11-2002 NewsletterPAGE 76 THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R NOVEMBER 2 0 0 2 BULLETIN BOARD NORTH PALM BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Village Playees Aaudit®®~s WANTS YOUR USED INK JET AND LASER CARTIRIDGES The Village Players are auditioning for three short plays by Help us Help Tennessee Williams on November ]0, 2002 at 7:00 PM at the North North Palm Beach Elementary School Palm Beach Community Center on Prosperity Fame Road and on Raise Funds November 12, 2002 at 8:00 PM at North Palm Beach Anchorage with your used Ink Jet and Laser Cartridges. Center on Anchorage Drive. The plays chosen are "Lady of Lazk- The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety and spur" auditions for 2 women and 1 man, "Portrait of a Madonna" North Palm Beach Elementary School auditions for 2 women and 4 men and "Lord Byrons Love Letters" have set up bins in the Public Safety Building at auditions for 3 women and 1 man. 560 U S Highway 1 and North Palm Beach ElementarySchool, The plays are to be performed in a black box setting at North Palm to collect your Beach Anchorage Center on January 17-26, 2003. If you have any Used Ink let and Laser Cartridges. questions please ca11626-9073. All Cartridges collected will be fumed in to be recycled and all proceeds will go to the North Palm Beach Elementary School If you have any questions please contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. II.III83II~IP31Y (CIL®~d1`~I~ SUE T® II,II(G]EII'II'III`~TcG ~N®D'A'II'II®I`~i, BUCKLE UP AND RAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING TII~~ IC.ID&iL8AII8IY ~IIII'II' ~~ ~~`®~~~ ~~~~ Did you know that it is against the law in Florida to drive without a `1®NIIDAYs N®VIEPVIIEiIE1@ Il8, ~®®~ safety belt? If you or your kids aze unbuckled, you risk getting a 'II'II1[1R®UCIIE3I hefty ticket, or worse, injury or death in a crash. Last Thanksgiv- SATU~IlDAY, ~ECL, IJ!(~,E~ 9, g®®g, ing, 36 people were killed in Florida traffic crashes. From Novem- ber 23rd to December 1st, law enforcement will be on the lookout for those who are not buckled up. Drive safely this holiday and IPLEASIE CII3[ECI{ SI®ULT -DIEC]Ely[IdIF,L@ NE W'SILIET'Il'EIfB buckle up your whole family. They will be THANKFUL you did. F®]~ ILIIB1@.AL@SI ®PELBA7CIING IEII®Ul[8S Buckle Up Florida, it's the law. For more information, visit www. buckleupflorida.com VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 f The Village 0 ~~-~"°~~ E W S L~ T T E R Novem6e o02 V11. 1LAGE ®F N®12Tllff PA-. n9 BEAD, §O1 US ]EIIwx #Il, N®aTB PALIW BEACB, TFL 33408 N®I[8T1EII PALPUi[ B]EAC~I[ ~' VIIL}I.AQ-s1E C®UNCIII. ' Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor Donald G. Noel, Vice Mayor b., ~ Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Chazles R. O'Meilia, Councilman ~, David B. Norris, Councilman Village Council members may be contacted through the office of the Village Clerk at 841-3355 or by email at npbclerk@village-o pb. org VII.LAGE DEPARTMENTS Village Manager 841-3380 Village Clerk 84t-3355 Finance 841-3360 Public Services 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Park 841-3387 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Non Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 Administration 691-3420 Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Intiie lhlt i3s®ee Village Clerk/Village Council Llbrery/Public Safety Upcoming Events Country Club Calendar of Events Public Services Recreation Department Village Manager's Message Bulletin Board 2-S 3-6 8 __ 7&10 8-9 30 11-14 15 16 I~I~Il~~TPC ~®I~~ I~S1EI[~FIIE ~o Q Q ~ ~ ~ ~, G18IEA'II' APViIlELBIICAN `WIEEI~IE1`~T-D'Il'® ]83IE~IIEIFII'II"II'®IYS IF®I[8'Il'®'II'S Sa¢u~Flovemlh P g ) Village F[ tte~~ss KKun ~~cc a c see a e 5 Arts & Crafts Festival at Community Ctr., Prosperity Farms Rd. 9AM~PM (see page 14) Pool Party at North Palm Beach Country Club 6:00 PM with Live Country & Western Band, Instmctional Dancing Bring a Toy, The Marines Will Beat All Locations to Accept Them Sunda November Il4D 24D®2 3:®® PIJ'il ¢0 4:4t4D PPhI [ ue azac u e earn n g on a en ee U. S. Coast Guazd Helicopter Landing on the Tenth Fairway Santa Claus Will Greet Them Kids - "Be a Santa's Elf' Bring a Toy to Fill Santa's Bag Suna-av Evenfinar. Noaeunnher Il®. 24D1D2, 6:410 ]PIY[i - ll4D:00 PiJ'i[ Local Ehtertamers IJOnate Tneu 1 area[ a[ me North Palm Beach Country Club Restaurant Buffet Admission is an Unwrapped Toy or Donation Per Person h/Ii ®nda N®vemlh@r Il Il41fo Leon Smith MemorialTioIf oumamen and 1:00 PM Shota ins Toys for Tots Tennis Tournament at North Palm Beach Country Club 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon to 12:45 PM U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Color Guard, National Anthem Wild Blue Parachute Team Landing on the Tenth Tee ~'Il'®~ ~®II.II.S ®FI ~ffiIIDAY, N®VIEI~[i ]~]EIIB ~, 23~~ a® V®'II']E? Visit us on our Web Site: htlp://www.village-npb.org E-mail: villagehall aQvillage-npb.org TH E V ILLA.GE NEW 5 LETTER P' PgGE I S THE V i LLgG E NEWSLETTER P g G E 2 N G v E M e E R 2 0 0 2 _ N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2 "- PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE .._ . ,. ,Village Council ..................................................... - ~ ~ .......2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. `'Code Enforcement Board ...................................... ...........1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Constmction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ....... .................................................on call ~ Country Club Advisory Board ............................... ~ ........ 1 st Monday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Library Advisory Board ........................................ ........4th Tuesday, monttily, 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission ............................................ ........ I st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Recreation Advisory Board ................................... .......2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment ........................... ......................................... on call All meetings (with the exception o/;ccnB~ are.held.at the Obert Meeting Room in the NPB Library (1st floor) The Country Ctub Advisory Board Meetings are held in the Herb Watt Building next to the Library and behind the Village Hall temporary trailers. Village Council agendas, and minutes.of.Village Council.meetings, are now available on the Village's web site (http://www.village-npb.org): Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available in the Clerk's office or at the meeting. ' PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VILLAGE CLERK AND VILLAGE COUNCIL'S EMAII, ADDRESS npbclerk@village-npb.org ..COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN {~ Ordinance 24-2002 Amends Section 17-1, Cable Television Rate Regulation, of Article I of Chapter 17, Licenses and' t Miscellaneous Business Regulations, to give the Village the option rather than make mandatory the ' 1 procedure for evaluation and hearing if the franchisee desires to change Cable Television rates or charges. '~{ Ordinance 25-2002 Adopts Budgets for the fiscal year 10/1/02 to 9/30/03, both inclusive, for the General Fund,~including ! debt rBtirement, and for the Country Club Revenue Fund. I~ Ordinance 26-2002 Amends various subsections of Section 45-33, C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District, of Article III, District Regulations, of.Appendix C, Zoning; by adding limited access self-storage facilities as a ~ per[nitted use; by providing requirements for off-street parking of limited access self-storage facilities; by providing conditions for limited access self-storage facilities and providing that such use must be within a Commercial Plammed Unit Development - k~ {. Ordinance 27-2002 Creates a Commercial Planned Unit Development (CPUD) for a mixed use redevelopment project upon 4 I - -' - - - - 3.10 acres, located at 401 Northlake Bivd--""" -" - Ordinance 28-2002 Amends the General Fund Budget for FY 2001-02 to appropriate funds for the purchase of a platemaker. Resolution 48-2002 Resolution 49-2002 Resolution 50-2002 Resolution 51-2002 Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a lease agreement to conduct food and 'p"' beverage operations at the NPB Country Club with LE.D.L., Inc. ----------.~-_ -- - - .._ ._T.. _ -- - --T---- -- --- - ----- -- - -- " -- Levies atax of 5.80 mills on real and personal property located within the corporate limits of the Village of ~` NPB on 1/1/02. ~ ~f Authorizes and duects the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Independent Contractor Agreement with William Bell, for the purpose of securing services for the layout, printing and binding of the Village News ~ r letter and other printing orders. Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an agreement with NPB Yacht Ciub, ~t Inc., which authorizes NPB Yacht Club to store kayaks, optimist dinghy sailboats and assorted equipment j on anon-exclusive basis in the garage building owned by the Village and located on the road leading to 6 NPB Marina. ~ i (Continued on Page 3) .F . _ 1 I M }~ Village Manager's Message Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager GREAT AMERICAN WEEKEND '841-3380 The Village has taken a giant step in coordinating a series of holiday events that have been occurring in the fall and consolidated them into one lazge weekend. Some of these events were a result of the Memorial Ser- vice the Village conducted following the 9-11 disaster last year; some of the events were a result of the Toys for Tots program conducted by the Marine Corps Reserve and coordinated by the Restaurant Vendor; and some of these events were created and coordinated by the Village's Recreation Depaztment (primarily the Arts and Crafts Festival at the Community Center). As a result of the discussions among the Village Council, Staff and the Toys.for Tots Committee we have come up with a new special event that is readily becoming an an- nual tradition in the fall lmowri as the "Great American Weekend". In support of the Great American Week- end, the Village Council has recognized the Toys for Tots program as an official activity to be supported by the Village. Subsequently, a number of activities at the Country Club aze designed to encourage contributions in the form of an unwrapped toy or cash donation to the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. The details of all the activities aze listed on the front page of this newsletter and is a full weekend for Veterans Day Weekend and runs from Saturday, November 9`h through Monday, November .1,1, 2002::All citizens are in- vited to the different activities. If you do not participate in any of the athletic activities such as the golf tour- nament or the tennis tournament, brit desire to watch the sky divers jump on Monday at noon you aze more than welcome to attend at the North" Palm Beach Country Club: Yoti do noY have-to be a golfer or a tennis player to come watch the skydivers. ' ` The admission charge to a number of events at the Country Club will be one unwrapped toy to be contributed to the Toys for Tots program. A collection area will also be set up at the Arts & Crafts Festival. In the event you are not able to participate in any of these events over Veterans Day Weekend and still want to contribute a toy to the Toys for Tots program you will have a second opportunity during the Holiday Boat Pa- rode scheduled for Saturday, December 7, 2002. The. Marine Corps Reserve will be on duty that evening with. various collection locations at the North Palm Beach Country Club in which to collect toys for people attend- ing the Holiday Boat Parade. Also the following Village Facilities will serve as on-going collection points: Public..Safety.Building,.Library,.Community Center, and.Country Club- ---- - --- - - --- If you have any questions regarding the activities during the Great American Weekend, contact Eddie D'Am- bra at the Country Club Restaurant at 691-3430, Mazk Hodgkins Recreation Director at 841-3386, David Talley Country Club Director at 691-3420, or Mr. Ray Brady, Citizen Volunteer at 385-4418. On behalf of the Council, Staff, JEDL, Inc., and the many volunteers that are helping to launch this Great American Weekend we extend a hazdy invitation foi• you to attend and look forward to seeing you on Novem- ber 9`h, 10`h and 11's. P. S. - REMEMBER TO VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2002 HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE THANKSGIVING THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R PAGE 1 6 N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 2 Recreation Continued (from page 13) 'f~.