02-2007 Newsletter éÕØçÔÑÑÜÖØ ïøæêñøééøë V N P B, 501 US H #1, N P B, FL 33408 ILLAGEOFORTHALMEACHWYORTHALMEACH NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE VILLAGE COUNCIL Village Council2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. .......................................................... Code Enforcement Board.................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. David B. Norris, Mayor Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal........................................................on call Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. William Manuel, President ProTem Library Advisory Board................................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Charles R. O’Meilia, Councilman Planning Commission...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Darryl C. Aubrey, Councilman Recreation Advisory Board..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Village Council members may be Waterways Board.............................................next to last Tuesday, monthly, 4:00 p.m. contacted through the office of the ..................................................................... Zoning Board of Adjustmenton call Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting. Vice Mayor Eissey is available to meet with residents prior to regularly scheduled Council Village Manager 841-3380 meetings at 7:00 PM in the Village Hall Conference room. Appointments recommended. Village Clerk 841-3355 Please call the Clerk’s office at 841-3355. Finance 841-3360 Community Develop. 841-3365 Public Works 691-3440 Holiday Closings - The following offices will be Recreation 841-3388 closed in observance of Presidents’ Day, Monday, Febru- Anchorage Park 841-3386 ary 19, 2007: Village Hall, Library, Recreation, Country Community Center 841-3389 Club Administration, Public Works and Public Safety Re- Osborne Park 841-3387 ) cords Office (Police, Fire, EMS, - Open Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Non Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 Candidate Qualifying for Village Elections See page 2 - Administration 691-3420 (La versión en español en la pagina 3) Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Voter Absentee Ballot and Registration Information - See pages 2 Tennis 626-6515 (La versión en español en la pagina 3) Restaurant 691-3430 Holiday Refuse Collection - See page 6 Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale & Author Luncheon ôÏÊÔÙØÉÕÔÊÔÊÊÈØ - see page 3 çÔÑÑÜÖØúÎÈÏÚÔÑçÔÑÑÜÖØúÑØËÒ   Valentine Event for you and your canine called “Puppy Love”, Village Wide Garage Sale - March 3rd, Annual Heritage Festival & Parade - úÎÐÐÈÏÔÉÄùØÇØÑÎÍÐØÏÉ April 21st, - See page 6 ñÔÛËÜËÄ úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛøÇØÏÉÊ AARP Tax Aid - AARP Tax Aide will be returning to the North Palm Beach Village Hall between February 2, 2007 and April 16, 2007 to assist seniors and úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛúÜÑØÏÙÜË  other residents to prepare their income tax returns. The service is free of íÈÛÑÔÚæÎËÒÊ  charge. - See page 8 ëØÚËØÜÉÔÎÏ  íÈÛÑÔÚêÜ×ØÉÄ  Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org ûÈÑÑØÉÔÏûÎÜËÙ  VILLAGE CLERK NEWS SUPPORT OUR TROOPS: Military Unit Adoption Volun- teers would like to announce that we will have a space at the CANDIDATE QUALIFYING FOR MARCH 2007 VILLAGE Spring Garage Sale on Saturday, March 3rd at the Community ELECTION: The qualifying period for candidates for the Village ALL Center. proceeds will be used to support our great sol- Council will be from the last Tuesday in January (noon, January diers “The Hooligans” in Iraq. If you have any unwanted items 30, 2007) to the second Tuesday in February (noon, February 13, that you would like to donate please call the Village Clerk’s 2007). Qualifying is for the Village Election, which will be held Office at 841-3355 by February 23rd. Our volunteers will be on Tuesday, March 13, 2007. There will be two seats on the Vil- happy to pick up your donations. Please do not place items for lage Council up for election this year. These seats are currently the Garage Sale in the donation boxes around the Village, these held by: boxes are for standard donation items as listed on our flyers. Group 2 – Charles O’Meilia Thank you! Group 4 – David B. Norris To make a monetary contribution, make check payable to Vil- We want to remind all interested candidates to contact the Vil- lage of North Palm Beach Support Our Troops and send it c/o lage Clerk’s office as early as possible. There are many state the Village Clerk’s Office, 501 U. S. Highway 1, North Palm laws regulating campaign activities for municipal elections with Beach, FL 33408. Thank you to all our residents and volunteers which you should be familiar. Candidates must file the appoint- for your generosity and support. ment of their Campaign Treasurer and Campaign Depository with the Village Clerk before opening