09-2007 Newsletter éÕØçÔÑÑÜÖØ ïøæêñøééøë V N P B, 501 US H #1, N P B, FL 33408 ILLAGEOFORTHALMEACHWYORTHALMEACH NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE VILLAGE COUNCIL Village Council2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. .......................................................... Code Enforcement Board.................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal........................................................on call William Manuel, Vice Mayor Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. David B. Norris, President Pro Tem Library Advisory Board................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc. D., Councilman Planning Commission...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m. T. R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman Recreation Advisory Board..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Village Council members may be Waterways Board..................................next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 p.m. contacted through the office of the ..................................................................... Zoning Board of Adjustmenton call Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One npbclerk@village-npb.org Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting. Village Manager 841-3380 UPCOMING EVENTS Village Clerk 841-3355 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Finance 841-3360 Community Develop. 841-3365 September 1, 2007 - North Palm Beach Country Club is participat- Public Works 691-3440 ing in “PATRIOTS GOLF DAY”. Golfers may contribute $1.00 to Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 help military families of those presently serving in Iraq. Community Center 841-3389 The following offices will be closed Monday, September 3, 2007 for Osborne Park 841-3387 Library 841-3383 Labor Day: Village Hall, Library, Parks & Recreation, Public Works, Public Safety: Public Safety Records Office (Police, Fire, EMS - Open and Country Non Emergency 848-2525 Club Administration Office Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 Recreation Department Registration for Fall Classes (see page 8) Administration 691-3420 Residents September 4 & 5, 2007 Golf Shop 691-3433 Non-residentsSeptember 6 & 7, 2007 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 The Village of North Palm Beach is participat- ing in the International Coastal Cleanup Sep- tember 15, 2007 sponsored by Keep Palm Beach ôÏÊÔÙØÉÕÔÊÔÊÊÈØ County Beautiful and the Ocean Conservancy - çÔÑÑÜÖØúÎÈÏÚÔÑçÔÑÑÜÖØúÑØËÒ ( see page 11) ñÔÛËÜËÄ Labor Day Holiday Refuse Collection (see page 12) íÈÛÑÔÚêÜ×ØÉÄ úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛøÇØÏÉÊ  September 19, 2007 visit with Ronald McDonald at the Library (see page 3) úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛúÜÑØÏÙÜË  ëØÚËØÜÉÔÎÏ   The Manager’s Message & Community Development will continue íÈÛÑÔÚæÎËÒÊ next month. ûÈÑÑØÉÔÏûÎÜËÙ Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org VILLAGE COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 2007-13 Code Amendment providing comprehensive rules of general application for all Village Boards and Committees Resolution 2007-68 Adopting an inventory list of all real property owned by the Village list and identifying any Village-owned propertyappropriate for use as affordable housing Resolution 2007-69 Approving a contract award to Palm Beach Marine Construction, Inc. to proceed with emergency repairs to the Anchorage Park Ma- rina seawall Resolution 2007-70 Supporting Home Rule Dual Vote Referendum Resolution 2007-71 Accepting the bid of Tordale Contracting, LLC, for renovation of the building at Osborne Park Resolution 2007-72 Approving an agreement with Philips and Jordan, Inc. for hurricane/disaster debris removal Resolution 2007-73 Revising the Purchasing Procedures as set forth in the Village of North Palm Beach Policies and Procedures Manual for Internal Controls Resolution 2007-74 Approving a second amendment to the Financial Assistance Agreement with Palm Beach County relating to the beautification of Pros- perity Farms Road VILLAGE CLERK NEWS SUPPORT OUR TROOPS: THANK YOU to all our volunteers, residents, churches, and local businesses for your generous support of our adopted military unit, the Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) "Hooligans", 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment. We have received word that our unit will be heading home beginning in October. A final shipment was mailed to our soldiers on August 22nd. Each month from December through August, Team Hooligan volunteers held a packing day to box up donations for shipment. In addition to boxes of bulk items sent to the unit, each soldier received individual care packages, NPB/ Hooligan/Wolfhoud tee shirts, and NPB caps. Books, magazines, CDs/DVDs, puzzles, games, and phone cards were some of the items sent bulk for the soldiers to enjoy. Your generosity has allowed us to send over 10,000 pounds of “love from home” in the form of your donations. Thanks to all who gave monetary donations, which helped to purchase items for care packages and to defray postage. The Village is very proud of