03-2007 Newsletter
V N P B, 501 US H #1, N P B, FL 33408
Village Council2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Code Enforcement Board.................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m.
David B. Norris, Mayor
Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal........................................................on call
Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor
Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m.
William Manuel,
President ProTem
Library Advisory Board................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Charles R. O’Meilia, Councilman
Planning Commission...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30 p.m.
Darryl C. Aubrey, Councilman
Recreation Advisory Board..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Village Council members may be
Waterways Board.............................................next to last Tuesday, monthly, 4:00 p.m.
contacted through the office of the
Zoning Board of Adjustmenton call
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at
All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One
Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the
Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to
the Council meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting.
Vice Mayor Eissey is available to meet with residents prior to regularly scheduled Council
Village Manager 841-3380
meetings at 7:00 PM in the Village Hall Conference room. Appointments recommended.
Village Clerk 841-3355
Please call the Clerk’s office at 841-3355.
Finance 841-3360
Community Develop. 841-3365
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3388
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Osborne Park 841-3387 Village Election - Tuesday, March 13, 2007 -
see page 2
Library 841-3383
(La versión en español en la pagina 2)
Public Safety:
Voter Absentee Ballot
- see pages 2
Non Emergency 848-2525
(La versión en español en la pagina 2)
Emergency 911
Country Club 841-3359
Military Unit Adoption Volunteer Activities
- see page 3
Administration 691-3420
Golf Shop 691-3433
Tom Fitz to Lecture - Emmy Award-Winning Photographer - March 28th
Pool 691-3427
See page 4
Tennis 626-6515
Recreation Spring Class Registration -
see page 11
Restaurant 691-3430
North Palm Residents: March 5th & 6th
Non-Residents: March 7th & 8th
Village Wide Garage Sale
- March 3rd - see page 15
Anchorage Park Improvements - “town hall” meeting - March 14th
see page 15
Recreation Annual Egg Hunts April 6th & 7th
-- see page 15
Heritage Festival/Parade - April 21st -
see page 15
AARP Tax Aid -
AARP Tax Aide have returned to the North Palm Beach
Village Hall until April 16, 2007 to assist seniors and other residents to pre-
pare their income tax returns. The service is free of charge. - See page 16
Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org
Atención a todos los votantes inscritos de North Palm Beach: las
Attention all registered voters of North Palm Beach: the General
Elecciones Generales se llevarán a cabo el martes, 13 de marzo de
Election will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2007. Each voter is
2007. Se alienta a todo votante a enterarse acerca de los candidatos y
encouraged to learn about the candidates and then go to the polls
luego ir a las urnas el 13 de marzo a expresar su preferencia. Este año
on March 13th to express your preference. Two seats are up for
hay que elegir tres escaños, y las siguientes personas se han presentado
election this year with the following persons having filed: (I=
como candidatos: (T= Titular)
Grupo 2 Grupo 4
Group 2 Group 4
Fritz Bierschenk David B. Norris (I)
Fritz Bierschenk David B. Norris (I)
(sin oposición)
Thomas R. Hernacki
Thomas R. Hernacki (unopposed)
Ronald K. Lantz
Ronald K. Lantz
Las urnas estarán abiertas de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en los si-
guientes locales:
The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the
following locations:
Distritos electorales 1146, 1147, 1158, 1159
Centro Comunitario de North Palm Beach
Precincts 1146, 1147, 1158, 1159
Distrito electoral 1154, 1155, 1166
North Palm Beach Community Center
Primera Iglesia de Unitarian
Precincts 1154, 1155, 1166
Distrito electoral 1168
First Unitarian Church
Cámara de Consejo, Municipalidad
Precinct 1168
Distrito electoral 1152
Village Hall Council Chambers
Sala de recreación de Old Port Cove
(entre edificios N & S Quay)
Precinct 1152
Distritos electorales 1148, 1150. 1151
Old Port Cove Recreation Room
North Palm Beach Country Club
(between North & South Quay Bldgs)
Distrito electoral 1186
Precincts 1148, 1150, 1151
Edificio de Actividades de Anchorage
North Palm Beach Country Club
Precinct 1186
Anchorage Activities Building
(Iglesia Lutheran De la Fe):
Debido a las renovaciones en la Iglesia
Lutheran De La Fe, todos los votantes en los recintos 1154 y 1155 votará
en la Primera Iglesia de Unitarian, Camino de 635 Campos de la Pros-
Lutheran Church):
Due to renovations at Faith Lutheran
peridad para la elección de la aldea de Marcha la 13 de 2007. Si usted no
Church, all voters in Precincts 1154 and 1155 will vote at First
es seguro de su recinto, llame por favor la oficina del vendedor de la
aldea en 841-3355.
Unitarian Church, 635 Prosperity Farms Road for the Village
Election on March 13, 2007. If you’re not sure of your precinct,
Todo votante
please call the Village Clerk’s office at 841-3355.
tendrá que mostrar un documento de identificación con fotografía y firma
cuando vaya a las urnas a votar. Los documentos de identificación que
All voters must show a photo ID
se aceptan incluyen: Licencia de Conducir de Florida, Tarjeta de Identifi-
with signature when they go to the polls to vote. Acceptable forms
cación de Florida, Pasaporte de EE.UU., Rótulo de Identidad de Emplea-
of ID include: Florida Driver’s License, Florida Identification
do, Tarjeta de Identidad de Club de Compras (tal como Sam’s). Si no
Card, U.S. Passports, Employee ID Badges, Buyers Club ID Cards
tiene un documento de identificación con foto, tendrá que llenar una
(such as Sam’s). If you don’t have a photo ID you will have to
declaración jurada en las urnas antes que se le permita votar.
complete an affidavit at the polls before you are allowed to vote.