the campaign bank ac- Community Development 841-3365 count and before collecting or spending money. A candidate 501 U. S. Highway One must pay for all election expenses, including the filing fee of $10.00 and a $60.00 election assessment (1% of the salary of the North Palm Beach, FL 33408 office sought) with a check drawn on the Campaign Depository. It would be advisable to start preparation for filing as soon as Who Needs A Building Permit? you have made your decision to become a candidate. Florida Building Code 2004 VOTER REGISTRATION: The registration books for the Section 104 Permits Required March Election will close at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 12, 104.1.1 When required. Any owner, authorized agent, or con- 2007. We would like to advise voters registered in the State of tractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, Florida that if they move, they must vote at their new precinct, at demolish, or change the occupancy or occupant content of a which time they can change their address at the polls, or prior to building or structure, or any outside area being used as part of the election, notify the Supervisor of Elections Office, 240 S. Mili- the building designated occupancy (single or mixed) or to erect, tary Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, of their new address, in install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any order to receive a new voter information card listing the new pre- electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation cinct. of which is regulated by the technical codes, or to cause any ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Voters who will be away on Election such work to be done, shall first make application to the build- Day, as well as those who are unable to go to the polls due to ing official and obtain the required permit for the work. illness or disability, may have an absentee ballot mailed to them. Exceptions: Absentee ballots are available only from the Palm Beach County 1. Permits shall not be required for the following mechanical Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be work; done by phone, by mail, or by completing the application online 1.1. any portable heating appliance; Absentee Ballots must be returned to (www.pbcelections.org). 1.2. any portable ventilation equipment; the Elections Office in West Palm Beach by 7 p.m. on Tues- 1.3. any portable cooling unit; day, March 13th, 2007. 1.4. any steam, hot or chilled water piping within any heating POLL WORKERS NEEDED : Poll Workers perform a vital or cooling equipment regulated by this code; service to their community as an important part of the elections 1.5 replacement of any part which does not alter its approval process. To become a poll worker you must be a registered voter or make it unsafe; in Palm Beach County, fill out a poll worker application for the 1.6 any portable evaporative cooler; Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, attend an orienta- 1.7 any self-contained refrigeration system containing 10 Ib tion class, and complete training prior to each election. For more (4.54 kg) or less of refrigeration and actuated by motors of information on this paid position, please contact the Supervisor 1 horsepower (746 W) or less; and of Elections at 656-6200, visit the website at 1.8 The installation, replacement, removal, or metering of any www.pbcelections.org or call the Village Clerk’s office at 841- load management control device. 3355. A building permit issued by the Village Building Department, along with inspections by our Certified Building Inspectors, ensure that your construction project meets the current building code requirements. êÈÍÍÎËÉäÎÈËñÎÚÜÑûÈÊÔÏØÊÊØÊ The village recommends asking your contractor for proof of final inspection before making final payment on your project. LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 Toddler Time th On Saturday, February 17, at 10:15 a.m. parents with children 303 Anchorage Drive from birth to 23 months are invited to attend an interactive pro- North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 gram with music and movement, books, colors and shapes and lots more. FEBRUARY IN THE LIBRARY Movie Time Ages 6-10 are invited to enjoy one of your favorite movies on th Saturday, February 17, at 11:30 a.m. You may wish to bring a snack or your lunch. VILLAGE CLERK NEWS The Friends of the Library annual author luncheon will be Mon- (continued from page 2) day, February 19, 2007 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 4350 PGA Boulevard in Palm Beach Gardens at 11:30 a.m. Featured CANDIDATOS QUE CALIFICAN PARA LAS ELECCIO- speaker for the luncheon will be Lee Irby, author of two novels NES DE MARZO DEL 2007 DEL PUEBLO: El periodo de 7,000 Clams and The Up & Up. Irby’s latest humorous crime calificación para candidatos para el Consejo del Pueblo será desde novel, The Up and Up, is set in Miami and Palm Beach in the