08-2002 NewsletterPesos 12 BULLETIN BOARD AUDITIONS -THE VILLAGE PLAYERS Auditions for "Lend Me a Tenor" by Ken Ludwig will be held Au- gust 18th, at 7:00 PM at the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road, and August 20th at 7:45 PM at Anchorage Pazk 603 Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach. Director Joan Tumer is looking for 4 men and 4 women all ages. For more information call 842-1390. THE VILLAGE PLAYERS PRESENT: "Twas the Night Before Christmas" on August 2nd and August 9th at 8:00 PM; August 3, 4, 10, and 11th at 2:30 PM at North Palm Beach Community Center on 1200 Prosperity Farms Road. Tickets aze $5.00 and children under 3 aze free. For more information call 626-9073. Support your LocaC Businesses VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 T H e VILLA 6 fi NEW 9 L E? T E R wucusr zoo2• •~«w+r**r,t,t,t**r ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ADELPHIA CABLE -RATE CHANGE Effective with customers' August billing statements, the following rate changes will go into effect: Current Rate New Rate Digital Cable Digital Cable $9.95 $11.95 Digital Access' I-Pak $14.95 No Change Digital Access• 2-Pak $21.95 No Change Digital Access' 3-Pak $27.95 No Change Digital Access' 4-Pak $33.95 No Change 'Digital Access does not include Digital Basic channels. Power Link (New Rates include the $5.00 per month modem lease)' 2-Way w/Basic Cable Service $42.95 $44.95 2-Way w/out Basic Cable Service $54.95 $56.95 1-Way w/Basic Cable Service $37.95 $39.95 I-Way w/out Basic Cable Service $49.95 $51.95 Additional Power Link Connection $29.95 $39.95 'Customer owned modem rates are only available with 2-Way service. Adelphia Advantage Packages Advantage $79.95 $82.95 (Digital Cable & Power Link) HBO Advantage $79.95 $82.95 (Digital Access w/HBO The Works & Power Link) Total Advantage $99.95 $102.95 (Digital Basic, Premium Services • & Power Link) *Premium Services Include Digital HBO, Showtime, Cinemax & The Movie Channel. Adelphia customer service representatives will be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to discuss these changes and answer any questions. Call Adelphia at 848-1600. PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMR NO. 18 r I^ r ~~ I <~ ~ The Village ~~~ NEWSLETTER .~111(j.11S7 2~~2 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, SO1 US HWY #1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH Public Meeting VILLAGE COUNCIL Wednesday, August 14, 2002 Edwazd M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor DISCUSSION OF COUNTRY CLUB NAME Donald G. Noel, Vice Mayor Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem CANCELED Chazles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Councilman David B. Norris The Village Council at their July 11, 2002 meeting voted ro accept the recommendation of the , Country Club Advisory Board [o keep the name of the North Palm Beach Country Club, and to can- Village Counci! members maybe cel the Public Hearing that was scheduled for Wednesday, August 14, 2002. conracred through the o,~ce ojthe Vi!- lage Clerk ar 841-3355 or by email at VILLAGE CLERK NEW S npbclerk@evcom.neJ ATTENTION VOTERS IN PRECINCT 49 (VILLAGE HALL) VII,LAGE DEPARTMENTS Due to the renovation of the Village Hall, all voters in Precinct 49 will vote in the Obert Meeting Room of the North Palm Beach Library for the Prirrtary Election on September 10, 2002 and the f h Li Th M i R i i h b Ob asement o e - ert eet ng oom s n t e [ General Election on November 5, 2002. e Village Manager 841-3380 brary, accessible from the main door of the Library or from the handicapped-accessible entrance Village Clerk 841-3355 located just to the north of the main door. Precinct 49 includes all voters who live west of U.S. I Finance 841-3360 and south of Lighthouse Drive and east of Prosperity Fames Road. Public Services 691-3440 Voter Registration Recreation 841-3388 To register to vote, a person must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years old on or before election day, and a Anchorage Park 841-3386 legal resident of Palm Beach County. Your registration is permanent as long as you remain a legal Community Center 841-3389 resident of Palm Beach County. If you are registered to vote in Palm Beach County and have Osborne Pazk 841-3387 moved, you may change your legal residence address within Palm Beach County at any time up to Library 841-3383 and including election day. You must vote in the precinci in which you live. Voter registration Public Safety: books will close on Monday, August 12, 2002 for the primary election, and on Monday, October 7, Non Emergency 848-2525 2002 for the General Election. Emergency 911 Absentee Ballots Country Club 841-3359 Administration 691-3420 Voters who will be away on Election Day, as well as those who are unable to go to the polls, may have an absentee ballot mailed to them. Absentee ballots are available only from the Palm Beach Driving Range 626-0732 County Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be done by phone, by mail, or Golf Shop 691-3433 by completing the application online (www.pbcelections.org). Absentee Ballots must be resumed to Pool 691-3427 the Elections Office in West Palm Beach by 7 p.m. on election day. Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Main Oftice North County Courthouse Branch 240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard ~1ltt~d@ tti~1 ~flY@t West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 656-6100 624-6556 e Clerk/Village Council 1-2 Villa g Library 3 UPCOMING EVENTS PubIICSafety 4-5 • Hot Fun in the Summertime - "Hurricane Eddies Bingo Night" at the Country Club Calendar of Events &I August 2, 2002. (see page 8) • National Night Out -The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety encourages you Country Club 8-9 to get involved in this great celebration of community, crime prevention and strong police/ community partnerships. August 6, 2002 (see pages 4, 5) Public Services 9 . Recreation Fall Class -Registration Dates: September 3 & 4 for North Palm residents Recreation Department 10 and September 5 & 6 for non-residents. (see page 10) Village Manager's Message 11 Bulletin Board 12 Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: villnpb@evcom.net PAGE 2 THE V I L L A G E PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Village Council ........................:........................... ....... 