A aquellos votantes que estarán fuera el
Día de las Elecciones, al igual que a aquellos que no puedan asistir a las
Voters who will be away on Election
urnas debido a enfermedad o discapacidad, se les podrá mandar por co-
Day, as well as those who are unable to go to the polls due to
rreo una balota de ausente. Las balotas de ausente estarán disponibles
illness or disability, may have an absentee ballot mailed to them.
sólo por medio de la Supervisora de Elecciones del Condado de Palm
Absentee ballots are available only from the Palm Beach County
Beach. Las balotas de ausente se pueden solicitar por teléfono, por co-
Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be
Las Balo-
rreo, o al llenar la solicitud en línea (www.pbcelections.org).
done by phone, by mail, or by completing the application online
tas de Ausente se tienen que devolver a la Oficina de Elecciones en
Absentee Ballots must be returned to
(www.pbcelections.org).West Palm Beach a más tardar para las 7 p.m. el martes, 13 de mar-
zo de 2007
the Elections Office in West Palm Beach by 7 p.m. on Tues-
Oficina Principal Sucursal del Juzgado de Norte del Condado
240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard
Mail Office North County Courthouse Branch
West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard
656-6200 624-6556
West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
656-6200 624-6556
(Village Clerk News Continued on Page 3)
Ordinance 2007-02
(Village Clerk News Continued from Page 2) Adopts a small scale amendment to the Vil-
lage Comprehensive Plan to amend the future land use
Village Boards were created to advise
designation of a .57 acre parcel of land located on the north side
the Council on present and future activities of the Village. Cur-
of Carolinda Drive and west of U.S. Highway One, as more par-
rently, an HVAC Contractor is needed for the Construction
ticularly described herein, from educational to public buildings
Board of Adjustment and Appeals. Annual appointments to all
and grounds; amending the village future land use map
Village Boards and Committees will be made in April. Posi-
Resolution 2006-94
Interlocal Agreement with PBC relating to the
tions with terms expiring 4/30/07 are as follows (the Council
removal of non-native vegetation (Australian Pines) within Lakeside Park
may appoint new members or re-appoint incumbents, at its dis-
Resolution 2006-95
F.I.N.D. Waterways Assistance Grant Agreement
for Lakeside Park
Audit Committee 3 Members, 2 Alternates
Resolution 2006-96
Code Enforcement Board 3 Members Coastal Partnership Initiative Grant for Anchorage
Construction Board 3 Members, 2 Alternates Park
Country Club Advisory Board 3 Members
Resolution 2006-97
Adopts a Unit of the U.S. Armed Services through
Library Advisory Board 2 Members, 2 Alternates
ASA Adopt-a-Unit
Police & Fire Pension Board 1 Member
Resolution 2006-98
Adopts Evaluation & Appraisal Report
Planning Commission 3 Members, 2 Alternates
Resolution 2006-99
Accepts Bid of Precise Paving, Inc. for Pool
Recreation Advisory Board 2 Members, 2 Alternates
Waterways Board 2 Members, 2 Alternates
Resolution 2006-100
M. Redd Services Agreement – Northlake Blvd.
Zoning Board of Adjustment 1 Member, 2 Alternates
Streetscape Phase 2
Applications are available online at http://www.village-npb.org/
Resolution 2006-101
Budget Amendment: Village Attorney – Labor
boards.htm or through the Clerk’s office at 841-3355. Appoint-
ees will serve for a period of 1 - 3 years, depending upon the
Resolution 2006-102
Budget Amendment – Capital Project Fund
Board. Deadline for applications is Friday, 4/13/07. All appli-
Pool Renovation
cants will be contacted for an interview with the Village Coun-
Resolution 2006-103
cil.Budget Amendment – Country Club Admini-
Resolution 2006-104
Enhanced Security Measures at Country Club
Resolution 2006-105
FPL Easement - Country Club
North Palm Beach has adopted the Headquarters Unit of the
2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry (Light), 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry
Resolution 2007-01
Notice of General Election March 13, 2007
Division, presently stationed in Iraq. GARAGE SALE: “Team
Resolution 2007-02
Supports Principles of Home Rule
Hooligan” volunteers will have a space at the Spring Garage
Resolution 2007-03
Contract with Atlantic Smart for Security
Sale on Saturday March 3rd at the Community Center. ALL
System NPB County Club
proceeds will be used to support our great soldiers "The Hooli-
gans" in Iraq. If you have any unwanted items that you would
Resolution 2007-04
Contract with Carpenter Security for Fire
like to donate please call the Village Clerk's Office at 841-3355
Alarm Service NPB Country Club
by February 23rd. Our volunteers will be happy to pick up your
Resolution 2007-05
Treasure Coast Brownfields Subgrant for An-
donations. Please do not place items for the Garage Sale in the
chorage Park
donation boxes around the Village, these boxes are for standard
Resolution 2007-06
Motorcycle Lease Agreement
donation items as listed on our flyers.
Resolution 2007-07
Reappoints Members to Waterways Board
Donation boxes are located at Village munici-
Resolution 2007-08
EMS Grant Award in the amount of
pal buildings. The Village of North Palm Beach has set up a
bank account for monetary donations. Please make your check
payable to: Village of North Palm Beach Support Our Troops
Resolution 2007-09
Urges Florida Legislature to support legisla-
and mail or bring to the Clerk's Office at 501 US Highway One,
tion protecting municipal authority, ensuring municipal fiscal sta-
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
bility, and supporting municipal Home Rule during the 2007 leg-
islative session
Resolution 2007-10
Budget Amendment for Golf Course Reno-
vation – Landscaping
Ordinance 2006-26
Creates a Defined Contribution Pension
Resolution 2007-11
Agreement with Caler, Donten, Levine,
Druker, Porter & Veil, P.A. for audit of purchasing and cash dis-
Ordinance 2006-27
Non-Profit Group Play Fee Increase
bursement policies
Ordinance 2006-28
Converts Occupational License Fees to
Resolution 2007-12
Treasure Coast Brownfields Subgrant Appli-
Business Taxes
cation – Anchorage Park
Ordinance 2007-01
Creates a Proportionate Share Contribu-
Resolution 2007-13
Budget Transfer for Pool Heaters
tions Program that creates a mechanism for proportionate share
Resolution 2007-14
Accepts Bid of Royal Palm Pools, LLC, for
contributions from developers toward traffic concurrency re-
pool heaters
303 Anchorage Drive
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
MARCH 28, 2007 AT 7:00 p.m.
Dental Health Program
On Thursday, March 1, at 3:30 p.m., ages 4-8 are invited to
a special program that is sure to put a healthy smile on your
face. You will enjoy puppets, stories, games, prizes and a
Nighty Night Story Hour
Tom Fitz, veteran documentary photographer and resident of North
Ages 4-8 will enjoy a relaxing evening at the library on
Palm Beach, will speak Wednesday, March 28, 2007 at 7 p.m.
Thursday, March 8th, at 6 p.m. for stories, puppets, music
BBC’s Blue Planet series won Tom an Emmy. He has filmed in
and a movie. Bring along a sleepy time pal.
Panama, Canadian Arctic, Chile, Ecuador, Patagonia, Gallapagos,
Africa, and the Caribbean to name a few. Please mark your calen-
Kids Express
dar and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
On Friday, March 9, at 4 PM ages 9-12 can join in lots of
fun with library games and surprises. Light refreshments will
be served.
MARCH 14, 2007 at 2:00 p.m.