~ Other Uncomin;; Activities The Perfect Holiday Gift! -Surprise your husband with a portrait of you and the kids, or a family portrait for relatives, or how about a portrait of mom & dad for the kids. Kids -surprise Mom & Dad with a portrait of you and your brothers/sisters! On Nov. 4 & 6 from 4:00-9:00 pm you can sit far a portrait at Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. The cos[ is $19.95. This gets you a beautiful 10x13 portrait. If you wished to purchase more photos, the $19.95 can be applied towazd a package deal. Proofs will be back by Nov. 21 and any photos you order will be ready by approximately the first week of December. Sittings will be scheduled in I S-minute intervals. Times will go fast, so come by soon to schedule your sitting! This event is sponsored in conjunction with the NPB/PBG Jaycees. Call 841-3389 for more information. Arts & Crafts Fall Festival -It's finally here! Saturday, November 9 from 9:00 am - 4:00 PM at the Community Center. Over 100 crafters will be selling their specialties at booths located indoors and outdoors. To avoid parking problems, plan on attending after noon. More information, call 841-3389. Bus Tours -Has the Travel Bug gotcha? The Recreation Department has a full itinerary of bus trips lined up for 2002-2003. Recreation Special- ist, Bill Egan, will be organizing and conducting this exciting assortment of trips. For more details, contact Bill at 841-3389 Nov. 12 Cypress Gardens $60.00 Nov. 13 SawgrassMillsShopping $IS Nov. 16 SawgrassMillsShopping $IS Nov 18-21 Biloxi, MS Blast $369.00 Dec 30-Jan 3 New Yeazs Eve Cmise $TBA Jan. 19 Epcot Center $65.00 Feb. 6 Bayside Cruise/Miami City Tour $45.00 March Lake Tahoe -March Madness $TBA Routh Basketball Registration - Registtation for winter Youth Basketball league will be at AAB Nov. 1 - 15. This program is for youth 5 - 15 years of age. 9 & 10-year-olds registering must attend draft on Nov. I8'^ at the Community Center from 6-7:00 pm for team placement. Draft for 11 & up is on Dec. 19'" from 6-7:00 pm. Cost is $35/NPB residents and $45/non residents. Games start 1" week of December. Far more details, call Bill Egan after 4:00 at 841-3389. 9'urkey Shoot - In conjunction with youth basketball registration, the NPB Rec. Dept. will have a turkey shoot at the ((~l Community Center on Monday, November 25. The contest mns from 6:00 - 8:30 pm with regisnation beginning at 5:30. This free throw shooting contest will be divided into the following age groups: 5 & 6 yrs., 7 & 8 yrs., 9 & 10 yrs., 11 - 13 ,t ~~+ ,. ~ yrs., 14 - 17 yrs., and l8+ yrs. The winner in each division will receive a $25.00 gift certificate. The cost of this exciting c `" Z~Z~ event is $1.00/10 free throws. Start practicing now! For more details, contact Larry Johnson at 841-3389. Hanukah Candle Lighting Ceremony - Saturday, November 3Q 2002 at 7:00 PM at Anchorage Park Activities Building. Highlights of the program include musician, family fun and some traditional potato ~~ti::=. pancakes. For more information please call 624-7004 ' :~~ ~~~~ ~`Q"' 'Free lighting Ceremony -Wednesday, December 11, 2002, 7:00 PM at Anchorage Park Activities ~~~.__- Building. The highlight of the program will be the NPB Elementary School's 4th & 5th grade Choms singing your favorite Holiday songs. This program will be followed with refreshments. Bring the whole family! Other -December Holiday Aotivities : Santa's Calls, Santa's Trolley Rides, Santa's Mailbox, Santa's Visits, and Boat parade (December 7th), etc. Call 841-3389 for more details or watch far your December newsletter for complete information. iJpcoming activities/eveuts - To get the latest information on Recreation happenings, check out the North Palm Beach pages of the online news- paper at www.0ut2.com. You will be able to read it here before you get the newsletter delivered to your home. The activity & events sections are updated daily. While you're [here, check out the other sections of this cool paper. See what's happening in your town! ,: PAGE 3 Village Clerk (Continued from Page 2) ATTENTION VOTERS IN PRECINCT 1168 (VILLAGE HALL) Due to the renovation of the Village Hall, all voters in Precinct 1168 (formerly precinct 49), who used to vote in the Council Chambers at Village Hall will now vote in the Obert Meeting Room of the North Palm Beach Library for the General Elec- tion on November 5, 2002. The Ober[ Meeting Room is th the basement of the Library, accessible from the main door of the Library or from the handicapped-accessible entrance located just to the north of the main door. Precinct 1168 includes all voters who live west of U.S. 1 and south of Lighthouse Drive and east of Prosperity Farms Road. Absentee Ballots: Voters who will be away on Election Day, as well as those who aze unable to go to the polls, may have an absentee ballot mailed to them. Absentee ballots are available only from the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be done by phone, by mail, or by completing the application online (www.pbcelec[ions. orgy. Absentee Ballots must be returned to the Elections ®fkcce in Y+/est Patm Beach by 7:00 p.m. on November 9th. IflAII.IV% 1~EACI3[ ~®NNT~' SNI~ERVIS®%~ Ib1[ain ®ftice 240 So Military Trail West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 696-6200 North County Courthouse Branoh 3188 PGA Boulevard Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 624-6996 V®~uu>m4e¢n• Im¢¢aI¢~l ff®Ir C®afle ]E>mff®rr~euvtetnd B®~irt9 The Village Council is taking applications for a vacancy on the Code Enforcement Board. The term will expire 4/30/2004 and the applicant must be a Village resident. If you are willing to serve in this position, please pick up an application at the Village Clerk's ofI-ice, 501 U.S. Highway One, or call 841-3355 for more information. 