04-2007 Newsletter
V N P B, 501 US H #1, N P B, FL 33408
Village Council2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Code Enforcement Board.................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m.
David B. Norris
Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal........................................................on call
Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D.
Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m.
William Manuel
Library Advisory Board................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Darryl C. Aubrey
Planning Commission...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m.
T. R. Hernacki, P.E.
Recreation Advisory Board..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Village Council members may be
Waterways Board..................................next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 p.m.
contacted through the office of the
Zoning Board of Adjustmenton call
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at
All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One
Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the
Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to
the Council meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting.
Village Manager 841-3380
Village Clerk 841-3355
Finance 841-3360
Community Develop. 841-3365
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3388
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Osborne Park 841-3387
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Non Emergency 848-2525
Emergency 911
Country Club 841-3359
Property Tax Reform Bulletin
- see page 2
Administration 691-3420
Golf Shop 691-3433
Recreation Annual Egg Hunts - April 6th & 7th
- see page 10
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 626-6515
Military Unit Adoption Volunteer Activities
- see page 3
Restaurant 691-3430
U. S. Highway 1 Closing - Saturday 21, 2007 10:30 AM until
the parade ends
(no later than 12:30 PM) -see page 8
Heritage Festival/Parade - April 21st -
see page 11
Arbor Day Observance - Lakeside Park, Friday April 27,
- see page 3 & 9
“Ask the Village” a new feature in the newsletter
- see page 5
Operation Safe Kids” April 27, 2007 at 3:30 PM
“- see page 4
Country Club Public Meeting , April 23, 2007
- see page 12
AARP Tax Aid -
The service is free of charge. - See page 12
Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org
Village of North Palm Beach
Property Tax Reform – Informational Bulletin
March 16, 2007
The Village of North Palm Beach along with the Florida League of Cities is actively engaged in
the property tax reform debate. We all agree that property taxes are too high and need to be re-
duced now. However, the solution proposed by the legislature will not work and could be devastat-
ing to the Village and all other municipalities.
The proposal by the legislature would reduce the Village’s Property Revenue by an estimated 5.4
million dollars. That is 45% of our Property Tax revenue. The consequence of that taxable revenue
loss reduces the overall revenue to the Village by 28%.
That 28% across the board cut would most assuredly cripple all service delivery departments like
Police, Fire/Rescue, Sanitation, Public Works, the Library and Parks & Recreation. Examples of
those cuts should this legislative proposal be approved are:
The Police force would be reduced from 32 Officers to 23, a loss of 9 Officers. This at a time
that the Nation is experiencing an upswing in crime for the first time in years. Especially
crimes of violence.
Fire / Paramedic Service would be reduced from 20 to 14 a loss of 6 Fire / Rescue personnel,
resulting in the Village no longer being compliant with Level of Service mandates.
Public Works would be impacted with the loss of 13 fulltime workers, most assuredly dimin-
ishing the level of sanitation collection service currently being provided by the Village.
Parks and Recreation will be forced to cut their staffing by 4 fulltime and 11 part-time
Library staff will be reduced by 2 fulltime and 2 part-time workers.
Community Development which has a limited staff to begin with will feel the cuts by 3 posi-
Administrative Services (Finance, Human Resources & Managers office) would need to cut 3
positions as well.
