12-2007 Newsletter éÕØçÔÑÑÜÖØ ïøæêñøééøë V N P B, 501 US H #1, N P B, FL 33408 ILLAGEOFORTHALMEACHWYORTHALMEACH NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE VILLAGE COUNCIL Village Council2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. .......................................................... Code Enforcement Board.................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal........................................................on call William Manuel, Vice Mayor Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. David B. Norris, President Pro Tem Library Advisory Board................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D., Councilman T. R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman Planning Commission...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m. Recreation Advisory Board..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Village Council members may be Waterways Board..................................next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 p.m. contacted through the office of the ..................................................................... Zoning Board of Adjustmenton call Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting. Village Manager 841-3380 Village Clerk 841-3355 Finance 841-3360 UPCOMING EVENTS Public Services 691-3440 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Park 841-3387 Holiday Boat Parade - Saturday, December 1, 2007 beginning at Library 841-3383 6:00 PM at Peanut Island. Parade Hotline: 561-845-9010 Website: Village Historian 841-3371 www.pbboatparade.com (see page 10) Public Safety: Non Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Tree Lighting Ceremony - Wednesday, December 5th, 2007 Country Club 841-3359 7:00 p.m. at Village Hall (see Page 10) Administration 691-3420 Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 Hanukkah Candle Lighting Ceremony - Tuesday, December 4th, Pool 691-3427 2007 at 5:30 p.m. at 844 Prosperity Farms Road. Contact 624-7004 Tennis 626-6515 for more information Restaurant 691-3430 Friends of the Library - Annual Bake Sale - Saturday, December 8, 2007 ôÏÊÔÙØÉÕÔÊÔÊÊÈØ (see page 4) çÔÑÑÜÖØúÎÈÏÚÔÑçÔÑÑÜÖØúÑØËÒ   Recreation Holiday Events (see page 10) úÎÐÐÈÏÔÉÄùØÇØÑÎÍÐØÏÉ   Village Holiday Closing Schedules (see pages 5 & 12) ñÔÛËÜËÄ úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛøÇØÏÉÊ  Holiday Refuse Schedule (see page 12) úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛúÜÑØÏÙÜË  ðÜÏÜÖØËiÊðØÊÊÜÖØ  AARP Tax-Aide Program Needs Volunteers (see page3) íÈÛÑÔÚêÜ×ØÉÄ  ëØÚËØÜÉÔÎÏ Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org ûÈÑÑØÉÔÏûÎÜËÙ   establish a procedure for the approval of similar uses COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN through the issuance of a special permit. Resolution 2007-90 Approves a contract award to Ordinance 2007-17 Amends Division 4, “Pension and Certain Charles S. Whiteside, Inc. to proceed with the additional con- Other Benefits for Fire and Police Employees,” of Article V, crete pathway construction on the golf course. “Pensions and Retirement Systems,” of Chapter 2, Resolution 2007-91 Approves a contract for golf course main- “Administration,” amending Section 2-166 to authorize foreign tenance services with International Golf Maintenance, Inc. investments. Amends the 2006-2007 budget to cor- Resolution 2007-92 NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES rect an under funding of the Police and Fire Pension Plan. The Village Council will hold Public Hearings and consider Resolution 2007-93 Amends the budget for the purpose of enactment of the following Ordinances on December 13, transferring unused capital expenditure money to the Capital 2007: Projects Fund for use in the 2007-08 fiscal year. Ordinance 2007-18 – Rezoning 872 U.S. Highway 1 from C-A Resolution 2007-94 Approves an agreement for tennis profes- Commercial Zoning District to C-1A Limited Commercial Zon- sional services with Richard Waidelich. ing District. Resolution 2007-95 Approves an Interlocal Agreement with the Ordinance 2007-19 – Restricting overnight parking of specified City of Palm Beach Gardens to provide interim building inspec- vehicles in residential zoning districts, and providing for enforce- tion and plan review services. ment. Resolution 2007-96 Amends the 2006-2007 Country Club Ordinance 2007-20 – Providing for the creation of a Golf Com- Budget for the purpose of transferring and reallocating funds mittee and dissolving the Country Club Advisory Board. among various departments. Ordinance 2007-21 – Increasing the annual commercial use Resolution 2007-97 Amends the 2007-2008 budget for the pur- property waste disposal fees to reflect the increased rates estab- pose of transferring funds from various golf course maintenance lished by the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority. accounts into the golf course contractual services account and to All members of the public are invited to appear at the public the council contingency