11Deadline for applications is Freday, November 29, 2002. T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R N O V EMBER 2 0 0 2 LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 The Library will be closed on Monday, November 11, 2002 DUE TO LIGHTING RENOVATION, THE LIBRARY WILL BE CLryOSJEgD q FR®gg ~~M M®NDAY, N®VE pMp--,,B~pEglLO 18, bq®®qqb qq THR®UGH SATURDAY, DEI.EMBER /, 6®®b i'm'E ARE SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE ]Please check your ][December Newsletter for ]Library operating hours. BOO]{ ]DISCUSSION CR®UP: 'Il'IJ]ESIDAY, N®V1EIbIBIER 19 @ 10:30 AIt'I ST®N1ES FROIbI'I'H1E RIMER by Ursula Hegi Discussion Leader: Marie Dodd, who has been leading the Brandeis book discussion group for over 20 years. The Book Discussion group meets from October through May. Copies of the books to be discussed and the discussion schedule are avail- able in the library. Please call 841-3383 for more information. TREk:SEARCHIERS: TUESIDAY, N®VEft'IB>ER fl9, 2002 @ 7:00 PI$1[ The Library Genealogy group will be welcoming back some of our members who will be returning from up North. Our discus- sion will focus on members' new forms of research and the shar- ing of their resources and results. As always, new members are welcome. Please call 841-3383 for more information. CHILDREN'S LIBRARY: ]DURING THIS TIME, ALL CHILDREN'S I-ROGRAMS ARE CANCELLED. g''Or 7HOre %nfOPrBatdOa On aay Ojthe allOVe ClasSeS Or prOgPa-ies, visit the /North ~alnt Reach pages of www.®ut2.codn, VETERAN'S DAY PAGE 4 PUBLIC SAFETY saa-zszs. 560 U. S. Highway One North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Each yeaz, one in three households are touched by crime. Crime, and the feaz of crime threaten ow community's sense of well being. People are afraid to yse streets and pazks. Sus- picion empts between the community's young and old and businesses gradually feave..Crime, in tutu, feeds on the social isolation it creates. Modem lifestyles, with increasingly laz- ger numbers of families in which both pazents work, contrib- ute to this isolation and lack of community ties. Yau and vow neighbors can help to break this vicious cycle. Neighborhood watch is a self help program It gets members of the community and local law enforcement working to- gether to reduce crime and feaz, and makes vow neighbor- hood safer and more secwe. Neighbors make a community effort to work with the police and protect each other and their property. It all starts with a Neighborhood Watch. It then moves into educational programs about such things as Crime Prevention, Child Protection, Victim's Services and Domestic Violence. We explore the things in the community. that might. contribute to crime and develop long range solutions to these problems. It continues and begins to thrive through the cooperative ef- forts of the community members and the police department with meetings, special events and social gatherings. Before you know it, ow community is a safer, happier place to live and play. The Notch Palm Beach De artment of Public Safe is askin P tY g you and vow neighbors to form Neighborhood Watch groups. If you aze interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch, please stop by the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Building; 560 U. S. Highway 1, between 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday -Friday to receive a free brochwe on "HOW TO START NEIGHBORHOOD _ .... .. .WATCH PROGRAMS° _ . .. _ . or contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. NIGERIAN SCAM ' The Nigerian Scam is anever-growing scheme; these are just a few examples of the different types of Nigerian Scams • An individual or company receives a letter or fax from an alleged "official" representing a foreign government or agency, • An offer is made to transfer millions of dollars in "over invoiced contract" funds into vow personal bank account, • You are encouraged to travel overseas and complete the transaction, • Yow are requested to provide blank company letterhead forms, banking account information, telephone/fax num- bers, • You receive numerous documents with official looking stamps, seals and logo attesting to the authenticity of pro- posal, T H E V I L L w G E N E W S L E T T E R N O V EMBER 2 0 0 2 • You ieceive proposals for real estate ventures, pwchases of etude oil at reduced prices, beneficiary of a will, recipient of an awazd or paper currency conversion. These aze just a few types of Nigerian Scatns. In response to this' growing epidemic, the United States Secret Service established "Operation 4-1-9" designed to tazget Nigerian Advance Fee Fraud on an international basis. The financial Crimes Division of the Secret Service receives approximately 100 telephone calls from victims/potential victims and 300-500 pieces of related correspon- denceper day. If you have been victimized by one of these schemes, please for- ward appropriate written documentation to the United States Se- cret Service, Financial crimes Division, 950 H Street, NW, Wash- ington, D.C. 20223, or telephone (202) 406-5850. If you have received a letter, but have not lost any monies to this scheme, please fax a copy of that letter to (202) 406-5031. A BRIGHT IDEA FOR OUR RESIDENTS The North Palm Beach Police Explorers have a very bright idea - It's a light bulb that can actually help emergency officers find vow home. It is called the Emergency Beacon! Addresses aze sometimes not. clearly marked, mailboxes aze grouped together, houses look alike, it's not always easy to fmd where people live. The flashing Emergency Beacon helps duect Police, Fire, and Rescue personnel right to vow door. Emergency Beacon is an ordinary light bulb that becomes a flash- ing signal for help with the flip of a switch. The Emergency Bea- . con fits in any standazd light bulb socket and can be used as vow orch or azd li ht. P Y g In an emergency, simply flip vow switch twice and the Emer- gency Beacon flashes, pinpointing your location and alerting neighbors that you have an emergency! If you would like an Emergency Beacon, they are available for atax-deductible dona- tion of $10.00, please contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. All proceeds will benefit the North Palm Beach Police Explorer Pro- gram _ .. - - . PLEASE DONATE UNWANTED CELL PHONES The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety, in conjunc- tion with-the-P--aim-Beach-Country-Sheriff's-Office would-like-to inform you that we aze collecting used and new cell phones. The cell phones will be distributed to needy seniors. This will en- able them to summon for help if a regular telephone is inaccessi- ble. If you would like to donate a new or used cell phone with batter- ies and chazger, please drop them off at the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Building, 560 U. S. Highway One, North