06-2008 Newsletter.~. +~.~ tJ J ~~ ~..d ~~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ \ ~'' ~. (~ I~ .,~, a1 -_.. Council Action Taken ORDINANCES: Ordinance 2008-07 Amends Section 36-23, Public Sites and Open Spaces, of the Code of Ordinances to allow monetary contributions in lieu of land dedication to be utilized for the construction or expansion of any public facility designed to mitigate the impacts of the subdivision. RESOLUTIONS: Resolution 2008-20 Accepts results of General Election on March ll, 2008. Resolution 2008-21 Appoints William Manuel as Mayor, David Norris as Vice Mayor, and Darryl Aubrey as President Pro Tem for the upcoming year. Resolution 2008-22 Adopts a Medical Insurance "Opt Out" Policy, whereby full- time Village employees may waive Village group medical coverage and receive an "opt out" incentive. r' VILL.~iGE CLERK NE~'VS JOIN US IN WELCOMING TO OUR VILLAGE... ..-,'ii, ARMY COMMANDER OF OUR ADOPTED "WOLFROUNDS" Wednesday, June 11th ~ Starting 6:30 PM at the Community Center on Prosperity Farms Road, Mayor Manuel will kick off "Wolfhound Day" with a special presentation to LTC Meyerowich, who will then follow up by speaking about his experiences in Iraq. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers as well as food, games, fun, and lots of "Wolfhound" memories! This special event is free and open to the public. RESERVE YOUR SEAT today by calling 561-351-6198 or send an email to NPI3"CroopSuplx~rUu auLcom. Thgn~s anD hope to see you the~e~ Resolution 2008-23 Accepts the annual financial report and authorizes its filing with the State. Resolution 2008-24 Approves a Project Agreement with the FL Dept. of Environmental Protection for $200,000 in matching grant funds for Anchorage Park improvements; approves a budget amendment to appropriate matching funds. Resolution 2008-25 Accepts the bid of Kirchman Construction Co. for additions and renovations to the Osborne Park Recreation Building. Resolution 2008-26 Amends 2007-2008 Budget to transfer $250,000 from the Recreation Impact Fee account to the Tennis -Construction and Major Renovation account. I ~ ~ to long time resident MR. EDMOND PRETI. SR., I born 6/8/08! Mr. Preti worked at West Point WWII ~II~ ~~ , as "Chef' & St. Moritz Hotel, NYC as "Exec. Chef.' O~~9~ ~ Y~~V ~~VM~ Village Clerk's Office 1 "Support OurTroops" Info. 1 Village Library 2 Golf Course /Country Club 3 Recreation Dept./Village Pool 4-5 Recreation Tennis Facility 6 Area Fishing Highlights (NEW) 6 Public Works Department 6 Village Calendar 7-8 Public Safety Department 9 Council, Public Meeting's, & Department Phone #'s 10 P A G E 2 Ty~,P~ ~~~,~ ~'rv~i ~sv~,y~~cyj cuss;. Some of the many faces of Mystery Night: Clues, research, door prizes, laughter, Mr. Holmes, challenges, unexpected twists, ~ rave reviews, repeat performance requested, staff planning, ~ teamwork, and gourmet edibles. The NPB Library Staff Recommends These Books: Bridge of Siahs by Richard Russo John Adams by David McCullough Ireland by Frank Delaney Betrayal by John Lescroart Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides The World is My Home by James Michener Color of Water by James McBride Wild Trees by Richard Preston Gentlemen & Planers by Joan Harris Beethoven wasl/16 Black by Nadine Gordimer _ __ _-- JUNE 3, THE FINAL AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM AT 2:30 FOR AGES 6-12. ~~ i T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 8 JUNE d, AFTER SCHOOL MOVIE AT 2:30 FOR AGES 6-12 . JVNE 5, CAME_DAY AT 2:30 FOR AGES 6-12. JUNE 6, KID'S EXPRESS AT 2:30 FOR AGES 8-12. JUNE 6, TODDLER TIME AT 1:00 FOR BIRTH TO 23 MONTHS. j L/BRARY 841-3383 Monday - Thursday.• 9:00-7:00 Friday - Saturday.• 9:00-5:00 Sunday.• 1:00-5:00 CH/LDRENB SERI//CES 841-3374 Monday - Thursday.• 12:00-7:00 Friday.• 12:00-5:00 Saturday.• 9.•00-5:00 Sunday.