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Code Enforcement Board ...................................... ........... l st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m Construction Board of Adjustment &Appeal ....... ................................................. on call Country Club Advisory Board .............................. .........1st Monday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Library Advisory Board ........................................ ........4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission ........................................... ........ 1 st Tuesday, mondily, 7:00 p.m. Recreation Advisory Board ................................... .......2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment ........................... ......................................... on call Vi NEWSLETTER wUGUST 2002 All meetings (with the exception o/ cctB) are held at the Obert Meeting Room in the NPB Library (1st floor) The Country Club Advisory Baard Meetings are held in the Herb Watl Building Herr to the Library and behind the ~l/age Naa temporary trailers. Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are now available on the Village's web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available in the Clerk's office or at the meeting. COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 20-2002 Amends Section 9-19, Officers' Quomm: Compensation, of Article II, Advisory Board, of Chapter 9, Country Club; to provide that officers of the Country Club Advisory Board shall be elected at the first Board in Ma of each ear. - -I-- - - -- - -_regular_meetingofthe-- - _ - y- ---y- - - --. _ .. - -- --- -- --- ...--- Ordinance 21-2002 Amends the General Fund Budget for FY 01-02 to appropriate funds in the amount of $13,411 for E.M.S. disaster supplies, 75% of wMch will be paid by FL Dept. of Health B.E.M.S. matching grant program. Ordinance 22-2002 Creates a Chapter 25 to the Code of Ordinances to be entitled "Swimming Pools" and sets forth Sections 25-1 through 25-7, for the purpose of setting forth construction, regulation and pemtitting requirements for swimming pools. Ordinance 23-2002 Amends Section 2-173, Applicability, of Article VI, Code Enforcement Board, of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances. S Resolution 34-2002 Authorizes 1st Amendment to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Interlocal Agreement for the purpose of extending the term of the Interlocal Agreement. Resolution 352002 Authorizes a maintenance agreement with Dictaphone Corp. for maintenance of the 911 Logger/Recorder System of the Public Safety Department: Resolution 36-2002 .Supports an amendment to the State Constitution to repeal the provision that requires the development and operation of a statewide high speed rail system. Resolution 37-2002 Adopts Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual for internal auditing control. Resolution 38-2002 Authorizes a financial assistance agreement with Palm Beach County to provide reimbursement funding to the Village noCto exceed $90000 for installation-of-landscaping-and-irrigation-for-beautification-of--the- - Country Club along U.S. Hwy One. Resolution 39-2002 Places in public record and notifies property ownersthat the Village has zoning in progress of a Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning District for real properties within the Village that abut Northlake Boulevazd. Resolution 40-2002 Approves.the Amendment to Plat of Hazbour Isles, which subdivides all of Lot 104 into Lots 103 and 105 of Harbour Isles. Resolution 41-2002 Approves the Release of Utility Easement which release is of a seven (7) foot wide utility easement shown on Lot 104 of the Plat of Harbour Isles. Resolution 42-2002 Amends Section 10.01.01, Accident Prevention and Safety, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. Resolution 43-2002 Amends Section 9.02.03, Holidays, of the Personnel Rules and Regulations. PAGE 1 1 Village Manager's Message 841-3380 Denriis W. Kelly, Village Manager Approximately three years ago the Village celebrated the closing of [he topless bar on Northlake Boulevard known as Crystals. The closing was predicated on [he fact [hat an adult entertainment fa- cility at that location was illegal. Following four years of litiga- tion the Village prevailed and the restaurant was shut down and put out of business. There seemed to be a sense of relief and a collective sigh among the Village residents after it closed. How- ever, the purpose of this Manager's Message is to inform you that we aze not completely out of the woods yet regarding the deterio- ration of businesses on Northlake Boulevard. If you observe care- fully on Northlake Boulevard there are other undesirable busi- nesses that we are unable to control through specific zoning or land use regulation. There curten[ly exists a massage parlor, a tattoo parlor, an adult video store and a sports bar, which will go unnamed, that presents numerous problems to our Public Safely Department. In addition to the businesses just described we are also experiencing a number of vacant buildings. The First Ameri- can Bank building (formally known as Southern Tmss Company), (ironically) Crystals Bar and Restaurant, the Chevron Station on [he corner of Prosperity Farms Road and Northlake Boulevard and the no name bar locatedbe[ween Price Funeral Home and the Sai- gon Sun Restaurant. In addition, unless a buyer is found soon, Caters Furniture will be vacated. Although there are some healthy -businesseson-Northlake-Boulevard-it-is-very-much-a~mixed bag-of successful and seedy businesses coexisting. Although not offi- cially confirmed, there is a strong belief [hat [he cost per square foot for