03-2008 Newsletter PDFT h e V i l l a g e NEWSLETTER VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 5 0 1 U S HWY # 1 , NORTH PALM BEACH, F L 3 3 4 0 8 Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org Inside this issue: Village Council/Village Clerk 2-3 Library 4 Community Development 5 Public Safety 5-6 Country Club Events 6-7 Country Club Calendar 8-9 Recreation 10-13 Manager’s Message 14-15 Bulletin Board 15-16 Happy St. Patrick’s Day -March 17th March news in this issue: • Candidate Qualifying for Village Elections -page 3 (La versión en español en la pagina 2) • Voter Absentee Ballot and Registration Information -page 2 (La versión en españño en la pagina 2) • Guest Speaker Joy Fielding Event and 3rd Annual Mystery Night -page 4 • A Message from your Publli Safety Director -page 6 • Upcoming Pool Schedule and Events for March and April-page 7 • Updated Community Calennda -pages 8-9 • Spring Recreation Class Registration -pages 10-13 MARCH 2008 DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! Village Council Election to be held Tue?sday, March 11, 2008. See page 3 for more information. Annual Heritage Day Festival & Parade The annual Heritage Festival is almost here!! March 15th is just around the corner!! We are still accepting entries in the parade such as clubs, organized groups, antique cars, floats, bands, etc. Local businesses are invited to rent a booth and promote their business to the people who live and work in this area. Please go to the recreation pages of www.villagenppborg and follow the pages to special events – heritage festival for complete details and forms. We are also looking for festival sponsors. If you or your business would be interesste in helping make this festival a fun, family-friendly event, we can use your support! Wrist Band Presales – You can avoid lines at the ticket booths at the Festiiva by purchasing a wrist band for $13 before the event. The wrist bands are $15 at the festival and they buy unlimited carnival rides. Midway games and food sales will be on a cash basis. Wristbands can be purchased at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. between 9:00-7:00 pm starting March 3rd. Heritage Day Parade – The Heritage Parade begins at Village Hall at 11:00 am and traveel north on US Hwy 1 to the Country Club. This year’s parade has more units than in the past and features Dwyer Middle School Marching Band!! Please note that U.S. Highway 1 from Northlake Blvd. to Gulfview Rd. (northbound and southbound) will be closed for the parade from 10:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please make alternate driving plans. Heritage Festival – The Heritage Festival offers more fun and excitement for the whole family! The Festival opens at noon. A live classic rock band will entertain you from 4:00-7:00 with their contemporary mix of your favorites. The rides, midway games and food continue all afternoon and evening until 7:00 pm. At 7:00 pm the party moves poolside for dancing, food, music and more! Business Expo – local businesses will be displaying in the Interactive Area from noon – 5:00 pm. Be sure to visit this area to see local businesses that support Village events. Mixed Doubles Tennis Tourney – starting at 4:00 pm. Contact Tennis at 626-6515 for details. Free Open Swim – Pool is open to all from noon – 10:00 pm during the festival. Food and drink are available poolside. For more details, please call the Recreation Dept. at 841-3386 or visit the recreation pages of www.village-npb.org P a g e 2 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 VILLAGE BOARDS Village Boards were created to advise the Council on present and future activities of the Village. Currently, a Village resideen is needed for the Waterways Board. Annual appointments to all Village Boards and Committees will be made in April. Positions with terms expiring 4/30/08 are as follows (the Councci may appoint new members or re-appoint incumbents, at its discretion): Audit Committee 2 Alternates Code Enforcement Board 2 Members Construction Board 2 Members, 2 Alternates Library Advisory Board 3 Members, 2 Alternates Planning Commission 2 Members, 2 Alternates Recreation Advisory Board 3 Members, 2 Alternates Waterways Board 1 Member, 2 Alternates Zoning Board of Adjustment 1 Member, 2 Alternates Applications are available on the website www.village-npb.org or through the Clerk’s office at 841-3355. Appointees will serve for a period of 1 -3 years, depending upon the Board. Deadline for applications is Friday, 4/11/08. All applicants will be contacted for an interview with the Village Council. VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR WATERWAYS BOARD Applications are being accepted for a vacancy on the Waterwaay Board. Applicants must be Village residents. The Waterrway Board meets at 4:00 p.m. on the next to last Tuesday in odd numbered months, in the Conference Room at Village Hall. The mission of the Waterways Board is to ensure that the Village waterways and Anchorage Park marina are maintained, operated and improved to provide the safest, most efficient, economical and environmentally-sound water transportation route in the Village and to provide sound use of Village waterwaay that serve business, commercial fisheries and recreation. The Waterways Board identifies, analyzes, addresses, and publiccize issues that affect the Village waterways, and makes recommenddation to the Village Council. Applications are availabbl from the Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, on the website at www.village-npb.org, or by calling 841-3355. VILLAGE CLERK 841-3355 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 AARP TAX AID Free tax preparation service will be available in the North Palm Beach Village Hall Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday beginning February 4, 2008 through April 15, 2008. Taxpayers should bring 2007 tax forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and other tax information along with their 2006 tax return. Taxpayyer are also asked to bring proper ID. Did you know…that the Village of North Palm Beach Code of Ordinances is available on-line? And that all propoose ordinances and resolutions may be reviewed in their entirety on the Village’s website, prior to Council action? Before Council meetings, Agendas are available on-line at www.village-npb.org listed under Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes. Current meeting backup documents are linked on the Agenda page and available for your review by 5 p.m. on Friday of the week prior to the Council meeting. Proposed ordinances are also listed on the web-web-page under Code of Ordinances, and are noticed in the legal advertising section of the Palm Beach Post as well. All proposed Ordinannce are available for your review before final vote to enaac by the Village Council. Stay informed by checking the Village website at www.village-npb.org. A hard copy of the entire Code of Ordinances and hard copiie of all Ordinances and Resolutions are available in the Village Clerk’s Office for review during regular office hours. If you have any questions regarding any current agenda backup, please call the Clerk’s office at 561-841-3355 or