10-2008 Newsletter«~° ~ u ~°; t~ ~~` . ~~,
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The Proposed dual vote amendment to the PBC Charter
gives focal r~~i~~~:nts a voice in county regulations and
standards a~ ~ ;,° apply within their municipal%t},f.
"~Jthout this amendment, the county could pass
l t` .d. I I t d d I d' t
~ ili ~ ~I ~~1 iii i i c~
t~~r~:~~i~n ~I~rt r ~ 'ii~l~i:
Voluntee ~ for Operation Wolfhound Movie Fight need
your helpl The goal is to send enough ~Vl~`s to help build
a video library for our troops to enjoy ae~d share..
New and previously viewed
movies are needed for our next
shipment. Tease deliver items. to
the Clerk"s Office at Village Mall, '
SQ1 l~,S, I-lgh~vay ~., I~Jnrth Pala
beach, F.
1f you would like to contribute '~ ~ `
monetarily to this missian, you
may use the attached order farm.
As always, the Village of
North Palm beach and Volunteers ~ '- - ', c~I
are grateful far your support,. ~ ~; -
regu a ions overri ing oca s an ar s ine u ing ree ,
prc~tect~ion, adult business restrictions, landscaping, !
architectural guidelines, pet leash laws, sale of alcoholic i NII~~Il: LIit1~1- C~VIE ITT
beverages, redevelopment, water supply, charitable d'r/~ GII`]
solicitation, and billboard sign codes° °
~.~~~~1l~}~ i 'j '~ 1t_~
Shall the Palm Beach County Charter be amended to
have charter amendments that are approved by a
majority of PBC voters take effect in a municipality only
if the amended is also approved by a majority of voters
in that municipality, when the proposed amendment
transfers or limits a municipal service, function, power or
ir. YES O
Vote YES this November)
For mare infarmatian, visit www.letusvote,nfo
Page 2 -Mayor Manuel and Clerk`s Office
Y~~ _ would Pike t® ATE
~ awrards the ~urch~e of 1J s
Pl~:as~ ~~ c ec payable o: Thy 1di11~ I~l~
rite a , .:~;~~g ~l~rvu tc~ air ~rl~cli~r ar~d e dill
ir~clu,~e y+~ur rnl es~g~ lien r~ae ir~farr~ our
~Idi~r t your ~'c~r~ati~n: (CMr use a ~eparete piece o~ payer.}
Fear Mare Information ab~aut the Support our Troops.. Pr~agram !
contact Krn Pollard (561.) 558-1453
or Beth Gabble (:551) 351-85Q4 r
Rl'~TFI ~L ~~[~ l~ T IJ Tl~t~~1~ i
,,,;~r ~~~~.k~~~s ~ ur itr~c~ ~, lettings them know w are thinking of the~r7 and
showing our support. drop off cards and letters to the Village Clerk`s office, Village
'~. _ I-I~~II, 5~1 U. Highway 1, NAB, FL 33488. This e-r-nail message was sent fratr~ one of
.. =~; ~ ,~,~ at~r soldiers earner this year: ~~ ard~ car~rrat express hc~w~ very ~c~c~~ ~~ feeler to have
~~ cvtrtact with home anr~" react the cards fr~rn caring people. ~!/ the rWa~lfhaurird",
.5'crlders here at G'a,etxp ~"aji,, appreciate e~rerytirag that the ,nae,rs f fVi~ acrd aAl
~fl.r; ;~r'/ir ~!' ~w'rJf Il<J ,f1.v~ ~~'~ are Cli/Tdf tt3 r~lpp~rt tlTe trf.~CTp,S'..~ %5,~1' that yl7'lI // ~YiLI/ See the ~!.1C[%tertleil~° 11
h~'~:~1` e,i;~~ irr t'r°}e vs~ices f the oldier.s w~hecr a letter, Card t7r art drawn packages are recei~retf
~ ~~
REGI fiE fi~ V Y F N VE F' E I EENfiI L LECfiI Tl~e General Election is ,,~' ~ ~ ~
Tuesday, l~lavember 4, X008. In order to vats in the General Election, you must register by- -''-"°~~~
5 p.m. on Monday, October 6th (if you are net already registered.)... Voter f~egistration ~~ ~ , 3
applications are available in Village Hall, the Village Clerk`s office, the Library, cl[ld from the Palm '~` ` ~'
Beach County Supervisor of Elections,. phone: 656-600, or on-line at: ww~~f ~ ;~ ,~ - l ~:tians.oru. ,: ~, ,~y3.~
NEV'll VOfiIN~ OC U~L~ By clicking Voting Equipment Demonstration on the Palm Beach County Supervisor of