• 1:00-5:00 Webpage: www. vi//age-npb.or~ ~ ~ wE~-uES~pY sTn~y TIMES June 11 and every Wednesday in June and July join us for stories, puppets, flannel board stories, music, movement, movies and crafts. Ages 2-3 meet at 10:15 am and Ages 4-7 at 3:00 pm. TRAI>EL TO THE "7" CONTINENTS WITH U5? On June 9th, the Summer Reading Program begins in Amish Grace by Donald Kraybill Friends of the Library "Musical Talent" Seareh The Friends of the Library will be sponsoring musical evenings at the Library in the Fall/Winter of 2008/ 2009. They are looking for people who live in the Village who would like to share their special musical talent. If you play an instrument and would like to find out more about this, please leave your information at the North Palm Beach Library with Ann Burton, Reference Librarian - 561-841-3383. the Children s Library. Join F. L.Y.P., (the Florida Panther) p our mascot, as we journey through the "7" Continents of the World! THURSDAY N SUMIVIERSPECIALS -o, ~I June 12 at 3.30 ~ Puppets of the World "Kick-Off Program" for ages 4-12 June 19 at 3:30 ~ Bush Wildlife June 26 at 3:30 ~ Rainforest Fruits & Vegetables June 30-July 3 ~ Happy Birthday USA Tie-dyed T-shirts, bracelets and weaving. Call for information. ~ - _ _ - - COMPUTER HELP Computer help (not classes) is available on Saturdays from 9:00 Io 11:00 aI The NPB Library. The Library is very fortunate Io be able to of fer individualized help during these Iwo hours on Saturday. GEIYEAI.,OGY CLUB There will be NO TreeSearchers Genealogy Club meeiin~s during the months of June, July, and Au~usl. See you in September! Happy Researching!!! P A G E 3 T H E V i L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 8 1 f~'~r=fir. DRIVING RANGE HOURS ~ Monday _ 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday _ 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. SUITlIT1Cr has arrl V('(l, the kt(1S ~aYC oUl <)( S(~hool Fln<1 ll IS Wednesday to Sunday ~ 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. tinu~ (or our sutrurx~r golf 1~ros;r<ams to sl~~rl. We have live 3-<1<~y LIGHTS OUT at9:OOp.m. 1~ros;r<an~s s~~hc~lulccl for the sur7u7~f,r- Jun<° u, Iz, ~an<1 1:3 <~nci June 25,,?FS, ~uu1 27. July's ci<Ucs <arc the I, 2 <ancl 3 <~ncl J~iIV IES, l7, <u~~1 I~. "I~his vf~<ar we have ac1<lc<1 a }>ros;ran~ in ~Aus;ust, the ci<aus <are the ~>, 7, an<I ~. l~:~a<~h 3 c1~ay 1>ros;r<~rr~ will snarl at h::3o a.rt~. <ancl encl <at Il:oo a.m. "[~he ,~s;cs will r~~ngc fror7~ 7 to l(~ years of ~as;c, zany skill Icvcl is wcl<~onu~ to 1~~arti~~i1~<atc. I~hc <~ost of c<u~h I>ros;r<an~ will kx~ s175.oo Ix~r 1x~rson. -ics;isn~<uion Corms will h<~ ~av~ail<~hle in the s;ol( sho1~. ~[~hc kids will Ic~an~ the eti~luc~tc of the s;~arne, talcs of the s;<amc, }>re-swim; and in-swim; funcl<a~ncntals in the (till swims; ~an<1 the short s;~anx~, and hog-v the ~arnc is 1~layc~l. We will k~~reak the kids into smell s;roul~s and tailor ca~~h session info the skill Icvcl of the kids. This will he a fun le~arnins; cnvironr7x~n~. we lo~>k for~~<arcl to hostins; ~a 1<ars;e nurnhcr of kids ~~gain this sutnr7~cr! Plcasc c~<all the s;olf~ shop @ GE~i-~,<)I-333 for inforrn~ation. IZen~~~mher this ~~c~cars junior <~oIJ<~r's care nc~x~ ~~<°~~rs ch~arnE~ioris cincl rr~ernFx°r:5!! ~ ~11so rcn~ernhcr private s;olf inslru~~tion is ~ivail~ahle cverycl~ay. We c~<an hf~l1> fix yo~ir hooks and sli<~es!! Gives t~s <a <~~~II ~~hen you <~an't lis;~u~e, it out yoursr~lf . Until -~ext time, "Kt~ch it in the short grass." ~ ~~~~/; ~~ / ~~ ~d~ aS~~~u¢P 6~0~ ~u~~b~u~~ueA The North Palm Beach Country Club is proud to announce THE F/RS'T T/ME EI/ER Summer Golf Memberships to our newly redesigned Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course! A limited number of summer memberships have been made available to both residents and non-residents at an individual cost of X700.00. Summer memberships run from May 1 °' through September 30'^ and affords all rights and privileges as that of a regular membership. Memberships can be purchased from either the Country Club Golf Shop or your Village Hall. For any questions relating to the Summer Memberships please call Danielle at 561-691-3360 or the Golf Shop at 561-691-3433. We hope to see you out there... ~~of~ o June 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24r~ - MGA • 7:95 AM Shotgun start • 12:30 I'M - Afternoon Shotgun • 5:00 PM - Course closed for League flay June 4rn ~ l l~n, 18rn ~ 25th - WGA • 7:45 AM -Shotgun start • 12:30 