01-2007 Newsletter éÕØçÔÑÑÜÖØ ïøæêñøééøë  V N P B, 501 US H #1, N P B, FL 33408 ILLAGEOFORTHALMEACHWYORTHALMEACH NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE VILLAGE COUNCIL Village Council2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. .......................................................... Audit Committee...............................................................................................on call David B. Norris, Mayor Code Enforcement Board................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal.......................................................on call William Manuel, President ProTem Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Charles R. O’Meilia, Councilman Library Advisory Board...............................................4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Darryl C. Aubrey, Councilman Planning Commission...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Village Council members may be Pension Boards..................................................................................................on call contacted through the office of the Recreation Advisory Board.........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at Waterways Board....................................next to last Tuesday, in odd months, 4:00 p.m. npbclerk@village-npb.org ..................................................................... Zoning Board of Adjustmenton call All meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the Village’s web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Village Manager 841-3380 “2007” Village Clerk 841-3355 Finance 841-3360 ØßÐÐÇ ÒÛÉ ÇÛßÎ Public Services 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 UPCOMING EVENTS Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Park 841-3387 Candidate Qualifying for Village Elections see page 2 - Library 841-3383 (La versión en español en la pagina 2) Village Historian 841-3371 Voter Absentee Ballot and Registration Information - see pages 2 Public Safety: (La versión en español en la pagina 2) Non Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Holiday Refuse Collection - New Year’s Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day Country Club 841-3359 see page 8 Administration 691-3420 Driving Range 626-0732 January Recreation Class Registration - see page 6 Golf Shop 691-3433 North Palm Beach Residents - January 2 & 3 Pool 691-3427 Non-Residents - January 4 & 5 Tennis 626-6515 Town Hall” Meeting - “ Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at Village Hall to discuss Restaurant 691-3430 design plans and improvements to Anchorage Park - see page 7 Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale & Author Luncheon - see page 3 ôÏÊÔÙØÉÕÔÊÔÊÊÈØ Holiday Closings - The following offices will be closed in observance of Yew çÔÑÑÜÖØúÎÈÏÚÔÑçÔÑÑÜÖØúÑØËÒ Year’s Day Monday, January 1, 2007 and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, Janu- ary 15, 2007: Village Hall, Community Development, Library, Recreation, Country ñÔÛËÜËÄ Club Administration, Public Works (including Sanitation), and Public Safety Records íÈÛÑÔÚêÜ×ØÉÄ Office (Police, Fire, EMS - OPEN) úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛøÇØÏÉÊ Annual Heritage Festival & Parade - Mark your calendars now! The annual úÎÈÏÉËÄúÑÈÛúÜÑØÏÙÜË  Heritage Festival is coming! This year’s event will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2007. The parade will be Saturday morning. We’re looking for parade entries: clubs, ëØÚËØÜÉÔÎÏ  organized groups, antique cars, floats, bands, etc. For more details, please call the ðÜÏÜÖØËiÊðØÊÊÜÖØ  Recreation Department at 841-3386. úÎÐÐÈÏÔÉÄùØÇØÑÎÍÐØÏÉ  Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org ûÈÑÑØÉÔÏûÎÜËÙ  ̸» Ê·´´¿¹» ÒÛÉÍÔÛÌÌÛΠп¹» î ÖßÒËßÎÇ îððé Existen muchas leyes estatales que regulan las actividades de cam- VILLAGE CLERK NEWS pañas para elecciones municipales que usted debe conocer. Los CANDIDATE QUALIFYING FOR MARCH 2007 VIL- candidatos deben presentar el nombramiento de su Tesorero de LAGE ELECTION: The qualifying period for candidates for Campaña y su Depositario de Campaña ante la Secretaría del the Village Council will be from the last Tuesday in January Pueblo antes de abrir la cuenta bancaria para la campaña y