03-2011 NewsletterMARCH 2011MARCH 2011
Village Council / Clerk
Pg. 2—Village Council Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
Village Boards exist to advise the Council on issues and activities of the Village. Annual appointments to all
Village Boards will be made in April. Village Advisory Boards include Audit Committee, ad hoc Business
Advisory Committee, Construction Board, Golf Advisory Board, Library Advisory Board, Planning
Commission, Police & Fire Pension Board, Recreation Advisory Board, Waterways Board, and Zoning Board
of Adjustment.
AD HOC BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: a volunteer is needed for a vacancy on the ad hoc Business
Advisory Committee. The committee meets in the Conference Room at Village Hall and provides
recommendations to Council on matters affecting businesses located within the Village. Members of the
Committee must be an owner, officer, manager, or administrative employee of a business operating within the
Village’s corporate limits, but are not required to be Village residents.
To apply, complete the Application for Appointment available at www.village-npb.org under Boards &
Committees, or call the Clerk’s office, 841-3355. Return your application and resume (optional) to the Clerk’s
office at Village Hall, 501 U.S. Hwy 1, NPB FL 33408, npbclerk@village-npb.org or 881-7469 (fax). Deadline
for applications is Tuesday, April 12th.
Village Municipal Election - CANCELLED
The qualifying period for the
March 8, 2011 Municipal Election has closed
T. R. Hernacki, Group 2
David B. Norris, Group 4
are the sole qualifiers
for their respective seats on the Village Council,
and therefore have been re-elected
without opposition.
Councilman Hernacki and Councilman
Norris will be sworn-in for a two year
term at the March 10, 2011 Council
Meeting, at which time, the Village
Council will reorganize and select its
officers (Mayor, Vice Mayor, President
Pro Tem) for the upcoming year.
Councilman Hernacki Councilman Norris
Community News
Village Clerk—Pg. 3
there are currently none for the Village of North Palm Beach, the District Year-Round
Landscape Irrigation Rule allows a three-day-a-week watering provision available to
users who reside in counties located wholly within District boundaries. Users in these
counties may water lawns and landscapes on two days or may exercise the option and
irrigate a third day.
• Residents and businesses with an odd-numbered street address may water lawns and landscapes on
Mon., Wed. and/or Sat., only before 10 am OR after 4 pm.
• Residents and businesses with an even-numbered street address no street address or those that irrigate
both even and odd addresses within the same zones, which may include multi-family units and
homeowners associations, may water lawns and landscapes on Tues., Thurs. and/or Sun., only before 10
am OR after 4 pm.
Tax-Aide volunteers will
be available to help you
prepare your tax return
beginning February 1, 2011 through
April 15, 2011 on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
in the Village Hall Council Chambers.
Taxpayers should bring 2010 tax
forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and other tax
information along with their 2009 tax
return. Taxpayers are also asked to
bring proper ID.
Saturday, March 5th from 9 am – 3 pm
Southern Self Storage, 401 Northlake Blvd.
Come on out and find a treasure at bargain prices!
All proceeds benefit NPB Support Our Troops Program
The Village Council is re-investing back
into the infrastructure of the Village and
giving the streets of North Palm Beach a
face lift! The Village has started the
implementation of new street signs to
replace the old “monument” signs. The
new signs will incorporate both stop sign
and street names, along with the beloved
ship wheel, into one fixture. They are
manufactured with a highly reflective
material making them easier for motorists
to see from a greater distance. One of the
new signs has already been placed at the
intersection of Eastwind Drive and South
Anchorage Drive; stop by and take a look!
The new signs will embrace that “quaint
little village” that the North Palm Beach
residents are so proud of and most
assuredly increase the property values!