all its residents and businesses for the wonderful support you’ve shown for this project. We expect our unit to remain at its home station in Hawaii for 8 months to 1 year. In the meantime, our vol- unteers have “unofficially” adopted about 30 soldiers who are still serving in Iraq. Our volunteers plan to send them small individu- ally-wrapped packages of snacks and powdered drink mix, travel size packages of baby wipes and hand sanitizers, and disposable gloves. If you would like to help with this new effort, donation boxes are available at Village facilities, or you may drop off your donation at the Clerk’s office at Village Hall. As always, monetary donations to defray postage are very welcome. HVAC CONTRACTOR NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS : A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals. This position must be filled by an HVAC Contrac- tor. Applicants are not required to be residents of the Village. The Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals meets on call, as needed, to consider variances of the technical codes and to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official. VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Zoning Board of Adjustment meets on call, as needed, to consider variances from zoning ordinances or regulations. Applicants are required to be residents of the Village. VOLUNTEER NEEDED – ASSOCIATE VILLAGE HISTORIAN: A volunteer is needed to assist the Village Historian with the collection, filing, cataloging, and display of historical artifacts and records Applicants are required to be residents of the Village. VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR WATERWAYS BOARD : A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Waterways Board. The term for this appointment is from 11/18/07 to 4/30/10. Applicants must be Village residents. The Waterways Board meets at 4:00 PM on the next to last Tuesdays in odd numbered months, in the Conference Room at Village Hall. Applications are available from the Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, by calling 841-3355, or from the website: www.village-npb.org With 11 book clubs to choose from, there’s something for eve- LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 ryone. You can read Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Busi- 303 Anchorage Drive ness, Good News, Teen, Mystery, Horror and Science Fiction. North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 They can also listen to Audio Books in their email and there’s even a Pre-Publication Club. You can start reading books in SEPTEMBER IN THE LIBRARY your email before they’re even published. Now you can dis- cover great books, even if you’re too busy to visit the library. CLOSED Library Director, Donna Riegel, says, “This new service LABOR DAY makes it easy for people to get back into the habit of reading. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd It only takes 5 minutes a day and it’s fun.” You can sign up for the service at the web site: www.village- FLORIDA MYSTERY AUTHORS’ SERIES AT npb.org NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT Three Florida mystery authors will be at the North Palm Beach Library this fall. Now is the time to read some of their works be- GET INTO THE READING CHALLENGE fore the programs begin. This month the Children’s Library along with the McDonald’s Corporation is sponsoring the Annual Reading Challenge. October 10, 2007 - T. J. MacGregor , an Edgar award winner, Children with library cards in good standing that check out our will begin our series. Her new book, Kill Time, will be published library books will receive McDonald’s coupons for fries, ice in early October. Other books include: Out of Sight, Black Water, cream, and Happy Meals. Participants may also fill out a card Category Five, and Cold as Death, plus others. for a grand prize drawing. October 24, 2007 - Anthony Gagliano , a new author from Mi- KID’S EXPRESS ami, worked as a house detective at the St. Moritz in Manhattan before getting his Masters in creative writing from Florida Inter- Thursday, September 6th, at 4:00 ages 9 through 12 are wel- national University. His book, Straits of Fortune, was published come to join us for a fast-paced, fun-filled program. Bring in May. along a friend. TBA - Christine Kling , a Fort Lauderdale author and sailboat owner, writes in the style of John D. MacDonald. Her current book, Wrecker’s Key, was published this year. Other books in- clude: Cross Current, Bitter End, and Surface Tension. Mark your calendars for this series. All programs will begin at 7:30 p.m. (The October newsletter will have more information.) Books will be available for purchase at each program. FALL STORY HOURS GENEALOGY CLUB MEETING th Beginning Monday, September 10, ages 4 and 5 will meet for The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will hold their September story hour, ages 6 though 8 will meet Tuesday, September th meeting on Tuesday, September 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert th 11 , both are drop-offs programs at 3:30. A new theme will Meeting Room at the library. We welcome back everyone, and be offered each week filled with stories, puppets, music, mov- invite