email the Village Clerk at npbclerk@village-npb.org. COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 2008-01 Amends Code of Ordinances to increase maximum height of flag poles within specified zoning districts and the maximum size of flags. Ordinance 2008-02 Amends General Employees Pension Plan to authorize early retirement for terminated vested participants and to correct and clarify existing language. Resolution 2008-01 Notice of Village Municipal Election on March 11, 2008. Resolution 2008-02 Supports Florida League of Cities Resolution on Proposed Property Tax Amendmeent Resolution 2008-03 Approves Emergency Repair of Storm Drain Pipe. Resolution 2008-04 Approves Library Long-Range Plan. Resolution 2008-05 Approves Reclaimed Water Agreement with Seacoast Utility Authority. Resolution 2008-06 Approves Interlocal Agreement with Solid Waste Authority. P a g e 3 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 VILLAGE CLERK NEWS At the present time, the VILLAGE ELECTION is scheduled for TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2008. Attention all registered voteer of North Palm Beach: the General Election will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2008. Each voter is encouraged to learn about the candidates and then go to the polls on March 11th to express your preference. Three seats are up for election this year with the following persons having filed: (I= Incumbent) Group 1 Group 3 Group 5 Ed Eissey (I) Darryl Aubrey (I) Bill Manuel (I) Carolyn Liss POLLS: The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the following locations: Precincts 1146, 1147, 1155, 1158, 1159 & 1166 North Palm Beach Community Center Precinct 1154 Faith Lutheran Church Precinct 1168 Council Chambers, Village Hall Precinct 1152 Old Port Cove Recreation Room (between North & South Quay Bldgs) Precincts 1148, 1150, & 1151 North Palm Beach Country Club Precinct 1186 Anchorage Activities Building PHOTO ID AT THE POLLS: All voters must show a photo ID with signature when they go to the polls to vote. Acceptable forms of ID include: Florida Driver’s License, Florida Identification Card, U.S. Passports, Employee ID Badges, Buyers Club ID Cards (such as Sam’s). If you don’t have a photo ID you will have to complete an affidavit at the polls before you are allowed to vote. ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Voters who will be away on Election Day, as well as those who are unable to go to the polls due to illness or disability, may have an absentee ballot mailed to them. Absentee ballots are available only from the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be done by phone, by mail, or by completing the application online (www.pbcelections.org). Absentee Ballots must be returned to the Elections Office in West Palm Beach by 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2008. PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Main Office North County Courthouse Branch 240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 656-6200 624-6556 NOTICIAS DE LA SECRETARIA DEL PUEBLO ELECCIONES DEL PUEBLO – MARTES, 11 DE MARZO DE 2008: Atención a todos los votantes inscritos de North Palm Beach: las Elecciones Generales se llevarán a cabo el martes, 11 de marzo de 2008. Se alienta a todo votante a enterarse acerca de los candidatos y luego ir a las urnas el 11 de marzo a expresar su preferencia. Este año hay que elegir tres escaños, y las siguientes personas se han presentado como candidatos: (T= Titular) Group 1 Group 3 Group 5 Ed Eissey (I) Darryl Aubrey (I) Bill Manuel (I) Carolyn Liss URNAS: Las urnas estarán abiertas de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en los siguientes locales: Distritos electorales 1146, 1147, 1155, 1158, 1159 & 1166 Centro Comunitario de North Palm Beach Distrito electoral 1154 Iglesia Luterana Faith Distrito electoral 1168 Cámara de Consejo, Municipalidad Distrito electoral 1152 Sala de recreación de Old Port Cove (entre edificios North & South Quay) Distritos electorales 1148, 1150, & 1151 North Palm Beach Country Club Distrito electoral 1186 Edificio de Actividades de Anchorage IDENTIFICACION CON FOTO EN LAS URNAS: Todo votante tendrá que mostrar un documento de identificación con fotograffí y firma cuando vaya a las urnas a votar. Los documentos de identificación que se aceptan incluyen: Licencia de Conducir de Floridda Tarjeta de Identificación de Florida, Pasaporte de EE.UU., Rótulo de Identidad de Empleado, Tarjeta de Identidad de Club de Comprra (tal como Sam’s). Si no tiene un documento de identificación con foto, tendrá que llenar una declaración jurada en las urnas antes que se le permita votar. BALOTAS DE AUSENTE: Aquellos votantes que estarán fuera el día de las elecciones, al igual que aquellos que no puedan ir a las urnas debido a enfermedad o discapacidad, podrán recibir una bolota de ausente por correo. Las balotas de ausente sólo están disponibles por medio de la Supervisora de Elecciones del Condado de Palm Beach. Se puede solicitar una balota de ausente por teléfono, por correo o al llenar una solicitud en línea (www.pbcelections.org). Las balotas de ausente se deben devolver a la Oficiin de Elecciones de West Palm Beach a más tardar para las 7 p.m. el 11 de marzo. SUPERVISORA DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE PALM BEACH Oficina Principal Sucursal del Juzgado de Norte del Condado 240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 656-6200 624-6556 P a g e 4 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 MARCH IN THE LIBRARY JOY FIELDING AT THE NPB LIBRARY Wednesday, March 12, 2008 7:00 p.m. The North Palm Beach Library is fortunate to have Joy Fieldiin speaking in the Obert Meeting Room of the Library at 7 p.m. on March 12, 2008. Joy Fielding is a resident of Palm Beach and is the author of 17 books including See Jane Run, Puppet, and Lost and Grand Avenue. Her latest book, Charley’s Web, will be out in March. Her books will be available for purchase and autograpphin after her presentation. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Joy Fielding. Stop by the Library and read one of her books before her visit! THIRD ANNUAL MYSTERY NIGHT AT THE LIBRARY Saturday, March 29, 2008 7:00 p.m. (after hours) Someone’s missing! Are you a cunning, resourceful team player? Are you great at solving clues? Join us for the 3rd annual Mystery Night at the Library on Saturday, March 29th to search for clues that will unravel the mystery. Knowleddg of books, authors, and library resources will be very helpful! Beginning Monday, March 10th, present your library card at the desk to receive your ticket to MYSTERY NIGHT! Mysteer Night is limited to 24 adult patrons. Tickets are requiired CHILDREN’S SERVICES 841-3374 A SEUSS-TACULAR EVENT If you like Dr. Seuss, then join us Monday, March 3rd! The fun begins at 3:30. It’s a “Seuss-tacular” program for everyonne We will do everything Seuss: stories, games, puppets, movie and a craft. There will be prizes and surprises-a really good time is in store. AFTER SCHOOL SPECIALS Ages 6 through 12 come join us after school at 2:30 each Tuesday in March. There are a variety of programs that are specially designed to keep you interested. SPRING