07-2008 Newsletter
As we are all aware hurricane
season officially began on
June lgt and ends December lgt.
Many residents and businesses have installed window and door protection to
insure the safety of their properties, fortunately we did not have to utilize the
protection last year and hopefully that will be the case this year. The best time to
think about safety and preparation is before the threat of an event.
Hurricane preparation begins with:
• Plan a trial run for shutter installation before they are needed.
• Use protection for you hands when installing the equipment.
• Mark shutters as they are installed to make future installations easier.
• Secure outside property safely to avoid property damage or injury.
• Trimming of vegetation should be done well before the season begins
not when a warning or watch has been established. Debris must be
piled in the Swale and not in the road.
• Make sure you have plenty of emergency supplies on hand and check all
expiration dates.
• Most importantly BE SAFE!
If you have any questions please contact Village Hall or
refer to www.villa e-n b.or for an in-depth look at
hurricane preparedness and several other helpful links.
See "Departments" and then "Community Development."
& Departmental Phone #'s
/ -~
community Development department
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Friends of the Library
Musical Talent Search
Check out our new travel section.
Some of the new titles are Hiking the Florida Trail by
Molloy, A Journey into Michelangelo's Rome by
Nickerson, England, France and Spain for Dummies.
Also be on the alert for our many HIDDEN books such as
Hidden New England, Hidden Florida etc. These books
have travel suggestions only the "locals" know about.
Sumner Story Times: lVcdncsda~s. ~~ 10: I ~ A.M.
for ages 2 ~ ~ ~~ith a parent and at ~:.o P.M.. a drop-off
program for ages ~ through 7. Enjoy a nc~~ and cxcitin~~
theme each ~~ecl: filled ~~ith stories. music. puppets.
moyics and crafts.
Came Day: Tues.. Jul_~ 8`~' ~~ 2: :0 P.M. cnjo~ our
board games ~ pui.i.lcs or brine one of your o~~n. Bring
a friend to play ~~ith and remember. therc~s al~~a~s time
for T~~istcr and Jump Ropc!
Toddler Time: Fri.. Juh I I'~'_ n I P.M. in the "Coi.~
Corncr~ of the Children~s Library. Birth to 2~ months
cnjo~s interaction through stories. puppets. music and
Kids Express: Friday. Jule I I'~' ~~ ~:.0 P.M. ages ~-12
cnjo~ a fun-filled. fast-paced hour of librai~ games. lots
of laughs and excitement. Bring a friend! Light
refreshments ~~ill be sci~cd.
0 There will be NO computer help in the
o month of July from Tyler and Jake Gildan.
Computer help will resume in August.
(Edgar Allan Poe Mystery Awards)
Best Novel: Down River by John Hart~"j'~
(Nominees for Best Novel: Christine Falls by Benjamin Black,
Priest by Ken Bruen,
The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon
& Soul Patch by Reed Coleman)
Best First Novel: Tn the Woods by Tana French
Best Fact Crime: Reclaiming History: The Assassination
of President John F. Kennedy- by Vincent Bugliosi
Mary Higgins Clark Award: Wild Indio by Sandi Ault
~u~v ~®®~
~ ~ In 1903, there was a very large building erected on what is now called
~ ~:, Big Munyon Island. It was Dr. Munyon's Hygia Hotel It was build in
"the early 1900's and destroyed by fire a few years later. Dr. Munyon
<- ~~ "
_ > `~ ~~~ was a colorful and inventive character. He i ed water over from
~; ~~~ _`~ ~ ~ the mainland and made a "SPRING". The water from the "SPRING" was especially
for his guests who were told that drinking from it was very beneficial. It was Sulphur Water
and even John D. McArthur vouched for it's benefits!
Dr. Munyon also sold bottles of his "Great Natural Remedy". His formula was the
Doctor's secret and he had great faith in efficacy of his tonic. The label said it was great
remedy for indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach ailments. It also cured nervousness,
a host of other ailments and was also a tonic for furnishing
blood to pale people giving them life and snap to the
overworked and rundown. It was advertised to make "old
people feel young and the weak feel strong". Too bad the
formula is not available today since Dr. Munyon carried the
secret formula to his grave!
Find out more about this interesting gentleman in the
historian's archives in the Library. We are here Monday, This 15 acre island is
Wednesda and Frida 10:00 until noon. 1-561-841-3371 located in the Lake Worth Lagoon
y y - Estuary in North Palm Beach, FL.
