11-2008 Newsletter PDFNovember 2008 The Best Place to Live Under the Sun The Village of Veterans’ Day Celebration -Page 4 Election Information -Pages 2 & 3 Blood Drive -Page 7
YOU ALSO WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE ON THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENNTS More information about the proposed amendments can be found at the Florida Division of Elections
websiite https://doe.dos.state.fl.us/constitutional-amendments/2008-proposed.shtml ADDITIONALLY, THERE WILL BE A PROPOSED PALM BEACH COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENT ON THE BALLOT. The proposed
amendment to the Palm Beach County Charter gives local residents a voice in county regulations and standards as they apply to their municipality. You can read the proposed question at
the Supervisor of Elections link http://www.pbcelections.org/OfficeCandidates.aspx?eid=87&oid=609&pid=-1. Information is also available at http://www.letusvote.info/contact.html. PALM
BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Don’t forget to vote Tuesday, November 4, 2008 in the Presidential Election. Polls are open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. To find your precinct, you may
call the Village Clerk’s Office or check-on line at http://www.pbcelections.org/PrecinctFinder.aspx. To find out more about the NEW VOTING PROCEDURE click the link to Voting Equipment
Demonstration on the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections website at www.pbcelecctions.org. You will be able to see the instructions and a sample ballot for the new voting procedure.
EARLY VOTING INFORMATION is also available at the website and at the Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355. US Rep – District 22 Ron Klein (D) Allen West (R) Piotr Blass (Write-In) State Senator
– District 25 Jeffrey Atwater (R) Linda Bird (D) State Rep – District 83 Carl Domino (R) Bryan Miller (D) Palm Beach County Soil & Water Conservation Group 2 Drew Martin Mike McIntosh
Port of Palm Beach – Group 1 Thomas McCracken (R) Wayne M. Richards (D) Palm Beach County State Attorney Michael McAuliffe (D) Joseph Tringalli (R) Main Office 240 So. Military Trail
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 624-6556 North County Courthouse Branch 3188 PGA Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 624-6556 Representante de los E.E.U.U. -Districto 22 Ron Klein
(D) Allen del oeste (R) Senador del estado -districto 25 Jeffrey Atwater (R) Pájaro de Linda (D) de Anthony Josesph Mauro (G) Representante del estado -Districto 83 Dominó de Carl (R)
Bryan Molinero (D) Playa de la palma Suelo del condado y grupo 2 de la conservación del agua Dibujó a Martin Mike McIntosh Puerto de la playa de la palma -Grupo 1 Thomas McCracken (R)
Wayne M. Richards (D) Playa de la palma Estado del condaad Abogado Michael McAuliffe (D) o José Tringalli (R) Page 2-Clerk’s Office www.village-npb.org En español No se olvide de votar
Martes 4 de noviembre de 2008. Las encuestas son 7:00 abierto mañana. a 7:00 P.M. Para encontrar su recinto, usted puede llamar la oficina del vendedor o comprobar-en línea en http://www.pbcelections
org/PrecinctFinder.aspx Para descubrir más sobre el NUEVO tecleo de VOTACIÓN del PROCEDIMMIENT el acoplamiento a la demostración de votación del equipo en el supervisor del condado de
la playa de la palma del Web site de las elecciones en www.pbcelecctions.org, Usted podrá ver las instrucciones y una muestra votar para el nuevo procedimiento de votación. La INFORMACIÓN
DE VOTACIÓN TEMPRANA está también disponible en el Web site y en la oficina 841-3355 del vendedor de la aldea. November 2008 Presidential Election
del Web site de las elecciones http://www.pbcelections.org) USTED TAMBIÉN TENDRÁ LA OPORTUNIDAD DE VOTAR SOBRE LAS ENMIENDAS CONSTITUCIONALES PROPUESTAS. Más información sobre la balota
propuesta de las enmiendas el 4 de noviembre de 2008 se puede encontrar en la división de la Florida del Web site de las elecciones: https://doe.dos.state.fl.us/constitutional-amendments/2008-propose
.shtml ADEMÁS, HABRÁ UNA ENMIENDA PROPUESTA DE LA CARTA DEL CONDADO DE LA PLAYA DE LA PALMA EN LA BALOTA. La enmienda propuesta a la carta del condado de la playa de la palma da a residentes
locales una voz en regulaciones del condado y los estándares mientras que se aplican a su municipio. Usted puede leer la pregunta propuesta en el supervisor del acoplamiento de las elecciones