el último martes de enero (medio día del 33 de enero de 2007) Roaring ‘20s with characters such as Joe Kennedy, Gloria hasta el segundo martes de febrero (medio día del 13 de febrero Swanson, Harvey Firestone in addition to flappers, gangsters de 2007). La calificación es para las Elecciones del Pueblo, que se and bootleggers. Tickets for this event are $30.00 each and llevarán a cabo el martes, 13 de marzo de 2007. Habrá tres esca- will be on sale at the North Palm Beach Library. ños en el Consejo del Pueblo para las elecciones de este año. Ac- tualmente, en estos escaños están: THE GREAT PRETENDERS: VINTAGE JEWELRY PROGRAM Grupo 2 – Charles O’Meilia th Grupo 4 – David B. Norris On Wednesday, February 7 at 2:00 p.m., Lucille Nicholson, collector of vintage jewelry, will present a program on “The Quisiéramos recordar a todos los candidatos interesados que se Great Pretenders” and answer any questions on your vintage comuniquen con la oficina de la Secretaría del Pueblo lo más pron- jewelry that you would like to bring to the program. Stop by to posible. Existen muchas leyes estatales que regulan las activi- the library to see a display of her jewelry before the program. dades de campañas para elecciones municipales que usted debe FLORIDA’S BEST FRUITING PLANTS conocer. Los candidatos deben presentar el nombramiento de su Tesorero de Campaña y su Depositario de Campaña ante la Se- AUTHOR PROGRAM cretaría del Pueblo antes de abrir la cuenta bancaria para la campa- th On Wednesday, February 28 at 2:00 p.m., Charles Boning, ña y antes de recolectar o gastar dinero. El candidato tendrá que naturalist, illustrator, author and attorney, will speak on his lat- pagar todos los gastos de las elecciones, incluyendo la cuota de est book, Florida’s Best Fruiting Plants, which contains 80 presentación de $10.00 y una tarifa de elección de $60.00 (1% del native and non-native plants beautifully illustrated. Mr. Boning sueldo del puesto deseado) con un cheque girado del Depositario will have copies of his book for purchase at the program. de Campaña. Se le aconseja que empiece los preparativos para la BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP presentación tan pronto tome la decisión de ser candidato. Tuesday, February 20th at 10:00 a.m. INSCRIPCION DE VOTANTES: Los libros de inscripción Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood para las Elecciones de marzo se cerrarán a las 5:00 p.m. el lunes 12 Discussion led by Bea Isenstein de febrero de 2007. Quisiéramos informar a los votantes inscritos TREESEARCHERS GENEALOGY CLUB en el Condado de Palm Beach que si se mudan, deberán votar en th su distrito electoral nuevo y podrán cambiar su dirección en las Tuesday, February 20 at 7:00 p.m. urnas, o si tienen suficiente tiempo antes de las elecciones, deben Children’s Library escribir y notificarle su nueva dirección a la Oficina de la Supervi- sor de Elecciones en 240 S. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL Winter Story Hours 33406. La Supervisora de Elecciones le enviará por correo una This month, ages 4 & 5 are on Mondays, ages 6-8 on Tuesdays, tarjeta electoral nueva con su distrito electoral nuevo. both are drop-offs at 3:30 p.m. Ages 2 & 3 will meet with a parent for story time on Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. Please call BALOTAS DE AUSENTE: A aquellos votantes que estarán fue- us at 841-3374. ra el Día de las Elecciones, al igual que a aquellos que no puedan Nighty Night Story Hour asistir a las urnas debido a enfermedad o discapacidad, se les podrá th Ages 4-8 are invited to join us on Thursday, February 8, at 6 mandar por correo una balota de ausente. Las balotas de ausente p.m. for bedtime stories, puppets, music and a movie. estarán disponibles sólo por medio de la Supervisora de Elecciones Kid’s Express del Condado de Palm Beach. Las balotas de ausente se pueden th Friday, February 9, at 4 p.m. ages 9-12 will meet to enjoy a solicitar por teléfono, por correo, o al llenar la solicitud en línea specially designed, fun-filled, fast-paced program. Light re- Las Balotas de Ausente se tienen que (www.pbcelections.org). freshments will be served. devolver a la Oficina de Elecciones en West Palm Beach a más Game Day tardar para las 7 p.m. el martes, 14 de marzo de 2006 . th Ages 6-10 will meet Thursday, February 15 at 3 p.m. You may bring one of your own games to play or use one of ours. POOL 691-3427 Country Club 951 US Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 FEBRUARY POOL HOURS (Administration Office 561-691-3420) The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We CLOSED MONDAYS welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM our amenities. We are a complete recreation facility offering daily Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size pool or an exquisite dining experience. We offer discounts to our Village residents with a valid resident card. To purchase your resident card, stop by the Administration