Pu61ic Works News
q 14, 2008
~ ~ ''vuny g tt
~ lm Beach
~ lP;'r ach,1L33408
Z e C)utstanding r~ec}cling Partici}7ation
~ y1r. Knight: t c
Solid ~~~aste Alrthority of Palm 13eacb County (5~ A) appreciates the conttuuec
rcpt r t ti
irticipation from the ~ illage of Nord1 Palm 13eaub m S~~ tl's recycling p g
o7ztstautdii efi"artsl 862 ®00 Pounds of re~ticlable mater a1~Yola l~av}eihe~cdcPalm I3La ~ic~
n-~ )
- ; t 1 ounts of~ matenals in 2007 and wah yom contin~xed s~xpport ue are ourran ly
;d that retard in 2008?
s^ ;oc7~ could not have been accomplished wilbolrt the ti illage of North Palm Beach's "al c
r ro am and your dedicated cffo: and
;team. Yo~xr partnerslvp i5 invaluable to our recyclin p gr
~e r "your residents tre truly appreciated. - - ~r., , ,,
ik you and your residents for the outs lir ~_ ti orl~, deli -ill : of ~o
r "~~tion ~ c i~ if i1
ly eleom~ the opport~mity to present a } r
andtbc ~tllage „-ail members. Pl t , f a c, p~,, lir Y_a._;i
be Bible to be inehid~d ~ - dte co~uletl me ~ r (561) 640-4000 ex
Public R~latwu.~ ~-lttrer-
contact Su< <
to schedule t.
! ~c aly,
.fol Arehatnbo
1}irec tor, rZecycing, C.IS and Public 11f"airs
cc: 88'iley Lic ingston, Public yG`c~rks 1)ir
Ivc~ (__ ~_ c..:,,+Rrldent Fie - C
LICENSING INFO. AT 561-841-3365.
Please call the Public Works Dept.
@ 561-691-3440
for all other questions.
Resolution 2008-27 Community Development Block Grant Renewal ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Resolution 2008-28 Appointing Members to Village Boards
Resolution 2008-29 Accepting the bid submitted by C. E. M. Enterprises,
Inc. for repairs to the Lighthouse Drive and Monet Road Bridges
Resolution 2008-30 Purchase of Webtrac Basic Edition Software from Vermont Systems
for use by the Village Parks And Recreation Department
Resolution 2008-31 Budget Amendment -Community Center
Resolution 2008-32 Approving a contract award to D.S. Eakins Construction Corp. to proceed with the repairs to the storm drain
system in front of 905 Dogwood Road
Resolution 2008-33 Approving a contract award to D.S. Eakins Construction Corp. to proceed with the repairs to the storm
drain system in front of 917 Dogwood Road
~°~~ v~~~~~~ ~~ s~~°r~°~~
~~~~ ~ ~u~~ ~®®~
Where does all the money go...
This question comes up every budget year as residents consider
their tax bills. It's a fair question. Residents are very aware that village of
most of the valued services (fire and police services, parks and North
recreation, and streets and sanitation) come from their local Palm
governments. However, the majority of the property (ad 31 °r°
valorem) tax dollar goes to jurisdictions other than North Palm
So, the answer to question can be answered simply
Only 31¢ of your tax dollar goes to the Florida
Water J
Village of North Palm Beach! Mgmt
Where does all the money go (part 2)....
Ok..so where does the 31 ¢ go once it gets to the Village?
Sanitation alone is 3¢, which
represents $1,833,439.
8% Palm
Leisure General Debt Building
Services Government Service
In addition, the Village maintains its service to residents
at one of the lowest millage rates in the area...
including municipalities with both significantly
larger and smaller populations.
The charts serve to demonstrate allocated costs both
by Category and by Village Departments.
2007 General Fund Budget - by Category
2007 Budget by Department
5% 9% 9%
4% 36%
General Government Public Safety
Public Works Library
___ Parks & Recreation Community Development /Building
Debt Services
OF NORTH PALM BEACH "CITIZEN SURVEY" last month. We are dili entl sortin and addressin our in ut and will have
Debt Service Capital
5% 8%
~u~v ~®®~
~~rc,cnL~. • • 12:0o prn - s:oo pin
RED, ~:°° pin
7:1111 pm
BOOM - t
1 ll ci'c~11sly he held a! 7:311 ~m - III:UII pm
~ ~rdz Pnhr~ t~cc~ch ('ou~7lrv ('hrh 9 ~ L t ~,S Lhr v L A ppro~. - 9:I-U pm
Pool Opcn
Swirnmini~ Pool Gamcs & Acti~itics
NPB Recreation Dept. present games
contests for entire family (on 1st Fairway)
Live classic rock music by: "The Feeder Band"
Fireworks!! Fireworks!! Fireworks!!
