03-2010 NewsletterThe Village of The Best Place to Live Under the Sun MARCH 2010 L? NPB Elections VILLAGE MUNICIPAL ELECTION TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 2010 All registered voters of North Palm Beach will have the opportunity to elect three councilmen to the Village Council on Tuesday, March 9, 2010. Each voter is encouraged to learn about the candidates and then go to the polls on March 9th to express your preference. Municipal Elections are by group, at-large and nonparttisa (no districts, no party affiliation). VILLAGE COUNCIL SEATS OPEN TO ELECTION Group 1, Group 3, Group 5. Due to pre-publication deadlines, final candidate information for the March 9, 2010 Municipal Election was unavailable for inclusion in this newsletter edition. For current information, please visit the Village website www.village-npb.org and select Village Clerk and click on the elections link or phone the Village Clerk’s office at (561)841-3355. WHERE TO VOTE YOU MUST VOTE IN THE PRECINCT WHERE YOU LIVE! If you are not sure where to vote, please call the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355, or type your address in the Precinct Finder on the PBC Supervisor of Electiion website at http://www.pbcelections.org/PrecinctFinder.aspx. POLLS The polls will be open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm at the following locations: Precincts 1146, 1147, 1155, 1158, 1166 North Palm Beach Community Center Precinct 1154 Faith Lutheran Church Precinct 1168 Council Chambers, Village Hall Precinct 1152 Old Port Cove Recreation Room (between North & South Quay Buildings) Precincts 1148, 1150, 1151 North Palm Beach Country Club Precinct 1186 Anchorage Activities Building ELECCIÓN MUNICIPAL DEL PUEBLO EL MARTES, 9 DE MARZO DE 2010 Todos los votantes inscritos de North Palm Beach tendrán la oportunidad de elegir tres concejales para el Consejo del Pueblo, el día Martes 9 de Marzo de 2010. Aconsejamos a cada votante que se informe sobre los candidatos y que vayan a los centros de votación para expresar su preferencia. Las Elecciones Municipales son por grupo, generales e independientes (sin distrito ni afiliación a un partido). ESCAÑOS DEL CONSEJO DE VILLAGE ABIERTOS PARA ELECCIÓN Grupo 1, Grupo 3, Group 5. Debido a fechas topes de pre-publicación, la información final de cada candidato para la Elección Muncipal de el 9 de Marzo de 2010 estuvo indisponible para la inclusión en esta edición del boletín. Para la información actual, por favor visite a www.village-npb.org el sitio web de la Aldea, y selecciona a Village Clerk y clic el enlace de las elecciones, o llamar la oficina de la Secretaria del Pueblo al (561)841-3355. DONDE VOTAR ¡USTED DEBE VOTAR EN EL DISTRITO ELECTORAL DONDE RESIDE! Si no está seguro donde le toca votar, por favor llame a la Oficina de la Secretaria del Pueblo al (561) 841-3355, o escriba su dirección en el campo de Precinct Finder en el sitio web del Supervisor Electoral del Condado Palm Beach: http://www.pbcelections.org/PrecinctFinder.aspx. CENTROS DE VOTACIÓN Los centros de votación permanecerán abiertos desde las 7:00 de la mañana hasta las 7:00 de la noche en los siguientes sitios: Distritos Electorales 1146, 1147, 1155, 1158, 1166 North Palm Beach Community Center Distrito Electoral 1154 Faith Lutheran Church Distrito Electoral 1168 Council Chambers, Village Hall Distrito Electoral 1152 Old Port Cove Rec. Room (entre los edificios Quay, Norte y Sur) Distritos Electorales 1148, 1150, 1151 North Palm Beach Country Club Distrito Electoral 1186 Edificio Anchorage Activities Pg. 2—NPB Elections Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM Village Council /Clerk—Pg. 3 Village Council /Clerk The Soldiers received our Holiday shipment! Many thanks to all who contributed. RECENT COUNCIL ACTION Ordinance 2010-01 Police & Fire Pension Plan amendment Ordinance 2009-12 Adopts Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment 09-01 Ordinance 2010-02 Code Amendment – Signs and Outdoor Displays Ordinance 2010-03 Code Amendment -Waterways Resolution 2010-01 Notice of Election on March 9, 2010 Resolution 2010-02 Village Manager appointed NPB representative to Seacoast Utility Authority Governing Board Resolution 2010-03 Two sanitation vehicles declared surplus property Resolution 2010-04 Bid Award for Community Center Gym Floor Resurfacing Resolution 2010-05 Bid Award for July 4, 2010 Fireworks Display Resolution 2010-06 FDOT Memorandum of Maintenance Agreement 5K RUN /WALK TO SUPPORT OUR TROOPS