commercial space on Northlake Boulevard has been steadily dropping over the years (depending on the size, age, loca- tion and condition of a given building). In order to reverse the trend toward low and marginal quality land uses on Northlake Boulevard it is imperative that we make a se- ries of deliberate, yet bold, moves to improve our community. The Village Council has been diligently working on creating what is now termed as the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zone in con- cert with the town of Lake Park, [he City of Palm Beach Gardens and Palm Beach County. About four years ago [he three cities and county joined together to form the Northlake Boulevard Task Force. Two of our Council Members have been very actively in- volved as regular members of [he Task Force. The Task Force has retained expert consultants [o develop a Northlake Boulevard plan in which the Northlake Boulevard Overlay Zoning has be- come an instrument to implement that plan. This is the first step that needs to be taken to prepare the Village [o have the regulatory tools it needs to reverse some of [he downward cycles of property In concert with the Overlay Zone the staff has been preparing the Council, through a series of presentations and educational up- dates, on theconcept of creating a re-development district along the Northlake Boulevard Corridor within the Village of North Palm Beach. A redevelopment district is just what it says: a dis- trict or area identified and designated for re-development. The Florida legislature provided the tools for local governments to create re-development districts and implement their success through a very unique funding mechanism. A re-development district must be governed 6y a duly designated body known as a Community Re-development Agency (CRA). A CRA is governed by a Board of Directors or Board of Trustees; in most cases a City Council will designate itself as the CRA Board. The CRA is a statutorily approved method by which municipalities can take areas within their community that need upgrading and apply cer- taintax incentives to reverse the downward economic trend of T x E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R w U6UST 2002 uses in the designated district. One of the keys to a successful CRA is to have a good solid zoning program that encourages improvements and enhancements to the public properties and develop a core business that will energize [he district area. One of the ideas that we have been attempting to keep the citizens of the Village informed about i.s the relocation of the US Olympic Canoe/ Kayak National Headquarters from Lake Placid, New York to North Palm Beach. The relocation application is being sponsored by the Palm Beach County Sports Commission in an effort to lure the Head- quarters to Palm Beach County. At the same time the Sports Commis- sion is looking to the Village because of our easy access to the water- ways and the canals as a prime location for the headquarters. The Vil- lage has informed the Sports Commission that we have a number of vacancies on Northlake Boulevazd that access the Cl7 Canal in which the Headquarters could be located. We are still a long ways from lur- ing the Headquarters [o North Palm Beach but if-they do decide [o come here and they find a location suitable to their interest they could be the impetus for launching a redevelopment district along Northlake Boulevard. A CRA is a method that municipalities can use [o set up the incentives for improving a business district or a neighborhood. The CRA is au- thorized by Florida Statue Chapter 163 and provides municipalities with a financing method known as Tax Increment Financing (TIF). The way a TIF works is once a district has been designated on a map all the properties within [hat district have property values as deter- mined 6y the pTOperty appraiser. The property values are frozen afa given point-in-lime-based-on-how-the Ordinance is writtenereating the CRA. Once the property values are frozen at a given year any in- creases in those property values in following years (usually for the next twenty years) are fumed back into that district for improvements. As the district begins to improve the property. values increase; as the property values increase more money becomes available to put back into the district. [have done two of these programs in my career in other municipalities and have seen dozens of others throughout Palm Beach County and the State. If done properly they work well and do not place a tax burden on the local community other than the new [ax dollars that go back into [he district are tax dollars not used elsewhere throughout the community. This program guarantees a source of new revenues to be used strictly within the CRA designated district bounda- ries. The final element that makes this program work is community support. As [his program unfolds over the next six. months the-Village Coupcil as well as the staff need to know how you as a community feel about such a program. Is it needed? Are you satisfied with the quality of uses on Northlake Boulevard? Do you desire improvements on North- lake Boulevard? Or are you satisfied with the level of service that cur- rently exists? These are the kinds of issues that the citizenry needs to sound decisions based on wmmunity support.' If Northlake Boulevard isimproyed with new types of offices, new types of retail commercial businesses and a business environment is created where the cost per squaze foot increases it reaches the goal or the objective of eliminating undesirable businesses that have a propen- sity oflooking for cheap rentals inside of run down districts. Using the zoning in and of itself can accomplish some of these goals and objec- tives but it may take ten to twenty years for them to kick in or take ef- fect. The use of a CRA in concert with the updated zoning codes ac- celerates that time frame down to three to five yeazs and in fact re- verses [he downward trend to the point the property values start im- proving on their own and start a decided upward trend. Any comments you