06-2010 NewsletterThe Village ofThe Village of
The Best Place to Live Under the SunThe Best Place to Live Under the Sun
JUNE 2010
NPB Business Forum - Page 2
NPB Business Directory - Page 3
Summer Reading Program - Page 5
Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM
Village Council / Clerk
Resolution 2010-19 Village Purchasing Policy
Resolution 2010-20 Fire Rescue Turnout Gear
Resolution 2010-21 Library Automation Software Purchase
Agreement with Sirsi/Dynix
Resolution 2010-22 Acknowledges Receipt of the Prosperity
Farms Road Corridor Study
Resolution 2010-23 Appointing Members to Village Boards
Complete text for all proposed ordinances, as well as newly enacted
ordinances and resolutions, is available at www.village-npb.org.
Please join the Village’s elected officials, administration and other Village business leaders for an inaugural
“Village Business Forum” to be held at the North Palm Beach Country Club on June 16th at 5:00 pm.
The Village of North Palm Beach as a municipal entity recognizes it too has a role to play in our business
community during these tough economic times. Partnerships with area businesses ensure economic growth and
The Business Forum will facilitate a myriad of discussion topics from community development objectives to area
marketing strategies. Equally important, it will provide a great opportunity to network with Village elected
officials, administration and neighboring businesses.
It is the goal of the Village of North Palm Beach to foster constructive dialog with its business partners
to ensure that the delivery of municipal services are streamlined, friendly, efficient, and responsive.
To RSVP contact Chuck Huff, Director of Community Development at 561-841-3369 or email him at
North Palm Beach Country Club
951 US1, North Palm Beach
Wednesday June 16, 2010
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Hors d’oeuvres and Refreshments will be served
Village of North Palm Beach
Business Forum
“Your Success is Our Success!”
Pg. 2—Village Council / Clerk
How do you make short work of packing over 500 “care packages” for our troops in Afghanistan
and Iraq? You get forty of our volunteers to spend a few hours of their time on a Saturday
morning and let the magic happen.
The enthusiasm and hard work of the Support Our Troops organization in the Village has not
diminished but WE NEED YOUR HELP. The number of individuals and groups of soldiers we
support continues to grow as we identify more soldiers associated with our local communities that
are deployed and as our adopted units are redeployed. In the next few months we will need to support over a
1,000 troops so we need to DOUBLE our donations.
Specifically, we can use any of the following: individually wrapped snacks (gum, trail mix, candies, crackers, nuts,
chips, pretzels, etc.), individual “travel size” personal hygiene items (hand sanitizer, eye drops, lip balm), leisure
items (DVD’s, CD’s, small puzzle books, pocket games, board games, cards), personal letters and cards.
Each year we mark several special times with “Themed Shipments.” For the 4th of July, we will be doing a Baseball
and Apple Pie theme. To accomplish this we will need donations of baseball bats, gloves, helmets, balls, bases, etc.
that are enough to outfit two teams as well as 500 individual apple pies. Even with generous discounts from local and
national companies it will cost us about $1700 to fulfill this goal by mid-June.
We can not thank you enough for you past support and trust we can count on you in the future to SUPPORT OUR
Community News
Palm Beach County Hurricane Frances 2004
What is the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)?
The NFIP is a Federal program enabling property owners in participating communities to
purchase insurance protection against losses from flooding. This insurance is designed to
provide an insurance alternative to disaster assistance to meet the escalating costs of
repairing damage to buildings and their contents caused by floods. Participation in the NFIP
is based on an agreement between local communities and the Federal Government that
states if a community will adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance to reduce
future flood risks to new construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas, the Federal
Government will make flood insurance available within the community as a
financial protection against flood losses. The Village of North Palm Beach participates in the
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which makes federally backed flood insurance
available for all eligible buildings, whether they are in a floodplain or not.
What Flood Zone is my property in?
The Village Library and Community Development Department maintains a
complete section that has information covering all areas of flood protection,
building construction and flood insurance. Flood zone maps are available
for inspection also. If you need to know what flood zone your home is in or
obtain a copy of an elevation certificate (if on file), please call the
Village Planner at (561) 882-1156 or email: jnentwick@village-npb.org or
go to www.floodsmart.gov.
Follow the Village on
Have you ever wondered what businesses are located in your
Village? Now you have the opportunity to find out! Visit the
Village website and search for the local businesses using our
new business directory. The Business Directory features three
easy ways to search: by business name, business type or
alphabetically. The directory includes business phone, fax, email ,and
website. We encourage you to log in and support our local businesses!