PM - Afternoon Shotgun • 5:00 PM - Course closed for League Play June 8cn - 7:95 AM - 1 : 00 P'N - Shotgun open to :1L1. players Sunday Golf Outing - Course Closed for this Outing. P A G E 4 T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 8 IReereation Newsl Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm on: North Palm Residents: June 2 - 6 Non-Residents: June 4 - 6 Yearly Non-resident fee: $15.00/single, $25.00/family Students must be pre- registered with the Recreation Dept. be ore attending aclass - 841-3386. Ballroom Dance Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 -AAB. Class is for all skill levels. You must have a partner. For more information about Ballroom dance, please call Cecil at 818-0555. Fee: $10/person/cls-AAB Yoga Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves stress/anxiety and strengthens abdominal muscles. This class is for all levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine. Fee: $50/Scls-AX Code Age/Level Start Time 722900-OS Adult M-6/11 10:30-12:00 722900-OS Adult W-6/13 6:00-7:30 722900-OS Adult Sat-6/16 9:00-10:30 Bellydancing We offer two 7-week sessions on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm. Summer class session 1: May 20 -July 15 (missing June 24) _ $62, Session 2: July 22- Aug. 26 = $62. For more information, call Meredith at 252-5972. Country Dance These classes are for dancers of all ages. You do not need a partner in order to join the class. Pay by the class, it is ongoing. Fee: $5/cls-CC -Register and pay al the class. Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 at the Community Center. Jazzercise The dance-aerobics class is based on Jazzercise dance movements and steps. Students range from teens up through ladies in their 70's! First class is free! Contact Marti Woschnik at 439-0828 or www.jazzercise.com for more information. Fee: New students- $48/6wk, (EFT-$32/mo)-Community Ctr. Code Age/Level 721600 All 721600 All 721600 All Start Time M,W, F 9:30-10:30 M - Th 5:45-6:45 Sat 9:00-10:00 Fitness Over 50 nstructor Peg Burklund leads the class that has no pounding, umping or dancing. This class consists primarily of stretching nuscles and limbering the joints. Mon., Wed., Fri. 9:00-10:00 Fee: $20/8wk - AAB Martial Arts In addition to self defense, children taking this class will earn self discipline, self control, and self confidence. The cost includes a free uniform. Youth class (5 yr +) is on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 and adult class is from 7:00-8:00. Next session begins July 17 you have any further questions, please call 841-3386 626-8998. Fee: $130/8wk -AAB If or Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong Practice these ancient methods of health cultivation and mindfulness. Class meets Friday mornings from 9:30-10:30. Fee: $50/5 wk or $15/cls - AX One Stroke Painting Certified instructor, Lori Shankman, will teach you Donna Dewberry's "One Stroke Painting" - as seen on TV! Complete a finished project in each class! Wednesdays: June 4 The Hibiscus June 11 Daisies June l 8 Sunflowers ~,~~ ~+~.>_. June 25 The Goldfish ~'~ 1 O:OOam - l :00pm /class or $120/month. Paint is included. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Captain Lawrence Rudner will show you how to find you way ~ ;, around the naked eye sky, and demonstrate a ~~ system to identify stars named thousands of years 'x ago ~ right in the sky above our homes in south Florida There is no charge for this but we do ask that you call 841-3386 to RSVP your seat. June 23, 7:00 pm at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Duplicate Bridge We offer variety of Duplicate Bridge games for you to attend at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Call 841-3387 for more information. Fee: $5-$6/player Code Age/Level 721400-01 Adult 721400-02 Adult .721400-06 Adult Start Time Sun 12:30-4:30 Mon 7:00-10:00 F 12:30-4:30 continued... P A G E 5 Summer Pool Hours: Monday -Thursday 10 am - 7 pm Friday l0 am - ] 0 pm Saturday 10 am - 6 pm Sunday 12 pm - 6 pm Group Swim Lessons We offer group swim lessons for children with swim skill levels from adjustment to advanced swimming. The