07-2008 Newsletter PDFJuly 4th /Comm. Devel. Dept. 1 Village Library Information 2 Village Historian /Public Works 3 Village Clerk’s Office 4 Wolfhound Day /Public Safety 5 Village Manager’s Office 6-7 Parks
& Recreation Dept. 8-9 Fishing Highlights & Tennis 10 Village of NPB Calendar 11-12 Inside this issue: Council, Public Meeting’s, 14 & Departmental Phone #’s 13 As we are all aware hurricane
season officially began on June 1st and ends December 1st. Many residents and businesses have installed window and door protection to insure the safety of their properties, fortunately
we did not have to utilize the protection last year and hopefully that will be the case this year. The best time to think about safety and preparation is before the threat of an event.
Hurricane preparation begins with: ? Plan a trial run for shutter installation before they are needed. ? Use protection for you hands when installing the equipment. ? Mark shutters as
they are installed to make future installations easier. ? Secure outside property safely to ?to avoid property damage or injury. ? Trimming of vegetation should be done well before
the season begins not when a warning or watch has been established. Debris must be piled in the swale and not in the road. ? Make sure you have plenty of emergency supplies on hand and
check all expiration dates. ? Most importantly BE SAFE! If you have any questions please contact Village Hall or refer to www.village-npb.org for an in-depth look at hurricane preparedness
and several other helpful links. See “Departments” and then “Community Development.” Village of North Palm Beach Presents... July 4th, 2008 Red, White & Boom!! Schedule of Events: All
events to be held at North Palm Beach Country Club 951 US Hwy 1 12:00-8:00 pm Pool Open 4:00 pm Swimming Pool Games & Activities 7:00 pm NPB Recreation Dept. present games/contests for
entire family (on 1st Fairway) 7:30-10:00 pm Live classic rock music by “The Feeder Band” 9:00 pm (approx.) ... Fireworks!! I love Vic! Golf Course /Country Club
T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 2 J U L Y 2 0 0 8 SPECIAL SUMMER PROGRAMS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Tie Dying & Bracelet Making: Thurs., July 3rd @3:30. Get ready for your
July 4th Celebration at our “Happy Birthdda U.S.A” Program. Bring a plain white T-shirt for redwhhit & blue tie dye patterns, and make a matching bracelet. Safari Sue, Entertainer Extraordinaire:
Thurs., July 10th @4 P.M. She’s terrific. This program is courtesy of The Friends of the North Palm Beach Library. Toga Party: Thurs., July 17th @3:30 P.M. Go Ancient today – It’s way
cool. We’ll help you dress up -just bring a sheet, make a special craft, and try chariot racing, mummy wrapping and lots more fun! Didgeridoo Down Under: Mon., July 21st @1 P.M. This
is amazing! “Didgeri Darren” takes us on a “walk-about” with all things Australian without leaving the cool-comfort of our library! Chill-out @the Movies: Thurs., July 24th @3:30. Enjoy
a kid’s adventure as you travel through life on the Australian Prairie. You may bring snacks. Finale to the Summer Reading Program: Thurs., July 31st @3:30. We’ll be getting ready for
the Summer Olympics in our own special way. Check out our new travel section. Some of the new titles are Hiking the Florida Trail by Molloy, A Journey into Michelangelo’s Rome by Nickerson,
England, France and Spain for Dummies. Also be on the alert for our many HIDDEN books such as Hidden New England, Hidden Florida etc. These books have travel suggestions only the “locals”
know about. The Friends of the Library will be sponsoring musical evenings at the Library in the Fall/Winter of 2008/2009. They are looking for people who live in the Village who would
like to share their special musical talent. Please call Ann Burton, Reference Librarian, at the North Palm Beach Library for more information. (561-841-3383). SURFING SENIORS (COMPUTER
HELP) There will be NO computer help in the month of July from Tyler and Jake Gildan. Computer help will resume in August. EDGAR AWARD WINNERS FOR 2008 (Edgar Allan Poe Mystery Awards)
Best Novel: Down River by John Hart (Nominees for Best Novel: Christine Falls by Benjamin Black, Priest by Ken Bruen, The Yiddish Policemen’s Union by Michael Chabon & Soul Patch by
Reed Coleman) Best First Novel: In the Woods by Tana French Best Fact Crime: Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by Vincent Bugliosi Mary Higgins Clark
Award: Wild Indigo by Sandi Ault CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT DON’T FORGET OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMS: Summer Story Times: Wednesdays, @10:15 A.M. for ages 2 & 3 with a parent and at
3:30 P.M., a drop-off program for ages 4 through 7. Enjoy a new and exciting theme each week filled with stories, music, puppets, movies and crafts. Game Day: Tues., July 8th @2:30 P.M.
enjoy our board games & puzzles or bring one of your own. Bring a friend to play with and remember, there’s always time for Twister and Jump Rope! Toddler Time: Fri., July 11th, @1 P.M.
