02-2009 Newsletter PDFMarch 2009 Village Election—Pages 2 & 3 Tennis Classes & Activities— Puppy Love—Page 10 Page 9 The Village of The Best Place to Live Under the Sun February 2009 ?? VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Code Enforcement Board: The Village Council is seeking a resident to fill one vacancy on the Code Enforccemen Board. Appointments shall be made based on experience or interest in the fields of zoning and building control. The Code Enforcement Board meets on call at 6:30 p.m. the first Monday of the month. Village Historian: Are you interested in history? The Village Council is accepting applications for a resident to serve as Village Historian. The Historian collects and organizes articles, documents, photographs, and other items of historical significance to North Palm Beach. To apply for any of these positions, please complete an Application for Appointment available from the Clerk’s office in Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, by calling 841-3355 or download the application from the Village website www.village-npb-org (click on the Boards and Committees link.) Return your application to the Clerk’s office. The Village Council will interview all applicants at an upcoming meeting. Village Clerk Page 2– Village Clerk www.village-npb.org CANDIDATE QUALIFYING FOR MARCH 2009 VILLAGE ELECTION: The qualifying period for candidates for the Village Council will be from the last Tuesday in January (noon, January 27, 2009) to the second Tuesday in February (noon, February 10, 2009). Qualifying is for the Village Election, which will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2009. There will be two seats on the Village Council up for election this year. These seats are currently held by: Group 2 – T.R. Hernacki Group 4 – David B. Norris We want to remind all interested candidates to contact the Village Clerk’s office as early as possiblle There are many state laws regulating campaign activities for municipal elections with which you should be familiar. Candidates must file the appointment of their Campaign Treasurer and Campaign Depository with the Village Clerk before opening the campaign bank account and before collecting or spending money. A candidate must pay for all election expenses, including the filing fee of $10.00 and a $90.00 election assessment (1% of the salary of the office sought) with a check drawn on the Campaign Depository. It would be advisable to start preparation for filing as soon as you have made your decision to become a candidate. VOTER REGISTRATION: The registration books for the March Election will close at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 9, 2009. We would like to advise voters registered in Palm Beach County that if they move, they must vote at their new precinct, at which time they can change their address at the polls, or if they have sufficient time prior to the election, they should write to the Supervisor of Electiion Office, 240 S. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, notifying that office of their new addreess The Supervisor of Elections will mail a new voter registration card showing the new precinct. ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Voters who will be away on Election Day, as well as those who are unabbl to go to the polls due to illness or disability, may have an absentee ballot mailed to them. Absennte ballots are available only from the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be done by phone, by mail, or by completing the application online (www.pbcelections.org). PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Main Office North County Courthouse Branch 240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 656-6200 624-6556 CANDIDATOS QUE CALIFICAN PARA LAS ELECCIONES 10 DE MARZO DEL 2009 DEL PUEBLO: El periodo de calificación para candidatos para el Consejo del Pueblo será desde el último Martes de Enero (medio día del 27 de Enero de 2009) hasta el segundo Martes de Febrero (medio día del 10 de Febrero de 2009). La calificación es para las Elecciones del Pueblo, que se llevarán a cabo el Martes, 10 de Marzo de 2009. Habrá dos sedes en el Consejo del Pueblo para las elecciones de este año. Actualmente, en estos sedes están: Grupo 2 – T.R. Hernacki Grupo 4 – David B. Norris Quisiéramos recordar a todos los candidatos interesados que se comuniquen con la oficina de la Secretaría del Pueblo lo más pronto posible. Existen muchas leyes estatales que regulan las actividades de campañas para elecciones municipales que usted debe conocer. Los candidatos deben presentar el nombramiento de su Tesorero de Campaña y su Depositario de Campaña ante la Secretaría del Pueblo antes de abrir la cuenta bancaria para la campaña y antes de recolectar o gastta dinero. El candidato tendrá que pagar todos los gastos de las elecciones, incluyendo la cuota de presentación de $10.00 y una tarifa de elección de $90.00 (1% del sueldo del puesto deseado) con un cheque girado del Depositario de Campaña. Se le aconseja que empiece los preparativos para la presentación tan pronto tome la decisión de ser candidato. INSCRIPCION DE VOTANTES: Los libros de inscripción para las Elecciones de Marzo se cerrarán a las 5:00 p.m. el Lunes 9 de Febrero de 2009. Quisiéramos informar a los votantes certificado en el Condado de Palm Beach que si se mudan, deberán votar en su distrito electoral nuevo y podrán cambiar su dirección en las urnas, o si tienen suficiente tiempo antes de las elecciones, deben