08-2006 Newsletter The Village ~u ~s~ NEV~SLETTER zoo6 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 501 US HWY #1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE VILLAGE COUNCIL Village Council ..........................................................2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. David B. Norris, Mayor Audit Committee on call Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor Code Enforcement Board 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. William Manuel, President ProTem Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal on call Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Judy M Pierman, Councilman Library Advisory Board 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Village Council members may be Planning Commission ...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p. m. contacted through the office of the Pension Boards on call Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at Recreation Advisory Board 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. npbclerk@village-npb.org Waterways Board next to last Tuesday, monthly, 4:00 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment on call VILLAGEDEPARTMENTS All meetings are held at the~ZZageHal~S01US.HighwayOne Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the Village's web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Village Manager 8~1-3 X80 v~uag~ Clcrl: 8~1-3 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Finance ~~I-~,6o Public Scniccs ~><~I-;~~o SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 R~~'~~~tlioi 8~ 1- ~ TO ALL QUALIFIED ELECTORS an~horag~ Pa~~l: 8~1-"~<' RESIDING IN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Conununil~ Ccntcr 8~ l- ~ 389 ~ os~orn~ 1-; PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: ~~~ra„ 8~1-;:~; village Historian 1- ~ 1 By order of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Flor- Pnblic safct~: ida, notice is hereby given that a Special Election will be held in said Vil- Non Emcrgcnc~ ~~~-? ~ lage on the 5th day of September, 2006 for the purpose of electing a coun- Emcrgcnc~ 911 Count„ Club l -; Gilman for the following office: Administration 691-~~211 Village Councilman, Group 3 -term expiring March 11, 2008 Driving Range 626-O7 ~2 Golf Shop <><~ 1- 3 3 Voter registration books for the Special Election close August 7, 2006. Pool 691-~~27 Tennis 1, (See page 2 for more details) Restaurant 691-~~30 . 2006 National Night Out -August 1, 2006 -Block parties from 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM For more information call Officer Williams at 841- Infide thif iffue: 3300. -See page 4 & 7 village Council/village Clerk 2 & s 50th Birthday Pool Party -Friday, August 11, 2006 -See page 4 Manager Message s Time Capsule Ceremony -Saturday, August 12, 2006 -See page 4 Library 3 • Building & Code Department Located at Public Services has moved Recreation 3 ,4 & 5 to Village Hall -See page 8 Country Club Events 4 Country Club Calendar 5 The Country Club Restaurant Contractor is closing for the month of August during the continuing revnovation of the Country Club. Public Services 7 Public Safety 7 Bulletin Board g Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org TtiE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 AUGUST 2 0 0 6 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION AVISO DE LA ELECCION ESPECIAL DE SEPTIEMBRE EL SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 5 DE 2006 A TODOS LOS ELECTORES CUALIFICADOS TO ALL QUALIFIED ELECTORS QUE RESIDEN EN LA ALDEA DE LA PLAYA DEL NORTE RESIDING IN THE VILLAGE OF DE LA PALMA, CONDADO DE LA PLAYA DE LA PALMA, NORTH PALM BEACH, LA FLORIDA: Por orden del consejo de la aldea de la aldea de la PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: playa del norte de la palmy, la Florida, aviso se da pot este medio By order of the Village Council of the Village of North Palm que una eleccion especial sera celebrada en la aldea dicha en el Sto Beach, Florida, notice is hereby given that a Special Election will dia de septiembre de 2006 con el fin de elegir a un councilman para la oficina siguiente: El councilman de la aldea, agrupa 3 - llame be held in said Village on the 5th day of September, 2006 for the expirar de marcha la 11 de 2008 Los libros del registro del votante purpose of electing a councilman for the following office: para la eleccion especial cierran de agosto e17 de 2006. La eleccion Village Councilman, Group 3 -term expiring March 11, 