in the “Cozy Corner” of the Children’s Library. Birth to 23 months enjoys interaction through stories, puppets, music and m ovement. Kids Express: Friday, July 11th @2:30 P.M. ages 8-12
enjoy a fun-filled, fast-paced hour of library games, lots of laughs and excitement. Bring a friend! Light refreshments will be served. LIBRARY 841-3383 Monday -Thursday: 9:00-7:00 Friday
-Saturday: 9:00-5:00 Sunday: 1:00-5:00 CHILDREN’S SERVICES 841-3374 Monday -Thursday: 12:00-7:00 Friday: 12:00-5:00 Saturday: 9:00-5:00 Sunday: 1:00-5:00 Website: www.village-npb.org
T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 3 J U L Y 2 0 0 8 In 1903, there was a very large building erected on what is now called Big Munyon Island. It was Dr. Munyon’s Hygia
Hotel. It was build in the early 1900’s and destroyed by fire a few years later. Dr. Munyon was a colorful and inventive character. He piped water over from the mainland and made a “SPRING”.
The water from the “SPRING” was especially for his guests who were told that drinking from it was very beneficial. It was Sulphur Water and even John D. McArthur vouched for it’s benefits!
Dr. Munyon also sold bottles of his “Great Natural Remedy”. His formula was the Doctor’s secret and he had great faith in efficacy of his tonic. The label said it was great remedy for
indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach ailments. It also cured nervousness, a host of other ailments and was also a tonic for furnishing blood to pale people giving them life and snap
to the overworked and rundown. It was advertised to make “old people feel young and the weak weak feel strong”. Too bad the formula is not available today since Dr. Munyon carried the
secret formula to his grave! Find out more about this interesting gentleman in the historian’s archives in the Library. We are here Monday, Wednesday and Friday -10:00 until noon. 1-561-841-3371
Please call the Public Works Dept. @561-691-3440 for all other questions. Garbage Pick Up Schedule For Week Ending July 4th ???? June 30th -Garbage Only ???? July 1st -Trash & Vegetation
???? July 2nd -Recycling, Trash and Vegetation ???? July 3rd -Garbage Only ???? July 4th -NO Collection YOUR PARTNER FOR SOLID WASTE SOLUTIONS May 14, 2008 Mr. Jimmy Knight Village Manager
Village of North Palm Beach 501 US Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Re: Outstanding Recycling Participation Dear Mr. Knight: The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County (SWA)
appreciates the continued support and participation from the Village of North Palm Beach in SWA’s recycling program. Through the outstanding efforts of your staff and residents, the
Village of North Palm Beach has recycled more than 931 tons or 1,862,000 pounds of recyclable material. You have helped Palm Beach County recycle record amounts of materials in 2007
and with your continued support we are currently on track to exceed that record in 2008! This success could not have been accomplished without the Village of North Palm Beach’s Public
Works team. Your partnership is invaluable to our recycling program and your dedicated efforts and those of your residents are truly appreciated. To thank you and your residents for
the outstanding teamwork, dedication, and support we would truly welcome the opportunity to present a token of our appreciation to the Village of North Palm Beach and the village council
members. Please let us know at your earliest convenience if it would be possible to be included on the council meeting agenda for a very brief public presentation. You may contact Susan
Chapman, Public Relations Outreach Coordinator at (561) 640-4000 extension 4315 to schedule the presentation. Sincerely, John Archambo Director, Recycling, CIS and Public Affairs cc:
Wiley Livingston, Public Works Director Ives Chavez, Superintendent Field Operations 7501 North Jog Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 (561) 640-4000 FAX (561) 640-3400 This 15 acre
island is located in the Lake Worth Lagoon Estuary in North Palm Beach, FL.
