06-2006 Newsletter The Village u~
VILLAGE COUNCIL Village Council ..........................................................2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
David B. Norris, Mayor Code Enforcement Board 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m.
Edward M Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal on call
William Manuel, President ProTem Country Club Advisory Board ....................................2nd Monday, monthly, 7:00 p.m.
Manny Grinn, Councilman Library Advisory Board 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Planning Commission ...................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m.
Village Council members may be Recreation Advisory Board 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
contacted through the office of the Waterways Board neat t0 last Tuesday, monthly, 4:00 p.m.
Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at Zoning Board of Adjustment on call
npbclerk@village-npb.org All meetings are held at the Village Half S01 U S. Highway One
Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are available on the
VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS Village's web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to
the Council meeting and are also available at Village Hall or at the meeting.
Village Manager 841->>80
Public Scniccs 691-~44o ASSISTANCE PROGRAM
Recreation 841->>88
Anchorage Parl: 841->>86
Conununil~ Center X41->>~<~ Palm Beach County has established a Special Needs Program to provide for
Osborne Park X41->;8~ citizens with certain medical problems during a major emergency. There is
Libra, 841-> ~ normally a waiting list, be sure to pre-register now. Also available is a
village Historian 841-> :71 Transportation Assistance Program. For information on how to register for
Public Safcl~: these programs see page 7.
Non Emcrgcnc~ 848-2,2~
Emergcnc~~ 911
CounU~Club 841 ;~9
AdminisU~alion 691 ~ ~O I` ~ I
Driving Range 626-07.2 ~ err;;. ~ ~ ~i~~
Golf Shop 691-~4„ ~ / C~ ~
Pool 691-427
Tennis 626-6~ I
• 50th Anniversary Fishing Tournament -See page 4
Inside this issue:
• Holiday Refuse Collection Schedule -See page 8
Village Council/Village Clerk 2
• Hurricane Season Public Services Information -See page 3
Manager Message 2
Library a Retrospective Reception -see page 8
Public Services a 2006 National Night Out -August 1, 2006 -Block parties from 5:00 PM -
CountryClub Events 4 9:00 PM. Watch your July Newsletter for more information or call Officer
Country Club Calendar 5 Heavey at 841-3300. -See page 6
Recreation 4 & 6
Public Safety 7
Bulletin Board g Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo@village-npb.org
PAGE 2 JUNE 2 0 0 6
COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Village Manager's Message 841-3380
Annual Board Appointments: The Village Council ap- Mark Bates, Village Manager
pointed members to its Advisory Boards at the Special mbates@village-npb.org
Session of April 25, 2006. These appointments and term
expirations are as follows: On May 3, 2006 the Village renovation and redesign
of the Country Club golf course with a ground breaking cere-
Audit Committee mony which will result in a new Nicklaus "Signature" course. It
Richard Podell April 30, 2009 was exciting to see hundreds of our residents, community leaders
Amy Dean April 30, 2007 and dignitaries including Jack Nicklaus and his family together
Emery Newell April 30, 2007 sharing this beautiful early evening sunset. Jack Nicklaus said,
David Talley April 30, 2007 "It is my hope that we will create a very playable golf course that
is aesthetically pleasing and stands as a showcase piece for the
Code Enforcement Board Village of North Palm Beach, and something of which all resi-
Ed Nessanthaler April 30, 2009 dents and golfers can be proud. This community has embraced
Margaret Turney Apri130, 2009 our family for so long and I am delighted to be involved."
Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals
Anthony Agrusa Apri130, 2009
Harry Ackerman Apri130, 2007
Charles Giacomelli Apri130, 2007
Country Club Advisory Board
Jim Bender Apri130, 2008
Joseph O'Hagan Apri130, 2008
Lewis Piccoli Apri130, 2008
Kerry Diaz Apri130, 2008
Library Advisory Board
Mary Annis Apri130, 2008
Susan Ellrich Apri130, 2008
Natalie McKenna Apri130, 2008
Kari Foster Apri130, 2007
Peter Carvajal April 30, 2007 Our Village Country Club renovation will become only
Planning Commission the second municipal Nicklaus "Signature" golf course in the
Tim Hullihan April 30, 2008 entire nation that is personally designed by Jack Nicklaus. Work
William Whiteford April 30, 2008 began on Apri124 and is running well ahead of schedule with our
area's continued good weather this spring. Course work will
Richard Freedman April 30, 2007 include a new irrigation system, total re-grassing of all the play-
Susan Marks April 30, 2007 ing surfaces, new tees and greens construction, improved fairway
Recreation Advisory Board surface drainage... all hallmarks of our new Nicklaus
Bob Bell Apri130, 2008 "Signature" Golf Course. Most of the construction should be
Bruce Emery April 30, 2008 completed by mid-August to allow `grow-in' of the new grasses,
with a re-opening of the course scheduled by early November.
Don Grill April 30, 2008 Club membership information, applications and rates for the
Paul Beach Apri130, 2007 Club's October lgt new fiscal year will be coming soon in this
Mark Finney April 30, 2007 Village newsletter.
Carolyn Stone Apri130, 2007
We're also proud to let folks know that our Village has
Waterways Board just implemented our new Web Site. Village staff spent several
Jerrauld Carron April 30, 2007 months developing and refining this new Village web site as a
Kenneth Wright April 30, 2007 way to help residents stay informed on the many Village activi-
ties, plans and projects -including the new Nicklaus "Signature"
Zoning Board of Adjustment course. You can see pictures from the groundbreaking... or look
Roy Chapin April 30, 2009 up Recreation activity schedules... or review backup materials
Louis Daniello Apri130, 2009 about coming Council meeting considerations... just by clicking
Curtis Witters Apri130, 2009 on our new Village web-site (R~~ ~ .~_llage=npb.or~). Have a safe
Peter Carvajal April 30, 2007 and fun summer!
Ted Bukowski Apri130, 2007 All the Best!
Mark Bates, Village Manager
PAGE 3 J U N E 2 0 0 6
303 Anchorage Drive 645 Prosperity Farms Road
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
Usher in the summer with a movie starring Richard Dreyfus Most residents by now are aware that the Public Services Depart-
at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 24~'. This movie covers many ment has purchased a Knuckle Boom Loader (Clam Shell to pick
of the past decades as we continue to celebrate our 50~' Anni- up large piles of trash and vegetation throughout the Village. It
versary in North Palm Beach. has been very successful in increasing productivity and lowering
TREESEARCHERS GENEALOGY CLUB employee injuries from the lifting of heavy items.
There will be no meetings in June, July, and August. Our There are however some things that the residents can do to help
members will be working on their research during the summer With the collection of trash and vegetation from their homes.
months. Meetings will resume on September 19~', at 7:00 p.m. The following would apply:
CHILDREN' S DEPARTMENT 1. Try not to place materials to be collected directly under low
power lines. It is difficult to remove the pile due to the
Summer Reading Program 2006 boom getting too close to the lines which creates a hazard to
Summer Reading Program 2006: "Happy 50th Anniversary the employee and the residents.
North Palm Beach!" Monday, June 12th; be sure you are 2. Do not place trash/vegetationpilw against mailboxes, fences
signed-up for our programs, pick-up a reading packet in the or trees. A clear unobstructed area is the best place to put
Children's Library and check out books from our library that your vegetation/trash piles.
are on your reading level. Read and enjoy the books at your 3. Do not mix your vegetation with trash or garbage. Vegeta-
own pace, then bring in your reading logs to be stamped and Lion, trash and garbage all go to different areas at the transfer
receive a treat! station and are kept separate by the Solid Waste Authority
Special Thursday Morning Programs for processing.
On June 15~', at 10 a.m., please join us for the Summer Read- 4. Cut tree limbs to a maximum of six feet and limit the weight
ing "Kick-OfP' program. This is the first of six Thursday pro- of trash cans to 50 lbs. to avoid injury to the sanitation
grams for ages 4-12. F.L.Y.P. (Florida Library Youth Pro- worker.
gram), the Florida Panther as our mascot, will take us: past, These basic practices can improve the efficiency of the operation
present and future into children's literature. He will help us and reduce the possibility of injury to the worker or damage to
celebrate The Village of North Palm Beach 50~' Anniversary! the resident's property. If you have any questions concerning the
Summer Story Hours Begin placement of items for collection or problems with your solid
Join us each week when we offer you a new and exciting waste removal, please call the Sanitation Supervisor, Ives
theme filled with lots of great books, stories, flannel board Chavez at 691-3440.
stories, puppets, music, movies and crafts. The excitement
begins at 10 a.m. on Monday, June 12~'for ages 4 and 5 and on HURRICANE SEASON STARTS JUNE 1
Tuesday, June 13th, for ages 6-8; these are both drop-off pro-
grams. On Wednesday, June 14~', at 10:15 a.m., ages 2 and 3 Residents should plan early during or before hurricane season to
meet with a parent. To pre-register, please come in or call us at tnm trees and clear outside areas. The Village can only collect
841-3374. material if the disposal sites are open. The Solid Waste Author-
Nighty Night Story Hour ity may close the disposal sites anytime after a Hurricane
Cool down and relax for an evening at the library on Thursday, Watch (36-48 hours prior to when hurricane conditions may
occur) is in effect. The Solid Waste Authority may give the Vil-
June 8 at 6 p.m. This is a drop-off program for ages 4-8. lage 6-12 hours notice that the disposal sites will be closed. As
Enjoy bedtime stories, flannel board stories, puppets and a such, the Village does not have the opportunity to announce
movie. when collection will absolutely stop.
Kids' Express
Friday, June 9~', at 4 p.m., ages 9-12 join us for fun and laughs. A Hurricane Warning (12-36 hours prior to when hurricane
Express yourself through library games. Light refreshments conditions may occur) is not the time to trim trees and clear trash
will be served. out of storage and outside areas.
~ Toddler Time Residents should plan early during or before hurricane season to
Saturday, June 24 at 10:15 a.m., toddlers, (birth to 18 trim trees and clear outside areas. During Hurricane Watches,
months) get introduced to the library, with a program filled residents should not place any additional trash and vegetation out
with books, music, movement, colors, shapes and fun! Tod- on the street. Residents will be responsible for securing any
dlers can interact to form early friendships. trash or vegetation left after the Village suspends collection ser-
Movie and Craft Time vice. The Public Services or Public Safety Department may con-
Saturday, June 24 , at 11:30 a.m., ages 4-10 come celebrate tact individual residents to properly secure such materials.
the 1970's with a movie and craft in the coolness of your li-
brary, bring friends, relax and enjoy!
PAGE 4 J U N E 2 0 0 6
Country Club 841-3359 POOL 691-3427
951 US Highway #1
North Palm Beach Florida 33408
(Administration Office 561-691-3420)
The North Palm Beach Country Club's Administration Monday -Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Office is open to the public. We welcome and encourage Friday 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
everyone to enjoy our Olympic size pool, dining and ten- Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
nis facilities, all available at daily fee rates. Our golf
course will be closed for the Jack Nicklaus "Signature"
Renovation until mid-November 2006. New resident and WATER AEROBICS
non-resident golf membership prices are being estab-
lished. Please check our Village website at: www.village- water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are held
npb•org_for pictures of the Groundbreaking Ceremony and Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:15 AM at the Country
other updates during the renovation process. Feel free to Club Pool. Certified instructor is Jean Burge. Cost is $5/class.
come by the office with any inquires. Have a great sum- SWIM LESSONS
mer! Three sessions of lessons will be offered for 3 year olds and older.
The times are either 9:00-9:30 AM or 9:30-10:00 AM and the
Village of North Palm Beach sessions dates are:
Session #1 -June 5 -June 15 (Registration May 31-June 4)
50th Anniversary Session #2 -June 26 -July 7 (Registration June 20-June 25)
Session #3 -July 17 -July 27 (Registration July 11-July 16)
Anchorage Park Marina ` TENNIS 626-6515
June 24, 2006
June 5 -August 11, 2006
Junior Tennis
4-week Sessions
Entry Fee: $100.00 per boat maximum four anglers T1ny Tots (4-6~
Late Entry Fee: $150.00 after June 11, 2006 Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM-4:00 PM
Junior & Adult Divisions Future Stars (~-9)
Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM-5:00 PM
Inshore Offshore
Red Fish, Trout, Kingfish, Dolphin, Grand Slam (10-18)
Sheep Head, Snapper Wahoo, Mutton Snapper Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Grouper Junior Tennis Tournaments
Land Lubbers Contests 1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Kids Fishing Derby - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ADULT TENNIS
Largest Fish In Park/with Adult - Catch/Release -Bait Supplied Monthly Themed Mlxer
Casting Contest - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Check Pro-Shop for Times and Dates)
Weigh In - 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM Beginner's/Intermediate Weekend Drill 9-10:30 AM
Food/Entertainment Men's Drill Night -Every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM
2:30 PM-6:30 PM
NEW! Cardio Tennis (Heart Pumping Tennis Fitness)
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Friday 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Tuesday 6:30 - 7:30 PM
For entry application go to the website http://www.village-npb.org
^ yy-~ J u N E 2 O O 6 ~ ~ - --_ _ A-Administration
~?'-~° f
- ~- ~ ~ I&~s,l ~lal" -= G-Golf
North Palm Beach ~ - P-P~~l
Country C 1 u b - y~ - - ..z - R-Restaurant
.- y~+'1~~;, ~ T-Tennis
Telephone (561) 841-3359
COUNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC North Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Highway #1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 841-3359 Email: club@village-npb.org
1 2 3
Saud Bar POO~SId¢ BaPb¢CU¢ R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R- Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM
Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM
Available Nightly Every Friday Poolside Barbeeae
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
T -Junior Tenors
T - Cardio Tennis 9:00-10:00 AM Tournaments 11 AM - 1 PM
4 5 6 7 8 COUNCII, MEETING 7:30 PM 9 10
R -Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch Menu 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM
R -Breakfast Buffet 9 AM - 2 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM
Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM
Lounge 10 AM - 4 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM .
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Music & Swimming at Poolside Barbecue Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM
T - Cardio Tennis 6:30-7.30 PM T - Men's Night - 6:30-8:00 PM Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
T - Cardio Tennis 9:00-10:00 AM
11 12 CCAB MEETING 7:00 PM 13 14 15 16 17
R -Lunch Menu 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R - Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM
R -Breakfast Buffet 9 AM - 2 PM R - Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM
Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM
Lounge 10 AM - 4 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Poolside Barbecue
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
T - Cardio Tennis 6:30-7:30 PM T - Men's Night - 6:30-8:00 PM Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
T - Cardio Tennis 9:00-10:00 AM
18 19 20 21 22 COUNCII, MEETING 7:30 PM 23 24
R -Lunch Menu 10 AM - 4 PM R-Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM
R -Breakfast Buffet 9 AM - 2 PM R - Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4 PM
Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM
Lounge 10 AM - 4 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Poolside Barbecue
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
T - Men's Night - 6:30-8:00 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
T - Cardio Tennis 6:30-7:30 PM
T - Cardio Tennis 9:00-10:00 AM
25 26 27 28 29 30
R - Lunch Menu 10 AM - 4 PM R - Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM R -Lunch 10 AM - 4 PM
R -Breakfast Buffet 9 AM - 2 PM R - Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4 PM
Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM Dinner 4 PM - 9:30 PM
Lounge 10 AM - 4 PM Dinner - 4 PM - 7 PM
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM Poolside Barbecue
Lounge 11 AM - 8 PM
T -Ladies Night 6:30-8:00 PM T - Men's Night - 6:30-8:00 PM Lounge 11 AM -Midnight
T - Cardio Tennis 9:00-10:00 AM
PAGE 6 J U N E 2 0 0 6
Recreation Department 841-3386
603 Anchorage Drive
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
Summer Activities and Classes The Recreation Department is still accepting registrations for many summer activities and
classes. Please refer to the activity schedule on the Recreation pages of www.villa~e-npb.or~ for more complete information.
Classes that still have openings are: Stained Glass, Sailing OiUacrylic Painting, Start Smart, Ballroom Dance, Country Dance, Fit-
ness over 50, Jazzercise, Yoga, and Spanish.
Summer Camp programs still have openings in the various sessions. Ca11841-3386 for more details. Camp programs are for
youth 3 - 12 years of age.
Sessions are as follows: Session 1 June 5 - 16
Session 2 June 19 - 30
Session 3 July 3 - 14
Session 4 July 17 - 28
Fall Soccer Registration for the fall youth soccer program will be held from July 3-31 at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg.
from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm M-F and 9-5 Sat. This program is for youth ages 5-13 years. The cost is $45/resident, $55/non-resident.
Games will be held at the Community Center and St. Clares fields. There will be a draft for youth registered for the 9-10 year old
league and youth in the 11-13 year old league.
Soccer and Basketball Coaches are needed! Soccer coaches will be requested to attend a coaching clinic on Saturday morning
August 5~'. If you are interested in coaching or have airy questions, please contact Adam in the evenings at 841-3389.
Arabian Knights - Experience a storybook tale of romance & intrigue amidst the splendor of the Palace of Horses. Over 60 of
the world's most graceful houses combine with all the majesty and grandeur of a Broadway production to create a show unlike any
other. We'll enjoy a sumptuous dinner with entertainment. Trip limited to 10 people. Vantrip/$65 Sat. June 3 2:30-11:00 pm
Disney MGM Studios -Disney takes the nostalgia of the movies to new heights at MGM Studios. If you haven't been yet, join
us for a day of fun! You'll love The Great Movie Ride, Indiana ,Tones Epic Stunt Spectacular, and the Backstage Studio Tour. The
van trip is limited to 10/$85 Sat. June 17 7:OOam-10:00pm
Fla. Marlins -vs- Boston Red Sox Bill Egan has another great sports trip lined up for you! On Saturday, July 1 we will travel
to Miami to watch the Marlins play the Boston Red Sox. Great chance for all you former New Englanders to support the "Home"
team! $45 Sat. July 1 3:30-10:00pm
Seminole Hard Rock & Casino It's a Las Vegas style casino in Hollywood, FL. Run by the Seminole Indians, you won't
know if you're in the real Las Vegas or South Florida! Stay cool all day long too. Minimum need for this trip is 25. $25 Sat. July
23 7:00 am - 11:00 pm
Sterling Gambling Cruise Join us for a fun and hopefully lucky day at sea on the Sterling. We'll board the ship and head out to
sea via Cape Canaveral. Bus ride to the Cape takes approx. 2 hr. Dinner stop (on your own) on the way home at Cracker Barrel.
We need 30 people on this trip. $25 Sat, July 23 7:00 am - 9:00 pm
Cirque De Soleil Enjoy a circus arts style show, with outlandish street entertaiiuiient under illustrious lights and set to amazing
music. LaNouba is a world renowned show performed at Downtown Disney in Orlando. The van trip is limited to 10/$85 Sat. July
29 2:30-11:00 pm
Kennedy Space Center Experience NASA's Past, Present and Future. Nowhere else can you see, touch and hear more about the
working of America's space program. You'll also get an up-close look at the Space Shuttle Launch facilities that make Kennedy
Space Center NASA's gateway to the Universe. Dinner stop on the return trip is at Cracker Barrel and on your own. $75 Fri. Au-
gust 4 7:30 am - 9:00 pm
Contact Bill Egan at 841-3389 for more information on travel tours.
June 9th, - 6:00 -10:00 PM Poolside Barbecue with music and swimming ' ~
June 24th, - 50th Anniversary Fishing Tournament _ ~
August 1st, - 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM National Night Out "Give Crime a Going Away Party" To register your party or block party,
contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300 before July 21, 2006. You can request a visit from K9, Police and/or Fire personnel. Check
your July Newsletter for more information and the Village website at www.village-npb.org
PAGE 7 JUNE 2 0 0 6
560 U. S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is available to speak to homeowner associations and/or resi-
dents in reference to hurricane preparedness. Please contact Assistant Director George Warren at 841-3318.
Palm Beach County has established a Special Needs Program to provide for citizens with certain medical problems during a major
emergency. The Special Care Unit is a facility that has auxiliary electrical power, is wind resistant, not flood prone, and with physi-
cians and nurses on staff. Occupants are provided with non-dietetic food and medial supervision.
To be eligible for the Special Needs Program, you must pre-register and meet the following established criteria:
• Oxygen-dependent residents requiring electricity.
• Insulin-dependent diabetics requiring Insulin refrigeration and supervisory medical care.
• Patients who are too immobile and/or have chronic stable illness, but are not suitable for a regular shelter.
The official application form and Statement of Understanding must be completed with your doctor and returned to the Division of
Emergency Management. The Health Department will determine if you are eligible for this program.
If you do not live in an area which must be evacuated prior to a hurricane and have certain medical problems, there are alternatives
to applying for the Special Needs Program:
• Talk to your doctor about your sheltering alternatives to the Special Care Units
• Install impact-resistant hurricane shutters
• Installing or retro-bracing garage doors for resistance to higher winds
• Reinforcing roof trusses or roof framing systems
• Making arrangements with your oxygen vendor for an adequate supply of portable oxygen cylinders to sustain you in the event
you lose electrical service
• Buy a portable electrical generator
• Buy insulin that does not require refrigeration (with your doctor's approval)
• Designate a safe room such as a bathroom or large interior closet and stock up on supplies (drinking water, non-perishable food,
battery-powered radio, etc.)
All eligible registrants must bring all required medical supplies and equipment when reporting to the shelter. All eligible registrants
should be accompanied by a caregiver, as the volunteer medical staff will be unfamiliar with your medical condition and treatment.
We will try to assist anyone who needs transportation to the best of our ability but the primary responsibility for movement to the
Special Care Unit is the individual.
Following a hurricane, Special Care Unit occupants will not be released until the area from which they came has been determined
safe for their return. The American Red Cross, the Palm Beach Count? Division of Human Services, and the Florida Department of
Family and Children Services will care for SCU occupants whose homes have been destroyed or rendered unsafe for occupancy.
If you or a member of your family meets the established criteria for the Special Care Unit, we need to know your circumstances.
Any information you provide us will be used only to properly provide for your care during a major emergency and Florida law pro-
tects the confidentiality.
Also available through the county is a Transportation Assistance Pro rg
am. If Palm Beach County is threatened by a hurricane some
areas such as barrier islands, property within two blocks of the Atlantic Ocean or Intracoastal Waterway and all mobile home parks
may be considered at high risk and ordered evacuated. If you live in an area that is ordered evacuated and you need assistance you
need to register with the Transportation Assistance Program; be sure to pre-register early in hurricane season.
Applications for the Special Needs and Transportation Assistance programs can be obtained at the Village of North Palm Beach
Public Safety Building or for further information about the Special Needs and Transportation Assistance Programs go to the web site
httu://www.co.ualm-beach.fl.us/eoc/ or Ca11561-712-6400 and ask to speak to the Special Needs Coordinator.
JUNE 2 0 0 6
~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ You are cordially invited to a reception to view the contents of
HOLIDAY REFUSE COLLECTION the recently opened Village time capsule and for an historical
JULY FOURTH retrospective of photographs June 4"' in the Obert Meeting Room
Monday, July 3 Garbage Only of the North Palm Beach Library. The 50~' Anniversary Com-
mittee would also like your suggestions for objects to be in-
Tuesday, July 4 No Collection eluded in the new time capsule. Suggestions should be for ob-
Wednesday, July 5 Garbage & Trash jects that are of particular significance in 2006, but may not be
routine in another 50 years. For more information, or to make a
Thursday, July 6 Recycling & Vegetation suggestion for the time capsule, please contact the Village Histo-
rian, Joan Aubrey at 691-9342.
Friday, July 7 Garbage Only
VOLUNTEER NEEDED FOR GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION BOARD: A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the
General Employees Pension Board. This position must be filled by an individual who is a resident of the Village of North Palm
Beach. The General Employees Pension Board meets on call, as needed, to administer and manage the general employees pension
fund. Applications are available from the Village Clerk's office in the Village Hall, 501 U. S. Highway One, by calling 841-3355, or
online atwww.village-npb.org.
needed for one vacancy on the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals. This position must be filled by an HVAC Contrac-
tor. Applicants are not required to be residents of the Village. The Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeals meets on call, as
needed, to consider variances of the technical codes and to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the building official.
Applications are available from the Village Clerk's office in the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One, by calling 841-3355, or
online atwww.village-npb.org.