10-2010 NewsletterThe Village ofThe Village of
The Best Place to Live Under the SunThe Best Place to Live Under the Sun
GENERAL ELECTION will be held Tuesday, November 2, 2010. Voting hours
are 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM. Early voting begins October 18th and ends October
31st. Early voting sites in our area include the Supervisor of Elections branch
office at the North County Courthouse, 3188 PGA Blvd. or the main office at 240
So. Military Trail in West Palm Beach.
REGISTER TO VOTE: Voter Registration books will close at 5 p.m. on Monday, October 4th for the General
Election. Voter Registration applications are available in Village Hall, the Village Clerk’s office, and the
Library. For more information call the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections at 656-6200, or visit the
website at www.pbcelections.org.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Absentee ballots are available only from the Palm Beach County Supervisor of
Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be done by phone (656-6200), by mail (240 So. Military Trail,
WPB 33406), or by completing the application online www.pbcelections.org.
VOTER INFORMATION: for a complete list of the offices up for election, candidates, precincts, and polling
locations, OR to check your voter registration status or track your absentee ballot, go to
www.pbcelections.org. An abbreviated list of only those candidates and offices that will be on the ballot for
North Palm Beach voters is available on the Village website, www.village-npb.org under Village Clerk/Election
2010 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS AND REFERENDUM: Complete text of the proposed
Constitutional Amendments and Referendum are available on the Florida Division of Elections website at
http://election.dos.state.fl.us/constitutional-amendments/2010-proposed.shtml. Explanations of the proposed
constitutional amendments, along with arguments for and against, and links to the proponents and opponents
may be viewed at http://www.collinscenter.org/page/FL_Amend_Home.
ELECCIÓN GENERAL: 02 de noviembre 2010. INSCRÍBASE PARA VOTAR: Límites de Inscripción para Votar 04 de
octubre 2010. Comienza la Votación Anticipada – 18 de octubre 2010. Finaliza la Votación Anticipada 31 de octubre
INFORMACIÓN ELECTORAL EN ESPAÑOL: El sitio web oficial del Supervisor de Elecciones del Condado de Palm
Beach, www.pbcelections.org ha sido diseñado para brindarle toda la información electoral que Ud. necesita en el
Condado de Palm Beach. BÚSQUEDA DE INFORMACIÓN DEL VOTANTE: Haga Seguimiento de Su Boleta en
Ausencia y su Estatus de Inscripción de Votante, y LISTA DE CANDIDATOS HABILITADOS – www.pbcelections.org.
NEW REGULATIONS FOR POLITICAL SIGNS: Political signs are limited to 1 sign per candidate or issue,
per parcel in any federal, state, county or municipal election. Political signs shall not be
placed on any parcel within the Village without the consent of the property owner.
For vacant parcels, the property owner's written consent must be filed with
the Village Clerk prior to the erection or placement of any temporary political
signs. Campaign signs shall not be displayed more than 30 days prior to the
election or vote to which they are directed and shall be removed within 7 days
following the election or vote. Political signs may not exceed 5 square feet in
sign area and not more than 5 feet in height.
Main Office North County Courthouse Branch
240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
656-6200 624-6556
Pg. 2—Village Council / Clerk Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
Village Council / Clerk
S h o w o f f y o u r
N o r t h Pa lm B e a c h p r id e !
S t o p b y t h e A n c h o r a g e P a r k
A c t i v i t i e s B u i l di n g a n d p i c k
u p y o u r f r e e N P B s t i c k e r !
Members of the North Palm Beach Yacht Club
invite all village residents to join them in a
Sundown Ceremony at 6:30 pm on Monday,
October 25th, on the front lawn of the Country
Club. The sundown ceremony consists of the
formal lowering of the American flag. It is held
monthly on the 4th Monday of every month and
commemorates an important event that
occurred in American history during that
month. The October ceremony will commemo-
rate the dedication of the Statute of Liberty
which took place on October 28, 1886. For
more information, contact: Joseph A. Tringali at
848-4353 or jatringali@bellsouth.net
Community News
It may only be October but we need your help now to brighten the holidays for our men and women
deployed in Afghanistan. This year we are going to support approximately 700 soldiers. This will be our
largest group ever!
There are many ways to help:
♦ A $15 donation purchases all of the items for an individual solider.
♦ Volunteer to provide individual bags for one or more soldiers with the items requested.