As you can see this Tax Reform proposal can and will have significant impacts upon us here in the
Village. It will have similar impacts on all municipalities. I implore all Village residents to stay
informed and join me in opposing reform measures that remove local controls of our taxing reve-
nue structure, and to contact your state representative and senate to express your opposition. For
the good of the Village, we must not let the pending proposal survive
Thank you again for the support you have given over the years to this Council and to the Village as
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
a whole. We are truly
Warmest Regards,
David B. Norris, Mayor
Village of North Palm Beach
VILLAGE COUNCIL NEWS: Village Boards were created to advise
the Council on present and future activities of the Village. Cur-
rently, an HVAC Contractor is needed for the Construction
Council Members for 2007-2008
: The following individuals
Board of Adjustment and Appeals. Annual appointments to all
were sworn in on March 22, 2007 as members of the Village
Village Boards and Committees will be made in April. Positions
Council for a two year term:
with terms expiring 4/30/07 are as follows (the Council may ap-
Group 2: Thomas R. Hernacki
point new members or re-appoint incumbents, at its discretion):
Group 4: David B. Norris
Audit Committee 3 Members, 2 Alternates
Code Enforcement Board 3 Members
Construction Board 3 Members, 2 Alternates
Country Club Advisory Board 3 Members
Ordinance 2007-03
Library Advisory Board 2 Members, 2 Alternates
NPB Amendments to Florida Building Code
Police & Fire Pension Board 1 Member
Resolution 2007-15
Planning Commission 3 Members, 2 Alternates
Contract w/Delray Garden Center for Northlake Blvd. Land-
Recreation Advisory Board 2 Members, 2 Alternates
Waterways Board 2 Members, 2 Alternates
Resolution 2007-16
Zoning Board of Adjustment 1 Member, 2 Alternates
Approves Collective Bargaining Agreement PBA
Applications are available online at http://www.village-npb.org/
Resolution 2007-17
boards.htm or through the Clerk’s office at 841-3355. Appoint-
Approves Collective Bargaining Agreement IAFF
ees will serve for a period of 1 - 3 years, depending upon the
Resolution 2007-18Board. Deadline for applications is Friday, 4/13/07. All appli-
Approves Collective Bargaining Agreement FPE cants will be contacted for an interview with the Village Council.
Resolution 2007-19
Modification of the Vacation Accrual Schedule
Resolution 2007-20
North Palm Beach has adopted the Headquarters Unit of the 2nd
Agreement with MUNIS for software renewal
Battalion, 27th Infantry (Light), 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Divi-
Resolution 2007-21
sion, presently stationed in Iraq.
Budget Amendment Buttonwood Drainage Project
Donation boxes are located at Village municipal
Resolution 2007-22
buildings. The Village of North Palm Beach has set up a bank
Street Overlay Paving Contract with Charles S. Whiteside, Inc.
account for monetary donations. Please make your check pay-
Resolution 2007-23
able to: Village of North Palm Beach Support Our Troops and
Laserfiche Document Imaging System Purchase
mail or bring to the Clerk's Office at 501 US Highway One,
Resolution 2007-24
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Budget Amendment Country Club Equipment Lease
Resolution 2007-25
The first Arbor Day was declared on April 10, 1872 by Julius
LRM, Inc. to perform US Highway 1 Corridor Study
Sterling Morton (1832-1902) in Nebraska.
Resolution 2007-26Morton was a journalist and politician who
Grant Management Services Agreement with RMPK hailed from Michigan. As a member of
Nebraska’s State Board of Agriculture he
Resolution 2007-27
was able to propose a special day dedicated
Library Advisory Board Appointments
to tree planting and the awareness of the
Resolution 2007-28
importance of trees. More than one million
Planning Services Agreement with LRM for Annexation Area
trees were planted on Nebraska’s first Ar-
bor Day. A second Arbor Day was declared in 1884 and in 1885
Resolution 2007-29
Nebraska made it an annual legal holiday.
SFRN Proposal for Earman River Permit Renewal
In 1970 President Richard Nixon proclaimed the last Friday in
Resolution 2007-30
April as National Arbor Day. All 50 states currently celebrate
Lease Agreement with GE Modular Space for Temporary Ten-
Arbor Day. Individual states have adopted varying dates to keep
nis Building
in line with local climates. The Cabbage Palmetto is the state
Resolution 2007-31
Sidewalk Replacement Contract with Charles S. Whiteside, Inc.
The Mayor will proclaim the observance of Arbor Day in North
Palm Beach on Friday, April 27, 2007 at 10:00 AM. The Vil-
lage will be planting a Callophylum Tree (common name
Beautyleaf) at Lakeside Park in observance of Arbor Day.
Please contact the Village Manager’s Office at 841-3380 or Pub-
lic Works at 691-3440 for details on the planting ceremony if
you wish to attend.
303 Anchorage Drive
The North Palm Beach Friends of the Library would like to
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
thank everyone who participated in the Bake Sale, Book Sale,
and Author Luncheon. We have had an outstanding year.