escribir y notificarle su nueva dirección a la Oficina de la Supervisor de Elecciones en 240 S. Militaar Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33406. La Supervisora de Elecciones le enviará por correo una tarjeta electoral nueva con su distrito electoral nuevo. BALOTAS DE AUSENTE: A aquellos votantes que estarán fuera el Día de las Elecciones, al igual que a aquellos que no puedan asistir a las urnas debido a enfermedad o discapacidad, se les podrá mandar por correo una balota de ausente. Las balotas de ausente estarán disponibles sólo por medio de la Supervisora de Elecciones del Condado de Palm Beach. Las balotas de ausente se pueden solicitar por teléfono, por correo, o al llenar la solicitud en línea (www.pbcelections.org). SUPERVISORA DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE PALM BEACH Oficina Principal Sucursal del Juzgado del Norte del Condado 240 S. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 656-6200 624-6556 Village Clerk Page 3– Village Clerk HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office administers all property tax exemptions. In order to qualify for the 2009 Homestead Exemption you must file your application at one of the County Property Appraiser's Offices by 3/1/2009. The Property Appraiser has an office at the the North County Courthouse, 3188 PGA Blvd., Palm Beach Gardeens open Mon – Fri from 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Brief summaries of available exemptions, as well as the Homestead Exemption Form and instructions are listed on the Property Appraiser’s website at http://www.co.palm-be ch.fl.us/papa, or you may call 355-2866 or 624-6522 (North County location) for more information. Every person who has legal title on January 1 to a residential property and lives there permanenntl qualifies for this exemption. You must be a permanent resident of Florida on January 1 of the initial application year. You may apply by mail or in person at any time through the year but the deadline is March 1 of the qualifying year. A copy of your deed and proof of resideenc is required. You may submit a copy of your Florida driver's licennse voter's registration, or permanent residency card. Exemptions cannot be transferred. If you sell your home and buy another residennce you must file a new application. AARP Tax-Aide volunteers will be available to help you prepare your tax return beginning February 2, 2009 through April 15, 2009 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Chambers. Taxpayers should bring 2008 tax forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and other tax information along with their 2007 tax return. Taxpayers are also asked to bring proper ID. Goodbye to a Good Friend and Co-Worker The Public Safety Department said goodbye to a good friend and coworker on Friday Decembbe 5, 2008. This is the date that our employee, coworker and friend, K9 Atos had to be put to sleep. Atos was diagnosed with inoperable in late November. The veterinarian was hoping for an isolated tumor that could be treated through surgery but testing indicated that it had spread too far and was inoperable. K9 Atos was born was born January 18, 1999, in Europe and joined the North Palm Beach Public Safety Departtmen in 2001. He was trained with his first handler by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office K9 Academy. Atos and his handler received 480 hours of training in areas such as Narcotics Detection, Decoy Training and Problem Solving, and K9 Patrol. He hit the street as a sworn member of the Department in 2002. In 2004, K9 Atos went through training with a new handler, Officer James Kaminski, and they hit the streets as a K9 team in May of 2005. Since that time K9 Atos and Officer Kaminski have been called upon by many of our neighboring police agencies and the Coast Guard to assist them when they needed the use of a K9 team. K9 Atos and Officer Kaminski have received numerous accolades from the public and other agencies for their performmanc and assistance. It is with much sadness that we must say goodbye to K9 Atos who was a friend as well as a coworker to many of us in Public Safety. We will never forget the joy that he brought to the public and us, as well, when putting on a demonstration and the confidence we all felt when K9 Atos arrived on scene either as a back-up officer or to search for narcotics or criminals. Atos always gave his all, the whole time he worked with the men and women of Public Safety and always looked to have his back or belly scratched when work was over and it was time for play. We all know that K9 Atos is in a better place and his memory will live with us forever. Community News Page 4– Community News www.village-npb.org A MESSAGE FROM YOUR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT In an effort to expedite collections and to ensure the safety of the workers and residents who travel our roadways, the Public Works Department is seeking your cooperation. On January 9, 2008 the Village Council enacted an ordinance pertainiin to vegetative debris. As part of this ordinance, the residents are required to cut tree limbs and palm fronds into 4 foot lengths. This serves two purposes: it enables the sanitation collector to load it completely into the carts that they use for collection and transport it to the packer truck withoou it extending out past the confines of the hoppeer This will assist in keeping our streets clean and provide clear vision for the operator of the cart. Secondly, it ensures