http://www.pbcelections.org/OfficeCandidates.aspx?eid=87&oid=609&pid=-pid=-1. La información está también disponibbl en http://www.letusvote.info/contact.html. SUPERVISORA DE ELECCIONES
DEL CONDADO DE PALM BEACH Oficina Principal Sucursal del Juzgado del Norte del Condado 240 S. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
33410 656-6200 624-6556 Page 3—Clerk’s Office www.village-npb.org A MESSAGE FROM YOUR COUNCIL SUPPORT HOME RULE! The Proposed dual vote amendment to the PBC Charter gives local resideent
a voice in county regulations and standards as they apply within their municipality. Without this amendment, the county could pass regulatiion overriding local standards including tree
protection, adult business restrictions, landscaping, architectural guidelines, pet leash laws, sale of alcoholic beverages, redevelopment, water supply, charitable solicitation, and
billboard sign codes. BALLOT LANGUAGE Shall the Palm Beach County Charter be amended to have charter amendments that are approved by a majority of PBC voters take effect in a municipality
only if the amendment is also approved by a majority of voters in that municipality, when the proposed amendment transfers or limits a municipal service, function, power or authoritty
For more information please visit www.letusvote.info YES NO Vote YES this November! Pd. Pol. Adv. paid for in-kind by the Village of North Palm Beach, 501 U.S. Highway 1, NPB FL 33408,
for the Let Us Vote Political Committee, PO Box 3286, Palm Beach, FL 33480 November 2008 Presidential Election
Page 4 -Clerk’s Office www.village-npb.org ORDER FORM MISSION: WOLFHOUND MOVIE NIGHT DVD COLLECTION Volunteers for Operation Wolfhound Movie Night need your help! The goal is to send
enough DVD’s to help build a video library for our troops to enjoy and share. A $5.00 Donation provides one DVD. Yes! I would like to donate $________ towards the purchase of DVD’s.
Please make check payable to: The Village of NPB “Support Our Troops” Mail ORDER FORM & CHECK to: The Village of North Palm Beach Attn: Village Clerk 501 US Hwy #1, North Palm Beach,
FL 33408 Phone: 561-841-3355 Write a message to our soldiers -we will include your personal message when we inform our soldier of your donation:(or use a separate piece of paper) ____________________
_____________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ For More Information about the Support Our Troops Program contact: Kim Pollard
(561)568-1453 or Beth Gebbia (561)351-8504. The Village of North Palm Beach Operation Support Our Troops Mission: Wolfhound Movie Night-DVD Collection Volunteers for Operation Wolfhound
Movie Night need your help! The goal is to send enough DVD’s to help build a video library for our troops to enjoy and share. New and previously viewed movies are needed for our next
shipment. Please deliver items to the Clerk’s Offiic at Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL. If you would like to contribute monetarily to this mission, you may use
the attached order form. As always, the Village of North Palm Beach and Volunteers are grateful for your suppoort Village Clerk Volunteers Needed for Palm Beach County! The AARP Tax-Aide
program needs volunteers to help senior citizens and low/moderate income individuaal prepare their 2008 tax returns. All volunteers will receeiv training and are asked to serve for four
hours one day each week during tax season. For more information contact Bill Dwyer at taxwill@gmail.com or (561) 594-1035 COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 2008-08 Domani Parcel Large Scale
Comp Plan Amendment Ordinance 2008-09 FPL Franchise Renewal Resolution 2008-53 Tentative Millage Rate Resolution 2008-54 Declaring State of Emergency (Tropical Storm Fay) Resolution
2008-55 FL Dept. of Environmental Protectiio Grant Agreement for funds to replace Earman River water pipeline Resolution 2008-56 Minor modification to Harbour Isles PUD Resolution 2008-57
Deed of Conservation Easement relating to Anchorage Park improvements Resolution 2008-58 Retiree Insurance Policy Amendmeen Cards and letters to our troops, letting them know we are
thinking of them and showing our support. Drop off cards and letters to the Village Clerk’s Office, Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. We received this email
message from one of our soldiers earliie this year, “Words cannot express how very good it feels to have contact with home and read the cards from caring people. All the “Wolfhound”
Soldiers here at Camp Taji, appreciate everything that the members of North Palm Beach and all the other people like you are doing to support the troops. I wish that you all could see