Community News—Pg. 3
Stay instantly informed of trusted, neighborhood-level public safety and community
information directly from the Village of North Palm Beach.
You choose the information you want, for the addresses you want, all delivered at no cost,
by text message, email and web.
Visit www.nixle.com and create your user account to receive the latest up-to-the-minute
information regarding the Village of North Palm Beach.
School's out for the summer, pools are
open and people across the country are
looking for fun ways to cool down as the
temperatures heat up. Our friends at the Drowning
Prevention Coalition want to remind you that
drowning is still a major cause of injury and death in
children. As you head to the beach, to the pool, or
on vacation to a lake or river, the North Palm Beach
Department of Public Safety encourages you to keep
a close eye on children when around water.
Consider an age-appropriate water safety course for
every member of your family and keep safety in
• Learn to swim. The best thing anyone can do to
stay safe in and around the water is to learn to
swim. Always swim with a buddy; never swim
• Swim in areas that are supervised.
• Read and obey all rules and posted signs.
• Children or inexperienced swimmers should take
precautions, such as wearing a U.S. Coast
Guard-approved personal floatation device
(PFD) when around the water.
• Watch out for the dangerous “too’s” – too tired,
too cold, too far from safety, too much sun, too
much strenuous activity.
• Set water safety rules for the whole family based
on swimming abilities (for example,
inexperienced swimmers should stay in water
less than chest deep.)
• Be knowledgeable of the water environment you
are in and its potential hazards, such as deep
and shallow areas, currents, depth charges,
obstructions, and where the entry and exit points
are located.
• Pay attention to local weather conditions and
forecasts. Stop swimming at the first indication of
bad weather.
• Always enter the water feet first.
• Do not mix alcohol with swimming, diving or
boating. Alcohol impairs your judgment,
balance, and coordination, affects your
swimming skills, and reduces your body's ability
to stay warm.
• Know and practice how to
prevent, recognize,
and respond to
emergency situa-
Public Safety
Rising temperatures present criminals with warm
weather opportunities. This summer while at the
beach, park or pool remember to take a few simple
precautions to reduce the chances of becoming a
victim of an opportunistic crime.
In June, July & August there is normally an in-
crease in burglary via open or unsecured windows.
Florida can be a hot, stuffy place; naturally we like
to ventilate our vehicles while we are out enjoying
the sunshine. Remember: Burglars use open
windows to gain quick access to your personal
While at the Beach/Park/Pool:
• Park in open and populated areas near your
destination. Avoid parking near trucks, vans,
dumpsters, and other objects that obstruct
visibility and provide hiding places. Avoid park-
ing near strangers loitering or sitting in vehicles.
• Turn off your engine, roll up the windows, lock
all doors, and take your keys with you even if
you are making a quick stop at a store or gas
station, on the way to your destination.
• Don’t leave spare keys in your vehicle. An
experienced thief knows all the hiding places.
Store spare keys in your wallet.
• Don’t leave your vehicle in an unattended
public lot for an extended period time.
• Install an alarm system that will sound when
someone attempts to break in, move, tilt, or
start your vehicle. Always activate the system
when leaving the vehicle.
• Check your vehicle if you hear the alarm sound.
But don’t try to stop a person attempting to
break in. Get a good description of the person
and call the police.
To prevent the theft of property from a vehicle:
• Roll the windows up and lock the doors.
• Never leave any contents or valuables in plain
sight. Remove cellular phones, audio systems,
computers, packages, sport equipment, cam-
eras, purses, etc. Secure them in an area out of
sight BEFORE you park or take them with you.
• If you can’t replace an item, don’t leave it in
your vehicle.
Here’s wishing you a safe and fun summer!
Pg. 4—Public Safety
Library—Pg. 5 Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM
Tuesday, June 1st, 5:00 pm
Identity Theft and Current Market Perspectives, presented by Lowell Eckstein and Mark Nettere of Morgan
Stanley Smith Barney.
Tuesday, June 8th, 4:30 pm
Attorney Joseph Karp of the Karp Law Firm, P.A. will present a free seminar on Wise Ways to Provide
Financial Help for Your Disabled Child or Grandchild.
Tuesday, June 22nd, 4:30 pm
Attorney G. Mark Shalloway, Past President of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, will be
providing a free, educational seminar on how you may protect your assets, how you may still qualify for
Medicaid and how you may ensure that the cost of long term care does not mean going broke.
