07-2002 NewsletterT H 6 V I L ~ A 0 6 N E W S L E T T E R Julr aooa PA68 fa BULLETIN BOARD HOLIDAY REFUSE SCHEDULE THURSDAY JULY 4, 2002 INDEPENDENCE DAY NO COLLECTION Support your Local Businesses PUBLIC MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2002 AT 7:30 PM AT THE LIBRARY DISCUSSION OF COUNTRY CLUB NAME The Village Council is holding a public meeting to receive input from Village residents regarding a pro- posal from the North Palm Beach Yacht Club to change the Country Club name. The proposal is to rename the North Palm Beach Country Club to the North Palm Beach Yacht and Country Club. Resi- dents are encouraged to attend this meeting to provide input to the discussion about the Country Club name. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB SUMMER GOLF SPECIAL _L ~ _L , Through October 31, 2002 for non-member residents and non-residents. Eighteen holes of golf including the cart fee will be $28.00 which also includes a restaurant credit of $5.00. VILLAGE NEWSLETTER $Ol U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 1 I M ~, o The Village rA~x~ NEWSLETTER `JI'~~l ~®®~ VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, $O1 US HWY #1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ \ Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor Donald G. Noel, Vice Mayor i ` ~ ~_ '' i=~ \\ ` ~ ~_ /'/ l ~~ ~ ~'~__ ;.,, , _~~~~ ~j J ~~``. ~ Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman ~-' -^~~ David B. Norris, Councilman Village Council members may be h the o j.ce ajthe Vil- t t d th j con ac e roug lage Clerk at 841-3355 or by email a! npbc/erk@evcom.net The Village of North Palm Beach - - _ _ VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS presents: ~dQ~ Q~~ ~~0~ Village Manager 841-3380 Q(/~o g "~" [~Q{}C i]~](~o DOO OO ~QQ Village Clerk 841-3355 Finance 841-3360 Sslln¢~anVe ®ff IEYeODQ§: Public Services 691-3440 Add ewa'ta&s 8® ~¢ de¢dd ~& Recreation 841-3388 ~F~ a;®ee¢¢ery Cdecb, x.41 111 L47cvyr l (¢~ss¢~a 6'®6B¢jv&mdd) Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 8:30 AM 19'" Annual Firecracker Volleyball Tournament Osborne Park 841-3387 (Anchorage Park -Coed grass triples ,round robin Library 841-3383 624-4077 for details/registration) Public Safety: 7:00 -noon Firecracker Open Golf Tournament (call 691-3433 for Non Emergency 848-2525 tee times) Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 10:00 AM Stars n Stripes Round Robin Administration 691-3420 1:00-11:00 PM Food available poolside/greenside Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 1:00-6:00 PM Pool Open - $1/person Pool 691-3427 4:00 PM Swimming Pool Games & Activities Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 6:00-7:00 PM NPB Recreation Dept. presents games/contests for entire family (on 10th Fairway) IMfifl@ lhif Iffw@~ 7:00-9:00 PM Live music featuring "Eclipse", playing classic rock, tunes from 50's -today's top hits ~Ilage Council 2 9:00 pm (approximately) 1Foveworits by SparCetaculau'vv, Library 3 Public Safety 3.5 NPs®uuou~g IEYeDIlQS/IIu¢uP®:'tt~un¢ IIunff®o•uuo~>tu®>m • Special Needs Program for hurricanes and other major emergenciesITransportation Calendar of Events 6-7 Assistance Program (See page 5) Country Club g_g • HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME poolside at the Country Club, Friday, July 12th 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM (See page 8) PUb1iC Services 9 • 2002 National Night Out, August 6, 2002 (See page 3). You can request a visit from K9, Recreation Department 10 Police and Fire Personnel Village Manager's Message 11 ' Public Safety Crime Prevention Pool Table Raffle (See page 4) Bulletin Board 1p Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: villnpb~evcom.net Pwa[ 2 TH¢ vi«waa N E W BLETTE R JuLr 2002 PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Village Council .................................................... ....... 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Code EnforcemenfBoazd .:.................................... ........... 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ..... .........:.............................:......... on call Country Club Advisory Board .............................. .........1st Monday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Library Advisory Board ........................................ ........4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Planing Commission ..........................................: ........ 