11-2009 Newsletter PDFThe Best Place to Live Under the Sun The Village of NOVEMBER 2009 FY2010 Budget at a Glance—Pg. 3 Veterans Day Celebration—Pg. 4 NPB Country Club’s Newest Addition—Pg. 9 ???????? Village Council /Clerk Page 2—Village Council /Clerk COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 2009-11 Provides for an Alternate Method of Code Enforcement Resolution 2009-49 Approves an application for State Aid to Libraries Grant Funding Resolution 2009-50 Budget Amendment to Combine Special Revenue Grant Fund and Capital Projects Fund Dear Resident, Would you like to know what actions are being considered by your Village Council? Stay informed by checking the Village website at www.village-npb.org. Select the link for Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes and/or the link for Public Hearinngs Proposed ordinances are also listed on the Ordinances page, and are published in the legal advertising section of the Palm Beach Post as well. All proposed ordinances and resolutiion are available for your review before a final vote is taken by the Village Council. All actions of the Village Council must be taken at a public meeting. The Village Council meets in Regular Session on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. When necessary, Council may hold a Workshop Session (immediately after the Regular Session) to discuss more complex issues and provide direction to staff. Agendas, which list the business to be considered by the Council, are posted at Village Hall and published on the website by 5:00 p.m. on Friday of the week prior to the meeting. Supporting documeent for agenda items (also known as backup materials) are linked to the agenda online and may be downloaded from the websiite Agenda backup is also available in the Village Clerk’s office for review by the public during normal business hours. Most often, items of business to be acted on by the Village Council are either ordinances or resolutions. Ordinances are official, legislative actions, which are regulations of a general and permanent nature and are enforceable as a local law. Befoor an ordinance can be enacted by the Council it must have two readings, thus it will require two meetings before an ordinaanc is finally approved. Resolutions are statements of policy or disposition of routine items of business, such as approval of agreements or purchases, and are read once. Some items may not require an ordinance or a resolution, and are approove by motion, such as approving closeout of projects and final payments. The Village Council is always interested in hearing from citizeen in order to make the best decisions for our community. You may contact the Council to express your views on any issuue either by letter to 501 U.S. Highway 1, NPB FL 33408, by email to npbclerk@village-npb.org, by phone call to the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355, or in person at a Council Meeting. Volunteers Needed for Palm Beach County! The AARP Tax-Aide program needs voluntteer to help senior citizens and low/moderate income individuals prepare their 2009 tax returns. All volunteers will receive training and are asked to serve for four hours one day each week during tax season. For more information contact Bill Dwyer at taxwill@gmail.com or (561) 594-1035. SUPPORT OUR TROOPS North Palm Beach Support Our Troops voluntteer are accepting these items for our winter shipment: • individual packages of instant hot cocoa mix • mini marshmallows • cup-o-soup • cards and letters to our service members Please drop off your donations at Village Hall by November 16th. Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2010 Budget at a Glance The total Village-wide fiscal year 2009/2010 operating budget is shown below: GENERAL ENTERPRISE FUND FUND (COUNTRY CLUB) TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES: AD VALOREM TAXES $ 10,968,125 $ 10,968,125 UTILITY SERVICE TAXES 2,078,904 2,078,904 FRANCHISE TAXES 1,145,000 1,145,000 SALES & USE TAXES 257,619 257,619 LICENSES AND PERMITS 611,400 611,400 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 1,100,008 1,100,008 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,664,832 3,021,228 4,686,060 FINES AND FORFEITURES 135,200 135,200 MISCELLANEOUS 95,850 381,549 477,399 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $ 18,056,938 $ 3,402,777 $ 21,459,715 EXPENDITURES /EXPENSES: GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 2,041,825 $ 2,041,825 PUBLIC SAFETY 6,961,858 6,961,858 PUBLIC WORKS 4,587,336 4,587,336 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 801,416 801,416 PARKS AND RECREATION 1,649,290 1,649,290 LIBRARY 744,775 744,775 NON DEPARTMENTAL 356,082 75,000 431,082 GOLF 2,237,710 2,237,710 FOOD & BEVERAGE 73,840 73,840 COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATION 305,931 305,931 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT 0 OTHER 225,713 235,395 461,108 DEBT SERVICE 688,643 474,901 1,163,544 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $ 18,056,938 $ 3,402,777 $ 21,459,715 * Note: General Fund Budget is based on a millage rate of 6.90 mils Budget Summary The budget is a plan (both financially and policy driven) for the accomplishment of goals and objectives identified as being necessary to the purpose of our local government. As a financial plan, the budget includes estimates of resouurce required, tax and non-tax revenues available to support implementation and the number of positions estimated to fulfill the levels of service set forth by policy decisions. In other words, the “budget” is the legal authorization to expeen Village funds during the fiscal year. $19,073,192 $18,056,938 3,573,309 3,402,777 $-$2,000,000 $4,000,000 $6,000,000 $8,000,000 $10,000,000 $12,000,000 $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $18,000,000 $20,000,000 General Fund Enterprise Fund FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2009 Budget Vs FY 2010 Budget $11,757,497 $10,968,125 $10,400,000 $10,600,000 $10,800,000 $11,000,000 $11,200,000 $11,400,000 $11,600,000 $11,800,000 Ad Valorem FY 2009 FY 2010 * Reduction of $789,372 Ad Valorem Revenue FY 2009 vs FY 2010 Budget at a Glance—Page 3 Budget at a Glance VETERANS’ DAY CELEBRATION The Village of North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety invites you to join us as we host our annual Veterans’ Day Celebration at Osborne Park on Wednesday, November 11th at 10:00 a.m. This is a great opportunity for you to join together with your Public Safety staff, military personnel, Village Council and other honored guests for a ceremony. Immediately following, Riverside National Bank will be providing a cookout in the park for those that can attend. Please join us as we pay tribute to our men and women in the armed forces and celebrate the greatest country of all...AMERCIA. BEST PHOTO UNDER THE SUN Do you think the Village of North Palm Beach is the “Best Place to Live Under the Sun?” Do you have a good quality photo to prove it? The Village of North Palm Beach invites you to submit your best shot depicting our Village. It must be 5 mega pixels or higher resolution, and e-mailed as an attachment in .jpeg, .gif or .tiff formaat If your photo is chosen, it will be featured in an upcoming issue of this newsletteer Don’t forget to include your full name, a brief description of the people and/or NPB location pictured, and one sentence explaining what the Village of NPB means to you. Please send all of your photo submissions to: villagenewsletter@villagenppborg HOLIDAYS AND CODE COMPLIANCE During this often hectic time of year, please remember the following Village codes: Parking. Please park vehicles on paved surfaces whenever possible. This may present a challenge when entertaiinin guests. Be considerate of pedestrians and other right-of-way traffic by parking in a manner that prevents obstructions in passage or visibility. Sec. 18-34, 19-47, 45-27(e). Recreational vehicles. Keep in mind, when out-of-town guests arrive, a guest of an occupant-owner or occupaantlessee may park this equipment in the front yard for not more than five (5) days in any fourteen-day period. Beyond this time, equipment shall be stored on the side yard (with required screening) or in the rear yard. Sec. 18-35. Holiday lights and decorations. Our residents express creativity every year with unique outdoor light displays throughout the Village. Christmas and Hanukkah decorations may be erected any time after October 15th and must be removed within two (2) weeks following the holiday. Sec.6-112(F). The Village Code Compliance division strives to enhance cooperative relationships with residents and businesses by providing information and education to support voluntary compliance with the Village code. To learn more about the Village Code of Ordinances please visit www.village-npb.org or call (561) 841-3367. ADOPT A FAMILY The Village of North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is holding the 3rd annual holiday program to adopt a family in need. Our goal is to offer assistance to legitimattel needy families that live in or are associates with this community. We are looking for residents to partner with us in this endeavor. Any contribution that you make will only be used for the identified families and will not go towards any administtrativ cost. Public Safety /Community News FIRE SAFETY With the holidays approaching, we want everyone to stay safe at home. Many of our celebrations involve the use of candles and unfortunately those candles are the cause of many fires. To prevent these fires, extinguish all candles before leaving a room and never leave candles lit overnight or when leaving your house. If possible use flameless or battery powered candles for your celebration. We wish you the best and safest of holiday seasons. Photo by: Steve Adams Page 4—Public Safety /Community News Library Annual Bake Sale Sat., Dec. 5th 10am – 1pm. Come early for the best selection of homemade pies, cakes, cookies, browniie and more. Volunteer bakers, sign up at the Library to donate your special baked goodies. Annual Book Sale Time to clean off your bookshelves and bring your books, DVD’S and CD’S to the library. If you are unabbl to bring them in, call the library and leave a messaag for “The Friends.” We will arrange a time for a volunteer to pick up your donations. The book sale is the last week in January but it is not too soon to donaate Volunteer Needed Friends of the Library is looking for a volunteer, with a specialty in PR, to join the board. If you are interested, or have any questions, please leave