2008 dicha sera celebrada en la aldea de la playa del norte de la palmy, y los lugares de la interrogacion se senalan como Centro de comunidad Voter registration books for the Special Election close August 7, del norte de la playa de la palmy, recintos 1146 y 1158, primes 2006. iglesia de Unitarian, recinto 1166; Iglesia Lutheran De la Fe, Re- Said election will be held in the Village of North Palm Beach, and cinto 1154; Compartimientos del consejo de la aldea Pasillo, recinto the polling places are designated as North Palm Beach Commu- 1168; Viejo sitio portuario entre los edificios del norte y del sur del muelle, recinto 1152 de la reconstruccion de la ensenada; Activi- nity Center, Precincts 1146 and 1158, First Unitarian Church, Pre- dades Del norte Que construyen, Recinto 1186 De Anchorage De la cinct 1166; Faith Lutheran Church, Precinct 1154; Council Cham- playa De la Palma, y club de pais del norte de la playa de la palmy, bets of the Village Hall, Precinct 1168; Old Port Cove Recreation recintos 1148 y 1150. Las encuestas estaran abiertas en los lugares Room between the North and South Quay Buildings, Precinct de votacion a partir de la 7:00 manana hasty 7:00 P.M. 1152; North Palm Beach Anchorage Activities Building Precinct 1186; and North Palm Beach Country Club, Precincts 1148 and REGISTRO DEL VOTANTE: El registro reserva para de septiem- 1150. The polls will be open in the voting places from 7:00 a.m. bre el 5 de 2006 eleccion se cerrara en 5:00 P.M. el lunes, de agosto unti17:00 p.m. el 7 de 2006. Quisieramos aconsejar a votantes registrados en con- dado de la playa de la palmy que si se mueven, ellos debemos voter VOTER REGISTRATION' The registration books for the Sep- en su recinto nuevo, en cuyo caso pueden cambiar su direccion en tember 5, 2006 Election will~close at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Au- las encuestas, o si tienen suficiente tiempo antes de la eleccion, de- gust 7, 2006. We would like to advise voters registered in Palm ben escribir al supervisor de la oficina de las elecciones, 240 S. Mili- Beach County that if they move, they must vote at their new pre- tary Trail, playa del oeste de la palmy, FL 33406, notificando esa cinct, at which time they can change their address at the polls, or oficina de su nueva direccion. El supervisor de elecciones enviara if they have sufficient time prior to the election, they should write una tarjeta nueva del registro del votante que demuestra el recinto to the Supervisor of Elections Office, 240 S. Military Trail, West nuevo. Palm Beach, FL 33406, notifying that office of their new address. BALOTAS DE AUSENTE: Los votantes que estaran ausentes el The Supervisor of Elections will mail a new voter registration dia de eleccion, asi como los que no pueden it a las encuestas debido card showing the new precinct. a la enfermedad o a la inhabildad, pueden tenet una balota de ausente enviada a ellas. Las balotts de ausente estan disponibles ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Voters who will be away on Elec- solamente del supervisor del condado de la playa de la palmy de tion Day, as well as those who are unable to go to the polls due elecciones. Los pedidos balotts de ausente se pueden hacer pot el to illness or disability, may have an absentee ballot mailed to telefono, pot correo, o terminando el use en linea them. Absentee ballots are available o~ from the Palm Beach (www.pbcelections.org). Las balotts de ausente se deben volver a la County Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots oficina de las elecciones en la playa del oeste de la palmy pot 7 P.M. may be done by phone, by mail, or by completing the applica- el mattes, de septiembre e15 de 2006. tion online (www. bcelections.or~). Absentee Ballots must be IDENTIFICACION CON FOTO EN LAS URNAS: Todo votan- returned to the Elections Office in West Palm Beach by 7 to tends que mostrar un documento de identificacion con fotografia p.m. on Tuesday, September 5, 2006. y firma cuando vaya a las umas a voter. Los documentos de identi- PHOTO ID AT THE POLLS: All voters must show a photo ficacion que se aceptan incluyen: Licencia de Conducir de Florida, ID with signature when they go to the polls to vote. Acceptable Tarjeta de Identificacion de Florida, Passporte de EE.UU., Rotulo de Identidad de Empleado, Tarjeta de Identidad de Club de Compras forms of ID include: Florida Driver's License, Florida Identifica- (tal como Sam's). Si no tiene un documento de identificacion con tion Card, U.S. Passports, Employee