1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Recreation Advisory Board ................................... .......2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment ........................... ........................................: on call All meetings (with the exception ajCCABJ are held at the Obert Meeting Room in the NPB Library (1st Jloor) The Country Club Advisory Board Meetings are held in the Herb Watt Building next to the Library '~ ~ and behind the Valage NaB temporary trailers. Village Concil agendas, and minutes of Village Councitmeetings, are now available on the Village's web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available in the Clerk's office or at the meeting. , COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 12-2002 Adopts by reference, "Florida'Fire Prevention Code" including NFPA 1 F1re Prevention Code (2000 .edition) and NFPA 101 Life. Safety Code (2000 edition). Ordinance 13-2002 Amends Section 108.3; Powers, of the Florida Building Code, as adopted in Section 6-17 of Chapter 6, Buildings and Building Regulations. Ordinance 14-2002 Creates Section 5-25, Fueling of Marne Craft, of Chapter 5, Boats, Docks and Waterways, to prohibit fueling of floating marine craft at other than a marine service station. Ordinance 15-2002 Creates Section 19-t0, Barbecue Grills and Similaz Cooking Devices, of Chapter 19, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, to provide that bazbecue grills and similaz cooking devices shall not be used on any balconies or porches ofmold-family buildings except two family dwellings. They shall be used only outside df and at a minimum of 10 feet distance from the nearest building. Ordinance 16-2002 Ordinance 17-2002 Ordinance 18-2002 Ordinance 19-2002 Resolution 31-2002 Resolutlon 32-2002 Resolution 33-2002 Apexes to the Village a compact contiguous parcel of land located at 2389 and 2421 Monet Road consisting of 2.1 acres of land, more or less. Rezones a parcel of land located at 2389 and 2421 Monet Road consisting of 2.1 acres of land, more or less, from PBC zoning district RS, Residential Single Family, to Village R-2, Multiple-Family Dwelling District. Adopts small-scale amendments designated as 02-2.1 and 02-2.2 to the adopted Comprehensive Plan for the Village; provides for revisions to the Future Land Use Map: Amends Country Club Fund Budget for FY 2001-02 to appropriate funds for landscape project on.U.S. Highway l in front of the.tennis courts; project to be Ended by PBC. Accepts bid of Conco Horticulture, Inc. for landscaping between U.S. Highway 1 and Contry,Club tennis courts. . Authorizes an Interlocal Agreement with the Board of County Commissioners which allows PBC to expend Community Development Block Grant and HOME funds for eligible activities within the municipality during federal fiscal years 2003 - 2005. Supports initiative by Dept. of Elder Affairs to make Florida Elder Ready, whereby elders can be. independent and remain in thew homes as long as possible. i 1 ,~ '~I ~~ i }`~ f Pwoa 11 Village Manager's Message 841-3380 Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager ADELPHIA CABLE Over the past few weeks the news media has been inundated with stories and articles regazding Adel- phia Cable television and their struggle to survive as a corporation. Adelphia is a franchise of the Village and provides the primary TV cable service to our mazket azea. Based on the media reports it appears that the. Rigas ,family borrowed an extraordinarily lazge amount of money from the corporation and in some fashion avoided reporting it as a liability to the operation. Upon revelation of this lack of reporting their stock value has plummeted. Many residents and citizens from the Village have inquired as to what the Village's responsibility would be in the event Adelphia should go bankrupt or completely shut down and go out of business. The Village is at the time of this writing researching its franchise agreement and consulting with our Attorney that specializes .in telecommunication law as to what our rights and capabilities will be as a result of Adelphia either going bartkntpt or being bought out by an- other company. There is a large amount of language in our franchise agreement regarding "assigning" the business to another business or selling the business to another corporation. The Village Council has been very much aware of the happenings at Adel- phia over the past few weeks and have chazged staff with the responsibility of obtaining as much infor- mation aspossible in order to prepare the Council to make whatever contingency decisions may need making down the road. One thing that we aze attempting not to do is panic. We are taking this one step at a time to make sure that service continues without interruption, if possi- ble. Speculation has it that the Federal