new researchers to join us. If you have any questions, ies and crafts. Story time for ages 2 & 3 with a parent begin please contact Sue at 841-3383. th on Wednesday, September 12, at 10:15. Please call us at 841-3374 or come into the Children’s Library to pre-register. RENOVATIONS IN SEPTEMBER GAME DAY The Library will be undergoing some renovation in September. th On Thursday, September 13, at 3:30 P.M., ages 6 through 12 New circulation desks, reference desk and a children’s computer are welcome to use our games or bring one of their favorite table have been purchased with funds from the Thelma Obert es- games. There’s always time for Twister. tate and the Friends of the Library donation. The Library may be closed for several days during early September. (The renovation TODDLER TIME was expected to begin in August but has been rescheduled to Sep- th On Saturday, September 15, at 10:15 bring your toddlers, tember.) birth to 23 months to the library and enjoy an interactive pro- gram of colors and cuddles, music and movement. This is a LIBRARY LAUNCHES ONLINE BOOK CLUB great way to introduce your toddlers to books in our library. So many books, so little time. For all those busy people, the Li- RONALD MC DONALD VISIT brary has a new service: an Online Book Club that delivers books On Wednesday, September 19th, at 3:30 ages 4 through 10 are electronically. Each day, Monday through Friday, the library invited to attend the Annual Ronald McDonald Program. emails subscribers a portion of a book that takes about 5 minutes There will be fun, prizes and surprises with lots of audience to read. You are able to read two or three chapters from a book participation. You won’t want to miss this program. Please during the week. If you like a book, you can check it out of the call or come in to pre-register. library. Each week the library features new books. PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 tallest tree in a group. 3. Get out of and away from water. Thunderstorm winds can 560 U. S. Highway One capsize boats. In addition, sailboats act as lightning rods. North Palm Beach, FL 33408 4. If you feel your hair stand on end, lightning is about to strike you. IMMEDIATELY drop to your knees and bend A MESSAGE FROM YOUR CHIEF forward with your hands on your knees. 5. A person struck by lightning can usually be revived by It’s 2:00 in the morning and you are awakened by a woman’s quick application of CPR. scream that pierces the night. As you get up to look around, you hear the scream again. Not seeing anything, you go back to sleep. RECREATIONAL SAFETY Could this really happen? It can and it did and for the next several 3 Key Factors in Recreational Safety: hours a young woman was brutally attacked while the witness 1. Know your limits - pushing your body beyond its capacity quietly slept. Please . . . We must all be involved in the Crime is an invitation to injury. Prevention process. Just because we live in an area where crime 2. Understand the hazard - every activity, from golf to is lower than most communities, it doesn’t mean we don’t need to mountain climbing, has some potential for injury. be vigilant. If something is suspicious, please call us. I promise, 3. Prepare beforehand - getting in shape, using the right we won’t be upset if it turns out to be nothing. equipment, and knowing safety rules are important for all recreational activities. A MESSAGE FROM YOUR Common Hazards of Recreational Activities: POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Too much, too soon - after long periods of inactivity, our Begin Exploring Your future Today! body is not ready for strenuous exertion. Out-of-shape people who jump too quickly into recreational activities The North Palm Beach Police Explorer Post 911 brings local . are courting disaster youth and law enforcement together through leadership, teamwork 2. Weekend workouts - physical activity once a week does- and training. n’t get you into shape. The Sunday softball game or a The North Palm Beach Police Explorers is a group of young peo- weekend of tennis without proper conditioning can put ple ages 14-21 with a 2.5 or higher GPA (grade point average) you out of work. and good moral character, who have an interest in learning about 3. Overdoing it - long stretches of exertion without enough law enforcement as a possible career. Explorers learn about the breaks make you more prone to problems such as muscle law, court procedures, police patrol techniques and organizational soreness, aches, and blisters. Some problems might not skills. The Explorers Program provides youth with an opportunity show up until later. to work side by side with police officers and observe their daily 4. Blows - colliding with a wall or being hit by a ball, racket, duties. Additionally, the North Palm Beach Police Explorers at- etc., especially if the blow is your head or eye, can be seri- tend all special events and contribute numerous hours of volunteer ous. Indoor games such as racquetball are especially risky services to their community. if you’re not careful—always wear required protective gear. The North Palm Beach Police Explorers compete against other 5. Slips and trips - slippery surfaces, quick turns, or improper explorers in both local and state competitions. The explorers footwear can cause falls. compete in the following scenarios: In-Progress, Traffic and Fel- 6. Shin splints - running on hard surfaces can cause shin ony Stop, Bomb Threat, Traffic Crash, Crisis Intervention, Active muscles to become inflamed, making running and walking Shooter, Physical Agility, Bicycle Patrol, Search and Arrest, and painful. Crime Scene. 