office. Proof of residency (deed, WATER AEROBICS tax bill, or 12 month lease agreement and photo identification) is required at time of issuance. Water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are held Wednesday and Friday at 12:15 - 1:15 PM at the GOLF 691-3433 Country Club Pool. Certified instructor is Jean Burge. “A Tip From The Top” Cost is $5/class. Being avid golfers we are always searching for ways to improve our technique. One of the most TENNIS 626-6515 important fundamentals and most violated piece of the average golfers swing is hand and arm ten- sion. This just might be the “secret” to the golf Happy Valentines Day! swing. Understanding the relationship between Check out our Sweet Heart Mixer your grip pressure and your arm tension might increase your ability to make solid club ball con- JUNIOR TENNIS tact. The club should be held in your fingers with your fingers having a secure hold on the grip, not overly tight, just Tiny Tots (4-6) enough pressure to not let the club twist in your hands. The arms should be “soft”, they hang freely from your shoulder sockets. The Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-4:00 PM wrists, elbow and shoulder joints need to be flexible and pliable Future Stars (7-9) throughout the swing. To make this a little more simple think, Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM “fingers secure arms soft”. A simple exercise to find arm softness and freedom would be to hold your arms out to your side at shoul- Grand Slam/Challengers (10-18) der height, from there let your arms fall to your sides, slapping Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM against your legs. If your arms do not fall freely then your shoul- Junior Tennis Tournaments ders and arms are to tight. Keep practicing this until you can find TENSION freedom in your shoulders and arms. is the main cul- 1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. prit in destroying a good golf swing. If you have any questions Pizza Mixers give a call I just might be able to help. (Friday’s 6-8 PM) Mike Gray { ADULT TENNIS DRIVING RANGE Monthly Themed Mixer HOURS OF OPERATION (Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates) Monday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Beginner’s/Intermediate Weekend Drill 9-10:30 AM Ladies Night Tuesday 6:30 - 8:00 PM Tuesday - Sunday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Men’s Drill Night - Every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM LIGHTS OUT AT 9:00 p.m. NEW! Cardio Tennis (Heart Pumping Tennis Fitness) Interested in learning the game of golf or improving the one that Friday 9:00 - 10:30 AM you have? Call our golf professional at 691-3433. Monthly Themed Tennis Mixers Check Pro Shop for your teams day and time. GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE GOLF PRO SHOP Recreation Department 841-3388 A Day in the Everglades – It’s airboats and alligators on this 603 Anchorage Drive day of exploring the beauty of North Palm Beach, FL 33408 the Florida Everglades. A Puppy Love - Th guided airboat ride, a delicious lunch, and a park ranger guided e Recreation boat ride of the 10,000 Islands of the Everglades will highlight Department is hosting a Valentine the day. Dinner stop on our return trip is on your own at the event for you and your canine best Dolphin Mall. Fee: $75 - February 22nd friends called “Puppy Love” on Saturday, February 10th at 1:00 Strawberry Festival Don’t miss out on p.m. You and your pals can enjoy this year’s Strawberry Festival in Plant City. an afternoon of contests and fun at the Our bus trip on Thursday, March 8th will Bark Park at Anchorage Park, 603 take us to the festival for a day of fun, Anchorage Drive. Contests include: strawberries, music and more. The trip Best Holiday Attire, Best Tail Wag- price includes the festival, performance by ger, Best Trick, Best Singing Dog, the Oakridge Boys, buffet dinner, and trans- Smallest Dog, Largest Dog, and Best portation! We plan on having a berry good day! March 8th Kisser. Win great prizes! Vendors of dog-related services and Fee: $70 – supplies will be on hand dispensing information and freebies. South Beach You will be able to watch various obedience training demon- South Beach, widely known as a nighttime spot strations. A fun-filled afternoon for all! Spend some quality of fun and excitement, offers beautiful art deco, a gorgeous holiday time with your “Canine Sweetheart”. For more infor- beach, the Jackie Gleason Theater and much more that you . won't want to miss. Wear your walking shoes as you will be mation, please call 841-3386 able to explore, shop, and dine at your own pace and pleasure. Village Wide Garage Sale We will accept registrations for This trip is slated for Friday, March 23rd. Fee: $30 the March 3rd Village-Wide Garage Sale which will be held at Seminole Hard Rock & Casino It’s a Las Vegas style the Community Center from 7:00 a.m. - noon. The cost for a casino in Hollywood, FL. Run