account. hearings and be heard with respect to proposed ordinances. Resolution 2007-98 Approves contract award to John C. The proposed ordinances may be inspected at the Village Cassidy Air Conditioning, Inc. for the replacement of one fresh Clerk's office, 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach or on air make-up air handler and the insulation of chilled water pipes the Village Website at www.village-npb.org. For more infor- at the Country Club Clubhouse. mation call the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355. Resolution 2007-99 Appointing members to the Construction VILLAGE CLERK NEWS Board of Adjustment & Appeals, Waterways Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR GOLF COMMITTEE: The Resolution 2007-100 Extends the professional service agree- Village Council is establishing a Golf Committee to serve in an ment with Michael Redd and Associates for construction ad- advisory capacity to the Village Council with respect to the ministration services relating to Phase Two of the Northlake Country Club golf operations. The Golf Committee will consist Boulevard Streetscape Project. of a total of 7 members: 5 regular members and 2 alternate mem- Resolution 2007-101 Amends the 2006-2007 General Fund bers. The Council shall appoint one committee member from the Budget for the purpose of transferring and reallocating funds village men's golf association and one committee member from among various departments. the village women's golf association. As to the remaining regu- lar members, one shall be non-resident golf member of the coun- Resolution 2007-102 Authorizing and directing the payment of try club and one shall be a resident golf member of the country $59,491.69 to the Village Police and Fire Pension Plan to fund club. The initial terms of appointment will be staggered and the Village’s required contribution for the 2006-07 fiscal year. thereafter the terms shall be two years for regular members and Resolution 2007-103 Adopts an administrative policy regarding one year for alternates. The committee shall schedule at least retiree insurance benefits. one (1) regular meeting per month to be held at Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One. Applications are available from the Village Resolution 2007-104 Approving and authorizing the purchase Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, by call- of two 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Interceptor Marked Patrol www.village-npb.org ing 841-3355 or on the website at . Vehicles from Bobby Jones Ford. Resolution 2007-105 VOLUNTEER NEEDED – ASSOCIATE VILLAGE HISTO- Approving and authorizing the purchase RIAN: of three Unmarked Patrol Vehicles pursuant to pricing estab- A volunteer is needed to assist the Village Historian lished by the Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract. with the collection, filing, cataloging, and display of historical artifacts and records. Ordinance 2007-16 Amends Article II, “Generally,” of Ap- pendix C, “Zoning,” to create a new Section 45-16.1 and (Village Clerk News Continued on Page 3) Community Development 841-3365 (Village Clerk News Continued from Page 2) 501 U. S. Highway One Applicants are required to be residents of the Village. Ap- North Palm Beach, FL 33408 plications are available from the Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, by calling 841-3355, or from CODE OF THE MONTH the website: www.village-npb.org ARTICLE II. DOGS AND CATS VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD: One volunteer is needed for the Recreation Advisory Sec. 4-27. Prohibited in certain areas; exceptions. Board. Applicants must be Village residents. The Recreation (a) The owner of any dog or cat shall not permit or allow such Advisory Board meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of dog or cat to be or enter upon any church premises, public hall or every month, in the Conference Room at Village Hall. The Rec- building, school premises, restaurant, store, market or any place reation Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the where food or drink is commercially dispensed or sold. Village Council and makes recommendations as to present and (b) No person, being the owner of any dog or cat, shall permit future recreation activities, planning, recreation programs, capi- the same to be in any public park of the village unless the village tal improvements and facilities and other matters relating to the council has set aside a portion or portions of public parks for overall recreational activity of the Village. Applications are exclusive usage as a dog park. available from the Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 (c) Any dog or cat found running at large in any public park of U.S. Highway 1, by calling 841-3355, or from the website at the village shall be impounded by the police department in the www.village-npb.org . manner provided for in section 4-30. POLL WORKERS: Poll Workers perform a vital service to (d) The provisions of paragraphs (a) through (c) shall