Elections' website at ww. I~c:lect~c-." -; i ~. ,, you can see the instructions and a sample ballet far the new eating
EARLY 1I fiIN I F~ fiI Nis else available on-line at ? Vii, ~I~ ~ i~:~i ~~-;.~r and at the Village Clerk's C3ffice
Main icy
240 ~a. MII'Itary Tra11
West Palm... Beach, Florida 33406
N~rtl~i County ~aur#haus~ ranch
3I.88 PGA l~aulevard'
Palr~a Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
6~ -65~~
En esl~ant~l
La el~cci¢~r general sera cl~et~ra ~l ma es d~ r~c~vi~mubr~ de 20{8. Para voter en la Efeccidn General,
usted debe registrar par 5 de la tarde el tunes, 6 de octubre (s usted na ya es registrada), Las aplicaciones de la
Matricula del votante estan dspanibles en el Vestibule de Aldea, la oficina d'el Empleado de Aldea, la Bibliateca, Y
del Supervisor de la Playa........ de Palma Candado de Elecciones, 656-600, o vvww nbcelections,org.
NUE"~C- ~i°~CE[~IMIENTC3 ELE~fi L: Haciendo clic en Equips Electoral DemostraciQn en el Supervisor de la
Playa de Palma Condado de situ web de Elecciones en www,pbcelections.org, steel puede ver las instrucciones y
una muestra vats pare el Hosea procedimiento electoral.
IN ~IC?N L ~fi~ L MP ANA seta tambien disponibfe conectada en www, beelectians.org~ y en
~ficina del mpleado de Alden 841-3355,
VI EEL CCI N L N A DE ~'~I.Nd ,~''___
~icina r`inci~al ucursal dal ~u~ga fist Nt~tte del. Cc~ndadu
240 Sa. Militaryl Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard
West Palm Beach....., Florida 33406 Palm f~nach Gardens, Flar`ida 33410
65 aE,200 624-C~56
PUBLIC A~+C~~88 Cn'`fP'[ITER I CLERK' (IFI~C Residents may now search certain Village
records, including ordinances, resolutions, Codncil minutes, Advisory Board minutes, agreements, and ~~
election records on the public access computer in the Clerk`s office. You ray also access the Village
website and Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections website. The public access computer is generally
available Monday through Fridgy, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:3~ p,rrt, Call the pillage Clerk's C~ffce~ 841.335..5, ,
~h~ (//ll~ge N~sl~tfier P~c~e 3 - C ~ ~I ('!
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The putter is the most used club in the bag ~~' the least practiced club in the bag.
1P~Ie like to hit our balls and watch them go far, but we do net put in as much time.
practicing our putting. The ~ er can lt~~ue cur ~c~re qu~c er a any cat er
.:i~ab in the ~ ~ Today, I am going to give you a drill to practice that will improve your
1 ~~ fitting and sharpen your focus with the putter..
T eke ~ balls and your putter to the practice green. Set your balls in a line starting at
feet from the hole placing each ball after that feet further from thee.. last. You will end
tri-~ with a ~, 4, 6, 8, and 1 foot putt. '~+hen you make the 2 footer, move to the next
putt if you make that one move to the next length, continue until you can make them all
in a row. If you miss at any length you must start over at 2 feet. Start with straight
putts. Vlfhen you are successful with the straight putts, move to a putt with a little break
and continue the same exercise. This drill will help you understand the length and speed
of the stroke to make year ball go the proper distance. It will also help you focus an
c~ raking all of the putts in a row without having to start over. G~t~l LtJCI~ and I will see
#~~u on the putting greenll
Effective Monday, October 13~' the. dub has a rate change for golf Monday thru
Thursdayv 1 holes will be $55.80, after 12:30 ~45,Of~. Saturday, Sunday and
Holidays will be X65,00, after 12:30 $55.00.