ID Badges, Buyers Club ID foto, tends que llenar una declaracion jurada en las urnas antes que Cards (such as Sam's). If you don't have a photo ID you will se le permita voter. have to complete an affidavit at the polls before you are allowed to vote. SUPERVISORA DE ELECCIONES PALM BEACH COUNTY DEL CONDADO DE PALM BEACH SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OficinaPrincipal Sucursal del Juzgado de Norte del Condado Main Office North County Courthouse Branch 240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard 240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West Palm Beach, F133406 Palm Beach Gardens, F133410 West Palm Beach, F133406 Palm Beach Gardens, F133410 656-6200 624-6556 656-6200 624-6556 TtiE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 AUGUST 2 0 0 6 LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 Recreation Department 841-3386 303 Anchorage Drive 603 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 AUGUST IN THE LIBRARY Bus Tours: Upcoming day trips offered by the Recreation Department are listed below. Recreation Specialist, Bill Egan, will be organizing and conducting this exciting assortment of -= , , trips. For more details, contact Bill at 841-3389. _ - -_ _ ; - ~ Football Fans take notice! The Recrea- -~ tion Department has a few seats remaining for the October 22"d Dolphins game against the STORM GOURMET TO SPEAK Green Bay Packers and the November 19t1i game against the Minnesota Vikings. The cost AUGUST 16th AT 2:00 p.m. is $55/person. Seating is very limited, so reg- Daphne Nikolopoulos, author of The Storm Gourmet and editor ister early! For more details, contact Bill at of Palm Beach Illustrated magazine, has written a guide to discs- 841-3389. ter preparedness from a culinary perspective. She will show Kennedy Space Center: Experience NASA's Past, Present how to create extraordinary meals without electricity and will and Future. Nowhere else can you see, touch and hear more offer dishes working with ingredients that have a long shelf-life. about the working of America's space program. You'll also get These dishes are for weathering a storm or camping trips. Sam- an up-close look at the Space Shuttle Launch facilities that make ples will be provided. Kennedy Space Center NASA's gateway to the Universe. Din- The TreeSearchers Genealogy Club will not hold meetings for ner stop on the return trip is at Cracker Barrel and on your own. the months of June, July, and August. This is an excellent time $75 Friday August 4th, 7:30 am - 9:00 pm for our members to do research The group will resume meet- parrot Jungle Island: Join us for a day in the Wild. We'll ings in September on Tuesday, September 19th, at 7:00 p.m. take a walk through the "outdoors" of Parrot Jungle Island in We look forward to seeing you then! Miami. We'll encounter exotic animals and birds from all over MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR the world in a natural habitat. And get ready to expect the unex- THESE LIBRARY EVENTS pected! Van trip limited to 10/$45 Tuesday August 15th 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Wine, Cheese, Author Lecture: October 20, 2006 Busch Gardens: There is a wide variety to experience at Mystery Night: TBA Busch Gardens in Tampa. You can ride high speed roller coast- Annual Bake Sale: December 9, 2006 ers, or get up close and personal with animals in the Serengeti Annual Book Sale: January 25, 2007 plains! You'll experience the Edge of Africa, approaching lions, Author Luncheon: February 19, 2007 ~ppos and other creatures. The trip lasts approximately 3 '/z IN THE CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT hours. We'll take full advantage of that time with trivia games for prizes, a raffle, rest stop with coffee/restroom break and a Annual Talent Show movie! Leave the driving to someone else! $85 Sunday August Mark your calendar: Thursday, August 3~d at 10:30 a.m., our 27th 6:30 am - 11:00 pm area's finest talent will entertain you. Village Wide Garage Sale: This event was so well re- Kids Express ~ ceived in the spring that we decided to hold one in the fall as Friday, August 4 at 4 p.m., ages 9 to 12 enjoy fast-paced li- sell. The scheduled date is Saturday, September 16th from 7:00 brary games, lots of fun and light refreshments. It's a time to am _ noon. Registration forms available online or at Anchorage express yourself! If you haven't been -try it. Park Cost is $15/space. Hurry! They won't last long! Toddler Time Saturday, August 19~' at 