05-2009 Newsletter PDFMay 2009 The Best Place to Live Under the Sun The Village of Village Brick Paver Program—Pages 5 & 6 Town Meeting— Page 3 2009-2010 Council Officers—Page 2 Summer Reading Programs—Page
Village University COUNCIL MEMBERS RE-ELECTED The following individuals were sworn-in March 12, 2009 as members of the Village Council for a two year term: Group 2: David Norris Group
4: T.R. Hernacki COUNCIL OFFICERS FOR 2009 -2010 The Village Council selected its Officers for the comiin year. David Norris was appointed Mayor, William Manuel was appointed Vice Mayor,
and Darryl Aubrey was appointed President Pro Tem. the same geographical boundaries as each county, but the school district is a separate government. School distriict have elected boards
that govern the day-to-day operations of public education for grades K-12. School districts are a special-purpose local government. Fundiin is provided through the property taxes and
state revenues. Florida has another type of local government, the special district. There are two types of special districts: indepennden and dependent. Independent districts are creatte
by the Legislature for a specific purpose, to be proviide in a certain area. The funding and governance of each one is set by the Legislature. Examples of indepennden special districts
include water management distriicts fire service, inland navigation, ditch maintenance, and the like. Florida also has dependent special districts, which are created by cities and counties.
These districts are goverrne by the city or county elected commission, and deriiv their authority, funding and support from that governmeent Examples of dependent special districts include
downtown improvement authorities, community redevelopmmen authorities and special taxing districts. There are about 600 independent and 300 dependent special districts throughout Florida.
So, cities are not counties, they are not school districts, and they are not special districts. Cities are publicly creatted independent governments designed by their citizeens for their
citizens. They are the only voluntary level of local government in the Sunshine State. Cities require choice on the part of their residents, and with that choice comes the benefit of
grass-roots democracy, true selfgoverrnance and home rule powers. Village Council/Community News The Structure of Government in Florida Florida became a state in 1845. Under previous
British and Spanish rule, territorial leaders had recognized locca and regional governance. Two city charters in particcula – St. Augustine and Pensacola – were recogniize as municipal
governments. Upon becoming a territory of the United States, two counties were created that split the state into halves. Over time, the number of counties grew as the state sought to
provide its services throughout Florida. A county is a sub-state, or arm of the state, and every inch of Florida is within a county. Counties are constitutionnall created, and the boundaries
can be changed only by the Legislature. Today, Florida has 67 countiiesthe oldest created in 1821 and the newest in 1925. The board of county commissioners is the elected body that oversees
a county’s governance. Counties must carry out constitutionally mandated responsibilities, and those established by the state. The constitutional serviice of a county are law enforcement
and jail administraation tax collection, property appraisal, state court administration and supervision of elections. In addition, counties are charged with road maintenannce public
health, solid waste disposal and other environmental responsibilities. Other county services are offered as determined by the elected county officiaals Florida has 67 other units of
local government—school districts. These constitutionally created districts share RECENT COUNCIL ACTION Resolution 2009-09 Investment Advisor Selection & Agreemeen Resolution 2009-10
Heritage Day Amusement Rides Contrrac Resolution 2009-11 Interlocal Agreement for Building Official Resolution 2009-12 Playground Equipment & Park Amenitiie Purchase Resolution 2009-13
EMS Equipment Purchase Resolution 2009-14 Ambulance Purchase Resolution 2009-15 FPL Utility Easement at Anchorage Park Resolution 2009-16 Library Elevator Cylinder Replacement Resolution
2009-17 Munis Software Support & License Agreement Resolution 2009-18 July 4, 2009 Fireworks Resolution 2009-19 Actuarial Valuation Proposal Resolution 2009-20 FL Library Services &
Technology Grant Application Complete text for all proposed ordinances, as well as newly enaccte ordinances and resolutions, is available at www.villagenppborg. See the link for Ordinances
or Council Meeting Agendda and Minutes. Page 2– Village Council /Community News
A MESSAGE FROM PUBLIC WORKS The Public Works Department is responsible for the storm water system within the Village. As part of our duties, we are responsible for the implementation
of a program designed to reduuc pollutant discharges to water bodies resultiin from storm water run off and non-storm watte discharges. This program includes the monitorrin of the condition
of the structures, documennte activity report of the amount of litter colleccte from service alleys, swales and ditches, the street swale tree application, construction site inspections,
before and post rainfall activity and an Annual Road Catch-Basin Inspection for illicit detention. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP: • Minimize the use of landscape fertilizers and pesticides.
