09-2009 Newsletter PDFThe Best Place to Live Under the Sun The Village of SEPTEMBER 2009 International Coastal Cleanup—Page 6 Tennis Tips—Page 9 Support Our Troops—Page 2 Get Involved In Your Neighborhood—Page
Village Council /Clerk COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Resolution 2009-36 Approves amendment to Park Landscape Maintenance Contract Resolution 2009-37 Approves amendment to Mowing & Landscape Maintenance
Services Contract Resolution 2009-38 Approves Financial Assistance Agreement with Palm Beach County Resolution 2009-39 Approves application & certifications for Edward Byrne Grant Resolution
2009-40 Approves application & certifications for Justice Assistance Grant Resolution 2009-41 Appoints Alternate members to Planning Commission Resolution 2009-42 Approves contract for
Lighthouse Drive Bridge Repairs SUPPORT OUR TROOPS PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Mayor David Norris recently received two special donations for our adopted military unit. As part of their week
in the vacation bible school program at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, children between the ages of 3-12 created over 130 hand-made cards for our soldiers. Employees at the Ritz Carlton
Golf Club & Spa, Jupiter, collected snacks and DVDs, compiled video messages on “what freedom means to me,” gave a monetary gift, and the Ritz Kids created a banner for our service men
and women. A big Thank You goes out to Program Director Julie Kulwicki and the staff at St. Mark’s, as well as Karen McCann, Director of Member Communications, Nathalie, Megan, and the
rest of employees at the Ritz Carlton Golf Club & Spa for volunteeerin to help with our efforts to support the troops! Many thanks to all our community partners for stepping forward
to help – especially during such tough economic times. Every contribution helps us show our 300 adopted soldiers that they are not forgotten and still have our support. Vice Mayor Bill
Manuel helped prepare care packages for “our guys” during packing day for the July 4th “Baseball and Apple Pie” themed shipment. To celebrate Independence Day, volunteers sent baseball
equipment and a tropph to our adopted Wolfhounds in Iraq and individual 4th of July care packagge to over 300 soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Additionally, more than 300 freshly
made “Tastykake” Apple Pies were shipped from Philadelphhia PA (where they are baked and packaged) to our troops. Thank You to our residents for helping out on packing days and with
donation drives – you’re the best!! VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR THE LIBRARY BOARD A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Library Advisory Board. The Library Advisory Board meets at 7:00
p.m. on the last Tuesday of every month, in the Conference Room at Village Hall. The Library Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Village Council and makes recommendattion
as to present and future activities, planning, programs, capital improveement and facilities and other matters relating to the overall function and operation of the Library. Applications
are available from the Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One, 841-3355, or online at www.village-npb.org Library Board Advisory Board Dinner 2009 Page 2—Village
Council /Clerk
RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT The parking of recreational, boating and camping equipment and personal recreational use trailers is restricted on residential property within the Village and
is a customary use of the land within the R-1 and R-2 zoning districts only. Please help keep our Village looking neat and attractive by following the Village Code Chapter 18 Section
35. • Please limit equipment to two (2) pieces. • All equipment shall have a current vehicle license plate affixed at all times. • All equipment must be owned or leased by the occupant-owner
or occupant-lessee of the site, with the followiin exception: A guest of an occupant-owner or occupant-lessee may park this equipment in the front yard for not more than five (5) days
in any fourteen-day period. • Equipment shall be stored on the side yard (with required opaque screening consisting of a fence, wall or hedge) or in the rear yard. Such parked equipment
shall not be used in the course of any commercial activity. The Village Code Compliance division division strives to enhance cooperative relationships with residents and businesses by
providing information and education to support voluntary compliance with the Village code. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, COMMUNITY RATING SYSTEM Congratulations! The Department of
Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has determined the Village of North Palm Beach will increase to a Class 7 in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
Community Rating System (CRS). The National Flood Insurance Program’s Community Rating System was implemented by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in 1990 as a program for encouraging
floodpllai management activities that exceed minimum NFIP standards. To earn CRS credit, our community implemeent activities such as: preserving open space in floodplains; enforcing
higher standards for new development; maintaining drainage systems; and informing residents about flood hazards, flood insurance, and reducing flood damage. Each year, the Village undergoes
a CRS CRS program evaluation and recertification, which is required by FEMA. The floodplain management activities implemented by the Village qualifies you for a fifteen percent discooun
in the premium cost of flood insurance for NFIP policies issued or renewed in Special Flood Hazard Areas on or after May 1, 2009. Please note Preferred Risk Policies, applicable in Zones
B, C and X are not eligible for the CRS discount. Standard rated flood insurance policies in Zones B, C, X, D, AR and A99 are limited to a CRS discount of ten percent in Class 7-9 communities.