JUIv 4th POOI Patty - The NPI> Pool ~~ill be open on Irida~, July -l'" for a day Iillcd ~~ith linnil~ tun and acti~it~ Upcn hours Ior
members only arc I(I:(IUam noon. ~I~hc pool ~~ill he open to the public Il~om noon R:U(I pm. Dick Cavanah and his stall ~~ill he holdin, the
reno~~ned family Pool Gamcs starting ^t ~4:OI) pm. Poolside PI>(1 ^~ailable Ii~om ~4 -Rpm. ]~on~t miss ouL' Call Gt)I-;-l?7 l~~r more details:
-John Cools ~~ill instruct Tai Chi Chuan ^nd (1i Gong on Iiiday mornings in the Anchorage Exercise room at 930am.
Ifs Sl ~ class or S~(I ~ ~~ceks. John is a Certilied l~dranced Instructor of Inner Chi ~fai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 11 years
ol~c~pericnec sharins his practice «ith those seclcinp skillful means. l~or more into. call 841-3386.
SUPeI' KICIS LaI17P -This cscitin~> ' = day prosram is Ibr youth > scars of Disc and still has opcnin~>s in Session "?. ~I~hc ~>roup meets
Monday throush I~rida~ from 9:(IU-noon. This program runs From Jule 7 /~u~>. I. Each ~~ccl: Icatures a dill~crcnt theme ~~ith sucsts comin~> in to
present lun_ e~citins and sometimes educational prosrams. Camp includes store time- u~afts_ Il~ce pla~_ snack and much more. Cost is S2(IU
session. Campl)irectorisMarclenPa~lis. Cal14-11-;?RGli~ra~ailabilit~.
IVIaYtla~ l~YtS - Legacy Martial Arts is no~~ ollcrin~> classes for youth and adults at Anchorage Park! In addition to self defense, children
talcins this class ~~ill earn sclidisciplinc, sclfcontroL and sclfcontidcncc. ~I~hc cost includes a free uniform. Youth class (5 yr+) is on Thursdays
from -1: ,(I-~:;U and adult class is from 7:U(I-8:U(I. Nezt session bc~>ins Jule 17. Ifyou have any further questions, please call 841-3386 or
Bel~yfla11C111~ -Great nc« c~pcricncc l~~r you ^nd c~crcisc also: ]~c~clop 6-pack abs' Classes arc held at hnchoiasc Park on ~fucsda~
c~cninss ~~ith Meredith 131ue. Meredith has been dancins and teachins I~n~ orcr 1 I scars. Class session: Jule ~~-A us. 3~, S». for more
inlornuriion_ call Nlcrcdith at?~2 X972.
FOOtbaIl Faris takC riOt1CC~ -Football fans! Look at the games we have tickets for this fall! Want to have a great time and let the
driving & parking hassles up to someone else? Join us! Price includes transportation, your entry ticket, a fantastic tailgate party and great
camaraderie. Don't wait! Seating is limited!
Dolphins -vs- NY Jets (Sept. 7-$90) Hurricanes -vs- FSU (Oct. 4-$95) Dolphins -vs- Patriots (Nov. 23-$90)
DII~OItlb Gasses - Mam cla„cs olTcrcd b~ the I~ecrcatiun llcpt. arc ongoing and ne~cr stop. You can shirt these at am time.
Included arc: Jazzercisc. Countr~~ I,inc I>ancmg_ l~itnc„ (h~cr ~0. Ihiplicate Fridge gam c,. 13allnxnn I>ancc. and Y~~ga. I~or more
inlormatiun , please call R~41-~~R(; amtimc
COCCI Softball )C,CagUC - Register now for the fall Coed Softball League. Games are played on Friday nights at Osborne Park. The price
is $250/team. Register at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg on 603 Anchorage Drive.
wOOCI Bat Softball )C,CagUC -Adam is organizing this men's league that will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights at Osborne
Park. Registration deadline is Monday, July 25 with a start date the beginning of August. Cost is $500.00/team. If you have a team or an
individual interested in playing, contact Adam at 841-3389.
