10-2007 Newsletter éÕØçÔÑÑÜÖØ ïøæêñøééøë V N P B, 501 US H #1, N P B, FL 33408 ILLAGEOFORTHALMEACHWYORTHALMEACH NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE VILLAGE COUNCIL Village Council2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. .......................................................... Code Enforcement Board.................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal........................................................on call William Manuel, Vice Mayor Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. David B. Norris, President Pro Tem Library Advisory Board................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D., Councilman Planning Commission...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m. T. R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman Recreation Advisory Board..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Village Council members may be Waterways Board..................................next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 p.m. contacted through the office of the ..................................................................... Zoning Board of Adjustmenton call Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One npbclerk@village-npb.org Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting. Village Manager 841-3380 UPCOMING EVENTS Village Clerk 841-3355 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Finance 841-3360 Community Develop. 841-3365 Public Works 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Park 841-3387 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Public Safety Fair - Fire Prevention Week, Saturday, October 6, 2007 Non Emergency 848-2525 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Tours of the Fire Station and equipment, safety Emergency 911 related demonstrations and handing out prizes. - see page 6 Country Club 841-3359 Administration 691-3420 Annual Halloween Haunted House at the Country Club Golf Shop 691-3433 on Tuesday, October 30, 2007 between 4:00-8:00 PM - Pool 691-3427 see page 7 Tennis 626-6515 Halloween Costume Party at Country Club Village Green Restaurant Wednesday, October 31st 7:00 PM until ôÏÊÔÙØÉÕÔÊÔÊÊÈØ Midnight - see page 7 çÔÑÑÜÖØúÎÈÏÚÔÑçÔÑÑÜÖØúÑØËÒ Arts & Crafts Fall Festival Saturday, Novemb3rd er ñÔÛËÜËÄ from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM - see page 7 çÔÑÑÜÖØðÜÏÜÖØËðØÊÊÜÖØ úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛúÜÑØÏÙÜË Florida Mystery Authors’ Series at the North Palm Beach Library - see page 3 úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛøÇØÏÉÊ  íÈÛÑÔÚêÜ×ØÉÄ  Cell Phones for Seniors - see page 8 Bulletin Board ëØÚËØÜÉÔÎÏ  úÎÐÐÈÏÔÉÄùØÇØÑÎÍÐØÏÉ  ûÈÑÑØÉÔÏûÎÜËÙ  Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org VILLAGE COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Resolution 2007-75 Adopting tentative millage rate of 6.1981 mils for Fiscal Year 2007-2008; and establishing a date and time for the 1st Public Hearing Resolution 2007-76 Authorizing Village Administration to seek membership in the Palm Beach County Library Cooperative Membership Resolution 2007-77 Application for $400,000 appropriated by the 2007 Florida Legislature for Phase One of the Anchorage Park Master Plan Resolution 2007-78 Certifies that funds received from the Urban Area Security Initiative Grant in the amount of $8,000.00 shall be used to provide Weapons of Mass Destruction Training to Village of North Palm Beach Public Safety Department personnel Resolution 2007-79 Approving an Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County in relation to the removal of non-native vegetation (Australian Pines) within Lakeside Park Resolution 2007-80 Approving and accepting Phase One of the U.S. Highway One Corridor Study prepared by Land Research Management and termi- nating the zoning in progress related to rezoning requests along the corridor Resolution 2007-81 Approving Palm Beach County’s requests for a Change Order to the contract with Delray Garden Center, Inc. to provide additional landscaping improvements for the Prosperity Farms Road Beautification Project Resolution 2007-82 Approves a new lease agreement with Peas and Carrots Catering, Inc. to provide food and beverage operations at the Country Club Resolution 2007-83 Amends Phase 2 of the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Planning Study Agreement with Land Research Management to change the scope of services Resolution 2007-84 Approves a Master Purchase and Maintenance Agreement with Shared Technologies for a new Village-wide telephone system Resolution 2007-85 Authorizes application for a State Aid to Libraries Grant and execution of the Grant Agreement VILLAGE CLERK NEWS HVAC CONTRACTOR NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS : A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals. This position must be filled by an HVAC Contrac- tor. Applicants are not required to be residents of the Village. The Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals meets on call, as needed, to consider variances of the technical codes and to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official. VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Zoning Board of Adjustment meets on call, as needed, to consider variances from zoning ordinances or regulations. Applicants are required to be residents of the Village. VOLUNTEER