07-2010 NewsletterThe Village ofThe Village of
The Best Place to Live Under the SunThe Best Place to Live Under the Sun
JULY 2010
Our Goal: organize your own mini-donation drive! Focus on one of the items on our list and ask your
family, friends, and co-workers to donate this item. Request that your church or place of employment
allow you to place a donation box on premises. Find a business that will partner with you for a donation
drive or donate needed items to our program. (PLEASE call Clerk’s Office at 841-3355 to let us know
what item you are collecting, so your efforts aren’t duplicated)
WE NEED: Trail Mix, Dried Fruit, Granola, Beef Jerky/Slim Jims (no pork), Individual Tuna & Chicken Salad
Kits (ready-to-eat), Powdered Drink Mix: Gatorade, Kook-Aid, Crystal Light, Hard Candy (no chocolate– it
melts!), Chapstick, Eyedrops. Please remember, small sizes fit in our individual care packages.
Monetary contributions to help cover postage are gratefully accepted. Make checks payable to
NPB Support Our Troops and mail c/o Village Clerk, 501 U.S. 1, NPB, FL 33408
Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM Pg. 2—Village Council / Clerk
Village Council / Clerk
Ordinance 2010-06 Code Amendment, Sidewalks and Driveways
Resolution 2010-19 Village Purchasing Policy Amendment
Resolution 2010-20 Fire Rescue Turnout Gear Purchase
Resolution 2010-21 Library Automation Software Purchase Agreement
Resolution 2010-22 Prosperity Farms Road Corridor Study
Resolution 2010-23 Appointing Members to Village Boards
Resolution 2010-24 Appointing Robert A. Gebbia as an alternate representative to the Northlake Boulevard
Corridor Task Force
Resolution 2010-25 Bid Award to National Paving and Waterproofing, Inc. for NPB Country Club Resurfacing
Resolution 2010-26 Communications Site Lease Agreement with Sprint Spectrum LP for installation of an
additional antenna and related equipment
Resolution 2010-27 Medicare Enrollment Application to accept Medicare benefits for ambulance services
Resolution 2010-28 Opposing Fire Rescue Sales Surtax
Resolution 2010-29 Termination of Lease Agreement with Paaris Gourmet, Inc. d/b/a C’Est Si Bon
Complete text for all proposed ordinances, as well as newly enacted ordinances and resolutions, is available at
www.village-npb.org. See the link for Ordinances or Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.
Les McWhorter, Palm Beach Sail
and Power Squadron, accepting a
proclamation for Safe Boating Week
at the 5/13/2010 Council meeting.
Chief Robert O’Neill accepting
proclamations for National Police
Week/Police Memorial Day and
Emergency Medical Services Week
at the 5/13/2010 Council meeting.
Wendy Glidden, Captain of the
NPB Seniors Level 1 Tennis Team
presented Council with the
Division 1 Women’s Championship
plaque from the PBC Senior
Tennis League at the 4/22/10
Council meeting.
On the first Tuesday in August, neighborhoods throughout North Palm
Beach will join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for
the annual National Night Out Against Crime Event. The North Palm Beach
Department of Public Safety would like to encourage all residents to
attend this celebration at it’s new location in Anchorage Park on
Tuesday, August 2, 2010 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
This event is a great way for residents to get to know each other and for
children to have fun. Bring the whole family and enjoy music, Police and
Fire/Rescue demonstrations, food, free child fingerprinting, a kids' fun area
with bounce houses, and more! The North Palm Beach Department of
Public Safety will have Police and Fire/Rescue personnel as well as
McGruff the crime dog in attendance. National Night Out is designed to
heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support and
participation in local anti-crime efforts, and strengthen neighborhood spirit
and police community relations.
Join us this year at Anchorage Park to send a message to criminals letting
them know that the neighborhoods in North Palm Beach are organized and
fighting back! If you have any questions about NNO contact Sgt. Dallesandro at 841-3300.
Public Safety / Community News—Pg. 3
Public Safety / Community News
It’s time to celebrate Independence Day! Your Fire Rescue department invites you to join us at the
NPB Country Club for a professionally produced fireworks show. Far too many people are injured
each year using fireworks at home and you can’t get the same results as the pros anyway. If you still
insist on personal fireworks, remember if it makes a noise or fires a projectile it is probably illegal for amateur
use. Stick with sparklers and fountains and only allow adults to handle and light them.