Men's Over 40 Basketball -Pick-up games arc play ed on Thursday nights at the Conununit~ Center. located on Prospcrit~
Finns Road (b~ Burns Road) from ~:UO pm l0 9:U0 pm. First come. first scr~c. E~er~one ~~ill gel a chance to participate. Conic
enjoy this fun acti~it~ and gel l0 1<no~~ your neighbors to boot!
7-llay CarlbbCari Ct'AISC Wltb tbC NPB RCC. )DCpt. - Nov 30th -Dec. 7th on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas $250
deposit required to register and is due before the end of July. However we don't want to stop collecting deposits until we reach 40 "paid" people.
So get your deposits in early to ensure yourself a spot with the group. Total cruise price for inside cabin is $799 per person based on double
occupancy. Trip balance is due early September. Cabin upgrades may be available based on availability. Any questions contact Bill Egan at the
~l~l~~~ ~'~11~1~~~ ~~1 ~'c~l-~1~ 1'~llt~t 1 )l'<l~'ll
~~~ v~~~~~~ ~~ s~~~°~°~~
951 US Hwy_ 1, North Pallas Beach, Florida
5~ I -~9 I -3=427 _
Monday thru Thursday ~ 10:00 to 7:OOpm ,~~;~.~ ~~ ', _ ~~~;,~
Friday ~ 10:00 to 10:00 pm - _ _
Saturday ~ 10:00 to 6:00 pm * Sunday ~ 12:00 to 6:00 pm
Admission: $3/child, $5/adult Ca11691-3427 for information.
Learn to Swim -Group s~~ inu»ing lessons mailable for ~ scars old and abo~c. Session III: Jule I~th through ?nth,
Monday through Thursday . x):00 or 9:30 am. Register Jule 7th - l2th at the Pool Cost $25/residcnt_ `~35/non-resident.
~~SUridaC" SUridayS - Join us at the pool on the 3~d Sunday of the month for Sundae Sundays. What is "Sunday Sundays" you ask? Well, all
kids get a free ice cream with their paid pool admission! What's a better way to spend a relaxing Sunday afternoon that that? Call the Recreation
Department ~` 841-3386 or the Village Pool n 691-3427 for more information.
FI'idRy Fnn7ily N1~htS Rt the POOI - On I~rida~ nights ~ ou can ~~ind do~~n liom the long ~~orl: ~~ccl: at the pool. Sit back. talc a
dip, visit ~~ith li~icnds, listen to great music and cnjo~ a ~wndcrful mail. !1 111 ~~ill play ~uur fa~urite tunes Irum G:UOpm ~~:OU pm. Foul
ulmission un I~rida~ nights is `,h2/person
MaStCrS SWlnlnllrig PrOgranl - A year round adult training group is offered in a structured workout format. Whether you are an
ex-competitive swimmer, a current tri-athlete or beginning swimmer we offer a coach run workout as a safe and healthy way to stay in shape.
Practice times are 6:00 to 7:00 AM -Monday, Wednesday & Friday and 6:30 to 8:00 PM -Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. The fee is $60 per
month or with a Masters membership - $40 per month. Please call Coach Cavanah at 691-3427 for more information or details.
wRtel' POGO - I Icy kids. lookins for a srcat. nc~~ actirit~' \-'Jc arc no~~ ollcring ~~atcr polo for youth I ;-18 ors: Practices arr. Monda~-
V'v'cdnasda~_ and I~rida~ li~om IU:U(I to 12:(IUpm V'v'cdnasda~ ~4:(I(I to 7:(I(I_ and I~rida~ 6:UU- to 8:U(I. ~Ihc Ice is S~(I month or SI~(I I~~r Ma~~
husust. Practice schedules can be l~~und at «~~«.npbpol~~.a~m. Call hlfat G91-~-1?7 l~~r c~~mhlete details.
NPB Swim TCdril - We are offering the North Palm Beach Swim Club to children ages 5 through high school. For the younger and
beginning swimmers this is primarily in the Summer months; for the older and more skilled swimmers the program is year round. This is a great
opportunity to belong to an established swimming team, where your child will learn all the skills and techniques associated with competitive
swimming, learn to compete, learn the value of commitment and having fun doing it. For more information stop by the North Palm Beach Pool and
chat with one of the Coaches or call the pool at 691-3427 and ask for Coach Cavanah or Coach Alf.