may have either pro or con regarding [his matter are welcomed and any effort to let your elected officials know how you feel about doing something on Northlake Boulevazd is encour- aged. T H e V I L L A O B NEW 9 L E T T E R Pwria f0 wU6U3T 2002• Fall Class Registration -registration for all Fall classes will be held from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm at the Anchorage Park Activities Building on September 3 & 4 for North Palm residents and September 5 & 6 for non-residents. We aze lining up many new and ex- citing classes and seminars. We attempt to offer something of interest to everyone. Ideas and suggestions are welcome. A hint of new classes coming up aze: Nutrition workshops, Art van Gogh, Art Connoisseurship, Pottery, Decorating, Feng Shui, and much more! Exciting classes, workshops and activity for all ages! A complete class schedule will be in the September newsletter and on the village web site. Soccer Registration - We aze still accepting registrations for the fall soccer league for youth 5-14 years of age. ~ Register at the Anchorage Park Activities Building. Practices begin in August, with league play beginning in Sep- tember. Like working with kids? We're looking for people interested in coaching soccer teams. Contact Bill a[ 841-3389 for info. Ballet/Tap/Jazz -September classes for youth will begin September 3. Classes aze available for beginning, intermediate, and ad- vanced tap/jazz and ballet students between the ages of 3 and 1 S years. All classes aze taught on Tuesday afternoons at Anchorage Park. The cost is $60 for an 8 week session. For more information on the classes, contact Mary Jane Grant at 369-1619. Arts/Crafts Fall Festival -the annual Arts & Crafts Fall Festival will be held at the Community Center on Saturday, November 9. Applications are now available for outside booth space. All items must be created, hand-crafted, or embellished by the exhibitor. Outside spaces aze 10' x ] 0' and cost $30.00. First-time applicants for this show must submit photos of items that will be displayed/ sold. Applications are available at the Anchorage Park Activities Building. Free Wellness Workshop - On Tuesday August 20th at 7:00 p.m the North Palm Beach Recreation Department invites you to join us for a Education Workshop - "I Will Be Well" - at the Anchorage Park Activities Building. The "I Will Be Well" Education Work- shop will address -'What We Can Do About The Major Health Risk We Face Today?' -including Stroke, Arterial /Vascular Dis- ease & Osteoporosis. The workshop will help you determine your health risk for these diseases and discuss health and wellness in- formation. Please ca11 84 1-33 86 to RSVP your seat. Dolphins/Hurricane Bus Trips -Kick off your football fun with a bus trip to see the Miami Dolphins or Mi- ami Hurricanes in action! loin fellow football fans for an invigorating trip down, a motivating pre-game tailgate party, a sensational game and then relive those exciting plays on your return trip! All this for $65/person! Sept. 8 Dolphins vs Detroit Lions Oct. 12 Canes vs Florida State Dec. 7 Canes vs Virginia Tech Dec. 1 S Dolphins vs Oakland Raiders These tickets won't last! Reserve your seat by bringing your check to Anchorage Park Activities Building. For more details, call Larry at 841-3389. Disney MGM -Join the group who will be enjoying Disney MGM on Friday, August 16. The $65 includes your admission ticket, transportation, and a day filled with fun! Kids are back to school, so not it's time for all the rest of us to have some fun! Contact Bill at 841-3389 for details. Snorkeling Trip to John Pennekamp -Join the NPB Rec. Dept. for an exciting underwater adventure! We will be taking a bus to Key Lazgo on Sunday, August 25 for a fun filled day snorkeling at John Pennekamp State Park. The cost is $4S/person and we will take 35 people. Needless to say, you must be able to swim. This is a perfect trip for single people wanting to meet others who enjoy outdoor activities, however all are welcome to join in the fun. You don't need your own snorkeling equipment to participate; it will be available in the Keys! For complete details, contact Bill at 841-3389. A day in the Everglades - We filled this trip in the spring and had a long waiting list! We are doing it again! On Wednesday, Sept. 18 join us for a day in the Everglades. The price of $65 includes lunch at the Oyster House Restaurant in Everglades City, an airboat ride, a pontoon boat ride, a swamp buggy adventure and a finally, a tour of an alligator farm The bus will depart from the Community Center azound 8:00 am and return by 8:00 pm. Call Bill at 841-3389. Mt. Dora Crafts Weekend -Spend Saturday and Sunday, Oct 26 & 27 with the Rec. Dept. in beautiful Mt. Dora. Cost is $185.00/ person-dbl occup. The Mt. Dora Craft Show is well known, drawing crafters from all over the country. You will be able to enjoy the show on Saturday as well as plenty of time on Sunday. One night accommodation at the Lakeside Iw is included as well as eve- ning meals on both days. The group will leave early Sat morning, returning Sunday evening azound 8:00 pm Register at Anchor- age Park Activities Bldg. Biloxi, Mississippi -This November 18-21 excursion will be packed with adventure, challenges and fun! We will stay at beautiful Beau Rivage for 4 days/3 nights, with evening meals included in the price of $369/person (dbl. occup). Group will be flying out of Ft. Lauderdale. Make your reservations now! 841-3389. 