Palm Beach. If you have any questions please contact Offi- cer Heavey 841-3300. Public Safety Continued Neat Page l r~ 3. i {{I1 t' }~ r cr ~~ ~' ,~ i~ ij t! i' ii P w G E 7 3 THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R NOVEMBER 2 O O 2 Recreation Continued (from page 12) Yoga M 10:00-1 L30 $50/tiwk Ongoing AX Germaine . Yoga ~ ~- W 6:00-7:30 $15/cls register AX Germaine Yoga Sat 9:00-10:30 at class AX Germaine Many classes also will have materials & equipment chazges in addition to registration fees. Workshops/Seminars You must pre-register for all workshops and seminars. Harmony for the MindBody/Soul W 6:30-8:00 11/6$18 AAB Beyond Yo-Yo Diets: Lifetime Healthy Habits W 7:00-8:00 11/6$10 AAB Teachings of the Wheel-Nov. T 7:00-8:30 11/19$10 AAB Holiday Hair W 7:00-9:00 12/4$10 AAB Teachings of the Wheel -Dec. T 7:00-8:30 12/17$10 AAB ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS AFTER SECOND WEEK OF CLASSES!! Requests for refunds should ca11 8 41-3 3 86. Refunds will be prorated jor classes attended. An additional $5.00 processing jee will be deducted and ]0 working days should be allowed for refunds to be processed. - ~ .New Classes: Fit Yoga- Fit Yoga is a new class held a[ AAB on Saturday mornings from 10:30-12:00. This is a multi-level yoga class. It combines the an- dent Hatha Yoga practice with modern fitness movements, incorporating all safety guidelines. It features strength, cardiovascular conditioning and flexibility components using music to enhance the experience. Pilates -Pilates mat is a form of body conditioning. It is a unique system of stretching and strengthening exercises. Pilates strengthens & tones muscle, improves posture, provides flexibility and balance and unites the body and mind. The cast is $10/class - ] x/wWBwk - $64 or 2x/wWBwk - $112. Chair Exercise - This i a w s onderful exercise ro m for seniors who hav p gra a mobility problems that make traditional exercise programs impossi- ble. You will be led through exercise sessions that will involve all your body parts and include stretching, toning, and endurance. This class is on Tuesdays from 12a5 - 1:00 pm, stoning 11/12. The cost is $6/class or $40/8 classes. Angela Pantaleon, certified AFFA personal trainer, certified Pilates instmctor and certified yoga instructor, teaches all these classes. She also teaches these classes at local health clubs and in private studios. For more information, contact the Dept. at 841-3386. .. Accupressure/Still Point Therapy - Imagine being able to stop the pain in your or your spouse's shoulders or neck after a long day at work. Imagine being able to elirttinate the swelling from your child's knee after a slip and fall. Imagine being able to `disappear' a headache in 10 min- utes! These everyday occurences in our lives bring us pain and discomfort that we've always thought we just had to live with. We don't have to live like this! Dr. Sandra Bon[emps, a licensed non-force chiropractor, acupuncturist, and nutritionist will teach you some simple, quick, and easy techniques to immediately relieve tension, stress and even the swelling from simple bumps and braises. Join her for ahands-on workshop where yogwill experience the results immediately! You will learn stress-reducing self-care techniques that can be used on yourself, family and friends. The 4-week workshop will be held on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30, costs $40.00 and dates are Nov 13, 20, Dec. 4, 11. Class size is lim- ited, so register at the AAB early! • ~ Nov. 6: Beyond Yo-yo Dieting: Making Healthy Habits Last A Lifetime -despite the information and tuts-information available on nutrition, the real transition to a healthier lifestyle requires taking a deeper look at the choices we make, why we make them, and slowly but surely adopting healthier habits. If you've straggled with weight loss and are ready to make a change in your life, then this is the class for you! Holiday Hair -You have a million things to do and a party to be at in an hour. Now what? Diane Finch will show you quick and easy makeup and hair styling techniques you can use that will have you ready and out the door within 30 minutes for that party! Don't believe it's possible? Come to the Holiday Hair workshop and see! Cost is $10/person. Recreation Continued (on page 14) PAGE 12 THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R M O V EMBER 2 0 0 2 ]Recreation Continued (from page 11) Seuss on the Loose, 3-5 yrs. M 9:30-11:30 $40 1 vls 4wk AAB Baylis Seuss on the Loose, 3-5 yrs. M 1:00-3:00 $40 1 v1s 4wk AAB Baylis Tap/Jazz/ Ballet classes 2 %: -teens, boys ~c girls -Tuesday Afternoons - Contact Mary Jane Grant at 369-1619 for class times. Adult Classes AM Workout Accupressure/Still Point Therapy Ballroom Dance Ballroom Dance Calligraphy, beg/inter. Chair Exercise Coquettes-Dancercise Country Dance, beg. all ages Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Duplicate Bridge Jazzercise Jazzercise Jazzercise Jazzer-plus Kazate, beg/inter. 6 yr + Kazate, adv. Karate, beg. 6yr+ Kazate, inter/aav. Kayaking -see youth schedule Mah Jongg Mah Jongg, pray Oil Painting One Stroke Painting Pilates, mat FitYoga Shake your SouVDanskinetics Stained Glass, beg. Stained Glass, inter. (Stained Glass -register directly with Thurston Proctor at 848-7720) Tole Painting Writing/Publishing yotu First Novel M,W,F 8:30-9:30 $42/4wk or $5/cls AX W 7:00-8:30 $40 11/13 4wk AAB W 1:30-3:00 $50/IOwk or $5/cls AAB W 7:00-8:30 $50/IOwk or $5/cls AAB T 12:00-1:30 $25 11/12 6wk AAB T 12:15-1:00 $7/cls 11/12 6wk AAB Th 9:30-11:30 $18 to/31 6wk OSB W 7:00-8:30 $4/cls Ongoing OSB Sun 12:30-5:00 $s.tm/day Ongoing AAB M 6:30-10:30 $s.oo/day AAB T 12:00-5:00 $s.oo/day os6 Th 12:00-5:00 $s.oo/day os6 Th 12:30-4:30 $5.00/day AAB F 12:00-4:30 $5.00/day AAB F 7:00-10:30 $5.00/day AAB Sat 12:30-4:30 $5.00/day OSB M,W,F 9:30-10:30 Ongoing OSB M,W 5:45-6:45 register OSB T,Th 6:00-7:00 at class OSB Sat 9:30-11:00 $40/6 cls osB M 7:00-8:00 $50 II/18 6wk OSB M 8:00-9:00 $40 nns 6wk os6 Tlt 6:00-7:00 $40 11/14 6wk AAB Th 7:00-8:30 $40 11/14 6wk AAB T 9:30-11:30 $20 t1/tz AAB F 9:30-11:30 $2/day ongoing AAB W 6:00-9:00 $50 11/13 6wk AA M 6:30-8:30 $55 11/11 swk YA T 11:00-12:00 $10/cls tl/tz 8wk AAB Sat 10:30-12:00 $64 11/9 8wk AAB T 6:00-7:00 $40,$7/cls 8wk AX T 6:00-8:30 $50 It/5 6wk AA Th 6:00-8:30 $50 ll/7 6wk AA W 6:30-8:30 $45 