the exciteemen and hear the joy in the voices of the Soldiers when a letter, card or art drawn packages are received.” Volunteer needed for Code Enforcement Board A volunteer is needed
for one vacancy on the Code Enforccemen Board. Members of the enforcement board shall be residents of the village. Appointments shall be made by the village council on the basis of experience
or interest in the fields of zoning and building control. The Code Enforcement Board meets (on call) at 6:30 p.m. on the first Monday of the month. Applications are available from the
Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, by calling 841-3355 or on the website. Click on the Advisory Boards link.
Page 5-Public Safety www.village-npb.org Public Safety A MESSAGE FROM YOUR FIRE DEPARTMENT With the Holidays approaching, we want to remind everyone about fire safety in the home. Many
of our holiday celebrations this time of year involve the use of candles and, unfortunately, those candles are the cause of many fires. To prevent these fires: * Extinguish all candles
before leaving a room * Never leave candles lit overnight or when leaving your house. * If possible, use flameless or battery powered candles for your celebration. We wish you the best
and safest of Holiday Seasons and rememmber if you have any problems or questions, we are always here to help. Dial 911 in any emergency situation and 848-2525 for anything else. ADOPT
A FAMILY Your Public Safety Department is planniin to “adopt” severra local needy familiie this holiday seasoon Last year this program was extreemel successful due in part to the generous
gifts provided by North Palm Beach citizens. If you would like to contribute, there will be a box for new and unwrapped toys in our lobby beginnnin November 17th. If you would like more
informattio or if you would like to find out other ways you can help, please contact Officer Angela Williams at 841-3300 or Administrative Coordinator Susanne Crews at 841-3376. GONE
IN 30 SECONDS 30 = The number of seconds it takes for a thief to break into your vehicle and take your valuables. 20 = The number of seconds it takes for you to put your valuables into
your trunk out of sight, or to remove them from your vehicle. DESIRE + ABILITY + OPPORTUNITY = CRIME Auto Burglary Prevention, like all crime prevention, is the act of takiin away the
criminals ability and/or opportunity to commit a crime. With a little time and diligence, you can make a difference in your vulnerability to Auto Burglary! The North Palm Beach Department
of Public Safety would like to encourage village residents to practice the following tips: • Always lock and secure the doors and windows of your vehicle even if you are only gone for
a short short period of time • Never leave your purse, wallet, cellular phone, money, electrooni equipment, tools or other valuable equipment in your unatteende vehicle • Park your vehicle
in an area that is secure, visible and well lit • Utilize crime prevention programs offered through the police departtmen including “Operation Identification” which promotes the documentation
of important serial numbers on valuables • Be aware of your surroundings and any suspicious person(s) in the area • Report suspicious activity to the North Palm Beach Department of Public
Safety at 848-2525 • Call 911 to report crimes in progress Is your vehicle a crime waiting to happen? Don’t let it be. Remembbe that village residents can assist the Department of Public
Safety with the prevention of Auto Burglaries in North Palm Beach. If you have any questions regardiin Auto Burglary Prevention, please contact Officer Williams at 841-3300. The Village
of North Palm Beach Departmeen of Public Safety invites you to join us as we host our annual Veterans’ Day Celebration at Osborne Park on Tuesday, November 11th at 10:00 a.m. This is
a great opportunity for you to join together with your Public Safety staff, Military Personnnel Village Council and other honored guests for a ceremony. Immediately followwin Riverside
National Bank will be providing a cookout in the park for those that can attend. Please join us as we pay tribute to our men and women in the armed forced and celebrate the greatest
Tennis & Tunes Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30—7:30p.m. (ongoing class) A.C.E Junior Tennis Academy Registration is currently underway. This program is designed for children ages 4 to 17.