Resolution 2008-27 Community Development Block Grant Renewal Resolution 2008-28 Appointing Members to Village Boards Resolution 2008-29 Accepting the bid submitted by C. E. M. Enterprises,
Inc. for repairs to the Lighthouse Drive and Monet Road Bridges Resolution 2008-30 Purchase of Webtrac Basic Edition Software from Vermont Systems for use by the Village Parks And Recreation
Department Resolution 2008-31 Budget Amendment – Community Center Resolution 2008-32 Approving a contract award to D.S. Eakins Construction Corp. to proceed with the repairs to the storm
drain system in front of 905 Dogwood Road Resolution 2008-33 Approving a contract award to D.S. Eakins Construction Corp. to proceed with the repairs to the storm drain system in front
of 917 Dogwood Road Annual Board Appointments: The Village Council appointed members to its Advisory Boards at the Special Session of April 24, 2008. These appointments and term expirations
are as follows: Audit Committee Planning Commission Emery Newell April 30, 2009 Tim Hullihan April 30, 2010 Robert Gebbia April 30, 2009 William Whiteford April 30, 2010 Kris Garrison
April 30, 2009 Susan Marks April 30, 2009 Code Enforcement Board Frank Manning April 30, 2011 Recreation Advisory Board Rick Stanish April 30, 2011 Bob Bell April 30, 2010 Don Grill
April 30, 2010 Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals Dianna Craven April 30, 2009 Thomas McCarthy April 30, 2011 Chris Cantwell April 30, 2009 Scott Studer April 30, 2011 Harry
Ackerman April 30, 2009 Waterways Board Charles Giacomelli April 30, 2009 Jay Carron April 30, 2011 Denise Whiteford April 30, 2009 Library Advisory Board Jerry Sullivan April 30, 2009
Mary Annis April 30, 2010 Natalie McKenna April 30, 2010 Zoning Board of Adjustment Christine DelGuzzi April 30, 2010 Dianna Reeves April 30, 2011 Peter Carvajal April 30, 2009 Ted Bukowski
April 30, 2009 Robert Maurer April 30, 2009 Keith Davis April 30, 2009 Elder Update is a bimonthly newspaper published by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs. Articles cover relevant
topics of interest to older adults. The publication is distributed in-state at no charge to Florida's older adults. The Elder Update is available online at http://elderaffairs.state.fl.us/english/pub
update.html. You can read it online or you can save it to your computer and read it later at your leisure. You can also print copies of back issues and articles of interest. To contact
the Elder Update editor, please send an email directly to: eueditor@elderaffairs.org How to Subscribe to Elder Update (Florida residents only) The Elder Update is distributed at no cost
to elder Floridians and sent by U.S. mail. Unfortunately, the Department is unable to mail Elder Update subscriptions out of state due to increasing postage costs. To receive the free
newspaper (Florida residents only), mail your name, address, city, county, state and zip code to the address provided below. For changes to a current subscription, mail the current mailing
label along with requested changes. If the mailing label is not available, please include the old mailing information to ensure the proper record is updated. The Florida Department of
Elder Affairs Elder Update Subscriber Relations P.O. Box 6750 Tallahassee, Fl 32314-6750 *Please allow 8 to 10 weeks to receive the first issue or for changes to take effect. The Elder
Update is also available in Braille and on cassette tape for people with disabilities. Call the Bureau of Braille & Talking Book Library -1-800-226-6075 for info. T h e V i l l a g e
N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 4 J U L Y 2 0 0 8 Elder Update
T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 5 J U L Y 2 0 0 8 Nationally, every Independence Day hundreds of people are injured and thousands of dollars of property is lost due to
fireworks being mishandled. Don’t become a statistic; enjoy fireworks by watching one of the professionally produced shows such as the Village’s display at the North Palm Beach Country
Club. If you still insist on personal fireworks, remember if it makes a noise or fires a projectile -it is illegal for personal use. Have a happy and SAFE Fourth! Chief Steve Canfield
The Village of North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Presents: 2008 National Night Out August 5, 2008 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Chief Steve Canfield and The North Palm Beach Department
of Public Safety would like you to mark your calendda for the 2008 National Night Out!! This is the nation’s largest annual crime and drug prevention event and North Palm Beach is taking
part! The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is asking ALL residents and businesses to participate in this event by organizing block parties, cookouts, and flashlight walks
in addition to turning your front porch lights on and leaving them on throughout the night. This event sends a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized
and fighting back. We want them to know that we care about our community and that these are OUR neighborhoods! A strong community makes for a safe community. Your Public Safety Department
will visit your neighborhood block party or apartment gathering to discuss crime trends in your area, to answer any questions, and to continue building partnerships with this great community.
We also bring along McGruff the crime dog, our K-9, Motorcycle, Bike Patrol, and Police and Fire Truck Units and provide police demonstrations. We had a great turn out last year and
look forward to getting to know this community even better through this year’s event. Hundreds of people came out to the Community Center on June 11th to meet 2nd Battalion Commander
-Lt. Col. Drew Meyerowich and be a part of the first official “Wolfhound Day”! (Proclaimed by Mayor Manuel that night.) It was a proud moment when Lt. Col. Meyerowich was also presented
with the first ever “Key to the Village”. A musical photo montage was shown by “Support our Troops” and many questions were answered by the Lt. Col., while he showed slides to the crowd
as well. Awards were given to the many volunteers who make sure our adopted troops get what they want and need without fail and Senator Atwater’s speech brought a tear to most everyone’s
eye. It was certainly a memorable evening! If you are interested in participating and hosting a block party on your street, contact Officer Angela Williams at 561-841-3300.