sessions are listed below and the times choice is either 9:00 or 9:30 am, Monday -Thursday. Cost for Pool members and NPB residents is $25 and $35 for non-residents. Session 1 June 16-26, Session 2 June 30-July 10 and Session 4 July 14-24. Water Polo Practices are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday _~ from 10:00 to 12:OOpm, Wednesday 4:00 to 7:00, ,;Z,-~- and Friday 6:00- to 8:00. The fee is $50/month or "~"~ $ l 50 for May -August for 13-18 yr olds. Practice schedules can be found at www.npbnolo.com. Call Alf at 691-3427 for complete details. Summer Pool Parties Adults, teens, kids -relax and enjoy an evening of swimming, FREE! June 13 - 6:OOpm-10:00pm, July 4th - 1:OOpm-8:OOpm and August 15th - 6:OOpm-10:00pm. NPB Summer Day Camg Sign your kids up for a summer filled with fun and excitement! Recreation Day Camp for youth 6 13 years of age runs in four 2-week sessions from .Tune 9 -August 1. Camp meets at the NPB Comm. Ctr., 1200 Prosperity Farms Road. Campers will travel to local attractions on Mon. and Wed. afternoons. They will remain at the Comm. Ctr. for indoor and outdoor activity on Tues. and Thurs. On Fri., the group will take trips to attractions such as Wet N' Wild, Islands of Adventure, Aquatica (the new Sea World Water Park), Blizzard Beach & Typhoon Lagoon! Also this summer - a Florida Marlins Baseball Game! $275/session. Pls. call Camp Dir. Bill Egan at 841-3389 for questions, or for availability call 841-3386. Super Kids Camp This exciting '/z day program is for youth 3-5 yrs. old. The group meets M-F / 9:00-noon. It is two 4-week sessions starting the week of June 9. Camp includes story time, crafts, free play, snack and much more. Cost is $200/session. Camp Director is Marelen Baylis. For questions or availability call 841-3386. T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 8 Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament The 3rd Annual Anchorage Aweigh Fishing Tournament will be held on Saturday, August 16, 2008. Entry fee is $150/ boat. Early bird entry fee paid before Aug. 1st is ,$100/boat. On shore will be a kids fishing derby. Food, entertainment and awards at An- chorage Park begin at 2:30. This is a great day not only for fishermen, but for anyone looking for a good time. Please join us! Entry forms can be obtained at Recreation Centers or on www.village_npb.org. If you are interested in sponsoring this event or have questions, contact the Recreation Department at 841-3386. July 4th Celebration - "Red, White & ~~. ~~~ ~ ~' Boom!" Plan on spending the day at the NPB ~~ Country Club for a day of family fun and relaxation. See July newsletter for complete details. Wood Bat Softball League Register now for the Men's Wood Bat League that will be played on Tuesday and Thursday nights at Osborne Park. League will begin in late August. Cost is $500.00/team. Coed Softball League Get your friends together and register for the fall Coed Softball League. Games are played on Friday nights at Osborne Park. $250/team. Call Adam at 841-3389 for more information on both leagues. Upcoming Sporting Trips: Football fans! Look at the games we have tickets for this fall! Want to have a great time and let the driving & parking hassles up to someone else? Join us! Call 841-3386 for price information. Don't wait! Limited seating! Dolphins - vs - NY Jets Sept. 7 $90 Hurricanes -- vs - FSU Oct. 4 $95 Dolphins - vs -Patriots Nov. 23 $90 pwl 7-Day Caribbean Cruise ° N with thn NPR Rvr ilvnt 1 Nov 30r'' -Dec. 7r'' on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas $250 deposit required to register and is due before July 24r~. However we will start collecting deposits on June 1'`, until we reach 40 "paid" people. So get your deposits in early to ensure yourself a spot with the group. Total cruise price for inside cabin is $799 per person based on double occupancy. Trip balance is due early September. Cabin upgrades may be available based on availability. Any questions contact Bill Egan at the Community Center at 841-3389. continued... P A G E 6 T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 8 o ~1 ~ ,0~ o Location: 951 US Hwy 1, North Palm Beach ~~ °~ ~~~ ~~"J~LII ~~~~ ~ ~'J~uJ~~~~~ For more information, please call 626-6515. • Cardio Tennis Wednesdays 9:30AM-10:30AM Tennis drills, games, fitness & fun to music! $12.50 • Women's Doubles Thursdays 6:30 PM Members free -Non-Members court fees $12.78 • Adult Tennis Clinic Fridays & Saturdays Call for times $17.50 TCMIS ~lnp ~ Kids 4-16 arc invited to an exciting summer of Tennis! Join NPB Tennis Pro, Richard Waidelich, in full-day or half-day camp. Participants will experience agility drills, relay races, stroke fundamental instruction, tennis games and match play. Afternoons are at the Wool. Full day is $225/wk and half day is $ 125/wk. Weekly camps begin June 9th. Daily rates are available. For Info Call 626-6515. ~~~'~~~° The summer heat is here and with it water temps rise, sea conditions calm and bait fish start to show. The offshore fishing becomes full of life bringing in a wide variety of species to target. The Dolphin are found near floating debris and any other cover that is holding bait fish. Many of the Dolphin caught range in size from ro to 3o pounds. The Wahoo fishing is great as many anglers target them at sunrise as they high speed troll dead ballyhoo. The Wahoo are very toothy and wire leaders are needed. The size of the Wahoo ranges from io to 5o pounds. The Bonita are a fish that many anglers view as a junk fish but they are a blast to catch. The Bonita are very aggressive and school together attacking live baits, dead baits and artificial lures presented to them. They also make for steady action keeping the kids busy all day long. The Kingfish can be found near local wrecks as many of the kings are targeting bait schools. Live baits slow trolled or under a kite will produce many strikes for anglers. Those anglers flying a kite or slow trolling live baits might even find a few Sailfish still roaming our local waters. The bottom fishing for Snapper and Grouper is great on the deeper wrecks using live baits and dead baits dropped down to the bottom. The Amberjacks can also be caught on the deeper wreck. Once hooked up with a fish on a wreck pump hard and fast so the fish does not get you caught on the wreck. This also helps to avoid the sharks from taking your prized catch. The inshore fishing starts to take a turn as many of the fish targeted are found on our local beaches and deep passes. The Tarpon and Snook will be schooled up along the beaches and local inlets. The Tarpon can be seen rolling near the surface chasing bait schools. Live bait works best but artificial lures also produce strikes. The average size of the Tarpon ranges from zo to ioo pounds. The Snook fishing is great near local inlets using live baits dropped to the bottom. These Snook when caught need to be handled with great care as they are full of eggs for the future. The Snook should be left in the water and not lifted out of the water by there jaw. The average size of the Snook ranges from ro to z5 pounds. The big Jacks will also be cruising our local inshore waters and beaches. The Jacks are very aggressive and will take live bait and artificial lures and jigs. The Jacks school together and make for a great fight on light tackle rods. The average size of the Jacks caught is a to 3o pounds. The Mangrove Snapper bite around rock piles and drop offs is great around the full moon. These fish are great eating and will take a wide variety of baits from live to artificial. Well that is the fishing report for June -hope you enjoyed. $emember you can't catch them from the couch! Tight Lines! Capt. Craig Korczynski - Phlats Guide Services - 56i-644-4371 - PalmBeachFishingGuides.com 00 °OD SANITATION DEPARTMENT The Solid Waste Division is responsible for the collection and removal of garbage, trash, vegetation, recycling and bulk items within the Village limits of North Palm Beach. Our service includes three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) for household garbage pickup, once a week (Thursday) curbside recycling pickup and twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday) trash, vegetation and bulk items pickup. Garbage Generally this is kitchen waste: anything used in the preparation of food, plus food containers and wrappers (those that cannot be recycled). All single family residential and commercial locations have garbage pick-up three times a week. Trash/Vegetation/BuPk (ferns Yard foliage: grass cuttings, tree limbs, hedge clippings are all yard trash. Trash pick up is twice a week. Please make two separate piles, one for vegetation and one for trash. Contractors for lawn and tree services are responsible for removal of the materials they trim. (**Vegetation -Please place items no earlier than the night before for pick up). Ree~Jeling Newspapers (bag or tie). Note: a paper bag holds newspapers very neatly and may be place in one end or on top of the recycling bin. Co-mingle plastic, glass and aluminum. Containers made of these materials should be rinsed out with lids and labels removed (as well as possible). Recycling is pick up on Thursday. _T_irneiY placement of a!i materials, b r~7:00 AM on your pickup day, would be greatly appreciated. Please call the Public Works Department at 6B1-3440, should you have any questions. Su Sun Mon ~ 1 Library Hours: * Monday -Thursday 9 AM - ~ PM Friday -Saturday g AM - 5 PM Sunday t PM - 5 PM Children's Librar y: * ; ~ Monday -Thursday I2 PM -~ PM 8 ll l Friday 12 PM -5 PM <' A P aycrti -Shotgun at the Saturday 9 PM -5 PM country club - 7:4.5 AM and Sund~~y Golf (hrting t:oo PM (Pg. 3) Sunday t PM- 5 PM SUMMER Pool Hours: Monday -Thursday ro AM - ~ PM z;;- Friday to PM - io PM Saturday Io AM - 6 PM Sunday t2 PM - 6 PM Restaurant Hours: Sunday & Monday 7 AM - 5 PM Tuesday -Saturday y AM - u PM Tennis Hours -Club Plav: Women - Tuesday 8 AM Thursday 6:3o PM ;:; ',. S .~: :~~~ Men - Tuesday, Thursday & Sat. 8 AM Monday 6:3o PM 15 FATHER'S DAY ~ „~,.~ 4 Call the "Village Green" ~~-~ '~ for information ~a 691-3430• 122 Mixed - Sahirday 4 PM Wednesday FPM ~j 29 * Holiday hours may vary and will be posted as necessary. Village Green ` RcstaurantaBar Menu Mi~dem MONDAYS in June: TUESDAYS in June WEDNESDAYS in June THURSDAYS in June FRIDAYS in June SATURDAYS in June: SUNDAYS in June TUES. -SAT. in June 2 SNACK BAR OPENS TODAY a the Country Club /Pool area. (See Pool Hours for snack tunes) COllE ENFORCEMENT' Board Meeting 6:3o PM 9 .. 7" Continents of the World Reading Program (~r the Library 13EUINS TODAF (I'~r.'_) i6 23 30 Tu~ 3 MGA -Shotgun (« the Countr~• Club - 7:45 AI\4 r?:3o PM (Pg• 3) Final After School Program the Library 2:3o PM (Pg. 2) 10 MUA-Shotgun (~~~ the Country Club -'7:45 .1y1 i':go PM (I'g• 3) RECREATION ADVISORY Board Meeting 7:3o PM 17 MGA -Shotgun (« the Counh•~• Club - 7:45 ADI Sz i2:3o P1~4 (Pg• 3) 2[~ MGA -Shotgun (~~ the Counh•v Club - 7:45 AM LIBRARY ADVISORY Board Meeting ~:oo PM Happy Birthday USA ~;~ i KICK OPF («~ the Library _ (Pg. 2) (Runs to July 3rd) .~~1 (;I~~~ccl ,ir 5 I'M - N~~ llinncr Mcou I'~~r R~,a~~r l~inncr- I I AM - I(1 I'M Ir,ili;ui St,cri;il~ - I I AM - Ili I'M Turkc~~ I>inrn~r- 1 I .AM - lip I'M I~i~li & C aiit~~~ I )inner - I 1 AM - I l~ I'M l )tn- Fal~ul~,u. I'rimc Izil~! 7:31 I'M - I l~ I'M (~lu,c~l at 5 I'M - N~, l ~inn~~r ?vlcnii LIVE MUSIC - 7 PM - I 1 PM ,,, , i ~ ~ ~ :Y~:. ~ .~ . '~an . ~~`atv _.e>:i , r t ;$, ~..w +T _ :~s i'G ..ol ,. ...-. ~ ~ .., ti . "'ff, ?n, s ~"r+- ,._ ,. / ., `~`: Village Green Restaurant are - ~ , OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ' VILLAGE GREEN 951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408 1 iJ Wed 4 wGA - sh~~tg~m <<,~ the Cuunh-~~ Cluh - x:45 AM Library Story'I'imcs u~:i;; AM & 3:0o PM and Mop°ic lla~ a:3o PM C«' the Library (Pg. 2) 11 "l'hc Golf Cuursc ~~ ill he CLOSI~;[) toda~~ tin maintenance. Library Sto~y'I'imes io:i5 AM & 3:0o PM C«~ the Libras}~ (Pg. ~~) "11'OLFIIOUND D.1~".. ~<< the Conununit~~ Ctr. 6: ;o PM (Pg. t) le~ WGA -Shotgun (~~ the Counh•~- C tub - ?:4;5 .