not apply their community as an important part of the elections process. to guide and service dogs pursuant to F.S. section 413.08, nor The Village Clerk and the Palm Beach County Supervisor of shall the provisions of paragraphs (a) through (c) apply to dogs Elections are always seeking to recruit additional poll workers and cats being exhibited at pet shows or dog training schools for municipal and general elections. To become a poll worker during the time said shows and training schools are being con- you must be a registered voter in Palm Beach County, fill out a ducted, all of which must be within the confines of premises and poll worker application for the Palm Beach County Supervisor areas set out in paragraphs (a) through (c), above. of Elections, attend an orientation class, and complete a mini- (Code 1970, §§ 4-11, 4-12; Ord. No. 206-70, § 9; Ord. No. 13- mum of 3 to 7 hours of training prior to each election, depending 80, § 1, 6-12-80; Ord. No. 25-98, § 1, 10-8-98; Ord. No. 02- on which position is filled. 2004, § 1, 1-22-04) Precinct Clerk: In charge of all operations at the precinct and Sec. 4-28. Running at large. has added responsibilities prior to election day such as picking (a) Dogs on streets and side- up supplies the day before an election and inspecting the polling walks. No person owning or place. having possession, charge, Assistant Clerk: Assists the Clerk and shares his/her duties as custody or control of any dog shall cause, permit needed and substitutes if the Clerk is unable to serve. or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other manner to be Inspectors: Processes and assists voters in casting their ballots at large in or upon any public street or sidewalk unless accompa- Precinct Deputy: Maintains peace and good order on the out- nied by an attendant who shall have such dog firmly held by col- side of the polling location. lar and leash, which leash is not to exceed eight (8) feet in Precinct Advisor: Utilizes the laptop to retrieve and verify length. voter information. (b) Dogs on property of others. No person owning or having For more information on these paid positions, please contact the possession, charge, custody or control of any dog shall cause, Supervisor of Elections at 656-6200, visit the website at permit or allow the dog to stray, run, be, go or in any other man- www.pbcelections.org or call the Village Clerk’s office at 841- ner to be at large in or upon private property of others within the 3355. village without the express or implied consent of the owner of such private property. AARP Tax-Aide Program – volunteers needed for Palm (c) Cats. No person owning, harboring or having in his posses- Beach County: The AARP Tax-Aide program needs volunteers sion any cat shall knowingly permit or allow such cat to run at to help senior citizens and low/moderate income individuals large within the village, or knowingly allow such cat to be upon prepare their 2007 tax returns. All volunteers will receive train- any street, boulevard, road or alley of the village or in any yard ing and are asked to serve for four hours one day each week dur- or enclosure other than the yard or enclosure occupied or owned ing tax season. For more information contact Bill Dwyer at tax- by such cat owner between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 will@gmail.com or (561)594-1035. a.m. To our residents (Code 1970, § 4-21; Ord. No. 206-70, § 12; Ord. No. 3-75, § 1; Ord. No. 10-76, § 3, 6-10-76) Ø¿°°§ ر´·¼¿§­ ¿²¼ Þ»­¬ É·­¸»­ º±® °»¿½»ô ¸»¿´¬¸ô ¿²¼ ¸¿°°·²»­­ ·² ¬¸» Ò»© Ç»¿® (Continued on Page 11) º®±³ §±«® Ê·´´¿¹» Ý´»®µ ¿²¼ ͬ¿ºº Genealogy Club Meeting LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their Decem- North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 th ber meeting on Tuesday, December 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room at the Library. Our meetings are open to all ge- nealogy enthusiasts. If you have any questions, please contact DECEMBER IN THE LBRARY Sue at 841-3383. Don’t forget to utilize our genealogy databases available at the Library. Heritage Quest and ProQuest Obituaries Holiday Closings are also available by remote access. The Library will be closed Monday, December 24th CHILDREN’S SERVICES Tuesday, December 25th, 2007 and January 1, 2008. IDENTITY THEFT PROGRAM Paul I. Auerbach, Esq. of Palm Beach Gardens will be the fea- th tured speaker on Wednesday, December 5 at 2:00 p.m in the Obert Meeting Room. Mr. Auerbach is a graduate of Brooklyn WINTER HOLIDAY PROGRAM Law School. He will lecture on the illegal usage of another’s name, Social Security Number, or credit card use, in other th Thursday, December 13, at 3:30, ages 4 through 12 are wel- words your identity, and what we can do to prevent it. come to listen to stories, music, make crafts and watch a movie. DONATE THE DISCOUNT TUMBLEBOOK LIBRARY COLLECTION Have you heard? We have Tumblebooks especially for you! Log onto our website: www.village-npb.org/library, scroll to Library, then to TUMBLEBOOKS. Turn up your speakers