Communica- lions Commission (FCC) will probably step in to 'avoid any kind of break in service until such time as Adelphia is able to get back on its feet or another company buys them out and continues providing the service. All the Village has right now aze a whole lot of questions and very few answers. Until such time as we see what happens at the Federal or Na= tional level we will be somewhat limited in our course of action. T R¢ V I L L A a¢ N E W S L E T T E R JYL• 2002 We are communicating with other cities that are fran- chisors of Adelphia throughout the state of Florida and we aze staying in close contact through the Flor- ida League of Cities and the National League of Cities with municipalities throughout the country that are also franchisors of Adelphia to determine what courses of action they may be taking regazding the fi- nancial crisis that has beset the company. To keep up.with what is happening with Adelphia be sure to monitor the business section of the local news- paper. There have been approximately one to two az- ticles aweek on Adelphia over the past few weeks. We will make every effort to keep you posted through the Newsletter as to what we as an individual munici- palitycan and will do. JIMMY DUNKLIN RETIREMENT . On .June 26, 2002 Mr. Jimmy Dunklin celebrated his last day of employment with the Village of North Palm Beach. Jimmy announced his retirement and re- tired after working at the Golf Course Maintenance Division of the North Palm Beach Country Club for the past thirty-nine (39) years. For thirty-nine years he has been reporting to work at the golf course every morning at 5:00 AM ready to go to work. The past 14 yeazs he has been serving as the Golf Course Mainte- nance Supervisor working directly under the Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent. Jimmy is highly respected and well regazded by his peers and those of us that have worked with him over the years. His knowledge and skill of golf course maintenance has exceeded many of his supervisors. His loyalty has been impeccable and he has always maintained an ex- traordinarily positive attitude towazd his work and the Village. His leadership and mentoring of the younger employees will be sorely missed. I Jimmy came to work for the Village in 1963 as an eighteen-yeaz old boy straight out of high school and landed a job as a laborer at the golf course and never looked back. As he grew in the job, Jimmy the man, gained a reputation of "breaking-in" an untold number of young, upstart Maintenance Superintendents. He did a great job! Congratulations Jimmy and God's speed on the next adventure in your life ....retirement. L'sAm¢ 9 ® Ycc ¢ V 166Am ¢ Po @wffiLEYYE ~ ' ' J U L Y B O O a i P A 6¢ ~ Y w¢ d ~ L L A 6¢ Po@ w 4 L IE Y Y fe 4@ j .lulu aooa a• .4'QflQ'Q Su¢urtvII Soccer - In conjunction with the National Alliance of Youth Sports, the Recreation Dept. is offer- y ing a SPflrt Smart Soccer program for youth 3-5 years of age. In this program, children and Yheir parents get ready for organized soccer without the threat of competition or Phe fear of getting hurt. Pazents will work one- on-one with their child performing basic motor skill tasks 41taY gradually build confidence while having fun. o These skills will be necessary for the child to play in organized soccer. Class will be held from 6:00-7:00 on Friday evenings a4 the Community Center. The 6 week class cost is $15. Classes begin July 19. Register now at the Anchorage Park Activities Building. ~IouQb Soceer - We aze now accepeing registrations for the Fall Youth Soccer program for ages 5 - 18 yrs. Age group determined by child's age as of 9/1/02. Cost is $35 foe NPB residents and $45 for non-residents. Practices will begin in mid-August, with games starting in Sepeember. Season goes through fast part of November. Games will be played at the Community Center and St. Clazes fields on Saturday mornings. For more information, call Bill Egan after 5:00 pm at 841-3389. Register at the Anchorage Pazk Activities Building between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm Soccer Coaches Flexed] Do you have 2 free hours/week to coach a youth soccer team? We will be needing coaches for the up- coming fall league. All coaches mus4 pass a criminal background check. Practices will be held one nightfweek (a night that fits coach's schedule) and games held on Saturday morning. For more details, call Larry or Bill ae 841-3389. Fail Class Schedule - We aze cutxentiy working on the fall and winter line up of classes, seminazs, and workshops. We are trying to come up with new and interesting programs and activities for all ages. If you or someone you know has a particular area of ex- pertise and would like eo share it with others, please contact the Recreation Dept. at 841-3386. llDoiphins/lE~mrricane ]gas 'ICri~s -Kick off your football fun with a bus grip to see the Miami Dolphins or Miami Hurricanes in action! Join fellow football fans for an invigorating trip down, a motivating pre-game tailgate party, a a sensational game and then relive those exciting plays on your return trip! All this for $65/person! Sept. 8 Dolphins vs Detroit Lions Oct. 12 Canes vs Florida State Dec. 7 Canes vs Virginia Tech Dec. 15 Dolphins vs Oakland Raiders These tickets won't last! Reserve your seat by bringing your check to Anchorage Park Activities Building. For more details, call Larry at 841-3389. Snorkeling Trip 80 Joltn Pe®nekamp -Join the NPB Rec. Dept. for an exciting underwater adventure! We will be taking a bus to Key Largo on Sunday, August 25 for a fun filled day snorkeling at John Pennekamp Staee Pazk. The cost is $45/person and we will take 35 people. Needless to say, you must be able to swim. This is a perfec4 trip for single people wanting to meet others who enjoy outdoor activities, however all aze welcome to join in the fun. You don't need your own snorkeling equipment to participate; it will be available in the Keys! For complete details, contact Bill at 841-3389. Arts & /Crafts Fall Festival - Applications are being accepted for the annual Arts/Crafts Fall Festival that will be held at the Community Center on Nov. 9. All items in the festival must be created, hand crafted, or embellished by the exhibitor. This is not a flea market! First time exhibitors should send a photo sample of their works with Ute application. Applications aze available at j Recreation buildings or at www.village-npb.org. ~ ~`~ ,_„ ! ,._, July 4" -Plan on spending the evening at the NPB Country Club! We have a great band, "Eclipse", lined //. ,; ~ up wha will play from 7:OOPM - 9:00 PM! This band is very versatile. They play classic rock and music 'llh ~~ I' I'~ from the 50's to today's tap hits. Music to suit the tastes of everyone! Don't miss the traditional recreation games and contests that will be held from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Fire- works begin at approximately 9:00 pm Hope to see you there! 1 k i ILIIIS~IRtA~IP31Y IYIE `~J~ a4n-33g3 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 /~~~~ ~C/ ~~~ ~~ The Library will be closed on Thursday, July 4th IIlY'II'IHIIE C)EIIIIIL,IIDI~IEft1'~ 1<.dl~)RAI~~I ~Niyi[ `Ni[IEI~ I'II'®L@IY IEl[®NIRL~: There is still time to enjoy summer story hears. Check your calendar for dates and times. Ages 4 ~c 5 will meet Monday, July 1" at 10:00 am. Their last Summer Story Hour will be Monday, July 8"' at 2 pm. Ages 6 through 8 will have their last Summer Story Hour, Tuesday, July 2°° at 10:00 am; these aze drop off programs. Ages 2 ~ 3 will meet, with pazent, on Wednesday, July 3'a at 10:00 am Thev last Summer Story Hour will be Wednesday, July 10'" at 10 am ~IUIJhII~iIEl[81I~AllDII1~YG l~rl~~®GI~AIYi[ 66TftUt'il1V ~ lC lllV H\ y'1G~ 'II'QJIE~IIDA~I, .UgT1{.Y ~ fl0:00 Mr. Michael Winters, Magician and Entertainer Extmordinaire will entertain children ages 4 through 12. This will be a great way to wrap up our Summer Theme, " Colov 1'aaer 6YorJd C3'e[Da hooks': HARRY POTTER PROGRAM NLY 10 AT 3 PM Help celebrate Hany Potter's 16'" birthday early this year. Harry Potter fans who have read at least two Harry Potter books are welcome to attend this special program of games, word puzzles and surprises. l p~Q~oc~ ~a~r~~ ~~~-~g~~ 560 U. 5. Highway #9 Y~orth Palm Basch, FL 33408 2®®2 FIATII®I~AIL FI][Qa11IIT ®UJT There is still time to make plans for National Nigh[ Out, Tues- day, August 6, 2002 from 5:00 - 9:00 PM. Gather your Neighbors foe an evening of fun and food. Cele- brate with your neighbors and other neighborhoods throughout North Palm Beach and give crime a going away party! To register your party or block party, contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300 before July 26, 2002. You can request a visit from K9, Police and Fire personnel. .