The typical Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) A5 and A7 could qualify for the full fifteen percent discount with verificattio from your insurance agency. The CRS discount is applied
before the addition of the Federal Policy Fee. For more information please visit www.floodsmart.org. Page 3—Community News Community News A Message from your Code Compliance Department...
RESIDENTIAL YARD WASTE REMOVAL The Village Council recently passed Ordinance 2009-01, which includes an amendment to section 14-31, limiting the amount of yard waste the Village will
remove from a residential property on any scheduled yard waste collectiio day. Branches, tree limbs, shrub clippings, and palm fronds shall be limited to one pile not exceeding 8 cubic
yards, measuring approximately 4 feet wide, by 15 feet long, by 4 feet tall. If yard waste placed for collection exceeds the allowable limit, property owners shall be required to pay
the costs associated with removal. Remember, any person, group of persons, corporation, or other entity paid a fee to perform tree trimming or landscape maintenance shall be required
to remove all yard waste generated by such activities. Violations of this Ordinance can be reported to Public Works at 691-3440. Questions concerning the Village code may be directed
to (561) 841-3367 Mon. through Fri. from 8am – 5pm or to our website at www.village-npb.org. 15 ft 4 ft
Page 4—Public Safety KNOW YOUR WAY OUT When the building fire alarm sounds what do you do? A fire can quickly fill the halls of your building with smoke and poisonous gases, making them
dark and dangerous. Having a home escape plan is an important part of your safety. The following checklist will help you make a home fire escape plan. • Have working smoke detectors
that will wake you when sleeping. • Be sure everyone knows two ways out of every bedroom. • Sleep with bedroom doors closed. This will protect you from smoke traveling through your home.
• Be sure windows open easily from the inside, allowing for a speedy escape. • Never use the elevator in the event of a fire emergency. If you are unable to use the stairs to evacuate
wait in your apartment and call 911. • Designate a meeting place where everyone in your family can meet once outside. • Call 9-1-1 from a safe phone once outside. • Make certain everyone
understands that once out of the building no one is to re-enter without the permission of the fire department. Public Safety GET INVOLVED IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Neighbors who help one
another by looking out for each other gives law enforcement an extra set of eyes and ears to help keep your community safe. The oppossit is also true. A neighborhood where residents
keep to themselves and do not maintain a vigilant watch over the community makes an inviting target for burglars and thieves. So what can you do to be a good neighbor and improve the
safety of you, your loved ones, your property, and the entire community? The simple answer is to get to know your neighbors, get involved, and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.