Public Public Leisure General Debt Building Safety Works Services Government Service Where does all the money go… This question comes up every budget year as residents consider their
tax bills. It’s a fair question. Residents are very aware that most of the valued services (fire and police services, parks and recreation, and streets and sanitation) come from their
local governments. However, the majority of the property (ad valorem) tax dollar goes to jurisdictions other than North Palm Beach. So, the answer to question can be answered simply…
Only 31¢ of your tax dollar goes to the Village of North Palm Beach! Where does all the money go (part 2)…. Ok..so where does the 31¢ go once it gets to the Village? Palm Beach County
20% Palm Beach County Public Schools 38% South Florida Water Mgmt 3% Other 8% Village of North Palm Beach 31% Your Taxes at Work 0123456789 M illage Rat es 8 .4 2 6 7.6 3 5 7.2 9 59
7.19 16 6 .18 9 5 6 .1 5.76 71 5.10 5 Riviera Beach Lake Park Lake Worth West Palm Beach Lant ana North Palm Beach Tequesta Palm Beach Gardens N O R T H P A L M Millage Rate In addition,
the Village maintains its service to residents at one of the lowest millage rates in the area… including municipalities with both significantly larger and smaller populations. Sanitation
alone is 3¢, which represents $1,833,439. M
Just a quick note to say THANK YOU to each and every one of you who took the time to voice your opinion in the 2008/09 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH “CITIZEN SURVEY” last month. We are
diligently sorting and addressing your input and will have results and more information for you in the August 2008 North Palm Beach "Village Newsletter". Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Village Revenues at Work 2007 Budget by Department 9% 36% 26% 4% 11% 5% 9% General Government Public Safety Public Works Library Parks & Recreation Community Development /Building Debt
Services 2007 General Fund Budget -by Category Debt Service 5% Operating 17% Personnel 70% Capital 8% The charts serve to demonstrate allocated costs both by Category and by Village
T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 8 J U L Y 2 0 0 8 Super Kids Camp -This exciting ½ day program is for youth 3 – 5 years of age and still has openings in Session 2. The
group meets Monday through Friday from 9:00-noon. This program runs from July 7 – Aug. 1. Each week features a different theme with guests coming in to present fun, exciting and sometimes
educational programs. Camp includes story time, crafts, free play, snack and much more. Cost is $200/session. Camp Director is Marelen Baylis. Call 841-3386 for availability. Tai Chi
Classes – John Cook will instruct Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong on Friday mornings in the Anchorage Exercise room at 9:30am. It’s $15/class or $50/5 weeks. John is a Certified Advanced Instructor
of Inner Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 11 years of experience sharing his practice with those seeking skillful means. For more info. call 841-3386. Martial Arts
-Legacy Martial Arts is now offering classes for youth and adults at Anchorage Park! In addition to self defense, children taking this class will earn self discipline, self control,
and self confidence. The cost includes a free uniform. Youth class (5 yr +) is on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 and adult class is from 7:00-8:00. Next session begins July 17. If you have
any further questions, please call 841-3386 or 626-8998. Fee: $130/8wk -AAB Bellydancing -Great new experience for you and exercise also! Develop 6-pack abs! Classes are held at Anchorage
Park on Tuesday evenings with Meredith Blue. Meredith has been dancing and teaching for over 11 years. Class session: July 22-Aug. 26 = $55. For more information, call Meredith at 252-5972.
Men’s Over 40 Basketball – Pick-up games are played on Thursday nights at the Community Center, located on Prosperity Farms Road (by Burns Road) from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. First come,
first serve. Everyone will get a chance to participate. Come enjoy this fun activity and get to know your neighbors to boot! Wood Bat Softball League – Adam is organizing this men’s
league league that will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights at Osborne Park. Registration deadline is Monday, July 25 with a start date the beginning of August. Cost is $500.00/team.
If you have a team or an individual interested in playing, contact Adam at 841-3389. Coed Softball League -Register now for the fall Coed Softball League. Games are played on Friday
nights at Osborne Park. The price is $250/team. Register at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg on 603 Anchorage Drive. Ongoing Classes -Many classes offered by the Recreation Dept. are
ongoing and never stop. You can start these at any time. Included are: Jazzercise, Country Line Dancing, Fitness Over 50, Duplicate Bridge games, Ballroom Dance, and Yoga. For more information
, please call 841-3386 anytime! All events to be held at North Palm Beach Country Club -951 US Hwy 1 The Village of North Palm Beach presents… RED, WHITE & BOOM!! July 4th Pool Party
– The NPB Pool will be open on Friday, July 4th for a day filled with family fun and activity. Open hours for members only are 10:00am – noon. The pool will be open to the public from
noon – 8:00 pm. Dick Cavanah and his staff will be holding the renowned Family Pool Games starting at 4:00 pm. Poolside BBQ available from 4 -8 pm. Don’t miss out! Call 691-3427 for
more details! July 4th, 08 Schedule Football Fans take notice! -Football fans! Look at the games we have tickets for this fall! Want to have a great time and let the driving & parking
hassles up to someone else? Join us! Price includes transportation, your entry ticket, a fantastic tailgate party and great camaraderie. Don’t wait! Seating is limited! Dolphins -vs-NY
Jets (Sept. 7-$90) * Hurricanes -vs-FSU (Oct. 4-$95) * Dolphins -vs-Patriots (Nov. 23-$90) 12:00 pm -8:00 pm Pool Open 4:00 pm Swimming Pool Games & Activities 7:00 pm NPB Recreation
Dept. present games contests for entire family (on 1st Fairway) 7:30 pm -10:00 pm Live classic rock music by: “The Feeder Band” Approx. -9:00 pm Fireworks!! Fireworks!! Fireworks!! 7-Day
Caribbean Cruise Cruise with the NPB Rec. Dept. -Nov 30th – Dec. 7th on Royal Caribbean’s Freedom of the Seas $250 deposit required to register and is due before the end of July. However
we don’t want to stop collecting deposits until we reach 40 “paid” people. So get your deposits in early to ensure yourself a spot with the group. Total cruise price for inside cabin
is $799 per person based on double occupancy. Trip balance is due early September. Cabin upgrades may be available based on availability. Any questions contact Bill Egan at the Community
Center at 841-3389.