Spring Story Hours Begin
Pat Heydlauff will present the program, De-Mystifying Feng Shui:
On Monday, March 12 for ages 4 & 5 and Tuesday, March
What it is and isn’t? She will help you create an environment with
13 for ages 6-8, both of these are drop off programs begin-
balance, harmony and a positive flow of energy and a peaceful
ning at 3:30 p.m. Ages 2 & 3 will meet with a parent at 10:15
sanctuary. Join us Wednesday, March 14 at 2:00 p.m. for this
a.m. on Wednesdays, March 14. The programs are filled
well-known speaker.
with lots of stories, puppets, music, exercise, movies and
, March
The TreeSearchers will have their meeting on Tuesday
Game Day
, at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room. The library’s latest
Ages 6-10 are invited on Thursday, march 15 at 3 p.m. to
genealogy database is ProQuest Obits which is available not only at
use our games or bring one of your own and enjoy a fun time
the library but also by remote access from your home. Be sure to
at the library. Bring along a partner if you like.
check it out. We have members at all levels in their research that
attend. If you have any questions, please call Sue at 841-3374.
Toddler Time
Parents please mark your calendar for Saturday, March 24th,
at 10:15 a.m., this program is specially designed for birth to
23 months. All will enjoy the interaction through music and
movement, shapes and colors.
Movie Time
Ages 6-10 join us on Saturday, March 24, at 11:30 a.m. for
one of your favorite movies. Bring along your lunch or a
Tuesday, March 20 @ 10:00 a.m.
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
Jack Harris, Discussion Leader, will bring insight and research to
this book . Copies of the book are available at the library. Call
841-3383 for more information.
560 u. s. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
As many of you are aware, the Village is in a nationwide search
for a new Manager. It is likely that the process will take several
months, in the interim the Mayor and Council have asked that I
not only serve as your Public Safety Director but as an interim
Manager performing some extra duties customarily assigned to
the Village Manager.
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety has imme-
diate openings for School Crossing Guards. This position in-
I am both grateful and humbled by the confidence and trust that
volves assisting children across the street at an assigned loca-
our elected officials have bestowed in their appointment of me. I
tion, each school day, both in the morning and afternoon. Work
have been steadfast in my conviction to remain your Public
hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 8:15 A.M. and from 1:45 P.M. to
Safety Director and I have no intention to neither seek nor accept
2:30 P.M.
a permanent appointment to Village Manager. I am excited that I
be given this opportunity to serve the residents of this great Vil-
Benefits include:
lage in a slightly different capacity.
Training, uniforms and equipment provided
I would like to encourage all residents to contact my office with
any concerns that they may have here in the Village. I would
No nights, weekends or holidays
equally like to hear from those residents with accolades for those
Competitive wages/ $24.51/day
public servants who work very hard, day in and day out, to bring
those many services that are unique to this Village. The Village
Bi-Weekly Pay
has a great resource of employees that are committed to our
Community! I can be reached by phone at 841-3380 or e-mail
Applications can be obtained at the Department of Public
me at jknight@village-npb.org.
Safety, 560 U.S. Highway # 1, North Palm Beach. For more
information, please contact Lt. Cynthia Hawes or Mrs. Susanne
A few of the projects that we are working on include a second
Crews at 841-3376.
“town hall” meeting concerning the Anchorage Park renovation
project that is to be held on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 7:00
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety and the
PM at Village Hall. Staff is very excited about the park im-
Village of North Palm Beach Public Library would like to en-
provements and invites all residents to help with the formulation
sure the safety of all patrons. The Library welcomes all users to
of the conceptual plans. You can also send us your thoughts or
find each visit enjoyable and productive. Our goal is to provide
questions via e-mail by going to the Village’s website home page
resources and programs that promote a lifelong learning atmos-
where you will find a link for “Anchorage Park Improvement
phere to children and adults in a safe environment.
The Annual Heritage Parade & Festival will be held on Saturday,
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like
April 21, 2007. The Village has kept this parade a hometown
to encourage all parents to participate “with” their children in
Village event. Based on that philosophy we want to encourage
the activities at the library and would discourage utilizing the
any group within the Village to participate by placing an entry in
area as a provider of childcare services. The library staff is
the parade. Following the parade the carnival games, rides, food trained to offer public library service and is not responsible for
and entertainment will be at the North Palm Beach Country the safety and the wellbeing of any library visitor including
Club. In the evening the activities will continue at poolside. We minor children that are left unattended. Parents are legally re-
look forward to seeing you there! sponsible for the behavior of their children, including for any
injury to other persons or damage to property. In case of an
The renovation to our pool deck is nearing completion and is
emergency, the library staff should have contact numbers for
looking great, please visit your Country Club pool.
parents and/or caregivers
Also, remember that AARP Tax Aid is being conducted at Vil-
The North Palm Beach department of Public Safety and the
lage Hall Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 AM to 1:00
Village of North Palm Beach Public Library would like to thank
all Village Residents for their cooperation and understanding
Please, if you have any questions and/or would just like to stop regarding this matter. If you have any questions regarding child
in our office, our doors are always open and staff welcomes our safety, please contact Officer Williams at 841-3300.
residents. Please visit our website at www.village-npb.org for
departmental information, current events, meeting minutes, etc.
(Public Safety Continued from Page 5)
30 The seconds it takes for a thief to break into your
vehicle and take your valuables.
20 The seconds it takes for you to put your valuables into
your trunk, out of sight or remove them from the
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like
Tip a Cop for a Cause!
to encourage all village residents to go by the numbers and take
the proper precautions to safeguard the property inside of their
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would
vehicle. The more difficult it is for your vehicle to be broken
like to extend an open invitation to all village residents and
into, the longer that it will take to commit the crime. The longer
friends to attend an event for a great cause. Again this year we
that it takes to commit the crime, the more likely it is that the
will be participating in the Law Enforcement Torch Run for
thief will move on to an easier target.
Special Olympics Florida. This year we will be adding a new
Crime is like a table with three legs - it takes all three legs to
“twist” to the event.
stand. If you take away even one leg, the table isn't supported.
On March 14, 2007 at 6:00 PM the Village of North Palm
Desire, ability & opportunity must all exist to support crime.
Beach Law Enforcement Officers will volunteer their time as
Even though we may not be able to stop someone's desire to
waiters in the Village Green Restaurant located at the North
commit a crime, we can take away their ability and/or their op-
Palm Beach Country Club. The restaurant will be serving an
portunity to commit the crime.
Italian Buffet Dinner ($15.95 per person) for all guests to en-
joy. Law Enforcement Officers work closely alongside the
regular wait staff, serving water, coffee, and acting as hosts.