Effective October l~k -Tee Times may be made on line at www.v~ I~~;:,I;.r,~~g.
If you are looking for membership information, please feel free to call Susan in the
Administration office at g1-3420.
bintil next. tirr~e, ~~t1~Z.~
~:~ a ,~~ ~ are being offered this fall. Call 52.6-6515 for more information, or stop by the tennis
Caurt~ ~la~e at 8:~0 pm shop fora brochure.
LAST F~E~E'~A7"TC?N A.~.E• ]un~r caclerr~Y -Registration is underway for this after school tennis
~,:~~ RM ~ ~:~ ~,~ academy for children ages 4-17. Professional staff evaluates children and places
them in age and skill appropriate classes. This program runs in 8 week intervals all
year and will provide skill development and practice far junior players.
' ~ Adult Ace ~ -These are instructional dosses covering beginners to
experienced players and all those interested in hardcore fitness, ,Among them are
~3'FIC~ HC3Jl~S:
"r~duit Clinics Under the .Mars. „ "~riid n' ~iay" ciass~.~, and "' het Fit to ii a "
Monday -Friday: There is ~ ethinc~ fc~r everyc~ne7
Clo~~-d from t pm to 3 1-m C3nc~oin~ ~~-fin Fero ra s
i l i, {
Adult clinics Fridays & .Saturdays 'x:00 a,m. evenings
_ Tennis ~ Tunes -Tu~sdaysand 7~hursdays, 6.30 p.m. ~ sF?
_~ _ ..
_ _. WVomen's Doubles -Tuesdays, &.00 a.m. ~. Thursdays !
Monday -Thursday. 6.30 p.m. it~,
7:30 any - 1 pm Meng"s Doubles - i~7vndaysand Fridays.. x:00 a.m. ih°. ~'~
3 pm - 7:30 pm Mixed Doubles - Wednesdays 6:30 p,m.
Friday: USTA men's and women.."s teams..
7:30 am - 1 pm & ~ Pf3CTA women's teams ~ E-3, ~-1, and A-3~
3 pm - 5:30.... pm .
~~ae~~al Events
Saturday:?:30 am to 1:..00 pm , Halloween "CHEST MI7CER°' - Mixed Doubles Round Robin - Friday, OctObar.24tfa,
Sunday: 7:30 am to 1:~0 pm at 6:00 p..m.
Page 4 - Gauntry Club a Calf and Tennis
7~ ay Cribbean_Cruise o Nov 30th -Dec. 7th)
A few spots still left on our Royal Caribbean's
Freedom of the Seas eastern itinerary group cruise....
$250 deposit required to register Total cruise price
for inside cabin is X799 per person based on double..
occupancy. ~Jpgrades ray be available based on
availability. Any questions contact Bil
Egan at the Community Center at n
841-3389. Transportation to & from
the Port of Miarnl is included.
All F~c~tball Fare Tape
Notice! The Rec. Dept
has seats remaining O~;~RN TPA.IJEL
for the act. 4th.........
Hurricanes/FSU ~ ~I
game x$95} ~ <;,
and the NovembF~~r
23rd Dolphins game ,'
against the New ~ ~ ..,
England Patriots (~90)i
If you. want to have a great time and leave the
driving parking hassles up to someone else?
Come join usi For details, contact Bi4l at 841.-3389.
Basketball League B.ec~lstraticrn Beams -Youth
Winter Basketball ages 5-16! You can now register
for this winter youth basketball........ program starting
C-ct. 1st - 25th the discounted rate is 60Jresidentr
X70/nan-resident. After t~ctober 25s the price
returns to the regular X70/resident and 80/non-
resident. Each team has approximately 2 games per
week and a practice. Games will be played
weeknights and Saturdays at the NPB Community
Center. All participants 9 years + will be drafted
onto teams, A few coaches are needed as well.
Call Adam at 841-3389s after 4.00pm.