and enjoy reading along with the colorful, musical, animated books. There are several options available: listen, read along or read alone. Also, try the puzzles and game section! GAME DAY Purchase your holiday gifts for someone special, avoid the crowds and make a donation to the NPB Library at the same th Thursday, December 6, at 3 p.m., ages 6 through 10 will enjoy time. Pay the full price for a book from the November and/or our games or bring a favorite. Invite some friends for lots of fun. th December BOOK PAGE by December 10. While we have to There is always time for TWISTER! charge sales tax, you will receive a donation receipt for a value equal to 35% of the list price of the book. KIDS EXPRESS th Friday, December 7, at 3 p.m., ages 9 through 12 are invited to FOR YOUR SWEET TOOTH a specially designed, fun-filled, fast-paced hour. Let’s hear what Annual Bake Sale sponsored by the Friends of the Library will you think is hot and what’s not. be held on Saturday, December 8, 2007 from 10-5 in the Li- brary Lobby. Homemade goodies are being donated by the TODDLER TIME residents, Library patrons and the Friends of the Library. Hand- th Saturday, December 15, at 10:15, birth to 23 months will enjoy, made crafts and gift baskets will be raffled. All profits will be music, movement, cuddles, color and lots more! This is an inter- donated to the Library. active program introducing your toddler to our Library and books. BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The NPB Book Discussion Group will meet on December 18th Interpreter of Maladies at 10 a.m. to discuss the book, by Jhumpa Lahiri. Book discussion schedules and copies of the books are available in the Library. Í«°°±®¬ DZ«® ANNUAL FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Ô±½¿´ BOOK SALE Þ«­·²»­­»­ Mark your calendar for the Friends of the Library book sale on January 24-26, 2008. Thousands of Used, Donated and Dis- carded items will be available for purchase. Clean donations POOL 691-3427 Country Club Golf Shop 691-3433 951 US Highway #1 POOL HOURS North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 DECEMBER Another golf season is upon us and we would like to welcome everyone back for CLOSED MONDAYS another great year! The golf course is now Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM one year old and I believe everybody can Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM see the improvement and maturation of the Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM golf course from this time a year ago. The course will only get better as time goes on. HOLIDAY POOL HOURS We certainly appreciate the care all the December 24th Closed golfers show the course by filling in your December 25th Closed divots, fixing your ball marks and driving the carts in the appro- December 31st Closed priate areas. Please keep it up!! January 1st Closed The holiday’s are just around the corner and the golf shop is VARIATION OF HOLIDAY POOL HOURS POSTED fully stocked and ready to help with your holiday gift needs. AT SWIM OFFICE. Our men’s and ladies golf apparel section is full of the latest fashions from Tehama, E.P. Pro, Izod, Sport Haley for the WATER AEROBICS women to Fairway & Green, Nicklaus, Smith & Tweed, and Izod for men. Also do not forget to check out our large selec- Water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are held tion of Foot Joy shoes. If there is a golf club you would like Tuesday and Thursday at 12:15 - 1:15 PM at the Country Club and we do not have it in stock, please let us know, we can spe- Pool. Certified instructor is Jane Burge. Cost is $5/class. cial order it for you! WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN! Effective immediately tee times may be made at 6:45 a.m. by calling the golf shop. TENNIS 626-6515 Ø¿ª» ¿ ¹®»¿¬ ¸±´·¼¿§ ­»¿­±² ¿²¼ µ»»° ·¬ ­¬®¿·¹¸¬ ¼±©² ¬¸» ³·¼¼´»ÿÿ Tennis Tip From Rich Mike Gray, Head Golf Professional “Playing on a Windy Day” DRIVING RANGE HOURS As we move towards the Winter Tennis Season players have to Monday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. contend with windy conditions over extended periods of time. Here are a few suggestions to play well on blustery days: Tuesday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Shorten your backswing on ground strokes to allow you to Wednesday - Sunday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. time a wind blown ball better. LIGHTS OUT AT 9:00 p.m. Get to net!!! It is easier to hit volleys than ground strokes Interested in improving your game call the golf shop and book a during windy conditions. lesson today! Have the stronger server serve into the wind and the weaker server have the wind at their back. HOLIDAY HOURS Relax and remember it is windy on your opponents side of Administration Office 691-3420 the court as well! December 24th CLOSED December 25th CLOSED Richard Waidelich January 1st CLOSED Head Tennis Professional USPTR, USPTA Golf Course 691-3433 HOLIDAY HOURS December 24th Last 18 holes at 12 Noon Last 9 holes at 2:00PM Tennis 