antes de (noon, January 30, 2007) to the second Tuesday in February recolectar o gastar dinero. El candidato tendrá que pagar todos los (noon, February 13, 2007). Qualifying is for the Village Election, gastos de las elecciones, incluyendo la cuota de presentación de which will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 2007. There will be $10.00 y una tarifa de elección de $60.00 (1% del sueldo del pues- two seats on the Village Council up for election this year. These to deseado) con un cheque girado del Depositario de Campaña. Se seats are currently held by: le aconseja que empiece los preparativos para la presentación tan pronto tome la decisión de ser candidato. Group 2 – Charles O’Meilia Group 4 – David B. Norris INSCRIPCION DE VOTANTES: Los libros de inscripción para We want to remind all interested candidates to contact the Vil- las Elecciones de marzo se cerrarán a las 5:00 p.m. el lunes 12 de lage Clerk’s office as early as possible. There are many state febrero de 2007. Quisiéramos informar a los votantes inscritos en laws regulating campaign activities for municipal elections with el Condado de Palm Beach que si se mudan, deberán votar en su which you should be familiar. Candidates must file the appoint- distrito electoral nuevo y podrán cambiar su dirección en las urnas, ment of their Campaign Treasurer and Campaign Depository o si tienen suficiente tiempo antes de las elecciones, deben escribir with the Village Clerk before opening the campaign bank ac- y notificarle su nueva dirección a la Oficina de la Supervisor de count and before collecting or spending money. A candidate Elecciones en 240 S. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33406. must pay for all election expenses, including the filing fee of La Supervisora de Elecciones le enviará por correo una tarjeta $10.00 and a $90.00 election assessment (1% of the salary of electoral nueva con su distrito electoral nuevo. the office sought) with a check drawn on the Campaign De- pository. It would be advisable to start preparation for filing as COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN soon as you have made your decision to become a candidate. Ordinance 2006-23 Eliminates the Public Services Department and Creates Public Works & Community Development Departments VOTER REGISTRATION: The registration books for the March Election will close at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 12, Ordinance 2006-24 Allocates the Duties of Department of Pub- 2007. We would like to advise voters registered in Palm Beach lic Works & Community Development and clarifies the Charter County that if they move, they must vote at their new precinct, at reference to the Department of Public Services which time they can change their address at the polls, or if they Ordinance 2006-25 Provides for the Adoption by Resolution of have sufficient time prior to the election, they should write to the Timeframes for the Domani PUD Supervisor of Elections Office, 240 S. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33406, notifying that office of their new address. The Resolution 2006-82 Adopts Updated & Revised Travel Policy Supervisor of Elections will mail a new voter registration card Resolution 2006-83 Country Club Maintenance Equipment showing the new precinct. Lease & Surplus Equipment POLL WORKERS NEEDED: Poll Workers perform a vital Resolution 2006-84 1st Addendum to Country Club Restaurant service to their community as an important part of the elections Lease with Peas & Carrots process. To become a poll worker you must be a registered Resolution 2006-85 Authorizes the purchase of an ID 500 Child voter in Palm Beach County, fill out a poll worker application ID System to be used by the Public Safety Department to provide for the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, attend an identification and fingerprint data on children for safety purposes orientation class, and complete training prior to each election. For more information on this paid position, please contact the Resolution 2006-86 Purchase of Dodge Ram 2500 Utility Supervisor of Elections at 656-6200, visit the website at Truck; Surplus truck #41 www.pbcelections.org or call the Village Clerk’s office at 841- Resolution 2006-87 Provides for 2 full-time Greens Mainte- 