STORY TIMES Story times begin Wednesday, March 5th for ages 2 & 3 at 10:15 a.m. and ages for 4 through 7 at 3:00 p.m. A new theme is presented each week, filled with: stories, flannel board storiies puppets, music, exercises, a movie and a craft. It is fun getting together with friends. TODDLER TIME Thursday, March 6th and 27th, at 1 p.m. bring your toddlers, birth to 23 months for an interactive program of music and movement, cuddles and colors. It is a nice way for toddlers to get to know each other. GAME DAY Thursday, March 6th at 3:30, ages 6 through 12 enjoy all sorts of games. Bring one of your favorite games or use one of ours and bring along a playing partner if you like. Remember, there is always time for Twister! KIDS EXPRESS Ages 8 through 12 meet on Thursday, March 13th, at 3:30 to express themselves through library games with lots of fun and laughs. Enjoy a fun-filled, fast-paced hour you won’t want to miss. BEING GREEN If you like Kermit the Frog and his friends, it will be easy beiin green on Monday, March 17th at 3:30. Ages 4 through 10 will be seeing lots of green through stories, puppets, music, surprises and lots of fun. Wear some green if you like. SPRING SQUARE & CIRCLE DANCING Ages 6 through 12 join us on Thursday, March 20th, at 3:30 to learn all kinds of Square and Circle Dances. You don’t need a partner, just join in the fun! You may even want to do somethhin called the Macarena. MOVIE MAGIC Ages 6 through 10 are invited to enjoy a movie on Thursday, March 27th, at 2:30 p.m. If you like, you may bring a snack. Adult Library Hours: Monday -Thursday: 9:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. Friday -Saturday: 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Sunday: 1:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Children's Library Hours: Monday -Thursday: 12:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. Friday: 12:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. Sunday: 1:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. LIBRARY 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 GENEALOGY CLUB Tuesday, March 18, 2008 7:00 p.m. BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:30 a.m. Lay of the Land by Richard Ford COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 841-3365 501 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 P a g e 5 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 \PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 560 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Please consider the following: 30 The seconds it takes for a thief to break into your vehicle and take your valuables. 20 The seconds it takes for you to put your valuables into your trunk, out of sight or remove them from the vehicle. Your Department of Public Safety would like to encourage all village residents to go by the numbers and take the proper precautions to safeguard the property inside of their vehicle. The more difficult it is for your vehicle to be broken into, the longer that it will take to commit the crime. The longer that it takes to commit the crime, the more likely it is that the thief will move on to an easier target. Crime is like a table with three legs -it takes all three legs to stand. If you take away even one leg, the table isn't supporrted Desire, ability & opportunity must all exist to support crime. Even though we may not be able to stop someone's desire to commit a crime, we can take away their ability and/or their opportunity to commit the crime. DESIRE + ABILITY + OPPORTUNITY = CRIME Auto Burglary Prevention, like all crime prevention, is the act of taking away the criminals ability and/or opportunity to commit a crime. With a little time and diligence, you can make a difference in your vulnerability to Auto Burglary! I would like to encourage village residents to practice the followwin tips: • Always lock and secure the doors and windows of your vehicle even if you are only gone for a short period of time. • Never leave your purse, wallet, cellular phone, money, electrooni equipment, tools or other valuable equipment in your unattended vehicle. • Park your vehicle in an area that is secure, visible and well lit. • Utilize crime prevention programs offered through the police department including “Operation Identification” which promotes the documentation of important serial numbers on valuables. (PUBLIC SAFETY continued on page 6) In order to better serve the residents and business owners of the community, the Community Development Department is highlighhtin excerpts from the Village of North Palm Beach’s Code of Ordinances. If you have any questions about the code sectiion shown here, or about any topics relating to the code, building permits, planning and zoning, or any other community development related issues, please feel free to contact us at 841-3365. CODES OF THE MONTH Sec. 18-34. Parking restricted. (a) Between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on streets where no curbing is provided, the parking of a vehicle shall not usurp more than twelve (12) inches of the paved portion of the street. (b) No person shall leave any truck, trailer, boat or any vehicle of a similar type parked upon any public street or highway within the village between the hours of 12:30 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. (c) No truck in excess of three-fourthstto shall be parked upon a public street or highway inclusive of swale area within the village; provided, however, commercial vehicles making deliveries or pickups or otherwise servicing residential, commercial or industrial properrt within the village shall have the right, if necessary, to temporaaril park in such areas during normal business hours. (d) No truck in excess of three-fourths-ton shall be parked at any time upon private property within the village unless such truck is being utilized as part of an existing business on the private property; provided, however, commercial vehicles makiin deliveries or pickups or otherwise servicing residential, commercial or industrial property within the village shall have the right, if necessary to temporarily park upon private property during normal business hours. (Code 1970, §§ 24-70, 39-24; Ord. No. 4-81, § 2, 3-26-81; Ord. No. 07-2005, § 1, 5-26-05; Ord. No. 15-2005, §§ 1, 2, 7-14-05) Sec. 27-17. Planting and removal; written approval requiired No trees shall be planted in the swale areas except by the village or by property owners who have obtaiine written approval of the public works director to plant any tree. (Code 1970, § 41-12; Ord. No. 207-70, § 2; Ord. No. 2-81, § 1, 1-22-81; Ord. No. 08-2002, § 1, 3-28-02; Ord. No. 2006-24, § 2.I, 11-9-06) GOLF 691-3433 GOLF TIP OF THE MONTH In South Florida, we will always be playing with some sort of wind, so having a low shot or a punch shot can come in pretty handy. To play a low shot: 1. Move the ball back in your stance, opposite your rear foot; (COUNTRY CLUB continued on page 7) T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 (continued from page 5) • Be aware of your surroundings and of any suspicious persoons) in the area. • Report suspicious activity to the North Palm Beach Departtmen of Public Safety at 848-2525. • Call 911 to report crimes in progress. Is your vehicle a crime waiting to happen?? Remember that village residents can assist the Department of Public Safety with the prevention of Auto Burglaries in North Palm Beach. If you have any questions regarding this topic or any other crime information, please contact Officer Angela Williams at 841-3300. Alarm Yourself A working smoke alarm can mean the difference between life and death. Smoke alarms are designed to wake you up in the event a fire starts in your home. If a smoke alarm is working it will provide the necessary warning and the time needed to escape from your home and away from the fire. A smoke alarm can only protect you if it is working. By maintaining your smoke alarm(s) you can cut your risk of dying in a home fire by as much as half. Make certain your smoke alarms work when you need them. Follow these steps: 1. Install smoke alarms near all of the sleeping areas in the home. Smoke alarms are designed for one function -to wake people up in the event of a fire during the night. 