626-6515 December 25th CLOSED December 24th Closed at 1:00 PM December 31st Last 18 holes at 12 Noon December 25th CLOSED Last 9 holes at 2:00 PM December 31st CLOSED - 1:00 PM January 1st OPEN January 1st CLOSED - 1:00 PM Driving Range CHECK OUT OUR JUNIOR December 24th Closed at 4:00 PM December 25th CLOSED AND ADULT PROGRAM December 31st Closed at 4:00 PM (Tennis Schedule Continued on Page 10) January 1st OPEN unhappy, stressed out. But those are the simple untruths Village Manager’s Message 841-3380 we tell ourselves everyday. The frequency of the telling Jimmy Knight, Village Manager doesn't make them come true. jknight@village-npb.org Finding Oneself at This Time Dear Resident: No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs, the holidays The December holiday season has arrived and there are many for most people involve some understanding that we should be special events occurring around the Village that we want to celebrating something very special. In celebrating, though, we make sure you make note of on your calendars: often lose sight of the things that are truly important in our lives. We get tangled up in the specifics and forget the general point. The annual Holiday Boat Parade takes place on Saturday, It's like a person who spends a year getting ready to throw a big December 1, 2007 beginning at 6:00 PM at Peanut Island party for themselves to enjoy.... But then the party comes and and enters the Intracoastal Waterway around Old Port they spend so much time fretting the details, they forgot to enjoy Cove and past the Parker draw bridge around 6:30 PM. themselves. What was the point? What is the point of a holiday you don't give yourself time to enjoy? What is the point of obli- The annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held at gations if you feel obligated to do them?? Village Hall on Wednesday, December 5, 2007 at 7:00 PM. The North Palm Beach Elementary Chorus returns to enter- Ahh, you say, well, that's what makes them obligations in the tain and help start our holiday season. first place. But really, are they? Who puts obligations on to us? Our parents? No, we're grown adults now. We don't have to do Our Village Recreation Department will again be offering what they say or ask of us. We have free will, and if we don't Santa trolley rides, Santa visits, Santa’s Ho Ho Hotline and want to go to a family gathering, we can simply choose not to. It Santa’s mailbox . . . with details described elsewhere in this doesn't make us bad people, nor does it mean we don't love our newsletter. family. It means, simply, that sometimes we need to find our own way to celebrate that feels genuine and real to us. And that I recently ran across this article written by John M. Grohol, means throwing obligations out the door sometimes. Obligation Holidays and Christmas and felt it worth of Psy.D. Titled is just another word for a choice where we don't feel like we sharing, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! have much of a choice. The lie most people believe about obli- The holidays are a time of year, almost a rite of passage one gations is that the choice doesn't exist. But the truth is simple -- might say, that you either love or dread. There's little in be-you do have a choice. tween. Most folks look forward to the holidays and Christmas What Do You Value? on some level, perhaps believing they can or will rekindle that childhood feeling of innocence and wonder that usually accom- Wrested free of obligations, perhaps now is the time to take a panies this time of the year. Most folks, however, don't usually good hard look at your life and what you value. Your friends, feel the same kind of anticipation toward the familiar obliga- your loved ones, your family? The car, the home, the boat, the tions the holidays often bring. Few folks look at the time as an stereo, the television, your CD or DVD collection?? Having opportunity to reflect upon the meaning of the holidays, and employment, curbside trash service, running water, a roof, suffi- why they are meant to be important and special. cient food and heat? Fast food, Wal-Mart, Target, Macy's, and your local deli? Hot soup on a cold day, snow in the winter, sun The Meaning Revealed in the summer? The breath that you're taking right now, even as The holidays aren't about presents or Santa Claus. They aren't you read these words with two perfectly good eyes, moving a meant only for children (as some believe), but rather for all of mouse with a perfectly good hand connected to a working arm?? The ability not only to receive love given to you, but to give it us. They aren't about seeing the family and having to sit through as well? the stress of another family dinner. They aren't just for Chris-... With a heart that grows not based upon the size of tians or Jews or African-Americans or people who believe in one's wallet or the knowledge we gain, but with simple openness something. They aren't about gorging ourselves on sweets and and age? food. They aren't about watching football or