3355. nance Technicians at the Country Club Golf Course Resolution 2006-88 Emergency Joint Participation Agreement CANDIDATOS QUE CALIFICAN PARA LAS ELECCIO- with FDOT NES DE MARZO DEL 2007 DEL PUEBLO: El periodo de calificación para candidatos para el Consejo del Pueblo será des- Resolution 2006-89 Approves Escrow Account Agreement with de el último martes de enero (medio día del 33 de enero de 2007) PBC Clerk hasta el segundo martes de febrero (medio día del 13 de febrero Resolution 2006-90 Provides timeframes for Domani construc- de 2007). La calificación es para las Elecciones del Pueblo, que tion se llevarán a cabo el martes, 13 de marzo de 2007. Habrá tres escaños en el Consejo del Pueblo para las elecciones de este año. Resolution 2006-91 Purchase of Dodge Ram 3500 utility truck, Sur- Actualmente, en estos escaños están: plus truck #82 Grupo 2 – Charles O’Meilia Resolution 2006-92 Purchase of 2007 Dodge Charger Unmarked Pa- Grupo 4 – David B. Norris trol Car Quisiéramos recordar a todos los candidatos interesados que se Resolution 2006-93 Purchase of four (4) 2007 Ford Crown Victoria comuniquen con la oficina de la Secretaría del Pueblo lo más Police Interceptors pronto posible. ̸» Ê·´´¿¹» ÒÛÉÍÔÛÌÌÛΠп¹» í п¹» í ÖßÒËßÎÇ îððé This is a nice way to end a busy day with friends at the library. LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 You may wear your pajamas and bring along a sleepy-time pal. 303 Anchorage Drive Kids Express: North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 th On Friday, January, 12 at 4 p.m., ages 9-12, kick-off your JANUARY IN THE LIBRARY weekend with a specially designed program. There are always lots of laughs at our fast-paced, fun-filled hour of library games. The Library will be CLOSED Light refreshments will be served. st Monday, January 1 for New Year’s Day & th Toddler Time: Monday, January 15 for Martin Luther King Day h On Saturday, January, 13, at 10:15 a.m. Ages birth-23 months PHYSICIANS: and parents will enjoy a stimulating program with interaction through use of: music, movement, colors, shapes books and HOW TO CHOOSE ONE & HOW TO HAVE much more. PRODUCTIVE MEDICAL VISITS Movie Time: th On January 10 at 2:00 p.m., Claudette Fabian will present a Ages 6-10 are invited to enjoy one of your all time favorite mov- program on Physicians. Learn the questions to ask to be an in- ies on Saturday, January, 13th at 11:30 a.m. Bring along a formed patient, what to look for in choosing the physician to friend. Light refreshments will be served. meet your needs and many other related topics. Game Day: FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Ages 6-10 will meet Wednesday, January 17th, at 3 p.m. You ANNUAL BOOK SALE may bring one of your own games to play or use one of ours. Bring along a partner to play with. It’s lots of fun! The Friends of the Library will sponsor their annual book sale on January 25th, 26th, and 27th in the Obert Meeting Room. PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 Thousands of new and used books will be offered at great sav- ings. There will be many CDs and Videos available also. Vol- 560 U. S. Highway One unteers are needed to set up the book tables and to assist with the North Palm Beach, FL 33408 sales. If you are willing to help, please call 848-6978 or 848- 9480. There will also be a sign-up sheet at the front desk. Message from the Director Chief Jimmy Knight LEE IRBY FEATURED SPEAKER FOR LUNCHEON Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were merry and I wish Mark you calendars for Monday, February, 19, 2007. Lee Irby you all a happy and safe NEW YEAR. will discuss his new book, Up and Up, at the annual Friends of the North Palm Beach Library luncheon at the Embassy Suites It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I can announce for the Hotel in Palm Beach Gardens. second straight year the overall crime in the Village of North Palm Beach has gone down. This is especially significant as TREESEARCHERS GENEALOGY CLUB crime in many of the surrounding areas is on the rise. The unfor- The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will meet Tuesday, January tunate reality is that the Village is not immune to that criminal th 16 at 7:00 p.m. Start the new year out right and plan to join us element. More often