a/13 swk YA M 7:30-840 $120 t1/t8 6wk AAB IRecreaefion Continued (on page fl3) Kelly Bontemps Pace Pace Bernstein Pantaleon Mazzetta Carroll Panzenhagen Barnes Guy Guy Stromberg Guy Panzenhagen Dodd HaIVIange Woschnik Woschnik Woschnik Matthews Matthews Matthews Mathews Goldberg Eilers Ramsdell Pantaleon Pantaleon DuBois Proctor Proctor Ramsdell Macom r d I c r T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R PAGE 5 N O V E M B E R a o o a On behalf of the Volunteer Fire Department and the North Palm Beach Public Safety Department, we would like to thank all of you that attended and supported the Annual Safety Fair on October 5, 2002. We had another successful affair. We want [o thank these businesses and individuals that helped to make it such a success: Comp-Tech Group, Inc., Nationwide Insurance, Publix, Costco, Pepsico, Kauffs Signs, Odyssey Entertainment, Lyon's Towing, Clear Channel 95.5 Radio, Winn Dixie, Mondo's, Deceasars, Roadhouse Grill, Veggie Patch, Duffy's, IHOP, TGI Fridays, Nature's Way, Pizza Palace, Carvel, Wash 8c Wax World, Domino's, Bill & Patti Howard, Sgt. T. Koning, North Palm Beach Police Explorers, Fire Departrnent Volunteers and all the Public Safety Employees that worked and participated. John Armstrong, Jr., ChaitTnan and Nancy Shepherd, Assistant Public Safety Continued on Next Page S/illage Fitness Ruu &c Walk-November 9, 2002 On Saturday, November 9th, Advantage Bank and the Village of North Palm Beach Recreation Department will present the 3rd Annual Village Fit- ness Run & Walk, a SK race and walk which will be followed by the Kid's 1K, a 1K race for elementary school age children. All entry fees from the event will be donated to the North Palm Beach Elementary School PTA. The SK race and walk will start at 7:30 a.m. at Advantage Bank and will be followed by the Kid's 1 K at 8:45 a.m. Entry forms will be available at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg., 603 Anchorage Drive, the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road, Advantage Bank, 741 U S Highway One and Running Sports, 813 Donald Ross Road. For further information contact Larry Johnson at the Village Recreation Department at 841-3389 or Bill Schofield at Advantage Bank 840-7751. >tJFC®I~i[IINcG ]E~']EN'B'~ 118ecrea¢ion November/flDecemher C¢asses -1Begls¢ration ]IDa¢es: November 4 & 5 for North Palm residents and November 6 & 7 for non-residents. (see page 11) e ~rea4 Amerfican 9Ereekend -November 9-11 Events at Country Club (see front page) ~ril¢age 1Fi¢ness ]Run ~c Wa01C -November 9 (see above) Ards ~r Craff¢s ]Fes¢iva0 -November 9 (see page 14) H.nbrary Closdng -Due ¢01[,uglnting iRenova¢uon - (see page 3) e Cod¢ IEnfforceme®¢ Board 9racancy flDead7ine -November 29, 2002 (see page 3) ® hda®u¢1caPo Cand¢e 1Lightung Ceremony - (see page 14 for date, time and location ) FJolnday Boa4 Parade -December 7, 2002 ® Tree ]LegPo¢dng Ceremony - 7:00 PM -December 11, 2002 at Anchorage Park Activities Building (see page 14 ) IID®P~T'~' ]F®I[8~1E7[" lI'® ~®'Il']E ®N 'II'IIJIE~-DA~I, ICY®R'l/1d~~E%8 ~, 2®02 PAGE 6 THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R N p V E M 9 E R 2 0 0 2 Public Safety (Cootinued from page 5) SUPPORT YOUR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND WIN A GIANT 6 FOOT CHRISTMAS STOCHING FILLED WITH TOYS FOR ALL AGES Tickets sell for $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 and may be purchased at The Public Safety Department-Fire Division from 12:00 noon unti14:00 PM daily. The Stocking can be seen at The Public Safety Department at the above times. The drawing will be held on Friday, November 29, 2002. The Stocking will be delivered by Fire Tmck and Santa (if the winner lives in the Village) during his annual ride [hm the Village Any Questions, please contact Nancy Shepherd, Fire Division at 848-2525, extension 1241. REMEMBER TO VOTE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2002 ,. x i~ '"~ r ~~ .. . 'l~ PAGE 1 1 THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R NOVEMBER 2 O O 2 North Palm Beach Recreation Department November/December 2002 Class Schedule 8 41 -3388 y, y, ~l•~ ~l•~ y , y, ~Jl•~ ~l•~ ~Jl•~ ~ll•~ ~Jl•~ Registration for the following classes will be held at the new Anchorage Park Activities Buildine from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm on: Students must be pre- registered with the Recreation Dept. be ore a ttending a class. North Palm Residents: Nov. 4 & S Non-Residents: Nov. 6 & 7 Yeazly Non-resident fee: $15:00/single $25.00/family Building Codes: Anchorage Activities Building AAB 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Exercise AX 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Art AA 603 Anchorage Dr. Youth Art YA 603 Anchorage Dr. Osborne Park OSB 71 S Prosperity Fm Rd. Community Center CC 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. r Youth Classes ABC Kids II, a - 5 yrs Th 9:00-11:00 $35 l1/14 4wk AAB Appleby ABC Klds I, 2.5-3.5 yrs Th 11:00-12:30 $30 11/14 4wk AAB Appleby Art van Gogh, 5-8 yrs F 3:00-4:00 $30 l 1/22 4wk YA S walling Art van Gogh, 9-lz yrs F 4:30-5:30 $30 11/22 4wk YA S walling Fencing,sd8yrs F 4:30-6:00 $25 tt/IS awk oss Fomess Thanksgiving Crafts-~ yrs Sun 1:00-2:30 $12 t tm AA B waning Holiday Craft, 9'yrs -teens Sun 1:00-4:00 $12 tz/I AA Dufault Holiday Craft, 5-6 yrs Sun 1:00-2:30 $12 tz/8 AA B walling Holiday Craft, 7-s yrs Sun 3:00-4:30 $12 12/8 AA B waning Karate, beg/inter.6yr+ M 7:00-8:00 $40 11/18 6wk OSB Matthews Kazate, adv. M 8:00-9:00 $40 11/18 6wk OSB Matthews Kazate, beg. 6yr+ Th 6:00-7:00 $40 una 6wk AAB , Matthews Kazate,inter/adv. Th 7:00-8:30 $40 tln4 6wk AAB Matthews Kayaking Sat 3:00-5:00 $18 tt/9 nnB Kayak Munyon Island, 9 yrs + Sun 9:00-1:00 $2S t t /za Kayaking Sat 3:00-5:00 $18 tvla AAB Mixed Media, zao yts W 3:30-4:45 $40 I t/t 3 swk YA Mutphy Preschool Arts/Crafts, 3-5 yrs ~ - ~ ~ ~ - T ~ r 10:00-11:00-$25 I Inz awk AAB s~iey Cooking Kids, 3-5 yrs T 11:00-12:00 $2S I In2 awk AAB Briley Recreation Continued (on page 12) PAGE 1 O T H E VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R NOVEMBER 2 O O 2 (Country Club Continued from Page 7) DIRECTOR'S CORNER MESSAGE FROM DAVID TALLEY In the very neaz future, the golf course will have new marble tee mazkers, an ice/water machine and an awn- ing outside the pro shop; these items have all been ap- proved by the Village