that the loads will fit in the back of the packer truck and help reduce the wear and tear on the equipment. THREE GOOD REASONS TOO… CONSERVE WATER • Help the Environment: Water is an essential resource. We sometimes deplete our fresh watte supply before it can be naturally replenished by the earth. Using water wisely is a simple and effective way we can protect our limited supply. • Save money: Most of us pay for the water we use. Saving even a few dollars each month adds up over time. • It’s the Law: Two-day-a-week residential landsccap restrictions remain in place. For more information on water use restrictions and conservvatio tips visit the South Florida Water Management District web site www.sfwmd.gov or call (561) 662-8876. To learn more about the Village Code of Ordinannce please visit www.village-npb.org or call (561) 841-3367. What is suspicious activity? Criminal conduct can often be difficult for a citizen to detect. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety offeer tips on how to detect behavior that could indicaat that a crime is about to occur or is in progreess Residential burglars The majority of residential burglaries occur during daytime hours. Burglars are aware that residents are usually away from home during this time. Anyoon other than a resident observed in the yard, on the porch or around any home in your neighborhooo warrants your attention. Generally, burglars will attempt to ensure that there is nobody inside a residence before enterinng This can be accomplished by knocking on the door, calling out a name or peering into a window. Solicitors and pedestrians should be watched. The backyard provides concealment that is appealing to burglars to facilitate an entry. This is where most residential burglars will enter the home. Cars driving slowly through your neighborhood or those that are parked on your street street that you have not seen before are also important to be aware of, especially if there is only one occupant such as the driver. This could be the "lookout" for a burglar already inside of a home, and the person responsiibl for transporting the burglar and any valuabble away from the scene. Another person to be aware of is a stranger talking on a cell phone, as this could be the method he or she is using to contaac a driver in the area and tell him or her that it is safe to pick them up. Be aware of what people have in their hands. Any types of bags or containers such as trash bags, pillowcases, boxes, backpacks, and gym bags can be used to carry and conceal stolen property. Burgllar also like to place as much property as possibbl in their pockets to avoid suspicion. If you are not sure that a person belongs in your neighborhood, call to report it. Write down a descriiptio and the license plate number of any car in question, along with the race, age, clothing and physical descriptions of any people. This will assiis police officers to spot the suspicious persons as they attempt to leave your neighborhood. Vehicle burglars/auto thieves In a residential area, the chances of vehicle burglaarie and auto thefts occurring greatly increase at night. A common method of selecting a victim, or "casing," is to slowly drive the streets. Suspect vehicles may also travel without headlights to avoid being noticed. Much like residential burglaries, usually one person will drive a car while one or more will attempt to enter a parked car to steal it or to remove property. It is not uncommon for a lone vehicle burglar to walk or ride a bicycle as he or she seeks a target. Signs of a vehicle burglary or auto theft occurring at night include hearing a vehicle stop and the engine "idling" for a brief period of time. Dogs barking in the neighborhood, any unusual noises, a car burglar alarm or movement outside of your home should alert you to look and, if appropriate, call the Police Department. Look outside through a window to observe what you can, do not approach the subject. Follow the same steps that were described for identifying a residentiia burglar by getting as much information as possible about the suspect(s) and their vehicle. Parking lots offer a wide selection of targets for a car thief and vehicle burglar. Always be wary of anybody standing in one position and looking around. This could be an individual "casing" or acting as a lookout for another suspect already inside a nearby vehicle. People walking between cars parallle to the stores in a shopping center may be looking in each car to locate items to steal. Another suspicious activity is a driver passing up numerous empty parking spaces and goiin from aisle to aisle, or stopping in an aisle where there are no available spaces. The occupants could be circling to pick up another vehicle burglar. The driver could also be waiting for his or her partner to start up a stolen car and drive away. The best way to ensure that our neighborhoods and businessse are safe is to report suspicious activity to the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety (for Emergency dial 911, Non Emergency 848-2525). Your call could make the difference in preventing a crime or facilitating the arrest of a suspect. Public Safety Page 5—Public Safety HEAT IT UP Common sense can prevent a heater fire. All heating systeem can start fires if not used and maintained properly. Heating your home during the colder months of the year can prove dangerous, if you do not follow a few simple safety precauttions • Portable heaters heat up rapidly and they can easily