2. Check your smoke alarms on a regular basis to make certain they still work. Although smoke alarms are in 92% of American homes, nearly one-third do not work because of worn or missing batteries. 3. Change your smoke alarm's batteries once a year. Changing the batteries is one of the simplest, most effective ways to reduce your risk of suffering a death or injury from a fire in your home. P a g e 6 A Message from your Public Safety Director There are many organizations that solicit donations on behalf of public safety organizations. Let me clarify the following information: Your tax dollars are what fund the Village’s Department of Public Safety. On an annual basis, an operating budget is completed and the resident tax rate is established. As a Governmental agency, Florida State law and Departmentta policy no longer permit the acceptance of gifts and/or donatioons The Department of Public Safety does however sponsor two in-house volunteer programs that benefit from your generosity. On the Law Enforcement side of the house we have our “Police Explorers” which is a youth based program designed to mentor our young residents towards a career in Law Enforceement They raise funds by renting American Flags to our residents and by various other fund raising programs. On the Fire Rescue side, we have a very active “Volunteer” program which regularly works along side our career Fire Rescue personnne to augment and enhance our service levels to this communnity They too gain monies by seeking donations once a year by mail out and are a “not for profit” organization. If you receive any other request for your donations, they are not sponsored or supported by your Public Safety Department. Thank you, Chief Steve Canfield Director of Public Safety COUNTRY CLUB 691-3420 951 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 DRIVING RANGE HOURS Monday -7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday -9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday -Sunday -7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. LIGHTS OUT at 9:00 p.m. Interested in improving your game? Call the golf shop at (561) 691-3433 and book a lesson today! P a g e 7 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 (continued from page 6) 2. Move your weight to your front foot and leave it there; 3. Move your hands and shaft ahead or in front of the ball; 4. Take one more club (if you were going to use a seven iron switch to a six iron); 5. Grip down 1 to 2 inches on your club; and 6. Make a three quarter backswing and finish with a short and low follow through. When done correctly this will produce a crisply struck and low driving shot. This shot is a very valuable shot to have in your bag when playing into the wind! If you are having trouble with this shot or any other shots give us a call. I am sure we can help you out! Until next time “swing easy in the breezy.” Mike Gray Head Golf Professional POOL 691-3427 Lap lanes Diving Boards 12:00 to 3:30 PM Tuesday thru Friday Saturday 12:00 to 4:00 PM 10:00 to 6:00 PM Saturday Sunday 1:30 to 4:00 PM 12:00 to 6:00 PM Sunday Baby Pools will be open April 15! (weather permitting) NPB Swim Team Monday thru Friday 3:30 to 7:00 PM Ages 9 and up Anyone interested in joining the swim team you may visit us on the web at www.npbswimming.org or call the pool for more information 691-3427 ask for Coach Alf or Coach Cavanah. Masters Swimming is for adults 18 & over, no experience required. Practices are offered 5 times a week. For more information contact Coach Cavanah at (561) 691-3427. Water Aerobics Tuesday & Thursday 12:15 to 1:15 (March) Tuesday & Thursday 10:15-11:15 (April) Water polo Water polo is coming to the NPB pool! If you are interested in playing, contact Alf at 691-3427. Swim Meets will be March 8th, 29th & 30 and April 19th from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm. Ressiidentt and Non--rressiidentt pooll memberrsshiipss arre avaiillablle.. POOL HOURS March 2008 Monday CLOSED Tuesday -Friday 12:00 PM -6:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM -6:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM -6:00 PM April 2008 Monday CLOSED Tuesday -Saturday 10:00 AM -6:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM -6:00 PM TENNIS 626-6515 Resident and Non-resident memberships are available. Private and group lessons may be scheduled with either of our two certiffie professionals. They’re always available to help improve your game. Call the Pro Shop to make an appointment. Club Play – Play is underway so call for possible openings. Women: Tue. 8:00 a.m. and Thurs. 6:30 p.m. Men: T, Th., Sa. 8:00 a.m. and Mon. 6:30 p.m. Mixed: Sat. 4:00 p.m. and Wed. 7:00 p.m. PBCWTA Leagues – This is a morning program and play is underway. We currently have 6 teams B-3, B-2, B-1, A-4, A-3 and A-1. If interested call the office for details and possible openings. Junior & Adult clinics – Adult clinics are held on Friday and Saturday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 (beginner to intermediiate) Junior clinics include Tiny Tots (ages 4-6) and Futuur Stars (ages 7-9) and are scheduled for Tuesday and/or Thursday afternoons. The Grand Slam and Challenger clinics (ages 10-16) are held on Mondays and/or Wednesdays. Junior Tennis Tournament Our monthly tournament will be held Saturday, February 2nd for ages 10 to 16 from noon to 2 p.m. This is a fun event and includes pizza and drinks for a fee of $17.50. Can’’t ffiind a tenniis game? Lett us hellp!! The sttaffff wiillll be organiiziing games ffor our members.. PLEASE NOTE: The Community Calendar received a facelift! The calendar now features ALL NPB activities and events! Don’t worry, your favorite Country Club events are there too! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday EVERY SUNDAY in March: At the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR: SUNDAY BRUNCH ($19.95) CHEF’S CHOICE SPECIALS 11AM -8PM EVERY MONDAY in March: AARP Tax Aid 9AM -1PM At the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR: CHEF’S CHOICE SPECIALS 11AM -9PM EVERY TUESDAY in March: AARP Tax Aid 9AM -1PM AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS at the LIBRRAR 2:30PM At the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR: CHEF’S CHOICE SPECIALS 11AM -9PM EVERY WEDNESDAY in March: AARP Tax Aid 9AM -1PM STORYTIME at the LIBRARY 10:15AM (Ages 2 & 3) & 3PM (Ages 4-7) At the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR: ITALIAN NIGHT BUFFET ALL-YOU-CANEEA ($16.95) EVERY THURSDAY in March: At the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR: CHEF’S CHOICE SPECIALS 11AM -9PM EVERY FRIDAY in March: At the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR: CHEF’S CHOICE SPECIALS 11AM -9PM 1 PRIME RIB DINNER SPECIAL at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR 2 3 “Suess-tacular” Event at the LIBRARY 3:30PM Code Enforcement Board Meeting 6:30PM 4 Planning Commission Meeting 6:30PM JAZZ JAM at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR 5 6 TODDLER TIME at the LIBRARY 1PM (Ages 0 -23 mos.) GAME DAY at the LIBRARY at 3:30PM (Ages 6 -12) 7 RECREATION TRIP to the STRAWBEERR FESTIVAL in Plant City (Fee $75) VILLAGE PLAYERS at the COMMU-8 PRIME RIB DINNER SPECIAL at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR VILLAGE PLAYERS at the COMMUNIIT CENTER 8PM 9 VILLAGE PLAYERS MATINEE 2:30PM VILLAGE PLAYERS AUDITIONS 7PM at the COMMUNITY CENTER 10 11 VILLAGE PLAYERS AUDITIONS 8PM at ANCHORAGE PARK Recreation Advisory Board Meeting 7:30PM JAZZ JAM at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR ELECTION -7AM to 7PM 12 Guest Speaker JOY FIELDING at the LIBRARY 7PM 13 KIDS EXPRESS at the LIBRARY 3:30PM (Ages 8 -12) COUNCIL MEETING 7:30PM 14 VILLAGE PLAYERS at the COMMUNIIT CENTER 8PM 15 HERITAGE DAY Parade 11AM, Carnival 12PM & Poolside Party 7PM PRIME RIB DINNER SPECIAL at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT VILLAGE PLAYERS at the COMMUNIIT CENTER 8PM 16 VILLAGE PLAYERS MATINEE 2:30PM 17 BEING GREEN at the LIBRARY 3:30PM (Ages 4 -10) JIMMY KEYS MUSICAL DINNER SHOW at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAUURAN (call for reservations) HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! 18 Waterways Board Meeting 4PM GENEALOGY CLUB at the LIBRARY 7PM JIMMY KEYS MUSICAL DINNER SHOW at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAUURAN (call for reservations) 19 20 SPRING SQUARE AND CIRCLE DANCING at the LIBRARY 3:30PM (Ages 6 -12) 21 UNDERWATER EGG HUNT at NPBCC POOL 6PM (Ages 13+) FLASHLIGHT EGG HUNT at LAKESIDE PARK 8PM (Ages 8+) VILLAGE PLAYERS at the COMMUNIIT CENTER 8PM 22 EGG HUNT at LAKESIDE PARK 9AM (Children up to 7) PRIME RIB DINNER SPECIAL at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT VILLAGE PLAYERS at the COMMUNIIT CENTER 8PM 23 VILLAGE PLAYERS MATINEE 2:30PM 24 25 Library Advisory Board Meeting 7PM JAZZ JAM at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR 26 27 TODDLER TIME at the LIBRARY 1PM (Ages 0 -23 mos.) MOVIE MAGIC at the LIBRARY 2:30PM (Ages 6 -10) COUNCIL MEETING 7:30PM 28 29 PRIME RIB DINNER SPECIAL at the VILLAGE GREEN RESTAURANT AND BAR MYSTERY NIGHT at the LIBRARY 7PM 30 31 Library Hours: Monday -Thursday: 9AM -7PM Friday -Saturday: 9AM -5PM Sunday: 1PM -5PM Children’s Library opens at NOON. Holiday hours may vary and will be posted. General Pool Hours: Closed Mondays Tuesday -Friday: 12:PM -6PM Saturday: 10AM -6PM Sunday: 12PM -6PM Holiday hours may vary and will be posted. Restaurant Hours: Sunday: 7AM -8PM Monday: 7AM -8PM Tuesday-Saturday: 7AM -11PM Tennis Hours -Club Play: Women -Tuesday: 8AM & Thursday: 6:30PM Men -Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday: 8AM & Monday: 6:30PM Mixed -Saturday: 4PM & Wednesday: 7PM Holiday hours may vary and will be posted. ?? The North Palm Beach Country Club and the Village Green Restaurant and Bar are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ?? North Palm Beach Community Calendar for MARCH 2008 All Village and Country Club /Restaurant events are listed on the calendar. Please refer to the appropriate newsletter section for more information about any of the items shown on these pages. P a g e 1 0 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 ABC Kids Tanya Brown uses hands on approach to explore the alphabet through literature, games and crafts. Games and activities will also enhance your child’s knowledge of numbers, colors, and shapes. This class will also strengthen abilities in followiin directions, turn-taking, cooperation and sharing with peers. Weekly letter themes will weave the snack, craft, and stories together which will make ABC Kids fun! Fee: $85/8wk-AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 212100-01 3-5 yrs T-3/18 10:00-12:00 Cooking & Crafty Kids Tanya Brown will link literature with cooking activity for your preschooler. They will gain “cooking”/food handling skills such as mixing, stirring, spreading, sprinkling, measurinng etc. Children will make their food product, then have a story and craft that relates to what they just prepared, and that will be followed by eating the finished product. They will experience a wide variety of foods. Fee: $100//8wk-AAB Code Age/Level Level Start Time 212400-01 3-5 yrs Th-3/20 10:00-12:00 Preschool Activity North Palm Beach Recreation Department Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building from 9:00 am -7:00 pm on: North Palm Residents: March 3 -7 Non-Residents: March 10 -14 Yearly Non-resident fee: $15.00/single, $25.00/family Students must be pre-registered with the Recreation Dept. before attending a class. Spring Activity Schedule March 2008 Building Codes: Anchorage Activities Building (841-3386) AAB 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Exercise AX 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Art AA 603 Anchorage Dr. Osborne Park (841-3387) OSB 715 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Community Center (841-3389) CC 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Clay Play Your child will be able to experience the thrill of creating objects of art from a lump of clay. They will experience manipulating, building and sculpting the clay. Their art masterpiece will be enhanced by their choice of glazes. All children experience the anticipation of the completed object coming from the kiln! Clay Play will nurture your child’s natural creative talents – and we deal with the mess! Instructoor Karen Hopper. Fees: $90/8wk-AA Code Age/Level Start Time 212300-01 9-10 yrs Th-3/20 4:00-5:30 212300-02 11-12 yrs W-3/19 4:00-5:30 Cheerleading Palm Beach Gymnastics, Cheer & Dance will take students through the basics of cheerleading. Cheers and chants, tumbllin and stunts will be taught by our certified instructors in a safe and fun environment. Students will learn full routines that can be performed at the completion of each session. Give your kids a great group sport that can be carried to their school and other competitive teams or recreation programs. Fee: $95/8wk-OSB Code Age/Level Start Time 211900-01 7 yrs and under F-3/21 3:30-4:15 211900-02 8-13 yrs F-3/21 4:30-5:20 Youth/Teen Activity P a g e 1 1 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Lifeguard Classes For those of you who would like to work as a lifeguard this summer, now is the time to take the class and become certifiies Minimum age is 15 yrs. This class