than not, offenses here in the Village are for this informative meeting. New members are always wel- crimes of opportunity which are being perpetrated by individual come! Don’t forget to utilize our genealogy resources at the (s) from outside North Palm Beach. Successes such as the reduc- library: Ancestry Library Edition and Heritage Quest. If you tion in crime and successful investigative clearances can only be have any questions, please call Sue at 841-3383. attributed to partnerships! The partnerships between the Public Safety Department and the residents are invaluable in promoting CHILDRENS’ DEPARTMENT, (841-3374) the quality of life that is enjoyed here in North Palm Beach. *Winter Story Hours Begin: th The Department of Public Safety offers many community educa- On Monday, January 8, for ages 4 & 5 and Tues- tion and crime prevention programs, as well as volunteer organi- day, January 9th, for ages 6-8 both are drop-offs at zations within the Law Enforcement and Fire Rescue Divisions 3:30 p.m. Ages 2 & 3 meet with a parent on th Wednesdays, beginning Jan. 10, at 10:15 a.m. It might surprise you to know that North Palm Beach Fire Res- Children enjoy stories, flannel board stories, puppets, music, cue responded to over 1400 calls for service this past year and exercise, games, movies, crafts and a new theme each week. Our better than half were medical related. library programs are open to the public, at no charge. We wel- * come newcomers. When the meeting room is in use for the I want to assure each and every resident of North Palm Beach annual book sale or other events, story hours may vary. Please that the Department of Public Safety is committed to providing call us at: 841-3374. the very best service to our residents and will strive to do even better. Nighty Night Story Hour: Join us on Thursday, January 11th, at 6 p.m. when ages 4-8 en- Please feel free to contact the Department at 842-2525 should joy a relaxing evening of bedtime stories, flannel board stories, you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help! music and a movie. ̸» Ê·´´¿¹» ÒÛÉÍÔÛÌÌÛΠп¹» ì ÖßÒËßÎÇ îððé POOL 691-3427 Country Club Golf Shop 691-3433 951 US Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 POOL HOURS DECEMBER “FROM THE GOLF SHOP” CLOSED MONDAYS Our golf club is now in full swing and we do have one busy golf club! PLEASE keep in mind that we take tee times every Tuesday - Friday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM morning at 7:00 A.M. sharp. Members may call in 7 days in Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM advance, non-members may call in 5 days in advance. As we Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM are all finding out tee times some days may be a little tough to HOLIDAY POOL HOURS come by, on the days you know you would like to play, please call early, the tee sheet fills very fast. When making your time December 31st CLOSED please remember we have a 24 hour cancellation policy, with January 1st CLOSED tee times filling so fast some members will get shut out. The golf shop will maintain a waiting list for daily play, but we do need adequate time to fill a canceled time. THANK YOU FOR WATER AEROBICS YOUR HELP! Water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are held Looking to improve your golfing skills? Bunker play? Putting? Wednesday and Friday at 12:15 - 1:15 PM at the Country Club Let MIKE GRAY or MICKEY NEAL take a look at you move, Pool. Certified instructor is Jane Burge. Cost is $5/class. we just might be able to help! Call the golf shop today to schedule your lesson! Remember swing easy in the breezy TENNIS 626-6515 Mike Gray Happy Holiday’s, be sure and check out our Holiday Tennis Camp for Kids! DRIVING RANGE Junior Tennis Monday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tiny Tots (4-6) Tuesday - Sunday - 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-4:00 PM LIGHTS OUT AT 9:00 p.m. Future Stars (7-9) Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Interested in improving your game call the Golf Shop and book a lesson today! Grand Slam/Challengers (10-18) Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Junior Tennis Tournaments HOLIDAY HOURS 1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Administration Office 691-3420 