your information at the circulation desk. Friends of the Library Cookbook Do you have a favorite recipe? Why not share it and have it published in the cookbook that Friends of the Library will be publishing? Instructions for submitting your recipe can be picked up at the libraary’ circulation desk or email your address to npbfriends@aol.com and we will mail a copy of the instructions to you. Calling all Artists Are you an artist and would like to donate a piece of artwork? Your artwork will be displayed at the library with your name for all patrons to see and buy a raffle ticket. All proceeds from the raffle tickeet benefit the North Palm Beach Library. If you are interested in helping a good cause please email us at npbfriends@aol.com or leave your name and telephone number at the library. Library—Page 5 What’s Happening in the Library KIDS CRAFT November 13 3:30pm Ages 6-12 Space is limited… Sign up required AFTER SCHOOL MOVIE @THE LIBRARY Every Thursday 3:30pm All ages welcome….Popcorn served CONNECT @YOUR LIBRARY Computer help every Saturday 9:00am—11:00pm Children’s Services STORY TIMES Tuesdays 10:00 AM Ages 2 (30 min.) 10:45 AM Ages 3-4 (30 min.) Thursdays 10:00 AM Ages 13-23 months (20 min) 10:45 AM Ages 3-12 months Bouncin’ Boogie Babies (20 min.) Each program is carefully prepared with ageapproopriat materials, with themes that are filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories, music, movies and crafts. LUNCH BOX TRAVEL Travel Video shown every Wed. at 12:00pm. Bring a bag lunch and share your travel experiences. For more information call Betty at 841-3383 GENEALOGY CLUB The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their November meeting on Tues., Nov. 17th at 7:00pm at the library. Everyone is invited to attend. If you have any questions please call Sue at 841-3383. NPB BOOK CLUB The NPB Book Discussion Group starts up in November. Among the titles selected for this season will be Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Many Ann Shaffer (Nov. 17th at 10:00am) and The Sum of our Days by Isabel Allende (Dec. 15th at 10:00am). Get an early start on these titles. New faces are always welcoome KEEP THE BEAT Bill Myers and Roger Whitcome, return for another enjoyable season of jazz music appreciiation Every 2nd Saturday, 2:00pm-3:00pm, October -April The South East Florida Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association will present a program on Alzheimer’s Disease and Caregiving During the Holiday Season at the Library on Saturday, November 7th at 10:00am. The speaker will be John Vandersea, a graduate student in Social Work at Florida Atlantic University specializing in working with geriatrics. He has ten years of experience working with Hospice. Friends of the Library Page 6—Parks & Recreation Arts & Crafts Fall Festival The NPB Recreation Department is sponsoring its Annual Arts & Crafts Fall Festival on Sat., Nov. 7th from 9am – 4pm. This event is located at the NPB Community Center with over 100 exhibitors selling their crafts in booths located indoors and outdoors. All items in the show must be created, hand crafted, or embellished by the exhibitor. This show promises to have something for everyone! There is no admission charge and no parking fee. See you there, rain or shine! Turkey Shoot November 14th at the Community Center. This basketball freethhro contest is for all ages and runs from 11:00am—2:00pm. $5.00 gets you 10 shots. Age Groups: 9-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18+. From 11:00am—1:00pm you can keep entering until you get the score you like! Finals begin at 1:30 pm and prizes will be given Watch your out for top contenders! December Newsletter for details on upcoming holiday activities! Tree Lighting Ceremony, Holiday Boat Parade, Santa’s Visits, Ho-Ho Hotline, Christmas Cabaret, Etc. Late Basketball Registration Cost: $70/Residents, $80/NR A few spots may be available. Call Adam at 841-3389 for specifics. Tae Kwon Do Begins Nov.12th Classes are held on Thur. at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Ages 5 yrs.—99 yrs. Old School Saturday This is a fun, team competition for a family or group of friends. Teams of 6 people will compete in the following 4 events at the NPB Community Center: Relay Race, Flag Football, Kickball, and Dodge ball. Age Groups are 17 & under, 18+, 35+, and a Family Division. This event will be held on Saturday, Dec. 5th from 8:00am (check in) until 4:00pm (awards ceremony). Registrratio fee is $60/team and you can register from Nov. 1st through Nov. 28th at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Call Adam at 841-3389 (after 2:00pm) for more details. Village Players -present “The Night of January 16th" by Ayn Rand on Nov. 13th, 14th, 20th, 21st, 27th & 28th at 8:00pm and Nov. 15th, 22nd & 29th at 2:30 pm. Ayn Rand's play takes place in a courtroom where a young woman is on trial for the murder of her boyfriend/lover. The audiennc gets involved while jurors are picked from the audience to come on stage and at the end will deliver the verdict of guilty or not guilty. The play is held at the NPB Community Center. For more info., please call 561-622-5784 Fla. Fish & Seafood Shelly Kahn teaches how to prepare, cook and serve many native fish and seafood such as Wahoo, Cobia, Snapper, Stone