♦ Team up with friends, family, or an organization to donate a quantity of specific items we need.
♦ Write cards and letters which are one of the most prized items we send. We need 3500!
With your help we can make a difference! Send monetary donations to North Palm Beach Support Our
Troops at the Village Clerk’s Office, 501 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. To donate
individual bags or items contact Bob Gebbia at 561-351-8459 for details.
Community News—Pg. 3
Monday, October 11, 2010
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
North Palm Beach Community Center
1200 Prosperity Farms Road
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
Hosted by the Village of North Palm Beach
Moderated by:
Jamie Titcomb, Executive Director
Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc.
Hear from candidates for Federal and State office
Learn about the proposed Constitutional Amendments
and Palm Beach County Charter Amendment
It’s that time again when children enjoy dressing up and roaming the
neighborhoods in search of some of their favorite candy. Here are some things
we can do to help make this Halloween safe and enjoyable for everyone:
♦ Make sure the pathway to your home is well lit. If you are going to use the “dark”
affect, make sure there are no tripping hazards in the way.
♦ Wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight/glow stick when out at night.
♦ Use clothing or a costume that allows others to see your child from a safe
distance. Its not uncommon for some children to ride their bikes, roller blades, or
skateboards from house to house. Some children can travel at high speeds on
these things and before you know it, they can be right on top of you.
♦ Avoid using paper costumes. More and more people are lighting their pathways
with small candles. These often invite a curious child in for a closer look.
♦ Talk with your children about eating candy before they get home. You should inspect the candy before
they eat it. If you are not going out trick or treating with your child, buy them some of
their favorite candy to eat along the way.
♦ Make sure you inspect all the candy. Anything that looks like it was tampered with should be thrown out.
Its best to err on the safe side.
♦ Encourage your child to walk around with the other children and never alone.
♦ Children should be told under no circumstance are they to go up to any vehicle or stranger during the
evening. Explain to them that this includes a van or bus if you tell them to stay away from all cars.
♦ Teach children if anyone tries to grab them to make a scene; loudly yell this person is not my father/mother
and make every effort to get away by kicking, screaming and resisting.
♦ Consider organizing or attending parties at home, in schools, or in community centers as an alternative to
trick or treating. There are many ways you can provide a night of great entertainment without going out.
Public Safety
Pg. 4—Public Safety
Fire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire, the tragic 1871
conflagration that killed more than 250 people, left 100,000 homeless, destroyed more than 17,400
structures, and burned more than 2,000 acres. The fire began on October 8th, but continued into and
did most of its damage on October 9, 1871.
According to popular legend, the fire broke out after a cow - belonging to Mrs. Catherine O'Leary - kicked over
a lamp, setting first the barn, then the whole city on fire. Chances are you've heard some version of this story
yourself; people have been blaming the Great Chicago Fire on the cow and Mrs. O'Leary for more than 130
North Palm Beach Fire Rescue will be holding their annual Safety Fair on Saturday October 9th 2010. This is
in honor of Fire Prevention Week. Please stop by the North Palm Beach fire station between the hours of
11am to 2pm and watch the many demonstrations that will take place. Plus there will be information booths
and prizes for all there to win. The North Palm Beach Fire Rescue station is located at 560 US Hwy 1, North
Palm Beach FL.
Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club
will hold their October meeting on
Tuesday, October 19th at 7:00pm at
the library. We welcome anyone who
is interested in tracing their family
history. If you have any questions,
please call Sue at 841-3383.
The NPB Book Discussion
Group starts up in
November. Among the titles
selected for this season will be
The Book Thief by Marcus
Zusak (Nov.) and The Help by Kathryn Stockett
(Dec). Get an early start on these titles. New
faces are always welcome. Meetings are the third
Monday of the month at 10:00am.
Travel Video shown every Wednesday at 12:00pm.
Bring a bag lunch and share your travel experi-
Newcomers welcome! 1st and 3rd Sunday of the
month, 1:30- 3:30pm. For more information call
Teresa DiPaola 561-635-1542
Don’t forget, the library is your source for free
online access. One on One computer help every
Saturday from 1:00-3:00pm.
Donate Your Magazines, Books, DVD’s & CD’s
If you are unable to bring them in, call the library
and leave a message for “The Friends.” We will
arrange a time that is convenient for you and a
volunteer will pick up your donations.