'PAOH 8 LIBRARY NEWS 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 841-3383 NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP 2002-2003 WILL BEGIN AGAIN IN OCTOBER The book selections, as well as multiple copies of each book, are riow available in the library. The group will meet every third Tuesday of the month from October through May at 10:30 AM in the Obert Meeting Room Our thanks to Marie Dodd, who will continue to be Discussion Leader The books and dates are as follows: October 1 S: The Robber Bride by Mazgazet Atwood November 19: Stones From the River by Ursula Hegi December 17: Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee January 21: Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner February 18: God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy March 18: Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez April 1 S: Empire Falls by Richazd Russo May 20: Rabbit Redux by John Updike For more information, please ca11 84 1-33 8 3. Congratulations to local author Bruce "Bud" Sholl Mr. Sholl donated his first book, General Chennault's Re- placement Crews: the 373rd Bomb Squadron from China to Okinawa, completed after five years, including time spent in the North Palm Beach Library. We salute his effort and aze glad that the library played an important part in the research of his book. IN THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY ,.~~ O ~O t~~, 0. . O FALL STORY HOURS: Be sure to put us on your calendar! Sign up begins Monday, August 12, 2002 T H H V I L L A O H N E W S L E T T E R wU6U8T 2002 Fall Story Hours: Sign up begins Monday, August 12, 2002 Get set for fun this fall beginning Monday, September 9, 2002 for ages 4 & S at 2:30 pm, Tuesday, September 10, 2002 for ages 6 through 8 at 3:30 pm: these aze drop offprograms. Ages 2 & 3 meet, with parent, beginning Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 10:00 am Great books, stories, flannel board stories, puppets, a movie and a craft are all part of this wonderful afternoon experi- ence. Call or come into the Children's Department to pre-register for these six-week programs. RONALD MCDONALD READING CHALLENGE ,l 1/~ ~y ~./ Join us for the Annual Ronald McDonald Reading Challenge beginning Monday, August 19 for three consecutive weeks. Come into the library to pre-register and receive your reading log. Check out at least 3 books from the library each week (books must be on your reading level). Read and record the books in your log, then bring the reading log into the library to receive a free coupon for McDonald's small french fries the first week, ice cream cone the second week and a Happy Meal for the third week. Check the September Newsletter for information about Ronald McDonald's visit to our library. This event will complete the Reading Challenge Program NIGHTY NIGHT Sign up sheets for September's Nighty Night Story Hour are in the Children's Departrnent beginning Monday, August 19, 2002. ALIENS Sign up sheets for the September Aliens meeting will be in the Children's Library beginning Monday, August 19, 2002. T H E V I L L w a E NEWSLETTER S PwaE 4 wU6U8T 2002 ' ' ~~ AAaE 8 THE V 1 LLAa E A U ti USST 2002 PuBLic saFETY 848-2525 560 U. S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 NEW LAWS The North Palm Beach Departrnent of Public Safety would like our Residents to be aware of new laws pertaining to DUI (Driving Under the Influence) and BUI (Boating Under [he Influence). As of Monday, July 1, 2002 if an individual refuses a breath, blood, or urine test, and their driver's license has been previously suspended as a result of refusing a breath, blood, or urine test, that person has committed a first degree mis- demeanor (punishable by a definite term of imprisonment not to exceed one year and fine not to exceed $1,000.00). A third DUI or BUI committed within aten-year period of the last con- viction is now a third degree felony (punishable by a term of imprison- ment not to exceed 5 five years and a fine not to exceed $5,000.00). Under the new law, a third DUI outside of the ten-yeaz period remains a misdemeanor. However, if a fourth or a subsequent DUI occurs, it becomes a third degree felony, regardless of the period of time. North Palm Beach De- partment of Public Safety wants all of our residents to please drive re- sponsibly and always have a designated driver. For more information, please contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. HELP PREVENT A TRAGEDY North Palm Beach Departmenrof Public Safety wants to encourage safe gun storage in homes to prevent the likelihood of tragic accidents. A locking device, when installed on a firearm and secured by a key or combination lock, prevents the gun from being discharged without first removing the device. Palm Beach County Ordinance Number 200-038 requires a locking de- vice on guns in homes where children might have access to the gun. Failure to comply with the new law could result in a $500 tine! To help gun owners conform to the new county law, the Palm Beach County Board and its Criminal Justice Commission are distributing FREE gunlocks to Palm Beach County residents. If you are interested in a FREE gun lock please call the Criminal Justice Commission at 355-SAFE (7233) or if you have any questions please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300. 211 The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like to in- form al)our residents of 21 ]! 21 I is a 3-digit number which provides 24 hours a day, 365 days a yet suicide intervention hotlines, social service information, Teen and Elder Help lines and a referral to community resources for all Palm Beach County Residents. 21 I Eliminates confusion about who. to call and where to go when you need help. [t provides an easy to remember 3 digit number to call to access information on and/or linkage to more than 5,000 health and hu- man services programs provided by 1700 agencies in Palm Beach County. 211 Eliminates complicated searches through phone books and thou- sands of fruitless phone calls trying to~find the right social service agency to meet the caller's need. 21 I Will provide individuals including those who are elderly, disabled, non-English speaking, incapacitated by crisis, illiterate, new to our community, travelers, etc. easy access to services that can meet their needs. 