10:15 a.m. birth to 23 months are intro- Arts & Crafts Fall Festival: We still have openings for duced to library books. Toddlers meet and interact with one an- the annual November 4th show that is held at the Community other in afun-filled program of music, movement, colors and Center. This event runs from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and is limited more. to handcrafted items. This is not a flea market. If you are inter- Nighty Night Story Hour ested in participating contact Bill at 841-3389. Thursday, August 10~' at 6 p.m., ages 4-8 can enjoy a relaxing Late Soccer Registration: Late registration for the Fall evening at the library listening to bedtime stories, puppets, mu- youth soccer program continues until filled. Late registration sic and a movie. Wear your pajamas if you like. price is $60/resident, $70/non resident. This pro- Movie and Craft Time \ gram is for youth 5-13 years of age. Saturday, August 19th at 11:30 a.m., ages 4-10 can join us for a movie that will give you side-splitting laughter! Light refresh- ments served. Craft time afterwards. (Recreation Continued on Page 4) TtiE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 AUGUST 2 0 0 6 Country Club 841-3359 POOL 691-3427 951 US Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (Administration Office 561-691-3420) POOL HOURS The North Palm Beach Country Club's Administration Office is AUGUST 1st -14th open to the public. We welcome and encourage everyone to Monday -Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM enjoy our Olympic size pool, dining and tennis facilities, all Friday 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM available at daily fee rates. Our golf course will be closed for Saturday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM the Jack Nicklaus "Signature" Renovation until mid-November Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM 2006. New resident and non-resident golf membership prices are being established. Please check our Village website at: AUGUST 15th - 31st www.villagenpb.org_for pictures of the Groundbreaking Cere- CLOSED MONDAYS mony and other updates during the renovation process. Feel free to come by the office with any inquires. Tuesday -Saturday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Have a great summer! Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM (Recreation Continued from Page 3) WATER AEROBICS Late Soccer Registration Continued: Players will participate in approximately one game and one Water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are held practice per week once the season begins. Game nights for 5-8 Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:15 AM at the Country year olds will be on Fridays at the NPB Community Center. 9- Club Pool. Certified instructor is Jean Burge. Cost is $5/class. 13 year olds will have games on Thursday nights and Saturday _ mornings at the Community Center and St. Clare's Fields. , There will be a draft for the 9-10 year old league as well as the TENNIS 626-6515 11-13 year-old league. Practice times determined by the coach. If you are interested in coaching ca11841-3389. 50t" Birthday Pool Party - August 11th JUNIOR SUMMER CAMP Help us celebrate the Village's 50 birthday at this June 5 -August 11, 2006 ~ ~ end of summer pool parry that will be held on Au- 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM gust 11th from 6:30-10:00 pm. It is free and all are Junior Tennis invited! 4-week Sessions Time Capsule Ceremony - August 12th Tiny Tots (4-6) Come join us for the Time Capsule Ceremony on Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-4:00 PM ~ Saturday, August 12th, 10:00 AM at the Library. The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the Future Stars (7-9) . Obert Meeting Room hosted by the 50th Anniversary Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM corporate sponsor Riverside National Bank. If you have any questions please contact Mark Hodgkins at Grand Slam (10-18) 841-3384. Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Fall Class Schedule -Registration for Junior Tennis Tournaments 1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Fall Classes with the Recreation Dept. will be September 5 & 6 for NPB residents and ~s~ ADULT TENNIS September 7 & 8 for non-residents. Com- plete class schedules are available at the Monthly Themed Mixer recreation centers or on the recreation pages ~ (Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates) of the Village website. We invite you to look over the schedule and find a class or activity just for you! Beginner's/Intermediate Weekend Drill 9-10:30 AM Pick up or go online for your schedule now rather than waiting Men's Drill Night -Every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM for the September newsletter. NEW! Cardio Tennis (Heart Pumping Tennis Fitness) Suggestions for the January class session are welcome. Inter- estedinstructors should contact Nancy at 841-3386. Friday 9:00 - 10:00 AM TtiE V~LLaGE NEWSLETTER P a ~ E 5 a U G U S T 2 0 0 6 SOth Annive~sa~y Fishing Tournament The Village of North Palm Beach would like to thank the following organizations and sponsors for all their efforts and contributions toward making the Fishing Tournament a huge success. Recreation Advisory Board Waterways Advisory Board Heritage 76 Corp. Penn Reels West Palm Beach Fishing Club Lott Bros. Integrated Data Technologies, Inc. Riviera Beach Marina Riverside National Debra's Place Einstein Bagels Zen Spa Fidelity Federal Beach Asphalt Crystel Ananos Riggs, DMD Scotty B's Drafthouse Brass Ring Pub WS Sales Will Serraes Many thanks to all participants. We hope you enjoyed the day and we look forward to your participation in next year's annual fishing tournament. Fishing Tournament Results ADULTS YOUTH Dolphin Barry Childs 16.521b n/a Kin~sh Robert Monz 23.31b Devin DeCalvacanti 13.61b Mutton Snapper Brian Pike 4.59 lb Jack Granger 3.77 lb Grouper Daniel Steel 4.121b n/a Trout Phil Sheldon 2.01 lb Tyler Ring 1.55 lb Snapper Jim Miller 1.751b T. J. Ring .65 lb TtiE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 6 AUGUST 2 0 0 6 COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Village Manager's Message 841-3380 Mark Bates, Village Manager Ordinance 2006-08 Amends Section 5-33, to define restricted mbates@village-npb.org use, permits required and penalty for violations of vehicles us- ing the boat launching ramps and trailer parking facilities at The Village is planning the opening of our new Jack Nicklaus Anchorage Park "Signature" Course this November. In anticipation of this open- Ordinance 2006-09 Amends Waterways Board members' ins; the Village is offering a total of approximately 500 Golf terms to expire on Apri130th Memberships at the new facility. The excitement and anticipa- tion of this new Nicklaus "Signature" Course is steadily build- Resolution 2006-37 Appoints Rosemary Truesdell to the Coun- ins... with almost 100 new Members currently seeking to join try Club Advisory Board the Club's existing 360+ Members. As a Village Resident YOU have the "first opportunity" - to apply for Golf Club Member- Resolution 2006-38 Addendum to BellSouth Master Agree- ship for the coming fiscal year. ment for the purpose of obtaining Net VPN telecommunications Residents may request an annual Golf Membership for the com- equipment and services for Village facilities ins 2006/07 fiscal year beginning Monday, July 31st. Resident Membership applications will continue to have "first priority" for Resolution 2006-39 Renews agreement with United Health- a full month -through Friday September lgt. Starting Tuesday care for Employee Health Insurance September Sth remaining golf Memberships will be offered to our Club's existing Non-Resident Members... concluding later with Resolution 2006-40 Agreement with Boose Casey Ciklin Mar- new Non-Residents applications (subject to availability). tens McBane & O'Connell Law Firm which agreement provides the Village with legal representation for the lawsuit filed by Four 2006/07 membership application can be downloaded from Florida Blacktop, Inc. against the Village our Village website at www.villa~e-npb•org. Country Club of- fices will process Membership applications and issue new Mem- Resolution 2006-41 Authorizes application and execution of a bership picture LD. cards Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. - Florida Boating Improvement Program Grant in the amount of 2 p.m. Your "first priority" renewal application should be re- $200,000 for funding a program to improve Anchorage Park ceived at our Club offices no later than Friday, September lgt. Marina facilities, boat ramp and other purposes Please remember to sign and submit both sides of your com- pleted application form (and include your credit card authoriza- Resolution 2006-42 Appoints Heffernan Insurance Brokers as tion or payment) by mail, fax, e-mail: mmccloskevnvilla~e- Agent of Record for Property Casualty and Workers Compensa- npb•org -or- dfedorko(awilla~e-npb.or~ or deliver in person to tion insurance policies our Country Club office located in the Golf Pro Shop. Resolution 2006-43 Appoints Bill Manuel as Alternate Repre- The 2006/07 Resident Golf Membership Rates sentative to the Northlake Boulevard Task Force (as tentatively approved 7/14/06): Single $1,350.00 Resolution 2006-44 Agreement with Delta Petroleum and In- Family 2,250.00 dustrial, Inc. for the purpose of removing and replacing under- Junior 150.00 ground storage tanks and fuel dispensing system at the Public Services facility We ask that your Membership application be accompanied by a valid credit card authorization -or- you may wish to pay this in full by cash, check or money order. If a Member chooses to pay in full (without a credit card on file) Club charging privileges will not be available. Golf Memberships provide several advantages at our new Nick- laus "Signature" course. These benefits include: Support your • 33% discount on green fees/carts for your guests ~QCaC • 15% discount on merchandise purchases at the Pro Shop • Seven day advance T-time reservation privilege Businesses We look forward to a great year and hope to provide you with a wonderful golf experience. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our Golf Shop at 561-691-3420. All the Best! Mark Bates TtiE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 7 AUGUST 2 0 0 6 PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 645 Prosperity Farms Road 560 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 INSTALLING A HOME STANDY-BY Announcement of New Crime Prevention Officer GENERATOR IN THE VILLAGE OF The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like NORTH PALM BEACH to announce the appointment of Officer Angela Williams who will be heading up the Crime Prevention Unit. In our continuing series of generator installation up-dates, in- stalling ahome stand-by generator. Officer Williams will be replacing Officer Sonja Heavey who has held the Crime Prevention Officer position for the past four Due to the events of the past hurricane seasons, many residents years. Officer Heavey's personal dedication and tireless contri- of the Village have decided to consider the permanent installa- butions to the community during her time as Crime Prevention tion of a "stand-by" generator in order to provide power for Officer will be the standard for others to strive for. their homes in the event of an interruption of electrical service. Officer Williams, a native of South Florida began her Law En- The Building Department requires that a permit be issued to forcement career in the Village of North Palm Beach in 2004. install a stand by generator with the concern for safety as one of Officer Williams attended the Police Academy at the Indian the criteria for the approval process. That is why your Building River Community College. Department is working diligently to keep up with the ever changing rules involved in the proper installation and safe op- Officer Williams has distinguished herself for her commitment to eration of permanently installed stand-by generators. several community projects including, holding Internet Safety meetings with children, The Benjamin School Read-a-thon, and We understand the desire of our citizens to provide for the well the D.A.R.E. program. being of loved ones being during times of emergency and to For a complete listing of North Palm Beach community pro- that end the Building Department is adopting these policies for grams please contact Office Williams at: Phone 841-3300, Fax the installation of permanently installed stand-by generators g41-1141 and email awilliamswillage-npb.org based on the associated authorities and codes. • The generator mustbe placed no closer than five feet from project ChildSafe Comes to North Palm Beach a building and on your property. Manufacturers specification and NFPA - 37. Firearm Safety Kits to be Distributed Locally • The generator pad (concrete) mustbe twenty-four inches (including gun locks) (24") larger than any generator dimension and at least six The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Will be pro- inches above the ground. viding free firearm safety kits to local residents through apart- Manufactures specification & Florida Building Code - nership with Project ChildSafe, the nationwide firearms safety Fuel Gas. education program. The safety kits, which include a gun lock, • The Fuel Tank (LP-Gas) filler mustbe placed at least ten will be distributed until all locks are given away. feet away from any building or property line and installed project ChildSafe, a program developed by the National Shoot- underground. ing Sports Foundation (NSSF), will distribut millions of firearms Florida Building Code -Fuel Gas, NFPA - 58. safety kits throughout the country over the next year. The pro- • A "Transfer Switch" mustbe installed and a sign placed in gram is funded by a U. S. Department of Justice grant, with addi- the circuit breaker box saying there is a generator installed tional funding provided by the firearms industry. on the property. National Electric Code. By partnering with Project ChildSafe, North Palm Beach Depart- • Home owners in HOA communities are required to get ment of Public Safety is participating in a growing national effort HOA approval before submitting a request for a generator to promote firearms safety education to all gun owners. Project ChildSafe will distribute gun lock safety kits to all 50 states and permit. five U.S. territories. HOA documents and Building Department policy. • Generator installation must include landscape or other If you have any questions or would like to pick-up a free safety "screening" to prevent viewing from the front of the prop- kit, contact Office Williams at 841-3300. erty and be shown on the plan. Village Ordinance. The Village of North Palm Beach By following these basic policies and requirements, your permit Department of Public Safety Presents: application for the installation of a home stand-by generator 2006 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT should be processed as expeditiously as possible. August 1, 2006 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. WE HAVE MOVED! The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like PLEASE SEE PAGE 8 FOR you to mark your calendar for the 2006 National Night Out! ! NEW ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS This event is the nation's largest annual crime and drug preven- tionevent and North Palm Beach is taking part. Pa~E 8 TtiE V~LLaGE NEWSLETTER a U G U S T 2 0 0 6 VOLUNTEER NEEDED-HVAC CONTRACTOR NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & AP- PEALS: A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals. This position must be filled by an HVAC Contractor. Applicants are not required to be residents of the Village. The Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals meets on call, as needed, to consider variances of the technical codes and to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official. Applications are available from the Village Clerk's office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One, by call- ing 841-3355, or online at www.village-npb.org. Open until filled. 2006 ELECTION: A Primary Election will be held Tuesday, September 5, 2006, and a General Electrion will be held Tuesday, November 7, 2006, to elect officials for federal, state, and county offices. Voter Registration books close 29 days before each elec- tion. Voter registration books will close at 5 p.m. on Monday, August 7th for the Primary Election and on Monday, October 9th for the General Election. Voter Registration applications are available at Village Hall, the Village Clerk's Office, and the Library, or you may call the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections at 656-6200, or visit the website at www.pbcelections.org. LABOR DAY -HOLIDAY WE HAVE MOVED Village Building & Code offices have been relocated to Village REFUSE COLLECTION Hall. Starting July 17, 2006 building services will be located at the North wing of Village Hall... on US-1 at South Anchorage Drive. Monday Sept. 4 No pick-up The move provides a more centralized customer service location making Building Department services easier to access by both resi- Tuesday Sept. 5 Garbage Only dents and contractors. We appreciate your patience and under- standing as we get settled into our new customer service location. Wednesday Sept. 6 Trash, Vegetation New phone numbers also accompany this office relocation. The Thursday Sept. 7 Trash, Vegetation & new Building Department number is (561) 841-3365. Other new phone numbers include: Recycling Building Official Charles Cangianelli 841-3369 Friday Sept. 8 Garbage Only Deputy Building Official Robert Phoenix 841-3368 Code Compliance Melanie Dahlen 841-3367 Admin. Coordinator Jodi Nentwick 841-3378 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PRSRT STD 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 U S POSTAGE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408