09-2010 NewsletterThe Village ofThe Village of The Best Place to Live Under the SunThe Best Place to Live Under the Sun SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 20102010 Village Council / Clerk Pg. 2—Village Council / Clerk RECENT COUNCIL ACTION Ordinance 2010-09 Provides for appointment of Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Ordinance 2010-10 Expands allowable area for dogs in Anchorage Park; prohibits retractable leashes in all Village parks Ordinance 2010-11 Limits political signs to one sign per candidate or issue per parcel Resolution 2010-35 Approves Hurricane/Disaster Debris Removal Contract Resolution 2010-36 Ratifies Emergency Repair of Public Safety Air Conditioning Chiller Resolution 2010-37 Opposes Amendment 4, a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution that would force voters to decide all amendments to municipal and county comprehensive land use plans; urges citizens to vote no on Amendment 4 Resolution 2010-38 Acknowledging Acceptance of Franchise Agreement by Florida Public Utilities and ap- proving an Agreement to Modify Franchise Ordinance Resolution 2010-39 Establishing tentative millage rate for FY2011 and setting date of first Public Hearing on the tentative budget and proposed millage rate Complete text for all proposed ordinances, as well as newly enacted ordinances and resolutions, is available at www.village-npb.org. See the link for Public Hearings. Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM Mayor Manuel presented a proclamation to Phil Donovan, Florida Water Professionals Association, in recognition of Florida Water Professionals Week. Mayor Manuel presented certificates to Code Enforcement Board members Alfred Cilcius and Chairman Eric Hoecker in appreciation of their service to the Village. Public Safety BEGIN EXPLORING YOUR FUTURE TODAY! The North Palm Beach Police Explorer Post 911 brings local youth and law enforcement together through leadership, teamwork and training. The North Palm Beach Police Explorers is a group of young people ages 14-21 with a 2.5 or higher GPA (grade point average) and good moral character, who have an interest in learning about law enforcement as a possible career. Explorers learn about the law, court procedures, police patrol techniques, and organizational skills. The Explorers Program provides youth with an opportunity to work side-by-side with police officers and observe their daily duties. Additionally, the North Palm Beach Police Explorers attend all special events and contribute numerous hours of volunteer services to their community. The North Palm Beach Police Explorers compete against other explorers in both local and state competitions. Without exception they place among the top in all events. The explorers compete in the following scenarios: In-Progress, Traffic and Felony Stop, Bomb Threat, Traffic Crash, Crisis Intervention, Active Shooter, Physical Agility, Bicycle Patrol, Search and Arrest, and Crime Scene. If you are interested in working with a team of dedicated individuals that desire law enforcement as a career, please contact Sergeant Angela Dallesandro at 841-3300. BACK-TO-SCHOOL SAFETY TIPS If your child rides their bicycle to school, remind them of the rules of the road. Have your children practice their hand signals for stopping and turning. Also remind them to not have their mp3 or iPods on the loudest volume while they ride; they need to be able to hear the traffic and be aware of their surroundings so they do not get injured. And always remind them to wear their helmets. If your child takes the bus to school, practice a few days in advance what should be done in emergency situations. Remind them that there are no seatbelts on buses and that they always need to remain in their seats. If they get scared, or it is their first time, have them talk to the bus driver and get to know them, especially if they will be the regular driver. Many school bus drivers care about their passengers, but if your child feels uncomfortable around their new one, find out why. If they are verbally abusive, report them as soon as possible. Riding to school should be enjoyable, not fearful. Be careful of what types of food