Books & Magazines for Sale
When you are at the Library, please take a look
through the books and magazines for sale on the
new bookshelf unit donated by The Friends
Annual Bake Sale - Saturday, December 4th
Is there a special sweet treat that you would like?
Email your request to Friends at
npbfriends@aol.com or turn in your request at the
Library. Please be sure to include your name and
telephone number.
Story Times
10:00 AM Ages 2-3. (40 min.)
10:00 AM Ages 3-4 (40 min)
Each program is carefully prepared with
age-appropriate materials, with themes that are
filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories,
music, movies, and crafts.
October 15th, 3:30 pm, Ages 6-12
Space limited…Sign up required
Chess for Kids
Learn chess fundamentals on Saturdays, 2-4 pm
Limited seating. Sign up at the children’s desk.
Library—Pg. 5
Saturday, October 2nd, 2:00pm
The Florida Chapter of the Glaucoma Foundation will present a lecture on glaucoma.
Tuesday, October 12th, 5:30pm
Florida State Certified Elder Law Attorney Genny Bernstein of the Karp Law Firm, will present a free seminar
entitled Estate Planning 101: What Every Woman Should Know About Protecting Her Independence and Her
Thursday, October 21st, 5:30pm
Social Security Benefits 101 for Baby Boomers. How to determine the best time to apply and reduce taxes on
benefits. Presented by Attorney Joseph S. Karp.
Tuesday, October 26th, 2:00pm
Attorney G. Mark Shalloway, Past President of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, will be
providing a free, educational seminar on how you may protect your assets, how you may still qualify for
Medicaid and how you may ensure that the cost of long term care does not mean going broke.
Pg. 6—Parks & Recreation
Parks & Recreation
Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM
International Coastal Cleanup - The Village of
North Palm Beach is participating in the International
Coastal Cleanup 2010, sponsored by Keep Palm
Beach County Beautiful, on Sat., Oct. 2nd from 8am
until noon. We are
encouraging residents to
join the efforts to clean
our public waterfront
areas. Our cleanup
areas will be Lakeside
Park and Anchorage
Park. We are looking
for volunteers! Call 841-
3386 to sign up to help!
Basketball League Registration Begins – You can
now register for this winter youth basketball
program, ages 5-16, starting Oct. 1st – 23rd.
Discounted rate is $60/resident, $70/non-resident.
After October 23rd, the price returns to the regular
$70/resident & $80/non-resident. Each team has
approximately 2 games/week and a practice. Games
will be played weeknights and Saturdays at the NPB
Community Center. All participants 9 years + will be
drafted onto teams. A few coaches are needed.
Call Adam at 841-3389, after 3pm.
IKEA Shopping Trip - Join the Recreation Dept for
a day at the IKEA store at Sawgrass on Nov.
6th. Bus departs from Anchorage Park at 9am and
returns around 4pm. This will give you 3 hours of
shopping pleasure in this unique Swedish store
you’ve heard all about! Cost is $20.00/person.
Secret Garden - Miss Karen will guide children in
developing and taking care of a garden. They will
experience the joy of gardening, as well as learn
about conservation and the environment. Fee: $25/
$20(RDF)/4wk – AA Next session begins Oct. 7th.
Refuse to be a Victim - This is a personal safety
program that teaches strategies you can use to avoid
situations where self–defense is required. This class
is for men/women of all ages. Instructor David
D’Eugenio is a NRA Advanced Certified Instructor.
More info: call David at 379-8905. Classes are Tues.
& Thurs. 6-9pm every week. It is a 6 hr course.
Pre-registration and a minimum of 6 people is
required. Fee: $47/45(RDF).
Aqua Cardio-Fit - New fitness class is held at the
NPB Pool on Wed. & Fri. at 10:15am. This class is
for men/women of all ages. The fee is $5/cls.
Excellent cardiovascular class and wonderful for
those with injuries that limit weight-bearing activity.
Ghost Run - 5K Ghost Run on Sat., Oct. 23rd. The 5
kilometer (3.1 mile)
certified course begins and
ends at Anchorage Park.
Anyone between the ages of 7
and 90 years is eligible for
participation. We will also be
holding a 100 yard Ghost
Sprint for ages 3-6, and a 1
mile Goblin Run for ages 7-10. The school with the
most entrants will get an award! Pre-registration fee
is $20/person. If you register before Oct. 9th pre-
registration guarantees a t-shirt. Pre-registration fee
for 1K Goblin Run is $10. Race day registrations are
$5 more. Applications can be obtained at the Rec.
centers or on the Rec. pages of www.village-npb.org.