211 Will help redirect some non-emergency, non police related calls that are related to a caller's need for health and human services, and crisis intervention away from the emergency 911 lines. !t is estimated that 70% of the current calls to 911 are non-emergency related mat- ters and often tie up the lines designated to handle police and fire emergencies. Who can call 21 I? Anyone who has a question. Below are some typical calls to 21 l: • The mother of a 12 year old seeks counseling for her son who is not going to school regularly. • A widow is worried about the electricity shutoff notice she just received. • A young women inquires about [he availability of bus ttansporta- [ion in her town. • A mother needs summer camp and child care referrals for her two sons ages 6 and 8. • A women calls to ask about home care or replacement options for her frail 89 year-old mother who can no longer live alone. • A teenager has problems at home, including a father who drinks, needs someone to talk to. Please feel free to contact Of£cer Heavey at 841-3300, if you have any questions about 2] ]. NORTH PALM BEACH POLICE EXPLORERS Is your son or daughter looking for an excellent and exciting program to join far the school year. The North Palm Beach Police Explorers have been active for more than 20 years, and is designed for young men and women between the ages of 14 and 21, who are interest in Law Enforcement training, Community Service and Recreational pro- grams. The program is designed to broaden their prospective of Law En- forcement as a career. We also want to build better community minded citizens who will be a positive influence in their neighbor- hoods and schools. We work on leadership skills and how to work as a team member with those who are leaders by showing respect, dedi- cation and commitment to the obligation at hand. To become a member, the young men and women must be enrolled in a school (Middle School, High School, College, or Vocational School) and must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. Please contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300 if your child would like to be part of this great program. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT H)EAS Following are some National Night Out Ideas. More information about National Night Out and the event regisration form is on page Dinner, dancing in the stteet, work on block history, BBQ, potluck, prizes, music, kids games, socializing, live music, food and drink, picnic in the stteet,.volleybatl, root beer floats, fire truck, police squad, food shelf collection scavenger hunt, neasure hunt, ice Dream social, be neighborly, face painting, Police K-9 unit, kids entertain- ment, 3 legged race, talent show, cotton candy, com on the cob, appe- tizer potluck crime prevention information, sidewalk art contest, con- versation, multicultural food, join parry with another block club, cof- fee,. lemonade, desserts, bike safety, karaoke, disposable cameras, street carnival, door prizes, dunk tank,-color contest, block club meet- ing update, fighting project participation (put on outdoor lights), sack races, juice, singing, games. (Public Safety Continued on Page $) (Country Club Continued from Page 8) PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR'S CORNER 645 Prosperity Farms Road DAVID TALLEY 691-3420 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Just a reminder that carts MUST remain on cart paths on all paz-3 holes; in the golf surveys done several eo le have mention d ~' { , p p e see- ing carts on par-3 fairways; your cooperation will help keep our i di _ ~`"' ~ ` course n top con tion. m Course spraying schedules will be posted on the bulletin board out- ~ ~ side the golf pro shop, when possible a day in advance; often how- ~ '~.~ ever, due to the weather, such notice cannot be posted until the day of the s ra in Pl k h hi h d ^' l( < le `'~'~ '~ • ' p y g. ease c ec t s sc e ule before la n P, Yt g Pool and Golf members, want to play tennis this summer? For only $100.00, you and your family can play on otu beautiful courts; offer good through Labor Day. Sign up now in the Country HURRICANE SEASON Club Administrative Office. Residents should plan early during or before hurricane season to trim trees and clear outside areas. The Village collects trash, garbage and vegetation and deliv- ers it to Solid Waste Authority disposal sites. The Village PUb~1C P'IeeICInE can oNy collect material if the disposal sites are open. The . Solid Waste Authority may close the disposal sites anytime _ _...-Wednesdav,.AuQUSt.l_4,_ZOOZ-. _ ... _ _ . . after a Hurricane Watch (36-48 hours prior to when hurri- DISCUSSION OF COUNTRY CLUB NAME cane coridirions may occur) is it31bffect. Thi: SolidWaste Au- th i ill or ty w monitor the progress of the storm and tray give CANCELED the Village 6-12 hours notice that the disposal sites will be closed. As such, the Village does not have the opportunity to The Village Council at their July 11, 2002 meeting voted to accept the rec- announce when collection will absolutely stop. ommendation of the Country Club Advisory Board to keep the name of the Pnor to [he closing of the disposal sites, the Village crews North Palm Beach Country Club, and to cancel the Public Hearing that t+'ork very hard to collect trash and vegetation that [night al- was scheduled for Wednesday, August 14, 2002. ready be out on the street. A Hurricane Warning (12-36 hours prior to when hurricane conditions may occur) is not the time to trim trees and cleaz trash out of storage and out- sid Th i e areas. ere s never enough time, equipment or man- power to collect the additional volume of trash and vegetation residents tend to put out with a hurricane bearing down on the VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH area. COUNTRY CLUB Residents should plan early during or before hurricane season SUMMER GOLF SPECIAL to trim trees and clear outside areas. Daring Hurricane Watches, residents should not place any additional trash and vegetation out on the street. Residents will be responsible for securing any trash or vegetation left after the Village sus- - pends-collection-service-The-Public-Services-o;-Public - ~ Safety Department may contact individual residents to prop- erly secure such materials. 1 Thank you in advance for your cooperation this Hurricane _L Season. Through October 31, 2002 for non-member residents and non- ~ residents. Eighteen holes of golf including the cart fee will be - $28.00 which also includes a restaurant credit of $5.00. 