Crab, Florida Lobstter and more. You will learn herbs and seasonings that compliment the dish as well as side dishes to accompaan the meal. The class will cook scrumptious meals which you'll enjoy at the end of the class. Don’t eat dinnne the day of class. Wed., 6:30pm—8:00pm, $24/class Country Club Country Club—Page 9 From the Golf Shop November has arrived and so have many of our winter members and residents are returning. Welcome back! Novemmbe 17th will be the start of the 4th season on the “Nicklaus Signature Course” and we are happy to say our summme went well. Shane McGuire, our superintendent, and his staff have done a great job over the summer getting the golf course in superb playing shape for the upcoming season. With the arrival of the new season comes fresh new merchandise. The women will have selections from Antigua, E.P Pro, Sport Haley and Monterey Club and the men will have choices from Fairway & Green, Nicklaus, Antigua, and Ahead apparel. We offer a variety of collections and will add new merchandise groups as the season progresses. Your Golf Professionals continue to offer private instruuctio on a half hour and hour basis. This year we will be adding additional junior clinics throughout the season. We are here to serve the members and guests. Anything we can do to make your day an enjoyable one is what we strive for everyday! If we can help you with any facet of the golf operation please let us know. Don’t forget, we still have memberships available! Until we see you again “keep it down the middle.” Your Golf Professional From the Tennis Center One of the Village’s most popular, but outdated, recreational facilities has received an impressive face lift. After six months of construction, the Village is pleased to announce the opening of the new North Palm Beach Country Club Tennis Center. The renovation was extensive and included improvements both on and off the court. On court, the hydro grid courts were completely resurfaced including new net posts, lines and water fountains. The light posts were realigned and painted to match the new black fencing. Black windscreens tie the look together. A new concrete and paver sidewalk was installed so players can easily reach their court destination. Lush landscaping beautifully complements this slice of paradise together with our Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course. Residents and members are sure to enjoy the view of the golf course while they play on the fabulous new courts. Off court renovations include a new tennis facility designed by Peacock and Lewis. The shop houses our friendly tennis staff, a merchandise area managed by Tennis and More, locker and shower facilities, and a multi-purpose room which can be used for tennis camps, team meetings and off court strategy sessions. Players and guests will also enjoy the lovely patio area which overlooks courts 1 & 2. We are proud to be the home of Ron Rainyn’s ACE Tennis Academy. A comprehensive after school program for children ages 4 to 17. Participants are evaluated by staff and then placed in an appropriate class based on their age and ability. Classes are offered Monday through Thursday beginning at 3:30pm each afternoon. Classes continue on the hour throughout the afternoon. Kim Franklin, Head Professional, and her staff offer a wide variety of lessons, group clinics, fitness classes, teams, leagues, and social events. Following is a small sample of what is offered: Palm Tennis Teams, PBCWTA Women’s Teams, The Working Person’s Tennis Workout, Men’s Drill & Play, Hitting Frenzy, Quick Start for Children on Saturdaays and beginner, intermediate, or advanced clinics. Please be sure to stop by your new tennis facility. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, our staff is sure to have a program for you to enjoy. For more information, visit the Village website at www.village-npb.org or call the pro shop at 626-6515. Fold out for Village Calendar (Pages 7 & 8) VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call Code Enforcement Board ………..1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call Golf Advisory Board …………..2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board -General Employees……………………..on call Pension Board -Police & Fire …………………………...on call Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment …………………………….on call Village of North Palm Beach Village Council David B. Norris Mayor William Manuel Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T.R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Villaag Hall, 501 US Highway One Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays -Garbage only Tuesdays -Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays -Garbage only Thursdays -Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays -Garbage only Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule Mon., Nov. 9th-Garbage Only Tues., Nov. 10th – Trash & Vegetation Wed., Nov. 11th-No pick pick up (Veteran’s Day) Thurs., Nov. 12th-All Recycling Fri., Nov. 13th-Garbage Only Mon., Nov. 23rd – Garbage Only Tues., Nov. 24th-Trash & Vegetation Wed., Nov. 25th -All Recycling Thurs., Nov. 26th-No pick up (Thanksgiving Day) Fri., Nov. 27th-Garbage Only Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, November 12, 2009, 7:30pm