Ght~st un - The Recreation Dept is holding a 5k Ghost
Run on Saturday, Cct. 25k"'. The 5 kilometer (3.1 mile)
certified......... course begins and ends at Anchorage Park in
the heart of North Palm Beach. We will also be
holding a 100 yd Ghost Sprint far youths ages 3-C, and.
a ~ mile Goblin Run. fQr youths 7-10 y~ ,iys of ague. You
are invited to join in even if you ~ ~~ ~_ ~d
don"t run! The school with the z"i~, ~~~
mast entrants will get an aw 1rd' ~ .' ,
too! Pre-registration fee is $20 / ~'
person and includes a great ~
t-shirt. Applications can b~e ~~'~ -~~ 1<~.~. ~
obtained at the Recreation centers ~'~ ~~~
or on the Recreation pages of our ~~ ~ ~~;"~'~
website - wvuw.villa e_n b,ora.
Hallov~reen Haunted Hunt -Thursday C•~light, October
30th, 2008 we will have a "Halloween Haunted Hunt"
with costume contester candy for all those in costume,
and much more at the Anchorage Park. Activities
Bldg. Call 841-338b for more information and times..
Arts Crafts Fall Festival. -It's right around the
corner! Don't forget to mark your calendars for the
annual Arts & Crafts Fall Festival that will be held at the
Community Center, 1280.... Prosperity Farms Rd. This year
the festival will be on Saturdays November 8th from
9...:00-4:00, Crafters from all over S. Florida will be
displaying their crafts.. Booths will be located both
indoors and outdoors. Hope to see you there! The
event is free of charge. Vendars>!!' - A few openings.
still remain for the show, if you are interested in
participating as a crafter call 8413386.
Villa a Pla ers -~ „Little +Dld Ladies in Tennis Shoes", a
comedy by Sandra Fenichel Asher will be performed at
the NPB Community Center on Nov. 8s 4, 15s 21s 22 at
8 PIS' Nov. 9s 16r 23 at 2.:30... PNi. Tickets are X12.00
and can be purchased up to one hour before show time..
l~he l/r1/age IUewsle~~r Page 5 - ~€~untry Club - P~~I and f'arl~s & ~ecreati~an
r' ~ ie5
~ ~ i~,'i
i '~ i i I ~ ~ ~~ ] I
~ ~.
i I i I ~
~ I
~ I
~ ~ ' ~ctaber m thraugh the lt1, is
Fire Preventian Week and we
want to remind you to be fire
u~ all year lang. Ta help in that
-ffart, we will be heating our
~nc~ual Firs afity a€r ~r~
~.~Lc~ber 11~" fram ~'. A to
~~ at the Cahn S. ~tuvt~r
ubliic Safety ~~r~apl~x
I~eat~d at ;560 U.S. F~wy .
We have invited ether safety
+~ ~,~ :~rganizat@ans to join us and share
their message, the E~laadmabile
I will be here and there will be
demanstratians and Barnes
far everyane,
' raj came and fain usl
__ ~. ~ , e ,, ~ ~- . ~ ~l7U 1~/Of1 `~` ICE/It'V~@ ~1f7G1/
_ , ~ ~ ~ ; ~ w, l ~; ~ ~au~h fun ber'n~ safe ~-~ 6e!
~- _,
1~~'EJ' N..iP~ ~.~~ I~ 1 ~~ LJ' 1~' ll 1`, ~ ,~V~ e ~. `t~. Lt... e,. s.~ ~)L'~L['17l°€' ~~tirl..~F[~7f7[7711~C' ~(11%t'€'
Have you received an unexpected check far a large s«m in the mail? chances are it was accampan@ed by instructian,s to
Ganvert a large partian tereaf to a maney artier and to mail the maney artier to a `tax agent" ar "salictar" ar samethng
similar usually IaGated in anather Gauntry. The Gammunictian will prabably Warne same large amaunt of maney that you
will receive via return mai@.
Let`s say you take the unexpected' cheek to yaur lacal bank and purchase the requested maney artier, depasitin the
balance in yaur aGCaunt. If there is enaugh maney in yaur accaunt to Gayer the check, yaur bank will prabably canduct th@s
transaction far you. 'You will send off the maney artier expecting to receive yaur windfall by return mai6. Instead, you will
receive a returned check notice fram yaur bank because the unexpected check, was fraudu@ent. Yau new awe the bank an
1~5F fee and you are out the amount of the maney artier.