by the Seminole Indians, you single space is $15. Spaces are assigned on a first come – first won’t know if you’re in the real Las Vegas or South Florida! serve basis. This is a great chance for those of you who live in Stay cool all day long too. Minimum need for this trip is 25. condos or in communities that do not allow garage sales. Start This trip is slated for Wednesday, March 28th. Fee: $25 cleaning those closets! Register early. Contact Bill Egan at 841-3389 for information on any bus Annual Heritage Festival & Parade - Mark your calen- trip dars now! The annual Heritage Festival is coming! This year’s event will be held on Saturday, April 21st ! The parade will be Saturday morning. We’re looking for parade entries: clubs, organized groups, antique cars, floats, bands, etc. For more PRESIDENTS’ DAY details, please call the Recreation Department at 841-3386. REFUSE COLLECTION 5 Wishes - Living Will with a Heart – There are many things in life that are out of our hands. When facing end-of-life decisions, having a living will puts you in control when you can’t speak for yourself. The Five Wishes goes beyond most state forms to deal with your emotional, personal and spiritual wishes. Five Wishes kits will be provided. This workshop will be held on February 13th at 11:00 a.m. Please call 841-3386 to RSVP your seat. There is no charge. Your Life and Your Legacy - Create your own legacy! Monday February 19th No Collection Legacies are rare and special gifts from one person to another; from one generation to the next. Learn how to capture, cherish, Tuesday February 20th Garbage Only and share life's most precious memories! Because your life matters!!! This workshop will be held on February 13th at Wednesday February 21st Trash & Vegetation 11:00 a.m. Please call 841-3386 to RSVP your seat. There is no charge. Thursday February 22nd Trash, Vegetation & Recycle EPCOT Center - Gather with family and friends and fellow North Palm residents to celebrate the fascinating cultures and Friday February 23rd Garbage Only numerous wonders of the world through dazzling shows, inter- active experiences and amazing attractions at EPCOT Center’s . Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow. Fee includes ad- mission and transportation. Fee: $95-February 11th Public Safety848-2525 WINDOWS Windows are left unlocked and open much more often than 560 U. S. Highway One doors. An open window that is seen by a burglar may be the North Palm Beach, FL 33408 only reason your home was picked: easy entry. Most win- dows have latches and not locks. The latches can be supple- The most common threat to your home is burglary. According to mented by using blocking devices that keep the window from the FBI, a burglary occurs every 15 seconds in this country. opening even if the glass is broken and the latch unlocked. Desire-Ability- There are three components to the crime. Inexpensive wooden dowels and sticks work well for horizon- Opportunity Remember, if a burglar really wants into your tal sliding windows and through-the-frame pins work well for home, there's probably no way to prevent it, but there are ways to vertical sliding windows. minimize your chances of being a victim. We can not take the Secure all accessible windows with secondary blocking DesireAbility or the away from the criminal, but we can elimi- devices Opportunity nate the . Block accessible windows open no more than 6 inches for Most crime occurs because the opportunity to commit the crime ventilation existed. Opportunity can be divided into two categories. Be sure someone cannot reach through an open window The opportunity created by the victim through carelessness, and unlock a door and lack of attention to security. Be sure someone cannot reach through the window and The opportunity created by the criminal through skill and remove the blocking device ruthlessness. The person is a “professional criminal” who LIGHTING is unafraid to be caught. Interior lighting is necessary to show signs of activity inside a It is believed in the Law Enforcement community that the residence at night. Timers are inexpensive and can be used to “professional criminal’s” represent a very small percentage of simulate activity. The timers should control lights that are the crimes that are committed. near windows so they can be seen from the outside. They can also be used to control radios or TVs. The majority of crime is committed by unskilled amateurs and is Outside lighting is also important. It becomes critical if you made possible by the opportunities created by the victims them- do not have a garage and must walk to the entry door. The selves! The following tips will help prevent residents of becom- purpose of lighting is two-fold: Others can see activity around ing victims of residential burglary. your house and you can see if a suspicious person is lurking DOOR & LOCKS nearby. Outdoor lights can also be activated by a motion sen- Burglars will bypass your