“Make a Splash—Read!” is the theme this sum-
mer at the North Palm Beach Library. The 2010
Summer Reading Program is open to young peo-
ple, ages 5 thru 12, with programs, story hours,
crafts, movies, and more. Registration begins on
June 7th. Pick up your reading log, book bag and
activity schedule at the Summer Reading Desk in
the Children’s Department. All programs are free
but some require that you sign up.
Mark your calendars…
Wed., June 9, 1:30 pm
Beach Party, meet the County Lifeguards and
learn about ocean safety.
Wed., June 16, 1:30 pm
A visit from Loggerhead Park Rangers
Wed., June 23, 1:30 pm
Busch Wildlife animals visit
Wed., June 30, 1:30 pm
Learn Boating Safety with the Coast Guard.
…and more to come in July
Don’t worry about overdue fines while you are away. If
you are planning an extended vacation and know you
will need extra time on your materials, ask for the
VACATION CHECKOUT, and receive two extra
weeks on all 28-day books and audio books.
Travel Video shown every Wednesday in June at
noon. Bring a bag lunch. Share your travel
experiences. For more information call Betty at the
Reference Desk at 841-3383
The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will not be having
any meetings for months of June, July, and August.
The summer months usually provide us with great
opportunities to spend time with family members at
reunions, picnics, and family gatherings. Make sure
to take a notebook and camera along to these events.
Happy Researching! See you in September.
The NPB Library presents the coupon lady with cou-
pon exchange and discussions on getting by in these
very trying financial times. Check with the library for
dates and times.
The Friends of the Library has three openings for
Board Members. This is a very worthwhile group that
is involved in various fund raising activities which fi-
nancially assist the library. Please drop off your
resume/information at the circulation desk or send an
email to npbfriends@aol.com if you are interested.
NPB Summer Day Camp
Summer Camp for youths
7 – 14 years of age runs in
1 week increments from
June 7th – July 30th.
Camp meets at the NPB
Community Center.
Camp trips to local attrac-
tions occur on Mon., Wed.
& Fri. On Tues. & Thurs. campers remain on-
site and participate in a variety of indoor & outdoor ac-
tivities. $150/wk (+NR fee if applicable, multiple week
discounts available). Some availability remains. Call
841-3386 for details.
Sport Camps
We are still accepting registrations for the specialty
sport camps by Building Up Sports Academy. There
are 7 weekly morning camp programs. Age varies
according to the program but most are for youths 6-13
years of age. Camps include: Fishing, Flag Football,
Soccer, Dance & Cheer, Basketball, Karate, and
Lacrosse. All camps are held outdoors at the Commu-
nity Center except Fishing Camp will be held at the
newly renovated Anchorage Park.
Super Kids Camp
This exciting ½ day program is for youth 4–6 years of
age. Camp program is registered in four 2-week
sessions from June 7th – July 30th. This program is
M-F from 9:00-noon. Each week features a different
theme with guests coming in to present fun, exciting
and educational programs. Cost is $100/session (+NR
fee if applicable). Camp Director is Marelen Baylis.
Call 841-3386 for availability.
Summer Pool Parties
Mark your calendars now for the
summer pool parties at the NPB
Pool. June 18th, July 16th and
Aug. 13th. DJ Extreme will enter-
tain you and your family with
dancing, contests, fun and
games! Food and drink available.
NPB Kids Triathlon
There is still time to register for the 2nd annual NPB Kids
Triathlon at the North Palm Beach Country Club on Sat-
urday, July 24, 2010. Transition area opens at 6:15 am
and races begin at 7:00 am. Participant age groups are
children born in the following years: 2002-2003, 2000-
2001, 1998-1999, 1996-1997. Entry Fee: $30/child
(sibling discount available). Register by Thursday, July
22nd. Maximum 150 participants. NO Race Day regis-
tration. You can register at www.accuchiptiming.com.
For complete information, visit the village website
(Departments—Parks & Recreation – Special Events –
Kids Tri) or call 841-3386.
Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament
Mark your calendars for the 5th Annual Anchorage
Aweigh Fishing Tournament that will be held at Anchor-
age Park, August 14, 2010. This is a fun, family event.
We are looking for businesses interested in sponsoring
the event. Call 841-3386 for more details!
Village Wide Garage Sale
We are now accepting registrations for the September
11th Village Wide Garage Sale that will be held at the
Community Center from 7:00 – noon. Cost of a space is
$21.30. Indoor spaces are 6x16 and outdoor spaces are
10x10. Reserve your space early!