7. Sprains and strains - stiff, weak, unused muscles are more If you are interested in working with a team of dedicated individu- likely to be strained or pulled. Ankles and wrists are espe- als that desire law enforcement as a career, please contact Officer cially vulnerable. Angela Williams at 841-3300 or Officer Thomas Brendel at 841- 3312. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS NEEDED A MESSAGE FROM YOUR The North Palm Beach Department of Pub- lic Safety has immediate openings for FIRE DEPARTMENT School Crossing Guards. This position involves assisting children across the street During the summer months we tend to do a lot more outdoor and at an assigned location, each school day, recreational activities. The following tips will help you enjoy the both in the morning and afternoon. Work remaining summer while staying safe. hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 8:15 A. M. and from 1:45 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Benefits include: training, uni- SEVERE WEATHER forms and equipment provided, no nights, weekends or holi- THUNDERSTORMS days, competitive wages / $24.51 /day and bi-weekly pay. Applications can be obtained at the Department of Public Safety Precautions: Safety, 560 U. S. Highway #1, North Palm Beach. For more 1. When a thunderstorm approaches, get inside a house, large information, please contact Lt. Cynthia Hawes or Mrs. Su- building, or automobile. sanne Crews at 841-3376. 2. If caught outdoors, do not stand near a tall, isolated tree or the POOL 691-3427 Country Club691-3420 951 US Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 SEPTEMBER POOL HOURS (Administration Office 561-691-3420) CLOSED MONDAY The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We Tuesday - Friday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM our amenities. We are a complete recreation facility offering daily Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size pool or an Admission: $3/child, $5/adult exquisite dining experience. We offer golf and tennis discounts to Lap Lanes our Village residents with a valid resident card. To purchase your 12:00 to 3:30 PM Tuesday - Friday resident card, stop by the Administration office. Proof of residency 10:00 to 6:00 PM Saturday (deed, tax bill, or 12 month lease agreement and photo identifica- 12:00 to 6:00 PM Sunday tion) is required at time of issuance. Diving Boards GOLF 691-3433 Saturday 12:00 to 4:00 PM Sunday 1:30 to 4:00 PM We are well into our summer golf season, and what Baby Pools a hit!! We are busy everyday and our after 1:30 The baby pools will reopen in March rate at $29.00 is very popular. Our area golfers have figured out that they have a premier golf Water Aerobics course in their backyard and they are taking advan- Wednesday and Friday 12:15 to 1:15 PM tage of their good fortune. The residents of North NPB Swim Team Palm Beach should be proud of their new golf Monday - Friday 3:30 - 7:00 PM course. The layout is spectacular! It is challenging Ages 9 and up and scenic. What a great combination! There really isn’t anything Masters Swimming in this area, maybe the state, that rivals the excitement of this lay- out. Oakmont and Wing Foot are very difficult golf courses. Their This is for adults 18 and over, no experience required. Prac- members and guests love the challenge and I know we will be tices are offered 5 times a week. echoing the same sentiments for years to come. This summer has had its challenges, mostly the drought. We went TENNIS 626-6515 for about 3 months with limited water, this took its toll on the course. We now have our full watering capabilities back and the WELCOME BACK course is slowly rounding back into shape. Our bahia areas which “ are the areas outside of the rough line have been reseeded and PBWTA TEAMS” should be showing grass any day now. Normal maintenance prac- Check out our junior and adult programs! tices will continue throughout the rest of the summer, so we do apologize for any delay in play that we might cause. We are work- JUNIOR TENNIS ing on making playing conditions better. We must remember the Tiny Tots (4-6) new course is only 9 months old!!! As busy as we are we might Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-4:00 PM forget this! Until next time “keep it in the short grass”. Mike Gray, Head Golf Professional Future Stars (7-9) Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Grand Slam/Challengers (10-18) DRIVING RANGE Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM HOURS OF OPERATION JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENTS Monday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. 