Classes are after school and children are evaluated by staff and placed in an appropriate class based on their age and ability. A.C.E. Adult Tennis Academy – Instructional Classes Beginner,
fun and hardcore tennis fitness, we have a class for you! Adult Clinics Under the Stars Beginner: Tuesdays 6-7 pm; Intermediate: Wednesdays 6-7 pm Drill ‘n Play Classes Beg/Intermediate:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30-9 pm Advanced: Wednesdays 7-8:30 pm & Saturday 11-12:30 Get Fit to Hit Mon 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. & Wed 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Ongoing drop-in programs include intermediate
adult clinics Fri. & Sat. at 9:00 a.m. and tennis & tunes 6:30 p.m. on Tues. Simply call the office (626-6515) if interested in any of the following: women’s doubles Tuesdaay 8:00 a.m.
and Thursdays 6:30 p.m., mixed doubles Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., and men’s doubles Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. November 17, 2007 was the official opening of the “Nicklaus Signature” course.
This month we start our 3rd golf season, and the golf course has come a long way since the first ball was struck on the new course. We changed the routing on holes 2, 3. 4, and 5 which
has proven to help the pace of play. We have added the efflueen water line so the course will never suffer from water restrictions again. The maintenance crew has finished grassing the
golf course with Bahia sod. The border areas on holes #12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and to the right of the pond on hole #8 have all been grassed. The grassing of the interior holes has also
been completed, holes #1 and #2, left of #10 left of #11, and right of #12. When your ball finds its way into these areas you will now be on grass instead of sand. The contour lines
between the fairway and rough are now defined. Trees have been planted for safety, beauty, and definition on holes, #1, #10 and #11. The golf staff is here to serve the golfing needs
of the members and guests. Please use us to help however we can!! Please remember tee times may be made online as of October 1st. All you have to do is go to the village website www.village-npb.org
click on the country club link and follow the procedure to make a tee time. Please call the Golf Shop if you need assistance 691-3433. We are looking forward to a great season and hope
you are too!! Until next time Mike TENNIS COURT HOURS: 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Courts Close at 8:30 p.m. LAST RESERVATION 7:00 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. Advanced reservations are required for
7 a.m. & 7 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday closed from 1 pm to 3 pm When the office is closed courts will be open until 8:30 pm Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 -1:00pm 3:00 -8:00 Friday 7:30 -1:00pm
3:00 -6:00 Saturday 7:30 -12:30 Sunday 7:30 -12:30 FROM THE GOLF SHOP Page 6—Country Club www.village-npb.org Country Club VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH POOL NOVEMBER Mondays -CLOSED Tues
-Fri-10-6 Sat & Sun -12-6 Closed on Thanksgiving Open on the day after Thanksgiving from 12—4 Call 691-3427 for more information Admission $3/child $5/adult
Fins vs. Patriots A few seats remain for the Miami Dolphins game on Sunday, November 23rd versus the New England Patriots. $90 coveer your transportation, tailgate lunch and admission
to the game. Call (561) 841-3386 before it’s too late! Parks & Recreation Page 7—Parks & Recreation www.village-npb.org The 23rd annual North Palm Beach Arts & Crafts Fall Festivva will
be held on Saturday, November 8, 2008. This show is held at the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Rd. and show hours are 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Shoppers can find a wide variety of
holiday gifts, decorations and works of art. This holiday craft show features over 100 crafters. This is not a flea market. All items in the festival must be created, hand crafted or
embellished by the exhibitoor Arts & Crafts Fall Festival Upcoming Events & Activities ... Turkey Shoot -November 15th at the Community Center. This basketball free-throw contest is
for all ages and runs from 11am-2pm. $5.00 gets you 10 shots. From 11am-1pm keep enteriin until you get get the score you like! Finaal begin at 1:30 pm. Prizes will be given out for
top contenders! Fla. Fish & Seafood – Shelly Kahn teaches how to prepare, cook and serve many native fish and seafoood such as wahoo, cobia, snapper, stone crab, Fla. lobster, and more.