home if it takes too much effort or sor. They will turn on when there is movement by anyone requires more skill and tools than they possess. Burglars fre- outside. They are usually designed to work only at night. quently enter through the front, back or garage doors. Always They are very inexpensive and are available at most hardware use quality materials on all exterior entrances, including the ga- stores. rage door. Use interior light timers to establish a pattern of occup- Use a solid core or metal door for all entrance points ancy Use a quality, heavy-duty deadbolt lock with at least a one- Exterior lighting should allow at least 100-foot visibility inch throw bolt Use light timers or motion sensors to turn lights on/off Use a quality, heavy-duty knob-in-lock set with a dead-latch automatically mechanism LANDSCAPE Use a heavy-duty, 4-screw striker plate with 3-inch screws Keep shrubs and hedges trimmed, especially those near win- to penetrate into the door frame dows. Shrubs and bushes that hide windows will also hide Use a wide-angle 160-degree peephole mounted no higher burglars while they work. If practical, also use those shrubs than 58 inches. that have prickly leaves. This makes it tougher for anyone trying to hide behind them. SLIDING GLASS PATIO DOORS Just in case….Think like a burglar. Look at your home as if Sliding glass doors are secured by latches, not locks. They are you were a thief and look for easy ways to enter. Be sure valu- easy to force open from the outside because the latching mecha- ables are not visible from the street. Be sure to secure ladders nism is almost always weak. A wooden stick or broom handle that could be used to access second-floor windows. Be sure inserted into the lower track can keep the door from opening your mail and newspapers are picked up if you're away for an from the outside. Commercial products that bolt on the track are extended period. Display your house number and be sure it's also available. visible at night. This will help police, fire and medical person- Some older sliding glass doors can be lifted up and off the lower nel in finding your home in an emergency. track thus defeating the latch mechanism. Check your door. If The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety offers free it's easily lifted, there are products available at your hardware residential security survey for village residents. If you are store to help prevent this. Once you've secured the sliding door, interested in a security survey or have any questions about the burglar will have to break the glass to get in. That's noisy preventing residential burglary contact Officer Williams at and might attract attention and a burglar doesn't want that. 841-3300. BULLETIN BOARD BULLETIN BOARD VILLAGE BOARDS: Village Boards were created to advise TOPTOP) raffic riented olicing ( the Council on present and future activities of the Village. Cur- The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is com- rently, an HVAC Contractor is needed for the Construction Board mitted to the safety of its citizens. A Safe Community is a of Adjustment and Appeals. Annual appointments to all Village community that promotes traffic safety and injury prevention. Boards and Committees for positions with terms expiring 4/30/07 TOP is a program which requires members of the community will be made in April. Applications are available online or and law enforcement to work together to reduce traffic prob- through the Clerk’s office at 841-3355. Boards and Committees lems in North Palm Beach. It uses an approach to involve resi- include: Audit Committee, Code Enforcement Board, Construc- dents in addressing traffic problems and safety concerns in the tion Board, Country Club Advisory Board, Library Advisory village. We would like your help to determine specific areas Board, Planning Commission, Recreation Advisory Board, Water- of concern. Please contact Officer Williams at 841-3300 or ways Board, and Zoning Board of Adjustment. email us at traffic@village-npb.org. You can remain anony- mous. AARP TAX AID: Free tax preparation service will be available Village Wide Garage Sale We will accept registrations in the North Palm Beach Village Hall Council Chambers 9:00 for the March 3rd Village-Wide Garage Sale which will be a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday beginning Feb- held at the Community Center from 7:00 a.m. - noon. The cost ruary 2, 2007 through April 16, 2007. for a single space is $15. Spaces are assigned on a first come – first serve basis. This is a great chance for those of you who Tax payers should bring 2006 tax forms, W-2’s, 1099’s and other live in condos or in communities that do not allow garage tax information along with their 2005 tax return. Tax payers are sales. Start cleaning those closets! Register early. also asked to bring proper ID. VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 PAID NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408