The Officers will receive tips to raise funds for Special Olym-
Auto Burglary Prevention, like all crime prevention, is the act of
pics Athletes.
taking away the criminals ability and/or opportunity to commit a
The Special Olympics program is committed to empowering
crime. With a little time and diligence, you can make a differ-
people with intellectual disabilities by working to remove ob-
ence in your vulnerability to Auto Burglary! The North Palm
stacles, change attitudes and open minds. Special Olympics
Beach Department of Public Safety would like to encourage vil-
provides opportunities for its athletes to demonstrate courage,
lage residents to practice the following tips:
experience joy and share their gifts, skills and friendship with
Always lock and secure the doors and windows of your ve-
the world.
hicle even if you are only gone for a short period of time
Never leave your purse, wallet, cellular phone, money, elec-
Special Olympics over the years has expanded its services in
tronic equipment, tools or other valuable equipment in your
order to help athletes become healthier, more confident and
unattended vehicle
capable of serving as leaders, both within Special Olympics
Park your vehicle in an area that is secure, visible and well
and in their communities.
For every person with a family member who has intellectual
Utilize crime prevention programs offered through the po-
disabilities, Special Olympics is a symbol of hope. The North
lice department including “Operation Identification” which
Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like to encour-
promotes the documentation of important serial numbers on
age all village residents and friends to assist us with making
these athletes dreams a reality.
Be aware of your surroundings and any suspicious person (s)
in the area
Report suspicious activity to the North Palm Beach Depart-
ment of Public Safety at 848-2525
Call 911 to report crimes in progress
Is your vehicle a crime waiting to happen?? Don’t let it be. Re-
member that village residents can assist the Department of Public
Safety with the prevention of Auto Bur-
glaries in North Palm Beach. If you
have any questions regarding Auto Bur-
glary Prevention, please contact Officer
Williams at 841-3300.
POOL 691-3427
Country Club
951 US Highway #1
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
(Administration Office 561-691-3420)
The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We
welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of
Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
our amenities. We are a complete recreation facility offering daily
Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous
Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size pool or an
exquisite dining experience. We offer discounts to our Village
residents with a valid resident card. To purchase your resident
card, stop by the Administration office. Proof of residency (deed,
tax bill, or 12 month lease agreement and photo identification) is
required at time of issuance.
Water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are
held Wednesday and Friday at 12:15 - 1:15 PM at the
GOLF 691-3433
Country Club Pool. Certified instructor is Jean Burge.
Cost is $5/class.
Our golf season is well underway and as everyone knows we have
a very busy club. As you know with 500 members, residents,
guests and walk-in play tee times are hard to come by some days,
the golf shop appreciates your patience and flexibility when mak-
ing a tee time. Remember we run shotguns at 7:45 and 12:30 on
Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s, there seems to be time available on
TENNIS 626-6515
both of these days.
For those who missed the Grand Opening we had a fair amount of
local and national golf writers in attendance that day. Our first
piece of national exposure came in the January 26 issue of Golf
World magazine, this small piece has already yielded many phone
Tiny Tots (4-6)
calls. Ron Whitten the top 100 guru from Golf Digest was here and
Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-4:00 PM
played the course, we might see an article in one of the spring edi-
Future Stars (7-9)
tions. Lorne Rubenstein from Golf Magazine was also here and
enjoyed the golf course. Florida Golf Journal a new quarterly Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
magazine is doing a spread in their spring edition. Lastly Jim
Grand Slam/Challengers (10-18)
Nance and CBS with Jack Nicklaus are doing a documentary on
Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
the Nicklaus Design Firm and their design philosophy. The filming
was done on the North Palm Beach C.C. and should air sometime
Junior Tennis Tournaments
this summer. We can look forward to some positive and exciting
1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
press for your new golf course! Until next time keep it down the
Pizza Mixers
(Friday’s 6-8 PM)
Monthly Themed Mixer
(Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates)
Monday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Beginner’s/Intermediate Weekend Drill 9-10:30 AM
Tuesday - Sunday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Ladies Night Tuesday 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Men’s Drill Night - Every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM
LIGHTS OUT AT 9:00 p.m.
Cardio Tennis (Heart Pumping Tennis Fitness)
Interested in learning the game of golf or improving the one that
Friday 9:00 - 10:30 AM
you have? Call our golf professional at 691-3433.
Monthly Themed Tennis Mixers
Check Pro Shop for your teams day and time.
645 Prosperity Farms Road
501 U. S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
The Lake Worth Lagoon is recognized as one of Florida’s more
important estuarine lagoon systems. Located in Palm Beach
County, it has an estimated area of over 350 square miles.
Section 25-5. Barrier/fencing requirements.
Our Village storm water system consists of a series of ditches,
curbs, catch basins and underground pipes. It is designed for
(a) A barrier, fence or screen enclosure shall surround a swim-
collecting and conveying storm water and discharges into the
ming pool as specified in the Residential Swimming Pool
North Palm Beach Water Way and then to the Lake Worth La-
Enclosure section of the Florida Building Code.
(b) The building official is required to conduct an inspection
of all swimming pools not less than one time per year to Storm Water runoff is generated from roads, pavement, yards,
determine compliance with this section and to enforce the driveways and roofs. Efforts to control storm water pollution
provisions of this section. must take into consideration the behaviors and activities of indi-
viduals, households and the general public that can generate
Starting March 1, 2007, Village of North Palm Beach Code
these pollutants. Examples of pollutants are: disposal of pet
Compliance Officers will begin conducting pool inspections in
waste, improper application of lawn chemicals, used paint, oils
accordance with the Village Ordinance.
and household chemicals.
Inspections will insure pool equipment sound levels conform to
It is imperative that the public is educated about the dangers and
the applicable ordinance of the Village of North Palm Beach and
consequences of ignoring the proper disposal of hazardous ma-
latches, required safety hardware, and all other design require-
terials. If you witness any illicit discharges or improper dispos-
ments provide for the highest level of safety for our residents.
ing of hazardous material, please call the Public Works Depart-
ment immediately at (561) 691-3440.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Com-
munity Development Department for the requirements at (561)
The Solid Waste Authority accepts the disposal of household
hazardous waste items like oil, oil filters, pesticides, paints,
thinner, stains, tires, batteries and block pavers. Visit one of the
five household hazardous waste collection sites located
throughout the county. A full list of items that may be dropped
off at these sites can be found at www.swa.org. This is a free
service provided for residential use only. If you have any ques-
tions or desire more information about residential drop-off loca-
tions or hours, call the SWA at (561) 697-2700 or 1-(866)
SWA-INFO toll-free from southern and western Palm Beach
Sec. 19-202. Implementation.