NEEDED – ASSOCIATE VILLAGE HISTORIAN: A volunteer is needed to assist the Village Historian with the collection, filing, cataloging, and display of historical artifacts and records. Applicants are required to be residents of the Vil- lage. VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR WATERWAYS BOARD : A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Waterways Board. The term for this appointment is from 11/18/07 to 4/30/10. Applicants must be Village residents. The Waterways Board meets at 4:00 PM on the next to last Tuesdays in odd numbered months, in the Conference Room at Village Hall. Applications are available from the Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, by calling 841-3355, or from the website: www.village-npb.org êÈÍÍÎËÉäÎÈË ñÎÚÜÑûÈÊÔÏØÊÊØÊ ANNUAL NIGHTY NIGHT LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 HALLOWEEN PROGRAM 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Ages 4 through 10, be sure to wear your Halloween costume when you attend our special Halloween event on Thursday, October 25th, at 6 p.m. There will be howls of FLORIDA MYSTERY AUTHORS’ SERIES laughter - you’ll scream for more! Call us for reservations, AT NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY seating may be limited and don’t be too afraid. Ooooo. Three Florida mystery authors will be at the North Palm Beach CHILDREN’S BOOKS & VIDEO SALE Library this fall. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity. All pro- Drop by the Children’s Library for a look at a wonderful vari- grams will begin at 7:30 in the Obert Meeting Room. ety of books and videos, on sale now, at very reasonable OCTOBER 10, 2007 prices. This is a great opportunity to enhance your child’s pri- vate collection and they are great gift ideas! T. J. MacGregor: an Edgar award winner for her book, Out of Sight, will begin our series. Her new book, Kill Time, will be Village Manager’s Message 841-3380 published in early October and available for purchase at the pro- Jimmy Knight, Village Manager gram. Some of her other books include: Mistress of the Bones, jknight@village-npb.org Hanged Man, Black Water, Category Five, and Cold as Death. Dear Resident: OCTOBER 24, 2007 October begins the Village’s new fiscal year . . . and time to Anthony Gagliano : a new author from Miami, worked as a house reflect on past years accomplishments and “look ahead” to detective at the St. Moritz in Manhattan before getting his Masters plans being outlined for our Village. The Village has again in creative writing from Florida International University. His taken steps to reduce property tax rates - lowering them from book, Straits of Fortune, was published in May. 6.100 mils 6.3 mils to in the coming year. NOVEMBER 14, 2007 Some of this past years accomplishments are the following: Christine Kling: a Fort Lauderdale author and sailboat owner Landscaping and paving of the Village Hall parking lot. writes in the style of John D. MacDonald. Her current book, Continuation of our Village neighborhood street overlay Wrecker’s Key, was published this year. Her other books include: and sidewalk repair program. Cross Current, Bitter End, and Surface Tension. Demolition and removal of the abandoned Wastewater Plant at Anchorage Park. GENEALOGY CLUB MEETING Opening of our new “Nicklaus Signature” golf course. The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their October meet- Refurbishment of a Village bridge on Monet Road. th ing on Tuesday, October 16, at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Continued commitment to public safety improvements Room. Everyone is invited to attend this very informative meet- through addition of one police officer and one fire inspec- ing on genealogy research. If you have any questions, please call tor. Sue at 841-3383. Provide reasonable funding for cost increases in insur- CHILDRENS DEPARTMENT ance, fuel & utilities, and staff compensation. STORY HOURS Continued high levels of customer service and resident information. Ages 4 & 5 meet on Mondays, ages 6 through 8 on Tuesdays, both are drop-offs beginning at 3:30 p.m. Ages 2 & 3 will meet This years highlights include the following: with a parent on Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. Enjoy stories, pup- Continued funding for community infrastructure of Vil- pets, music, movement, movies, crafts and a new theme each lage neighborhood street overlay, neighborhood sidewalks week. & lighting, public buildings and park facilities. Anchorage Park improvements through our “master plan” KIDS EXPRESS Refurbishment of Osborne Park building. th On Thursday, October 11, at 4 p.m., ages 9 through 12 will meet Addition of one new Crime Analyst position (reduction of for library games and lots of laughs. Bring along a friend, it’s al- Communication Dispatcher resulting in no additional ways lots of fun! cost). GAME DAY As always, staff is committed to bring the most professional th On Thursday, October 18 from 3:00-4:00 p.m., ages 6 through and responsive service to the residents of the Village and look 10 will enjoy our board games or bring your own. It is lots of fun! forward to a continuation of those many partnerships that were You may want to bring along a partner, and there’s always time forged this past year. I applaud and thank all of you that have for Twister. chosen to become involved with the many committees and projects here in the Village and