Public Safety
Pg. 4—Public Safety Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
Every year in America, over 4000 people die and more than 20,000 are injured in fires. Statistically,
that may not sound like very many, but if you’ve ever met a burn victim, you know that you want to
do everything in your power to make your home safe, and prevent the possibility of a fire. Sadly,
around 80% of fire deaths occur in homes. What’s even sadder is that most of these deaths and
injuries could have been prevented, with a few simple safety measures. To keep your family safe from the
risks of fire, you’ll need to concentrate on four areas: education, prevention, detection, and response. You’ll
need to educate yourself and other family members on the fire hazards, you’ll need to take specific steps to
remove fire hazards from your home, you’ll need to install and maintain smoke detectors, and you’ll need
to plan ahead on how to react in case of a fire, so that if the worst happens, you’re prepared, and no one
is injured or killed. If you cover all four of these bases, you’ll greatly reduce your family’s fire risk. Many
of these fire safety tips are common sense, and you’ve no doubt thought of and implemented
some of them. Others may have slipped your notice, or you possibly were never aware of
them. The good news is that most of them cost nothing, are easy to do, and don’t take
much time. A lot of fire prevention lies in simply adopting some simple practices, and
making them habits for your whole family. Of course, there may be some things
specific to your situations that aren’t covered here. It’s unlikely, but it’s possible.
In that case, if you’re worried about something in your home that we didn’t mention,
err on the side of caution. If you think something might be a fire risk, then change
it, or do it differently, whatever the situation requires. You know your home better
than anyone. So, if in doubt, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Never was the
cliché “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” as true as it is when it
comes to fire safety.
The most common threat to your home is burglary. There are three components to the crime.
Desire-Ability-Opportunity. We can’t take the Desire or the Ability away from the criminal, but
we can eliminate the Opportunity. Opportunity can be divided into two categories:
• Created by the victim through carelessness/lack of attention to security;
• Created by the criminal through skill (“professional criminal”) who is unafraid to be caught.
The “professional criminal” represents a small percentage of crime. A majority is committed by amateurs and
is made possible by the victims themselves! The following tips will help to prevent opportunity.
DOOR & LOCKS: Burglars frequently enter through the front, back or garage doors. Always use quality
materials on all exterior entrances, including the garage door.
SLIDING GLASS PATIO DOORS: Sliding glass doors are easy to force open. A wooden stick inserted into
the lower track can help to prevent this. Some older sliding glass doors can be lifted up to defeat the latch
mechanism. Check your door, if it's easily lifted, there are products available to help prevent this.
WINDOWS: An open window may be the only reason your home was chosen: easy
entry. Most windows benefit from devices that keep the window from opening even if the
glass is broken. Wooden dowels work well for horizontal sliding and through-the-frame
pins work well for vertical sliding.
LIGHTING: Exterior lighting on your home is essential. The purpose of lighting is
so that others can see activity around your house and you can see if a suspicious
person is lurking.
LANDSCAPE: Keep shrubs and hedges trimmed, especially those near win-
dows. Shrubs and bushes that hide windows will also hide burglars while they work.
Look at your home as if you were a thief and search for easy ways to enter. The
North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety offers free residential security
surveys. If you are interested, contact Sgt. Dallesandro at 841-3300.
Tues., March15th, 7 pm
This is a great opportunity to network with fellow
genealogy enthusiasts. For more info. please call
Sue at 841-3383.
Mon., March 21st, 10 am
This month’s selection is
To Kill a Mockingbird by
Harper Lee. Limited copies
are available for
checkout at the library.
Please call 841-3383 for
Tuesday, March 1st, 11:30 am
A Summary of VA Benefits. Tina Nolan of A-Plus
Private Care Services presents an informational
seminar on how veterans or surviving spouses can
qualify for a special pension to pay for at-home help
with activities of daily living at no cost.
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2 pm
The law firm of Shalloway and Shalloway will be
providing a free, educational seminar on protecting
assets and getting the best long term care in-home, in
assisted living or in a nursing home.
Thursday, March 3rd, 5 pm
Meet Maine resident and part-time Floridian Sandra
Newman, author of Life & Times on Pleasant Pond, a
beautifully illustrated book detailing 150 years in the
history of the quaint community of Island Falls in
Maine’s northern most county, Aroostook.
2011 Author Breakfast with Irene Ziegler
to benefit the Friends of the Library
Sat. March 5th, 10:00am at The NPB Country Club
Irene Ziegler is the author of Rules of
the Lake and Ashes to Water, which is
set in central Florida, where Irene
grew up. Irene has had recurring roles
or guest starred in many notable TV
series and films, and is probably the
voice on your cell phone’s GPS, so
kindly stop yelling at her! Irene will
amuse us with her anecdotal stories in
her presentation. To learn more about Irene, visit her
website at wwwireneziegler.com. Tickets are $25.00
per person (plated breakfast). There will be door and
raffle prizes. Please stop by the Library for additional
information and to purchase your tickets.
Annual Book Sale
The Friends of the Library’s annual book sale was
extremely successful. A special thank you to all the
volunteers who helped set-up before the sale, as well
as helping during the sale. We could not have done it
without your help.
Art and Quilt Raffle
S. Bart Barchat, a local artist, has donated a beautiful
piece of artwork valued at $1,200, on display at the
Library. There is also a lovely handmade quilt donated
by The Sand Dollars Quilters on display. Raffle tickets
are available for both of these items at the circulation
desk and will be sold through May 26th. The drawing
will be held on May 26th. Raffle tickets are $1.00 each
or 6 for $5.00. All donations directly benefit the Library
through The Friends of the Library.
Tuesday, March 8th, 2 pm
Learn about the new tax changes.
Presented by Karp Law Firm.
Wednesday March 16th, 10:00 – 11:30 am
Author and professor, Linda Mohr, conducts
monthly writing workshops through April to help
you develop your writing strengths, learn how to
brainstorm ideas and stay focused, be a better
writer, meet writing goals, and more.
Wednesday, March 16th, 3 pm
Meet Roberta Crawford Morency, author of The
Iron Elephant. An award-winning journalist and
founder of the international corporation, Iron
Overload Diseases Association, Ms. Morency was
the first writer to publicize the dangers of excess
iron accumulating in the human body.
9:00 – 10:00 am
Sign-up required
Library—Pg. 5
10:00 AM Ages 2-3 (40 min.)
10:00 AM Ages 3-4 (40 min)
Each program is carefully prepared with
age-appropriate materials, with themes that are
filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories,
music, movies, & crafts.
March 11th, 3:30 pm , Ages 6-12
Space is limited & Sign up required
Saturdays, 2:00- 4:00 pm, Ages 7 to 10
Kids learn the fundamentals of Chess
Parks & Recreation
Pg. 8—Parks & Recreation Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
Spring Camp—Hey Kids - have some fun over
Spring Break this year with NPB Recreation! Camp
will be March 14th - 18th for youth 9-14 years of
age. Cost is $150/child (+NR fee if applicable.)
Register online or at the Anchorage Park Activities
Bldg. This years Spring Camp will enjoy these
outings: Spring Training baseball game, Kabooms,
Blue Heron Drift fishing trip, kayaking, & more! Call
Bill for more info. 841-3386.
Village Wide Garage Sale—Don’t miss the annual
Village-Wide Garage Sale which will be held at
Anchorage Park, Sat., March 12th, 8am – noon.
Spaces are still available. Call 841-3386. If you
aren’t selling, we hope you’ll be buying!
2nd Annual Support Our Troops 10K/5K Run
Join us this year for the inauguration of our newly
certified 10K run course that winds it’s way through
NPB neighborhoods and the Country Club on Sat.,
March 26th. Both courses challenge runners of all
ages and skill levels. Preregistration fees: 5K=$25,
10K=$30, KidsK = free. Race day registration fees:
5K=$30, 10K=$35, KidsK = free. Active duty &
current reservists run free! Call 351-8459 for more
Yoga—Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the
nerves and relieves stress/anxiety and strengthens
abdominal muscles. It helps improve flexibility of
the spine and all joints. You will learn yoga pos-
tures, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation
techniques. This class is for all levels. Instructor:
Gwen Germaine. Fee: $55/5 cls or $17/cls-AX
Mon. 10:30-12, Wed. 6-7:30pm, Sat. 9-10:30am.
Pre-registration required.
Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong—Practice these ancient
methods of health cultivation and mindfulness.
Bring together the forces of mind, body and spirit to
develop a daily practice of self-care, balance and
spiritual harmony. Fee: $55/5 wk or $17/cls – AX
Every Friday 9:30-10:30 am.
Tai Chi for Arthritis—Tai Chi for Arthritis is easy to
learn, safe, enjoyable, and provides many health
benefits in a relatively short period of time. All high
risk movements have been removed and replaced
with ones that are more effective for health. As Tai
Chi for Arthritis can be practiced sitting as well as
standing, almost anyone, of any physical condition,
can begin and continue to progress regardless of
age. Medical studies have shown that practicing this
program reduces pain significantly, prevents falls for
the elderly, and improves many aspects of health.
Tai Chi for Arthritis is endorsed by the Arthritis Foun-
dation USA. Instructor is Carol Desimone. Fee:
$75/70(RDF)/10cls or $12/10(RDF)/cls. Class meets
Mondays from 10:30am – noon.
Village Players—Village Players present “Lend Me
A Tenor” a comedy performance at NPB Community
Center on the following dates: March 4th-13th – Fri.
& Sat. at 8pm and Sun. at 2:30 pm. Auditions for
“The Second Time Around” will be held at the Com-
munity Center on March 6th at 7pm. For more infor-
mation call Roma Smith at 622-5784.
Youth Co-Ed Flag Football—Come join us for our
inaugural season of Flag Football. Register March
1st – 31st online or in person at Anchorage Activities
Building. The fee is only $65/R, $75/NR (after March
31st $75/R, $85/NR) Ages: 5-13 (9/10 and 11-13
drafted onto teams). The season will run mid-May
through mid-July. All games will be held at the
Community Center. For more info. or to volunteer to
coach, call Adam after 2pm weekdays at 841-3389.
Spring activity registration—A complete schedule
of activities/classes for Spring is available on the
recreation pages of www.village-npb.org (dept –
parks & rec- activity registration).
Monthly Recreation eNews—The Recreation Dept.
emails a monthly eNews that announces all
recreational activity happening in the upcoming
month. If you would like to receive the eNews,
please send an email to nhensler@village-npb.org or
call 841-3386 and your name will be added to our
mailing list.
Parks & Recreation—Pg. 9
Parks & Recreation
The annual Heritage Festival is Saturday, April 2nd! This fun, family event will be
held at the beautiful, waterfront Anchorage Park! The parade will be Saturday morning
starting at 11:00am. It travels from Village Hall north on Eastwind Dr – Lighthouse Dr.
– Anchorage Dr. to arrive at Anchorage Park. The route is 1 mile long and you can
observe it from any point on the route. You will see local groups/businesses/
organizations, bands, floats, antique cars, motorcycles, clowns, and more!
At the Festival enjoy entertainment, music, dancing, food, rides, games, and more!
Something for everyone! You will be allowed to park in the swales of the streets
adjacent to Anchorage Park. Various groups will perform all day long on the main
stage including School of Rock, LaVallee’s USA Black Belt, and more! Sit back and
listen or get up and dance to live music from 4:00-7:00pm. We’ll be looking for you!
For more details, application forms, etc. please call the Recreation Dept. at
841-3386 or visit the recreation pages of www.village-npb.org
The NPB Yacht Club invites children ages 1 through 12 who live in the Village or attend school in the Village
to decorate their bicycles and ride them in the Yacht Club's "Bicycle Brigade" in the Heritage Day
Parade. The Club will hand out a total of $250 in cash prizes for the best decorated bicycles: $100 for 1st
place; $75 for 2nd place; $50 for 3rd place; and $25 for 4th place. The winner and his or her parents will also be
guests at a Yacht Club dinner where they will be presented with a take home trophy and have the winner's
name engraved on a permanent trophy kept at the NPB Country Club.
You can purchase a wristband for unlimited carnival rides at the Heritage Festival. The wristbands are on
sale at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg from 9:00am – 7:00pm (M-F) beginning on March 22nd. The price
is $20.00/wristband. Wristbands will be $25.00 at the festival.
You will not have access to your items stored in the dry storage lots or
the wet slips on Saturday, April 2nd. No one will be allowed to launch a
boat at the Anchorage ramp on this day. All roads in the park will be
closed for the Heritage Festival! Please plan your schedule accordingly.
HERITAGE FESTIVAL SPRING FLING: Adult Mixed Doubles King of the Court – Sat., April 2nd, 11:00 am.
Sign up with a partner or let us find someone for you. Please call to register 691-3425. Members free;
Residents $10; Non-residents $12.50.
Women's Teams: Plan now for the 2010 - 2011 season. We will have all levels of play from beginner to
advanced. Please check with the shop if you are interested or have any questions.
The following programs are available to everyone and the prices listed are for members.
Please call 691-3425 for resident and nonresident fees or to register by phone.
2-4-$40: The name says it all. This is a two hour clinic for four people for $40
Mixed Evening Workout: Tuesdays, 6:30 pm; $20
Men's Drill & Play: Mondays, 6:30 pm; $20
Advanced Men’s Match Play 3.5 & Up: Thursdays, 6:30 pm; $10
NPB JUNIOR TENNIS ACADEMY: This is the Club’s premiere ongoing
after-school Academy offered Monday— Saturday
For complete details or registration use any of the following contact information:
Phone: 691-3425; E-mail: jwheeler@village-npb.org ; Website: www.village-npb.org
Pg. 10—Country Club
Country Club
Please join the Village in welcoming Mr. Lee Stroever, Head Golf Professional to the
North Palm Beach Country Club (NPBCC) as your new Director of Golf Operations. Lee
has been the 1st Assistant Golf Professional at North Palm Beach Country Club for the
past 9 months and has worked as an assistant here for the past 14 months. NPBCC
isn’t just another course to Lee; it’s the place where he learned the game that has
become his life. Growing up in nearby Jupiter, Lee was a junior member at NPBCC
from ages 13 – 15. During the weekends and summer, NPBCC was his home, from
the driving range, to the high dive, and everything in between. The foundation that was
put in place on this course carried him through a successful high school and college
golf career, where he was a three time colligate All-American and the member of a
National Championship team at Rollins College. Professional golf followed with a
7-year successful, but injury filled career. Lee notched 5 professional wins on 3 differ-
ent tours including setting the Golden Bear Tour all-time scoring record of 22 under par
at Hammock Creek Golf Club in Stuart, Florida. After not being able to play more than
a few days in a row due to a reoccurring shoulder injury, Lee turned to teaching the
game he loved. Fifteen years of instruction from 2 top 100 Teachers, Master PGA
Professional Bill Davis and 2010 PGA Teacher of the Year Todd Anderson paved the
way for a successful teaching career. After landing at NPBCC 14 months ago, Lee has fallen in
love again with the people and facility. Having the opportunity to be the Head Golf Professional
at the place where he began the game is more than a dream come true. Lee plans to use his
playing experience along with the things he learned while working at The Dye Preserve,
Jonathan’s Landing Golf Club, and The Loxahatchee Golf Club to help make NPBCC the best
it can be. The Village looks forward to taking the NPBCC to the next level with our new
Head Golf Professional and Director of Golf Operations Lee Stroever.
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 11
Let the North Palm Beach Village Newsletter
help you reach potential customers!
• Did you just open a new business?
• Do you need to let people know your business is still in
the Village?
• Would you like to expand your business to more
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need
to advertise with your business card in the
We reach 12,000+ homes and businesses right here in
beautiful North Palm Beach,
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun.”
Applications available on www.village-npb.org
under the “Newsletter” tab.
Please call (561) 904 – 2122 for more details.
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,
(except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………..on call
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
William L. Manuel
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
Vice Mayor
David B. Norris
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
T.R. Hernacki, P.E.
Jimmy Knight
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*
Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Administration 691-3421
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, March 10, 2011, 7:30 pm
Thursday, March 24, 2011, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408