~' a~~ SOCCeI' Re~IStratlOll - RCsI,S~rahOn Ior the fall youth soccer program ~~ill he held li~om Iul~ I - 2~. I)urins this lima the cost is S~(I
residcnt and S6O non-residcnt. l~~ter these dates_ the price increase, to SGI) residcnt, S7O non residcnt This program is lor~outh ~ I~ scars of age.
Pla~cn ~~ill participate in approx. one same and one practice per ~~cck Doer the ~scason bcsin~s. Game nights Ior ~-8 scar olds ~~ill be on I~ridacs at
the NPI> Comm. Ctr. There «ill he ^ draft for the ~)-II) scar old Icasuc_ the I I-I ~ scar-old league ^nd the 1-l-I~ scar-old league. Practice times
determined b~ the coach. If~ou arc interested in coaching_ call ~-ll-R~).
Village Players - of North Palm Beachpresents "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" at the North Palm Beach Communit<
Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road on July 25th and 26th, & August 1st and 2nd at 8:00 PM. You can also see it July 27th
and August 3rd at 2:30 PM. Admission is $7.00. Come one, come all to a fantastic fun filled show!
Call the Community Center for more information u, 841-3389.
BOX TOSS f01' E(~UCat10R - Please help the NPI, Ilementan School b~ say-ins~ow h~rx fobs for education. ~~`c ~~ill ha~c collection h~rxes
at the l~nchora<>c Park Actiritics 131ds_ the Connnunit~ Center and the NP13 I.ibrar~. 13ox tops can he lound on the lollo~~ins itcm~s: Cereals:
Checrios_ Che~_ Fiber One, Nature Valle, Paper products: Klecne~_ Cottonclle_ Scott, Vi~^ disposable I Ic~t~ bags_ cuts_ table~~are_ ete._ I>alcing:
13cttc Crocker. 13isquick_ 13ah~ ~~ Child care: IIu secs. Pull ups. ~~ipc~s_ etc. Rather than just throeins it a~~a~_ look for the coupon that saes
I>o~ tops for Lducation~ _ being it in and help ~ our local school kids:
AriClloragC AWClgjl F1Shlrig TOUI'llc`iRlellt - the 4th Annual Anchorage Aweigh 1~ fishing Tournament will be held on Saturday,
August 16, 2008.. Entry fee is $150/boat. E~r~rl entrr_ ee girl he ore .1 ~ 1st is $100/boot On shore will be a kids fishing derby! Food,
entertainment and awards at Anchorage Park begin at 2:30. This is a great day not only for fishermen, but for anyone looking for a good time.
Please join us! Entry forms can be obtained at Recreation Centers or on the recreation pages at www.villa e-n b.or If you are interested in
sponsoring this event, please contact the Dept. at 841-3386.
JULY Hours for the North Palm Beach Pool
P~~E 9 ® SHE V~~~w~E N E SL,E°~'7°ER
J l~ L,Y 2®®~
P Q_ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Location: 9~1 US H~~y 1, North Palm Beach
(~ For more information, plcusc cull 691-327.
These activities are the programs we are offering this summer. Please call for details or to register 626-6515.
Advanced Jr. Clinic (tournament players)
Women's `B" clinic - drills, strategy, play
Women's "A" clinic - drills, strategy, play
Intermediate clinic -drills, strategy, play
Men's intermediate play (members free)
Women's intermediate play (members free)
Women's doubles (members free)
Mixed doubles (members free)
Men's doubles (members free)
Monday thru Friday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. $200.00
Mondays 8:30-10 a.m. $ 17.50
Tuesdays 8:30-10 a.m. $ 17.50
Fri. & Sat. 9-10:30 a.m. $ 17.50
Mon., Wed., Fri. 8:00 a.m.
Tues. & Thurs. 8:00 a.m.
Tuesdays 6:30 p.m.
Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.
Thursdays 6:30 p.m.
- Please welcome our new Asst. Pro Ron Rainyn. Ron
brings over twenty years of teaching and pro tour playing experience to lead our junior program as Director of Junior Development. A Florida na-
tive, Ron was fortunate to have learned from the best. As a junior, he was coached, by and worked for Jimmy Evert (Chris Evert's father and
coach), and also trained on scholarship at Nick Bolletieri's Tennis Academy. Ron's mission is to instill in new, young players, the same passion
and dedication for tennis. Ron is looking forward to building a comprehensive jr. tennis program where kids of all ages can excel to their potential.