Here are some specific tips to help prevent crime in your neighborhood: • Be observant and report suspicious people, vehicles, and activity to the Police Department. • Use 911 to report
a crime in progress. In order to assist law enforcement, try to get as much information as you can (time and location of the incident, the description of the suspects, vehicle description
and a license plate numbeer direction of travel). • Get acquainted with residents who live next door, across the street and behind you. Make sure you know telephhon numbers, addresses,
and descriptions of neighbors' vehicles. • Inform someone close by, that you trust, of your vacation schedules or planned overnight absences so they can keep watch over your home. •
Take advantage of the Vacation House Watch program offered by the Police Department. This program notifies police officers when residents will be away and directs them to check the property
in the homeowner’s absence. • Report door to door solicitors. Solicitation can sometimes be used as a ruse to see what is inside your house. Villaag ordinance does not allow for door
to door solicitation. To learn ways to protect your home with proper locks and lighting techniques, contact Sergeant Dallesandro at 841-3300 to schedule a FREE Security Survey of your
home. K9 DEMONSTRATION AT THE LIBRARY The North Palm Beach Library had a K9 dog presentation and ice cream party on Wednesday, July 15th. More then 50 people turned out to hear Officer
James Kaminski tell about his K9 dog, Cole, and demonstrate some of the dog’s abilitiies Police dogs are trained to specifically assist police and law-enforcement personnne with their
work. A traditional role for a police dog is to enforce order, such as chasing and holding individuals suspected of committing a crime. Tracking dogs are trained to find suspects, missing
persons or illegal substances. In a less common role, cadaver dogs are trained to detect the odor of decomposing bodiees Despite the differences in day-to-day activities, all police
dogs aim to serve and protect, just like their human counterparts and any attack on a K9 is considerre to be an attack on a police officer. *Article posted in the Jupiter Courier on
Wed., July 22nd, Pg A4.
The 17th annual McDonalld’ Reading Challenge will kick off in September. Children grades kindergarrte through 5th will receive prizes and coupoon for free treats for visiting the library
and using their library card. Sign up for all Fall programs at the Children’s Desk. We will have a visit from Ronald McDonald for fun, magic and lots of audieenc participation on September
9th at 3:00pm. Page 5—Library Library GENEALOGY CLUB The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their first Fall meeting on Tuesday, September 15th, at 7pm at the library. What’s Happening
at the Library TRAVEL PROGRAM Travel Videos are shown every Wednesday at 12:00pm. Bring a bag lunch and share your travel experiences. Sept. 2nd Scotland…The Beauty and Majesty Sept.
9th, 16th, & 23rd TBA Sept. 30th Botswana: In the Footsteps of the No. 1 Detective Agency Did you know… September is National Library Card Sign-up Month! QUESTION AUTHORITY…ASK AN ATTORNEY
The Library will present a series of speakers covering the following topics: Tuesday, Tuesday, Sept. 8th Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning with Atty. Justin Savioli Tuesday, Sept. 15th
Elder Law with Atty. Dan Terner Tuesday, Sept. 22nd Bankruptcy Law with Atty. Jordan Rappaport Tuesday, Sept. 29th Tax Law with CPA Gerard Samoleski *Lectures will be held in the Library
meeting room at 5:00PM Children’s Services STORY TIMES Tuesdays 10:00 AM (20 min.) Age 2yrs. 10:45 AM (30 min.) Ages 3-4 yrs. Thursdays 10:00 AM (20 min .) Ages 13-23mo. 10:45 AM (20
min.) Ages 3-12 mo. “Bouncin’ Boogie Babies” Each program is carefully prepared with age-appropriate materials, with themes that are filled with stories, puppets, flannel board stories,
musiic movies, and crafts. FAMILY MOVIE DAY Every Thursday 3:30pm All ages Sept 3rd, 10th, 17th, & 24th *Popcorn served* KIDS CRAFT DAY September 11th (Every second Friday) 3:30pm, Ages
6-12 Space limited…Sign up required NEW BOOKS COMING IN SEPTEMBER The Governor by Rod Blagojevich The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown Homer and Langley by E.L. Doctorow Murder of King Tut by
James Patterson The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks Hothouse Orchid by Stuart Woods VILLAGE HISTORIAN’S CORNER We are busy getting the scanning equipment up and running! The Library has
been kind enough to let us have a lot of their archives to add to our collection. Additionally, we will soon be able to display all the wonderful pictures we have stored in our office.
We look forward to speaking with anyone that has stories and memorabilia about our town of North Palm Beach. Please give us a call at (561) 841-3371 or stop by the Library. ADULT READING
PROGRAM Sign up for the adult reading program, September through October. Read a book, write a review and win prizes.