(a) Permanent restrictions. The following permanent restrict-
Construction and demolition debris will not be picked up on
ions are adopted.
(1) Irrigation of any residential, commercial, institutional, land- RECYCLE BINS
scape areas shall be restricted to the hours of 5:00 p.m. and
The Public Works Department provides free of charge, the yel-
9:00 a.m.
low (paper/cardboard) and blue (plastic/glass) recycle bins to
the residents of North Palm Beach. They can be picked up at the
(2) It shall be unlawful to operate or cause the operation of any
Public Works facility at 645 Prosperity Farms Road, Monday-
irrigation system or device in a manner causing water to be
Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Residents
wasted, including but not limited to unnecessary watering of
can also call in at 691-3440 and have
impervious areas, other than that which may occur incidental to
them delivered directly to their house.
the proper operation of the primary irrigation system.
Your participation in this program
greatly reduces disposal fees and has a
(3) Upon the effective date of section, new installations of auto-
direct impact on our environment.
matic irrigation systems shall be equipped with a water sensing
device which will automatically discontinue irrigation during
periods of rainfall.
MARCH 2007
Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building
from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm on
North Palm Residents: March 5 & 6
Non-Residents: March 7 & 8
Yearly Non-resident fee: $15.00/single, $25.00/family
Building Codes:
Anchorage Activities Building (841-3386) AAB 603 Anchorage Dr.
Anchorage Exercise AX 603 Anchorage Dr.
Anchorage Art AA 603 Anchorage Dr.
Youth Art YA 603 Anchorage Dr.
Osborne Park (841-3387) OSB 715 Prosperity Fm. Rd.
Community Center (841-3389) CC 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd.
Students must be registered with the Recreation Department attending a class.
ABC Kids
Ballet classes are for returning students.
Tanya Brown uses hands on approach to
Fee: $90/8wk - AX
explore the alphabet through literature,
games and crafts. Games and activities
Code Age/Level Start Time
will also enhance your child’s knowledge
211100-01 Beg. 5–10 yrs T-3/6 4:30
of numbers, colors, and shapes. Creativity
211100-01 Teens T-3/6 7:30
will be fostered by working in pairs and in a group. This class
will also strengthen abilities in following directions, turn-taking,
Classes will be taught by staff from Palm Beach Gymnastics.
cooperation and sharing with peers. Weekly letter themes will
This class is for youth 3 yrs and up. Participants will learn
weave the snack, craft, and stories together which will make ABC
basic gymnastic and tumbling skills through a progressive cur-
Kids fun! Fee: $95/10wk-AAB
riculum that enables each child to advance at their own pace.
Code Age/Level Start Time
Some equipment will be included as well. Class size is lim-
212100-01 2 ½ - 4 ½ yrs W-3/14 10:00-12:00
ited, so all get plenty of individual attention. Fee:
Crafty Kids
In this class, children will not only learn about
Code Age/Level Start Time
211900-01 2 ½ -3 yrs F-3/16 2:30-3:15
and make fun art projects from many materials,
211900-02 3-4 yrs F-3/16 3:30-4:20
but they will also be learning fine motor skills
211900-03 5-6 yrs F-3/16 4:30-5:20
such as coloring, cutting, gluing, folding, sew-
211900-04 7-9 yrs F-3/16 5:30-6:20
ing, painting, etc. Tanya Brown makes the
Table Tennis
learning experience fun and rewarding for your
Ping Zhang came to Palm Beach Country
child. Fee: $70/10wk-AAB
from China’s Table Tennis professional team.
Code Age/Level Start Time
He instructs this class for all age levels. He
212400-01 3-5 yrs M-3/12 10:00-11:00
has numerous degrees and certifications in
Cooking Kids
coaching and teaching this Olympic activity.
Tanya Brown will link literature with cooking activity for your
He was Coach of USA National Cadet Team, he was adminis-
preschooler. They will gain “cooking”/food handling skills such
trator and coach of the Palm Beach County’s Community
as mixing, stirring, spreading, sprinkling, measuring, etc. Children
Olympic Development Program (CODP) , also he was coach
will make their food product, then have a story that relates to what
of the table tennis team at Texas Wesleyan University. He
they just prepared, and that will be followed by eatingthe finished
coached the athletes to gained many gold medals in the USA
product. They will experience a wide variety of foods. Basic
national class tournament.
manners/etiquette will be stressed as well Many socialization
Ping will teach you many moves such as the forehand counter
skills are also learned in the course of the cooking Fee:
hit, the push, the no spin serve, topspin serve, a block against a
loop and maybe a loop against a drive! Join us! Fee: $55/mo
Code Age/Level Start Time
212400-02 3-5 yrs M-3/12 11:00-12:00
Code Age/Level Start Time
714200-03 Beg T-3/6 7:30-9:00
(Recreation Continued on Page 12)
(Recreation Continued from Page 11)
Doesn’t belly dancing just intrigue you? They
Dance students began in taking class in September. From Janu-
make it look so easy! Now is your chance to
ary on, they are working on routines that will be performed in a
learn how! We will be offering a beginning
recital in June. It is too late to accept new students into this pro-
class on Tuesday evenings with Meredith Blue.
gram. Classes listed below are for returning students.
Meredith has been dancing and teaching for
Code Age/Level Start Time
over 10 years. For more information, call Mere-
211100-01 Beg Preschool, 3-5 yr T-3/06 2:30
dith at 252-5972. Fee: $70/8wk - AX
211100-01 TJ Beg. 5-7 yrs T-3/06 3:10
Code Age/Level Start Time
211100-01 TJ 7-9 yrs T-3/06 3:30
25100-01 All T-3/13 6:30-8:00
211100-01 TJ 6-9 yrs T-3/06 3:50
211100-01 TJ all boys T-3:06 4:10
Bridge III
211100-01 TJ Girls 8-11 yrs T-3/06 4:30
Jan Vandersluis will get you on your way to
211100-01 Beg. Lyrical T-3/06 5:10
years of Bridge enjoyment. This is part 3 of
211000-01 TJ Teen Boys T-3/06 5:30
the Audrey Grant Series – Beginning Bridge.