Many people wish far that elusive ship to came in, but it rarely lees. People may be especial@y vulnerable to "get rich
quick" schemes in times of economic crisis. There are endless variations of scams circulating....... via e-mail, fax, pastel service,.
etc. It is best to remember the mantra "if it seems tea Bead to be true, it prabably is."
The fact that many of these schemes originate in areas that are remote fram the victim and involve difficult to trace
transactions makes them very difficult to investigate and even mare difficult to success ~~~lly prasecut~ . l~ecausc~ ~ ~~ this, it is
important far people to be wary of maney seemingly raining dawn fram heaven..
When contacted by e-mailp yaur best course of action is to simply delete the e-mail. ' ,.rye. 3
You can else add the sender to yaur pam filter and report the suspect e-mail to ~ ,~~°`'
yaur IS~p. Never respond to u~nsalicited e-mail that requests personally identifiable ~ `'! ' '
@nformation, When contacted by RJS flail, you can report it to yaur local Postmaster. ~ ,
Far mare detailed information an these and ether scams check out these webstes: ~l
h®ttr~~j ,,,~, fbi. a~~tra~e fraud.._r~udschemes.ht E ~, ,:
ht r.~stre~~ ~,r°,.~ra ~sss/fraud email adviser .sue -"°`:,
htt~;,/www.~~~~ _ a.ca/cri~~nelfraudOnigeria.as
Page -Public safety ~n ~aw.village-npb.c~:.g
January i , , ~Q
Tl it l ~ '~:~ cyan....... off your bcakshelves
:r~ci ;ril ,+ your b~~ks, DVDsJCDs to
thr III11';:Iry.
f`i;~ ~ 1~('~ ~u
~~ f l ~~ i I ~~~~i~~~ a 1i; ~~~~ ~;-I~:~.
ridgy, r 1~~~+ ~r~lr ~., 0 at ~~ rr~
Jack Jacobs, a Village resident,, will be enterkaning us
with selections from the 4g`s - 9g`s, dig Viand,
Broadway, Neil Diamond, Frank Sinatra, and Country
music are all part of Jack's repertoire, who has been
entertaining throughout South Florida for more. than g
years. Tickets are S,Q~J each and can be purchased. in
advance at the Library.
C~ ~i~ (fur H~
Tyler and Jake Cldan will be available on Saturdays
from 9-~ ~ a m. at the Library. Patrons ray use the
Library ®:;Ii~f•.,~c::~rs o: bring their laptops.
'~~" << ~Arii~ual a a
J~ Saturday, Decembe ~g
~fli~ : ~~I ~~I~ar~t~~ ~ I ~r~~
' Sign up at the Lii aryl
The TreeSearchrs enealc~gy lu'd will held
their ctcber meeting cn Tuesday, ctcer ~.~k
at i : p.m. in the lib~rarya ve~ne is welccmel
Plan attend th%s infdrmatie meeting. If you
ha~re any questions, sell Sue. at X41-.
r~ld f the Li~r~r
oil Tlra arc
The Frynds of the Library are sponsoring musical
evenings at the Library ire the Fall/11~linter of
20JJ$/2~t1~. They are locking for people who would
like to share their special musical talent. Please call
Ann Burton, E~eference Librarian, at the North Palm
beach Library for more information {8~.-3).
The NPR Library is going....... through a transition period
in children's programming......... in fl~,, '
month of actober. Please tali
the Library for available
children's programer 8~~-
Notice to all residents and commercial property owners: Please be aware that if you hire a contractor to trim trees
o your property that they must be kicnsed with the Vllagie and that they are required to remove all debris that
they generate. Please be dikigent and protect yourself by verifying that they are licensed... 4'cu can verify this by
contacting the Community Development Department apt 4f-335.
The Public 11~1orks Department is asl<ing er your assistance, In an effort to r>~aintai~n the rueat appearance of td-re
Village, we are requesting that you........ schedule your lawn maintenance companies tc perform their service the day
before the scheduled pick up by the Sanitatiion Department. The scheuyd days for those pick ups trash ~
vegetations are Tuesday and Thursday. Also, please.. help uus expedite the collection cf large piles with cur clam
shell...... by positioning those piles away from signs, fire hydrants, beneath trees and power lines, V'u'e also ask that the
residents refrain from scting out trash and debris over the weekend. The Public ihJorks Department greatly
apprer i_.tes yci.;r cool~~~ratic'~ in helping us to keep North Palm Beach the "~'st ~%e t~ Live tlnr~~r the ~ur~{,s
~`.~' ~.~ ~'~~!`~~~"y.r~~~ -~,~~`y>9H~tl" ~rYli ' ~ ~;;+ ~:;:.~i Gpx~f`~ C;r~ `yr:;',.I thir;k the Vill~lr_~e c~ ?c~; ..h Palm fie~,~h J~ rhF 'Lest Place to LiefF i 9nder
ti1r, c;_I I "' L'~~ ',~ nl II I."~ ,.3 r,~.~i; l rl,l,l I~ -;ir; ~i ~r~!E~ t~ 1r ~ '•• ~r I - ;~- e" , ', r '-- :~
_ ~ - ,: i II __ i- Tl~e >IiacJ_ c~ ~~.t,~ Palrrl r_~ ~,~h Ire thy, /n_u t_, .,ul~rril~ ;cur
L~~~J" sln!1 r_I~~In~Ilrl_ o~ll~ '~Jil~l~je, 1t ni!_I'~,t I~~~ ~ rll~ I ;~.~Is~~ l'~lu~~~~r~ ~ ~_:~-r,lutiorl, .~:r1 ~~I~, hr~ c~-r~n~~il~.r~ ;~; ~~rl ai:t~~cnrr~l~~nt.
III ~Cr..'.,, i;;J" ~~i" Llfr J%,'f'll~lt, it '.,'~:~I~ll .fl~J~.? IS CilCi~en, rt wlll ~ii~ ?LL;Ii~d un the CO':Jer Ut drl LI_!CUr-nlnCj ISSLIr~ uJ tJll~
rlr-,r :i~C~:('I", ~!?1~'~ f~ r?:J'_ ~ iiC'IL!~ir_ jJIJI i~_I;I I"i-lill'; c IJ!'Iz~f des~rrj. I~ Il Oi Cil~ p~~~plC IIICJ!nr ''forth P~~m~ Beach IOCnt1Qn
p~ri)I!'L. I, il'1C? ~~II. :~i(.lil,~lf~ i -Ci~1'IIn; t''dll i' 1=`IF' ,'III ir,l~ ~.I I~`vC7'"1~I ~~i IL ~i r~=~.~I~I I~~~I~W 1'i% 'i,', l~i~jek ~{f 1,1 t1!Il~ C'3~d 1u.9~;1~~
~~..L.Je~ ~._lfl call. X111+_,ll, ;LJlJl~ll,'i_)~IS Ir~. ri I:.'I ,r''VrIIw~M~'.I.;,r~Ur~.e...
ww~^a.village-npb,crg Page ~ - Village Library, Public wracks and Phnt~ Cantest
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Village Council ............................................ ....._.......... ....... 2nd & ' 'hureday, 7:3t7 i n
Audit Committee ......................................... ................. ........................................... on call
Code Enforcement Board ...... ......... .. .... 1st Mcanday on call 13:3(} Pm
Construction Board of Adjustment & Appea l............. '.."
......... on call
General Employees Pension Board ............ .... .......... ........... ............ quarterly, on call
Galf Advisory Board ........................... ............ ... end Monday, monthly, S:tIC1 pm
library Advisory Board ......................... ..... ................ ...4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:010 pm
Planning Commission ......... .................. .................. .....1st Tuesday, monthly, fi:30 fam
Police ~ Fire Pension Board ............... . ........... ............ quarterly, on call
Recreation Advisory Board ............. .. .......... ... end Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 fain
V1latel-ways Board ....... ............................. next to last Tuesday, in odd menthe, 4:00 Pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment ........................ ................. ........................................... on call
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ll~listi:l le;1l, Ci~~G
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L lage Cot. cl members may b'
conltlcted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355 it
or by email at
npbclerkca:village-npb.org ,~
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