The officers for 2007/2008 are as follows:
Joanne Greener, President
Gretchen Zale, Vice-President
Carolyn Baruch, Secretary
Patty Sullivan, Treasurer
continues for ages 4 & 5 on Mon-
Wednesday, April 18th at 2 p.m.
days, ages 6-8 on Tuesdays, both are drop-off programs begin-
ning at 3:30 p.m. Ages 2 & 3 will meet with a parent on
The 143 anniversary of the most memorable speech, The Gettys-
Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. Enjoy a new theme each week,
burg Address, will be the topic of the program on Wednesday,
filled with stories, puppets, music, a movie and craft.
April 18 at 2:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room of the Library.
Bob Schenkls, a member of the Civil War Roundtable, will shed
themselves for a fun-filled, fast-paced hour
light on this document by providing background of the Civil War,
on Friday, April 6 at 3:30 p.m.. Ages 9-12 join us for library
the events leading up to the Address, and expose the myths of the
games and light refreshments.
Address. It has been translated into 29 languages. At the conclu-
is an interactive program for birth to 23
sion of the program, the audience will participate by reading The
months on Saturday, April 14th at 10:15 a.m. Enjoy music,
Gettysburg Address in unison. Plan to join us for a moving pro-
movement, cuddles, colors and lots more.
gram. (This program is re-scheduled from November as Mr.
Schenkls had a death in the family.)
is a favorite program for ages 6-10. Bring a
game or enjoy a variety of games from the library collection.
MYSTERY NIGHT, MAY 19, 2007 th
Join us on Thursday, April19 at 3 p.m.
Public Library
April 17, 7:00 p.m.
The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will have their April meeting
on Tuesday, April 17, at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room.
“Operation Safe Kids”
Plan to attend this informative meeting! The Library now offers
three genealogy databases to assist you in your research: Ancestry
April 27, 2007 at 3:30 PM
Library Edition, Heritage Quest, and ProQuest Obituaries. Heri-
tage Quest and ProQuest Obituaries are able to be accessed at
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety and the
your home through the village website: www.village-npb.org. If
Village of North Palm Beach Public Library would like to ex-
you have any questions, please call Sue at 841-3383.
tend an open invitation to all village residents to attend the 1
Operation Safe KidsNorth Palm
annual “” program at the
Beach Public Library on April 27, 2007 at 3:30 p.m.
(Library continued on Page 5)
(Library continued from Page 4)
560 U. S.. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
“Operation Safe Kids”
“Operation Safe Kids” is designed to provide education and
The Village plans on implementing a new feature in the
awareness to parents and children about preventable and danger-
monthly newsletter starting this month. The new column will
ous situations. This program was established by the North Palm
be “Ask the Village”. Residents will have the opportunity to
Beach Department of Public Safety and the Public Library in an
have their concerns and/or questions answered each month.
effort to keep our communities “kids safe”.
The residents may email their questions to
This assembly style presentation teaches children how to identify
potential dangers, protect themselves from abuse, abduction and
or mail in your questions to the Manager’s office. The follow-
exploitation through a series of interactive scenarios. The presen-
ing month the Village will answer your concerns/questions. I
tation empowers children with the information, tools, and sup-
am excited that we will have this opportunity to serve the resi-
port they need to be safe, without frightening them. It teaches
dents of the Village in another capacity.
them how to use their instincts, intuition, and common sense to
make smart choices, not scared reactions when confronted by
On Wednesday evening, March 14, 2007 the Village’s second
“town hall meeting” was held to discuss the final conceptual
plan for the Anchorage Park Improvements. The concept was
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety will provide
well received with minor changes and the plan will be presented
parents with a checklist of simple safety measures, deterrence
to the Village Council for approval at a future meeting. If you
strategies and solutions to minimize the chances of harm to their
have any questions please check our website for “Anchorage
children. The information presented is designed to ignite conver-
Park Comments”.
sation and interaction between parents and children regarding the
dangers posed by abductors and molesters.
The Village’s 8th annual Heritage Festival and Parade will take
place on Saturday, April 21, 2007. The parade will start at the
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety and The
Village Hall parking lot and proceed north on U.S. Highway 1
Village of North Palm Beach Public Library would like to en-
and terminate at the North Palm Beach Country Club driving
courage all residents to attend this powerful and informative
range. The driving range will be closed that afternoon and the
area will be cordoned off. A variety of food and beverages will
be offered as well as the different children’s activities such as
adult/children’s carnival rides, games, a midway and live bands.