Council. These much needed items will enhance the course and premises. On another note, several residents located on the golf course have complained about stray balls breaking their windows; if your golf ball does damage to another's Cleanup and Disposal of property, courtesy would dictate that you go to the prop- Pesticides and Pesticide Containers erty owner and offer to make necessary repairs and restitution. Never pour pesticide spray material down a drain. As always, I welcome any suggestions about the Club The pesticide could stop the bacterial action in a and its programs; feel free to contact me at 691-3435. septic tank and create additional problems, or it could contaminate a municipal sewage system. PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 645 Prosperity Farms Road Proper disposal of empty pesticide containers is North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 equally important. Paper or cazdboazd containers ected to remove all esti- should be shaken and ins p p ``~ ~ tide materials. If the container has a plastic liner, rinse the container three times. i~. ~' s ~ A~ ` ` Empty liquid containers should also be triple- ~ ` 1 rinsed. Allow the container to drain for 30 sec- - onds. Fill the container one-fourth to one-third full "Safety With Pesticides in the Home Garden" of rinse, secure the cover then shake and pour out the rinse material, again allowing the container to Is a pesticide really needed? drain for 30 seconds. Repeat two more times. All There are many practices which a home gazdener can rinse material should be poured into the spray tank follow to reduce the need for pesticides. Here aze some and then used up, as if it were pesticide. of them; • Locate the gazden on well-drained soil, away from Properly emptied paper, cazdboazd, metal, plastic, shade, where there is good air movement. and glass, containers should be punctured and • Keep gazden and surrounding azea free of weeds and crushed, as appropriate. Plastic containers should old plant material that might hazbor insects and dis- be punctured and crushed, if possible. Glass con- ease. tainers should be heavily wrapped in paper, tied, • Develop a 3-4 yeaz rotation for the garden so that and then broken inside the paper wrapping. Punc- the same azea does not have the same plants yeaz af- taring, crushing, and breaking will prevent others ter year. from using these containers for other purposes. • When available, purchase plant or vegetable vane- Containers can then be safely disposed of in the ties which aze resistant to disease, nematodes, and trash. insects. • Use mechanical means of pest control; that is, culti- vate to control weeds, pick off insects, and destroy diseased plants. ® Use biological controls when available, for example, Bacillus thuringienis for moth and butterfly larvae. ~.. s ,q r, PAGE 7 COUNTRY CLUB 841-3359 (Administration Office (561) 691-3420) The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of our amenities. We are a complete recreational facility offer- ing daily fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size pool or an exquisite dining experience. We also offer both resi- dent and non-resident memberships for all activities at the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to offer! GOLF 691-3433 *Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. ~~ Tovs for Tots Gol[ Tournament Monday, November 11, 2002 8:00 AM & 1:00 PM Shotgun WGA Fall Classic Friday, November 15, 2002 8:30 - 10:30 AM Voices for the Children Charity Golf Tournament Monday, November 25, 2002 12:30 PM Shotgun Beginners Clinics 9:00 - 10:00 AM Saturdays Call the Golf Shop at 691-3433 to sign up Private Lessons Available If you have any problems, concerns, or questions regarding your golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pros John Scott and Greg Weber are available to help you. Lessons are $30.00 per half- hour or $130.00 for a series of five. Gift certificates aze avail- able in the Golf Pro Shop. DRIVING RANGE 626-0732 HOURS OF OPERATION I,I~ Monday 8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. ` Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p. m. Wednesday -Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. _L THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R N O V EMBER 2 0 0 2 POOL 691-3427 NOVEMBER POOL HOURS Monday Closed Tuesday-Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Saturday & Sunday 10:00 AM -6:00 PM WATER AEROBICS Water exercise classes aze open to the public. Classes aze $4.00 per session. Sessions are held on Tuesday thrn Friday 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM. Kathy Andio -Tuesday and Thursday Joanne Bullock -Wednesday and Friday TENNIS 626-6515 Another season has started and it looks to be a very busy one. The numbers for the junior program are growing fast so call us in advance to reserve your spot. The ladies aze all gearing up for an exciting league season, call if you would like to join a morning or evening league. Beginning this month we will be hosting Friday Night Pizza and Round Robins for juniors of all playing levels. We will also be hosting weekend non- sanctioned tournaments once a month for up and coming play- ers. Call the proshop for details. TOYS FOR TOTS TENNIS TOURNAMENT MONDAY, November 11th at 10:30 AM JUNIOR PIZZA ROUND ROBIN FRIDAY, November 15th at 4:00 PM Marcel Agnolin's Junior Tennis Development Program JUNIOR TENNIS X-Treme Tots Ages 3 thru 5 Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 - 4:30 PM X-Treme Kids Ages 5 thru S Tuesday & Thursday 3:15 - 4:00 PM X-Treme Players Ages 9 thru 13 Monday & Wednesday 4:45 - 5:45 PM Tournament Tough Ages 10 and up Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 3:30 - 5:00 PM & 5:30 - 7:00 PM ADULT LEAGUES Men's Singles -Tuesday 6:00 & 7:30 PM Men's Doubles -Thursday 6:00 & 7:30 PM Ladies Singles -Monday 6:00 PM Ladies Doubles -Wednesday 6:00 PM Men's Drill Night -Monday 6:30 PM Ladies Drill -Tuesday 6:00 PM Country Cluti Continued on Page 10 NOVEMBER 2002 North Palm Beach c~ Country Club ~~, CALENDAR OF EVENTS COUNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC a~ K E Y ~~ "` ~-~- = s- ~- .n . A-Administration ~~ ` ~ " -_ --- r ~-_ P-Pool °' ~ -.