
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,
(except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………..on call
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
David B. Norris
Vice Mayor
William L. Manuel
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
T.R. Hernacki, P.E.
Jimmy Knight
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*
Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Administration 691-3421
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, June 9, 2011, 7:30 pm
Thursday, June 23, 2011, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Village Hall Hours: M-F, 8am-5pm