will be held at the pool from 10:00-4:00 on April 8-11 and again May 16-18. Contact Alf at 691-3427 for details. Tae Kwon Do, Beginning Certified instructor Tats Hayashi comes to us from The Martial Arts Institute. In addition to self defense, children taking this class will earn self discipline, self control, and self confidennce The cost of the course includes a free uniform. If you have any further questions, please call Tats at 389-6053. Fee: $130/8wk -AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 231700-01 5-9 yr W-3/19 3:30-4:30 Table Tennis Palm Beach County’s Community Olympic Development Progrra is sending us Ping Zhang to instruct this Table Tennis class for all age levels. Ping came to Palm Beach County from China. He has numerous degrees and certifications in coachiin and teaching this Olympic activity. In this class you will learn many moves such as the forehand counter hit, the push, the no spin serve, topsppi serve, a block against a loop and maybe a loop against a drive! Join us! Fee: $55/mo Code Age/Level Start Time 714200-04 Beg T-4/1 7:30-9:00 Tap/Jazz/Lyrical/Ballet Char-Mar Dance offers a variety of dance opportunities for your child. Children build upon their dance skills and routinnes progressing toward a dance recital in June. Classes are held on Tuesdays. If you are interested in having your child dance, please contact Mary Jane Grant at 369-1619. Water Polo We are starting a water polo league at the NPB pool. You must be at least 15 yrs old to participate and be a very good swimmer. Practice will be 6:30-8:30 Wednesday and Friday nights and 4:00-6:00 on Saturday. If you are interested in particippating contact Alf at 691-3427. Wrestling If you child is interested in wrestling, you won’t want to miss this class! Rummy Macias, former Hall of Fame Wrestling Coach, will teach the basic fundamentals of folk-style wrestliing Fee: $160/10cls -OSB Code Age/Level Start Time 223900-01 10-12 yr T,Th-3/25 4:00-5:15 Ballroom Dance If you have watched “Dancing with the Stars” and wish you could move like Helio, now is your chance! Cecil Pace will teach you how to Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing, Tango, and all the other great ballroom dances. Class is for all skill levels. You must have a partner. For more information, call Cecil at 818-0555. Fee: $10/person/cls-AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 720800-03 All W-3/5 7:00-8:30 Bellydancing Doesn’t belly dancing just intrigue you? They make it look so easy! Now is your chance to learn how! Develop 6-pack abs! We will be offering a beginning class on Tuesday eveniing with Meredith Blue. Meredith has been dancing and teaching for over 10 years. For more information, call Meredith at 252-5972. Fee: $70/8wk -AX Code Age/Level Start Time 225100-01 All T-3/18 6:30-8:00 Bridge I If you don’t know how to play bridge, we can help you out. Abbie Feuer Feuer will get you on your way to years of Bridge enjoymeent This is part 2 of the Audrey Grant Series – Advanced Beginning Bridge. New students will have to purchase the $18 book from Abbie on the first class. Fee: $95/8 wk-AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 221400-01 Beginner II F-3/21 10:00-12:00 Computer, Beginning Does your computer have you frustrated? We are offering a new class for beginners to the computer world! Bill Egan will guide you through computer fundamentals. This class will cover areas such as: ON/OFF, login, mouse clicks, internet, browsers, setup email, files & folders, routers, antivirus, search engines and much more! After this class, your computer will be much more functional to you. Fee: $55/4wk -AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 225800-01 Adult Th-3/20 6:30-8:00 225800-02 Adult Th-4/17 6:30-8:00 Coquettes Mary Mazzetta teaches tap dance and dance routines to adults. The group then performs at local nursing homes. Adults with past tap dance experience are welcome. Fee-$24/8wk – Osb Code Age/Level Start Time 221300-01 Adult Th-3/20 9:30-11:30 (ACTIVITY SCHEDULE continued on page 12) Adult Exercise/Activity P a g e 1 2 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Country Line Dance Terri Bucciarelli continues on Wednesday evenings with her Country Line Dance classes at Osborne Park. These classes are for dancers of all ages. You do not need a partner in order to join the class. Pay by the class; it is ongoing. Stop in on a Wednesday and check it out! Beginners are always welcome! Fee: $5/cls-OSB Code Age/Level Start Time 721000 All W-3/5 7:00-8:30 Duplicate Bridge We offer variety of Duplicate Bridge games for you to attend. Each has a different director. Games are at Osborne Park and the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Call 841-3387 for more information. Fee: $5-$6/player Code Age/Level Start Time 721400-01 Adult Sun 1:00-4:30 721400-02 Adult M 7:00-10:00 721400-06 Adult F 12:30-4:30 Easy, Elegant Entertaining Instructor Shelly Kahn will give you lots of fabulous recipes for hor’sdoevrres appetizers, entrees and desserts. You will learn how to make them and serve it all with style! ($25 materials materials fee due at first class) Fee: $55/4wk – AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 224700-01 All T-3/18 6:30-8:00 224700-03 All T-4/15 6:30-8:00 Fitness Over 50 This is a wonderful movement class for men or women. This class has no pounding, jumping or dancing movements. It class consists primarily of stretching muscles and limbering the joints. Fee: $20/8wk-AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 723800-01 Adult M,W,F-3/3 9:00-10:00 Jazzercise The dance-aerobics class is based on Jazzercise dance movements and steps. Class begins with a warm-up, a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobiics and a muscle toning cool down period. Instructors demonstrate how students can modiif the steps to meet their own fitness needs. Students range from teens up through ladies in their 70’s! First class is free! Try one out and see if this meets your needs! Contact Marti Woschnik at 707-4260 or www.jazzercise.com for more informattion Fee: new students-$70/10wk, (EFT -$32/mo)-OSB Code Age/Level Start Time 721600 All M,W,F 9:30-10:30 721600 All M-M-Th 6:00-7:00 721600 All Sat 9:00-10:00 Train without Pain -Obedience training classes – Robin Billings with The Perfect Pup brings gentle, proven training techniques to you. Train your puppy to behave from day one and have fun doing it. Potty training, good manneers basic obedience, socialization, and so much more will be taught. All family members are encouraged to participate. Pups will learn social skills with other puppies and people which is a very important growth developmeen skill for their future. Elementary Plus class is for dogs that already know basic obedience but want to further their educattio and have some agility fun! Bring 6-foot leash, collar, water, plastic bags, and soft treats. All dogs must be vaccinated including the kennel cough vaccine. If you have any questions, please call Robin at 351-8008 Fee: $150/6wk -AX Class Age/Level Start Time Puppy Pre-K -6 mo 3/30 5:00-6:00 Elem Training 6 mo + 3/30 6:15-7:15 Elem Plus 6 mo + 3/30 7:30-8:30 Shelly’s Single Supper Club Shelly