Wednesdays – 6:30-8:00 pm, $24/class – preregister. Budget Gourmet Cooking -Join Shelly Kahn as we learn how to cook frugal but fab meals with emphaasi on fresh, healthy, local ingredients.
Thursdaay – 6:30-8:00 pm, $24/class. – preregister. ABC Kids I -Shannon Cooper uses hands on approoac to explore the alphabet through literature, games and crafts. Mondays 10:00-11:45
Fee: $150/8wk-starting 11/3. Special Needs Academic Camp – FL licensed and experienced ESE autistic teachers offer a Saturrda morning program for special needs (Autistic/EMD/TMD) children
8-13 yrs of age from 9:00-12:00 weekly. For questions on this program, please contaac Christine Black at 625-6740. Fee: $35/wk – preregister. Table Tennis – Ongoing program held at Osborne
Park on on Tuesday evenings from 7:15-8:45. Preregiiste at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. $65/month Tae Kwon Do – A new session of Tae Kwon Do begins November 6th. Classes are held
on Thursdaay at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Classes are for youth as young as 5 yrs and adults as old as 99 yrs!! For more details call 841-3386. Bellydancing -We will be offering
a beginning class on Thursday evenings with Meredith Blue. Meredith has been dancing and teaching for over 10 years. For more information, call Meredith at 252-5972. Fee: $55/6wk – starting
11/6. Clay Play -New session of Clay Play classes will begin Nov. 5th. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00 and fee is $100/8wk. Your child will be able to experience the thrill
of creating objects of art from a lump of clay. Clay Play will nurture your child’s natural creative talents – and we deal with the mess! Girls Softball-Registration for the girl’s softball
league will run from December 1 – January 15th at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. This league is for girls ages 5-13 years. Early registration fee is $50R/$60NR until December 27th.
After Dec. 27th the fee returns to the regular 60R/70NR. Coaches are needed! Don’t forget that the Parks & Recreation Department hosts a number of great activities for children of all
ages (5 years old to 99 years young). There is something for everyone! Contact Parks & Recreation at (561) 841-3386 or visit our Village website at: www.village-npb.org Annual Heritage
Festival -Heritage Festival is scheduled for Saturday, March 21st. If you have never been to it, the festival is held on the driving range of the NPB Country Club. We have carnival rides,
games, live bands, open pool, food/beverage, demonstrations, a parade and much, much more! Our goal is to provide an event that offers something for all ages. We are looking for event
sponsors. If you as an individual or your business would be interested in sponsorrin this exciting event, please contact the Recreation Dept. at 841-3386.