Flick at Night -The next outdoor movie at Anchorage Park will be on Sept. 12th and the featured presentation will be “Jumanji”. Showtime will be at dusk – approx 7:30-8:00pm. There is
no admisssio charge. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, picnic baskets, cooleer and join us! International Coastal Cleanup -The Village of North Palm Beach is participating in the International
Coastal Cleanup 2009, sponsored by Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful, on Saturdaay September 19th from 8:00 am until noon. We are encouraging residents to join the efforts to clean our
public waterfront areas. Our cleanup areas will be Munyon Island/Lakeside Park and Anchorage Park. We are looking for volunteers! Anyone interested in participating must pre-register
with the North Palm Beach Recreation Dept., 603 Anchorage Dr. (841-3386) First 25 volunteers will receive a t-shirt. We will also need volunteers with boats to transport other volunteers
to/from Munyon Island. This is a great opportunity for not only individuals but also clubs/groups and organizations to give back to your communnity We hope you will join in and help
Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful. Please visit the website for volunteer application forms and more information. Village Wide Garage Sale – The scheduled date is Saturdday Oct. 3 from
7:00 am – noon. Registration forms available online or at Anchorage Park. Cost is $15.97/space. Hurry! They won’t last long! Arts & Crafts Fall Festival – We still have openings for
the annual Novemmbe 7th show that is held at the Community Center. This event runs from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm and is limitte to handcrafted items. This is not a flea market. If you are interesste
in participating, call 841-3389. Page 6—Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Fall Activity Registration -We have some great new classes beginning this month that we are sure you will
be interested in! Online registration began last month but you still have time to get into most classes. Please call 841-3389 or go online to find availability. New Fall Activity Classes
-Sewing, Spanish for Kids, Baby & Me Fitness, Beginning Agility Training for Dogs, Secrre Garden, Creative Clay, Beginner Gymnastics, Tumbling and more! Returning Activity Classes -Tae
Kwon Do, Spanish, Italian, Table Tennis, Guitar, Special Needs Camp, Puppy Pre-K, Belly Dance, Yoga, Tai Chi, Fitness Over 50, Tap/Jazz/Ballet, Hip Hop Dance, Fla. Fish & Seafood, Country
Line Dance, Jazzercise, Merengue, Salsa and Bridge. Please visit the www.village-npb.org (dept – Parks & rec-activity schedule) for days/times/prices. Schedules are available at all
Recreation buildings. Ghost Run -The Recreation Dept is holding a 5K Ghost Run on Saturday, Oct. 24th. The 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) certified course begins and ends at Anchoorag Park.
We will also be holding a 100yd Ghost Sprint for youth 3-6 years and a 1K Goblin Run for youth 7-10 years of age. You are invited to join in even if you don’t run! The school with the
most entrants will get an award. Pre-registration fee is $20/person and includes a tshhir if you have pre-pre-registered by Oct. 7th. Applicatiion can be obtained at the Recreation centers
or on the Recreation pages of www.village-npb.org. Dolphins -VS -Saints -Football season is just around the corner! We are taking a bus to the Dolphhin vs. New Orleans Saints on Sunday,
Oct. 25th. Kickoff time is 4:15pm so the bus will depart from the Community Center around 12:30pm and return around 11pm. $80 includes your game ticket, transportation, sub, soda, and
a tailgate party! Want to have a great time and leave the driving & parking hassles up to someone else? Join us! Don’t wait! Limited seating! Basketball League – youth 5-16 years. If
you register in person for this winter youth basketball program between Oct. 1st – 25th the discounted rate is $60/resident, $70/non-resident. Online registration for this program begins
Sept. 1st and continues until Oct. 25th at the reduced rates. After October 25th, the price returns to the regular $70/resident and $80/nonresiident Each team has approxiimatel 2 games/week
and a practice. Games will be played weeknights and Saturdaay at the NPB Community Center. All participants 9 years + will be drafted onto teams. Coaches are needed. For more details,
call Adam at 841-3389, after 4:00pm.