Learn to Swim -Group swimming lessons available for 3 years old and above. Session III: July 14th through 24th, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 or 9:30 am. Register July 7th -12th at the
Pool. Cost: $25/resident, $35/non-resident. “Sundae” Sundays -Join us at the pool on the 3rd Sunday of the month for Sundae Sundays. What is “Sunday Sundays” you ask? Well, all kids
get a free ice cream with their paid pool admission! What’s a better way to spend a relaxing Sunday afternoon that that? Call the Recreation Department @841-3386 or the Village Pool
@691-3427 for more information. T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 9 J U L Y 2 0 0 8 Box Tops for Education -Please help the NPB Elementary School by saving your box tops
for education. We will have collection boxes at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg, the Community Center and the NPB Library. Box tops can be found on the following items: Cereals: Cheerios,
Chex, Fiber One, Nature Valley; Paper products: Kleenex, Cottonelle, Scott, Viva disposable Hefty bags, cuts, tableware, etc., Baking: Betty Crocker, Bisquick; Baby & Child care: Huggies,
Pull ups, wipes, etc. Rather than just throwing it away, look for the coupon that says “Box tops for Education”, bring it in and help your local school kids! Fall Soccer Registration
-Registration for the Fall youth soccer program will be held from July 1 -25. During this time, the cost is $50/resident and $60/non-resident. After these dates, the price increases
to $60/resident, $70/non resident. This program is for youth 5–15 years of age. Players will participate in approx. one game and one practice per week once the season begins. Game nights
for 5-8 year olds will be on Fridays at the NPB Comm. Ctr. There will be a draft for the 9-10 year old league, the 11-13 year-old league and the 14-15 year-old league. Practice times
determined by the coach. If you are interested in coaching, call 841-3389. Village Players -of North Palm Beach presents "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" at the North Palm Beach Community
Center, Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road on July 25th and 26th, & August 1st and 2nd at 8:00 PM. You can also see it July 27th and August 3rd at 2:30 PM. Admission is $7.00. Come one,
come all to a fantastic fun filled show! Call the Community Center for more information @841-3389. Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament -The 4th Annual Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament
will be held on Saturday, August 16, 2008.. Entry fee is $150/boat. Early bird entry fee paid before Aug. 1st is $100 /boat. On shore will be a kids fishing derby! Food, entertainment
and awards at Anchorage Park begin at 2:30. This is a great day not only for fishermen, but for anyone looking for a good time. Please join us! Entry forms can be obtained at Recreation
Centers or on the recreation pages at www.village-npb.org. If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact the Dept. at 841-3386. JULY Hours for the North Palm Beach Pool
951 US Hwy 1, North Palm Beach, Florida 561-691-3427 Masters Swimming Program -A year round adult training group is offered in a structured workout format. Whether you are an ex-competitive
swimmer, a current tri-athlete or beginning swimmer we offer a coach run workout as a safe and healthy way to stay in shape. Practice times are 6:00 to 7:00 AM – Monday, Wednesday &
Friday and 6:30 to 8:00 PM – Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. The fee is $60 per month or with a Masters membership -$40 per month. Please call Coach Cavanah at 691-3427 for more information
or details. Friday Family Nights at the Pool -On Friday nights you can wind down from the long work week at the pool. Sit back, take a dip, visit with friends, listen to great music
and enjoy a wonderful meal. A DJ will play your favorite tunes from 6:00pm -9:00 pm. Pool admission on Friday nights is $2/person. NPB Swim Team -We are offering the North Palm Beach
Swim Club to children ages 5 through high school. For the younger and beginning swimmers this is primarily in the Summer months; for the older and more skilled swimmers the program is
year round. This is a great opportunity to belong to an established swimming team, where your child will learn all the skills and techniques associated with competitive swimming, learn
to compete, learn the value of commitment and having fun doing it. For more information stop by the North Palm Beach Pool and chat with one of the Coaches or call the pool at 691-3427
and ask for Coach Cavanah or Coach Alf. Monday thru Thursday ~ 10:00 to 7:00pm Friday ~ 10:00 to 10:00 pm Saturday ~ 10:00 to 6:00 pm * Sunday ~ 12:00 to 6:00 pm Admission: $3/child,
$5/adult Call 691-3427 for information. Water Polo -Hey kids, looking for a great, new activity? We are now offering water polo for youth 13-18 yrs! Practices are Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday from 10:00 to 12:00pm, Wednesday 4:00 to 7:00, and Friday 6:00-to 8:00. The fee is $50/month or $150 for May – August. Practice schedules can be found at www.npbpolo.com.