parades or singing Honestly now, do you value more the lies you tell yourself eve- carols in a cold winter's night. They aren't about decorating ryday or the truth that you are afraid to admit? The familiar lies Christmas trees or stringing up thousands of lights on the out- such as "I'm not good enough," "Nobody loves me," "I'm fat and side of one's house. ugly," "I'm stupid," "I'll never feel better"? Why do you value The holidays and Christmas are a time to take a good look these lies so much?? Maybe because you've been telling them to around you. They are about finding something spiritual and yourself for so long, you're starting to believe them. But lies wonderful about yourself, your life, and the people who fill it hold no value -- you give them meaning and substance by con- and make it special. Not to just give thanks or show apprecia-tinuing to believe them. The minute you choose to let go of tion through some materialistic and commercial sense, but to them, they will lose their substance and the truth of you will be understand that you have a lot. Despite everything, you are revealed -- that you are beautiful, loved, and special in this alive, relatively well, and have a life filled with people that love world. you. Yes, you may not realize it or even believe it to be true, but it is nonetheless. You may feel unlovable, unloved, Village Manager’s Message Continued on Page 9) ( Public Safety 848-2525 (Village Manager’s Message Continued from Page 8) 560 U. S. Highway One Wrested free of the trappings of the holidays as experi- North Palm Beach, FL 33408 enced by most, you become free, genuine, and unique. You remember what it means to be alive in this world, to ex- A MESSAGE FROM YOUR perience life -- the joys, the pain, the achievements, the losses. PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR Everything. It is there for you. Today. Tomorrow, maybe. But today, definitely. Go out and enjoy it, enjoy yourself (maybe On behalf of the personnel at your Department of Public Safety, for a change). Enjoy the life you've made and the future life that we wish all of our residents, businesses, schools, houses of wor- is open to endless possibilities, limited only by your own imagi- ship and visitors a safe and joyous holiday season. While most nation. of us are planning family events and thinking happy thoughts, we do want to remind you that there are hazards associated with the I have no magical answers, no words of wisdom or insight into holidays. A little bit of precaution can make a big difference in how you can get to a point in your life where you can feel helping you and your family stay safe. Please read the police again, feel true to yourself, feel happiness at the life that you've and fire tips carefully and remember that if you have any ques- chosen. Except this -- that life is a choice we make every single tions about holiday safety, please give us a call. day that we're alive. How we react and interact with others, the types of relationships we choose to have with our families and Your Public Safety Department has “adopted” several local friends, the choices of careers, education, and loved ones. needy families that we will be helping this holiday season. If These are all conscious choices we make. What we value or you want to contribute to this cause, there is a box for new and don't value. Choosing to pursue even more materialism in an unwrapped toys in our lobby, or you can contact our Community already materialistic world. It's your choice. Policing Officer, Angela Williams @ 841-3300 for further infor- mation. The world of you is open to your own exploration. This holiday season, while celebrating the special joys of the world, take a A MESSAGE FROM YOUR FIRE DEPARMENT moment to celebrate the special joys of you. Because the real secret of the holidays and Christmas is that the love and joy of the season is about the love and joy we can choose to share with one another. You and the love you have to give are what make this world special. Peace to you. Now that holiday season is in full swing, your Fire Rescue wants to remind you to be careful in your choice of decorations. A few simple steps can help you make this time of year safe and enjoy- able for everyone. Never leave candles burning when unattended. Better yet, use “flameless” candles. Make sure to use the proper light string for the location. Not all light strings, or extension cords, are rated for outdoor use. Check the UL rating prior to use. Ó»®®§ ݸ®·­¬³¿­ ¿²¼ Be careful not to put too many light strings and electrical Ø¿°°§ ر´·¼¿§­ÿ decorations on the same circuit. It is easy to overheat a cir- cuit without causing the breaker to trip resulting in a fire. Þ»­¬ É·­¸»­ º±® л¿½»ô Ø»¿´¬¸ô If you are decorating a tree, we recommend flame retardant artificial ones, but if you must have the real thing keep it ¿²¼ Ø¿°°·²»­­ÿ well watered and discard it at the first signs of drying out. Real trees burn at an astonishingly fast rate. In either case, turn off the lights when leaving the house or before going to Ø¿ª» ¿ Í¿º» ¿²¼ Ø¿°°§ Ò»© Ç»¿®ÿÿ bed. Remember, if you have any problems or questions we’re always here to help. Dial 911 in any emergency and 848-2525 for any- Ö·³³§ Õ²·¹¸¬ thing else. Ê·´´¿¹» Ó¿²¿¹»® Ò±®¬¸ п´³ Þ»¿½¸ Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º Ы¾´·½ Í¿º»¬§ ©±«´¼ ´·µ» ¬± ©·­¸ »ª»®§±²» ¿ Í¿º» ر´·¼¿§ÿ Santa’s Ho Ho Hotline Recreation Department 841-3388 December 17- 19 603 Anchorage Drive Complete a form available at our Recreation Centers or on North Palm Beach, FL 33408 our web site and Santa will personally call your child on one of these evenings. 