ignite any flammable items left nearby. Remember that any time objects like newspapers, furniture, or blankets are close to heaters a fire can start. Remove objects that have fallen on top or near the heater. • Always turn portable heaters off if you leave the room. • If you use a fireplace or wood stove in your home, keep the door or fire screen shut to protect your home from sparks. Only burn dry seasoned wood, never rubbish. Garbage and green wood wood can cause a chimney fire. Remember to have your chimney inspected and serviced before each heating season and check the batteries in your smoke alarms too. A working smoke alarm could save your life. Page 8– Country Club www.village-npb.org Country Club Congratulations to our Winter Open winners, a two best ball of 4 event held on December 6th. 1st—114 2nd—130 Howard Lybolt Brian Zwergel Joanne Colt Dennis Colangelo Arnie Hess Tom Brandelein Bunnie Hess Linda Brandelein The club is going to host a men’s one day member guest event on Fridaay February 20th if you are a member find a guest and bring him to play, if you are a guest find a member to bring you to play. We would like this to be an annual event, we need everyone to participate to help make this a success. We would ultimately like this to grow into a 3-day event. If you are a member and have not received an invitation please contact the golf shop so we may get you the information to get you registeered Tip of the Month: Golf is a game played best one shot at time! Not 18 holes, not 9 holes, not 1 hole, but 1 shot. It does us no good to stew over a shot we hit 2 holes ago or try to predict the future by thinking about a shot 2 holes ahead of us. We play our best golf when we are “in the moment” or “ in the now.” As smart and talented as we all are we are still only able to hit one shot at a time. When playing we are trying to move our ball from point “A” to point “B”, we need to narrow our focus to put our ball into specific areas of the fairways or specific areas of the green. We need to PREPARE FOR SUCCESS, ACCEEP THE OUTCOME and MOVE ON TO THE NEXT SHOT. Next time you play take your time and narrow your focus to the shot you are about to play, after hitting that shot no matter where your ball ends up, accept it and prepare to focus again and play the next shot. When you start to control your thought process you might start to play better golf. Until next time, Mike From the Golf Shop Page 9– Country Club Country Club February Pool Hours Closed Monday Tuesday-Friday 12—6pm Saturday 10—6pm Sunday 12—6pm Lap Lanes: Weekday 12pm— 3:30pm, Sat. 10am—12pm, Sun. 12pm—1:30pm Diving Boards: Weekends only, Sat. 12pm—4pm, Sun. 1:30—4pm Water Aerobics: Tues. & Thurs. 12:15pm—1:15pm Swim Team: Mon. thru Fri. 3:30—7pm Water Polo: Wed. & Fri. 6:30am—8:30am Sat. 4pm—6pm Swim Meet: February 14-15 (Lap lanes and Diving Boards will be closed) Pool Party: February 21-Free Admission 12pm—4pm Baby Pool : Closed until April From the Tennis Center VALENTINE MIXER – Mixed Doubles Round Robin – Mon., Feb. 20th, 6:30p.m. Please call to register 626-6515. Prices: members free; residents $5; nonresidents $8 Instructional Classes and Activities: • Intermediate Adult Tennis Clinics – Fri. & Sat. – 9 to 10:30a.m. – skill development, doubles drills, and a supervised round robin. Prices: members $15, residents $17.50, and nonresidents $20. • Tennis & Tunes – Mon. Evenings – 6:30 – 7:30p.m. – A tennis workout drill to stadium music starting January 5th. Prices: members $10, residents $12.50, nonresidents $15. • Palm Beach County Women’s Tennis Association players needed for this season and next season. Competitive doubles match play for all levels with clinics and coaching from certified professionals. Call the Club for details. • Private Lesson Packages for a series of five hours. Prices: members $250, residents $275, nonresiident $300. Work on your game and save on the regular lesson rate! • A.C.E Junior Tennis Academy – The eight week winter session starts January 5th, but children may be registered at any time during the session and prices will be prorated. This program is designed for children ages 4 to 17. All classes are after school and children are evaluated by staff and then placed in an appropriate class based on their age and ability. Classes include: Little Juniors (4 to 7 yrs.) -Mon., Wed., and/or Fri.; Junior Development (8 to 17 yrs.) Tues. and/or Thurs.; and Junior Excelleenc (10 to 17 yrs.) Mon. and/or Wed. Prices begin at $100 for members for once a week for the eight week session. • A.C.E Adult Tennis Academy – call for details or to register for any of these programs: Adult Cliniic Under the Stars, Drill ‘n Play Classes, Get Fit to Hit. Annual Heritage Festival & Parade Mark your calendars, the annual Heritage Festival is coming! This year’s event will be held on Saturday, March 21, 2009. The parade will be Saturday morning starting at 11:00am. It travels from Village Hall north 1 mile to the Country Club. The Heritage Festival is held on the driving range of the NPB Country Club from noon-7:00pm. We’re looking for parade entries: clubs, organized groups, antique cars, floats, etc. We need bands! If your child participates in a school band, please contact your band’s director and ask them if they will march in our parade. The Village is more than willing to make a donatiio to the school band. We are also looking for festival sponsors. If you or your business would be interested in helping make this festival a fun, family-friendly