TIPS FROM THE NPB HEAD PRO KIM L. FRANKLIN Frustrating Shot #1: The Lob-“All they did was lob us to death!” The effective lobber can stop you in your tracks. Standing at the net the
lobber can put the ball over your head and while approaching the lobber can put the ball over your opponents head rendering your team helpless. Solution #1: “They lob—You hover” In order
to limit the effectiveness of the lob move back to the service line, instead of closing in too tight to the net. This greatly reduces the size of the target behind you, making it harder
for the opponent to get the ball over your head and actually stops the opponent from even attempting it. This tactic also works if you are moving in or approaching. Instead of closing
in too tight to the net hover back around the service line. After you stop at the service line in order to deter the lob, look to move forward to the net and ultimattel win the point
from there. Proactively move or stop at the service line to make it more difficulty to lob effecttivel and less tempting to even try. TENNIS NEWS REGISTRATION is UNDERWAY for the ACE
Tennis Academy and children ages 4 to 17 are invited to participate. All classes are after school and children are evaluated by staff and then placed in an appropriate class based on
their age and ability. If it’s tennis you’re looking for, we have a program for you. There are fitness classes, teaching clinics, organized play, leagues, and of course, private lessons
are always available. Please visit the website at www.village-npb.org for complete detaiils You may also call the tennis shop (626-6515) where our staff will assist you in finding a
program just for you. Did you know…. The North Palm Beach Country Club Tennis Center “Rebuild— Reinvigorate—Re-launch” project was featured in the Palm Beach Gardens lifestyle magazine?
Page 9—Country Club Country Club FROM THE GOLF SHOP We have had a busy summer of golf thanks to our members, summer members and to all who come here and play. We have hosted Minor League
tour events, The The Palm Beach County Women’s group and a Florida State Golf Associaatio qualifying event this summer. The golf course has held up beautifully and is gaining respect
among all golfers in the area and around the state. If you have not played lately the golf course is in superb shape. I would put it up against most private clubs in the area. One of
our goals is to give you the finest conditioned golf course in the state not just the area!! Our membership is starting to fill; yes, it is that time of year already. We are accepting
375 membeers if you have not joined but are planning to, stop by our office and see Susan or myself and let’s get you registeere for the upcoming season. All residents who play golf
but are not members check your calendars -we have the dates September 13th and 27th available for a CART FEE ONLY DAY!! Make a tee time and come over and play as a member on one of these
Sundaays Please mark your calendar, we will be closed on Monday, September 14th for golf course maintenance. This will be our final day of being closed for the season for golf course
maintenance. Please remember we do not open until 10:00am on Mondays thru September and in October we will open at 7:00am on Mondays. You have a wonderful golf course here in your backyard,
be proud of it and enjoy it! I look forward to seeing you in the fairway!! Mike Fold out for Village Calendar
Please Recycle VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, September
10, 2009, 7:30pm Thursday, September 24, 2009, 7:30pm Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee …………………………………..on call Code Enforcement Board ….1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction
Board of Adjustment…………………on call Golf Advisory Board …….2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Library Advisory Board ….4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board -General Employees……………….on call
Pension Board -Police & Fire ……………………..on call Planning Commission …….1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board 2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board …….next to last
Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment ………………………on call Village of North Palm Beach Village Council David B. Norris Mayor William Manuel Vice
Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T.R. R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village
Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Villaag Hall, 501 US Highway
One Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays -Garbage only Tuesdays -Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays -Garbage only Thursdays -Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays
-Garbage only Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383
Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village
Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380 Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule—Labor Day week Monday,
September 7, 2009, Labor Day—No pickup Tuesday—Garbage only Wednesday— Trash, Vegetation and Dumpster Recycling Thursday—Trash, Vegetation and Residential Recycling Friday—Garbage only