2007 Holiday Boat Parade of the Palm Beaches, Fireworks and Festively Decorated Boats Saturday, December 1st, 2007 The Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach County pre- Santa’s Mailbox sents the 2007 Holiday Boat Parade of the Palm Beaches Satur- day, December 1, 2007. The parade begins at 6:00 p.m. at Pea- Will be located outside the Village Library for you to post those nut Island in Riviera Beach and continues north up the Intra- letters to Santa as well as the forms for the Ho Ho Hotline! coastal Waterway to Jupiter. Great viewing from Lakeside Park Please don’t drop your library books in this mailbox – Santa does or the North Palm Beach Country Club, bring your lawn chairs not want gifts! A traveling fireworks show on the lead boat will announce the January Activity schedule will be available by mid December. parade to viewers along the entire route. Approximately 40 Visit the Recreation pages of www.village-npb.org for a com- highly decorated boats are expected to participate in the parade. plete schedule. To enter your boat in the parade, or more information, call the Holiday Boat Parade Hotline at (561) 845-9010 or visit their website at www.pbboatparade.com. Tree Lighting Ceremony Wednesday, December 5th, 7:00 p.m. The Village’s Tree Lighting Ceremony will be TENNIS SCHEDULE held at Village Hall on Wednesday evening, December 5th at 7:00 p.m. The North Palm (continued from page 5) Beach Elementary Chorus, under the direction of Tammy Raw- les, returns to serenade and entertain the audience. Refresh- JUNIOR HOLIDAY TENNIS CAMP ments to follow. December 26-29 & January 2-4 12:00 - 3:00 pm Call the Pro Shop for details or go to www.village-npb.org/tennis for the flyer JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENTS 1st Saturday of each month 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Santa’s Jolly Trolley Rides Friday, December 14th – 6:30-8:30 p.m. JUNIOR TENNIS Kids can sit on Santa’s lap and let him know if they’ve been good this year and what they would like him to bring on Christ- Tiny Tots & Future Stars (4-9) mas Eve. Parents can bring cameras for this Kodak moment. Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Afterwards, the whole family can ride on Santa’s Trolley, sing- ing carols and looking at holiday lights. The rides will last Grand Slam & Challengers (10-16) approx 15 minutes and 3 trolleys run continuously. The cost is Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM $1/person or $3/family. This event will be held at Anchorage Park Activities Building, 603 Anchorage Drive. ADULT TENNIS *Monthly Themed Mixer Santa’s Visits (Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates) Saturday, December 15th 10:00 am – approx. 2:00 pm Beginner/Intermediate Clinic Santa will ride a fire truck through the streets of North Palm Friday 9:30 - 11:00 AM Beach. If kids hear the truck on their street, they should run out and let Santa know where they live so he is sure not to miss Beginner’s/Intermediate Clinic them in a few short days. There is no set route for his travels. Saturday 9:00 –11:00 AM BULLETIN BOARD (Continued from Page 3) Sec. 4-29. Vicious, biting and attacking dogs. Little League Sign Up (a) It shall be the duty of the owner of any dog to prevent such North Palm Beach County Little League will be accepting regis- dog from biting or attacking any person in the village, and if a tration for players ages 5-12 (age as of April 30, 2008) at the person is bitten by a dog he shall report the incident to the de- North Palm Beach Community Center at 1200 Prosperity Farms partment of public safety immediately. Road on the following Saturdays: (b) Whenever any dog shall have bitten any person, the direc- December 1, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. tor of public safety may order such dog quarantined in the December 8, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. county animal rescue league shelter or county animal control center or in a veterinarian's kennel, or on the owner's premises, Registration fee is $95.00 per player and is payable at the time of for period extending not longer than fourteen (14) days from the registration. NPBCLL.ORG is NOT accepting registration via date of biting. web page; however, additional information will be available at (c) All expense incurred while the dog is in quarantine shall be site. borne by the owner, keeper or harborer of the dog. Team Sponsors are