~1D1 & Library Story Times io:r5 AM 3:0o PM C~~` the Library (Pg. 2) 25 4VGA -Shotgun (~~ the Country Club - 7:45 A11 i'':3o PD'1 ~I'g• 3) Librar}~ Stor}~ Times to: t5 AM & 3:0o PM (« the Library (Pg. •~) Thu 5 Old Time Rock & Roll -Village Green featuring ,Joe Staats '7-t t PM Game Day'~:3o PM (~~ the Lihrul~ (Pg. 2) 12 '1'hc Gol(Coursc ~~ ill be CLOSI;I) today fur maintenance. Swnmer Special "kick-Off Program" Pu~~ets of the World ~~, the Library 3:3o PM (Pg. '') Old Time Rock & Roll - ~-ri PM COUNCIL MTG. ~:3o PM 1g Old Time Rock & Roll -Village Green featuring Joe Staats ~-ii PM Fri 6 Village Green Pool Sidc BBQ! 6-io PM (w/ DJ Music!) Toddler Time t:oo PM and Kids I?xpress 2:3o PM C«~ Library (P. 2) 13 Village Green Pool Sidc BBQ! 6-io PM (w/ DJ Music!) Plus... 20 Village Green Pool Side BBQ! 6-io PM (w/ DJ Music!) Summer Special Bush Wildlife (~r the Library 3:3o PM (Pg. 2) 26 Old "Cime Rock & Roll -Village Green featuring Joe Staats ~-n PM Summer Special Rainful•cst Pruiis ~ Vc~;ies (a' the l,ihrare COUNCIL M1'G. ~:3o PM 2'] Village Green Pool Side BBQ! 6-io PM (w/ DJ Music!) ~ ~~ ~ : is t ~~ For lots more JUNE information, please refer to (pages 4 ~ 5). U C_OUNTRF CLC~l3 % GOLF SHOP: (From paKe 3) •WGA Shotguns ~a the C C ~ June iirn~ ~:45AM & i2:goPM arc still on! • The GOLF COUKSE ~~'ILL BE CLOSED for League Play & Shotgun Outing: !~ June 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25 C 5:00 PM and June 8 @ L•00 P;~-1 •l~ • Two 3-day Summer Golf Pco;;rams: June ll, 12 6t 13 /June 25, 26 ~ 27 LIBRARY: There will be NO Gencalog~' Club meeting dais month. (See page 2) Sat ~~°~ 7 Computer HCIp 9-rr AM n the Librar}° (Pg. 2) 14 FLAG DAY 2~, 'a 7~ Computer HCIp g-lt AM the Librarti~ (Pg. 2) 21 Computer Help g-rt Ab4 ~, @ the Library° (Pg. 2) 2g Computer Hcln 9-i t AM (a~ the Library (Pg. 2) ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- ~, -~ ~~ ,~ S ~. i~ .~ ~- F O L D O U T F O R C A L E N D A R (P A G E S 7&$) T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 9 J ll N F ~ n n n MPSS~~~jes f ror~ ~-e~~ pN6~-c Sa f of ~- Ike o~rf r~ehf Ws~ut To 1 rCe+ep Your ~7~ldr+eu Safe? The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety, in conjunction with the National Center For Missing & Exploited Children, would like to extend an open invitation to all village residents to attend the 2"a annual "Operation Safe Kids" program at the Public Safety building (560 US Highway 1) on Tuesday, June 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. "Operation Safe Kids" is designed to provide education and awareness to parents and children together about preventable and dangerous situations. This program was established by the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety in an effort to keep our communities "kids sate". This assembly style presentation teaches children how to identify potential dangers, protect themselves from abuse, abduction and exploitation through a series of interactive scenarios. The presentation empowers children with the information, tools, and support they need to be safe, without frightening them. It teaches them how to use their instincts, intuition, and common sense to make smart choices, not scared reactions when confronted by danger. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety will provide parents with a checklist of simple safety measures, deterrence strategies and solutions to minimize the chances of harm to their children. The information presented is designed to ignite conversation and interaction between parents and children regarding the dangers posed by abductors and molesters. It will also include a segment on Internet safety presented by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like to encourage all residents to attend this powerful and informative presentation. For more information or to sign up for this free class, please call Officer Angela Williams @ The NPB Department of Public Safety - 841-3300. TO~OL~ ,Al ~/D rOY~ Matches and lighters are useful tools. To adults, they seem harmless but in the hands of children they can be deadly. You wouldn't dream of leaving sharp knives lying around where children can reach then. Matches and lighters must be treated the same way. Tell children that matches and lighters arc dangerous tools that only grownups should use and never utilize them as a toy yourself because children are great imitators. Adults must control the availability of matches, lighters, and other fire-starting tools in the home. If you smoke, keep them in your pocket or your purse and any other implements hidden out of the reach of children. A little prevention goes a long way! Fire Department - 882-ll41 ~~ -~._. _ Your Police Department recently completed its on-site assessment by the Commission on ~ ~-~ Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies ~.