Scan the rest of the newsletter for other events on that weekend
such as golf tournament, open swim times, and evening pool-
side activities. It is designed for the whole family to have a
great time; one of the great side benefits of the Heritage Day
Festival and Parade is the ability to visit with your friends and
neighbors for an afternoon. Look forward to seeing you there!
That in 1982 James Michener was a visitor to North Palm Beach
and our library. He spoke one evening giving “advice to aspiring
writers”. Even more important, he wrote a history of North Palm
Beach. We have the original manuscript!
A special invitation - come see Mr. Michener’s history of North
Palm Beach. We have it framed. We have many interesting
pieces of our village’s history. Do come and visit Monday,
Wednesday or Friday from 10:00 AM till noon.
Joan Aubrey, Ed.D.
Village Historian
POOL 691-3427
Country Club
951 US Highway #1
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
(Administration Office 561-691-3420)
The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We
welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of
Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
our amenities. We are a complete recreation facility offering daily
Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous
Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size pool or an
April 21, 2007 Heritage Day
exquisite dining experience. We offer discounts to our Village
Free Open Swim Noon - 11:00 PM
residents with a valid resident card. To purchase your resident
card, stop by the Administration office. Proof of residency (deed,
tax bill, or 12 month lease agreement and photo identification) is
required at time of issuance.
Water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are
held Wednesday and Friday at 12:15 - 1:15 PM at the
GOLF 691-3433
Country Club Pool. Certified instructor is Jean Burge.
“From the Golf Shop”
Cost is $5/class.
Heritage Pro-Am Golf Tournament
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Mark your calendar! April 21st the North Palm
Beach Country Club will be hosting a Pro-AM.
TENNIS 626-6515
This years event will be in conjunction with the
Heritage Day Festival. The tournament is open to
men and women, members, residents, and non-
residents, all players must have a handicap. The
event will consist of 4-player teams: 1-professional
and 3 amateurs, amateurs will sign up individually and will be JUNE 11 - AUGUST 10
placed on a team according to their handicap, each team will have
Check out our junior and adult programs!
an A, B and C player plus the professional. The format will be a 1,
2, 3 best ball. Hole #1 will be a 1 best ball of the foursome, Hole
#2 will be a 2 best ball and Hole #3 will be a 3 best ball of the four-
some. All professionals will be selected by the golf shop and
Tiny Tots (4-6)
drawn randomly onto their respective teams. We would like to
Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-4:00 PM
make this an annual event. The PRO-AM will be a lot of fun!!
Future Stars (7-9)
Call the golf shop to sign up for this special event. We look for-
Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
ward to hearing from you!
Grand Slam/Challengers (10-18)
Mike Gray
Head Golf Professional Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Drills, Games, Pizza and Fun!!!!
(Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates)
Monday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday - Sunday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
*Monthly Themed Mixer
LIGHTS OUT AT 9:00 p.m.
(Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates)
Beginner’s/Intermediate Weekend Drill
Interested in learning the game of golf or improving the one that
Saturday 9-10:30 AM
you have? Call our golf professional at 691-3433.
Beginner/Intermediate Drill
Friday 9-10:30 AM
Share identity information only when necessary. Never give
560 U. S. Highway One
anyone your credit card number unless you initiated the transac-
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
tion. If someone calls you on the phone and asks for your credit
card number or social security number, don’t give it to them.
Social Security numbers should not be provided to anyone other
than employers or financial institutions that need them for tax
reporting purposes.
U. S. Highway 1 will be closed to all traf-
Secure your mailbox. The second most common way that
fic from Golfview Road to Northlake
thieves obtain identity information is through stolen mail.
Boulevard in order to facilitate the Heri-
Many thieves raid mailboxes as soon as the postal carrier is
tage Day Parade on April 21, 2007. The
through placing the mail into the box. Never place outgoing
closure will last from approximately
mail in an unlocked residential mailbox.
10:30 AM until the parade ends (no later
Secure information on your personal computer. Credit card
than 12:30 PM).
numbers should not be provided to anyone on the internet
unless you initiate the contact.