Driving Range Hours: Monday 7 AM -8:30PM Tuesday 9 AM -8:30PM Wednesday-Sunday 7 AM -8:30PM LIGHTS OUT at 9:00 PM Library Hours: Monday -Thursday 9 AM -7 PM Friday -Saturday 9 AM -5
PM Sunday 1 PM -5 PM (Children’s) Library Hours: Monday -Thursday 12 PM -7 PM Friday 12 PM -5 PM Saturday 9 AM -5 PM Sunday 1 PM -5 PM Pool Hours: Closed Monday’s Tuesday -Friday 12
PM -6 PM Saturday 10 AM -6 PM Sunday 12 PM -6 PM Restaurant Hours: Sunday Brunch 10:30 AM -2:30PM Sunday Dinner 5 PM -11 PM Monday -Saturday 7AM -11 PM Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Monday -Friday 7 AM -8:30 PM Reservations required for the 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM time slots. Tennis Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 7:30 AM -1 PM 3:00 PM -8 PM Friday 7:30 AM -1 PM 3:00 PM
-6 PM www.village-npb.org 561-841-3380 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408 MONDAYS in November: 7:00AM -11:00PM TUESDAYS in November: Pot Roast Dinner -5 PM -11 PM WEDNESDAYS
in November: Italian Buffet -6 PM -11 PM THURSDAYS in November: Turkey Dinner -5 PM -11 PM FRIDAYS in November: Fish & Chips Dinner -5 PM -11 PM SATURDAYS in November: Our Fabulous Prime
Rib! 5 PM -11PM SUNDAYS in November: Brunch 10:30AM -2:30PM -Dinner 5 -9PM TUES. -SAT. in November LIVE MUSIC -7 PM -11 PM * Holiday hours may vary . The NPB Country Club and the Village
Green Restaurant are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408 Phone: 561-691-3430 Fax: 561-630-0932 *** FABULOUS SUNDAY BRUNCH staring Nov. 2nd through Mother’s Day -$19.95
per person! Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 CODE ENF.BOARD 6:30PM 4 CC GOLF SHOTGUNS 7:45 & 12:30 MGA ELECTION DAY NO PLANNING COMM. 5 CC GOLF SHOTGUNS 7:45 & 12:30 WGA PENSION BOARD
6 7 8 ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL 9AM-4PM COMM CTR. 9 10 GOLF ADV. BOARD 5:00PM 11 VETERANS DAY Celebration Osborne Park at 10:00 a.m VILLAGE HALL CLOSED 12 CC GOLF SHOTGUNS 7:45 & 12:30
WGA 27 VILLAGE HALL CLOSED BUFFET DINNER AT CC 28 CC POOL OPEN 12-4:00PM VILLAGE HALL CLOSED 29 30 The Recreation Department still has tickets available for the November 23 Dolphins
Game $90 includes transportation: CALL 841-3386 FOR DETAILS! Sunday Nov. 30th Couples Golf Tournament at the Country Club Thanksgiving Dinner at the Country Club -Seating at 11AM, 1PM,
3PM,5PM Call for Reservations 691-3430
The Village of North Palm Beach will be hosting its semi-annual Blood Drive on Friday, December 5th. The Bloodmobile from Florida’s Blood Center will be on hand at Village Hall from
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to accept your donations. There is a critical need for blood and blood products nationwide. Just one pint can be used to save 3 lives! Come on out and donate and give
the gift of life this holiday season. All donors will be eligible to win prizes and giveaways. We can’t make it a success without you, so we hope to see you there! Page 8—Community Development
/Misc. www.village-npb.org Cooler weather becomes more consistent as cool fronts pass through our area. Wind direction tampeer with anglers ability to venture offshore. When conditions
allow, Sailfish will become a hot target for many anglers, as they target live bait. There are other palegics that will not hesitate to strike baits, consisting of Kingfish, Dolphin,
Spanish Mackerel, Bluefish and Snapper. Pick your days wisely and you will be rewarded. The inshore waters will provide abundant action for anglers on local grass flats and along sea
walls and mangrove shorelines. There will be many species to target using live baits and artificial lures. The Snook action in back bays will provide anglers with steady hook ups, along
with other big catches of Black Drum, Tarpon, Trout, Jacks, Lady fish, Spanish Mackerel and Pompano. Well, like I always say, “You can’t catch them from the couch,” so get out there
and get hooked up. Tight Lines! Capt. Craig Korczynski PhlatsInshoreFishing.com, PalmBeachFishingGuides.com 561-644-4371. BEST PHOTO UNDER THE SUN? Do you think the Village of North
Palm Beach is the “Best Place to Live Under the Sun?” Do you have a good quality photo to prove it? The Village of North Palm Beach invites you to submit your best shot depicting our
Village. It must be 5 megapixels or higher resolution, and e-mailed as an attachment in .jpeg, .gif or .tiff format. If your photo is chosen, it will be featured on the cover of an upcoming
issue of this newsletter. Don’t forget to include your full name, a brief description of the people and/or NPB location pictured, and one sentence explaining what the Villaag of NPB
means to you. Please send all of your photo submissions to: villagenewsletter@village-npb.org Thank you and good luck! Photo submitted by Diane Summervville This iguana was in her