0 p p ' Tx E V i LLAGE NEWSLETTER" I THE V i LLAG E nUG USST 2002 PAGE 5 PAGE 8 A U G U S T 2 0 0 2 COUNTRY CLUB 841-3359 (Administration Office (561) 691-3420) The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of our amenities. We also offer both resident and non-resident memberships for all activities at the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to offer! From May 1, 2002 through October 31, 2002 the SUMMER GOLF SPECIAL will be in effect for non-member residents and non-residents. Eighteen holes of golf including the car[ fee will be $28.00 which also includes a restaurant credit of $5.00. GOLF 691-3433 *Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. "" Labor Day Family Golf Tournamen4 Monday, September 2, 2002 Please stop by our golf shop for more details. Beeinners Clinics 9:00 - 10:00 AM Saturdays. Call the Golf shop at 691-3433 to sign up. GOLF LEAGUES Monday-Thursday 4:30 PM If you have any problems, concerns, or questions regarding your golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pros ]ohn Scott and Greg Weber are available to help you. Lessons are $30.00 per half- hour or $130.00 for a series of five. GiR certificates are avail- able in the Golf Pro Shop. DRIVING RANGE 626-0732 HOURS OF OPERATION Monday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p. m. L Wednesday -Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. _L POOL 691-3427 AUGUST POOL HOURS Aug.l st-Aug.lSth Mon.-Thurs. 10:00- 7:00 pm Friday 10:00-10:00 pm Sat &Sun 10:00-6:00 pm Aug.16th- Aug.31 st Mon.-Fri. 10:00-7:00 pm Sat &Sun. 10:00-6:00 pm SWIM MEET The NPB Swim Club will host the Palm Beach County "End of the Summer" Sprint Championships on August 24th. This meet will feature all of the Palm Beach County's top swimmers from ages 5 through 12. WATER AEROBICS Water exercise classes are open to the public. Classes are $4.00 per session. Sessions are held on Tuesday thm Friday 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Kathy Andio- Tuesday and Thursday Joanne Bullock -Wednesday and Friday HOT PUN IN THE SUMMERTIME The next event will be held on Friday, August 2, 2002 "Hurricane Eddie's Bingo Nigh[" 6:30 PM-10:00 PM poolside TENNIS 626-6515 Rain, Rain Go away!!t After school programs will begin on September 2, 2002. Sign up at least one week in advance to ensure a place. Lots of fun adult and junior events this season, so look for the yearly calendar at the pro shop and make plans to attend. Schedules for the junior program will remain un- changed. Brochures are available in the Pro Shop. SUMMER CAMP Session 5 -August 5-August 15th 9:00 AM- Xtreme Kids Camp (Pool day optional) 10:30 AM- X-Treme Players Camp Men's Drill Monday 6:30 PM Ladies Drill Tuesday 6:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Men's & Ladies Sin¢les & Doubles Leaeues Monday -Thursday at 6:30 PM (Country Club continued on page 9) (Public Safety Continued From Page 4) National Night Out is coming to North Palm Beach! August 6, 2002 from 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM. August 6, 2002 Marks the 19`h Annual National Night Out Celebration The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety invites you to be a part of this community-wide event on the evening of Tuesday, August 6, 2002 and invites you and your neighbors to "Give Crime & Drugs a Going Away Party." National Ni ht Out exists to: 1. Promote community involvement in crime and drug prevention activities 2. Strengthen police-community relations 3. Encourage neighborhood participation as part of the fight for safer streets. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety encourages you to get involved in this great celebration of community, crime prevention, and strong police/community partnerships. The most important aspect of National Ni hg t Out is getting neighbors together! Start Plannin;; NOW! Your event doesn't have to be huge or elaborate - it can be as simple as lemonade and conversation in your neighbor's yard. The important thing is to talk to your neighbors and plan to GET TOGETHER AS A NEIGHBORHOOD! REMEMBER: A strong community makes for a safe community. Everything we do to strengthen the ties among neighbors of all ages and backgrounds makes our present and future that much brighter. Celebrating National Night Out with the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety and your neighbors is a positive way to build and nurture our community by starting in your own back (or front) yard. If you would like to have a block party and you need your street blocked off, YOU must get a permit. The permit is FREE but necessary if you want your street barricaded for your event. Please contact Officer Hea- vey at 841-3300. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Event Registration Form (Return this half) Contact Person: Phone #: Address: Start Time: End Time: Location of uarty/event: Number of Households invited: Expected Number of Adults: Expected Number of children: Plans for nartv/event: (please briefly describe) RETURN THIS FORM TO NORTH PALM BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BEFORE AUGUST 5, 2002. 560 US HWY 1, NORTH PALM BEACH OR FAX IT TO 881-4425. PHONE REGIS- TRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT OF- FICER HEAVEY AT 841-3300. ALIGLIST 2002 ' North Palm Beacon Country Club CALENDAR OF EVEN Early Bird Menu Daily Children's Menu available 4 R- Brunch 10 AM-2 PM - - -- ~ ~~ ~ ~-- Lunch (Lounge)1-1-AM-4-PM~ - Dinner 4 PM- 8 PM 11 .~ ;. .. ¢ .. «~ - - = KEY ` •.. ~ 1 ~E --~~--~"' = ~.-_~-~._ A-Administration -~-~ ~ : 4,°'~l!' ~~ fig'- _ o-~~f ; r•: _- --- -_ ._ _ _ - P-Pool ' _ _ ~.,_ .. _ R-Restaurant T S Telephone (561) 841 3359 ~~ T-Tennis COUNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO TH E PUBLIC North Palm Beach Cou ntry Club, 951 U.S. Highway #1, North P alm Beach, Florida 33406 (561) 841-3359 Email: club@village-npb.org .