SUMMER TENNIS TIPS: To avoid heat related issues while on the court the
following are some good practices to consider when playing on hot days:
Avoid caffeine and drink water instead at least 1 hour before you hit the
courts. Continue to drink water or sports drinks at changeovers and also for
at least 1 hour after you stop playing. 6V
Put sunscreen on before going out to the court. 8-
Wear light colored clothes, sunglasses and a hat. Change your shirt when t
you are finished before you get into your air conditioned car. e
If you feel faint, dizzy, chilly or stop sweating, STOP playing and get indoors r
immediately! Seek medical attention if these symptoms persist.
Sumner __~
' Jul}• 4th (Fri): LIBRARY CLOSED
Driving Range Hours:
Monday SAM-8:3oPM
Tuesday g AM - 8:3o PM
Wednesday-Sunday SAM-8:3oPM
LIGHT S OUT a t g: oo PM
Library Hours:
Monday-Thursday 9 AM - ~ PM
Friday -Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday t PM - 5 PM
(('hildren's) Librar y Hours:
Monday-Thursday t2 PM - ~ PM
Friday t2 PM - 5 PM
Saturday 9 PM - 5 PM
Sunday t PM - 5 PM
SUMMER Pool Hours:
Monday-Thursday to AM - ~ PM
Friday to PM- to PM
Saturday to AM - 6 PM
Sunday t2 PM - 6 PM
Restaurant Hours•
Sunday ~ AM - 5 PM
Monday toAM - 5 PM
Tuesday- Saturday SAM - u PM
Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Monday- Friday ~ AM - ~ PM
Reservations required for the
~:oo Am & ~:oo PM time slots.
Tennis Shou Hours:
Monday-Thursday 8 AM - 8PM
Friday 8 AM - 5:3o PM
Saturday -Sunday 8 AM - t PM
* Holidavhoursmavvar~~:
Fri ~ ~ ;<~~~. Sat
Holiday Trash Schedule
6/30- Garba
e Onl
1- Trash & Veg
2- Rec
Trash & Ve
3- Garbage Only ~J ~y
y . y
g. Itcd, Al~hitc A L'oom'
MGA-Shot un @the Count
g ~' WGA-Shotgun @ the Country
Club -y:45 AM&t2:3o PM - See
Old Time Rock & Roll @ Village at the ('nnrttry Club.
I~ unctiuns start at
Club - x:45 AM & t2:3o PM -
See Paget3 for morein Gol£ pa e t for morein GoIE
g 3 Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM
noon and run
Summer Story Time @ Library - Tie Dying & Bracelet Making «i ~ uitil after dark.
PLANNING COMMISSION 10:15AM (2-3) & 3:30PM (4-17 - Library 3:30 PM -Page 2 ~:~~~ Page 7 nr ~~'.
MEETING - 6:30 PM Page 2
6 - NO Collection 7 $MGA -Shotgun @ the 9 10 11
Country Qub - x:45 AM & t2:3o WGA -Shotgun @ the Country Old Time Rock & Roll @ Village Village Green Pool Side BBQ!
PM - See Page t3 for more GoIE Club - y:45 AM & t2:3o PM - See Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM @ 6-10 PM (with DJ Music)
Game Day @ Library - 2:30 PM - Paget3 for morein GoIE
Safari Sue
Entertainer Extraordi- Toddler Time @ Library 1:00 PM
Page 2 Summer Stor Time Libra
Y @ ry - ,
Haire @ Library 4:00 PM -Page 2 Birth to 23 months and
RECREATION ADVISORY (2-3) 10:15AM & (4-7) 3:30PM - Kids Express @ Library 2:30 PM
BOARD MEETING - 7:30 PM Page 2 COUNCIL MEETING - 7:30PM Ages 8 - 12 -Page 2
13 14 15 16 17 18
MGA-Shotgun @ the Country WGA -Shotgun @ the Country
Club - x:45 AM &t2:3o PM -
See Paget3 for morein Golf. Club - x:45 AM &t2:3o PM - See
page t3 for morein GoIE Old Time Rock & Roll Villa e
@ g Villa a Green Pool Side BB ~
g Q'
Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM @ 6-10 PM (with DJ Music)
Summer Story Time @ Library -
GOLF ADVISORY 10:15AM (2-3) & 3:30PM (4- l7 - Toga Party! @ Library 3:30 PM -
BOARD MEETING - 5:00 PM page 2 Page 2
20 21 22MGA-Shotgun@the 23 24 25
Country Qub - x:45 AM & t2:3o WGA -Shotgun @ the Country Old Time Rock & Roll @ Village Village Green Pool Side BBQ!