1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tuesday - Sunday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. ADULT TENNIS *Monthly Themed Mixer LIGHTS OUT AT 9:00 PM (Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates) Beginner’s/Intermediate Weekend Drill Interested in learning the game of golf or improving the one that you have? Call our golf professional at 691-3433. Saturday 9-10:30 AM NEW! Beginner/Intermediate Drill GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE Friday 9-10:30 AM IN THE GOLF PRO SHOP RECREATION DEPARTMENT 841-3388 603 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, FL 33408 FALL ACTIVITY SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 2007 Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm on:  North Palm Residents: September 4 & 5 Non-Residents: September 6 & 7 Yearly Non-resident fee: $15.00/single, $25.00/family Building Codes: Anchorage Activities Building (841-3386) AAB 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Exercise AX 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Art AA 603 Anchorage Dr. Youth Art YA 603 Anchorage Dr. Osborne Park (841-3387) OSB 715 Prosperity Farm Rd. Community Center (841-3389) CC 1200 Prosperity Farm Rd. Students must be registered with the Recreation Department before attending a class. Children can fly with a pterodactyl, watch a PRESCHOOL ACTIVITY volcano erupting, and create their own ad- ABC Kids I venture on “Dinosaur Island”. Playtime, Tanya Brown uses hands on approach arts/crafts, snack and story time are just a to explore the alphabet through litera- few of the many activities that happen in ture, games and crafts. Games and class. Instructor is Marlene Baylis. Fee: $100/8wk – AAB activities will also enhance your child’s Code Age/Level Start Time knowledge of numbers, colors, and shapes. Creativity will be 512500-01 3-5 yrs M-9/10 9:30-11:30 fostered by working in pairs and in a group. This class will also Preschool Tap/Jazz strengthen abilities in following directions, turn-taking, coop- Char-Mar Dance returns to us with a variety of dance opportuni- eration and sharing with peers. Weekly letter themes will ties for your child. Children build upon their dance skills and weave the snack, craft, and stories together which will make routines, progressing toward a dance recital in June. If you need ABC Kids fun! Fee: $90/8wk-AAB more information, contact Mary Jane Grant at 369-1619. Class Code Age/Level Start Time is 40 minutes in length. Fee: $90/8wk-AAB, AX 512100-01 3 - 5 yrs T-9/11 10:00-12:00 Code Age/Level Start Time Crafty Kids 511100-01 3-5 yrs Th-9/13 11:00-12:00 In this class, children will not only learn about and make fun art YOUTH/TEEN ACTIVITY projects from many materials, but they will also be learning fine motor skills such as coloring, cutting, gluing, folding, sewing, Ballet painting, etc. Tanya Brown makes the learning experience fun Ballet classes are taught by Char-Mar Dance. Students build on and rewarding for your child. Fee: $55/8wk-AAB routines throughout the year and finish with a recital in June. Code Age/Level Start Time Fee: $100/8wk - AX 512400-01 3-5 yrs Th-9/13 10:00-11:00 Code Age/Level Start Time Cooking Kids 511100-01 Beg. 6–10 yrs T-9/4 3:15 Tanya Brown will link literature with cooking activity for your 511100-01 New school age T-9/4 4:15 preschooler. They will gain “cooking”/food handling skills 511100-01 Teens T-9/4 5:15 such as mixing, stirring, spreading, sprinkling, measuring, etc. Basketball League – For youth 5-16 years of age. If you reg- Children will make their food product, then have a story that ister for this winter youth basketball program be- relates to what they just prepared, and that will be followed by tween October 1 – 26 the discounted rate is $60/ eatingthe finished product. They will experience a wide variety resident, $70/non-resident. After October 21, the of foods. Many socialization skills are also learned in the price returns to $70/resident and $80/non-resident. course of the cooking. Fee: $55/8wk-AAB Each team will have approximately 2 games/week Code Age/Level Start Time and a practice. Games will be played weeknights and Saturdays 512400-02 3-5 yrs Th-9/13 11:00-12:00 at the NPB Community Center. All participants 9 years + will Dazlin Dinosaurs be drafted onto teams. Coaches are needed. For more details, Explore the fascinating world of Dinosaurs with Miss Marlene. call Adam at 841-3389, after 4:00pm. Join her for a journey back in time to learn about the many di- nosaurs that once roamed the earth. (Recreation Continued on Page 9) (Recreation Continued from Page 8) We'll cook scrumptious meals which HipHop Dancing we'll enjoy at the end of our class. Don’t eat dinner on class night! So, you think you can dance? Join Qwincia Wilson, professional ($30 Fee: $55/4wk dancer and dance instructor as she teaches you how to move your materials fee due at first class) – AAB body to fun, contemporary, and up-tempo beats! It’s called Code Age/Level Start Time HipHop and all the kids are doing it! Learn how to move like 524700-01 All T-9/11 7:30-9:00 your favorite artists and dancers. Beginners, intermediate, and 524700-03 All T-10/9 7:30-9:00 advanced are all welcome. For more information, call Qwincia Island Style Cooking - Join Shelly Kahn as we learn about at 670-1700.Fee:$15/cls or $40/4wk-AX different ingredients, spices, and