~ ~' 1 1 2 3 3 t j R-Breakfast 7 AM-1 I AM R-Breakfast 7 AM- I I AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-1 I AM s Entertainment and Dancing Lunch I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch i I AM-4 PM ` Two for One Dinner & Ent. 5-I lPM "Hurricane Eddie's Bingo Night" Cookout Dinner & Entertainment 5PM-11.0'M G- Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM and Pool Party 6:30 -10:30 PM "All you can Eat" Roast Night Tuesday thru~-Saturday T-Mixed Drill 6:30 PM y T-Friday Night Mixer630 PM ~' Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM T-Ladies Drill 10:00 AM ~i 5 CCAB MEETING 7:30 PM 6 R- Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM ~ 7 R- Breakfast? AM- 1l AM 8 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM 9 10 R-No Breakfast Lunch Menu 1 I AM-4 PM 'Lunch I1 ~'AM- 4 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM- I1 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM R- Breakfast 7 AM-1 I AM Lunch Mrnu 11 AM-4 PM Dinner- Pot Pie Special Italian Buffet Dinner &~ Ent. 5PM - I I PM Lunch I 1 AM- 4 PM Lunch 1 I AM-4 PM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM .-.-_ -._ Droner-Meat Loaf Special _, _... _-,. . G- MGA.7;30 AM, ___ .-. ,. _ -. -,, _.. - .- --. 8:00 AM-.- _.._ G- WGA _ , _ _ Two for One Dinner&Ent S-1l_PM_ .__, ._Dinner-&Entertainment ~3-PM-d-IPM ~ - -Dinner&-EntertainmentSPM-fl PM F FPL League 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM, FPL League 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM ` G- Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM T- Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM "All you can Eat" Roas[ Nigh[ T- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM T- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM A1S League 4SO~PM T- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM T- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Single League 6:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM X-Treme Players Camp 1090 AM Mized Dell 6:30 PM T- Ladies Drill 10:00 AM Men's Drill 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Ladies Doubles League 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 12 R- No Breakfast 13 R-Breakfast 7 AM- 1 I AM 14 R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM 15 R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM 16 17 p Lunch Menu I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch Menu I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch I 1 AM- 4 PM Lunch I 1 AM- 4 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM- 1 ] AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special Dinner- Pot Pie Special Italian Buffet Dinner &' Ent. SPM - 11 PM Two for One Dinner & Ent 5-1 1 PM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM - Lunch 11 AM-4 PM G- FPL League 4:30 PM G- MGA 7:30 AM, C- WGA 8;00 AM G- Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM Dinner & Entertainment 5PM- 11 PM Dinner & Entertainment 5PM-11 PM T- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM, FPL Lsague 4:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids Mini Cam 9:00 AM Open Shotguri' 12:30~PM A1S League4:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM T- Friday Night Mixer 630 PM "All you can Eat" Roast Nigh[ X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM p - ~ X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM T- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM Ladies Single League 0:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Mixed Drill 6:30 PM T-Ladies Drill 10:00 AM Men's Drill 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Ladies Doubles League 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM R-Brunch 10 AM-2 PM Lunch (Lounge) 11 AM-4 PM Dinner 4 PM- 8 PM 18 R-Brunch 10 AM-2 PM Lunch.(Lounge)_I I_AM-_4-PM 19 R-Innkeepers Golf Tournament 1 PM No Breakfast ~ Lunch Menu l l AM-4 PM Dinner_Meat Loaf.Special 20 R-Breakfast 7 AM- a AM Lunch Menu I1 AM-4 PM Dinner- Pot Pie Special 21 ~i R-Breakfast 7,AM- l l AM Lunch I l AS"Yi-4 PM~ Ialian Buffet Dinner tj Ent. SPM - I I PM a ~22 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM- I1 AM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM 23 R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM Lunch I I AM-4 PM _Dinner_&-Entertainment5_PM_11I?M_ 24 R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM Dinner & Entertainment 5PM-11 PM "Allyouu-can-Eat'-Roast Night- G- FPL League 4:30 PM G- MGA 7:30 AM, 4 30 PM O Sh t 12 30 PM FPL h C- WGA $:00 AM r Sh 12:30 PM O t Two for One Dinner & Ent 5-1 I PM T- Friday Night Mixer 6:30.PM Dinner 4 PM- 8 PM ~ T-Ladies Single League 6:30 PM : pen o gun : , eague gu , pen o + 3 G- Prat[ & Whitney C.cague 4:30 PM T-Ladies Drill 10:00 AM T-Ladies Drill 6:00 PM 4 A15 League 0 PM T-Mixed Drill 6:30 PM Men's Drill 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM , T- Ladies Doubles league 6:30 PM Mrn's Doubles League 6:30 PM ~ P- PBC "End of the Summer" 11+ Sprint Championships 25 26 27 28 ~a 29 30 31 R-Brunch 10 AM-2 PM R- No Breakfast R-Breakfast 7 AM- I I AM R-Breakfast 7 A'M- 1 I AM R- Breakfast ~ AM- 11 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-1 I AM Lunch Menu I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch Menu I I AM-0 PM Lunch 1 I AM- 4 PM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM - Lunch I1 AM-4 PM Lunch (Lounge) 11 AM-4 PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special Dinner- Pot Pie Special Italian Buffet Dinner & Ent. SPM • I I PM Two for One Dinner & En[ 5-I 1 PM Dinner & Entertainment 5PM- 11 PM Dinner & Entertainment 5PM-l l PM G- FPL League 4:30 PM ~ MGA 7:30 AM, FPL Lea O en Shot un 12:30 PM ue 4:30 PM G- WGA 8.:00 AM un 12:30 PM en Shot O G-Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM T-Mixed Drill 6:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM "All you can Eat" Roas[ Night Dinner 4 PM- 8 PM T-Ladies Single League 6:30 PM g p g , ; g p ' T- Ladies Dell 6:00 PM A15 League 4:30 PM s Doubles League 6:30 PM Mrn Men's Drill 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM T- Ladies Doubles.League 6:30 PM T- Ladies Drill 10:00 AM T ~ t