211000-01 TJ Teen Girls 1 T-3/06 5:50
211100-01 TJ Teen Girls 2 T-3/06 6:10
New students will have to purchase the $12
211100-01 TJ Teen Lyrical T-3/06 6:50
book from Jan on the first class. Fee: $95/9
Code Age/Level Start Time
Bake Like a Pro
- How to bake like a pro: Learn tricks of the
221400-01 Beginner M,F-3/16 9:30-11:30
trade that make baking fun and easy! We’ll explore the art of
Chair Exercise/Balance for Seniors
pastry and pie making, as well as breads (yeast & quick), muffins
This is an excellent class for folks who would like to begin an
and scones, including a no knead yeast bread. We’ll make some
exercise activity but can not get up and down from the floor or
fabulous and elegant desserts and learn how to put a buffet or
those who are in rehab and want to continue on their own. Julie
dessert party together. Instructor Shelly Kahn will take requests
Palhof, MS RN, designs an exercise class that incorporates a
from the class for several classic American desserts and whip up
chair for balance. You will work on improving strength in the
some old fashioned favorites!
($15 materials fee due at first class)
various muscle groups and will build upon a series of exercises
Fee: $55/4wk - AAB
that will improve your balance. Fee: $55/8wk - AAB
Code Age/Level Start Time
Code Age/Level Start Time
224700-01 All Th-3/15 6:30-8:00
22200-01 Adult T,Th-3/20 10:00-10:00
224700-04 All Th-4/12 6:30-8:00
Florida Fish & Seafood
– Shelly Kahn teaches how to prepare,
Mary Mazzetta teaches tap dance and dance routines to adults.
cook and serve many native fish and
The group then performs at local nursing homes. Adults with
seafood's such as Wahoo, cobia, snap-
past tap dance experience are welcome. Fee- $24/8wk – Osb
per, stone crab, Fla. lobster, and more.
Code Age/Level Start Time
We will be working with fresh fish
221300-01 Adult Th-3/8 9:30-11:30
from local fish markets. We will learn
Country Line Dance
herbs and seasonings that compliment the dish as well as side
dishes to accompany the meal. We'll cook scrumptious meals Terry Bucciarelli continues on Wednesday
which we'll enjoy at the end of our class. Don’t eat dinner on evenings with her beginning Country Line
class night! Fee: $55/4wk – AABDance classes at Osborne Park. These classes
($30 materials fee due at first class)
Code Age/Level Start Time are for dancers of all ages. You do not need a
224700-02 All T-3/13 6:30-8:00
partner in order to join the class. Pay by the
224700-01 All T-4/10 6:30-8:00
class; it is ongoing. Stop in on a Wednesday
Island Style Cooking
-Join Shelly Kahn as we learn about dif-
and check it out! Fee: $5/cls-OSB – register
ferent ingredients, spices, and techniques from islands around the
and pay at the class.
world. We'll have guest chefs from popular local restaurants
Code Age/Level Start Time
demonstrating how to prepare some of the tastiest dishes from 721000 All W-3/7 7:00-8:30
the islands of the Caribbean, Indonesia, Greece, Italy and Poly-
Duplicate Bridge
nesia. At the end of every class we'll sit down to enjoy a wonder-
We offer variety of Duplicate Bridge games for you to attend.
ful meal. Fee: $55/4wk – AAB
($20 materials fee due at first class)
Each has a different director. Games are at Osborne Park and
Code Age/Level Start Time
the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Call 841-3387 for more
224700-03 All W-3/14 6:30-8:00
information. Fee: $5-$6/player
224700-01 All W-4/11 6:30-8:00
Code Age/Level Start Time
Ballroom Dance
721400-01 Adult Sun 1:30-5:00
If you have watched “Dancing with the Stars” on TV and wish 721400-02 Adult M 6:30-10:30
721400-03 Adult T 12:30-4:30
you could move like Emmett, now is your chance! Cecil Pace
721400-05 Adult Th 12:30-4:30
will teach you how to Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing, Tango, and all the
721400-06 Adult F 12:30-4:30
other great ballroom dances. Class is for all skill levels. You
Fitness Over 50
must have a partner. For more information, call Cecil at 818-
This is a wonderful movement class for men or women. This
0555. Fee: $10/person/cls-AAB
class has no pounding, jumping or dancing movements.
Code Age/Level Start Time
(Recreation Continued on Page 13)
720800-03 All W-3/3 7:00-8:30
designated stations with a sign giving instructions of the skill
(Recreation Continued from Page 12)
that is to be performed. Rally promotes fun and enjoyment for
Fitness Over 50
(continued from page 12)
dogs and their handlers. This training will sharpen your han-
The class consists primarily of stretching muscles and limbering dling skills, trust and confidence with your dog. You may be
the joints. Fee: $20/8wk-AABinspired to compete with your dog in an AKC event or just have
fun with the new skills your dog will learn! Fee: $150/6wk -
Code Age/Level Start Time
723800-03 Adult M,W,F-3/2 9:00-10:00
Code Age/Level Start Time
231200-03 All Sun-3/18 5:30-6:30
This 60 minute dance-aerobics/strength training
Oh, My Aching Back
class is based on Jazz dance movements which in-
corporates Pilates principals into every workout. Admit it, most of us have it – low back pain. Did you know
Class begins with a warm-up, minimum 33 minutes that 80% of all low back pain is due to muscular imbalances?
of aerobics, and muscle toning cool down period. Time to do something about it before it gets worse! Julie Pal-
Instructors demonstrate how students can modify hof, MS, RN will teach you techniques and exercises to
the steps to meet their own fitness needs. Age range is from strengthen and stretch the muscles associated with the lower
teens up through ladies in their 80's! Special New Student Offer back. You will learn proper body mechanics for long periods of
good at First Class ONLY is $25 off Joining Fee and initial Easy sitting, sleep positions to alleviate back strain, and many simple
Fitness Ticket sign-up or other Class Pass. Please register at the exercises that you can do in class and at home. You will get
class to make sure you select the pass that works best for your plenty of handouts showing the exercises and explaining the
schedule. Contact Marti Woschnik at 707-4260 or go to progressions. This class is for men and women – all ages. Julie
www.jazzercise.com for more information. -OSBis a Registered Nurse and has over 20 years of experience in the
field of Exercise Physiology. If you need more information,
Code Age/Level Start Time
721600 All M,W,F 9:30-10:30
call her at 339-1909. Fee: $60/8wk - AAB
721600 All M-Th 6:00-7:00
Code Age/Level Start Time
721600 All Sat 9:00-10:00
225700-01 Adults M-3/12 7:00-8:00
Obedience training classes
– Robin Billings with The Perfect
Oil/Acrylic Painting
Pup brings obedience training classes to
Learn how to see in painting!! Do you want to
the Recreation Department. Her motto is
brush up, be inspired and create? Then join in
“train them, don’t blame them”. Robin has
on some creative fun that will produce successful work. Begin-
a BS degree in Animal Science and more
ners or advanced, there is always more to learn!! Class is fun
than 25 years of dog training/behavior
and informal with a lot of information given byinternational
modification experience. Training is gen-
artist, Carolyn Eilers, who has been teaching for 30 years. Fee:
tle and positive. All dogs must be vacci-
nated including the kennel cough vaccine. If you have any ques-
Code Age/Level Start Time
tions, please call Robin at 351-8008.