Northbound traffic on US Highway 1 will
be re-routed west along Northlake Boulevard to Prosperity Farms
Shred documents containing identity information. Any mail or
Road to continue north. Southbound traffic will be turned
other papers containing this information should be shredded
around at Golfview Road and will have to take PGA Boulevard
prior to disposing of it into the trash. This includes credit or
(SR786) west to Prosperity Farms Road to continue south. De-
debit card receipts, cancelled bank checks and statements, junk
tour signs will be in place to designate these alternate routes of
mail, and especially pre-approved credit card applications.
Promptly review all bank and credit card statements for accu-
racy. Report any irregularities to the bank or credit card com-
Emergency entrance and exit into areas closed off during the
pany immediately. Periodically request copies of your credit
parade has been arranged as follows:
East of US Highway 1:
to exit, travel the east side service alley
When someone realizes they have become a victim of identity
north and exit behind the 7-11 located at 924 US Highway 1,
theft, they should report it to the local police department. As a
continue north until past the barricade at Lakeshore Drive. To
law-abiding citizen you can do your part to protect yourself by
enter meet with the Officers at the barricade located at Golfview
keeping your private information private. If you have any ques-
Road and US Highway 1. Once over Parker Bridge, turn east
tions regarding Identity Theft contact Officer Williams at 561-
and access the service alley behind the 7-11. Entrance can then
be gained to closed off sections east of US Highway 1.
West of US Highway 1:
to access areas west of US Highway 1,
enter and exit via Lighthouse Drive and Prosperity Farms Road.
Sexual Offenders/Sexual Predators
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like
to inform all our residents that access to registered sexual preda-
Imagine opening your credit card bill and discovering that some-
tor and sexual offender information can be obtained through:
one went on a $5,000.00 shopping spree, Imagine getting a letter
from the Courthouse stating that you must pay a traffic ticket that
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Internet Website,
you never received in the first place. In either case, it could
www.fdle.state.fl.us. This site provides direct access to the
mean that you have become a victim of identity theft.
State of Florida’s sexual predator/offender database. To
access the website, click on the sexual predator/offender
Identity Theft occurs when an imposter obtains key pieces of
database link and enter your zip code or Offenders name.
information such as Social Security and Driver’s License num-
bers to obtain credit, merchandise and services in the name of the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Telephone Ac-
victim. The victim is left with a ruined credit history that can be
cess, 1-888-357-7332. This telephone number is designed
extremely difficult to repair. The criminal may even accumulate
for those without Internet access. Information can be ob-
traffic tickets or commit serious crimes using your good name.
tained by calling this toll free telephone number, 24 hours a
Victims often have no idea that their identity has been compro-
day, seven days a week.
mised until creditors begin to inquire about outstanding bills.
While it is difficult to prevent identity theft, there are some steps
that you can take to help avoid becoming a victim.
(10) Such parked equipment shall not be used in the course of
any commercial activity. For this purpose, commercial activity
501 U. S. Highway One
shall include any type of business or activity which is conducted
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
on or off the subject premises.
(Code 1970, § 30-1; Ord. No. 26-72, § 1; Ord. No. 11-79, § 1,
6-14-79; Ord. No. 27-93, § 1, 12-9-93; Ord. No. 38-97, § 1, 8-
Sec. 18-35. Recreational, boating and camping equipment
28-97; Ord. No. 33-99, § 1, 10-28-99)
and personal recreational use trailers; parking on residential
property restricted.
Recreational, boating and camping equipment in the form of
travel and camping trailers, boats on trailers, boat trailers, motor
645 Prosperity Farms Road
homes, personal recreational use trailers including motorcycle
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
and all terrain vehicle trailers and vans, designed and used exclu-
sively as temporary living quarters for recreation, for boating, for
camping, for travel or for other personal recreational use, may be
parked in the side or rear yard, or within completely enclosed
garages on sites containing a single family or duplex residence,
As we all are aware, hurricane season is just a few months
subject to the following conditions:
away. Now is the time to take care of
(1) A maximum of two (2) pieces of such equipment at a time all your heavy trimming. By being
shall be permitted on a site. pro-active now, you, the resident, can
assist your Public Works Department
(2) Such parking shall be limited to such equipment owned or
with the task of getting our village
leased by the occupant-owner or occupant-lessee of the site con-
back to normalcy much quicker after a
cerned. Exception: A guest of an occupant-owner or occupant-
storm hits. Be sure that if you hire a
lessee may park this equipment in the front yard for not more
contractor to trim your trees back that
than five (5) days in any fourteen-day period.