Have a happy and SAFE Fourth!
Florida Statutes and the Florida Building Code require smoke
alarms for new homes inside of each sleeping room, outside
of each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the
bedrooms, and on each additional story of the home.
Additionally, whenever an alteration, repair or addition requir-
ing a permit occurs to an existing home, the individual dwelling
unit must be equipped with smoke alarms located as required
for new homes.
The Code also requires that every building for which a permit
for new construction is issued having a fossil-fuel-burning
heater or appliance, a fireplace or an attached garage shall
have an operational carbon monoxide alarm installed within 10
feet of each room used for sleeping purposes. This require-
ment applies to both residential and commercial buildings.
Make sure you and your family are safe and always remember
to change smoke alarm batteries every six months as our Fire
Department reminded everyone in the March issue of the
Village newsletter.
As always, if you have questions, please call the Building
Department at (561) 841-3365.
Photo submitted by Ava Campana a 4th
grade student at Bright Futures
Academy here in North Palm Beach.
Ava writes, “I love living and taking
pictures in North Palm Beach because
there is so much to do and see here.
This picture was taken at Lakeside
park. I stopped to look and take pictures
of the squirrels and this squirrel stopped
to look at me.”
Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM Pg. 4—Library
Tuesday, July 6th, 4:30 pm
Attorney G. Mark Shalloway, Past President of the
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, will be
providing a free educational seminar on how you
may protect your assets, how you may still qualify
for Medicaid and how you may ensure that the cost
of long term care does not mean going broke.
Tuesday, July 13th, 4:30 pm
Florida State Certified Elder Law Attorney Genny
Bernstein of the Karp Law Firm will present a free
seminar titled Estate Planning 101: what every
woman should know about protecting her
independence and her assets.
Donate Your Books, DVD’s & CD’s
The annual book sale is in January but it is never
too early to clean off your bookshelves and bring
your books, DVD’s and CD’s to the library. If you are
unable to bring them in, call the library and leave a
message for “The Friends.” We will arrange a time
that is convenient for you and a volunteer will pick
up your donations.
Volunteers Needed
Friends of the Library has three openings for Board
Members. This is a very worthwhile group that is
involved in various fund raising activities. Please
drop off your name and telephone number at the
circulation desk or send an email to
npbfriends@aol.com if you are interested. Meetings
are held the fourth Thursday of each month.
10:00 AM Ages 13-23 mos. (20 min.)
10:45 AM Age 2 (30 min.)
10:00 AM Ages 3 (30 min)
10:45 AM Ages 4-7 (45 minutes)
Each program is carefully prepared with age-
appropriate materials, themes, puppets, flannel
board stories, music, movies, and crafts.
Since May of 2009 Story Time has been a coopera-
tive effort between the Gardens Branch of the Palm
Beach County Public Library System which has
been closed for renovation and the North Palm
Beach Library Children’s Department. We want to
take this opportunity to thank County Youth Ser-
vices staff members Beatriz Ceruti and Kayo
Chiba for providing Story Times at the NPB
Library throughout this past year. We will miss
them when the Gardens Branch reopens. We
would also like to thank County Library staff
member Mike Laven for providing the excellent
series of computer classes this past year.
“Make a Splash—Read!” is the theme
this summer at the North Palm Beach
Library. The 2010 Summer Reading
Program is open to young people
ages 5—12, with programs, story
hours, crafts, movies, and more. It
is not too late to register. Pick up
your reading log, book bag and
activity schedule at the Summer
Reading Desk in the Children’s
Department. All programs are free
but some require that you sign up.
The Summer Reading Programs, craft supplies and
special events are generously funded by the NPB
Friends of the Library.
Mark your calendars…
July 7th, 1:30—Fishing Fun with Juno Bait & Tackle
July 14th, 1:30—McArthur Beach State Park visit
July 21st, 1:30—Pirate day! A final party with an ice
cream social and pirate bounce house.
Learn chess fundamentals
Saturdays from 2—4 pm
Limited seating
Sign up at the children’s desk
Don’t worry about overdue
fines while you are away! If
you are planning an
extended vacation and know you
will need extra time on your materials, ask for the
VACATION CHECKOUT and receive two extra
weeks on all 28-day books and audio books.