Apply fertilizers in a manner which will avoid runoff into any drainage system. • Dispose of waste properly. Storm drains and catch basins should receive rain water only. Do not allow
yard clippings, waste oil, paint and detergents to enter the drainage system. • Items such as used motor oil, antifreeze, and batteries can be recycled at the local auto supppl stores
or the Solid Waste Authorities facility located at 6161 North Jog Road, West Palm Beach. VILLAGE “TOWN HALL” MEETING Monday, May 4th, 4:00pm NPB Country Club Regarding Parker Bridge
Refurbishment Village residents and business owners welcome! Come celebrate the 50th Anniveersar of North Palm Beach Elementary School! Everyone is welcome and we look forward to seeing
you there! NPB SUPPORT OUR TROOPS PROGRAM NEEDS YOU! We need Volunteers to help with donation drives, packing days, and special events. If you can help, please call or email the Clerk’s
office, 841-3355, npbclerk@villagenppborg. Do you have a family member serving in Iraq or Afghanisttan Contact the Village Clerk’s office to have them incluude in our list for shipments.
An updated list of suggested donation items, program informaation and upcoming events can be found at www.village-npb.org under Village Clerk/Support Our Troops – Military Unit Adoption.
Cash donations are gratefully accepted to help offset shipping costs and to purchase additional supplies for our adopted soldiers. Page 3—Community News /Library Community News/Library
WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE LIBRARY Genealogy Club The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their May meeting on Tuesday, May 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room. Plan to attend
this informative meeting as this will be our last meeting until the fall. Newcomers are always welcome! If you have any questions, please call Sue at 841-3383. Summer Reading Programs
2009 Summer Reading Programs are to begin June 10th and held on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. from June 10th through July 15th. Please come by the Library and sign up for the exciting activities
that are planned. June 10th Busch Wildlife Day 1pm June 17th Pajama Story Time 1pm June 24th Sandpipers & Shells 1pm July 1s America, America! 1pm July 8th Creative Explosion 1pm July
15th Ice Cream Social 1pm NORTH PALM BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 50th Anniversary Monday, May 4, 2009 10:00am 00am Children’s Story Times in May Mother’s Day will be the theme for the May
Programs. After the story times, please feel free to browse the Childreen’ Department with a nice selection of books and media. Tuesdays Thursdays 2-3 year olds 10am 13-23 months 10am
3-12 months 10:45am 4-5 year olds 10:45am Sat. May 9th—Story Time Fun 4-5 year olds 10-10:30am Sat. May 16th—Book Buddies 6-8 year olds 10-10:30am
COAST GUARD STATION OPEN HOUSE Saturday, May 16, 2009, 10am-3pm Lake Worth Inlet The Coast Guard will be kicking off National Safe Boating Week with an Open House. The station offers
guided tours of the Coast Guard Station and patrol vessels. Live demonstrations include helicopter air-sea rescue, drug hunting, attack and patrolling dogs. Exhibits and lectures will
focus on marine safety, environmennta concerns, manatee and turtle protection, and boating safety for everyone. A Coast Guard movie, weapons display and a Coast Guard and Auxiliary information
booth round out the offerings. Refreshments and souvenirs available, proceeds will benefit the Coast Guard morale fund. This event will also focus on a wear your life jacket campaign
defining the public’s responsibility to save lives through the wearing of life jackets, to obtaining boating education and to driving boats safely. Here you will also meet other Homeland
Security partners, Border Patrol & Customs, Fish & Wildlife, Local Police, Fire Departtmen and Sheriff organizations along with Coast Guard Auxiliary Safe boating instructors. Learn
how to be in command and keep yourself safe on the water. Directions to the Station: Take I-95 to Blue Heron Blvd. East, turn left (north) on Broadway (Rte. 1) to first traffic light,
Silver Beach Rd. and turn right and follow to Statiio Lake Worth, a short distance on your left. FIRE PREVENTION Happy Mother’s Day; I know you will be taking mom out for dinner to give
her a break from cookinng So that’s my cue to remind you that cooking is our number one cause of home fires. The number one reason for this is unattended cooking. In these busy times
we get distracted by the phone, someone at the door or the kids with that must do school project, and we leave something cooking on the stove. By the time you return a fire has started.
Please don’t fall victim to this all too repeated story. If you must walk away from the stove, even for what you think will be “just a minutte turn the stove off, turn those pot handles
in so they don’t hang over the edge to be knocked over. Resume cooking when you return and can stay with it. If you have any questions regarding cooking fires, or any other fire safety
topic, please contact us at (561) 882-1141. DON’T SEND AN OPEN INVITATION TO THIEVES Public Safety To enter my home, Take my most precious and valuable belongings, And to enter my car,
Remove my garage remote, electronics and other valuables, And drive away with my vehicle You’re Invited Page 4– Public Safety Secure your home, belongings and vehicles by remembering
these simple tips: ?? Keep car doors locked, even when left unattended for short periods of time. ?? Don’t leave garage door openers in parked vehiclle at your home. ?? Lock all doors
and windows when away from home and while you sleep. ?? Keep garage doors closed. ?? Lock car doors when fueling.