techniques from islands Code Age/Level Start Time around the world. We'll have guest chefs from popular local 512200-01 11 yr + M-9/10 6:30-8:00 512200-01 11 yr + M-10/8 6:30-8:00 restaurants demonstrating how to prepare some of the tastiest Table Tennis dishes from the islands of the Caribbean, Indonesia, Greece, Italy and Polynesia. At the end of every class we'll sit down to Ping Zhang came to Palm Beach Country from China’s Table enjoy a wonderful meal. Fee: Tennis professional team. He instructs this class for all age lev- ($20 materials fee due at first class) $55/4wk – AAB els. He has numerous degrees and certifications in coaching and Code Age/Level Start Time teaching this Olympic activity. Among Ping’s accomplishments 524700-02 All W-9/12 6:30-8:00 are coach of USA National Cadet Team, administrator/coach of 524700-04 All W-10/10 6:30-8:00 Palm Beach County’s Community Olympic Development Pro- Ballroom Dance gram (CODP), coach of the table tennis team at Texas Wesleyan If you have watched “Dancing with the Stars” on tv and wish University, and coached in the USA national class tournament. you could move like Emmett, now is your chance! Cecil Pace Ping will teach you many moves such as the forehand counter will teach you how to Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing, Tango, and all hit, the push, the no spin serve, topspin serve, a block against a the other great ballroom dances. Class is for all skill levels. loop and maybe a loop against a drive! Join us! Fee: $55/mo You must have a partner. For more information, call Cecil at Code Age/Level Start Time 714200-09 Beg T-9/4 7:30-9:00 818-0555. Fee: $10/person/cls-AX 714200-10 Beg T-10/2 7:30-9:00 Code Age/Level Start Time 714200-11 Beg T-11/6 7:30-9:00 720800-09 All W-9/5 7:00-8:30 714200-12 Beg T-12/4 7:30-9:00 Bellydancing Tap/Jazz Doesn’t belly dancing just intrigue you? They make it look so Char-Mar Dance returns to us with a variety of dance opportuni- easy! Now is your chance to learn how! We will be offering a ties for your child. Children build upon their dance skills and beginning class on Tuesday evenings with Meredith Blue. routines, progressing toward a dance recital in June. Many Meredith has been dancing and teaching for over 10 years. For classes listed require several years of previous dance experience. more information, call Meredith at 252-5972. Fee:$70/8wk-AX Discounts apply to students taking multiple dance classes. If you Code Age/Level Start Time are unsure as to which class your child should be registered, or 55100-01 All T-9/13 6:30-8:00 need more information, contact Mary Jane Grant at 369-1619. Beginning Computer Class - Does your computer have Fee: $90/$100/$180/8wk-AAB, AX you frustrated? We are offering a new class for beginners to the Code Age/Level Start Time computer world! Jerry Alvarez will guide you through com- 511100-01 TJ Beg. 5-8 yrs T-9/04 3:00 511100-01 TJ 7-10 yrs T-9/04 3:30 puter fundamentals. This class will cover areas such as: Be- 511100-01 TJ 6-8 yrs T-9/04 4:15 ginning Computer Class Continued - ON/OFF, login, mouse 511100-01 TJ all boys , 7-10 yr T-9/04 4:45 clicks, internet, browsers, setup email, files & folders, routers, 511100-01 TJ Jr. Girls 8-11 yrs T-9/04 5:15 511100-01 TJ Sr. Boys T-9/04 5:45 antivirus, search engines and much more! After this class, 511000-01 TJ Sr. Girls T-9/04 6:15 your computer will be much more functional to you. 511000-01 Jr. Lyrical T-9/04 6:15 Code Age/Level Start Time Teen Salsa Dancing 525800-01 Adult Th-9/13 6:30-8:00 525800-02 Adult Th-10/11 6:30-8:00 Get ready for Latin dance clubs! Feel the rhythm as you learn to 525800-03 Adult Th-11/8 6:30-8:00 move to the Latin beat. Techniques for leading and following Coquettes will be included. Instructor – Janet Kein Fee: $30/3wk, Mary Mazzetta teaches tap dance and dance routines to adults. $40/4wk-AAB The group then performs at local nursing homes. Adults with Code Age/Level Start Time 510500-07 Adult Th-9/13 8:30-9:30 past tap dance experience are welcome. Fee- $24/8wk – AAB 510500-08 Adult Th-1011 8:30-9:30 Code Age/Level Start Time 521300-01 Adult Th-10/18 9:30-11:30 ADULT ACTIVITY Country Line Dance Florida Fish & Seafood – Shelly Kahn teaches how to prepare, Terry Bucciarelli continues on Wednesday evenings with her cook and serve many native fish and seafood's such as Wahoo, beginning Country Line Dance classes at Osborne Park. These cobia, snapper, stone crab, Florida lobster, and more. We will be classes are for dancers of all ages. You do not need a partner in working with fresh fish from local fish markets. We will learn order to join the class. Pay by the class; it is ongoing. herbs and seasonings that compliment the dish as well as side (Recreation Continued on Page 10) dishes to accompany the meal. (Recreation Continued from Page 9) can live longer with a better quality of life! Aerobic exercise classes do very little for the loss of muscle that accompanies the Country Line Dance Continued - Stop in on a Wednesday and aging process. This decline can be halted and reversed by check it out! Fee: $5/cls-AAB – register and pay at the class. strength training. This class will combine aerobic training with Code Age/Level Start Time light free weight training and 15 minutes of “laughing yoga”. 