you put in your child's school lunch. During the summer, many parents will opt to put in the child's favorite sandwich and forget about the blazing sun. Many schools are not enclosed and the lunches hang outside the classrooms in full view of the hot sun. This is not good for the mayonnaise in the egg or chicken salad sandwiches. Be watchful for spoilable foods you place in their lunches. Public Safety —Pg. 3 Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM DON’T PAY TWICE FOR CONSTRUCTION Construction Lien Law According to Florida law, those who work on your property or provide materials, and are not paid-in-full, have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a Construction Lien. Even if you have paid your contractor in full, if your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers, they can look to your property for payment. This means that potentially, your property could be sold against your will to pay for labor, materials and/or other services for which your contractor failed to pay. Make sure you file a Notice of Commencement with Palm Beach County for any project where the job value is $2,500 or more ($7,500 for Mechanical work) to avoid paying twice for the same work or materials. A Release of Lien is a written statement that removes your property from the threat of a construction lien. You should stipulate in the contract that before any payment is made, your contractor is required to provide you with a written Release of Lien from any person or company that has provided to you a “Notice to Owner.” Florida’s Construction Lien Law is very complex. You should consult an attorney if you have specific questions or problems. Community News M em b er s o f t h e N o r t h Pa l m B e a c h Y a c h t C l u b i n vi t e a l l V i l l a g e r e s i d e n t s t o j o i n t h e m i n a S u n d o w n C er em o n y a t 6 :3 0 p m o n Mo n d a y even i n g, S ep t em ber 2 7th o n t h e f r o n t l a w n o f t h e C o u n t r y C l u b. T h e c er em o n y w ill be a m o nt h l y ev en t o n th e f o u r t h Mo n d a y of ev er y m o n t h. In Sep t em b er it c o m m em o r a t es A m er i c a n s w h o l o s t t h ei r l i v es d u r i n g t h e d i f f i c u l t d a y s o f S ep t em b er f r o m t h e B a t t l e of A n ti et a m to th e a tt a c k o n t h e W o r l d T r a d e C en t er . Pg. 4– Community News ILLEGAL DUMPING AND ILLICIT DISCHARGES These are some things that should not be discharged or placed in a STORMWATER SYSTEM: • Leaves or grass clipping • Wash water with detergents • Fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides • Paint, oils, or solvents • Sediment or debris * KEEP POLLUTION OUT OF OUR WATERS * If you suspect a discharge or spill is hazardous, call 911. For all other discharges, spills or illegal dumping call you Code Enforcement at 841-3367 or Public Works at 691-3440. OPEN-AIR PAVILION (CHICKEE HUTS) In 2009, the Village Council adopted Ordinance 2009-04 defining an Open-Air Pavilion within the R-1 single-family residential district for recreation, entertainment, contemplation or meditation purposes. The definition includes all types of chickee or tiki huts, pergolas, and other pavilion-type structures. All Open-Air Pavilions require a building or zoning permit prior to installation. Please contact our Community Development Department for further details at 882-1156. A traditional chickee hut means a type of chickee hut that consists solely of an open-sided wooden hut with a thatched roof of palm or palmetto or other traditional materials constructed by the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida or the Seminole Tribe of Florida and does not incorporate any electrical, plumbing or other non-wood materials. Traditional Chickee Hut CHILDRENS SERVICES MCDONALD’S READING CHALLENGE The 18th annual McDonald’s Reading Challenge will kick-off in September. Children grades kindergarten through 5th will receive prizes and coupons for free treats for visiting the library and using their library card. CHESS FOR KIDS Saturdays, 2:00-4:00pm. Learn chess fundamentals. Sign up at the children’s desk. KIDS CRAFT Fri. Sept. 10th, 3:30pm, Ages 6-12 STORY TIMES Tuesdays 10AM, Ages 