The Support Our Troops organization in the Village is holding a 5K Run/Walk on Heritage Day, March 20th. Whether you prefer the challenge of racing or just want to take a a leisurely stroll to help our troops, all are welcome. The certified course will start at Anchoorag Park at 7:30am and wind through the Villaage There will be male and female age group categorrie with prizes for each. All proceeds from this event will go to our efforts to supply care packages to men and women deployed in Iraq and Afghanisttan Please go to www.accutime.com for all the detaail and to register. If you have any other questions please contact Bob Gebbia at (561) 351-8459. Come join us for a great way to start Heritage Day! DON’T FORGET….CENSUS IS COMING! The U.S. Census will count every living persso in the U.S. on April 1, 2010. Most people will be counted through a simple paper form that will be mailed to every residential addrres in late March 2010. All residents of the housing unit return one form with all their informmatio on it. Households who do not retuur the form will be called or visited by a Census worker to collect the information. There will be no way to get counted online, although the Census website, www.census.gov/2010, does contain a wealth of information about the survey. AARP TAX AID Free tax preparation service is availabbl in the North Palm Beach Village Hall Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays through April 15, 2009. Taxpayers should bring 2009 tax forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and other tax information along with their 2008 tax return. Taxpayers are also asked to bring proper ID. CHANGE YOUR CLOCK, CHANGE YOUR BATTERIES With Daylight Savings Time beginning this month, your Fire Rescue department wants to remind you it is once again time to “change your clock, change your batteries.” A working smoke alarm can mean the difference between life and death. Smoke alarms are designed to wake you up in the event a fire starts in your home. If a smoke alarm is working it will provide the necessary warniin and the time needed to escape from your home and away from the fire. But a smoke alarm is only as good as the battery in it. So, change that battery, and if your detector is ten years old or more consider replacing it with a new one. As with all mechanical appliances, a smoke alarm will become less efficient with age. A smoke alarm can only protect you if it is working. By maintaining your smoke alarm(s) you can cut your risk of dying in a home fire by as much as half. Pg. 4—Community News /Public Safety Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM Community News /Public Safety It is a frequent practice practice of unlicensed persons to have a property owner obtain an Owner-Builder Permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and materials for a construction project. Please understand that under these circumstances, you as the owner may be held liable and subjected to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed person or his or her employees while working on your property. Your homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. Florida Statute 489.103 requires that all construction work be performed by licensed contractors. There is an exemption to this law that allows owners to act as their own contractor under certain circumsttances If you are the owner of a Single Family Residence or a Duplex and the unit is not offeere for sale or lease, you may qualify for this exemption. This exemption does not apply to multifammil dwellings (condominiums); licensed contractors are always required in those situations. There are a few things to think about if you are considering an Owner-Builder Permit for your next project. You will be required by state law to personally supervise the construction. If you do hire a contractor for a portion of the work, he or she must hold the proper licensing and insurance, and be registered to work in the Village of North Palm Beach. If you use an unlicensed person, you must treat them as an employee, which means you must provide worker’s compensation insurance and withhold taxes from their wages. For more information please contact the Building Department at (561) 841-3365. UNDENIABLE IDENTITY! Children's Fingerprinting & Photos Fingerprints and a current photograph is the key to finding a missing child in a crisis situation. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety will be conducting Child Fingerprinting at the Heritage Day Festivva on March 20, 2010 at Anchorage Park. We would like to invite all residents to bring their children to our booth and benefit from this free service that is provided provided to each parent in attendance. The packet will include a copy of your children’s fingerprints, photograph and checklist of simple safety measures and deterrence strategies. This experience is designed to provide education and awareness to parents and children about preventabbl and dangerous situations. It is an excellent opportunity for parents to open the lines of communication on this topic and ignite conversation and interaction with their children. THINKING ABOUT AN OWNER-BUILDER PERMIT? LIVE AN ORGANIC LIFE Saturday, March 27th, 2-4 pm, Obert Meeting Room Join us for this very informative program on organic nutrition, chiropractic and holistic medicine presented by Dr. Julie Pearson, BS, DC and Dr. Edward Pearson, MD Holistic Medicine. Learn how to lose weight and get healthy withoou medications. NPB BOOK CLUB The NPB Book Discussion Group meets for the last meeting of the season on Tuesday, March 16th at 10:00 am. The selection for March is The End of the Affair by Graham Greene. Come join in the discussiion New faces are always welcome. GENEOLOGY CLUB The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their March meeting on Tuesday, March 16th at 7:00 pm in the Obert Meetiin Room at the library. Everyone is welcoom to attend this informative meeting. Please contact Sue at (561) 841-3383 if you have any questions. Library—Pg. 5 Library FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY SAVE THE DATE! Continental Breakfast and Presentatiio featuring author Eliot Kleinberg Sat., March 6th, 11:00am, Obert Room, Tickets: $10.00, Purchase at the Circulation Desk Eliot is the author of nine books celebrating Floridda’ History; its past and present, its triumphs and disasters; and it’s unique craziness. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY RAFFLE When you are in the Library be sure to check out the beautiful art work and jewelry that has been donated for raffle prizes. Raffle Tickets available at the circulation desk $1.00 each or six (6) for $5.00 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY COOKBOOK Do you have a favorite recipe? Why not share it and have it published in the cookbook that Friends of the Library will be publishing. Instructions for submitting your recipe can be picked up at the libraary’ circulation desk or email your address to npbfriends@aol.com and we will mail a copy of the instructions to you. NPB LIBRARY CELEBRATES NATIONAL CRAFT MONTH Presented by: Joann Greener, Home Economist Class size is limited. Please sign up & pay in advance at the Circulation Desk. Hostess Gifts, March 3rd, 4:30pm You will learn how to make three different gifts that will delight any hostess. Each gift would cost you more than $10.00 to buy but you will learn how to make it for much less. The gifts will be demonstrated with take home instructions and supply list. The Art of Soap Making, March 17th, 4:30pm Each participant will make an herbal soap bar. Program Fee is $5.00 and includes all supplies. Create a Poncho in 2 Easy Classes March 24th & March 31st, 4:30pm Learn how to use your sewing machine to create a versatile poncho. Program Fee is $3.00 and includes patteern When you sign up be sure to get your supply list to purchase your fabric and notions. UPCOMING FREE SEMINARS Tuesday, March 2nd, 5:00 pm With the markets as they are, this can be a confusing time for many investors. Join us for an informative seminaar Investing During Volatile Markets, presented by Lowell Eckstein and Mark Nettere of Morgan Stanley, Smith Barney. Thursday, March 4th, 2:00 pm The law firm of Shalloway and Shalloway will be providing a free, educational seminar on recent changes to the laws on Medicare, Medicaid and VA benefits. Tuesday, March 23rd, 5:30 pm The rules for Roth IRAs have changed! The Certified Elder Law Attorneys of the Karp Law Firm, P.A. will preseen a free seminar on Converting Your Traditional IRA to a Roth: How Heirs Can Benefit. HERITAGE FESTIVAL & PARADE NOW AT ANCHORAGE PARK! The annual Heritage Festival is Saturday, March 20, 2010! Both the location of the festival and the parade route have been changed. This fun family event will be held at Anchorage Park! The parade will begin Saturdda morning at 11:00am and travel from Village Hall north on Eastwind Dr. to Lighthouse Dr to Anchorage Dr. and arrive at Anchorage Park. The