they are licensed. This can be confirmed with a quick call to
(3) The location for such parked equipment shall be in the rear
the Community Development Department at 841-3365.
yard or in the side yard to the rear of a line established by the
front building line adjacent to the side yard where the equipment
The Solid Waste Authority may close the disposal sites anytime
is located; provided, however, that on corner lots such equipment
Hurricane Watch
after a (36-48 hours prior to when hurricane
shall not be parked on the side yard which faces a public street.
conditions may occur) is in effect. The Solid Waste Authority
(4) Such equipment shall, at all times, have attached a current
may give the Village 6-12 hours notice that the disposal sites
vehicle license plate.
will be closed. As such, the Village does not have the opportu-
nity to announce when collection will absolutely stop.
(5) When parked on the site, such equipment shall not be used
for living or sleeping quarters or for housekeeping or storage
Hurricane Warning
A(12-36 hours prior to when hurricane
purposes and shall not have attached thereto any water, sewer,
conditions may occur) is not the time to trim trees and clear
electric or gas service connection. Exception: Guest equipment
trash out of storage and outside areas.
as defined in subsection (2).
(6) Such equipment shall not exceed the maximum length,
Hurricane Watches
During , residents should not place any
width, height and weight permitted under applicable provisions
additional trash and vegetation out on the street. Residents will
of the motor vehicle laws of the State of Florida; provided, how-
be responsible for securing any trash or vegetation left after the
ever, the maximum length shall not exceed thirty (30) feet and
Village suspends collection service. The Public Works or Pub-
the maximum height shall not exceed ten (10) feet.
lic Safety Department may contact individual residents to prop-
(7) Such equipment shall be secured so that it will not be a haz-
erly secure such materials.
ard or menace during high winds or hurricanes. At least four (4)
hurricane ground anchors shall be available at each site for each
piece of equipment where such equipment is stored pursuant to
The Mayor will proclaim the observance of Arbor Day in North
this Code.
Palm Beach on Friday, April 27, 2007.
(8) All such equipment, when parked in the side yard, shall be
The Village will be planting a Callophy-
visually screened from the view of properties adjacent to the side
lum Tree (common name Beautyleaf) at
yard and street rights-of-way with an opaque wall, fence, gate or
Lakeside Park at 10:00 AM in observance
hedge to a height of six (6) feet and to the length and width of
of Arbor Day. Please contact the Village
such equipment. When such equipment is parked in the rear yard
Manager’s Office at 841-3380 or Public
of a corner lot, the equipment shall be visually screened from the
Works at 691-3440 for details on the
view of the side street right-of-way. Such walls, gates or fences
planting ceremony if you wish to attend.
shall be constructed in accordance with section 45-36(D).
(9) The village council finds that, as a matter of fact, recrea-
tional and camping equipment is a customary accessory use of
the land in R-1 and R-2 zoning districts in the village.
Super Kids Camp
Recreation Department 841-3388
– This exciting ½ day program is for
youth 3–6 years of age. Youth 3 & 4 years of age meet Tues-
603 Anchorage Drive
day & Thursday 9:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m., $60/session. 5 & 6 year
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
olds meet Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 9:00 a.m. - noon,
$120/session. Both programs run in 2-4 week sessions begin-
Annual Egg Hunt
– Don’t miss
ning the week of June 4 and July 2. Each week features a dif-
it and don’t be late! Egg Hunt for
ferent theme with guests coming in to present fun, exciting and
youth up to 7 years of age will begin
sometimes educational programs. Camp includes story time,
promptly at 9:00 am at Lakeside Park
crafts, free play, snack and much more. Camp Director is Ma-
on Saturday, April 7. Hunt will be
relen Baylis.
divided into 3 sections, one for chil-
dren under 3 years of age, one for
Arts ‘n Motion Camp
– A high-energy camp for tots and
children 4-5 years and one for youth
preschoolers incorporating creative movement, dance, art and
6–7 years. Parents can help children
music. Ages 3-5 years, Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-noon. $125/
only in the 3 and under section. Chil-
week. Session 1: June 18–June 29, Session 2: July 16-July 27
dren should bring their own baskets. The Easter Bunny will be
Camp directed by Char-Mar Dance. For more information call
on hand to lead the frenzy and then sit for photo opportunities.