721000 All W-3/7 7:00-8:30 Students should bring own 6-8 lb hand weights. For more in- Duplicate Bridge formation, call instructor Patricia Evans at 276-340-0412. We offer variety of Duplicate Bridge games for you to attend. Fee:$20/4wk Each has a different director. Games are at Osborne Park and the Code Age/Level Start Time Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Call 841-3387 for more infor- 513900-01 Adult T, Th-9/9 9:00-10:00 mation. Fee: $5-$6/player Spanish I Code Age/Level Start Time Living in South Florida, knowledge of this 721400-01 Adult Sun 1:30-5:00 721400-02 Adult M 6:30-10:30 language could prove to be very beneficial to 721400-06 Adult F 12:30-4:30 you. The beginning conversational Spanish Fitness Over 50 class is designed for individuals who have This is a wonderful movement class for men or women. This little or no knowledge of Spanish. Emphasis class has no pounding, jumping or dancing movements. The will be placed on acquiring basic vocabulary, class consists primarily of stretching muscles and limbering the grammar and pronunciation skills for joints. Fee: $20/8wk-AAB “Survival Spanish” via dialogue. Stop wish- Code Age/Level Start Time ing you could understand Spanish – and join this class. Span- 723800-03 Adult M,W,F-9/5 9:00-10:00 ish II is for students who have prior Spanish knowledge. You Jazzercise will need to purchase a book entitled “Learn Spanish the Fast This 60 minute dance-aerobics/strength training class is based on and Fun Way” by Barrons which can be purchased at Barnes & Jazz dance movements which incorporates Pilates principals into Noble. Instructor is Sandy Joseph. Fee: $80/8wk-AAB every workout. Class begins with a warm-up, minimum 33 min- Code Age/Level Start Time 525900-02 Spanish II M-9/10 6:30-8:30 utes of aerobics, and muscle toning cool down period. Instruc- 525900-01 Spanish I W-9/12 6:30-8:30 tors demonstrate how students can modify the steps to meet their Swing Dancing – The spotlight is on dance: recreating the own fitness needs. Age range is from teens up through ladies in unbounded energy of social dancing in the swing era – Big City their 80's! Special New Student Offer good at First Class ONLY swing. Learn the All-American dance – call it East Coast is $25 off Joining Fee and initial Easy Fitness Ticket sign-up or Swing, Lindy, Jitterbug, Jive or Rock & roll! It’s as new as other Class Pass. Please register at the class to make sure you the current music of the 2000’s and as timely as the music of select the pass that works best for your schedule. Contact Marti the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s! Practice footwork and Woschnik at 707-4260 or go to www.jazzercise.com for more turns, a foundation for other swing dances. Singles and couples information. -CC are welcome. Fee: $30/3wk, $$)/4wk -AAB Code Age/Level Start Time 721600 All M,W,F 9:30-10:30 Code Age/Level Start Time 721600 All M-W 6:00-7:00 510500-01 Adult Th-9/13 6:30-7:30 721600 All Sat 9:00-10:00 510500-04 Adult Th-10/11 6:30-7:30 Merengue Table Tennis Janet Kein will teach you the Merry Merengue, Ping Zhang came to Palm Beach county from China’s table Cumbia and Bachata. It is recommended that you tennis professional team. He instructs this table tennis class for take this class in addition to the Salsa class in or- all age levels. He coached the athletes to gained many gold der to know all of the dances currently done in medals in the USA national class tournament. Ping will teach Latin nightclubs and/or Latin cruises. Singles and you many moves such as the forehand counter hit, the push, the couples welcome. $30-3wk, $40/4wk - AAB no spin serve, topspin serve, a block against a loop and maybe a Code Age/Level Start Time loop against a drive! Join us! Fee: $55/mo - AA 510500-03 Adult Th-9/13 8:30-9:30 Code Age/Level Start Time 510500-06 Adult Th-10/11 8:30-9:30 714200-09 Beg T-9/4 7:30-9:00 714200-10 Beg T-10/2 7:30-9:00 Salsa! 714200-11 Beg T-11/6 7:30-9:00 Get ready for Latin dance clubs, your vacation or a cruise. Feel 714200-12 Beg T-12/4 7:30-9:00 the rhythm as you learn to move to the Latin beat. Techniques for leading and following will be included. Janet Kien, instructor Tap Dance, Adults says that singles and couples are welcome! Fee: $30/3wk, CharMar Dance will teach tap dancing to adults. This is a class $40/4wk -AAB for all of you who watch your kids take lessons and wish you Code Age/Level Start Time had learned yourself or for you who have always wanted to 510500-02 Adult Th-9/13 7:30-8:30 learn but never found the time. The time is now! Fee: $100 - 510500-05 Adult Th-10/11 7:30-8:30 AAB Smart Dumbbells Code Age/Level Start Time Smart Dumbbells is a circuit training exercise class. Smart 511100-01 Adults T-9/04 11:00 Dumbbells are free weight lifters who have the smartness to (Recreation Continue on Page 11) know that because lifting weights boosts their brain power, they (Recreation Continued from Page 10) Our cleanup areas will be Munyon Island, Lakeside Park, An- chroage Park and the Country Club. We are looking for volun- Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong teers! Anyone interested in participating must pre-register with Practice these ancient methods of health cultivation and mindful- the North Palm Beach Recreation Department, 603 Anchorage ness. Bring together the forces of mind, body and spirit to de- Drive (841-3386). First 25 volunteers will receive a t-shirt. We velop a daily practice of self-care, balance and spiritual harmony. will also need volunteers with boats to transport other volun- Learn useful techniques and forms in your very first class! Your teers to/from Munyon Island. Adults only will be allowed to guide, John Cook, is a Certified Advanced Instructor of Inner participate in the Country Club Cleanup due to the rough terrain Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 10 of the shoreline. It is recommended that volunteers work in years of experience sharing his practice with those seeking skill- teams of 2-4, with one designated as the recorder, filling out the ful means. Fee: $50/5 wk or $15/cls - AX Ocean Conservancy’s data card as the rest of the team picks up Code Age/Level Start Time debris. This is a great opportunity for not only individuals but 723500-09 All F-9/7 9:30-10:30 also clubs/groups and organizations to give back to your com- Yoga munity. We hope you will join in and help Keep Palm Beach Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the nerves and relieves . County Beautiful stress/anxiety and strengthens abdominal muscles. It helps im- prove flexibility of the spine and all joints. You will learn yoga Fall Clean-Up Garage Sale postures, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation tech- niques. This class is for all levels. Instructor: Gwen Germaine. Saturday, September 29, 2007 Fee: $50/5cls or $15/cls-AX Be sure to attend the annual Garage Sale at The North Palm Code Age/Level Start Time Beach Community Center on Saturday, September 29, 2007. 722900-09 Adult M-9/3 10:30-12:00 Sale begins at 7:00 AM! No early birds! We have 40 separate 722900-09 Adult W-9/5 6:00-7:30 sales under one roof! You are sure to find that certain item you 722900-09 Adult Sat-9/1 9:00-10:30 have been searching for! TRAVEL TOURS Football Fans take notice! The Recreation Department has tickets for the Miami Dol- phins games on September 30th against Arts & Crafts Fall Festival the Oakland Raiders and on October 21st against the New England Patriots. The Saturday, November 3, 2007 cost is $80/person. If you purchase tickets to both games, the cost is $70/ticket. Seating is very limited, so 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM . register early! For more details, contact Bill at 841-3389 Contact Bill Egan at 841-3389 for information on any trip. North Palm Beach Community Center 1200 Prosperity Farms Road LOOKING FORWARD This will be the 19th year of this show. Vendors come from as Halloween 5K Ghost Run - The Recreation Department is far north as Vero Beach and as far south as Key West. All hosting a 5K race on Saturday, October 27 at 7:30 AM. Pre- items in the show must be hand crafted or embellished by the registration fee is $20.00 ($25.00 the day of the race). Age vendor. groups are male/female 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50- If you are interested in participating, get an application form 59, 60-69, and 70+. Prizes will be awarded in each age group. from Anchorage Park Activities Building or from the Recrea- Registration forms are available on the Recreation pages of tion pages of the Village web site. If you do not plan on partici- www.village-npb.org or at the Recreation centers. You don’t pating, we hope you will plan on attending. have to be able to run 3/2 miles to participate. You are invited to walk the course. Come out have a good time and get some exer- Visit the Recreation pages of the Village’s web site: cise! Call 841-3386 for more information. www.village-npb.org - Coastal CleanupSeptember 15, 2007 The Village of North Palm Beach is participating in the International Coastal êÈÍÍÎËÉäÎÈË Cleanup 2007, sponsored by ñÎÚÜÑûÈÊÔÏØÊÊØÊ Keep Palm Beach County Beautiful, on Saturday, Sep- tember 15th from 8:00 am until noon. We are en- couraging residents to join the efforts to clean our public waterfront areas. LABOR DAY - HOLIDAY SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS NEEDED REFUSE COLLECTION The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety has immedi- ate openings for School Crossing Guards. This position involves assisting children across the street at an assigned location, each school day, both in the morning and afternoon. Work hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. and from 1:45 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Benefits Include: Training, uniforms and equipment provided Monday Sept. 3 No Collection No nights, weekends or holidays Competitive wages/ $24.51/day Tuesday Sept. 4 Garbage Only Bi-Weekly Pay Applications can be obtained at the De- Wednesday Sept. 5 Trash, Vegetation partment of Public Safety, 560 U. S. Highway #1, North Palm Beach. For Thursday Sept. 6 Trash, Vegetation & more information, please contact Lt. Recycling Cynthia Hawes or Mrs. Susanne Crews at 841-3376. Friday Sept. 7 Garbage Only VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 PAID NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408