2-3. (40 min.) Thursdays 10AM, Ages 3-4 (40 min) Library Library—Pg. 5 SEPTEMBER SEMINARS Wednesday, September 1st, 2:00pm Attorney G. Mark Shalloway, will be providing a free, educational seminar on how you may protect your assets, still qualify for Medicaid and ensure that the cost of long term care does not mean going broke. Tuesday, September 7th, 2:00pm Learn how veterans or surviving spouses can qualify for a special pension to pay for at-home help with activities of daily living—at no cost. Presented by Tina Nolan of A-Plus Private Care Services and Marshall McDonald, Elder Care Attorney and CPA. Tuesday, September 21st, 1:00pm "Unraveling the mystery of Medicaid benefits and Veterans benefits for long-term care expenses: How to coordinate benefits so you get all the help you're entitled to." Presented by Attorney Joseph Karp of the Karp Law Firm. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY What Is “Friends of the Library”? Since its inception in 1978, the Friends group has grown to an estimated 1,700 members across the country and has earned national recognition as one of the most active library-support organizations in the United States. Friends members support the library by raising funds to develop and expand its facilities and services to the community. As a Friends member, you'll receive admittance to a Friends-only night at the annual book sale. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing you're making a real contribution to your library system! Annual membership rates: individual membership is $10; Family Membership $15; Sponsor $25; Patron $50. Applications are available at the library’s circulation desk. Donate Your Books, DVD’s & CD’s The annual book sale is in January but it is never too early to clean off your bookshelves and bring your books, DVD’s and CD’s to the library. If you are unable to bring them in, call the library and leave a message for “The Friends.” We will arrange a time that is convenient for you and a volunteer will pick up your donations. Board Members Needed Friends of the Library has two openings for Board Members. This is a very worthwhile group that is involved in various fund raising activities. Please drop off your name and telephone number at the circulation desk or send an email to npbfriends@aol.com if you are interested. LUNCH BOX TRAVEL Travel Video shown every Wednesday in Sept. at 12:00pm. Bring a bag lunch and share your travel experiences. For more information call Betty at 841-3383. GENEALOGY CLUB The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their first Fall meeting on Tues., Sept. 21st at 7:00pm at the library. Everyone is invited to attend this informative meeting where researching techniques, websites, useful research materials, etc. are shared and discussed. If you have any questions please call Sue at 841-3383. Pg. 6—Fall Activity Schedule Fall Activity Schedule YOUTH ACTIVITY Ballet Fee: $115/110(RDF)/8wk– AX, AAB Age/Level Start Time Beg. 5–7 yrs T-9/7 4:30 Juniors T-9/7 5:30 Teens T-9/7 7:15 Ballroom Dance Fee:$115/110(RDF)/8wk– AX, AAB Age/Level Start Time Beg. 7 yrs. + M-9/13 5:30 Coach Kari’s Sports Camps Fee:$40/35(RDF)/day– CC *During school holidays, vacations & teacher conference days. (9/6, 9/9, 10/15, 11/02, 11/24, 11/26) Age/Level Time 5–14 yrs 9:00-12:00 Clay Play Fee: $65/60(RDF)/8wk-YA Age/Level Start Time 9-12 yrs W-9/15 4:30-6:00 Elementary Art Fee: $65/60(RDF)/4wk – AAB Age/Level Start Time 5-10yrs Th-9/16 4:00-5:00 Hip Hop Dance Fee: $115/110(RDF)/8wk - AX Age/Level Start Time Beg. 5-9 yrs. M-9/13 4:30 Juniors 10-13 yrs. M-9/13 5:30 Seniors 13+ yrs. M-9/13 6:30 Homework HQ Fee: $50/45(RDF)/M-F - AAB Age/Level Start Time 6-12 yrs. M-F 2:15-4:00 Venture Time Fee: $30/25(RDF)/M-F - AAB Age/Level Start Time 6-12 yrs. M-F 4:00-5:30 Lyrical Dance Fee:$115/110(RDF)8wk-AAB, AX Age/Level Start Time teens M-9/13 4:30 Poised & Polished Fee: $95/90(RDF)/6 wk - AAB Age/Level Start Time 10–13 yrs Th-9/23 5:00-6:00 Duplicate Bridge Fee:$5-$6/player–OSB, AAB Start Time Sun. 1:00 OSB Mon. 7:00 AAB Tues. 12:30 OSB Fri. 12:30 OSB Island Style Cooking Fee: $24/22(RDF)/wk– AAB Start Time W-9/15 6:30-8:00 Jazzercise Register at Class – Osb Start