220900-01 All M-3/12 6:45-8:45
Puppy Pre-K Salsa!
– Have a new puppy? Don't wait until problems
arise. Train your puppy to behave from day one and have fun
Get ready for Latin dance clubs, your vacation or
doing it. Potty training, good manners, basic obedience, sociali-
a cruise. Feel the rhythm as you learn to move to
zation, and so much more will be taught. This is for vaccinated
the Latin beat. Techniques for leading and fol-
pups under 6 months of age. The pups will learn social skills
lowing will be included. Janet Kien, instructor
with other puppies and people which is a very important growth
says that singles and couples are welcome! Fee:
development skill for their future. Bring 6-foot leash, collar,
water, plastic bags, and soft treats – and the whole family! Fee:
Code Age/Level Start Time
210500-01 Adult M-3/19&26 6:30-8:30
$150/6wk - AX
210500-01 Adult M-4/23&30 6:30-8:30
Code Age/Level Start Time
231200-01 All Sun-3/18 6:00-8:00
Elementary Tricks & Training
Scrapbooking takes a lot of planning, time and space. It’s hard
For vaccinated pups/dogs over 6 months of to get to at home, so we are going to make it a little easier for
age. Dogs love to train and learn, if it is fun, you. On the 3rd Saturday/month we offer an informal Scrap-
positive and rewarding. Teach your dog , good booking Workshop at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg.
manners, basic obedience. Tricks, tricks, tricks! Bring your lunch and supplies and join other Scrapbookers
Shake paws, sit pretty/handsome, speak, roll working on similar projects. Fee: $2/session - AAB
over and many more fun tricks will be covered. Code Age/Level Start Time
Adults 3rd Sat/mo 11:00-4:00
Bring 6-foot leash, collar, water, plastic bags,
Spanish I
and soft treats – and the whole family! Fee: $150/6wk - AX
Living in South Florida, knowledge of this
Code Age/Level Start Time
language could prove to be very beneficial to
231200-02 All Sun-3/18 8:00-9:00
you. The beginning conversational Spanish
Rally 101
class is designed for individuals who have
Rally 101 is for dogs that already know the basic obedience
little or no knowledge of Spanish.
skills of heel, sit, down, stay and come. It is a course with
(Recreation Continued on Page 14)
(Recreation Continued from Page 13)
Spanish I (
continued from page 13)
Common Sports Maladies
- It doesn’t mat-
Emphasis will be placed on acquiring basic vocabulary, grammar
ter which sport you participate in, the aches and
and pronunciation skills for “Survival Spanish” via dialogue.
pains are still there. Julie Palhof, MS RN, will
Stop wishing you could understand Spanish – and join this class.
clear up many of the questions and misconcep-
Spanish II is for students who have prior Spanish knowledge.
tions you have regarding these maladies. You
You will need to purchase a book entitled “Learn Spanish the
will discuss low back pain and exercise to alle-
Fast and Fun Way” by Barrons which can be purchased at Bar-
viate it, shin splints, muscle imbalances such as
nes & Noble. Instructor is Sandy Joseph. Fee: $80/8wk-AAB
short, tight hamstrings, pulled muscles, muscle
Code Age/Level Start Time
cramps, electrolyte drinks, rotator cuff injuries, heat vs ice, etc.
225900-02 Spanish II M-3/12 6:30-8:30
Come prepared to participate! Fee: $10-AAB
225900-01 Spanish I W-3/14 6:30-8:30
Code Age/Level Start Time
730700-12 adult Th-3/22 7:00-8:00
Swing Dancing
– The spotlight is on dance: recreating the un-
bounded energy of social dancing in the swing era – Big City
The Magic of Breath – Breathing Workshops
swing. Learn the All-American dance – call it East Coast Swing,
Learn the ancient art of Pranayama Breathing. The first thing
Lindy, Jitterbug, Jive or Rock & roll! It’s as new as the current
you do when you enter this world is inhale, and the last is ex-
music of the 2000’s and as timely as the music of the 40’s, 50’s,
hale. Breathing is one of the few autonomic functions of the
60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s! Practice footwork and turns, a founda-
body that we may also control. In this workshop you will learn
tion for other swing dances. Singles and couples are welcome.
Ujjai Breath . Ujjai is easy to learn and benefits the body by
Fee: $20/2hr-AX
oxygenating and purifying the blood, clearing phlegm, increas-
Code Age/Level Start Time
ing flexibility, and strengthening the body. Ah-meditation is
210500-01 Adult M-3/19&26 5:30-6:30
the chanting of certain primordial sounds while using long deep
210500-01 Adult M-4/23&30 5:30-6:30
breaths. This exercise creates abundance, health, and overall
Table Tennis
joy. Just 20-30 minutes a day of these simple but powerful
Ping Zhang came to Palm Beach county ancient techniques can start you on your way to a life trans-
from China’s table tennis professional team. forming experience. Instructor: Joe Hamilton, LMT Fee: $89
He instructs this table tennis class for all age – AAB
levels. He coached the athletes to gained Code Age/Level Start Time
730700-21 All Sat-3/10 10:00-2:00
many gold medals in the USA national class
730700-21 All Sat-3/24 10:00-2:00
tournament. Ping will teach you many
moves such as the forehand counter hit, the
push, the no spin serve, topspin serve, a block against a loop and
Strawberry Festival
Don’t miss out on
maybe a loop against a drive! Join us! Fee: $55/mo
this year’s Strawberry Festival in Plant
Code Age/Level Start Time
City. Our bus trip on Thursday, March 8 will take
714200-03 Beg T-3/6 7:30-9:00
us to the festival for a day of fun, strawberries, music
Tai Chi Chuan/Qi Gong
and more. The trip price includes the festival, perform-
Practice these ancient methods of health cultivation and mindful-
ance by the Oakridge Boys, buffet dinner, and transporta-
ness. Bring together the forces of mind, body and spirit to de-
tion! We plan on having a berry good day! Fee: $70 – March
velop a daily practice of self-care, balance and spiritual harmony.