event, we can use your support! There are various levels of sponsor support. For more details, application forms, etc. please call 841-3386 or visit the recreation page at www.village-npb.org Parks & Recreation Heritage Festival 2007 Page 10– Parks & Recreation Puppy Love Saturday, Feb. 14,1:00pm You and your “best friend” can enjoy an afternooo of contests and fun by the Bark Park at Anchorage Park, 603 Anchorage Dr. Contests include: best Valentine attire, best tail wager, best trick, best singing dog, smallest dog, largees dog, and best kisser. Girl’s Softball Call Adam at 841-3389 (after 2:00pm) to find availability in Girl’s Softball league that starts mid February. This league is for girls 5-12 years of age. Village Wide Garage Sale We will accept registraation for the April 18 Village-Wide Garage Sale which will be held at the Community Center from 7:00 am -noon. The cost for a single space is $15. Spaces are assigned on a first come – first serve basis. This is a great chance for those of you who live in condos or in communittie that do not allow garage sales. Recreation News Village Garage Sale Puppy Love 2007 www.village-npb.org Page 11– Library Library TED BELL TO SPEAK AT LUNCHEON Saturday, March 7, 2009 at 11:30 a.m. Embassy Suites Tickets: $40.00 Ted Bell, author of Tsar, Spy, Pirate, Assassin and Hawke, will speak at the annual Friends of the Librrar Luncheon at the Embassy Suites, 4350 PGA (at the corner of PGA and Military Rd.) Bell is natiiv Floridian and resident of Palm Beach County. Tickets are available at the NPB Library. KEEP THE BEAT WITH BILL MYERS “Notes from a Jazz Festival” Saturday, February 14, 2:00pm (In the Obert Meeting Room) GENEOLOGY CLUB The Tree Searchers Genealogy club will hold their February meeting on Tuesday, February 17th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room at the library. Everyone is welcome. Questions, call Sue at 841-3383. CHILDREN’S LIBRARY Nancy Hodges joins the Library staff in the Childreen’ area. Nancy is a graduate of the University of Charleston (WV) with a degree in elementary education. She has taught at St. Mark’s and the Benjamin School. She has 2 sons and a new dog named Ditto. Please welcome her to the staff. New Story Hours The Story Hours will reflect the themes for the month of February-Presidents’ Day, Valentines Day & Groundhog Day. The Ladybugs (4 & 5 year olds) Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009 at 11am The Butterflies (grades 1-3) Saturday, Feb. 14, 2009 at 11am What’s Happening in the Library February 17, 2009 10:00 am A Thousand Splendid Suns By: Khaled Hosseini Leader: Helen Zane March 17, 2009 10:00 am Three Cups of Tea By: Greg Mortenson Leader: Marie Flynn BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP BEST PHOTO UNDER THE SUN? Do you think the Village of North Palm Beach is the “Best Place to Live Under the Sun?” Do you have a good quality photo to prove it? The Village of North Palm Beach invites you to submit your best shot depicting our Village. It must be 5 mega pixels or higher resolution, and e-mailed as an attachhmen in .jpeg, .gif or .tiff format. If your photo is chosen, it will be featured in an upcommin issue of this newsletter. Don’t forget to include your full name, a brief description of the people and/or NPB location pictured, and one sentence explaining what the Villaag of NPB means to you. Please send all of your photo submissions to: villagenewsletttervilla e-npb.org Thank you and good luck! Best Photo Under the Sun The Library will be closed for Presidents Day on Monday, February 16, 2009 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee …………………………………………… on call Code Enforcement Board ………………………………… 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction Board of Adjustment …………………………on call Golf Advisory Board …………………………………………2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00 pm Library Advisory Board …………………………………… 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 pm Pension Board -General Employees………………….......on call Pension Board -Police & Fire ……………………………...on call Planning Commission ………………………………………1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 pm Recreation Advisory Board …………………………………2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 pm Waterways Board …….next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug, & Dec), 4:00 pm Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………….on call NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL William Manuel Mayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T. R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman ? ? ? Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk ? ? ? Village Council members may be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org All meetings are held at the Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach All meetings are open to the public. Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays -Garbage only Tuesdays -Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetatiio Wednesdays -Garbage only Thursdays -Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling Fridays -Garbage only Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule Please Recycle Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 February 16th – President’s Day (No Collectiion February 17th-Garbage collection only for commercial businesses, condo’s and restaurrants February 17th-Regularly scheduled collectiio for single family units (trash and vegetatiion)