Call Alf at 691-3427 for complete details.
T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R J U L Y 2 0 0 8 P a g e 1 0 Extreme heat and hot offshore action is the name of the game for the Palm Beaches. The summer offshore fishing will
provide a mixed bag of species for anglers, and lots of bait. The Dolphin will be plentiful along with Kingfish, Wahoo, Amberjacks, Tuna , and a few Sailfish. The best way to target
all of these species is by using live bait, trolling and drifting dead sardines near the bottom. The beaches will provide great action and sight fishing for Snook and Tarpon early in
the morning. These fish can be seen cruising the troughs and structured bottom. Live baits and artificial lures will keep the drag screaming for all anglers. The inlets are another great
spot to look for Snook and Tarpon as well as Snapper and a few grouper. Lead weight are a must and be sure to use circle hooks for the Snook. Well as I always say you cant catch them
from the couch so get out there and get hooked up. Tight Lines! Capt. Craig Korczynski NEW FEATURE! PhlatsInshoreFishing.com ~ PalmBeachFishingGuides.com ~ 561-644-4372 Tennis Center
Welcomes Ron Rainyn -Please welcome our new Asst. Pro Ron Rainyn. Ron brings over twenty
years of teaching and pro tour playing experience to lead our junior program as Director of Junior Development. A Florida natiive Ron was fortunate to have learned from the best. As
a junior, he was coached, by and worked for Jimmy Evert (Chris Evert’s father and coach), and also trained on scholarship at Nick Bolletieri’s Tennis Academy. Ron’s mission is to instill
in new, young players, the same passion and dedication for tennis. Ron is looking forward to building a comprehensive jr. tennis program where kids of all ages can excel to their potential.
Location: 951 US Hwy 1, North Palm Beach For more information, please call 691-3427. TENNIS CAMP -There is still opportunity for kids 4-16 to join the Tennis camp program! Join NPB Tennis
pro, Richard Waidelich, in full-day or half-day camp. Participants will experience agility drills, relay races, stroke fundamental instruction, tennis games and match play. Afternoons
are at the pool. Cost for full day is $225/wk and half day is $125/wk. Weekly camps began June 9. Daily rates available. For more info., call 626-6515. These activities are the programs
we are offering this summer. Please call for details or to register 626-6515. Advanced Jr. Clinic (tournament players) Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $200.00 Women’s “B” clinic – drills,
strategy, play Mondays 8:30-10 a.m. $ 17.50 Women’s “A” clinic – drills, strategy, play Tuesdays 8:30-10 a.m. $ 17.50 Intermediate clinic – drills, strategy, play Fri. & Sat. 9-10:30
a.m. $ 17.50 Men’s intermediate play (members free) Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:00 a.m. Women’s intermediate play (members free) Tues. & Thurs. 8:00 a.m. Women’s doubles (members free) Tuesdays
6:30 p.m. Mixed doubles (members free) Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. Men’s doubles (members free) Thursdays 6:30 p.m. SUMMER TENNIS TIPS: To avoid heat related issues while on the court the following
are some good practices to consider when playing on hot days: ????Avoid caffeine and drink water instead at least 1 hour before you hit the courts. Continue to drink water or sports
drinks at changeovers and also for at least 1 hour after you stop playing. ????Put sunscreen on before going out to the court. ????Wear light colored clothes, sunglasses and a hat. Change
your shirt when you are finished before you get into your air conditioned car. ????If you feel faint, dizzy, chilly or stop sweating, STOP playing and get indoors immediately! Seek medical
attention if these symptoms persist.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Holiday Trash Schedule 6/30-Garbage Only 1-Trash & Veg. MGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more in Golf. PLANNING COMMISSION
MEETING -6:30 PM 2-Recycle, Trash & Veg. WGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more in Golf. Summer Story Time @Library -10:15AM (2-3) & 3:30PM (4-7) -Page
2 3-Garbage Only Old Time Rock & Roll @Village Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM Tie Dying & Bracelet Making @Library 3:30 PM -Page 2 5-NO Collection 6 -NO Collection 7 8MGA -Shotgun
@the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more Golf. Game Day @Library -2:30 PM -Page 2 RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING -7:30 PM 9 WGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45
AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more in Golf. Summer Story Time @Library -(2-3) 10:15AM & (4-7) 3:30PM -Page 2 10 Old Time Rock & Roll @Village Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM Safari
Sue, Entertainer Extraordinaair @Library 4:00 PM -Page 2 COUNCIL MEETING -7:30PM 11 Village Green Pool Side BBQ! @6-10 PM (with DJ Music) Toddler Time @Library 1:00 PM Birth to 23 months
and Kids Express @Library 2:30 PM Ages 8 -12 -Page 2 12 13 14 GOLF ADVISORY BOARD MEETING -5:00 PM 15 MGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more in Golf.