Parks & Recreation—Pg. 5
July 4th Pool Party – The NPB Pool will be open on
Friday, July 4th for a day filled with family fun and
activity. Open hours for members only are 10 am –
noon. The pool will be open to the public from noon – 8
pm. Dick Cavanah and his staff will be holding the
renowned “Family Pool Games” starting at 4 pm.
Poolside BBQ available from 4—8pm. Don’t miss out!
Call 691-3427 for more details!
I Scream, You Scream, We all scream for ice
cream! July is National Ice Cream month. We will
celebrate with a Ice Cream social on July 21st at
6:00 pm. This frosty event is sponsored by the Ice
Cream Club. Join us at Anchorage Park for a free ice
cream cone!
Join us for the inaugural NPB Kids
Triathlon at the NPB Country Club on
Sat., July 24th. Transition area opens
at 6:15 am. Races begin at 7 & 8 am
(age group dependent.) Participant age
groups are children born in the following
years: 2001-2002, 1999-2000, 1997-1998, 1995-1996.
The swim is in the pool (long course) and distance var-
ies by age (50 meters to 200 meters), the bike ranges
from 1.2 miles to 4 miles and the run from .50 to 1 mile.
Entry Fee: $30 per child. Sibling dis-
count available. Register by Thurs., July
30th. Maximum 200 participants. No
race day registration. This event is an
excellent opportunity to introduce your
child to the thrill of endurance sports in
a safe and positive environment. For
complete information, visit the village
website (Departments-Parks & Recrea-
tion – Special Events – Kids Tri) or call
the Rec. Dept. at 841-3386.
Park Pride Cleanup – We invite you and your family
to take pride in Anchorage Park by pitching in to help
pick up litter throughout the park, especially along the
water line, on the last Friday of each month. This
monthly cleanup will begin at 6:00 pm. We have the
grabbers, trash bags and gloves. Materials can be
obtained at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg.
Community Service hours can be awarded, if needed.
Questions, call 841-3386.
Specialty Sport Camps – we still have openings in
most of the summer sport camps: fishing, karate,
lacrosse, dance/cheer and basketball. Please visit
www.village-npb.org for more information or call 841-
Super Kids Camp – we still have openings in this ex-
citing 1/2 day program for youth 4-6 years of age.
Camp program is registered in four 2-week sessions
from June 7th—July 30th, M-F from 9 am—noon. Each
week features a different theme with guests coming in
to present fun, exciting and educational programs. Cost
is $100/session (+NR fee is applicable).
Bellydancing - Great new experience for you and
exercise also! Classes are held at Anchorage Park on
Thurs. evenings at 6:30 pm with Meredith Blue. Mere-
dith has been dancing and teaching for over 11 years.
For more information, call Meredith at 252-5972.
Ongoing Classes - Many classes offered by the Rec-
reation Dept. are ongoing and never stop. You can
start these at any time: Jazzercise, Country Line Danc-
ing, Fitness Over 50, Duplicate Bridge games, Tai
Chi, and Yoga. Call 841-3386 for more information.
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament - The 5th
Annual Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament will be
held on Sat., August 14th. Entry fee is $150/boat.
Early bird entry fee paid before Aug. 1st is $100/
boat. On shore will be a kids fishing derby at 2 pm.
Food, entertainment and awards at An-
chorage Park begin at 4 pm. This is a
great day not only for fishermen but for
anyone looking for a good time. Entry
forms can be obtained at Recreation
Centers or on the recreation pages at
www.village-npb.org. If you are inter-
ested in sponsoring this event or have
questions, please call 841-3386.
Fall Soccer Registration - Early registration for the
Fall Youth Soccer program will be held from July 1st -
24th. During this time, the discounted fee is $55/
resident and $65/non-resident. On July 25th, the price
returns to $65/resident, $75/non-resident. This pro-
gram is for youth 5 – 15 years of age. Players will par-
ticipate in approximately one game and one practice
per week once the season begins. Game nights for 5-8
year olds will be on Fridays at the NPB Community
Center. There will be a draft for the 9-10 year old
league, the 11-13 year-old league and the 14-15 year-
old league. Practice times determined by the coach
and will begin in late August. Games begin in Septem-
ber. If you are interested in coaching, call 841-3389.
Men’s Over 40 Basketball – pick-up games are
played on Thurs. nights at the Community Center from
5 pm—9 pm. Contact Adam at 841-3389 or ama-
gun@village-npb.org about upcoming league play.