also being accepted during this time. The (d) Any dog which may unprovokedly bite or attack any per- sponsorship fee is $240.00 and includes name recognition on son in the village is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and player uniforms and appreciation team photo plaque. such dog may be apprehended and impounded at any time by any police officer, or other person charged with the enforcement of this chapter. If such dog is impounded, the owner shall have School Crossing Guards Needed no right to redeem the dog if it has unprovokedly attacked or bitten any person or persons in the village on two (2) or more The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety has imme- separate occasions within any twenty-four-month period unless diate openings for School Crossing Guards. This position in- he shall remove suchdog from the village, immediately upon volves assisting children across the street at an assigned lo- redemption and shall not thereafter keep, harbor or otherwise cation, each school day, both in the morning and afternoon. maintain such dog in the village at any time. A dog bite or at- Work hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. and from 1:45 tack shall be considered unprovoked if the dog which bites or P.M. to 2:30 P.M. attacks is unleashed or not confined on the owner's premises at Benefits include: the time. (Code 1970, § 4-26; Ord. No. 206-70, § 5; Ord. No. 10-76, § 4, Training, uniforms and equipment 6-10-76) provided No nights, weekends or holidays Sec. 4-31. Persons walking dogs responsible Competitive wages/ $24.51/day for removal of waste. Bi-Weekly Pay It shall be unlawful for any person, while Applications can be obtained at the Department of Public Safety, walking a dog, to permit such dog to defe- 560 U.S. Highway # 1, North Palm Beach. For more informa- cate upon private property not owned by tion, please contact Lt. Cynthia Hawes or Mrs. Susanne Crews at such person or not owned by the owner of 841-3376. the dog, or upon public property, including, but not limited to, public sidewalks and swale areas, without removing the fecal Public Works - Sanitation Collection matter immediately after such defecation has ended. (Ord. No. 8-79, § 1, 5-10-79) Dear Resident: Sec. 4-32. Persons walking dogs to carry waste-removal imple- ments. The Public Works Department would like to ask all residents to assist with the sanitation collection. If you have any old paint, Any person who walks a dog off the premises where the owner paint cans, batteries or fluorescent bulbs, please do not place of the dog resides or off the premises where the person who is them out in the swale or in your garbage cans for collection. The walking the dog resides shall carry with him, at all times when Solid Waste Authority has deemed these items as hazardous so walking a dog, appropriate implements to remove any fecal waste and as such, we are prohibited from collecting them. matter deposited by the dog on public property or upon private These items need to be taken to the Solid Waste Authority for property not owned by the owner of the dog nor owned by the proper disposal. Locations for the various sites can be found by person walking the dog, together with adequate containers to following this link: http://www.swa.org or call customer service carry the fecal matter back to the private property of the owner at 561-697-2700. of the dog or back to the private property of the person walking the dog. (Ord. No. 8-79, § 2, 5-10-79) Ø¿°°§ ر´·¼¿§­ º®±³ ¬¸» Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º Secs. 4-33--4-41. Reserved. Ø¿°°§ ر´·¼¿§­ º®±³ ¬¸» Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º Ы¾´·½ ɱ®µ­ÿ ݱ³³«²·¬§ Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ÿ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH HOLIDAY REFUSE COLLECTION HOLIDAY CLOSINGS CHRISTMAS Village Manager’s Office, Village Clerk’s Office, Finance Department and Community Development Monday Dec. 24 Garbage Only CLOSED Monday, December 24th & Tuesday, December 25th No Collection Tuesday Dec. 25 January 1st Wednesday Dec. 26 Garbage and Holiday North Palm Beach Library Packaging CLOSED Thursday Dec. 27 Recycle/Trash & Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th Vegetation Tuesday, January 1st Friday Dec. 28 Garbage Only Public Services Department CLOSED Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th HOLIDAY REFUSE COLLECTION Tuesday, January 1st Public Safety Department NEW YEAR’S (Police Department, EMS, Fire Department - Open) Monday Dec. 31 Garbage Only Records Office - CLOSED Monday, December 24th and Tuesday December 25th No Collection Tuesday Jan. 1 Tuesday, January 1st Wednesday Jan. 2 Garbage Only Recreation Department Thursday Jan. 3 Recycle/Trash & CLOSED Vegetation Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th Tuesday, January 1st Friday Jan. 4 Garbage Only Country Club See Page 5 - Special Holiday Hours VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 PAID NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408