Flashlight Egg Hunt
Kids 8–12 can en-
joy a night hunt on Friday, April 6 at 8:00 pm Curtains Up Performing Arts Camp
– A 2 week
at Lakeside Park. Be sure to bring a flashlight
camp exploring many aspects of Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip-Hop,
with fresh batteries and something to stash
Cheerleading, Musical Theater and more. Ages 6 years +,
your goodies in! This is fun to watch, even if
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $200/week. Camp di-
Please – NO children under
you don’t have kids participating!
rected by Char-Mar Dance. For more information call 369-
the age of 8!!They have their own hunt on Saturday.
Underwater Egg Hunt
– New this year! This program is
Marlins vs Phillies
- Take me out to
for teens 13 years and up. Participants must be profi-
the ball game! Join us in the Marlins
cient swimmers! You will be diving into the pool to
home opener on Friday night, April 6th.
gather eggs from the bottom! This exciting activity
Good seats @ $50/person. Bus will depart
will begin at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 7, no
from the Community Center at 4:30 p.m.
masks---goggles fine. Bring something to gather
and will return round approximately 10:30
your eggs in!
Summer Camp Registration:
registration for NPB resi-
dents for all Summer Camp Programs will be held at the Anchor- NORTH PALM BEACH POOL ACTIVITIES
age Park Activities Building on
Location: 951 US Hwy 1, North Palm Beach
Saturday, May 5 at 8:00 am.If
For more information, please call 691-3427
you plan on placing your child
in the Summer Programs, you
Pool Membership Renewals – due May 1
will have to be here on this
morning for the program will
Lap lanes
most likely fill by 10:00 am.
12:00 to 3:30 PM Tuesday thru Friday
Non residents can register May 9
10:00 to 6:00 PM Saturday
& 10 from 9:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
12:00 to 6:00 PM Sunday
Baby Pools
NPB Summer Day Camp
– Recreation Day Camp for
The baby pools will reopen in March.
youth 7 – 12 years of age runs in 2 week increments from June 4
– July 27. Camp meets at the NPB Community Center, 1200
NPB Swim Team
Prosperity Farm Road. Each day features a trip to a local attrac-
Monday thru Friday 3:30 to 7:00 PM
tion such as rollerskating, bowling, rapids, etc. Complete sched-
Ages 9 and up
ules available at Recreation buildings. $250/session. If you have
Masters Swimming
any questions please call Camp Director Nick Pomona at 841-
This is for adults 18 & over, no experience required. Practices
are offered 5 times a week.
Summer Camp 2007 - Counselors Needed
- Applica-
tions are being accepted for Summer Camp Counselors at North
Palm Beach Recreation Department, Anchorage Park Activities
Building. Camp starts June 4th through July 27th. You must be
18 years of age or older. If you have any questions please call
Nick Pomona at 841-3387.
(Recreation Continued from Page 10)
Heritage Pro-Am Golf Tournament
Don’t miss out on this Pro-Am tournament! There
will be 4-player teams; 1 professional and 3 ama-
teurs. The club will provide the professionals, you
get the other 3! Regular golf fees apply, plus a
$25.00 entry fee. Call the club at 691-3433 for details.
Free Open Swim
- The newly renovated North
Palm Beach Pool will be open to all on Heritage Day
from noon – 11:00 p.m. Drop by to see the beautiful
new pool deck!
Village Green Restaurant
- While at the festival, if you
don’t feel like festival food, please plan on eating in the Village
Green Restaurant. They always have something delicious cook-
ing! Snackbar will be open poolside throughout the day.
It’s here! The Heritage Parade & Festival is on Saturday April
21st. Don’t miss all the excitement! This is a Village event and
Call 841-3386 for more information
we hope you will participate with all your family, friends and
on any Heritage Day activity.
Wrist Band Presales
– You can avoid lines at the ticket BULLETIN BOARD REMINDERS
booths at the Festival by purchasing a wrist band
before the event. The wrist bands are $15 and buys
unlimited carnival rides. Midway games and food
One volunteer is needed to serve on the Audit
sales will be on a cash basis. Wristbands can be
Committee. Volunteers must be Village residents with educa-
purchased at the Anchorage Park Activities Building during
tional and/or practical experience in the fields of finance or
open hours starting April 9th.
business. The primary responsibility of the Audit Committee
shall be to oversee and monitor the independent audits of the
The Heritage Parade begins at Village Hall at 11:00
Village’s financial statements from the selection of the inde-
a.m. and travels north on US Highway 1 to the Country Club.
pendent auditors to the resolution of audit findings. Addition-
This year’s parade has more units than in the past. It’s not too
ally, the Audit Committee shall facilitate communication be-
late to get your scout troop, antique car or float in the parade.
tween the Village Manager’s office, the independent auditors
Contact the Recreation Department at 841-3386. Start planning
and the Village Council, serve as an advisor to the Village
where you will park your chair for this thrilling spectacle!
Council, and present, on an annual basis, a written report to the
Village Council which shall show how the committee has dis-
– The Festival will be held on the driving range at the
charged its duties and met its responsibilities, and include its
Country Club from noon – 7:00 p.m. Enjoy live musical enter-
findings as to the independent audits of the Village’s financial
tainment, a carnival midway, rides, plenty of delicious food,
statements. Applications are available from the Village Clerk’s
games, and something for every-
office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway 1, on-line at
one! Relive those great mo-
at the Advisory Board link or by calling
ments as you 'Stroll' through the
50's, 'Twist & Shout' through the
60's, and have some FUN in the “Ask the Village”
a new feature in the monthly newsletter
90's withThe Fabulons” from
starting this month. The new column will give residents the
noon – 2:00 p.m. “Eclipse” will
opportunity to have their concerns and/or questions answered
entertain you with a contemporary mix of your favorites from
each month. Email your questions to publicinfo@village-
2:30-5:00 p.m. From 5:30-7:30 p.m. “The Feeder Band” brings
npb.org or mail your questions to the Village Manager’s office
you a variety of tunes from 1960's hits of The Beatles and Mo-
at 501 U S Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408.
town all the way up to songs of the new millennium! The rides,
midway games and food continue all afternoon and evening until
“Operation Safe Kids”
first annual program at the North
7:00 p.m. Activity moves poolside from 7:00-11:00 p.m. for
Palm Beach Public Library on Friday, April 27, 2007 at 3:30
more music, dancing, swimming, food and fun!
p.m. presented by North Palm Beach Department of Public
Safety and North Palm Beach Public Library. This program is
Business Expo
– local businesses will be displaying in the designed to provide education and awareness to parents and
children about preventable and dangerous situations. Please
Business Expo Area from noon – 6:00 p.m. Be sure to visit this
join us for a powerful and informative presentation.
area to see local businesses that support Village events.
North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety
Thank You
raffic riented olicing (
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like to
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is com-
thank everyone that attended the “Tip a Cop for a Cause” fund-
mitted to the safety of its citizens. A Safe Community is a
raiser held at the Village Green Restaurant on March 14, 2007.
community that promotes traffic safety and injury prevention.
Law Enforcement Officers partnered with the wait staff to serve
is a program which requires members of the community
customers and all donations (“Tips”) given to the police officers
and law enforcement to work together to reduce traffic prob-
are to benefit the Special Olympics. The outcome and support for
lems in North Palm Beach. It uses an approach to involve resi-
this event was nothing short of amazing! Together, we raised
dents in addressing traffic problems and safety concerns in the
$1,231.00 for the athletes of Special Olympics Florida.
village. We would like your help to determine specific areas
of concern. Please contact Officer Williams at 841-3300 or
email us at traffic@village-npb.org. You can remain anony-
AARP TAX AID: Country Club Director Mickey Neal along with Adam Shepherd,
Free tax preparation service will be
Tennis Professional will host an open public meeting at the North
available in the North Palm Beach Village Hall Council Cham-
Palm Beach Country Club Restaurant at 6:00 p.m. on Monday,
bers 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday
April 23, 2007. We encourage all tennis members to attend, we
through April 16, 2007.
will be discussing the plans for a new permanent tennis facility.
Tax payers should bring 2006 tax forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and
We look forward to receiving feedback from members and resi-
other tax information along with their 2005 tax return. Tax
dents regarding improving our tennis amenity.
payers are also asked to bring proper ID.
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
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