~~ (CALEA) and will be receiving linal notitication ~7 about our accreditation status in July. I would like to personally thank all of our citizens who called in by phone to the assessors or came to the public hearing that was held on April 21''. I was never more proud of this agency and its employees as I was that same evening, as I listened to the numerous examples of the great work that our police staff dots on a daily basis. Thank _ ou to each of you who took the time to attend this meeting and for the many kind remarks that were made. Your Public Safety Department is fortunate to be able to serve such an outstanding and supportive community. Chief Stephen Canfield PAGE 1 O Village Manager's Office Village Clerk's Office Community Development Finance Public Works Recreation Anchorage Park Community Center Library Children's Dept. Village Historian Public Safety: Non-Emergency Emergency Country Club Administration Driving Range Golf Shop Pool Tennis Restaurant Clip this out! ~~ 841-3380 I All meetings 841-3355 I are held at the 841-3365 j Village Hall 841-3360 j 501 U. S. Highway I 691-3440 ~ I 841-3388 Village Council agendas, ~ and minutes of Village I 841-3386 I Council meetings, arc I 841-3389 ~ available on the Village's ~ 841-3383 ~ web site (http:// ~ 841-3374 I www.villagc-npb.org). 841-3371 I I I Agendas are posted the I 848-2525 I Monday prior to the Coun- I 911 ~ cil meeting, and arc also ~ available at Village Hall or 841-3359 I at the meeting. I 691-3420 i._._._._._._._._._.I 626-0732 691-3433 ~m~~OQ4 691-3427 1~IOO mff dOC~SI~ 626-6515 691-3430 dm~8~®k9~9®SRD f'!U~LII~ M!E~~~N~ ~rC~IE.D!I,~ILiE Village Council ...................._....................._..................._...... Audit Committce ........_ ................._......................................... Code Enftxcement Board..._ ..................._.................._........... Construction Board of Adjustment & Appcal ............._........... General Employees I'cnsion Board......._._ .............................. Golf Advisory Board .............._...................................._......... Library Advisory Board .........................._............................... Planning Commission ............................................................... Police & Fire Pension Board _ .................................................. Recreation Advisory Board ...................................................... Waterways Board ..................................................................... Zoning Board of Adjustment_ ................................................... .....................2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 pm on call I st Monday, on call, 6:30 pm _..... on call _ .................................quarterly, on call .....................2nd Monday, monthly, 5:00 pm ......................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 pm ............_........ 1 st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 pm ............................................quarterly, on call .....................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 pm next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 pm _ ............................................... on call ~IIQ'~'1~~I E'~kLIl~ B~A~~Il ~fIlLL~t~l; C~[T~I~IlL William Manuel I~1ayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. President Pro'fem Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Councilman T. R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman Jimmy Knight Village fl~lanager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk Village Council members may be contacted through the oftice of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at np bclerk@village-np b.org ~,ti ~ ,., VILLAGE NEWSLETTER SOl U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 1