encourage those that have a TODDLER TIME desire to assist to contact my office. It is through these part- th On Saturday, October 20, at 10:15 a.m., toddler’s, birth to 23 nerships that we find success and build a better community months, will enjoy music, movement, cuddles, color and lots “THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE UNDER THE SUN”. more. It’s an interactive program specially designed for toddlers as an introduction to the library and books. Have a Safe and Fun Halloween! Jimmy Knight, Village Manager POOL 691-3427 Country Club691-3420 951 US Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 OCTOBER POOL HOURS (Administration Office 561-691-3420) CLOSED MONDAY The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We Tuesday - Friday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM our amenities. We are a complete recreation facility offering daily Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size pool or an Admission: $3/child, $5/adult exquisite dining experience. We offer golf and tennis discounts to our Village residents with a valid resident card. To purchase your Diving Boards resident card, stop by the Administration office. Proof of residency Saturday 12:00 to 4:00 PM (deed, tax bill, or 12 month lease agreement and photo identifica- Sunday 1:30 to 4:00 PM tion) is required at time of issuance. Water Aerobics GOLF 691-3433 Tuesday and Thursday 10:15 to 11:15 PM NPB Swim Team As golfers, we are all enthralled with the “long ball” Monday - Friday 3:30 - 7:00 PM or driving the ball as far as we can. Wouldn’t it be Ages 9 and up nice to drive it long and straight on a consistent ba- sis? After all, we only have two real problems when Masters Swimming driving our golf ball, and those are distance and di- This is for adults 18 and over, no experience required. Prac- rection! Distance comes from clubhead speed, how tices are offered 5 times a week. fast we can make our clubhead swing and center face hits. Where does the ball hit on the clubface? On the toe, the heel, or in the middle of the clubface. The direction TENNIS 626-6515 the ball goes relates to the direction the club swings into the back of the ball. Does the club approach the ball from inside the target line, outside the target line, or straight down the target line? Last is clubface position. Is the clubface square, open or closed in rela- tionship to the target line when the clubface strikes the back of the CHECK OUT OUR JUNIOR AND ball? When we can get the clubhead swinging at maximum speed ADULT PROGRAMS! and hit the ball on the center of the clubface, we can create our “long ball”. Two things we can work on to help us with these is- JUNIOR TENNIS sues are as follows: the driver is the lightest club in your bag, so it requires the lightest grip. Practice holding the club softer or lighter Tiny Tots & Future Stars (4-9) in yours hands and maintain the “softer” grip throughout the swing. Secondly go to the practice range and hit drivers with a full swing Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM at half speed. This will help us learn to control the club head and Grand Slam & Challengers (10-18) make better center face contact. We all want our ball to go further. Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Hopefully this will help! Until next time, remember to swing easy in the breezy! JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENTS Mike Gray, Head Golf Professional 1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Pizza Mixers call for dates and times DRIVING RANGE ADULT TENNIS HOURS OF OPERATION *Monthly Themed Mixer Monday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates) Tuesday - Sunday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Beginner’s/Intermediate Weekend Drill Saturday 9:30 –11:00 AM LIGHTS OUT AT 9:00 PM Beginner/Intermediate Drill Interested in learning the game of golf or improving the one that Friday 9:30 - 11:00 AM you have? Call our golf professional at 691-3433. GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GOLF PRO SHOP PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 Parents should inspect all treats prior to children consum- ing them and dispose of anything that seems to have been 560 U. S. Highway One tampered with, has been opened, or is not wrapped. North Palm Beach, FL 33408 A great alternative to “Trick or Treating” is for parents to A MESSAGE FROM YOUR organize parties at home, in schools, at a shopping mall, PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR community center or places of worship. Check your local newspapers for information on special events. National Night Out If you missed the against crime event, you The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety hopes missed a great time. Your Public Safety Department had a won- that each of you have a Safe and Happy Halloween. th derful time on August 7 as we traveled through the Village, If you have any questions regarding Halloween Safety, contact visiting the many block parties that were being held. We made Officer Williams 841-3300. some new friends, enjoyed great cooking, and once again were reminded why North Palm Beach is such a great place to live and A MESSAGE FROM YOUR work — it’s the people. Thank you to all of the block captains FIRE DEPARTMENT that organized your parties and to all the people that came out to support this event. Remember, the best crime prevention tool is PUBLIC SAFETY FAIR, Neighbors watching out for neighbors. you! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2007 A MESSAGE FROM YOUR From 10:00 am To 3:00 pm POLICE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT 560 US HIGHWAY ONE Halloween Safety Tips Come join your Public Safety Department as we celebrate Fire Do not allow a child to go “Trick or Treating” alone. An Prevention Week. This is a great opportunity for kids and adult should accompany young children and older children adults alike to get to know your fire medics and police officers should take a friend. and to see what they do to protect the citizens of the Village of Be certain to accompany young children to the North Palm Beach. They will be showing off their equipment door of every house they approach. Do not stay that they use, giving tours of the station, providing safety re- in the car. lated demonstrations, and handing out prizes. Don’t miss this Make sure that parents are familiar with great event! every house and all people from which October 7-13 is Fire Prevention Week; this commemorates the the children receive treats. Great Chicago Fire and is a time for all Americans to become more aware of fire safety. The theme of Fire Prevention Week Children should be cautioned that they “Practice Your Escape Plan”. SHOULD NEVER this year is enter any home without prior permission from their parents. The National Fire Protection Association tells us in 2005 U.S. fire departments responded to 1.6 million fires and 24% of these NEVER Children should be cautioned to approach any ve- were home fires. Home fires killed 3,030 people that year - hicle, occupied or not, unless they are accompanied by a roughly 8 people per day - yet only 23% of households have parent. developed and practiced a home escape plan. Make sure that all children carry a flashlight and/or wear Your Village Fire Rescue wants to assist you in keeping your reflective clothing. (Reflective tape and striping can be family safe and here are a few things we recommend. added to a costume or Trick or Treat bag for increased visi- bility.) Make sure all your smoke detectors are working. Have at least one on each floor and one outside each sleeping area. When using facial masks, make sure that children can see Adding one inside each bedroom will greatly improve your properly. Remember to remove the mask prior to crossing a safety. street, driveway or alley. Keep your bedroom doors closed while sleeping. A closed All costumes and masks should be flame resistant. door can keep smoke and fire out giving you extra time to NEVER make your escape. Children should be warned to approach any house that is not well lit and does not have a porch or “outside” Make a home escape plan providing two ways out of every light on. room. The plan should include a place for everyone to meet; outside and away from the home. Children should be cautioned to remember any suspicious Practice the plan using the sound of your smoke detector to incidents and report them to their parents and/or the police. initiate the drill. This will familiarize everyone with the Children should be cautioned to run away from people who sound and you can test the sound level in each bedroom try to trick them with special treats (especially if the person with the door closed; you may need to add detectors closer is in a vehicle). to some rooms. Children should be instructed to scream and make a scene if If you have any questions regarding fire safety, please don’t anyone tries to grab them or force them, in any way, to go hesitate to call your Village Fire Rescue at 882-1141. And we with them. wish you a fire safe year. Arts & Crafts Fall Festival RECREATION DEPARTMENT 841-3388 – It’s right around the corner! Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the 603 Anchorage Drive annual Arts & Crafts Fall Festival that will be held North Palm Beach, FL 33408 at the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Saturday, Road. This year we will be showing on Swing Dance – Everyone is watching “Dancing with the November 3 from 9:00-4:00. Crafters from all Stars”. Take this 4 hour class and you can dance just like they over South Florida will be displaying their crafts. do on TV! Well, maybe not just like, but Booths will be located both indoors and outdoors. pretty close. Janet Kien will teach you how to Hope to see you there! swing dance in 4 nights! Janet also teaches Salsa and Merengue classes on Thursday eve- Ghost Run - The Recreation Department is holding a 5K nings. Next round of classes begins October Saturday, October 27th at 7:30 AM Ghost Run on . The 5 11th - $40 Register now! 841-3386. kilometer (3.1 mile) course begins and ends at Anchorage Park on Anchorage Drive in the Hip Hop Dancing – So, you think you can dance? Join Qwin- heart of North Palm Beach. The run takes cia Wilson, professional dancer and dance instructor as she you through the beautiful Anchorage and teaches you how to move your body to fun, contemporary, and Country Club neighborhoods. This race is for up-tempo beats! It’s called HipHop and all the kids are doing it! all ages and prizes will be awarded in each of Learn how to move like your favorite artists and dancers. Begin- the following age groups: 19 and under, 20- ners, intermediate, and advanced are all welcome. For more in- 29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70+. formation, call Qwincia at 670-1700. Fee: $15/class or $40/4wk You are invited to join in even if you -AX don’t run! Pre-registration fee is $20/person and includes a t- shirt. Applications can be obtained at the Recreation centers or Beginning Computer Class - Does your computer have you on the Recreation pages of www.village-npb.org. frustrated? We are offering a new class for beginners to the Basketball League – For youth 5-16 years of age. If you computer world! Jerry Alvarez will guide register for this winter youth basketball program between Octo- you through computer fundamentals. This ber 1–26 the discounted rate is $60/resident, $70/non-resident. class will cover areas such as: ON/OFF, After October 26, the price returns to $70/resident and $80/non- login, mouse clicks, internet, browsers, resident. Each team will have approximately 2 games/week and setup email, files & folders, routers, anti- a practice. Games will be played weeknights and Saturdays at virus, search engines and much more! the North Palm Beach Community Center. All participants 9 After this class, your computer will be years + will be drafted onto teams. Coaches are needed. For much more functional to you. Thursday nights, $50/4wk Next more details, call Adam at 841-3389, after 4:00 class begins October 11th. p.m. Florida Fish & Seafood – Shelly Kahn teaches how to pre- Annual Halloween Haunted House at the pare, cook and serve many native fish and Country Club. Kids of all ages are invited to come to the seafoods such as wahoo, cobia, snapper, Village Green Restaurant in their costumes and make their stone crab, Fla. lobster, and more. We way through the scary haunted house on Tuesday, October 30th will be working with fresh fish from between 4:00 and 8:00 pm. local fish markets. We will learn herbs and Costume Party at the Country Club Village Green Restaurant seasonings that compliment the dish as well as side dishes to on Wednesday, October 31st from 7:00 PM until Midnight. accompany the meal. You’ll cook scrumptious meals which Prizes, raffles and costume contest. For more information call we'll enjoy at the end of our class. Don’t eat dinner on class 691-3430. night! Fee: $55/4wk starting Octo- ($30 materials fee due at first class) ber 9th. North Palm Idol Contest - This is your Island Style Cooking chance – all you shower singers! The Rec- - Join Shelly Kahn as we learn about reation Department is beginning their prepa- different ingredients, spices, and techniques from islands around rations for the 2008 Heritage Festival the world. We'll have guest chefs from popular local restaurants (March 15) and we have a vacancy in the demonstrating how to prepare some of the tastiest dishes from stage lineup. We decided who better to the islands of the Caribbean, Indonesia, Greece, Italy and Poly- entertain us than one of our own. We are nesia. At the end of every class we'll sit down to enjoy a wonder- th making an Idol Contest out of it so everyone has an equal ful meal October class begins on the 10. Register now! chance. If you think you can sing well, start preparing for the February 23rd North Palm Idol Contest that will be held at the Ongoing classes – The following are classes that are ongoing and Community Center. There will be 2 divisions: 17 years & un- accept students at any time: Country Line Dancing, Jazzercise, der and over 18 years. Keep your eyes open for further infor- Yoga, Tai Chi, Fitness Over 50 and Ballroom Dance. mation in upcoming newsletters or on the Recreation pages of www.village-npb.org. CODE OF THE MONTH A MESSAGE FROM YOUR POLICE DEPARTMENT HOLIDAY LIGHTS Cell Phones for Seniors When they can go up and when they are required to come down In case of an accident or emergency, having a 911 cell Article V. Signs & Outdoor Displays phone can bring help fast! Don’t throw your used cellu- Sec. 6-112. Exempt signs. lar phone away. Instead donate it so that senior citi- zens in the village can use them during emergencies. The following signs are exempt from the operation of these sign regulations, and from the requirement in this Code that a The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety collects used permit be obtained for the erection of permanent signs, pro- cell phones to provide as a free service to senior citizens. The vided they are not placed or constructed so as to create a haz- phones will have only one capability - to call 911 in an emer- ard of any kind: gency. F) Holiday lights and decorations, erected during the appro- If you would like to donate a cell phone to this program you can priate holiday season, shall comply with all building and elec- drop it off at the police department (560 US Highway 1) anytime. trical codes. Holiday lights and decorations may be erected no Older phones or phones in need of serious repair will be sold, with earlier than four (4) weeks prior to the subject holiday with the the proceeds used to fund various community service needs. exception of the Christmas/Hanukkah holidays. Christ- mas/Hanukkah lights and decorations may be erected no ear-If you are interested in obtaining a phone, contact Officer Wil- lier than October 15th. All holiday lights and decorations must liams at 841-3300 or email at awilliams@village-npb.org . be removed within two (2) weeks following the holiday. VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 PAID NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408