16 WGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more in Golf. Summer Story Time @Library -10:15AM (2-3) & 3:30PM (4-7) -Page 2 17 Old Time Rock & Roll @Village
Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM Toga Party! @Library 3:30 PM -Page 2 18 Village Green Pool Side BBQ! @6-10 PM (with DJ Music) 19 20 Sundae Sunday! @the Village Pool (with paid pool
fee) Page 9 21 Didgeridoo Down Under @Library 1:00 PM -Page 2 22MGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM-See Page 13 for more Golf. WATERWAYS BOARD MEETING -4:00 PM LIBRARY
ADVISORY BOARD MEETING -7:00 PM 23 WGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more in Golf. Summer Story Time @Library -10:15AM (2-3) & 3:30PM (4-7) -Page 2
24 Old Time Rock & Roll @Village Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM “Chill Out! at the Movies” @the Library 3:30 PM -Page 2 COUNCIL MEETING -7:30PM 25 Village Green Pool Side BBQ! @6-10
PM (with DJ Music) The Village Players present… “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory” @the Community Center on Prosp. Farms Rd. -8:00PM -Pg. 9 26 The Village Players present… “Charlie &
the Chocolate Factory” @the Community Center on Prosp. Farms Rd. -8:00PM -Pg. 9 27 The Village Players present… “Charlie & the Chocolate Factory” @Community Center on Prosp. Farms Rd.
-2:30 PM -Page 9 28 29 MGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more in Golf. 30WGA -Shotgun @the Country Club -7:45 AM & 12:30 PM -See Page 13 for more Golf.
Summer Story Time @Library -10:15AM (2-3) & 3:30PM (4-7) -Page 2 31 Old Time Rock & Roll @Village Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM Summer Reading Program Finale @Library 3:30 PM -Page
2 GET INVOLVED: The Parks & Rec. Dept. is helping to collect BOX TOPS for the NPB Elementary School! Collection boxes are @@the Communiit Center on Prosp. Fms. Rd., Anchorage Park Bldg.
and the NPB Library -See Page 9 for more information. Driving Range Hours: Monday 7 AM -8:30PM Tuesday 9 AM -8:30 PM Wednesday -Sunday 7 AM -8:30PM LIGHT S OUT at 9:00 PM Library Hours:
* Monday -Thursday 9 AM -7 PM Friday -Saturday 9 AM -5 PM Sunday 1 PM -5 PM (Children’s) Library Hours: * Monday -Thursday 12 PM -7 PM Friday 12 PM -5 PM Saturday 9 PM -5 PM Sunday 1
PM -5 PM SUMMER Pool Hours: * Monday -Thursday 10 AM -7 PM Friday 10 PM -10 PM Saturday 10 AM -6 PM Sunday 12 PM -6 PM Restaurant Hours: Sunday 7 AM -5 PM Monday 10AM -5 PM Tuesday -Saturday
7 AM -11 PM Tennis Court Hours/Club Play: * Monday -Friday 7 AM -7 PM Reservations required for the 7:00 Am & 7:00 PM time slots. Tennis Shop Hours: * Monday -Thursday 8 AM -8PM Friday
8 AM -5:30 PM Saturday -Sunday 8 AM -1 PM 951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408 Phone: 561-691-3430 Fax: 561-630-0932 The NPB Country Club and the Village Green Restaurant are OPEN TO THE
PUBLIC www.village-npb.com 561-841-3380 501 U.S. Highway 1, **** SNACK BAR NOW OPEN! July 2 -Labor Day. Use Summer Pool Hours (above) for snack times. North Palm Beach, FL 33408 MONDAYS
in July: Closed at 5 PM -No Dinner Menu TUESDAYS in July: Pot Roast Dinner -11 AM -10 PM WEDNESDAYS in July: Italian Specials -11 AM -10 PM THURSDAYS in July: Turkey Dinner -11 AM -10
PM FRIDAYS in July: Fish & Chips Dinner -11 AM -10 PM SATURDAYS in July: Our Fabulous Prime Rib! 5:30 PM -10 PM SUNDAYS in July: Closed at 5 PM -No Dinner Menu TUES. -SAT. in July LIVE
MUSIC -7 PM -11 PM PARKS & REC. -Deadline for 7-Day Caribbean Cruise is end of July! Don’t wait! -July Swimming Lesson registration is July 7th -12th @the Pool! -Deadline for “Wood Bat
Softball League” is July 25th. Hurry! -So much more, so little room! Please see Pages 8 & 9 for more! TENNIS DEPT. -See Page 8 for all Tennis activities. There’s lots of things to do!