route is 1 mile long and you can observe it from any point throughout. You will see local groups/businesses/organizations, bands, floats, antique cars, motorcycles, clowns and more! At the Festival enjoy entertainment, music, dancing, food, rides, games, and more! Something for everyone! Varioou groups will perform all day long on the main stage including Howell Watkins Drum Line, Coquettes Dance Troupe, Legacy Martial Arts, Sea Turtle Tappers, LaVallee’s USA Black Belt, and more! Sit back and listen or get up and dance to live classic rock performed by OPM from 4:00 pm—7:00 pm. The day is packed with action, enerrgy activity, dancing, food, rides, games and more! We’ll be looking for you! Discounted Heritage Festival Wristbands You can purchase a wristband for unlimited carnival rides at the Heritage Festival. The wristbands are on sale at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg from 9:00 am – 7:00 pm (M-F) beginning on March 1st. The price is $20.00 per wristband or $25.00 if purchased at the festival. Attention NPB ramp users and dry/wet storage patrons: You will not have access to your items stored in the dry storage lots or the wet slips on Saturday, March 20, 2010. No one will be allowed to launch a boat at the Anchorage ramp on this day. All roads in the park will be closed for the Heritage Festival so please plan your schedule accordingly. For more details please contact the Recreation Department at (561) 841-3386 or visit the recreation pages of www.village-npb.org. Spring Camp March 29th -April 2nd for youth 9-14 years of age. Cost is $150/child (+NR fee if applicable). Register online or at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. This years Spring Campers will enjoy these outings: Gamerzone, Dave & Buster's, "Behind the Scenes" Mystery Trips, Blue Heron Drift fishing trip, kayaking, and more! Village Wide Garage Sale Don’t miss the annual Village-Wide Garage Sale which will be held at the Community Center on Saturday, March 6th from 7:00 am – noon . 50 separate sellers will be located indoors and outdoors. Rain or shine! Fitlife Moves Increase strength, endurance & power, cross training with multiple training modalities performed at high intenssity Most workouts are less than 30 minutes. Indooor if weather is inclement. Instructor: Tracy Meinke (FIT-CPTS, AFAA-CPT/GFI) Fee: $125/4wk, $17/cls – AX M,W,F -6:00-6:45am. Pre-registration required. Next class begins March 1st. Senior Moves This exercise class for seniors is designed to improve strength, balance & stability, and range of motion. Instruuctor Tracy Meinke, (FIT-CPTS, AFAA-CPT/GFI) Fee: $85/4wk, $17/cls – AX T & Th. 10:00-10:45am. Pre-registration required. required. Next class begins March 2nd. Pg. 6—Parks & Recreation Follow the Village on NIXLE.COM Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong Bring together the forces of mind, body and spirit to deveelo a daily practice of self-care, balance and spiritual harmony. Your guide, John Cook, is a Certified Advannce Instructor of Inner Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 12 years of experience. Fee: $55/5 wk or $17/cls – AX Every Friday 9:30-10:30am. Pre-registration required. Yoga Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves stress/anxiety and strengthens muscles. This class is for all levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine. Fee: $55/5 cls or $17/cls-AX Mon.10:30-12pm, Wed. 6 -7:30pm, Sat. 9 -10:30am. Pre-registration required. Village Players Village Players present “Harvey” a comedy by Mary Chase at NPB Community Center on the following dates: March 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th at 8:00pm and March 13th, 20th, 26th at 2:30pm. Auditions for “Murder at the Vicarage” by Agatha Christie will be held at the Community Center on Sunday March 7th & 14th at 7:00pm. For more information call Terry Elliott at (561) 626-5310 or Roma Smith at (561) 622-5784. Spring activity registration A complete schedule of activities/classes for Spring will be in the April newsletter. You will be able to register online for all these classes beginning March 8th. Parks & Recreation UPCOMING ACTIVITIES AND CLASSES NPB Country Club With March’s arrival, we know that spring is just around the corner. This is a great time to do a little “Spring Cleaning for your Golf Swing.” By this I mean that it is an opportunity to take a look at some pre-shot fundamentals of your swing and make sure that they are correct. Over time our golf swing, just