Pizza Mixers January 1st CLOSED (Friday’s 6-8 PM) Junior Holiday Tennis Camp Golf Course 691-3433 January 2-6 December 31st Last 18 holes at 12 Noon ADULT TENNIS Last 9 holes at 2:00 PM Monthly Themed Mixer January 1st OPEN (Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates) Driving Range Beginner’s/Intermediate Weekend Drill 9-10:30 AM Ladies Night Tuesday 6:30 - 8:00 PM December 31st CLOSED at 4:00 PM January 1st OPEN Men’s Drill Night - Every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM NEW! Cardio Tennis (Heart Pumping Tennis Fitness) Tennis626-6515 Friday 9:00 - 10:30 AM December 31st CLOSED at 1:00 PM Monthly Themed Tennis Mixers January 1st CLOSED at 1:00 PM Check Pro Shop for your teams day and time ̸» Ê·´´¿¹» ÒÛÉÍÔÛÌÌÛΠп¹» ê ÖßÒËßÎÇ îððé NORTH PALM BEACH RECREATION DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY SCHEDULE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2007 Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm on: North Palm Residents: January 2 & 3 Non-Residents: January 4 & 5 Due to space limitations, we can not list class descriptions, prices, start dates, or locations in the Village Newsletter. Complete schedules are available on Parks & Recreation pages of www.village-npb.org, at a Recreation Center or by calling 841-3386. Salsa Dancing M 7:30-8:30 Preschool Activity Scrapbooking Sat 11:00-4:00 ABC Kids I, W 11:30-1:00 2.5-3.5 yrs Swing Dancing M 6:30-7:30 ABC Kids II, W 9:30-11:30 3.5-5 yrs Spanish I W 6:30-8:30 Crafty Kids, M 9:00-10:00 3-5 yrs Spanish II M 6:30-8:30 Cooking Kids M 10:00-11:00 , 3-5 yrs Table Tennis T 7:30-9:00 Rainforest Critters, M 1:00-3:00 3-5 yr Tai Chi/Qi Gong F 9:30-10:30 Youth/Teen Activity Yoga M 10:30-12:00 Ballet, T 4:30-6:10 5-teens Yoga W 6:00-7:30 Guitar I, M 4:30-5:20 Yoga Sat 9:00-10:30 Guitar II, W 4:30-5:20 teens Travel Tours Gymnastics, F 2:30-3:15 2-3 yrs Gulfstream Races Sat 1/20 Gymnastics, F 3:30-4:20 3-4 yr Vizcaya & lunch Th 1/25 Gymnastics, F 4:30-5:20 5-6 yr Epcot Sun 2/11 Gymnastics F 5:30-6:20 , 7+ Everglades Th 2/22 Karate M 7:00-8:00 , beg. Strawberry Festival Wed 3/8 Karate, Th 6:00-7:00 beg/inter South Beach Fri 3/23 Karate, Th 7:00-8:00 adv. Hard Rock Casino W 3/28 Table Tennis T 7:30-9:00 Tap/Jazz, T 2:30-8:10 Workshops/Clinics ages 3-17 yrs Common Sports Maladies Th 1/25 Adult Activity Hospice,T/9 You Want to Know 1 Bake Like a Pro Sat 10:00-11:30 Hospice2/13 , 5 Withes T Healthy Organic Cooking T 6:30-8:00 Hospice3/13 , Legacy T Island Style Cooking W 6:30-8:00 The Magic of Breathing Sat 1/13 Ballroom Dance W 7:00-8:30 The Magic of Breathing Sat 1/27 Bellydancing T 6:30-8:00 Bridge M,F 9:30-11:30 You must pre-register for all the above activities. If enrollment is Chair Exercise/Balance T, Th 9:000-10:00 insufficient, activity will be canceled. For complete schedules, Coquettes Th 9:30-11:00 visit the web site at www.village-npb.org , stop by a Recreation Country Line Dance W 7:00-8:30 facility or call 841-3386. Duplicate Bridge Sun 12:30 Looking Forward Duplicate Bridge M 6:30 Duplicate Bridge T 12:30 Puppy Love - The Recreation Department is hosting a holiday Duplicate Bridge Th 12:30 event for you and your canine friends called Puppy Love on Satur- Duplicate Bridge F 12:30 day, February, 10th at 1:00 pm. You and your pals can enjoy an Fitness Over 50 M,W,F 9:00-10:00 afternoon of contests and fun at the Bark Park in Anchorage Park, Guitar I M 8:00-9:00 603 Anchorage Drive in North Palm Beach. Contests include: Italian, Sat 1:30-2:30 beg Best Holiday Attire, Best Tail Wagger, Best Trick, Best Singing Jazzercise M,W,F 9:30-10:30 Dog, Smallest Dog, Largest Dog, and Best Kisser. Win great Jazzercise M,W 5:45-6:45 prizes! Vendors of dog-related services and supplies will be on Jazzercise T,Th 6:00-7:00 hand dispensing information and freebies. You will be able to Jazzercise Sat 9:00-11:00 watch various obedience training demonstrations. A fun-filled Karate, M 7:00-8:00 beg. afternoon for all! Spend some quality holiday time with your Karate, Th 6:00-7:00 beg/inter “Canine Sweetheart”. For more information, please call 841-3386. Karate, Th 7:00-8:00 adv. Village Wide Garage Sale – The date for the Spring Garage Sale Merengue Dancing M 8:30-9:30 is Saturday, March 3 at the Community Center. Don’t wait too Obedience – Sun 6:30-7:30 