NORTH PALM BEACH Country Club VILLAGE PAVER Low Gross Howard Lybolt-Jim Lang 73 2nd Gross Joe Gorman-Joe Long 74 Low Net Dick Aldred-Clyde Gibson 64 2nd Net John Campbell-Chris Cantwell
64 3rd Net David Norris-DJ Snapp 65 4th Net Lou Piccioli-David Cesario 65 5th Net Dick Aldred-Herb Andrew 66 6th Net Dick Aldred-Ted Prior 66 7th Net Gary Socha-Gary Socha 66 Until next
time keep it in the fairway…… Mike PS: Junior Golf Camp registration starts in June. Call 691-3433 for information. “FROM THE GOLF SHOP” May has arrived and so have our summer rates!!
Effecctiv May 1st our top weekday rate for 18 holes is $45.00 and our top weekend rate is $49.00. We also are offering a summer membership, effective May1 to September 30. The membership
fee is $495.00 for these 5 months. If you decide to join as a full membbe we will apply 50% of your summer membership towards your full membership. We also have started a Member Loyalty
Initiative, the golf club is holding the line on dues for next season, THERE WILL NOT BE A DUES INCREASE!! 1) All returning members who renew their memberships by August 1, 2009 and
pay in full, will receive a 5% discount. 2) Any member introducing a NEW club member will receive a 5% discount for all new signed resident members and/or 10% for all new signed non-resident
membeers Come be part of the golfing family at North Palm Beach!! The North Palm Beach C.C. hosted a men’s one-day member-guest on February 18th with 56 participants. A great day was
had by all!! We look forward to hostiin a multiple day event next year. We would like to thank all who participated. Country Club TENNIS NEWS Tennis, Golf, & Pool Summer Camps The ACE
Academy will offer camps each week throughout the summer beginning June 8th and endiin August 14th. Several camp options are available to children ages 4 to 17; tennis only camp, tennis
and swimming camp, and then a tennis, golf, and swimming camp that will only be offered the 2nd week of each month (June, July, & August). Registration will begin in May and a 15% discount
will be given to children registering for the tennis camp or the tennis and swim camp by May 15th. Adult Classes We also have many program options available to adults that include the
following: cardio tennis, classes for beginners, a Friday “Meet & Greet” clinic, a Saturday “Drills, Skills, & Thrills” clinic and much more. Adult Leagues & Socials There are adult
social tennis activities and leagues during the day and evening. Women’s Team Tennis Call now to check for openings on any of the PBCWTA teams (626-6515). Page 5—Country Club Become
a permanent part of the Village and leave a lasting memory! Everyone is invited to buy a brick, eithhe for you, your family or for someone else, to commemoorat a special occasion or
to honor or remember a special loved one. Bricks will be displayed on the Country Club entrance sidewalk, pool deck and tennis facility (coming soon) so that in the years to come, you
will be able to bring your children and grandchildren to the “Walk of Fame” and see your name and theirs as a permanent legacy at the Village of North Palm Beach Country Club. What a
great way to be remembered! In addition to your brick purchase you will receive a miniature replica brick (11/2 x3”) of the original. Just $100 for a 4”x8” paver brick (with or without
clipart) *Order form follows on Page 6*
TOTAL: $100.00 Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Print information exactly as you would like it to appear. If no clip art is used, 3
lines with a maximum of 20 characters per line is allowed. With clip art positioned to the left, 3 lines with a maximum of 12 characters is allowed. With clip art positioned in the center
of the Brick, 2 lines with a maximum of 20 characters per line is allowed. Note: spaces and punctuation(s) are counted as characters! The Village of North Palm Beach reserrve the right
to screen all messages. 4” x 8” Brick Paver (DO NOT USE SHADED AREA WHEN INCLUDING CLIP ART.) Clip Art # __________ (Clip art aligned left. 3 lines aligned right, 12 characters each)
4” x 8” Brick Paver (DO NOT USE SHADED AREA WHEN INCLUDING CLIP ART.) Clip Art # __________ (Clip art centered. 1 line on top, 1 line on bottom, 20 characters each) Brick display section
(Please check one): CC Entrance Sidewalk _______ CC Pool Deck _______ Tennis Facility _______ (Coming soon) If you wish to order more than one brick paver, a separate order form will
be necessary for each brick. *Please make checks payable to: Village of North Palm Beach, NO CASH ACCEPTED You may mail or drop off your order form to Erica Shannon at the Village Manager’s
Office in Village Hall, 501 US Hwy One. Please allow 4-6 weeks for bricks to be delivered and installed at the Country Club. You will be notified when your Mini Brick Replica is available
for pick up. If you have any questions, please contact Erica Shannon at Village Hall 561-841-3380 or at eshannoonvillage-npb.org 14A 18A 19A 10A 20B WHEEL Purchaser’s Name: __________________________
____________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: _________________________________________________ State & Zip Code: ________________________________________
Phone #: _______________________________________________ E-Mail Address ___________________________________________ ORDER FORM PRICING AS FOLLOWS: 4”x8” Standard size imprinted: $100.00
per brick paver with or without clip art “CLIP ART CHOICE” ---( Please circle choice & indicate below) Page 6—Brick Order Form
Super Kids Camp – This ½ day program is for youth 4 – 6 years of age. The group meets Mon.—Fri. from 9am-noon. This program runs in 4 two week sessions beginning the week of June 8th.
Each week features a different theme with guests coming in to present fun, exciting and educational programs. Camp includes story time, crafts, free play, snack and more. Cost is $100/session.
Camp Director is Marelen Baylis. Camp Counselors – The Recreation Department is accepting applications for summer camp counselors. Interested parties should be at least 18, have experiennc
working with youth and pass a criminal backgrooun & drug test. Applications can be downloaded from the Village web site: www.village-npb.org. Summer Basketball – Early registration for
the summme basketball league begins May 4th -22nd. There are 2 divisions: 17 Yrs & under, 14 yrs & under. The early registration fee is $45/residents, $50/non-resident. If you register
after May 22nd the fees will be $55/$60. Participants will enjoy a 10 game summer season of exciting basketball! For details, call Adam at 841-3389 – after 2pm. Parks & Recreation SUMMER
FUN WITH PARKS & RECREATION Page 9—Parks & Recreation ANCHORAGE PARK IMPROVEMENTS As you may have noticed, things look very different at Anchorage Park! During the start of 2009 the
Village of North Palm Beach has been in the process of renovating Anchorage Park and some of the improvements incluude • Pedestrian/Bike trail -3/4 mile • 7 exercise stations • 2 new
lighted sand Volleyball courts • 2 new playgrounds • Swing sets • 7 picnic Gazebos • 1 Entertainment gazebo • 2 Fishing/observation piers • 2 Refurbished tennis courts • 2 dog Parks
(small and large dogs) • 9 water fountains All are welcome to stop by and check out the improvements! A grand opening event will be held in the near future, stay tuned for more information.
The Village of North Palm Beach is committed to providing the community with “The Best Place to Live (and play) Under the Sun.” Fold out for Village Calendar (Pages 7 & 8) Summer Camp
Registration: Registration for all Summer Camp Programs will begin online on Monday, April 13th. To regisste in person, residents can register at Anchorage Park Activitiie Bldg. from
April 27th -May 2nd from 9am – 7pm. Non resideent can register May 4th -9th from 9am -7pm. All camp schedules can be seen on the recreation pages of www.villagenppborg. NPB Summer Day
Camp – Recreation Day Camp for youth 7 – 13 years of age runs in weekly sessions from June 8th – July 31st. Camp meets at the NPB Community Center. Campers will travel to local attractions
on Mon. & Wed. afternoons. They will remain at the Community Center for indoor and outdoor activity on Tues. & Thurs. On Fridays, the group will take trips to attractiion such as Wet
N' Wild, Blizzard Beach & Typhoon Lagoon! $150/week. (multiple session discounts available) Summer Sports Camps – These camps are ½ day, from 9amnooo and are presented by Building Up
Sports Academy. Camps to be offered by the week include: Multi Sports, Fishing, Baseball, Flag Football, Soccer, Dance/Cheerleading, and Baskettbal camps. These camp programs begin the
week of June 15th and go through August 7th. The cost is $100/session and are for youth 7-13 years of age. There is a one week multi sport camp for youth 4-6 yrs on June 22nd-26th. •
Large open plays areas • Restrooms • Parking area • New Boat wash area • Baseball backstop for informal play
Please Recycle Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee …………………………………..on call Code Enforcement Board ….1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction Board of Adjustment…………………on
call Golf Advisory Board …….2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00pm Library Advisory Board ….4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board -General Employees……………….on call Pension Board -Police & Fire
……………………..on call Planning Commission …….1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board 2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:30pm Waterways Board …….next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except
June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00pm Zoning Board of Adjustment ………………………on call VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM
BEACH, FL 33408 Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, May, 14 2009, 7:30pm Thursday, May 28, 2009, 7:30pm Village of North Palm Beach Village Council David B. Norris Mayor William Manuel
Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T.R. Hernacki, P.P.E. Councilman Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk
Village Council members can be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org *All meetings are held at the Villaag Hall, 501 US
Highway One Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays -Garbage only Tuesdays -Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation Wednesdays -Garbage only Thursdays -Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Fridays -Garbage only Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule May 25th-No Collection (Memorial Day) May 26th-Garbage Village Wide May 27th-Trash & Vegetation May 28th-Recycling May 29th-Garbage
Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety:
Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Directory Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3380