PM- See Page >3 for mote Gol£ Club - y:45 AM & t2:3o PM -See Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM @ 6-10 PM (with DJ Music)
Sundae Sunday! @ the Village
Didgeridoo Down Under @ WATERWAYS BOARD
MEETING - 4:00 PM Paget3 for morein GoIE
Summer Story Time @ Library - ~
"Chill Out. at the Movies" @ the The Villa e Pla ers resent...
"Charlie & the Chocolate Facto
Pool with atd ool fee Pa e 9
~ P P ) g Librar 1:00 PM - Pa e 2
Y g LIBRARY ADVISORY 10:15AM 2-3 & 3:30PM 4-7 _
C ) ~ ) Library 3:30 PM -Page 2 n, the Communit Center on
~ Y
BOARD MEETING - 7:00 PM Page 2 COUNCIL MEETING - 7:30PM prosp. Farms Rd. - 8:OOPM - Pg. 9
The Village Players present...
"Charhe & the Chocolate Factory"
¢I Community Center on Prosp.
Farms Rd. - 2:30 PM -Page 9
2 g 29 3 OWGA -Shotgun @ the 31 CPT T1\ OT \ I?P: The Parks & Rec.
MGA-Shotgun @ the Country Country Club - x:45 AM & t2:3o Old Time Rock & Roll @ Village llopt. i~ holping w collect BOX TOPS
for the NPB Elementary School!
Club - y:45 AM & 12:3o PM - See PM - See Pa e for more Golf.
g '3 Green features Joe Staats 7-11 PM Collection boxes are ~ the Commu-
Page t3for morein Golf. Summer Story Time iu' Library -
Summer Reading Program Finale Wily Center on Prosp. Fms. Rd,
10:15AM (2-3) & 3:3uPM (4-7) -
~` Librar
3:30 PM -Pa
e 2 ,anchorage Park Bldg. and the NPB
Page) y
g Library - See Page 9 for more ~
MONllAYS iu July: Closed at ~ PM-No llinner Menu ~ ~
TUESDAYS in July: Pot Roast Dinner -11 AM - 10 PM 411
THURSDAYS in July: Italian Specials -11 AM -10 PM
Turkey Dinner -11 AM - 10 PM ~ ~_
^ ~ ~
FRIDAYS in July: Fish & Chips Dinner -11 AM - 10 ` ,
SUNDAYS in July: Oux Fabulous Prime Rib! 5:30 PM -
Closed at 5 PM - No Dinner Menu 10 PM
I LiF.4. -SAT. in Ialy LNE MUSIC - 7 PM -11 PM
-~'~ SNnI'K I;AR NOW OPt:N! .IuIF ~~ - Iztbor UaF. l Ise Summer fool flou rs (above) fur snack limes.
5- NO Collection
4th - NO Collection
The Village Players present...
"Charlie & the Chocolate Factory"
@ the Community Center on
Prosp. Farms Rd. - 8:OOPM - Pg. 9
P~ ~ t
T~~ vr~~~~~ NE SETTER
.1 . ~,
~Iundac - 7:1111 a.m. to 8:311 p.m.
ruculac - 9:011 a.m. hi 8:30 p.m.
~~~cdncxlac hi tiundac _ 7:1111 a. m. hi 8:311 p.m.
Today we are going to discuss a common golf swing issue, the "over the ~1cHTS ouT :.r 9:on p..,,.
top" move. The "over the top" swing as it is commonly called is a swing
from outside the target line to inside the target line on the downswing. This promotes a shot that starts left of
the target, for right handed players and right of the target for left handed players.
For most players this will produce a slice, a shot most of us are all too familiar with. To correct this move we
need to get our club to approach the ball on the down swing from a shallower arc or more from the inside of the
target line. Our target line is a straight line from our ball to our intended target. Where our body lines up is on
the inside of the target line. The "over the top" moves happens due to our shoulders starting the downward
move to the ball rather than our arms starting the swing down first. We need to get our arm swing to turn our
shoulders back and our arm swing to un-turn our shoulders thru the strike. A good and simple practice drill is to
pull our back foot off of the target line and keep it on the ground throughout the swing.
Make a half to 3 quarter back swing at half speed then let your arms drop or fall back to the ball in a tension
free downswing. The shoulders stay back allowing the arms to freely swing down. Once you get the hang of it,
the swing becomes freed up and the club can approach the ball more from an inside path which will give you
greater distance and control. Give me call I can help you fix your "over the top" move.