Kahn will show you how to prepare many different Florida style cuisines featuring many native Floridian ingredients and cooking techniques. Fee: $55/4wk – AAB ($25 materials fee due at first class) Code Age/Level Start Time 224700-02 All W-3/19 6:30-8:00 224700-04 All W-4/16 6:30-8:00 Spanish Living in South Florida, knowledge of this language could prove to be very beneficial to you. The beginniin conversational Spanish class is designed for individuals who have little or no knowledge of Spanish. Emphasis will be placed on acquiring basic vocabulary, grammar and pronunciatiio skills for “Survival Spanish” via dialogue. Stop wishing you could understand Spanish – and join this class. Spanish II is for students who have prior Spanish knowledge. You will need to purchase a book entitled “Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way” by Barrons which can be purchased at Barnes & Noble. Instructor is Sandy Joseph. Fee: $80/8wk-AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 225900-01 Spanish II W-3/19 5:30-7:00 125900-02 Spanish I Th-3/20 7:00-8:30 Stress Reduction How can we handle life with its many challenges and opportunitiie and still stay balanced. Join us for information on stress reduction, aromatherapy, and more. Relax and leave your probleem behind! Tuesday, March 25 at 11:00 am .Fee: $0-AAB RSVP your seat by calling 841-3386. Table Tennis Ping Zhang instructs this Table Tennis class for all age levels. Ping came to Palm Beach Country from China. He has numerous degrees and certifications in coaching and P a g e 1 3 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 teaching this Olympic activity. In this class you will learn many moves such as the forehand counter hit, the push, the no spin serve, topspin serve, a block against a loop and maybe a loop against a drive! Join us! Fee: $55/mo -OSB Code Age/Level Start Time 72400-04 Adults T-4/1 7:45-8:45 Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong Practice these ancient methods of health cultivation and mindfulnness Bring together the forces of mind, body and spirit to develop a daily practice of self-care, balance and spiritual harmoony Quieting the mind and feeling the breath and body in motion stimulate natural healing powers which strengthen the immune system. Learn useful techniques and forms in your very first class! Your guide, John Cook, is a Certified Advannce Instructor of Inner Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 10 years of experience sharing his practiic with those seeking skillful means. Fee: $50/5 wk or $15/cls -AX Code Age/Level Start Time 723500-03 All F-3/7 9:30-10:30 Yoga Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves stress/anxiety and strengthens abdominal muscles. It helps improve flexibility of the spine and all joints. You will learn yoga postures, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxatiio techniques. This class is for all levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine. Fee: $50/5cls or $15/cls-AX Code Age/Level Start Time 722900-01 Adult M-3/17 10:30-12:00 722900-01 Adult W-3/19 6:00-7:30 722900-01 Adult Sat-3/22 9:00-10:30 Annual Egg Hunt Don’t miss it and don’t be late! Egg Hunt for youth up to 7 years of age will begin promptly at 9:00 am at Lakeside Park on Saturday, March 22. Hunt will be divided into 3 sections, one for children under 3 years of age, one for children 4-5 yrs and one for youth 6 – 7 yrs. Parents can help childrre only in the 3 and under section. Children should bring their own baskets. The Easter Bunny will be on hand to lead the frenzy and then sit for photos. Flashlight Egg Hunt Kids 8 – 12 can enjoy a night hunt on Friday, March 21, 8:00 pm at Lakeside Park. Be sure to bring a flashlight with fresh batteries and Looking Forward something to stash your goodies in! This is fun to watch, even if you don’t have kids participating! Please – NO children under the age of 8!! They have their own hunt on Saturdaay Underwater Egg Hunt This program is for teens 13 years and up. Participants must be proficient swimmers! You will be diving into the pool to gather eggs from the bottom! This exciting activiit will begin at 6:00 on Friday, March 21st. No masks ---goggles fine. Bring somethhin to gather your eggs in! Spring Day Camp Will be April 7 -11. The cost is $150/child. Camp hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm at the Community Center. The camp is for kids 7-12 years of age. Campers will enjoy organized indoor and outdoor activity and 3 field trips. Complete schedules are available by contacting Bill at begaanvillage-np.org or visiting the recreation pages of www.village-npb.org. Pre-register at the Anchorage Park Activiitie Bldg. by March 28. Fishing Buddy Looking for someone to go fishing with? We are compiling a list of people who would like to meet other people for fishing. If you are interested in getting your name on the list, please call 841-3386 or email your information to recreatiionvillage-npb.org. We will need name, phone, email address, if you have a boat, if you want inshore or offshore partners or both and when you are generally available for fishing. Flick & Float Join us in an evening of water fun and a movie on May 17th from 7:30-9:30 pm at the pool. Enjoy watching “Finding Nemo” on our giant 20’ outdoor movie screen. Bring your own float! Cost is $2/person. For more details ab out Heritage Day or any of the events and classes listed, please call the Recreation Dept. at 841-3386 or visit the recreation pages of the Village’s website at: www.village-npb.org P a g e 1 4 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 VILLAGE MANAGER’S MESSAGE Each year on March 17th, many of us become “honorary Irish” men and women donning green clothes or even a “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” pin for fun. It is all in good fun now, but the holiday itself has undergone several transformaation over the centuries. The holiday began as a celebration of St. Patrick—best known for being creditte with driving all of the snakes out of Ireland—but evolved to have great political significance in this counttr as well. Consider this history of the holiday (as published on the History Channel’s website, at www.history.com/minisites/stpatricksday): The First Parade St. Patrick's Day is celebraate on March 17, his religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for thousands of years. On St. Patrick's Day, which falls during the Christiia season of Lent, Irish families would traditionalll attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumpptio of meat were waived and people would dance, drink, and feast—on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage. The first St. Patrick's Day parade took place not in Ireland, but in the United States. Irish soldiers serving in the English military marched through New York City on March 17, 1762. Along with their music, the parade helped the soldiers to reconnnec with their Irish roots, as well as fellow Irishmen serving in the English army. Over the next thirty-five years, Irish patriotism among American immigrants flourished, promptiin the rise of so-called "Irish Aid" societies, like the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick and the Hiberniia Society. Each group would hold annual paraade featuring bagpipes (which actually first becaam popular in the Scottish and British armies) and drums. No Irish Need Apply Up until the mid-nineteenth century, most Irish immigrrant in America were members of the Protestaan middle class. When the Great Potato Famine hit Ireland in 1845, close to a million poor, uneducatted Catholic Irish began to pour into America to escape starvation. Despised for their religious beliief and funny accents by the American Protestant majority, the immigrants had trouble finding even menial jobs. When Irish Americans in the country's cities took to the streets on St. Patrick's Day to celebrrat their heritage, newspapers portrayed them in cartoons as drunk, violent monkeys. However, the Irish soon began to realize that their great numbers endowed them with a political power that had yet to be exploited. They started to organizze and their voting block, known as the "green machine," became an important swing vote for polittica hopefuls. Suddenly, annual St. Patrick's Day parades became a show of strength for Irish Americaans as well as a must-attend event for a slew of political candidates. In 1948, President Truman attennde New York City 's St. Patrick's Day parade, a proud moment for the many Irish whose ancestors had to fight stereotypes and racial prejudice to find acceptance in America. Wearing of the Green Goes Global Today, St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by people of all backgrounds in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Although North America is home to the largest productions, St. Patrick's Day has been celebraate in other locations far from Ireland, including Japan, Singapore, and Russia. In modern-day Ireland, St. Patrick's Day has traditionnall been a religious occasion. In fact, up until the 1970s, Irish laws mandated that pubs be closed on March 17. Beginning in 1995, however, the Irish (VILLAGE MANAGER’S MESSAGE continued on page 15) JIMMY KNIGHT VILLAGE MANAGER 841-3380 501 U.S. Highway 1 jknight@village-npb.org North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 P a g e 1 5 T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R M a r c h 2 0 0 8 government began a national campaign to use St. Patrick's Day as an opportunity to drive tourism and showcase Ireland to the rest of the world. Last year, close to one million people took part in Irelaan 's St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin, a multi-day celebration featuring parades, concerts, outdoor theater productions, and fireworks shows. Although the Village’s annual Heritage Day event is not tied to the St. Patrick’s Day holiday, it is similar in that it is an opportunity for our community to come together and enjoy a parade, concerts, and even fireworks. This year’s Heritage Day festival will be on Saturday, March 15th so come on out and show us the North Palm Beach spirit just as the Irish do for St. Patrick’s Day! We look forward to seeing you all there and as always, thank you for helping to make North Palm Beach … …the best place to live under the sun! Sincerely, Jimmy Knight Village Manager OPERATION PHONE HOME The Village of North Palm Beach is currenntl fostering three military units overseeas Two of the units are in Bagdad and Tiji, Iraq and the other is in Bagram, Afghaniistan Your mission, should you choose to accept it is to provide our fostered soldiers a chance to PHONE HOME. The men and women of our nation’s armed services who are serving their country abroad are so far away from their homes and loved ones and they need your help! Please consider donattin an international calling card so that a soldier can phone home. If you wish to help, please drop off your calling card to the NPB Village Clerk’s offiic at 501 U.S. Highway 1. You can call the Clerk’s office for more information at (561) 841-3355. The goal is 210 phone cards — and we can’t do it without your help! Suppor t Your Local Businesses Annual Heritage Day Festival & Parade Mark your calendars now! The annual Heritage Festival is cominng This year’s event will be held on Saturday, March 15, 2008! The parade will be Saturday morninng We’re looking for parade entries: clubs, organized groups, antique cars, floats, bands, etc. We are also looking for festival sponsors. If you or your business would be interested in helping make this festival a fun, familyfrieendl event, we can use your support! For more details, please call the Recreation Dept. at 841-3386 or visit the recreation pages of www.village-npb.org OUR NEWSLETTER IS CHANGING… in the upcoming months our Village Newsletter will receive a much needed facelift. But don’t worry! It’s only a facelift — it will still be the newsletter you’ve grown to love so much. In this issue, the Community Calendar features a greater variety of the events covered in detail throughout this newsletter. Many of you have called or written to let us know how you feel about the newsletter and we’ve listened! We are eager to improve the layout and design of the newsletter to better serve you — our residents! THANK YOU for your interest and appreciation. And don’t forget you can always view the newsletter online at: www.village-npb.org. T h e V i l l a g e N E W S L E T T E R P a g e 1 6 M a r c h 2 0 0 8 Village Manager 841-3380 Public Safety Village Clerk 841-3355 Non Emergency 848-2525 Building Dept. 841-3365 Emergency 911 Finance 841-3360 Country Club 841-3359 Public Works 691-3440 Administration 691-3420 Recreation 841-3388 Driving Range 626-0732 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Golf Shop 691-3433 Community Center 841-3389 Pool 691-3427 Osborne Park 841-3387 Tennis 626-6515 Library 841-3383 Restaurant 691-3430 Village Historian 841-3371 ?? VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS ?? VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D. Mayor William Manuel Vice Mayor David B. Norris President Pro Tem Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D. Councilman T. R. Hernacki, P.E. Councilman ? ? ? Jimmy Knight Village Manager Melissa Teal, CMC Village Clerk ? ? ? Village Council members may be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Village Council ..........................................................2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Code Enforcement Board ................................................ 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ........................................................on call Country Club Advisory Board .................................. . 2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Library Advisory Board ................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Planning Commission ........................................... ....... 1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m. Recreation Advisory Board..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Waterways Board ...................................next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment.....................................................................on call All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting.