12-2002 NewsletterPAGE 1 2 BULLETIN BOARD North Palm Beach Little League Baseball Signups will be held on Saturday, December 7th and 14th and on Saturday, January 4th and 11th at the Community Center 715 Prosperity Farms Road from 10:00 AM -1:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you there. LIBRARY CLOSING DUE TO LIGHT[NG RENOVATION, THE HOURS FOR THE LIBRARY DURING DECEMBER AREAS FOLLOWS: December 2 - 7 Closed Completely December 9 - 13 Open ] 0 AM - 2 PM December 14 Open 10 AM - 5 PM December 16.20 Open 10 AM - 2 PM December 21 Open 10 AM - 5 PM These hours are subject to change. Please call 841-3383 for mote information. ROAD CLOSURES On Thursday, November 14, 2002 the Village Council voted to close Con- roy Drive, Lorraine Court and Honey Road on the west end terminus on a trial basis for 90 days. Residents are advised to be aware that the closures will be effective in the next three weeks. Please alter your driving patterns 2003 MARINA ROMP STICKERS 2003 Anchorage Park Marina Ramp Stickers go on sale December 2nd. Ramp stickers are only available to Village residents and are required to be displayed by all vehicles using the ramp. The stickers will cost $25 for the Calendar Year. Village residents must provide a copy of the vehicle regis- tration ofthe towing vehicle using the ramp. The vehicle registration should indicate that the vehicle is owned by the resident. Only one sticker per vehi- clewill be issued. The sticker numbers will be cross referenced with the ve- hicletag numbers for enforcement purposes. VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 541 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2002 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH HOLIDAY CLOSINGS Village Manager's Office, Village Clerk's Office and Finance Department CLOSED Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday, December 25th Wednesday, January 1, 2003 North Palm Beach Library CLOSED Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday December 25th Wednesday, January 1, 2003 Public Services Department CLOSED Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday, December 25th (Garbage pick up only on December 24th see page 9 for complete Holiday Refuse Schedule) Wednesday, January 1, 2003 Public Safety Department (Police Department, EMS, Fire Department-Open) Records Office -CLOSED Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday, December 25th Tuesday, December 31st and Wednesday, January 1, 2003 Recreation Department CLOSED Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday, December 25th Wednesday, January 1, 2003 Country Club See Page 9 for Special Holiday Hours PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT N0.18 ,, ,, :~ ~ ~ ;~ ~.-~~~ The Village ~~`r ~~* DELE.~VIBEK ~~i~\~_ U s~P~~~~ N E W S L E T T E R ~:;~ 2002 ~~ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 501 US HWY #I, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE VILLAGE COUNCIL g ...............2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 1'illa c Council ............................................. Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor Code Enforcement Board .................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Donald G. Noel, Vice Mayor Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ........................................................on call Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Country Club Advisory Board ....................................... l st Monday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Library Advisory Board ................................................ 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. David B. Norris, Councilman Planning Commission ....................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Village Council members maybe Recreation Advisory Board ..........................................2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. contacted through the office of the Zoning Board of Adjustment .................................................................... on call Village Clerk at 841.3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-npb.org All meetings (with the exception of cCAB) are held at the Obert Meeting Room VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS in the NPB Library (1st floor) The Country Club Advisory Board Meetings are held in the Herb Watt Building next to the Library Village Manager 841-3380 and behind the Village Hal! temporary trailers. Village Clerk 841-3355 Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are now available on Finance 841-3360 the Village's web site (httpa/www.village-npb.org). Agendas are pasted the Monday Public Services 691-3440 prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available in the Clerk's office or at Recreation 841-3388 the meeting. Anchorage Park 841-3386 • NEW: Village Meeting Notices are now being posted on the website. Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Park 841-3387 VILLAGE CHARTER AMENDMENTS -Under Consideration by the Council - Library 841-3383 (see page 2) Public Safery: Non Emergency 848-2525 UPCOMING EVENTS , Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 ~ • Hanukah Candle Lighting Ceremony -Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 7:00 PM. For location and more information ca11624-7004. (see Administration 691-3420 page 11) Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 • Holiday Boat Parade -Saturday, December 7, 2002 beginning at Pool 691-3427 6:00 PM at Peanut Island. Parade Hotline: 561-845-9010, Website: Tennis b26-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 ~•pbboatparade.com (see page 5) . Little League Baseball Registration - (see page 12) • Girl's Softball Registration - (see page 11) Inrside lhiit i1fNlt • Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony -Wednesday, December 11 at Village Clerk/Village Council 1-2 7:00 PM at Anchorage Park Activities Building (see page 11) Ubrary g Recreation Holiday Events - (see page 11) Public Safety/Boat Parade 45 ' Library Closing -Due to Lighting Renovation - (see pages 3 and 12) Calendar of Everds 6.7 • Village Holiday Schedules - (see page 12) CountryClub 8.9 • January Recreation Class Registration - NPB residents January 6 & 7 and non-residents January 8 & 9 - (see page 1 I ) Public Services _ 9 • 2003 Anchorage Park Marina Ramp Stickers on sale beginning December 2, 2003 Village Manager's Message 30 (see page 12) R ti i ecrea on i Bulletin Board 12 Visit us on our Web Site: http:/lwww.village-npb.org E-mail: villagehall@village-npb.org THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 DECEMBER 2002 COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 29-2002 Amends subsection (2) of Section 14-30, Commercial Use Property Waste Disposal Fees and Collection Procedures, of Article II, Garbage, Trash and Refuse, by increasing the annual disposal fees for garbage, trash and refuse. Resolution 52-2002 Accepts the bid ofTen-8 Fve Equipment, Inc. for one (1) Rescue Pumper for the Public Safety Department. Resolution 53-2002 Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Concession Agreement with K.C. Wheeler Enterprises, Inc, to secure services for recovery of golf balls from all water hazards on the Village Golf Course. ' f Resolution 54-2002 Establishes a policy for the donation and allocation of Village funds to qualified applicants who demonstrate that the funds shall be utilized for support of Village-based activities, events or programs and serve a public purpose. .~ VILLAGE CHARTER AMENDMENTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNCIL The Village Council will consider ten amendments to the Village Charter, as recommended by the Committee for Charter Review. The complete text of the ordinances maybe reviewed by the public in the Village Clerk's Office between 8 a.m and 4:30 p.m. The ordinances were placed on fast reading at a Special Session on November 21, 2002, and will be placed on second reading at Regular Session on December 12, 2002. Al] proposed amendments will then be placed on the ballot for the Village Election on March 11, 2003 for approval by Village residents. The proposed amendments are as follows: • An Ordinance adding a Vision Statement defining intentions and aims of the government of the Village of North Palm Beach and specifying that Village govemment is established and maintained with its primary goal of service to all residents. • An Ordinance amending the Village Charter to increase terms of Council members from two (2) years to three (3) years com- mencing with the election of March 2003. • An Ordinance proposing adding a section to the Charter to provide a procedure for filling Council vacancies when there are no candidates for office. • An Ordinance amending notice of special Council meetings to Council members and the public from twelve (12) hours to forty- eight (48) hours notice, whenever practicable. • An ordinance extending the completion of a Certificate of Sufficiency for a referendum petition by the Village Clerk from within five (5) days of filing to within twenty (20) days of filing; and, changing method of Notice to Petitioners' Committee from registered mail to certified mail, return receipt requested. • The Charter prohibits disposition of Village-owned property used for parks or recreation without afour-fifths (4/5) vote of the Village Council and asixty-six and two-thirds (66-2/3%) percent of Village electors at a referendum election. Phis ordinance ~, will delete references to improvements and structures on such property. • An Ordinance prohibiting the contracting of management and certain duties of various Village Departments without afour- fifthsvote of the Village Council and approval oftwo-thirds of the Village electors at a referendum election. • An Ordinance providing fot appointment, duties, removal and compensation of the Village Clerk and providing a procedure to fill vacancy in the Office of the Village Clerk. • An Ordinance deleting Charter provision that requires form and content of an election ballot, as the form and content of election ballots are provided for by law. • An Ordinance adding a definition for gender to show that all such words such as "man" and "his" and other words that refer only to the masculine gender shall be applied to females as well as to males. THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R PAGE 11 DECEMBER 2002 RECREATION NEWS: 841-3388 HOLIDAY EVENTS ~ ~~ ~ ; I Hanukah Candle Lighting Ceremony -Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 7:00 PM. Highlights of the program include musician, family fun and some traditional potato pancakes. For location and more information please ca11624-7004. Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony - Welcome the arrival of the holiday season on Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00 pm at the Anchorage Park Activities Building. The highlight of the program will be the NPB Elementary School's 4 & 5th grade Chorus singing your favorite Holiday songs. Bring the whole family! Ho Ho Hotline! Santa will be calling good boys and girls on Dec. 18 & 19. Kids can send their letter to Santa in his special mailbox that will be located just outside the NPB Library beginning Dec. 1. Forms can be obtained in the Chil- dren's Library or at any Recreation building. ~, Santa's Jolly Trolley Rides -Join Santa in his Trolley for an exciting ride up and down the streets of North Palm in search of the best holiday decorations. The Jolly Trolleys will be fes- tively decorated and playing all your sing-along favorites! Everyone has to sing! The date is Friday, December 20 from 6:30-8:30 pm. The cost is $1/person or $3/family. Kids can visit with Santa and then ride in his Jolly Trolley. Santa's Visit -Santa's annual ride through the Village on a fire truck will happen on Saturday, Dec. 21 be- ginning at 10:00 am. Keep your ears and eyes open and if he comes riding down your street you can run out and wave hello! Holiday Hair -It's holiday time! Time for festive parties, busy schedules and that age-old question, "What I'm I going to do with my Hair?" Once again, Diane Finch and Beauty Works to the rescue! She bangs her creative & entertaining lessons on simple, fancy-hair-dos, dramatic yet believable make-up, changing daywear to eveningwear and getting you to your parties with ease and pleasure. Sound unbelievable? Come and see how you can do it! Join us for a wine & cheese reception at 6:30 pm and enter the "Hot Lips" Contest. Holiday Hair begins at 7:15 PM. The cost is a mere $10.00. This do-not.miss workshop will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg on Wed. Dec. 4. Register at the AAB. For more details, call Diane at 840-2040. January class registration - A complete class schedule for winter classes will be in the January newsletter, on the village website and on the out2.com website. Schedules are now available at the various recreation buildings and the library. Registration will be Jan, 6 & 7 for NPB residents and Jan. 8 & 9 ornon-residents. Girl's Softball Registration -Registration for Girl's Softball will be Saturday, December 7, 2002 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and Saturday, December 14, 2002 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the North Palm Beach Community Center. Registration forms are avail- able at the Community Center and Anchorage Activities Bldg. or by going onto the web site www.npbsoftball.com . The cost will be $65 per player, and includes one pair of socks with the uniform. Playing age is 5 - 18 years, with player's age determined by birth date as of 12/31/02. Leagues are 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13+. A player will be allowed to move up to an older age group if and only if they played travel softball this past summer. Registrations in January will incur a $10 late registration fee. Evaluation day will be Saturday, January 11'"; Opening day -Saturday, February 8`s; and Closing day -Saturday May 3rd. Bus Tours -Has the Travel Bug gotcha? The Recreation Department has a full itinerary of bus trips lined up for 2003. Recreation Specialist, Bill Egan, will be organizing and conducting this exciting assortment of trips. For more details, contact Bill at 841-3389. Jan. 19 Epcot Center $65.00 Feb. 6 Bayside Cruise/Miami City Tour $45.00 March 14 A Day in the Everglades $65.00 March 6 Strawberry Festival $60.00 April 15 Sugar Tour! Clewiston $35.00 April 30 Gulfstream Racetrack TBA THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER ~4; PAGE f 1 Tx e V I LLDEC E M BERL EQOp2 PAGE 2 DECEMBER 2 0 0 2 COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 29-2002 Amends subsection (2) of Section 14-30, Commercial Use Property ~1'as[e Disposal Fees and Collection Procedures, of Article lI, Garbage, Trash and Refuse, by increasing the annual disposal fees for garbage, trash and refuse. Resolution 52-2002 Accepts the bid of Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc. for one (1) Rescue Pumper for the Public Safety Department. Resolution 53-2002 Authorizes and duects the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Concession Agreement with K.C. Wheeler Enterprises, Inc. to secure services for recovery of golf balls from all water hazards on the Village Golf Course. Resolution 54-2002 Establishes a policy for the donation and allocation of Village funds to qualified applicants who demonstrate that the funds shall be utilized for support of Village-based activities, events or programs and serve a public purpose. VILLAGE CHARTER AMENDMENTS UNDER CONSIDERATION BY THE COUNCIL The Village Council will consider ten amendments to the Village Charter, as recommended by the Committee for Charter Review. The complete text of the ordinances may be reviewed by the public in the Village Clerk's Office between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The ordinances were placed on first reading at a Special Session on November 21, 2002, and will be placed on second reading at Regular Session on December 12, 2002. All proposed amendments will [hen be placed on the ballot for the Village Election on March 11, 2003 for approval by Village residents. The proposed amendments are as follows: • An Ordinance adding a Vision Statement defining intentions and aims of the government of the Village of North Palm Beach and specifying that Village government is established and maintained with its primary goal of service to all residents. • An Ordinance amending the Village Charter to increase terms of Council members from two (2) years to three (3) years com- mencing with the election of Mazch 2003. • An Ordinance proposing adding a section to the Charter to provide a procedure for filling Council vacancies when there are no candidates for office. • An Ordinance amending notice of special Council meetings to Council members and the public from twelve (12) hours to forty- eight (48) hours notice, whenever practicable. • An ordinance extending the completion of a Certificate of Sufficiency for a referendum petition by the Village Clerk from within five (5) days of filing to within hventy (20) days of filing; and, changing method of Notice to Petitioners' Committee from registered mail to certified mail, return receipt requested. • The Charter prohibits disposition of Village-owned property used for parks or recreation without afour-fifths (4/5) vote of the Village Council and asixty-six and two-thirds (66-2/3%) percent of Village electors at a referendum election. This ordinance will delete references to improvements and stmctures on such property. • An Ordinance prohibiting the contracting of management and certain duties of various Village Departments without afour- fifths vote of the Village Council and approval oftwo-thirds of the Village electors at a referendum election. • An Ordinance providing for appointment, duties, removal and compensation of the Village Clerk and providing a procedure to fill vacancy in the Office of the Village Clerk. • An Ordinance deleting Charter provision that requires form and content of an election ballot, as the form and content of election' ballots are provided for by law. • An Ordinance adding a definition for gender to show that all such words such as "man" and "his" and other words that refer only to the masculine gender shall be applied to females as well as to males. ;:,~~ /,. q ~>}I 1 RECREATION NEWS: 841.-3388 ~~ HOLIDAY EVENTS ' . ' ' ' ' Hanukah Candle Lighting Ceremony -Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 7:00 PM. Highlights of the program include musician, family fun and some traditional potato pancakes. For location and more information please ca11624-7004. ` Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony - Welcome the amval of the holiday season on Wednesday, December 11 at 7:00 pm at the Anchorage Park Activities Building. The highlight of the program will be the NPB Elementary School's 4 & 5th grade Choms singing your favorite Holiday songs. Bring the whole family! Ho Ho Hotline! Santa ~+~11 be calling good boys and girls on Dec. 18 & 19. Kids can send their letter to Santa in his special mailbox that will be located just outside the NPB Library beginning Dec. 1. Forms can be obtained in the Chil- dren's Library or at any Recreation building. 1 Santa's Jolly Trolley Rides -Join Santa in his Trolley for an exciting ride up and down the streets of North Palm in search of the best holiday decorations. The Jolly Trolleys will be fes- tively decorated and playing all your sing-along favorites! Everyone has [o sing! The date is Friday, December 20 from 6:30-8:30 pm. The cost is $1/person or $3/family. Kids can visit with Santa and then ride in his Jolly Trolley. Santa's Visit -Santa's annual ride through the Village on a fire truck will happen on Saturday, Dec. 21 be- ' ginning at 10:00 am. Keep your ears and eyes open and if he comes riding down your street you can mn out and wave hello! Holiday Hair -It's holiday time! Time for festive parties, busy schedules and that age-old question, "What I'm I going to do with my Hair?" Once again, Diane Finch and Beauty Works to the rescue! She brings her creative & entertaining lessons on simple, fancy-hair-dos, dramatic yet believable make-up, changing daywear to eveningwear and getting you to your parties with ease and pleasure. Sound unbelievable? Come and see how you can do it! Join us for a wine & cheese reception a[ 6:30 pm and enter the ,p "Hot Lips" Contest. Holiday Hair begins at 7:15 PM. The cost is a mere $10.00. This do-not-miss workshop will be held at the ~R Anchorage Park Activities Bldg on Wed. Dec. 4. Register at the AAB. For more details, call Diane at 840-2040. !1 I January class registration - A complete class schedule for winter classes will be in the January newsletter, on the village website and on the out2.com website. Schedules are now available at the various recreation buildings and the library. Registration will be Jan. 6 & 7 for NPB residents and Jan. 8 & 9 or non-residents. ~ Girl's Softball Registration -Registration for Gul's Softball will be Saturday, December 7, 2002 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and Saturday, December 14, 2002 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the North Palm Beach Community Center. Registration forms are avail- able at the Community Center and Anchorage Activities Bldg. or by going onto the web site wwtiv.npbsoftbalLcom . The cost will be $65 per player, and includes one pair of socks with the uniform. Playing age is 5 - 18 years, with player's age determined by { birth date as of 12/31/02. Leagues are 5-6, 7-8, 9-]0, 11-12, 13+. A player will be allowed to move up to an older age group if F f and only if they played travel softball this past summer. Registrations in January will incur a $10 late registration fee. Evaluation ,~ ~~ day will be Saturday January l l's; Opening day -Saturday, Febmary 8t6; and Closing day -Saturday May 3rd. i Bus Tours -Has the Travel Bug gotcha? The Recreation Department has a full itinerary of bus trips lined up for 2003. Recreation Specialist, Bill Egan, will be organizing and conducting this exciting assortment of trips. For more details, contact Bill at 841-3389. Jan. 19 Epcot Center $65.00 Feb. 6 Bayside Cmise/Miami City Tour $45.00 Mazch ]4 A Day in the Everglades $65.00 Mazch 6 Strawberry Festival $60.00 April 15 Sugar Tour/ Clewiston $35.00 Apri130 Gulfstream Racetrack TBA I1 PAGE 1 O THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R DECEMBER 2 O O 2 Village Manager's Message 841-3380 Dennis W. Kelly, V-Ilage Manager If a resident disagrees with the Board and refuses to comply with the ruling by the Code Enforcement Board then [he Board levies a fine of so many dollars per day until such time as the Over the years the Village has conducted a very strong and stable Code Enforcement program. Code Enforcement is a concept unknown to a lot of violation is corrected. That fine grows every day and becomes alien against the property until such time as the fine has been residents and often times requires an update on the concept of how code Paid. If the resident disagrees with the Board at that stage and enforcement works and the purpose of code enforcement. The overall pur- based on the Florida Statutes, their recourse is to appeal to the pose is to maintain the quality of properties within the Village. It is de- Circuit Courts. The resident has thirty days from the date of signed to keep properties from deteriorating to the point they could affect the mling by the Code Enforcement Board in which to make property values not only for the residents that might be violating a code but that appeal to the Circuit Courts. One of the most effective elements also the neighboring residents. It does not take much for a neighborhood of this process is that most circuit judges have a propensity to side to get into a downward economic spiral as it relates to their property values wnh aseven-member board made up of residents and citizens from a if those properties are not kept up in a quality manner. given community. The Board is functioning almost as a jury and Circuit Court Judges are prone to side with a Board if the Board ex- During the 1950's and 60's municipalities use [o have Municipal Courts. ercised due diligence and has been reasonable in their adjudication. Each municipal court had a Municipal Judge who was usually a local actor- pn occasion Judges have ~mled against Code Enforcement Boards ney that was either appointed by a Village Council or elected to the office because of violations of due process or an enor in acknowledging an depending on how the Charter was written and that municipal judge would individuals rights in terms of being heard, etc. but this has been very hear cases involving municipal issues. Around 1968, Florida revised its rare and seldom does a Judge find himself trying to circumvent the constitution and eliminated municipal courts.. All the cases that used to be statutory process. handled by the municipal courts were now referred to the newly reorgan- ized circuit courts. The fallout from that transition resulted in the circuit One of the fmstrating aspects of the entire Code Enforcement proc- courts getting bogged down with what they considered an extraordinary ess is the length of time it takes to correct a violation. The Code amount of "nuisance" calls: barking dogs, tall grass, junk cazs, etc. In or- Enforcement Board is very good at hearing residents concerns or der to provide relief to the circuit courts, the Florida Legislature created problems and giving them the amount of time they need to correct the concept of Municipal Code Enforcement. The Code Enforcement pro- their problem or their violation. Some residents will have extended gram is established today by Florida Statute and is therefore governed by financial problems and cannot afford to immediately correct a prob- sta[e law. This statute authorizes municipalities to create a Code Enforce- lem in which they have been cited. The Code Enforcement Board ment Board and employ Code Enforcement Officers for the purpose of has a track record of leniency toward residents to give them the time enforcing their own Municipal Codes. Many cities throughout the state of necessary to arrange for financing if a violation is extensive. In Florida, including the Village of North Palm Beach, took advantage of this most cases the Code Enforcement Board will work with the resident new law and created their own Code Enforcement Board. Today that to resolve the problem and correct the violation (again, this is the Board is comprised of seven (7) citizens who are residents of the Village ultimate goal; not to be punitive but to correct the problem). The of North Palm Beach. In addition to the Code Enforcement Board there whole purpose of the Codes is to maintain a high quality of life stan- are three (3) Code Enforcement Officers that are full-time and part-time dard within the Village in order to maintain property values and to staff whose job i[ is to enforce the various codes of the Village. Tn most maintain a healthy and safe environment in which our citizens can cases they respond to citizen complaints and in many cases they identify live. Those of you that are familiar with the Village's Codes know violations by touring the Village themselves. Many complaints are filed they are fairly sttict and above average compared to other munici- by Village staff (our Sanitation Collectors, Police Officers, Village Man- Polities and i[ becomes paramount that code enforcement become a ager, Department Heads and others that are cmising through the commu- more critical operation of the Village as it ages. Wiry and spot or notice violations within the Village). Once a violation has If you have suggestions or ideas on how to improve our Code En- been identified, the Code Enforcement Officer starts with either a verbal or forcement program or you see code violations call the Public Ser- written "Friendly Reminder" which can allow the violator up to 90 days to vices Department and let them know what your ideas are for code correct the violation. If there is no action within a week or two, then a improvements. We do have limited staff and limited resources but written friendly reminder will be sent. If the situation has not been reme- we charge the entire staff to be the eyes and eazs of the Code En- died by the end of the time given in the "Friendly Reminder", then aFor- forcement Division throughout the Village in order to expedite and mal Notice will be mailed both certified and regular mail. The Code En- keep the Village clean and efficient. forcement Officers motto is "Customer Service First". If the resident be- lieves the Code Enforcement Officer is wrong and no violation exists, then Should you have questions regarding the Statutory requirements or the resident has the right to go before the Code Enforcement Board for Code that governs the Code Enforcement program feel free to call adjudication. The Board sits as aquasi-judicial hearing panel and hears the Public Services Department at 691-3440 and our staff will be both sides of [he issue before they reach a finding and develop a conclu- more than happy to discuss the program with you in more detail. ll y Sion to the charges. The advantage of this process is the citizen is actua hbors or fellow residents that f his or her nei t di i fr t f g s an ng n on o seven o ~ HAPPY sit as the Hoard. The staff person has brought the charge forward, but it is • ~ ~ the Code Enforcement Board that makes a final adjudication as to whether [he state person is right or wrong or whether the resident is in fact in viola- ~~ HOLIDAYS ~~~ tion ofthe Village's Codes. The Code Enforcement Board develops an approach to solving these prob- 7 T T TD MAY YO V AND YO l/ l~ lems in such a manner as not to be punitive toward the resident that is vio- lating the Code but to create an environment where the resident is encour- FAMILY aged to modify their behavior by correcting the violation. The ultimate - goal of the Code Enforcement Board is to bring the resident into compy- ` r 7 ~ HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY ante with the Village Codes. Simple violations such as excessive false alarms, barking dogs, high grass or weeds, and junk cars in a driveway are HOLIDAY SEASON but a few examples of the types of issues that the Board deals with on a regular basis. PAGE 3 LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 DUE TO LIGHTING RENOVATION, THE ' ' ~ HOURS FOR THE LIBRARY DURING ' DECEMBER ARE AS FOLLOWS: DECEMBER 2-7 CLOSED COMPLETELY DECEMBER 9-13 OPEN 10 AM- 2 PM DECEMBER 14 OPEN 10 AM- 5 PM DECEMBER 16-20 OPEN 10 AM - 2 PM 21 OPEN 10 AM - 5 PM These hours are subject to change. Please ca11 84 1-3 3 83 for more information. HOLIDAY CLOSING: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 and WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25 and WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2003 BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP; TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17th, 10:30 AM DISGRACE BY COETZEE Discussion Leader: Marie Dodd The public is invited; admission is free. Copies of the books to be discussed are available in the library. Please ca11841-3383 for more information. GENEALOGY GROUP: The Treesearchers Will not meet during the month of December. The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 21, 2003. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY NEWS The Friends of the Library aze postponing the annual Bake Sale due to the library's lighting renovation. They expect to hold the Bake Sale at a later date. The speaker for the Friends' meeting on January 14, 2003 will be announced later as well. THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R DECEMBER 2 O O 2 IN THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY WINTER STORY HOURS Miss Mary Ann and Miss Sue are gathering ideas and themes for a brand-new season of Winter Story Hours that will begin the second week in January. We look forward to the return of all our young patrons. Be sure to bring your friends and out-of--town guests to join in the fun. Please call the Children's Library at 841-3383 for further details. ALIENS MEETING Will begin again in mid-January. New and interesting games and surprises are planned for children age 9 through 12. Please call the Children's Department or check your January Newsletter for date and time. NIGHTY NIGHT STORY HOUR Will resume after the fast of the year. New books are on order and we are planning some great evening programs. It is always a nice comfy way to end a busy day and join your friends at the library. HARRY POTTER FANS: Be on the lookout for the next exciting program coming in Feb- mary when we choose the school "Sweetheart of Hogwarts". This will be our special Valentine program Watch for date and time in upcoming issues. PAGE 4 w ~~ THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R DECEMBER 2 O O 2 PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 Pu[ a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket. 560 U. S. Highway One • Shopping with Kids? Teach them to stay close to you, and to North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 go to a store clerk or security guard if you get separated. IC A Stranger Comes To The Door, Beware The Village of North Palm Beach Department of Public Criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts. And it's Safety would like to wish everyone a SAFE and Wonderful not uncommon for people to try to take advantage of other's gen- Holiday. These are a few safety tips to keep in mind during erosity during the holidays by going door-to-door for charitable the holiday season. donations when there's no charity involved. Ask for identifica- Your Christmas Tree lion, and fmd out how the funds will be used. If you aren't satis- feed, don't give. Help a charitable organization you know and When buying your tree, be sure to pick a FRESH tree. You'll hke instead. know it's fresh if the needles are firmly attached. When the tree is in your home, keep plenty of water around the base. A Last but not least, don't let holiday stress get the best of your holi- dry tree is the source of more than 1,000 home fires every day spirit. Make time to get together with family, friends, and yeaz! When the holidays are over, take the tree down. Every- neighbors. And think about reaching out in the spirit of the sea- day it stands in the house, it gets a little drier. Dispose of son and helping someone who is less fortunate or lonely. Do your your tree properly. part to make the holidays a safe and happy time for everybody ex- cept criminals! Be Bright About Lights Take a Holidav Inventorv Don't use lights with worn insulation, broken plugs and loose sockets. They can cause fires and shocks! Be careful when The holidays are a good time to update - or create -your home in- hanging several strings together: You could have an overload ventory. Take photos or make videos of items, and list descrip- situation. Remember, all lighting inside and out, should be lions and serial numbers. If your home is burglarized, having a turned off before going to bed. detailed inventory can help identify stolen iterns and make insur- ' ' s, VCR s, ance claims easier to file. Make sure thinks like TV Candles a Part of Your Holidav Season jew- sports equipment camcorders cameras ui ment stereo e . , , p , , q Make sure they aze a safe distance from items -that can catch elry, silver, computers, home office equipment, and power tools fire such as curtains, paper, clothing, books, Christmas trees, are on the list. Remember to check it twice! fire resistant candleholders that won't tip Use sturdy etc . , over easily, and are large enough to collect dripping waz. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE Place candleholders on a sturdy, uncluttered surface high enough where children or pets will not tip them over. Keep Please be responsible this holiday season and remember the new candles and all open flames away from children and flarnma- laws pertaining to DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and BUI ble liquids. As with any fire, do not leave the room or go to (Boating Under the Influence). As of Monday, July 1, 2002 if an ' sleep while candles are burning. s individual refuses a breath, blood, or urine test, and their driver license has been previously suspended as a result of refusing a, If Your're Traveling breath, blood, or urine test, that person has committed a first de- • Get an automatic timer for your lights. gree misdemeanor (punishable by a definite term of imprisonment • Ask a neighbor to watch your home, and park in the not to exceed 1 yeaz and a fine not to exceed $1,000.00). driveway from time. to time. A third DUI or BUI committed within aten-year period of the last • Don't forget to .have mail and .newspaper delivery conviction is now a third degree felony (punishable by a term of stopped. If it piles iip;.it's a sure sign;you're gone. imprisonment not to exceed 5 years and a fine not to exceed If You're Out for. the Evening $5,000.00). Under the new law, a third DUI outside of the ten- yearperiod remains a misdemeanor. • Tum on lights and a radio or TV so it looks like someone However, if a fourth or a subsequent DUI occurs, it becomes a is home. ' thud degree felony, regardless of the period of time. North Palm s • Lock all doors and windows when you leave, even if it - artment-of-Public-Safety-wants=all-of-our-residents_to- h-D -B ~ eac ep ust for a few minutes. J please drive responsibly and always have a designated driver. For • Don't display gifts where they can be seen from outside. more infommation, please contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. If You're Shoooing ' Helo Us Help North Palm Beach Elementary School s going on around you. • Stay alert and be aware of what • Park in awell-lighted space, and be sure to lock the car, North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety will be collecting close the windows, and hide shopping bags and gifts in used Ink Jet and Laser Carttidges. All cartridges collected will be the trunk. turned in to be recycled and all proceeds will go to the North • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash; pay with a check palm Beach Elementary School. Bins have been set up in the • Deter pickpockets and purse-snatchers. Don't overbuy- Public Safety Building at 560 U S Highway 1 and North Palm den yourself with packages. Be extra careful. with purses Beach Elementary School. If you have any questidns please con- and wallets. Carry a purse close to your body, not dan- tact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. ging by the straps. (Continued on page 5) al +t': - .~ ~~ I ~Y r' PAGE 9 TrtE V ILLAGE NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2 O O 2 (Country Club Continued from Page 8) This requirement affects loans and grants for the purchase, COUNTRY CLUB HOLIDAY HOURS construction, repair, or improvement of any publicly or privately owned building in the SFHA, including machinery, Administration Office equipment, fixtures, and furnishings contained in such 691-3420 December 24th CLOSED buildings. December 25th CLOSED ~ December3lst OPEN Financial assistance programs affected include loans and January Ist CLOSED grants from agencies such as the Department of Veteran Affairs, Farmers Home Administration, and Federal Golf Course December 24th Last 18 holes 12 Noon Emergency Management Agency. The requirement also 691-3433 Last 9 holes 2 PM ~ December 25th CLOSED applies to secured mortgage loans from financial institutions, •December 31st Last I S holes 12 Noon such as commercial lenders, savings and loan associations, _ Last 9 holes 2 PM savings banks, and credit unions that are regulated, January 1st OPEN supervised or insured by Federal agencies such as the Federal Driving Ranee December 24th Closed at 2:00 PM Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of Thrift 626-0732 December 25th CLOSED Supervision. It also applies [o all mortgage loans purchased December 31st Closed at 2:00 PM by Freddie Mac th [he secondary mortgage market. .January lst OPEN How it Works: Before a person can receive a loan or other Tennis December 24th Closed at 2:00 PM financial assistance from one of the affected agencies or 626-6515 December 25th CLOSED lenders, there must be a check to see if the building is in ~a December 31st Closed at 2:00 PM Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). The SFHA is the base January 1st OPEN (100-year) floodplain mapped on a Flood Insurance Rate Pool December 24th 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Map (FIRM). It is shown as one or more zones that begins 691-3427 December 25th CLOSED . with letter "A" or "V". Copies of the FIRM are available for December 31st 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM . review in [he Department of Public Services. Many lenders Ianuary 1st 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM and insurance agents also have copies. Restaurant December 24th Closed at 4:00 PM - - It.is the agency's or the lender's responsibility to check.the 691-3430 December 25th CLOSED ~ FIRM to determine if the building is in an SFHA, al[hough~ December 31st New Years Eve Party (Call for Reservations) ~~ the Village will provide assistance. January 1st OPEN If the building is in a SFHA, a flood insurance policy on the PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 ~ ~ building must be purchased. The requirement is for structural coverage equal to the amount of the loan (or other 645 Prosperity Farms Road ~ ~ financial assistance) or the maximum amount available, North Palm Beach, Florida 33405 whichever is less. The maximum amount available for a• 0 000 , . single-family house is $25 FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION ~ The mandatory purchase requirement does not affect loans or The Village Library maintains a complete section that has Financial assistance for items that are not covered by a flood information covering all areas of flood protection, building insurance policy, such as veMcles, business expenses, construction and flood insurance. Flood zone maps are available landscaping, and vacant lots. It does not affect loans for. for inspection also. If you need to know what flood zone your buildings that are in the SFHA, even though a portion of the n elevation certificate if on file h me is in or obtain a co of a o PY - ( ). lofmaybe floodprone. W}»le not mandated by law, a lender: call the Public Services Department at 691-3440. may require a flood insurance policy as condition of a' loan NFIP for a property in any zone on a Flood Insurance Rate Map. The Village of North Palm Beach participates in the National Decemher Holiday Flood Insiuance Program (NFIP). The NFIP makes federally Sanitation Collection Schedule backed flood insurance available for all buildings, whether they are in a fldodplain or not. Flood insurance covers direct losses caused - Monday December 23 Garbage Only by surface flooding, including a river flowing ove{,its banks, a lake Tuesday December 24 Vegetation or ocean storm, and local drainage problems. Wednesday December 25 Closed The NFIP insures buildings, including mobile homes, with two Thursday' December 26 Vegetation & Recycling types: of coverage: structural and contents. Structural coverage is Friday December 27 Garbage Only for the walls, floors, insulation, finmtace, and other items Monday December 30 Garbage Only permanently attached to the structure. Contents coverage may be Tuesday December 31 Vegetation purchased separately provided the contents are in an insurable Wednesday January 1 Closed building. Thursday January 2 Vegetation & Recycling Mandatory Purchase Requirement: The mandatory purchase Friday January 3 Garbage Only requirement applies to all forms of federal or federally related fmancial assistance for buildings located in a Special Flood Hazard The Staff of the Public Services Department wants to Area (SFHA). wish everyone a Happy Holiday! '~ . ~~ T e E V I L L A G E NEW 5LETTER PAGE 8 DECEMBER 2 0 0 2 COUNTRY CLUB 841-3359 POOL 691-3427 ~ 951 US Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 I (Administration Office (561) 691-3420) DECEMBER POOL HOURS j The North Palm Beach Coimtty Club is open to the public. Monday Closed We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out Tuesday-Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM all of our amenities. We are a complete recreational facility Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM offering daily fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY in our Ol a vi orous match of tennis a refreshin di m- lf , g p y , g go pia size pool or an exquisite dining experience. We also offer both resident and non-resident memberships for all activities at WATER AEROBICS the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to of- Water exercise classes are open to the public. far! er session Sessions are held on Classes are $4 00 ' . . p DIRECTOR S CORNER Tuesday thm Friday 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM. MESSAGE FROM DAVID TALLEY Kathy Andio -Tuesday and Thursday Joanne Bullock -Wednesday and Friday The Country Club Administrative Office will be closed Decem- bar 24th and 25th as well as New Year's Day, January 1, 2003. TENNIS 626-6515 ~ The entire Club facilities will be closed on December 25th. As j we close out 2002, I want to thank you tot your patronage of the We had a blast with the Margarita Mixer last month. 52 players Country Club and wish you Happy Holidays and a prosperous played mixed doubles to 70's Disco music, margaritas and good 2003. make plans to at- Next one scheduled on January 24th food , . tend. We will be hosting anon-sanctioned Junior Tennis Tour- GOLF 691-3433 Women[ on January 18th, for advanced beginners thru advanced *Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. * high school players. Divisions for under 10's to under 16's. ~ If you are interested in join- Call the pro-shop for more details i . ing the Ladies League at the second half give Marcel a call. The Tennis Department will be giving special incentives for ^^~ ~ people who join during the month of January. . ~ CHRISTMAS JUNIOR TENNIS CAMP ~ 1 COUPLE'S GOLF EVENT Monday, December 23rd to Friday December 27th Sunday, December 8th 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM 10:OOAM-2:00 PM Ages 8 thrn 15 SANTA CLAUS OPEN Instmctions -Games -Fun Drills -Competition -Swim Break , Thursday, December 26th 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Trophies and Prizes Juniors Ages 7-18 Marcel Aenolin's Junior Tennis Development Program BEGINNERS CLINICS 9:00 - 10:00 AM Saturdays JIJNIOR TENNIS ! Call the Golf Shop at 691-3433 to sign up. X-Treme Tots Aaes 3 thru 5 i, Tues. & Thurs. 4:00- 4:30 PM If you have any problems, concerns or questions regarding your X-Treme Kids Aaes 5 thru S golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pros, John Scott and Greg Weber Tues. & Thurs. 3:15- 4:00 PM aze available to help you. Lessons are $30.00 per half hour or X-Treme Plovers Aaes 9 thru 13 ' ~ $130.00 for a series of five lessons. Gift certificates are avail- Mon. & Wed. 4:45 - 5:45 PM F° able in the Golf Pro Shop. Tournament Tough Aaes 10 and up M W d & Th urs. on., e . DRIVING RANGE 626-0732 3:30-S:OOPM & 5:30-7:OOPM ;~ ADULT LEAGUES Men's Singles -Tues. 6:00 & 7:30 PM ' HOURS OF OPERATION ~ Men's Doubles- Thurs. 6:00 & 7:30 PM ~ ~ Ladies Singles -Mon. 6:00 PM Monday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Ladies Doubles- Wed. 6:00 PM Men's Drill Night- Mon. 6:30 PM Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p. m. Ladies Drill Night- Tues. 6:00 PM & Sat. 9:00 AM ~ Wednesday -Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. _~ ~ (Continued on page 9) PAGE 5 (Public Safety Continued from Page 4) WATER SCAM The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like all of our residents to be aware of a water scam that is taking place m. our community. Recently an elderly female in our community received a call from a woman who stated she was from the Water Ctlmpany and they needed to test her water. The elderly female agreed to this thinking they were from Seacoast Utilities and set up an a}Spointment. A man arrived to test the water and showed up i1t his personal vehi- cle, no[ in a Seacoast Utility vehicle. She was hesitant about letting him in, but did so anyway. Once inside, he tested her water and said that the water was bad for her health and would make her sick. He told her the water contained ammonia, whic)p he called a poison. He then tried to sell her a water softener. Luckily, a friend was vis- iting the women at the same time the man came to the house. The friend asked the man to leave because he was only trying to sell something and he was not from the Water Company. The man got very aggressive and would not leave. The women became very forceful and insisted the man leave. The man finally left. This situation could have been a lot worse. Please do not let any- one into your house that you do not know. In addition, I have spo- ken to Seacoast Utilities, and they informed me of the following: • Seacoast tests the water from outside the home, unless asked by the resident to test from the tap. • Seacoast has a state certified lab and tests a resident's water when a customer becomes concerned with the water. • Seacoast personnel wear unifornu with Seacoast Logos and they always carry identification cards. • Seacoast now contracts with a meter reading company called Severn Trent. These meter readers are highly visible in dark green shirts with a large Meter Reader in white on the back of their shirts. They also drive vehicles, which state Severn Trent Meter Reader. They too carry identification with them at all times. Please contact Seacoast at any time if you have problems or con- cerns about your water. The Seacoast Customer Service number is (561) 627-2920 (regular business hours 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Mon- day through Friday) or (561) 622-3454 (nights, weekends, and holi- days). If a resident feels they would prefer verification from other than Seacoast regarding water quality, you may also contact Palm Beach County Health Department for corroboration: Palm Beach County Health Departrnent, Environmental Engineering, Nubia Carabelas (561) 355-3070, extension 1215 TOYS FOR TOTS COLLECTION POINTS "_ The following Village Facilities will serve ~ as on-going collection points: Public Safety Building, CommuniTy Center and Country Club. T H E V I L L A G E NEW 5 L E T T E R DECEMBER 2 O O 2 North Palm Beach Public Safety Department Looking for Bicycle Donations North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is looking for donations of unwanted bicycles. We are looking for any size or style of bicycle for the students at North Palm Beach Elementary School.Many children attending North Palm Beach Elementary School are walking up to L9 miles, to and from school everyday because they do not reside beyond the 2 mile distance for the Public School buses. We would like to provide these students with bicycles so [hey no longer have to walk the distance to and from school. If your child has out grown their bicycle or you would like to donate a bicycle, please drop them off on December 7, 2002 between 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon at the Public Safety Building, 560 U. S. Highway One, North Palm Beach. Please help us make the holiday season even more special for the children of our community. If any questions please contact Officer Heavey a[ 841-3300. 2002 Holiday Boat Parade of the Palm Beaches Saturday, December 7th F/REWORKS AND FESTIVELY DECORATED BOATS TOYDRIVE FOR TOYS FOR TOTS The parade will begin at 6:00 PM on Samrday, December 7th, traveling along the Intracoastal Waterway north from Peanut Island to Jonathan's Landing in Jupiter. Favorite viewing areas include the North Palm Beach Country Club and the Village of North Palm Beach is a sponsor of the pa- rade. The boat parade will again this yeaz include a toy drive for the United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. Residents and businesses along the parade route are asked to collect toys for the drive and, on the night of the parade, signal the yellow and red toy collection tow boats with flashlights from their docks. The volunteer vessels and crews will collect the toy donations. A spectator donation site will also be available at the North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course. All toys collected will be presented to the U.S. Marine Corps the night of the parade. The program is in need of items for middle school age children. To enter your boat in the parade, for sponsorship opportuni- ties or more information, call the Holiday Boat Parade Hot- line at (561) 845-9010 or visit the website at www. pbboatpazade.com ' ;. , :. {. f +1 ~~ lr 4 . .' ' ,, ,. r ' ` k 4 3 a ~ - ~ ~ ,~ V ° ~ ~ ~ w ~; = 0 2. 2 0 B E R ' E C E M D ~ ~ ~ 1+}ir' r6 ° - s: ,, r e _ . __ i r - S --- - _. .. - ~ ~. ,: f c r ' + -'• f-: " - t• r: :`t 1!im: tr,n a ,Fd:,T _ ~" -t - ~y i - - •- " _ ._ t ~ - 1 - - rrP r if ~ rr'S e,P ..,,,, " ,, , ,. „ , . . _'r .,, _ ~~-~--~--~- A-aaminestra:ion - , `,,, c ;..' North Palm Beach ; ' ^ ! ~ G-Golf ~ -- i ! ~ ~ - . - ~ , i I #~' ~ .~. ~~ - ~ . ~_ _~._._ 1,: ,, C o u ri-try--Cl.ix`-h ~ ~ :"" _ : - - P Pool -~ i ~ + -` t z , ; ~ `~ ., .- -~- Restaurant ., '"~ 1 1 -- ~~~ ~ „ '• ,~ , 1.. 5 ; (5 , , ~'_ ' 1: , .r;, . ... .. ` r 1 • = -Tennis T ne st) 84t-3 9 r a eph , .; , , o - ', Ir: :COUNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ,North Palm Beach C ountry Club 951 U.S. Highway #1, North Palm Beach; Flonda' 33408 (561)841 -3359 Email: club@village-npb.org - ., .. ..,;It. a l=, ,. .,, ;.::r :1:, •r i, ,. ,r. ,. ,,af ~' 1 ~ ~ r ~r,r ? 'Nxr.v,a.,t., i 4 ~. .: , 'r: u , 1 2 CCAB MEETING 7:30 PM 3 R-Breakfast 7~AM- 11 AM - 4 ` ' ~ R-Breakfast 7 AM 311 AM $ . 