On another note Jack Nicklaus made a site visit at the end of April. He toured the course from the first tee to the
eighteenth green. Jack liked the way the course was coming around and could see the progress that has been
made. Jack offered up some of his thoughts to our superintendent Shane Maguire. These thoughts will be
implemented over the course of the summer. We do lose sight of the fact that the golf course has been open
only 18 months, had 2 droughts and has played over 80,000 rounds of golf. That is a lot of rounds!!
~ r
I 1
The North Palm Beach Country Club is proud to announce
Summer Golf Memberships to our newly redesigned
.lack Nicklaus Signature Golf G~urse-_
A limited number of summer memberships
have been made available to both residents
and non-residents at an individual cost of X700.00.
Summer memberships run from
May 1 ~~ through September 30'°
and affords all rights and privileges
as that of a regular membership.
Memberships can be purchased from either the
Country Club Golf Shop or your Village Nall.
For any questions relating to the Summer Memberships
please call Danielle at 561-691-3360
or the Golf Shop at 561-691-3433.
We hope to see you out there...
Did you know that this newsletter was already available to you at
~~~~w.villa e-n b.or for at least seven days? That's right! It's
placed there before you receive it in the mail, so you can plan
ahead for any particular function that may interest you!
Did you also know that each newly scheduled, re-scheduled or
even cancelled function that occurs after the newsletter has been
printed and mailed to you, is placed on the website as well?
Just go to "newsletter updates" at«~~~~~.~-illa ee~npb_~or~.
Remember to check the website oaten for all pertinent
You have a wonderful golf course, let's keep promoting it as a first class venuerrr
Clir this rnrt!
~~ Villa<~c Nlana~~cr's Ofticc
~~ ~ 11->>5i~ I All meetings I
Villa<~e Clerk's Office
' ~-11->;~~ I are held at the I
Ginununit~ Dcmlopmcnt 511->>~i5 I Village Hall I
IQ~ Finance ~ 11->;~iQ j 501 II. S. Highwayl I
Puhlic Wurhs r~~~l-x-1-10 j
Village Council agendas
Recreation ~~ I _ ; ;fig ,
l\nch<,r.~sc I'arl:
5-11-„56 I and minutes of Village I
I Council meetings, are I
CommunitcCcntcr ~-11->;59 ~ available on the Village's I
~~ Lihrur~ -~-ll „~; ~ web site tt //
p' p.
~~ C h i l ~l rc n s Dept. 5-l l ~ ~-l ~ www.village-npb.org).
~~ VillageHishn•ian 5-ll >>~I I ~
Puhlic Satct~ : I Agendas are posted the I
I~ Nan I.mcrgcncy x-1~-~j~i j Monday prior to theCoun- I
'111 cil meetin and are also
j g' I
Country Club I available at Village Hall or I
at the meeting. .
~,! Administration ~;S~I-~-hl ~._ :,_.: _.::._ : I
IRS I)ri~~ingRange a~6-u7,
(~ o I f S h op ri~l I ,~ >; S t~ p p ~ r +,
Cenni, r~66~1~ Your L~~r_,31
I~est.~ur.~nt aS~ I - , } ;( ~
Village Council ......................................................... .............................. .......................2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 pm
Audit Committee ....................................................... .............................. ............................................................... on call
Code Enforcement Board .......................................... .............................. ...........................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm
Construction Board of Adjustment &Appeal ........... ............................... .............................................................. on call
General Employees Pension Board ........................... .............................. ............................................... quarterly, on call
Golf Advisory Board ................................................ ............................... ......................2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00 pm
Library Advisory Board ............................................ ............................... .......................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 pm
Planning Commission ................................................ ............................... ....................... 1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 pm
Police & Fire Pension Board ..................................... ............................... ..............................................quarterly, on call
Recreation Advisory Board ....................................... .............................. .......................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 pm
Waterways Board ...................................................... .............................. . next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 pm
Zoning Board of Adjustment ..................................... ............................... .............................................................. on call
************** ECRWSS
1M1i®~~ 1?ILM ~~~~
Z(iILILs~C~~ ~®lU1M1M1T1~iIL
William Manuel
David B. Norris
Vice Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D.
President Pro Tem
Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D.
T. R. Hernacki, P.E.
Jimmy Knight
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members may be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355
or by email at
npbclerk@vllage-npb. org