Time M,W,F. 9:30-10:30 M-Th. 6:00-7:00 Sat. 9:00-10:00 Learn to Draw Fee: $65/60(RDF)/4wk – AA *Supply fee of $15 due at first class Start Time W-9/21 4:00-5:00 Pilate Mat Fee: $12/10(RDF)/cls,$75/70(RDF)/10cls– AX Start Time T,Th-9/21 9:00-10:00 Sewing Fee: $85/80(RDF)/8wk – AAB Start Time W-9/15 6:00-8:30 Refuse to be a Victim Fee:$47/45(RDF)/6 hour course Start Time T, Th-9/7 6:00-9:00 Table Tennis Fee: $85/80(RDF)3mo – Osb Start Time T,F-9/3 7:15-8:45 Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong Fee:$55/50(RDF)/5wk / $17/15(RDF)/cls- AX Start Time F-9/3 9:30-10:30 Yoga Fee:$55/50(RDF)/cls or $17/15(RDF)/cls- AX Start Time M-9/6 10:30-12:00 W-9/1 6:00-7:30 Sat-9/4 9:00-10:30 Secret Garden Fee: $25/20(RDF)/4wk - AA Age/Level Start Time 8-12 yrs Th-10/7 4:00-5:30 8-12 yrs Th-11/4 4:00-5:30 Spanish in Action Fee: $115/8wk - AAB Age/Level Start Time 6-7 yrs M-9/13 4:00-4:50 8-9 yrs M-9/13 5:00-5:50 Special Needs Academic Camp Fee: Sep.-$35/30(RDF)/wk or $65/60(RDF)/mo Oct.- $35/30(RDF)/wk or $155/150(RDF)/mo –AAB Age/Level Start Time 8-13 yrs Sat-9/18 9-12:00 8-13 yrs Sat-10/2 9-12:00 Tap/Jazz Fee: $115/$205/$235/8wk-AAB, AX Age/Level Start Time 3-5 yr, beg. T-9/7 3:00 5-7 yr, 1 yr exp. T-9/7 3:30 6-9 yr, 1 yr exp. T-9/7 3:30 6-10 yr, beg. T-9/7 4:00 10-13 yr, 3 yr exp. T-9/7 4:30 Teens, 5 yr exp. T-9/7 5:30 ADULT ACTIVITY Aqua Cardio Fit Fee: $5/person Start Time W,F 10:15 Bellydancing Fee: $75/70(RDF)/8wk - AX Start Time Th-9/16 6:30-8:00 Body Sculpting Fee: $90/85(RDF)/8cls or $19/$17(RDF)/cls- AX Start Time M,W-9/13 8:30-9:30 Chinese Fee: $145/140(RDF)/8wk-AM Start Time Th-9/16 6:30-8:00 Country Line Dance Fee: $5/cls-OSB Start Time W 7:00-9:00 Digital Photography Fee: $105/100(RDF)/5wk - AAB Start Time Sar-9/18 9:00-11:00 Building Codes: Anchorage Activities Building (841-3386) AAB 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Exercise AX 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Meeting Room AM 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Art AA 603 Anchorage Dr. Osborne Park OSB 715 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Community Center (841-3389) CC 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Students must be registered with the Recreation Department before attending a class. (RDF) = North Palm Beach resident discount fee. Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM Parks & Recreation International Coastal Cleanup The Village is participating in the International Coastal Cleanup 2010, sponsored by Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful, on Sat., Oct. 2nd, 8am—noon. We are encouraging residents to join the efforts to clean our public water- front areas. Our cleanup areas will be Lakeside Park and Anchorage Park. We are looking for volun- teers! Call 841- 3386 to help! KFT (Kids Field Trips) CAMP When school is out, the fun is on at NPB Recreation. Join Bill and the staff as we get on the bus for a fun- filled, all-day bus trip. Ages 9-15 yrs. Trips leave from Anchorage Park. Thurs., Sep. 9th—Wet N’ Wild in Orlando, $53.25 Fri., Oct. 15th—Sea World in Orlando, $63.90 Tues., Nov. 2nd—Miami Metro Zoo, $53.25 Table Tennis Intermediate level players practice and play round robin tournaments on Saturdays at Osborne Park at 11am. The cost is $2/person. Contact Gerald Mangold at 845-2025 for more info. Palm Beach Chess Club Meets at Anchorage Park every Saturday from 9am – 4pm. All are welcome. Contact John Dockery at 561-762-3377 for more info. TRAVEL TOURS Disney on Ice Tickets on sale now for Sept. 18th trip to the Bank Atlantic Center in Ft. Lauderdale to see Disney on Ice – Mickey & Minnie’s Magical Journey! Tickets are $37.27/person. The bus will depart at approximately 1:30pm for a 3:30pm show and then return around 7:00pm. This will be a delightful show for the entire family. A responsible adult must accompany all children under the age of 18. Call 841-3386 for more information. Looking for Dolphin and/or Chicago Bear fans! Save the Date: Nov. 18th – Bus trip to Miami to see the Dolphins vs. Chicago Bears. $80 includes your game ticket, transportation and sub & soda tailgate party! Come have a great time and leave the driving & parking hassles