3.5:, ,+_I H # I t. !,' ( ' : -. o:n , '~7 .. ~LurichMetiullAM-4'PM ~ : 'R=No Breakfast ~' ~ p LunchlilAM-4,PM , .1-, •1;•rR-Breakfast7AM.11AM R-Breakfast`7AM-11 AM R-Breakfast7AM=11~AM~ ; : Luricfi Menu 1 I .AM-4 PM Droner & Dancing t . Brunch ~10•AM=2 PM• R ' -Italian Buffet D~f~:`,g. nC $PM-11 PM y '. r ,. r. Lunch . AM .4 PM.It. _ Luncl 11 AM=4 PM- ,Lunch 11 AM-0 PM _, . , , ,. : - , .,. . ,.: G -MGA 7 45, AM; Open Shotgun' 12 30 Droner-Meat Loaf Special ~' ' ' }G - WGA S:OOAM .N . , i :Dmner'~FOr Two Speciah_ ~ ~ v: ~ ,~, Dinner & Entertainment SPM-11PM~ ' ~ ~ :Dinner & Enfer[ainttien[ 5 PM-11 PM ,r, t tr ,, , ,1 , t, , s i ; ~ i Lunch (Lounge) 11 AM-4 PM T- X-Treme Players 4:45- 5.45 PM.. ~. _ T- X=Treme Kids 3 15 - 4:00 PM "1 ~ ~ Open Shot~g~q'r%nf12:30 PM _ ' ' T- X-Treme Kids 3.15 - 4:00 PM `Fish & Chips i "" '~ - - "•''° + i' ' n " 1 ~'' TourriartietibTough ; 3:30 & 5 30 Ptaf ~ - X-Treme Tots4:00- 4:30 PILL T- X=Treme Players 4'45-5:45 PM "` X-Treme Tots 4:00- 4:30 PM - T-Ladies Drill-9:00 AM Dinner 4 PM- 8 :pM" Ladies Sm 1e3- 6:00'PILI°• ~ ` Men's Singles-6:00 & 7:30PM ~ ' •'- ± 'Toumament Tough - 3:30 & 3:30~PIv1'- ""Toumament Tough-3:30 & 530 PM- ~ ~ T- Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM ,.. ' "~'"" ~~~10'~rl "'Men's DrillNtght=6:301'Ivvt•~ •" ~ ~`~'^ ~Ladie'sDrill=6:00PM ~ '' ,. ~. , - ~~ ''~LadiesDoubles-6:00 PIN ?-'~ i Men'sDOUbles-6:00&7:30 PM ~ r c. _ AM 2PM .~ ~ R-Bmnch l O g , 9 - _- ! 10 R' Breakfast 7:AM . I LAM ~ ~~ ,~ 11::, ... R-Breakfast 7 AM- 1 1 SAM 1 `- 121-.COUNCIL MEETING 7:30PM _ 13 ': i %~ ~ - ~ .. - 14 ~ f p. ,, ~ g , ~ \ • x: ~ ~ ~_ ,~ ,~ ~ ~ ^.r ~ . R No Breakfast , Lunch Menu' 11 AM-4 PM~~ ' ' 11 AM '4 PM ~.. ~ = - Lunch f - R- Breakfast J AM-a 1 AM r ~ r R '-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM' R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM ~ ~~ , .--r _.-r-- . _ ` ~ . - ~ 1 4 PM u l l AM h M ' I 4~: , i - 's~Dinner Show '~ ~ ~ 'Jimm Ke Italian Buffet Dinner+& Ent SPM 11 PM <f'Lunch~.l1'~AM-4 PM' ~. •" / •..Lunch~l l-~AM_4 PM ~ ~ Lunch l l AM-4 PM T" Lunch'(Lounge) 11 AM-4 PM n en - Lunc ~ ~ i ecial ' -;Meat Loaf~S Di y y otgund2 30 AM; OpenSh 7 MGA J:45 G ~ °'~ 8:00 AM f ~ i cG- WGA , r ~~'~iDinnerFor=Twos ecial° P ~Dmner& Entertainment SPM-11PM IZ¢Sf8U1'aUt C10S¢S 3t 6 PM 3 4PM-8 PM Di : , p nner T-X Treme~'Players-4~:45=545 PM"^% . _ . : ~ T-X;TremerKids 3:15 ~. 4:00 PMt ,r. , i- _ , . f=~•„ :.:Open Shotgun 12:30 PM , ' T='X-Treme-7Cids315 "4:OO PM ". •~ `~' Fish Bc`Chips' ,. r,., ,-, nner ' i"' °'"' t t ` `I" ^ Toumament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 FM~~"' "•. ~'~~. •. X-Treme Tots'4i0~ 4:30'PM •,: ~•- ~ T-: X-Treme Players 4:45-5 45 PM 'I. ~ ~ `~ X=Treme Tots 4:00- 4:30'PM , ~ ~ r ;G;-. Couples Golf:Event, ., (, p, 1 ,:;e?T>Ladies~Sin les-6:00 PM : g ;Men's Singles- 6:00 &J:30 PM - ; Toumament Tough:- 3:30 & 5 30 PM. ~ Toumament Tough-` 3.30 & 5:30 PM ` -` T Fnday Night Mixer 6:30 PM - ~ d D Il 9 00 AM T- La tes n - 8 30 AM X10 30 AM , ai, t . - ~ ' '" ~' 'r 'r" +~ Men's Drill Night 6:30 PM „ , ,, "' ~'. ~ ~ .: ~ , Ladies Dnll- 6 00 PM .. --... 'k"r 1 Ladies Doubles- 6:OO,PM ' `Med's Doubles-6 00& 7:30 PM , - "'" - "' - , t ~ ' 1 `'-'~Y f 't'`Ut" ~16'' ~`~'• % - AMI it Aivt ~ 17 R-Breakfasf7 18" R"'Breakfast7AM-11 AM ~~ I9 .~ _-~ , : ~ ;c 1 t ~20 21 15 0, 6~ p~, Happy ~ ~h H R- No Breakfast s ~ Lunch Menu 11 AIvI-4 PM + ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ _ Lunch Menu 11 AM-4 PM •~ '' `s a M Lunch l l AM- 4 PM - ~ & Ent SPM - 11 PM t Di r I ali B ff . R-Breakfast 7 AM 11 AM rr i r! r ' s' ` r ~ 'a ' ' - -Lunch 11 AM 4 PM R Breakfast 7 AM- I 1 AM '; Lunch' l 1 AM-4 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM-l l AM Lunch 1 I AM-4 PM ,, ri A,nu : ~ ,: _ , t { ichael.Rose Orchestr . nne , t an u e ~ : ` ~ - t ~ . ~ h B kk Droner-Meat Loaf S ectal p ' ~ ,. Dinner and Dancm g ~ ~ - G- WGA8:00 AIv1 ' ~ , • °. z. , Droner FdrTwo Spectal "Dinner & Entertainment SPM-1IPM Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-I IPM egins a Hanu , i e s r i .~, . s t ,. - I ~ -~ . - , ,r ^':. i u ~ d .:. ~`. T- X-Treme.Players 4:45- 5 45 PM , .. 12 30 C MGA 7.45 AM; Open Shotgun Open Shotgun 12:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3 15, 4.00 PM ' Fish & Chips h 10 AM 2 PIv1''' ~ ' u ` ' ~ R-B '-Tourriamen[ Tough 3, 30 & 5.30.PM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t.: ,r T-~X ;Treme Ktds 3 15, - 4:00 RM •T- X-Treme Players 4:45-5.45 P.M:..,. 4 30 PM X-Treme Tots 400- ~ _i ~3 _ i ,, ..,, 71,,, t T-Ladies Drill - 9:00 AM r nc - ~~ ~ bunch (Lounge) ~11 AM-4PM '' "` -"~"• Ladies Singles :.6'00 PM ,. ,- :l, ~ 1 ; .X-Treme Tots 4:00-4:30 P~M . , _,, •Toumament Tough ~- 3:30 & 5:30 PM -, _ - _ Toumament Tough- 3 30 & 5 30 PM . 1 T - Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM - ~ 'r ~ Dmner4pM-8 PM ~ "-~ '- Meri s DrillNtght- 6:30 PM ~ , ;,- '~ Men?s~Sin les- 6:00 &.7:30 PM - ~ g - - Ladies Doubles- 6:00 PM ~ •'' Men's Doubles- 6 00 & 7.30 PM ' -, ,. :r.., ~~ 1 f,6t ! 1 ,' ... _. _ +' ,:-±,d'' ~ till; i .. 1. ~ ,i. , r..etoP r ..-~~-:<i .t. p. `3 t '... r.. t..t :.t - ~~ 22 23 R-No'Breakfast ~ 2q ~ ~ r '~ ~ ~•~ • '2$ -j ~ ~~ 26 R-Breakfasi 7~AM 11 AM ~2~~ 1 = ~ ~ Zg ~~ ` R-Brunch l O~AM 2 PM ~~' ~~ ~ ='Lunch Menu 1 ] AM=4 PM ..R-Breakfast 7.~AM 1.1 AM ' ~ ~ ~~;~J ~ !~'~Qi i 'FJ 5 ' ' ' f,` rLunch 1'] AM 4 PM s , t. R-Breakfast 7 AM- I 1 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-l l AM , ..{ ~ .~.: r ' ~ - Lunch (Lounge)113AM4PM' . s ~ . ~ ~ Dinher-Meat Loaf Spec,al ~ ...n 'T-ChnstmasJrTennis'Camp IOAM-2PM . , , Lunch.Menu 11 AM 4 PM _ , ~ Restaurant closes at 4:00 PM ,, ~ ~ -T-~ LQ- ~ ~t r '~ ~~~ ~ w L^~~ p Droner For Two S ectal .- , , - ~ y G-j Jr Santa Claus Open 1200 PM- ' T nnis Cam lOAM~-2PM T Ch i t J Lunch ] ], AM-4 PM .. ~ Dinner & EntertainmentSPM-.11PM . _ Lunch I 1 AM-4 PM ~ . Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-l l PM ` r X Treme Players 4:45- 5:45 PM ` . • S -- ~`` ~ p. r mas r e s " t ~ K ` - m A Fish & Chi s • ~ - t: -. : - ., 4 PM- 8 PM ~ D ~~ .. ., -... `Toumament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 PM~i G MGA7:45.AM , ~ ~ ~'_ s, ..:: _ - -CO 'I' -- -- D UN -RY C'S',`I:)B CLOSE - I S 4 OO.PM i X Tre e s3 ~ .... i X _4 T Tot 00 4 30 PM p ~T-ChristmasJr~TenriisCam IOAIGI=2PM- ~ T=Ladies Drill-.: 9100AN1 ~ roner r t „ - ' t' ~ " ~ ' Ladtes Sin les' 6:00 PM ~ is "~ T Christmas Jr Tennis Cam l OAM 2PM ' ,. P ' ~ ' (•~- a e; $ H ' ~~' FO E HOLIDAY T reme s : - Tou'" t - -+ h=3 30 &'530 PM ~ '^ mament Tou Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM ~ , t, :,t,ta ~ ~-T g - Meas Drill Night'6:30 PM't 1 .,rrr ,;t 't i . 7 ,. , " ~i . . g Men sDoubles'600&730'PM i r "`- -- _ -. .. ~., ~ ., ,'„r r.h:e~ ,., .. .. .r ,..rc i ~t ~:r ,r-' ..r ~. 1' r~ :7i i ° !' _ ' , . , f ,~ :; R ~No;Breakfast 30 31 r i ~ y ~ ~ •}- '~ k I ` : _ _ , . , t , _ , h l0'AM 2 PM e ; , ,,,: .. _ ~ lenu t 1 AM-4PM -'-' n h l L • ( ---~R-'Breakfast 7 AM I1 ~AM ~ : , ~ >c..~~_ :k ~. , ~ # , f• ~' 1 ~ t r.~tX11;17GtIlP1t / ~'~ r ,/,,~~~ Jtt44'r"y.. ~ I : , i R-Bmhc c y . y ,t r p , ; ~ .•y ~ A , - . ,, Dinner- Meat Loaf Spectal Lunch Menu 1'1 AM 4 PM e r } ' # ~: ` - ~ ' <. ' ~ 1 ~ " .: , : ~ ;y r'. 4:UU 6 UU'/'rK ~ ~ ' `Danur[g. and,l7rtttten . ' ~ 'Lunch (Lounge) 1 I •AM-4 PM ~ .,, :'r~T-'X-Treme Players 4:45- 5 45 PM~ r: Nea' Year s Eve,Dinner & Dancing { 3 ~ { F~ ""-- k ` ~ ~`~ j 1 ~ ~O ~" ~ (Jn JjQ~itp.prtr. -"t 'i . t ..~ ° `, ,, .~... " ~ ~Dmner 4'PM '8 PM `~7 ,:Toumament Tough , 3.30 & 5 30 PM ~ Ladtes Singles 6:00 PM y ti. ~~ :. ~ .. .. rr',: ~' -;_. ,, , , , ,: f t ~. ' ~-_~rd :, P F,,_ 1 r =L~ ' ~ v ~' ` ~ ~ . ~ 44 ff! k, t' ~ i f~ - . '• •"Men's Drill Night- 6:30 PM ., `t ° ~ ,'' + , r; •~.,G ' MGA~r7,:45.AM -., -,-, ,: j j• ~ _ • *: ' ~ ~~~ t.:,t ~ c) , ~ . { 1 I t - ~ ~, ," ~t~ I~ I ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tU t . . ~ 1L~ 'i41 •i'-:. ' t~. - k ~ ~ ~ i .MicKaeP J`2ove 0acfieeGttt • JUG , 1~eceer~Pn l7.