Village Players will present "The Sleeping Beauty" at
the NPB Community Center. Performance dates are
July 16th, 23rd & 30th at 8 pm and July 17th,18th, 24th, 25th
and August 1st at 2:30 pm. For more details, please
call Roma Smith at 561-622-5784.
Parks & Recreation
Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM Pg. 6—4th of July
July 4th
Schedule of Events:
All events to be held at
North Palm Beach Country Club
951 U.S. Highway One
Firecracker Open Golf Tournament
(call for tee times)
12:00-8:00 pm Pool Open
4:00 pm Swimming Pool Games & Activities
7:00 pm NPB Recreation Department present
games & contests for the entire family
(on the 1st Fairway)
7:30-10:00 pm Live Reggae music by
“Tropical Soul”
9:00 pm Fireworks!!
Join us for an Join us for an
old fashioned old fashioned
Country Club—Pg. 9
Tennis News
ACE Academy Summer Camp is underway and geared toward children 4 years and older.
This program runs weekly Mon. - Fri. 9:30 am to 12:30 pm for tennis. If your child is
7 years or older he or she has the option of an afternoon of swimming and fun tennis
games before going home at 3:30 pm. There is a daily ½ hour swimming stroke clinic
available for an additional $30 for the week. Registration is underway so call or come by.
Currently summer programming includes but is not limited to the following:
*Call 626-6515 for details
Quick Start tennis is held on Fri. & Sat. for children ages 5 to 10. We also offer a 1-4-$20
(1 hour, 4 children, $20 each) which is scheduled for Mon. and Thurs.; but may be scheduled
at your convenience if your child would like to bring a few friends and learn some tennis.
Family & Friends is just what it says. Bring the family and have an hour lesson with the
professional of your choice. This would be scheduled at your convenience ($55.)
Adult classes include Cardio Tennis (Mon. & Fri. AM or Thurs. PM), Intermediate/Advanced
Clinics (Fri. & Sat. AM), Men’s Drill & Play (Mon. PM), Mixed Evening Workout (Tues. PM),
Intermediate Clinic (Wed. PM), Men’s League (Thurs. PM), Beginner Clinics (Wed. PM),
Stroke of the Week (Thurs. AM), and 2-4-$40 (Mon. - Sat. AM)
Thursday Morning Round Robin is scheduled for 9:30 am each week. Please call to
pre-register. We may be adding an evening round robin please call for details.
Palm Beach County Women’s Tennis Association teams may still need players.
Competitive doubles match play for all levels with clinics and coaching from certified
Professionals. The Club has teams in divisions 1 through 7.
Golf News
It’s that time of year again when the weather heats up and we find ourselves dodging afternoon thunderstorms.
With the change in weather we are also faced with our necessary golf course maintenance items. The item
everyone always seems to worry about is…GREEN AERIFICATION. Let us talk a little about why aerification is
Aerification achieves three important objectives:
• It relieves soil compaction from the constant traffic from golf carts (we play 50,000 rounds a year at
NPBCC…much more than most courses.)
• It provides a method to improve the soil mixture around the highest part of a green’s roots.
• It reduces or prevents the accumulation of excess thatch. The growing of turf adds to a layer of
organic matter on the surface. This layer, called thatch, is an accumulation of dead stems, leaves and
Aerification is a short-term disruption that has long-term benefits for the course. When you see them, remember
that without those little holes, the greens would eventually die. As a bonus at NPBCC, we use an aerification
process that typically does require us to pull the soil “cores” and therefore we have the greens back to good
playing condition in just a few days! Hopefully this helps you better understand
and appreciate why we must complete this process.
Enjoy your next round on our links!
Your golf professional,
Country Club Fold out for Village Calendar (Pages 7 & 8)
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Code Enforcement Board ………..1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,
(except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………….on call
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
William L. Manuel
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
Vice Mayor
David B. Norris
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
T.R. Hernacki, P.E.
Jimmy Knight
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at council@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the
Village Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*
Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule
Monday, July 5th- No Collection (Holiday)
Tuesday, July 6th – Garbage Only
Wednesday, July 7th- Trash, Vegetation & Bulk Items
Thursday, July 8th- All Recycling (Residential & Commercial)
Friday, July 9th- Garbage Only
Country Club
Administration 691-3421
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 626-6515
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, July 8, 2010, 7:30 pm
Thursday, July 22, 2010, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408