like many of our homes, can become a little disorganized. Take some time to evaluate your grip to make sure it allows for the proper hand and wrist motion in your golf swing. Check your stance for proper balance, posture, ball-position and alignmeent A proper set-up will allow you to be in a good starting position to have the best chance to make a good golf swing. You may be surprised that your set-up has slowly changed over time and could be causing some issues in your swing. If you need help with any of these items or any part of your game, I invite you to arrange a lesson with me or one of the other golf professionals on my staff. I’m sure we can help you “clean up” any issues in your swing and get you back to hitting great golf shots! March is an exciting month for the North Palm Beach Country Club. We begin the month with our Men’s and Women’s Club Championship. The tournament is 36-hole stroke play with both gross and net scoring for each flight. The first round will be played on Saturday, March 6th and players will make their own groups and tee times. The second round will be played on Saturday, March 13th with pairings and times determined by first round play. We encourage all members to play as this is a flighted event for everyone’s enjoyment. Our first Nine, Wine and Dine will be on Thursday, March 11th. It will be a scramble format and 3:00pm shotgun start. Sign up in the Golf Shop as a foursome, or we will pair up singles and twosomes. Once again, back by popular demaand we have our Beat the Pro on Saturday, March 20th. I will tee it up that Saturday morning at 7:00am and post a score. All members are encouraged to play against me and post their net score. Our second Nine, Wine and Dine will be on Thursday, March 25th. It will be a 3:30pm shotgun start. Get your group together for some golf, drinks, and dinner at the club. On Saturdaay March 27th, I will once again hold a free member clinic on the driving range at 5:00pm. I will be talking about solid and consistent iron play. Stop by the driving range and receive some valuable tips to improve your game! Your golf professional, Dave Kass Fold out for Village Calendar (Pages 7 & 8) Country Club—Pg. 9 From the Golf Shop From the Tennis Shop HERITAGE FESTIVAL SPRING FLING – Adult Mixed Doubles Round Robin – Sat., March 20th, 2:00 pm. Bring your favorite snack and beverage. Prices: members free; residents $10; nonresidents $15. WOMEN'S TEAMS— Plan now for the 2009 -2010 season. There are also Palm Tennis teams with opportunitiie to play. Please check with the shop if you're interested in any of these teams. The following programs are available to everyone and the prices listed are for members: *Residents and nonresidents pay slightly higher fees Cardio Tennis: Mon., 10:30 am; Wed., 10 am; $20 Beginner Class: Thurs., 6:30 pm; $20 Intermediate Class: Wed., 8:30 pm; $20 2-4-$40: The name says it all. This is a 2 hour clinic for 4 people for $40. Drop-in-Clinics: Sat. & Sun., 9:00 am; $20 Hitting Frenzy: Thurs., 6:00 pm; $10 Social Tennis: Fri., 6:30 pm; $15 Mixed Evening Workout: Tues., 6:30 pm; $20 Men's Drill & Play: Mon., 6:30 pm; $20 Advanced Men’s League 4.0 to 4.5: Thurs., 7:00 pm; $10 Quick Start for Kids: Fri. and/or Sat., call for times; $11 ACE ACADEMY: This is the Club’s premiere ongoing after-school Academy offered Mon. through Thurs. Each class is for a specific age group and skill level. For complete details or registration use any of the following contact information: phone: (561) 626.6515; e-mail: jwheeler@village-npb.org; website: www.village-npb.org VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call Code Enforcement Board ………..1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board -General Employees……………………..on call Pension Board -Police & Fire …………………………...on call Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………….on call Village of North Palm Beach Village Council David B. Norris Mayor William Manuel Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T.R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Villaag Hall, 501 US Highway One Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays -Garbage only Tuesdays -Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays -Garbage only Thursdays -Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays -Garbage only Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, March 11, 2010, 7:30pm Thursday, March 25, 2010, 7:30pm Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 www.village-npb.org