to us! Parks & Recreation—Pg. 7 Movie in the Park Our first fall, free, family outdoor movie at Anchorage Park will be “Bedtime Stories” with Adam Sandler, Keri Russell and Courtney Cox. Held on Saturday, September 25th at 8:00pm. Concessions available by hosting school. We will see you at the movies! Village-Wide Garage Sale Be sure not to miss the September 11th Village-wide Garage Sale which will be held at Anchorage Park from 7am—noon. A few spaces remain. Space size 10x7’, Price: $21.30. Bright Futures PTO is providing concession and a bake sale. The sale promises to have something for everyone. Park Cleanup We invite you and your family to take pride in Anchorage Park by pitching in to help pick up litter on the last Friday of each month. This monthly cleanup will begin at 6pm. We have the grabbers, trash bags and gloves. Materials can be obtained at the Anchor- age Park Activities Bldg. We invite you to pick up trash throughout the park, especially along the water line. Community Service hours can be awarded, if needed. 5K Ghost Run Now registering now for the 5K Ghost Run to be held on Sat., Oct. 23rd. The 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) certified course begins and ends at Anchorage Park. All ages between 7 and 90 years are eligible for participation. In addition to the 5K, we will be holding a Spooky Sprint for youths 3-6 years, and a 1K Goblin Run for youth 7-10 years. The school with the most entrants will get an award! Pre-registration fee is $20/person. The first 200 entrants are guaranteed a t-shirt. Applications available at the rec. cen- ters or on the village website. Arts & Crafts Fall Festival We are accepting registra- tions from crafters for the annual Arts & Crafts Fall Festival at the Community Center on Sat., Nov. 13th from 9am-4pm. For more details please call 841-3386. TOTAL: $100.00 Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRICING AS FOLLOWS: 4”x8” Standard size imprinted: $100.00, per brick paver with or without clip art “CLIP ART CHOICE” --- ( Please circle choice & indicate below) Purchaser’s Name: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ State & Zip Code: ________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________________________ E-Mail Address __________________________________________ B e c o m e a p erm a nen t p a rt o f th e V i lla g e a n d l e ave a l as tin g m e m ory ! E v e r y o n e i s i n vi t e d t o b u y a p a ver b r i c k , e i th e r fo r you , you r fa m i ly or s o m e o n e e l s e , t o c o m m e m o r a t e a s p e c i a l o c c a s i o n o r t o h on o r or rem e m be r a lov e d on e . B r i c k s w i l l be d i sp l a yed o n t h e Cou n tr y Cl ub e nt ra n c e si d ewa l k , p ool dec k an d ten n i s fa c i li t y sidewa lk . You w il l al so r e cei ve a re p li c a t i l e c oa st e r f o r a n ever yd a y r e m em bra n c e ! Print information exactly as you would like it appear. If no clip art is used, 3 lines with a maximum of 20 characters per line is allowed. With clip art positioned to the left, 3 lines with a maximum of 12 characters is allowed. With clip art positioned to the center of the Brick, 2 lines with a maximum of 20 characters per line is allowed. Note: spaces and punctuation(s) are counted as characters! The Village of North Palm Beach reserves the right to screen all messages. 4” x 8” Brick Paver (DO NOT USE SHADED AREA WHEN INCLUDING CLIP ART.) Clip Art ID __________ (Clip art aligned left. 3 lines aligned right, 12 characters each) * Please note: The SWIM clipart CANNOT be used aligned to the left, only used in the CENTER* 4” x 8” Brick Paver (DO NOT USE SHADED AREA WHEN INCLUDING CLIP ART.) Clip Art ID __________ (Clip art centered. 1 line on top, 1 line on bottom, 20 characters each) * Please note: The GOLFER and FLAG clipart CANNOT be used in the center, only aligned to the LEFT * Brick display section (Please check one): CC Entrance Sidewalk _______ CC Pool Deck _______ Tennis Facility _______ If you wish to order more than one brick paver, a separate order form will be necessary for each brick. *Please make checks payable to: Village of North Palm Beach, NO CASH ACCEPTED You may mail or drop off your order form to Erica Shannon at the Village Manager’s Office in Village Hall, 501 US Hwy One. Please allow 3-4 weeks for bricks to be delivered and installed at the Country Club. You will be notified when your replica coaster is available for pick up. CLUB&BALL GOLFER TENNIS SWIM FLAG WHEEL ORDER FORM Follow the Village of NPB on NIXLE.COM Pg. 8—Brick Order Form Country Club Try Something New Today! Come check out the NPB Country Club Tennis Center where you receive service levels of a private club and can enjoy the private country club experience at value pricing. The entire country club (tennis, golf, swimming, and restaurant/bar) is open to the public. At the tennis center registration is underway for the after-school tennis program for children ages 4 to 17. We also have classes on Saturdays. Children are evaluated by staff and then placed in an appropriate class based on their age and ability. If it’s tennis you’re looking for we have a program for you. There are fitness classes, teaching clinics, organized play, leagues, and of course private lessons are always available. The PBCWTA teams (divisions 1 – 7) and the Palm Tennis teams may still have openings. Please visit the website at www.village-npb.org for complete details regarding programming. You may also call the tennis shop (626-6515) where our staff will assist you in finding a program or a team just for you. North Palm Beach Country Club Membership It’s time to join or renew your North Palm Beach Country Club membership. In addition to playing our nationally ranked, championship Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course, there are so many reasons to join today. Members will continue to receive discounts on their cart fees, golf shop purchases, lessons, driving range balls, guest fees (limits apply) and even in-restaurant dining! In addition, we will be continuing to offer 7-day advanced tee-time reservations to members, your private “members-only” short game area, special events and free clinics throughout our golfing “season” as well as the right to walk when you play, store your clubs here and have a locker in the clubhouse. Additionally, we will be introducing some new items such personalized shaft labels free of charge annually to members. North Palm Beach residents can “Early Pay” (pay before October 1, 2010) and receive last year’s membership rates! Be sure to join or renew before October 1st to save money. If you are not a North Palm Beach resident, we are offering a special on new non-resident memberships and keeping last year’s membership rates the same. • North Palm Beach Resident Memberships: $2,100 Early Pay Special or $2,205 beginning October 1st. • Non-Resident Memberships: $2,995 for “new members” or $3,200 renewals. *Rates are for single golf memberships and do not include applicable taxes. Call or stop by the Country Cub Administration Office to join or get more details on ALL the memberships available. Sign up for the 2010-2011 golf season today!! Country Club—Pg. 9 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………..on call Village of North Palm Beach Village Council William L. Manuel Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. Vice Mayor David B. Norris President Pro Tem Robert A. Gebbia Councilman T.R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at council@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 US Highway One and are open to the public* Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage only Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage only Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - Garbage only Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule Mon., September 6th (Labor Day) Closed - No Garbage Pickup Tues., September 7th - Garbage Only Wed., September 8th - Trash & Vegetation Thurs., September 9th - All Recycling Fri., September 10th - Garbage Only Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 691-3425 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3386 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, September 16, 2010, 7:30 pm Thursday, September 30, 2010, 7:30 pm Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 www.village-npb.org