Learn useful techniques and forms in your very first class! Your
South Beach
South Beach, widely known as a nighttime spot
guide, John Cook, is a Certified Advanced Instructor of Inner
of fun and excitement, offers beautiful art deco, a gorgeous
Chi Tai Chi Chuan and Taoist Yoga (Qi Gong) with over 10
beach, the Jackie Gleason Theater and much more that you
years of experience sharing his practice with those seeking skill-
won't want to miss. Wear your walking shoes as you will be
ful means. Fee: $50/5 wk or $15/cls - AX
able to explore, shop, and dine at your own pace and pleas-
Code Age/Level Start Time
723500-03 All F-3/2 9:30-10:30
ure. This trip is slated for Friday, March
23. Fee: $30 – March 23rd.
Seminole Hard Rock & Casino
It’s a Las
Yoga is a system of exercise that calms the
nerves and relieves stress/anxiety and strengthens Vegas style casino in Hollywood, FL. Run by the Semi-
abdominal muscles. It helps improve flexibility nole Indians, you won’t know if you’re in the real Las
of the spine and all joints. You will learn yoga Vegas or South Florida! Stay cool all day long too. Mini-
postures, breathing exercises, meditation and mum need for this trip is 25. $25 - March 28th.
relaxation techniques. This class is for all levels.
Marlins vs Phillies
- Take me out to the ball game! Join us
Instructor: Gwen Germaine. Fee: $50/5cls or
in the Marlins home opener on Friday night, April 6. Good
seats @$50/person. Bus will depart from the Community Cen-
Code Age/Level Start Time
ter at 4:30 and will return round approximately 10:30pm.
722900-03 Adult M-3/5 10:30-12:00
722900-03 Adult W-3/7 6:00-7:30
Contact Bill Egan at 841-3389 for information on any trip.
722900-03 Adult Sat-3/3 9:00-10:30
(Recreation Continued on Page 15)
SUMMER CAMP 2007 - Counselors Needed
(Recreation Continued from Page 14)
Applications are being accepted for Summer Camp Counselors
Location: 951 US Hwy 1, North Palm Beach at North Palm Beach Recreation Department, Anchorage Park
For more information, please call 691-3427 Activities Building. Camp starts June 4th through July 27th.
www.npbswimming.orgYou must be 18 years of age or older. Any questions please call
Nick at 841-3387.
Pool Membership Renewals – due May 1
Lap lanes
Village Wide Garage Sale
12:00 to 3:30 PM Tuesday thru Friday
10:00 to 6:00 PM Saturday
Be sure to attend the annual Garage Sale at
12:00 to 6:00 PM Sunday
the Community Center on Saturday,
Diving Boards
March 3. Sale begins at 7:00 am! No early
Saturday 12:00 to 4:00 PM
birds! We have 40 separate sales under one
Sunday 1:30 to 4:00 PM
roof! You are sure to find that certain
Baby Pools
item you have been searching for!
The baby pools will reopen in March.
NPB Swim Team
Monday thru Friday 3:30 to 7:00 PM
Ages 9 and up
Masters Swimming
This is for adults 18 & over, no experience required. Practices
are offered 5 times a week.
Annual Egg Hunt
Don’t miss it and don’t be late! Egg Hunt for youth up to 7
years of age will begin promptly at 9:00 am at Lakeside Park on
Saturday, April 7. Hunt will be divided into 3 sections, one for
11 AM - 11 PM
children under 3 years of age, one for children 4-5 yrs and one
for youth 6 – 7 yrs. Parents can help children only in the 3 and
Mark your calendars now! The annual Heritage Festival is
under section. Children should bring their own baskets. The
coming! This year’s event will be held on Saturday, April 21
Easter Bunny will be on hand to lead the frenzy and then sit for
from noon – 7:00 pm. Carnival games, rides, food, entertain-
ment and more! From 7:00-11:00 pm activities continue pool-
Flashlight Egg Hunt
Kids 8 – 12 can enjoy a night hunt on side with music, dancing and food! Paradebegins at Village
Friday, April 6 at 8:00 pm at Lakeside Park. Hall at 11:00 am and travels north on US Hwy 1 to the Country
Be sure to bring a flashlight with fresh batter-Club. We’re looking for parade entries: clubs, organized
ies and something to stash your goodies in! groups, antique cars, floats, bands, etc. For more details, please
This is fun to watch, even if you don’t have call the Recreation Dept. at 841-3386, email to began@village-
Please – NO children under the age of 8!!
kids participating! npb.org or visit www.village-npb.org.
They have their own hunt on Saturday.
Underwater Egg Hunt
– New this year! This
Anchorage Park Improvements
program is for teens 13 years and up. Participants
must be proficient swimmers! You will be diving
A second planned “town hall” meeting to discuss design plans
into the pool to gather eggs from the bottom!
and improvements to Anchorage Park is scheduled for
This exciting activity will begin at 10:30 on Saturday, April 7,
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 7:00 PM at Village Hall. Active
No masks---goggles fine. Bring something to gather your eggs
and passive recreation activities, boating (wet slips and dry stor-
age), fishing and general community are all being discussed.
Spring Day Camp
Please join us and help with the formulation of Anchorage
- Will be April 2 - 9. The cost is $150/
Parks conceptual plans. If you are unable to attend but would
child. Camp hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm at the Community
still like to comment please visit our website at www.village-
Center. The camp is for kids 7-12 years of age. Campers will
npb.org and click on “Anchorage Park Improvement Com-
embark on an adventure every afternoon such as; Busch Wild-
life Center, Ice Skating, Palm Beach Zoo, Rollerskating, Bowl-
ing, movie and Fun Depot! Complete schedules are available
Visit the Recreation pages of the Village’s web site:
by calling Nick at 841-3387. Pre-register at the Anchorage
Park Activities Building by March 23.
raffic riented olicing (
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is com-
By Neil Simon
mitted to the safety of its citizens. A Safe Community is a
community that promotes traffic safety and injury prevention.
is a program which requires members of the community
and law enforcement to work together to reduce traffic prob-
lems in North Palm Beach. It uses an approach to involve resi-
dents in addressing traffic problems and safety concerns in the NORTH PALM BEACH
village. We would like your help to determine specific areas
March 3, 9, 10, 16, & 17 at 8:00 PM
of concern. Please contact Officer Williams at 841-3300 or
email us at traffic@village-npb.org. You can remain anony-
March 4, 11 & 18 at 2:30 PM
Tickets $12.00 at the door
Free tax preparation service will be avail-
able in the North Palm Beach Village Hall Council Chambers
The Village Players will hold open for Agatha
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday
Christie’sMarch 25th at the Community
through April 16, 2007.
Center 7:00 PM and March 27th at the Anchorage Park 7:30 PM.
Tax payers should bring 2006 tax forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and
Five males and three females are needed. For more information
other tax information along with their 2005 tax return. Tax
call 586-0486.
payers are also asked to bring proper ID.
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS