01-2011 NewsletterJANUARY 2011 Village Clerk Municipal Elections are by group, at-large and non-partisan (no districts, no party affiliation) 2011 Municipal Election Date Tuesday, March 8, 2011 Polls are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Village Council Seats Open to Election Group 2 (currently held by T.R. Hernacki) Group 4 (currently held by David B. Norris) Candidate Qualifying Period Opens: Noon, Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Closes: Noon, Tuesday, February 8, 2011 A candidate may announce his or her candidacy prior to qualifying by filing Form DS-DE 9, Appoint- ment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository with the Village Clerk. After filing Form DS-DE 9 with the Village Clerk and opening the campaign account, candidates may begin accepting contributions and making campaign expenditures; however, candidates must still qualify by filing the appropriate forms with the Village Clerk during the qualifying period, in order to be listed on the ballot. Candidate Qualifying Fees Qualifying Fee: $10.00 State Election Assessment: 90.00 Total $100.00 Candidate Qualifications Village resident and registered voter. For more info, see “Becoming a Candidate” on Elections page at www.village-npb.org Elecciones de Village de North Palm Beach Las Elecciones Municipales son por grupo, generales e independientes (sin distrito ni afiliación a un partido) Fecha de Elección Municipal de 2011 Martes, 8 de marzo de 2011 Los centros de votación abren de 7:00 am a 7:00 pm. Escaños del Consejo de Village Abiertos para Elección Grupo 2 (ocupado actualmente por T.R. Hernacki) Grupo 4 (ocupado actualmente por David B. Norris) Período de Calificación de Candidatos Abre: al mediodía del martes 25 de enero de 2011 Cierra: al mediodía del martes 8 de febrero de 2011 El candidato puede anunciar su candidatura previo a la calificación con la presentación del Formulario DS-DE 9, Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository, (Nombramiento del Tesorero de la Campaña y Nombramiento del Depositario de la Campaña), ante el Secretario de Village. Después de presentar el Formulario DS-DE 9 ante el Secretario de Village y luego de la apertura de una cuenta para la campaña, los candidatos pueden empezar a recibir contribuciones y a efectuar gastos de campaña; sin embargo, para figurar en la papeleta, los candidatos aun tienen que calificarse con la presentación de los formularios debidos ante el Secretario de Village durante el periodo de calificación. Cuotas de calificación de candidatura Cuota de calificación $10.00 Tasa del Estado por Elección 90.00 Total $100.00 Calificaciones para Candidatura Residente de Village y elector inscrito. Para más información, vea “Convirtiéndose en Candidato” en la página de elecciones en el sitio www.village-npb.org Kim Pollard received a Certificate of Appreciation for her service from 2006 – 2010 as co-leader of the North Palm Beach Support Our Troops program. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ELECTIONS Pg. 2—Village Council / Clerk Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM Bobby Butler, youngest Support Our Troops volunteer, received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Village Council on 10/28/2010. Bobby contributed earnings from his lemonade stand and donated items to the NPB Support Our Troops program. Public Safety With the chill in the air and darkness coming earlier, many are turning to fire pits to extend their evening outdoor activities. While the Village has a ban on open burning, fire pits are treated more like barbeques if used appropriately. Burning clean fuel, dry wood or charcoal, is acceptable. Using a fire pit to burn your cut vegetation or trash is not acceptable. You should always use a screen to keep ash and embers from being blown away, and keep the fire pit a safe distance from all structures, trees and other combustibles. Never leave the fire pit unattended and extinguish it completely before going in for the night. If due to dry and/or windy conditions a burn ban is declared you will be told to extinguish your fire pit. Remember, you are responsible for any damage caused while using your fire pit, so please act safely. If you have any questions on this issue, please call your Fire Rescue Department at 882-1141. MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Chief Robert M. O’Neill Happy New Year 2011! We hope your holidays were safe and filled with joy. May we suggest our New Year’s resolutions for preventing crime? • Form a Neighborhood Watch group. Citizens tell us that they want to help prevent crime, and there is no better place to start than close to home. These watch groups work to keep people connected; they are committed to reporting suspicious activity to the police. Simple things, like picking up a neighbor's newspaper when they are out of town can eliminate a "sign" for thieves that the home is empty. To start your own Neighborhood Watch group contact Sergeant Angela Dallesandro at 841-3300 or adallesandro@village-npb.org. • Make sure you know your neighbors and are familiar with the cars they drive and their children. Have phone numbers and know how to get in touch with one another. This is helpful when something suspicious happens in the neighborhood. Keep doors closed and locked when home, never standing open or left unlocked. This is especially important with garage doors, not to mention gates and entries to the back yard. Proper exterior lighting and close trimmed shrubs, plus many other tips for "Crime Prevention through Environmental Design" are taught at Neighborhood Watch meetings. • In the car, keep your doors locked and valuables out of sight. Don't visit ATM machines at night or alone. Don't keep wallets, checkbooks or other materials in the car that can cause your identity to be stolen. • Know your children's friends, and the parents of their friends. Know their teachers, check homework and be active in your children’s school life. Let the teachers and administrators know about dangerous activities your kids talk about. Even if it is a "rumor." Make sure you know where your kids are when they are not at home or school, and who they are with. Please join our ongoing effort to prevent crime by following these tips and becoming involved with your community Police Department. Whatever challenges the New Year may present we continue our pledge to focus on a pro-active strategy involving you, our citizens, working together with us to keep our village, a safe and secure place to live, work and play. OUTDOOR FIRE PIT SAFETY Public Safety—Pg. 3 Library Pg. 4—Library GENEALOGY CLUB Tues., Jan. 18th at 7:00 pm This is a great opportunity to network with fellow genealogy enthusiasts. For more info. please call Sue at 841-3383. NPB BOOK CLUB Mon., Jan. 10th at 10:00 am The selection for January is Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis. Limited copies are available for checkout at the library. 1st and 3rd Sundays in Jan., 1 - 4pm CONNECT AT YOUR LIBRARY Saturdays, 9-11am Don’t forget, the library is your source for free online access and one-on-one computer help. CHILDRENS SERVICES Story Time Tuesdays 10:00 AM Ages 2-3 (40 min.) Thursdays 10:00 AM Ages 3-4 (40 min) Each program is carefully prepared with age-appropriate materials, with themes that are filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories, music, movies, and crafts. Kids Craft Fri., Jan. 14th, 3:30 pm, Ages 6-12 Space is limited. Sign up required UPCOMING FREE SEMINARS FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Annual Book Sale Set-up - January 23rd - 26th Sale - January 27th - 30th Volunteers needed to help set-up and sell. Please let us know how you can help. Sign-up sheet at the library circulation desk.  Donate Your Magazines, Books, DVD’s & CD’s If you are unable to bring them in, call the library and leave a message for “The Friends.” We will arrange a time that is convenient for you and a volunteer will pick up your donations. 2011 Author Breakfast with Irene Ziegler Sat., March 5th, 10:00 am At The North Palm Beach Country Club Irene Ziegler is the author of Rules of the Lake and Ashes to Water, which are set in central Florida, where Irene grew up. Irene is also an actor. She has had recurring roles or guest starred in many notable TV series and films, and is probably the voice on your cell phone’s GPS, so kindly stop yelling at her! Irene will amuse us with her anecdotal stories in her presentation. To learn more about Irene, visit her website at www.ireneziegler.com. Tickets are $25.00 per person (plated breakfast). Please stop by the Library for additional info. and to purchase your tickets. Space is limited so buy your tickets early. Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM Mondays, 10:00 – 11:00 am & 3:30 – 4:30 pm New! Getting the most out of your library card. Overview of library services, the library’s website, and access to free online resources through the Florida Electronic Library. Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 am Free computer classes. Sign-up required. Tuesday, January 4th, 2:00 – 3:30 pm Protecting assets and getting the best long term care in-home, in assisted living or in a nursing home. Presented by Shalloway & Shalloway, P.A. Elder and Special Needs Attorneys Wednesday, January 12th, 2:00 – 3:30 pm Recover from the Holidays Dr. Sandra Bontemps will offer practical tips for winding down after the busy holiday season. Thursday, January 13th, 5:00 – 6:30 pm Meet-the-Author and Book Signing The Son of a Boilermaker, a memoir about growing up in a steel town in the mid-twentieth century, by retired Columbus (Ohio) attorney, Tom Twyford. Tuesday, January 18th, 2:00 – 3:30 pm Learn about the new tax changes. Presented by Karp Law Firm Wednesday, January 19th, 10:00 – 11:30 am Writing Workshop Professor and author, Linda Mohr, will host monthly workshops through April. Develop your writing strengths, learn how to brainstorm ideas and stay focused, be a better writer, meet writing goals, and more. c l u b s c r a b b l e Sing Out Fee: $119/ $114(RDF)/6wk - AAB Age/Level Start Time 8-12 yrs Th-1/13 4:00-5:00 13-18 yrs Th-1/13 5:15-6:15 Special Needs Academic Camp Fee:$30/25(RDF)/wk $105/100(RDF)/mo– AAB Age/Level Start Time 8-13 yrs Sat-1/8 9:00-12:00 8-13 yrs Sat-2/5 9:00-12:00 Tap/Jazz Fee: $115/$205/$235/8wk-AAB, AX (resident discounts apply) Age/Level Start Time TJ 3-5 yr, beg T-1/4 3:00 TJ 5-7 yr, 1 yr exp. T-1/4 3:30 TJ 6-9 yr, 1 yr exp. T-1/4 3:30 TJ 6-10 yr, beg T-1/4 4:00 TJ 10-13yr, 3yr exp. T-1/4 4:30 TJ teens, 5 yr exp. T-1/4 5:30 ADULT ACTIVITY Ballroom Dance Fee: $15/couple/cls-AAB Start Time Th-1/5 7:00-8:30 Bellydancing Fee: $75/$70(RDF)/8wk - AX Start Time Th-1/13 6:30-8:00 Chess Club Chess Club meets at Anch. Park every Sat. from 9am – 4pm. All are welcome. Coordinator – John Dockery at 561-762-3377. Coquettes Dance Fee- $53/48 (RDF)/4 mo – Osb Start Time T,Th-1/4 9:30-11:30 Country Line Dance Fee: $5/cls-OSB – pay at the door Age/Level Start Time Adult W 7:15-9:00pm Duplicate Bridge Variety of Duplicate Bridge games. Each has a different director. Games are at Osborne Park (Sun-1:00, M-12:30, T-12:30, Th-12:30, F- 12:30) and AAB (M-7:00). Fee: $5-$6/player Jazzercise Register at Class – Osb M,W,F- 9:30-10:30, M-Th- 6-7pm, Sat- 9-10am Winter Activity Schedule—Pg. 5 BUILDING CODES Anchorage Activities Building (841-3386) AAB 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Exercise AX 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Meeting Room AM 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Art AA 603 Anchorage Dr. Osborne Park OSB 715 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Community Center (841-3389) CC 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Winter Activity Schedule YOUTH ACTIVITY Ballet Fee: $115/110(RDF)/8wk – AX, AAB Age/Level Start Time Beg. 5–7 yrs T-1/4 4:30 Juniors T-1/4 5:30 Teens T-1/4 7:15 Clay Play Fees: $65/$60(RDF)/8wk-YA Age/Level Start Time 9-12 yrs W-9/15 4:30-6:00 FITS Day Camps Fee: $72/70(RDF)/day - AAB Age/Level Start Time 4–12 yrs M-1/17 9-3:00 4–12 yrs M-2/21 9-3:00 Hip-Hop Dance Fee: $115/110(RDF)/8wk-AX Age/Level Start Time Beg. 7–9 yrs M-1/3 4:30 Juniors 10-13 yr M-1/3 5:30 Seniors 13+ yr M-1/3 6:30 Homework HQ Fee: Jan-$185/180(RDF) Feb-$167/162(RDF), Mar-$212/207(RDF) Age/Level Start Time 5-13 yrs M-F-1/3 2:15-4:00 5-13 yrs M-F-2/1 2:15-4:00 5-13 yrs M-F-3/1 2:15-4:00 Venture Time Fee: Jan-$100, Feb-$90, Mar-$115 Age/Level Start Time 5-13 yrs M-F-1/3 4:00-5:30 5-13 yrs M-F-2/1 4:00-5:30 5-13 yrs M-F-3/1 4:00-5:30 Lyrical Dance Fee: $115/110(RDF)/8wk-AAB, AX Age/Level Start Time teens M 1/3 4:30 Music, Mommy & Me Fee: $119/ $114(RDF)/6wk - AAB Age/Level Start Time 6-18 mo T-1/11 9:00-9:45 18-36 mo T-1/11 10:00-10:45 3-5 yrs T-1/11 11:00-11:45 Secret Garden Fee: $25/$20(RDF)/4wk - AA Age/Level Start Time 8-12yrs Th-1/6 4:00-5:30 8-12yrs Th-2/3 4:00-5:30 Fitness Over 50 Fee: $12/mo/$10/mo (RDF)-AAB Start Time M,W,F-1/3 9:00-10:00 M,W,F-2/2 9:00-10:00 Island Style Cooking Fee: $24/22(RDF)/wk – AAB Start Time W-1/5 6:30-8:00 W-1/12 6:30-8:00 W-1/19 6:30-8:00 W-1/26 6:30-8:00 Self Defense for Women Fee-$55/50(RDF) - AAB Age/Level Start Time 14+ yrs Sat-1/22 11:00-1:00 Sewing Fee: $85/80(RDF)/8wk – AAB Start Time W-1/12 6:30-8:30 Table Tennis Club Fee: $45/40(RDF)/3 mo – Osb Age/Level Start Time all T,F-1/3 7:15-8:45 Table Tennis Open Play Intermediate level players practice and play round robin tournaments on Sat. at OSB at 11am. The cost is $2/person. Coordinator – Gerald Mangold - 845-2025 for more info. Tai Chi for Arthritis Fee: $75/70(RDF)/10cls or $12/10(RDF)/cls Age/Level Start Time 50+ yrs M-1/10 10:30-12:00 Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong Fee:$55/50(RDF)/5wk or $17/15(RDF)/cls- AX Start Time F-1/7 9:30-10:30 F-2/4 9:30-10:30 Yoga Fee: $55/50(RDF)/5cls or $17/15(RDF)/cls-AX Start Time M-1/3 10:30-12:00 W-1/5 6:00-7:30 Sat-1/8 9:00-10:30 Palm Beach Chess Club Chess Club meets at Anch. Park every Sat. from 9am – 4pm. All are welcome. Coordinator – John Dockery at 561-762-3377. Parks & Recreation NPB 1st Annual Open Car/Truck Chrome Show- Be sure not to miss the inaugural “Chrome Show” that will be held at Anchorage Park on Sun., Jan. 23rd. Registration fee for cars/trucks entering the show is: $15 preregistered/$20 show day. Vehicle Registration is from 9am-noon and show hours are from noon – 4pm. This day will be filled with music, food, raffles, beautiful old cars/trucks, and more! You will have an opportunity to vote for your favorite car! Raffles will be held all afternoon long for great prizes and gift certificates! For more info., call 841-3386. A Day in the Everglades- It’s airboats and alligators on this day of exploring the beauty of the Florida Everglades. A guided airboat ride, a delicious lunch and a park ranger guided boat ride of the 10,000 Islands of the Everglades will highlight the day. Dinner stop on our return trip is on your own at the Dolphin Mall. Fee: $85 – Fri., Jan 28th For more info. & sign up please call 841-3386. KFT (Kids Field Trips) Camp- When school is out, the fun is on at NPB Recreation. Join Bill and the staff as we get on the bus for a fun-filled, all-day bus trip. Ages 9-15yr. Trips leave from the Anchorage Park Activities building. Need more details? Call 841-3386. Register early – space limited. Mon., Jan. 17th – Kennedy Space Center - $55.00, Mon., Feb. 21st – Theater of the Sea - $55.00 Puppy Love- You and your “best friend” can enjoy an afternoon of contests and fun by the Bark Park at Anchorage Park Sat., Feb. 12th at 1pm. Contests include: Best Valentine Attire, Best Tail Wager, Best Trick, Best Singing Dog, Smallest Dog, Largest Dog, and Best Kisser. You don’t need a dog to attend this great event, you can come and just watch! There will also be adoptable dogs from local rescue leagues. For more info., call 841-3386. Village Wide Garage Sale- Now taking reservations for the Sat., March 12th Village-Wide Garage Sale which will be held at Anchorage Park from 7am - noon. Space size: 10x17’ - Price: $21.30. For more info., call 841-3386. Comprehensive Evening & Weekend Programming North Palm Beach Country Club Tennis is proud to offer a comprehensive program for the working tennis players! Head Professional: Join Darryl Monday Evening: Men’s Drill and Play Tuesday Evening: Mixed Evening Workout Wednesday Evening: Men’s and Women’s Singles Thursday Evening: Men’s Advanced Doubles Friday Evening: Friday Social Mixed Doubles Saturday: Intermediate & Advanced Clinic Sunday: Intermediate & Advanced Clinic Contact the Pro shop at 691-3425 or Kim L. Franklin, Director of Tennis Programming at 352-4416 with any questions or to get involved. NPB Country Club Junior Tennis Academy The North Palm Beach Country Club Junior Tennis Academy is firing on all cylinders. 80 jun- iors are learning each week, making NPBCC’s JTA the best in the area! 1. Classes Offered Monday-Saturday 2. Juniors age 4-17 3. Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced Level Classes 4. Instructional Classes, Coached Match Play, Conditioning Classes 5. Monthly Junior Socials-1st Saturday of each month your juniors can participate in a social, fun orientated tennis event. Hang out with friends, win prizes, & compete in fun contests. 6. Monthly Junior Tournaments- 2nd Saturday of each month. Match play is a vital part in your juniors’ player development. That is why we offer 5 different levels of match play: for the first time player though the competitive, experienced, tournament level. Pg. 8—Parks & Recreation NPB Tennis Center Activities Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM Country Club Country Club—Pg. 9 From the Golf Shop As we ring in 2011 may I wish you all the best for the New Year. In keeping with you having a great golfing year, this month let’s talk about hitting the golf ball solidly when playing from uneven lies. Unlike most flat south Florida golf courses, the terrain around our course has a lot of undulation. When we practice on the driv- ing range, we typically are hitting from a nice, flat lie. But this is seldom the case on the golf course, so how do we adjust to give ourselves the best possible chance at making solid contact? Most of us were taught to always move the ball position back in our stance on a downhill lie and move the forward when faced with an uphill lie. While in theory this can be argued to be correct, I’m more concerned with what works on the golf course. This old school theory does not address how far forward or backward to move the ball in our stance. Additionally I can tell you that on an extreme uphill lie it will be difficult to transfer your weight to your front side and make solid contact with a ball positioned forward in your stance. So here is how I recommend adjusting for any uphill, downhill or even side hill lie. Most importantly we need to remain balanced on these awkward lies, so it is not the right time to swing extra hard on these shots. Choose the club you can swing under complete control with that will hit the ball the desired distance. Next, take a couple practice swings with the same type of stance you will have when playing your shot. These rehearsal swings will do a couple things. First you will get the feel of the balance you will need during the swing and how fast you can swing under control. Second you will notice a point on the ground where your club makes contact. Pay particular attention to this “contact point” as it is at this position in your stance where you will need to position the golf ball when you make your actual swing. Now address the ball with your golf ball in this “contact point” position you have just determined. Then make your controlled, balanced swing just as you rehearsed and watch your ball-striking on these shots improve. I hope this little tip will have you striking the ball crisply on every lie you face while traversing our beautiful links! Your Golf Professional, Dave Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 10 Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 11 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………..on call Village of North Palm Beach Village Council William L. Manuel Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. Vice Mayor David B. Norris President Pro Tem Robert A. Gebbia Councilman T.R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at council@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 US Highway One and are open to the public* Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage only Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage only Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - Garbage only Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule Monday, January 17th - (No Collection) MLK Holiday Tuesday, January 18th - Garbage Only Wednesday, January 19th - Trash & Vegetation Thursday, January 20th -All Recycling Friday, January 21st - Garbage Only Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3386 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, January 13, 2011, 7:30 pm Thursday, January 27, 2011, 7:30 pm Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 www.village-npb.org