COUNTRY CLUB -Two 3-day JULY Summer Golf Programs: July 1st, 2nd & 3rd and July 16th, 17th & 18th. See Page 13 for other information. LIBRARY -July 1st, 2nd & 3rd is “Happy Birthday
USA”. Call 841-3374 for info. Red, White & Boom! at the Country Club. Functions start at noon and run until after dark. See Page 1 or 8. 4th -NO Collection 4 * July 4th (Fri): LIBRARY
CLOSED * Holiday hours may vary .
T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 1 3 J U L Y 2 0 0 8 The North Palm Beach Country Club is proud to announce THE FIRST TIME EVER Summer Golf Memberships to our newly redesigned
Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course! A limited number of summer memberships have been made available to both residents and non-residents at an individual cost of $700.00. Summer memberships
run from May 1st through September 30th and affords all rights and privileges as that of a regular membership. Memberships can be purchased from either the Country Club Golf Shop or
your Village Hall. For any questions relating to the Summer Memberships please call Danielle at 561-691-3360 or the Golf Shop at 561-691-3433. We hope to see you out there… Today we
are going to discuss a common golf swing issue, the “over the top” move. The “over the top” swing as it is commonly called is a swing from outside the target line to inside the target
line on the downswing. This promotes a shot that starts left of the target, for right handed players and right of the target for left handed players. For most players this will produce
a slice, a shot most of us are all too familiar with. To correct this move we need to get our club to approach the ball on the down swing from a shallower arc or more from the inside
of the target line. Our target line is a straight line from our ball to our intended target. Where our body lines up is on the inside of the target line. The “over the top” moves happens
due to our shoulders starting the downward move to the ball rather than our arms starting the swing down first. We need to get our arm swing to turn our shoulders back and our arm swing
to un-turn our shoulders thru the strike. A good and simple practice drill is to pull our back foot off of the target line and keep it on the ground throughout the swing. DO NOT LIFT
YOUR BACK HEAL OFF OF THE GROUND DURING THIS DRILL. Make a half to 3 quarter back swing at half speed then let your arms drop or fall back to the ball in a tension free downswing. The
shoulders stay back allowing the arms to freely swing down. Once you get the hang of it, the swing becomes freed up and the club can approach the ball more from an inside path which
will give you greater distance and control. Give me call I can help you fix your “ over the top” move. On another note Jack Nicklaus made a site visit at the end of April. He toured
the course from the first tee to the eighteenth green. Jack liked the way the course was coming around and could see the progress that has been made. Jack offered up some of his thoughts
to our superintendent Shane Maguire. These thoughts will be implemented over the course of the summer. We do lose sight of the fact that the golf course has been open only 18 months,
had 2 droughts and has played over 80,000 rounds of golf. That is a lot of rounds!! You have a wonderful golf course, let’s keep promoting it as a first class venue!!! DRIVING RANGE
HOURS Monday ~ 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday ~ 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday to Sunday ~ 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. m. LIGHTS OUT at 9:00 p.m. Until next time, Good Golfing! Mike keep
it in the short grass! Did you know that this newsletter was already available to you at www.village-npb.org for at least seven days? That’s right! It’s placed there before you receive
it in the mail, so you can plan ahead for any particular function that may interest you! Did you also know that each newly scheduled, re-scheduled or even cancelled function that occurs
after the newsletter has been printed and mailed to you, is placed on the website as well? Just go to “newsletter updates” at www.village-npb.org. Remember to check the website often
for all pertinent additions, cancellations or a sneak peek at the next newsletter. F o l d o u t f o r c a l e n d a r ( P a g e s 1 1 & 1 2 )
PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Village Council..............................................................................................................2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 pm Audit
Committee ................................................................................................................................................... on call Code Enforcement
Board ...................................................................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal........................
............................................................................... on call General Employees Pension Board ...............................................................................
........................quarterly, on call Golf Advisory Board .....................................................................................................2nd Monday, monthly,
5:00 pm Library Advisory Board ..................................................................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 pm Planning Commission.....................
................................................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 pm Police & Fire Pension Board..............................................................
...................................................quarterly, on call Recreation Advisory Board ............................................................................................2nd
Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 pm Waterways Board ..................................................................................... next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 pm Zoning Board
of Adjustment................................................................................................................................. on call NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL
William Manuel Mayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro Tem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T. R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman ? ? ? Jimmy Knight Village
Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk ? ? ? Village Council members may be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org Village
Manager’s Office 841-3380 Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355 Community Development 841-3365 Finance 841-3360 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community
Center 841-3389 Library 841-3383 Children’s Dept. 841-3374 Village Historian 841-3371 Public Safety: Non-Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Country Club Administration 691-3421 Driving
Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON
NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R J u l y 2 0 0 8 P a g e 1 4 All meetings are held at the Village
Hall 501 U. S. Highway 1 Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the
Monday prior to the Councci meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting. Clip this out!