Pup Pre-K long to register for your $15 space! A great opportunity for you to Obedience – Sun 7:45-8:45 Elem. clean out the closet, garage, spare bedroom, etc! Register at the Oh, My Aching Back M 7:00-8:00 Anchorage Park Activities. Details, call 841-3386. Oil/Acrylic M 6:45-8:45 ̸» Ê·´´¿¹» ÒÛÉÍÔÛÌÌÛΠп¹» é ÖßÒËßÎÇ îððé Village Manager’s Message 841-3380 Community Pool - Improvements to our Community Mark Bates, Village Manager Pool bathrooms have been completed… complimenting many of the other improvements in and around our mbates@village-npb.org Country Club. New white aluminum fencing has re- Ø¿°°§ Ò»© Ç»¿®ÿ placed the old chain-link fence around the pool area and new brick pavers are scheduled to be installed throughout the entire pool deck area in February. Our pool is heated Ó¿§ ¬¸» Ò»© Ç»¿® ¾®·²¹ §±« °»¿½»ô ¸»¿´¬¸ô to a comfortable 80 degrees so bring your family and join ¿²¼ ¸¿°°·²»­­ÿ us at the pool even during the winter weekends! As the New Year begins there are a multitude of improvements Community Development 841-3365 that are occurring around the Village. 501 U.S. Highway One Lakeside Park - Australian Pine Removal and Native Tree North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Replacement The state of Florida gave communities a five year period to remove all Australian Pine trees. Therefore CODE OF THE MONTH back in October the Village staff met with Lakeside Park resi- Sec. 19-111. Permissible time for construction activity. dents to discuss plans for the removal of 29 Australian pines and the planting of 35 native trees consisting of gumbo limbos, (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to do, perform or live oaks and slash pines at the north side of the park. The engage in any construction work, building, excavating, hoist- Village secured two grants to pay for the removal and replant- ing, grading, pile driving, pneumatic hammering, demolition, ing of the trees and of this writing the pines have been success- dredging, building alteration or repair work of any nature to fully removed. There will be a landscape design for the re- any building or structure or upon any site for same, in the placement planting of the 35 native trees in the southern, mid- village between the hours of 8:00 p.m. of one day and 8:00 dle and northern areas of the park. a.m. of the next day if any such activity shall cause noises whose levels result in excess of the limits as stated in section Monet Road Bridge Repair – the emergency repair of this 19-118. No construction activity shall be permitted on Sun- small bridge was successfully completed in December. Leak- days or legal holidays. Any person desiring to engage in the ing utility pipes caused large open void areas underneath the aforesaid activity beyond the stated hours of limitation, based bridge approach over a period of years. The utility companies upon cases of urgent necessity or upon the interests of public have repaired these pipes and contractors have repaired the health, safety and ultimate convenience, may apply to the open areas under the supervision of our Village Engineers at village manager or his representative for a special permit. SFRN. Such permits, if granted, shall be limited to a certain period, - Village Sidewalk Repair Therepairs of our Village side- but may be renewed for additional periods if the emergency walks are a continuing project. Last year we completed repairs or need therefore continues. In the issuance of such permits to a large number of our sidewalks from a list compiled the village manager or his designated representative shall through inspections by staff and those reported by concerned weigh all facts and circumstances and shall determine citizens. We are continuing with those repairs based on as- whether the reasons given for the urgent necessity are valid sessment by staff. If you see a sidewalk that needs repairing and reasonable, whether the public health, safety and ultimate please call our Public Works Department at 691-3440 and re- convenience will be protected or better served by granting the port the area of repair. permit requested, and whether the manner and amount of loss or inconvenience to the party in interest imposes a significant Anchorage Park - Our planned “town hall” meeting to dis- hardship. Upon an affirmative finding of the foregoing con- cuss design plans and improvements to Anchorage Park is siderations, the village manager or his designee is authorized scheduled for Wednesday, January 17, 2007 at 7:00 PM at to issue the permit requested and any extensions thereof, as Village Hall. Active and passive recreation activities, boating may be required. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the (wet slips and dry storage), fishing and general community are village manager or his designated representative may appeal all being discussed. We would welcome all input from our the decision of the village manager to the village council. residents during development of our park Master Plan. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit the Home Safety - During the weeks leading up to the December use of any power-driven machinery, tools or equipment in Holidays some areas of our Village experienced a spate of any portion of the village zoned and designated as a residen- home burglaries. Although the number of home thefts tial district or section other than between the hours of 8:00 throughout our Village is well below levels of past years - this a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between the hours of remains a primary area of personal security and community 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m. on Sundays. Power mowers shall concern. Your Public Safety Department took immediate steps be used only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. to target and arrest suspects involved in these illegal activities weekdays, and on Sundays only between the hours of 12:00 (several arrests were already made and stolen property recov- noon and 8:00 p.m. ered). We appreciate the vigilance from each of you being a (Code 1970, § 22-13; Ord. No. 5-75, § 1, 6-12-75; Ord. No. good neighbor and ask that you contact our Police officers if 17-76, § 2, 9-23-76) you see something going on in or around your neighborhood Cross references: Buildings and building regulations, Ch. that “just doesn’t look right”. 6. ̸» Ê·´´¿¹» ÒÛÉÍÔÛÌÌÛΠп¹» è ÖßÒËßÎÇ îððé BULLETIN BOARD HOLIDAY REFUSE COLLECTION North Palm Beach County Little League Spring Baseball Reg- istration. T-Ball thru Pony League (Ages 5-15 as of 5/1/07). NEW YEAR’S Player and Coaches register on-line at WWW.NPBCLL.ORG until January 15, 2007. Paper registrations accepted at North Palm Beach Community Center at 1200 Prosperity Farms Road No Collection Monday Jan 1st from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon on Saturday, January 6, 2007. Tuesday Jan 2nd Garbage/Trash & Vegetation MILITARY UNIT ADOPTION: The Village of North Palm Wednesday Jan 3rd Garbage/Trash & Beach is supporting our troops by adopting the Headquarters Unit Vegetation of the 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry (Light), 3rd Brigade, 25th In- Thursday Jan 4th Recycle/Trash & fantry Division, presently stationed in Iraq. If you would like to Vegetation participate in this community wide project, you can drop your Friday Jan 5th Garbage Only donation in one of the marked boxes located in Village municipal buildings or call the Village Clerk's office at 841-3355 to volun- teer or to get more information. HOLIDAY REFUSE COLLECTION VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR LIBRARY BOARD: A volun- MARTIN LUTHER KING teer is needed for one vacancy on the Library Advisory Board. DAY The Library Advisory Board meets at 7:30 p.m. on the last Tues- day of every month, in the Conference Room at Village Hall. The Library Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Vil- No Collection Monday Jan 15th lage Council and makes recommendations as to present and future , Tuesday Jan 16th Garbage Only activities, planning, programscapital improvements and facilities and other matters relating to the overall function and operation of Wednesday Jan 17th Trash & Vegetation the Library. Applications are available from the Village Clerk’s office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One, or call 841- Thursday Jan 18th Recycling/Trash & www.village-npb.org 3355, or online at Vegetation Friday Jan 19th Garbage Only VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 PAID NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408