Halloween Hunt - We will hold a
Halloween Hunt on Fri., Oct. 29th
at 6pm. This is for children 9
years and under. Kids come in
costume and bring something to
carry your candy in!
Movie in the Park - Following the
Halloween Hunt will be a movie in
the park “Casper” which will begin at 7pm or dusk.
Bring your blankets & lawn chairs! There is no charge
for either event and it is sponsored by Baldwin Prep
KFT Camp Kids - Join us for a trip to Sea World on
Oct. 15th ($63.90) and the Miami Metro Zoo on Nov.
2nd ($53.25). These are days there is no school and
you’re home with nothing to do! Register early!
Hey Dol-fans! - Some seats remain for the Nov. 18th
Dolphins/Bears game. Ticket price of $95.85 in-
cludes ticket, transportation, and tailgate party
including a sandwich/drink. Leave the driving & park-
ing hassles up us! More info: call Bill at
Arts & Crafts Fall Festival – The annual Arts &
Crafts Fall Festival that will be held at the Community
Center on Sat., Nov. 13th from 9am-4pm. Crafters
from all over S. Florida will be displaying their crafts.
Booths will be located both indoors and outdoors.
The event is free of charge. Crafters – a few
openings still remain for the show, so if you are
interested in participating please call 841-3386.
Country Club
From the Golf Shop
Welcome back to our northern members and guests as you return for another great season at the North Palm
Beach Country Club! We had a very productive summer with a lot of golf and improvements around the
Country Club. You should notice several bunkers were redone and many others received minor facelifts to
help improve playability and aesthetics. We had several green aerifications as well as other yearly
maintenance projects to the golf course. With some better weather than much of last year we will put an
outstandingly conditioned golf course on display for your enjoyment.
We were very excited that Golfweek Magazine ranked our Nicklaus Signature Golf Course as the 27th Best
Municipal Golf Course in America and the #1 ranked municipal golf course in the state of Florida! Another bit
of good news was that Assistant Golf Professional, Lee Stroever finished in 3rd place in the PGA South
Florida Section Assistant’s Championship, firing back to back rounds of 69 to finish 6-under par. This great
finish earned Lee a spot in the PGA National Assistant Championship which will be contested in November
on the Wannamaker Golf Course at the PGA Golf Village in Port St. Lucie. Wish him good luck as he
competes with the best Assistant Golf Professionals from around the country!
On a personal note, the end of October will mark the completion of my first year here at NPBCC. It has been
an exciting and busy first year for me. I appreciate all the support, encouragement, advice and opinions I
have received these past 12 months. It is truly an honor to be your Golf Professional at this wonderful facility
full of great members and residents.
Looking forward to a wonderful season,
From the Tennis Shop
The new season is here and we’re embarking on an ambitious season - seven
teams playing in seven PBCWTA divisions (D1-D7), several teams playing in the
Palm Tennis leagues, and three teams playing in the PBC Senior League – the
time has come to put NPB Tennis Center on the map and at the top of the
Kim Franklin along with an array of coaches is busy preparing the teams for their
games. The future is looking very bright and Kim is looking forward to the task of
leading these teams into a winning season. Weekly matches and practices are
held throughout the season, and the home matches are always fun to watch.
We invite you to come, cheer and enjoy watching the teams on match days. We
have some very talented players.
In addition to team tennis Kim and her team of certified professionals are ready to look after all your needs.
Why not come and try the new ‘it thing’ in fitness – Cardio Tennis. It’s a great way to have fun, get fit and meet
new friends. You never know it may inspire you to join one of the many teams next season; we always love to
see new players. A complete list of programs may be found on the website at www.village-npb.org.
The NPB Country Club:
♦ Service levels of a private club.
♦ Amenities and programs of national recognition.
♦ A private country club experience; open to the public at value pricing.
Country Club—Pg. 9
Palm Tennis Queens Team
New season starts October 1st
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,
(except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………..on call
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
William L. Manuel
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
Vice Mayor
David B. Norris
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
T.R. Hernacki, P.E.
Jimmy Knight
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*
Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Administration 691-3421
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 626-6515
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, October 14, 2010, 7:30 pm
Thursday, October 28, 2010, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408