Parks & Recreation / Tennis
Tennis News
We are very excited by all of the activity here at the Country Club tennis center. Check us out for the summer with
our very affordable summer membership rates. Currently summer programming includes but is not limited to the
ACE Academy – WEEKLY SUMMER CAMP – beginning the week of June 14th, continuing through the summer,
and ending the week of August 2nd through the 6th. There are half day (8:30 am to 12:30 pm) and
full day (8:30 am to 3:30 pm) options. The half day camp will include tennis and the full day adds recreational
swimming. A golf option and a swimming lesson option will be available for an additional fee. Camp is designed for
children ages 4 to 17.
Call for details and registration for any of the following programs: Quick Start, Juniors, Cardio Tennis, Men’s Drill
& Play, 2-4-$40, Mixed Evening Workout, Intermediate Clinic, Men’s League, and Intermediate-Advanced
Clinic. All program details are listed on the website at www.village-npb.org.
Palm Tennis Summer Teams – We may need additional players for the summer. Call 626-6515 for availability.
Palm Beach County Women’s Tennis Association Teams may still need players. We have a full
array of teams from Division 1 to Division 7. Competitive doubles match play for all levels with clinics
and coaching from certified Professionals.
Pg. 6—Parks & Recreation / Tennis Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM
Country Club
Golf News
Thank you to all the participants in this year’s Men’s Spring Member-Guest. Special congratulations to the win-
ning team of Mayor Bill Manuel and his guest, Director of Parks & Recreation, Mark Hodgkins! After the first
round there were nine teams within four shots of the lead. The difficult final round which combined both players’
net scores separated the field and the winners outpaced the second place team of member Patrick Higgins, Jr.
and his son, Patrick Higgins, III. Coming in third and fourth respectively were member Arnold Hess and his
guest Terry McManus and member Jim Finck with his guest Kerry Keena.
Events such as this are a great way to show off our wonderful Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course to a friend,
meet other members and enjoy some good natured competition and camaraderie. It is my sincere hope that
events like this will continue to grow in participation and become a highly anticipated occurrence at NPBCC.
Look for next season’s exciting tournament and event schedule to be announced in the upcoming months!
North Palm Beach Country Club is excited to announce it will offer five sessions of golf camps
throughout the summer. Each camp will run Tuesday – Thursday from 8:30am to 11:00am. The
first camp is June 15th – 17th, followed by June 29th – July 1st, July 13th – 15th, July 27th – 29th, and
the last camp is August 10th – 12th. Assistant Golf Professional Lee Stroever will be organizing
and providing instruction covering all areas of the game. The camps will be suitable for all
levels of junior golfers from beginners to the more advanced players. The cost for the three
day camp is $125 for Village of North Palm Beach Residents and $150 for Non-
Residents. Ages 6 – 15 years old are welcome and camp size shall not exceed 12 stu-
dents. Stop by or call the Golf Shop at 691-3433 for more details and to register your
child. Sign up early…we will fill up fast!
Your Golf Professional,
Country Club—Pg. 9
Fold out for Village Calendar (Pages 7 & 8)
From the Restaurant…
Summer arrives later this month and it is a wonderful time to spend your days poolside or sitting outside on our
open patio area facing our award-winning Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course. The crowds have thinned and
the new restaurant at the North Palm Beach Country Club is open and available for your enjoyment. Recent
changes have allowed all areas of the food and beverage service to now be operated directly by the North Palm
Beach Country Club and its staff.
We invite you to experience our enhanced indoor and outdoor sound systems and televisions as you relax and
meet all the new staff and taste our outstanding menu selections. Remember that you don’t have to be a mem-
ber of the club to come out and enjoy all our great amenities. The new restaurant is available to serve all your
food and beverage needs including the lounge and dinning areas, outside patio, the pool’s snack bar as well as
any golfer’s halfway needs. Additionally, the club is available for your party, wedding and event needs. Stop by
and see all that’s new and great at your club!
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Code Enforcement Board ………..1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,
(except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………….on call
Village of North Palm Beach
Village Council
William L. Manuel
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
Vice Mayor
David B. Norris
President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia
T.R. Hernacki, P.E.
Jimmy Knight
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members can be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by
email at npbclerk@village-npb.org
*All meetings are held at the Vil-
lage Hall, 501 US Highway One
and are open to the public*
Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays - Garbage only
Country Club
Administration 691-3421
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 626-6515
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meetings
Thursday, June 10, 2010, 7:30 pm
Thursday, June 24, 2010, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408