LIBRARY CLOSINGS Veterans’ Day — Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Thanksgiving Holiday —Thursday, November 27th & Friday, November 28th Page 9—Village Library /Blood Drive F o l d o u t f
o r V i l l a g e C a l e n d a r www.village-npb.org Saturday, December 6th Calling all volunteer bakers! Sign up at the library January 22, 23 & 24, 2009 Time to clean off your bookshelves
and bring your books, dvds, cds to the Library HOURS: M-Th: 9:00-7:00 F-Sat: 9:00-5:00 Sun: 1:00-5:00 NORTH PALM BEACH BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Meets at 10:00 a.m. Obert Meeting Room at
the Library November 18, 2008 Razor’s Edge by W. Somerset Maugham December 16, 2008 Blood & Thunder by Hampton Sides January 20, 2009 Like You’d Understand Anyway by Jim Shepard February
17, 2009 A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini March 17, 2009 Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson GENEALOGY CLUB MEETING The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their November
meeting on Tuesday, November 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room at the Libraary Our meetings are open to everyyon who is interested in tracing their family roots. If you have
any questioons please contact Sue at 841-3383. SURFING SENIORS (COMPUTER HELP) Tyler and Jake Gildan will be available on Saturdays from 9-11 a.m. at the Library. Patrons may use the
Library computers or bring their laptops. NEW CHILDREN’S AREA Please come by the Library to see our new special area for children with many new dvds, music cds, audiobook cds, and books
Parents can now browse in the adult area while their children are close by selecting fun items to see, hear, and read. Going away for a family weekend…check our new family audiobooks.
FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY MUSICAL TALENT SEARCH The Friends of the Library are sponsoring musical evenings at the Library in the Fall/Winter of 2008/2009. They are looking for people who
would like to share their special musical talent. Please call Ann Burtoon Reference Librarian, at the North Palm Beach Library for more information (841-3383). MUSICAL EVENINGS AT THE
LIBRARY—Friday November 14, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. A Free Musical Evening with Jack Jacobs Jack, a Village resident, will be entertaining us with selections from the 40’s –90’s Big Band,
Broadway, Neil Diamond, Frank Sinatra, and Country music are all part of Jack’s repertoire. Jack has been entertaining throughout South Florida for more than 20 years. Refreshments will
be available for purchase. Friday December 12, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. A Free Musical Evening with the Tropical Flutes. Tropical Flutes is comprised of various flute types including piccollos
C flutes, alto & bass. Refreshments will be available for purchase.
18 NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL William Manuel Mayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T. R. Hernacki, P.E.
Councilman ? ? ? Jimmy Knight Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk ? ? ? Village Council members may be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org All meetings
are held at the Village Hall 501 U.S. Highway One North Palm Beach All meetings are open to the public. Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee …………………………………………… on call Code
Enforcement Board ………………………………… 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction Board of Adjustment …………………………on call Golf Advisory Board …………………………………………2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00 pm Library
Advisory Board …………………………………… 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 pm Pension Board -General Employees………………….......on call Pension Board -Police & Fire ……………………………...on call Planning Commission
………………………………………1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 pm Recreation Advisory Board …………………………………2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 pm Waterways Board …….next to last Tuesday, monthly, (except June, Aug,
& Dec), 4:00 pm Zoning Board of Adjustment ……………………………….on call Country Club Administration 691-3421 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Community Development
841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency 848-2525 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Village Historian 841-3371 Village Manager’s Office 904-2122 Permanent Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays -Garbage only Tuesdays -Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays -Garbage only Thursdays -Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetatiio & Recycling Fridays -Garbage only Please Recycle Thanksgiving Holiday Garbage Garbage Schedule Monday, November 24th—Garbage
Only Tuesday, November 25th—Trash, Vegetation and Bulk Items Wednesday, November 26th—Garbage only Thursday, November 27th—Closed for the holiday