- ~-- ~~~' R-Restaurant elephone (561)841 3359 T-Tennis Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Highway #1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561)841-3359 Email: club@village-npb.org `~ ~ 1 2 GREAT AMERICAN REMEMBER OUR a R-Breakfast 7 AM-1 I AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM 1`7anctag. nttd 17inttex ~~ r~~~ ~ Lunch 11 AlY1-0 PM Lunch 11 AM-4.PM WEEKEND VETERANS . `~fQ~n.% ~ 9a C Dinner-Fish & Chips Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-l l PM NOVEMBER 9-11 , ~ T-Ladies Drill-9:00 AM VETERANS DAY /r~s ~y~~~~ ~ ~~ T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM Free Junior Evaluation Day- 9:30 AM /YtrcRnPC ~aiee ~KC~ieotxa ' SEE FRONT PAGE FOR SCHEDULE OF EVENTS NOVEMBER I I J ueeday, .Notrem6e-i 26 3 ~ ~ 4 CCAB MEETING Zi30 PM $ R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM 6 R- Breakfast!y17 AM- 11 AM ~ 7 ~ ~ $ ~ 9 GREAT AMERICAN WEEKEND R-Brunch 10 AM-2 PM ~ R- No Breakfast Lunch Mrnu I 1 AM-0 PM Lunchl 11 AM- 4 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM- ] 1 AM R- Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM R- Breakfast) AM-1 ] AM Lunch Menu 11 AM-4 PM Dining Room Closed for EleMion Italian Buffet Dinner& Ent. SPM - 1 ] PM Lunch I 1 AM- 4 PM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM Lunch I t AM-0 PM Lunch (Lounge) 11 AMA PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special G-MGA 7:30 AM G- WGA 8:00 AM, Dinner For Two Special Dinner-Fish & Chips ~ Dinner & Entertainmrnt 5 PM-l l PM - - - - - ~ _ T- X-Treme Players 4:45 - 5:45 PM Oprn Shotgun 12:30 PM ~ 1- ~ Open Shotgun 12:30 PM - ~ T- X-Treme Kids 3: I S - 4:00 PM ~ .~ T-Ladies Dell - 9:00 AM . Dinner 4 PM- 8 PM Toumament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3: t 5 - 4:00 PM T- X-Treme Playas 4:45 - 5:45 PM X-Treme Tots 4:00- 4:30 PM ~ T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM P-Toys for Tots Pool Party Cookout Ladies Singles- 6:00 PM X-Treme Tots 4:00- 4:30 PM Men's Singles- 6:00 & 7:30 PM r Toumament Tough - 3:30 & 5:30 PM Toumament Tough- 3:30& 5:30 PM ~ 6:00 PM-10:00 PM Cduntry & Western Dancing _ Men's Drill Night- 6:30 PM Ladies Doubly s- 6:00 PM Men's Doubles- 6:00 & 7:30 PM ~ ~ ... Bring a Toy 1~ GREAT AMERICAN 12 GREAT AMERICAN WEEKEND 12 R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM 13 R-Breakfast 7r1~- I 1 AM 14 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM 1$ ~ 1-6 WEEKEND R-No Breakfast ~ Lunch Menu 11 AM-4 PM ~ Lunch 11 AM- 4 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM R= Breakfast 7 AM- I 1 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-I 1 AM R- Bmnch 10 AM-2 PM G Leon Smith Memorial Dinner and-Dancing Italian Buffet Dinner& Ent. SPM - 11 PM Lunch I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM Lunch I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch (Lounge) 1.1 AM-4 PM Toys for Tots Golf Tournament G- MGA 7:30 AM ~ G- WGA 8:00 AM ~ Dinner For Two Special Dinner-Fish & Chips ~ Dinher & Entertainment 5 PM-I 1PM 8:00 AM & 1:00 PM Shotgun Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Open Shotgtin 12:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3:15 - 4:00 PM GWGA Fall Classic 8:30AM-10:30AM T-Ladies Drill - 9:00 AM - Local Entertainers Donate Their Talent T- Toys for Tots Tournament 10:30 AM T- X-Treme Kids 3: I S - 4:00 PM ~ 4 T- X-Treme Players 4:45 - 5:45 PM ~ ~ X-Treme Tots 4:00- 4:30 PM ~ ~ T-Friday Night Junior Pius ~ , Buffet Dinner X-Treme Players 4:45 - 5:45 PM PM ~ X-Treme Tots 4:00- 4:30 PM ~ Toumament Tough - 3:30 & 5:30 PM ~ Toumament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 PM Round Robin 4:00 PM , 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM Toumament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 Unwrapped Toy For Admission ~ Ladies Singles= 6:00 PM ~ Men's Singles- 6:00 & 7:30PM ~ Ladies Doubles- 6:00 PM ,) .Men's Doubles- 6:00 & 7:30 PM ~ Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM . .. . 17 18 R- No Breakfast 19 R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM t 20 R-Breakfast 7 ~- I 1 AM 21 22 23 R-Brunch ] 0 AM-2 PM ~ Lunch Menu 11 AM-4 PM Lunch Mrnu I 1 AM-0 PM Lunch 1 I AM- 4 PM ~ R- Breakfast 7 AM- 1 1 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM Jimmy Keys Dinner Show Dinner and Dancing - Italian Buffet Dinney& Ent. SPM - 11 PM Lunch 11 AM- 4 PM - Lunch 1 I AM-4 PM Lunch 1 t AM-4 PM ~ g )- - Lunch un a 11 ANI=4~PIGI G-MGA-7:30.AM ~ WGA 8:00 AM Dinner-For TwaS ecial P Dinner-Fish-&-Chi s P -Dinner&Entertainment3~PI41=1TPIv1- T- X-Treme Players 4:45 - 5:45 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM ^; Open Shotg Ftl, 12:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3:15 - 4:00 PM T-Ladies Drill - 9:00 AM Dinner 4 PM- 8 PM Tournament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3:15 - 4:00 PM ~ It•~ T-X-Treme Players 4:45 - 5:45 PM - X-Treme Tots 4:00-4:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM- Ladies Singles- 6:00 PM X-Treme Tots 4:Oa 4:30 PM ' Toumament Tougti - 3:30 & 5:30 PM Toumament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 PM s Singles- 6:00 & 7:30 PM Men Men's Drill Night- 6:30 PM Ladies Drill- 6:00 PM ~. Ladies Doubles-8:00 PM t Men's Doubles- 6:00 & 7:30 PM 24 25 R- No Breakfast 26 R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM 27 R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM 28 HAPPY THANKSGIVING 29 30 R-Brunch ] 0 AM-2~PM Lunch Menu 11 AM-4 PM Lunch Menu 1 I AM-4 PM Lunch 11 AM- 4 PM R-Thanksgiving Day Buffet R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special Michael Rose Orchestra .r. Italian Buffet Dinner& Ent. SPM - ] 1 PM 11:00 AM ~- 7:00 PM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM Lunch (Lounge) 1 I AM-4 PM G- 8:00 AM OPEN Shotgun G MGA 7:30 AM G- WGA 18:00 AM l ~ Dinner-Fish & Chips Lunch I 1 AM-0 PM '--' "'1'2:30-PM-Voices~for the Children--:Toum.- - Open-Shotgun-12:30 PM--"-~ in 12:30 PM ' Open Shotgt ~~+',f Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM Dinner 4 PM- 8 PM T- X-Treme Players 4:45 - 5:45 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3:15 - 4:00 PM T- X-Treme Players 4:45 - 5:45 PM sr uw • ' ~ T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM T-Ladies Drill - 9:00 AM Toumament Tough- 3:30 & 5:30 PM X-Treme Tots 4:00- 4:30 PM Toumament Tough'- 3:30 & 5:30 PM ~,<~ c ..: - ~` Ladies Singles- 6:00 PM Men's Singles- 6:00 & 7:30 PM Ladies Doubles- 6:00 PM Men's Drill Night-6:30 PM Ladies Drill-6:00 PM