~ ]81@][C]EIIT ~>vA F®>~ ®uJi~ ]f~]ES][IIIDIENTS The North Palm Beach Police Explorers have a very bright idea ... It's a light bulb tha4 can actually help emergency offi- cers fmd your home. It is called the Emergency Beacon! Addresses are sometimes not clearly marked, mailboxes aze grouped together, houses look alike, it's not always easy to find where people live. The flashing Emergency Beacon helps direct Police, Fire, and Rescue personnel right to your door. Emergency Beacon is an ordinary light bulb that becomes a flashing signal for help with the flip of a switch. The Emergency Beacon fits in any standard light bulb socket and can be used as your porch or yard light. ' In an emergency, simply flip your switch twice and the Emer- gency Beacon flashes, pinpointing your location and alerting neighbors that. you have an emergency! If you would like an Emergency Beacon, they aze available for atax-deductible dona- tion of $10.00, please contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. All proceeds will benefit the North Pahn Beach Police Explorer Pro- gram N®~TI$ PALM ~~A~H P®Lac~ ~xPL®~E><as Is your son or daughter looking for a excellent program to join for the summer and throughout the school year? The North Palm Beach Police Explorer Program has been active for over 20 yeazs, and is designed for a young men and women between the ages of 14 and 21, who aze interested in Law Enforcement train- ing, community service and recreational programs. The program is designed to broaden their prospective of Law Enforcement as a career. We also want to build better community minded citizens who will be a positive influence in their neighborhoods and schools. We work on leadership skills and how to work as a team member with those who are leaders by showing respect, dedication and commitment to the obligation at hand. To become a member, the young men and women must be en- rolled in a school (Middle, High School, College, Vocation School) and must maintain at least a 2.0 in each class. Please contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300 if your child would like to be part of this great program (Public Safety Continued oo Page 4) __ Tx[ Vrt~wo[ NE WBLETTER ~~ t Pwo[ 4 JULY 2002 ~~ Pwae a Txs VILLAO[ NEWUI E2002 (Public Safety Continued from Page 3) SUMMER TIME TRAVEL With summer here and schools out, the North Palm Beach De- partment of Public Safety would like to wish everyone a safe, relaxing and fun summer. In addition, we know how Floridians love to travel over the summer! Please make every effort to make swe yow home is secure and that you have a trusted neighbor or someone to look after yow home while you aze away. Listed are transportation numbers that may be of some assistance: Amtrack 832-6169 Co-Trap 233-1111 Lantana Airport 965-6400 North County General Aviation 626-9799 Pahn Beach International Airport 471-7400 Port of Palm Beach 842-4201 Tri-Rail 1-800-TRI-RAIL (874-7245) If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH "COMBAT AUTOMOBILE THEFT" C.A.T. The "Combat Auto Theft" program is a vehicle registration pro- gram with the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety in which you receive a yellow decal to affix in the bottom left cor- ner ofthe rear windshield. The "Combat Auta Theft" decal affixed to the window of yow vehicle indicates to Law Enforcement that this vehicle is not nor- mally operated between the hours of 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM. If a Law Enforcement Officer observes a person operating yaw vehicle during those hours, he/she will reasonably suspect that yow vehicle has been stolen. .This suspicion will constitute the cause for the Law Enforcement Officer to stop the vehicle and its occupants. If you would like to participate in this program please contact Officer Sonja Heavey with the North Pakn Beach Department of Public Safety (561) 841-3300 or stop by the Public Safety Build- ing at 560 U.S. Highway One. ORDIlYANCE REMINDER FOR DOG WALKING A reminder to all citizens on Ordinance 4-31 Persons walking does resuonsible for removal of waste and Ordinance 4-32 Per- sons walkine d~s~os~rsv waste removal imulements. Lets be courteous to all of ow neighbors by carrying waste removal con- tainers while walking ow dogs and using them when necessary. This is not only an ordinance it's the right thing to do. The Vil- lage of North Palm Beach thanks you! Bicycle riders in the VWage Always remember to wear yow helmet and look out for pedestri- ans aswell asvehicles. Parents, please remind yow child after dark to watch out for pedestrians-while riding oa the sidewalks. Let's all work together to stay safe. 2002 Law Enforcement Torch Run Special Olympics North Palm Beach Departrnent of Public Safety currently has 2002 Law Enforcement Torch Run Special Olympics, T-Shirt and Tank Tops for sale. All proceeds go to the Special Olym- pics. The costof the shirts IS $12.00 each. Please contact Of- ficer Heavey at 841-3300 if you have any questions or stop by the Public Safety Building (560 U. S. Highway One) Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM to pwchase a shirt. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATED UNWANTED CELL PHONES The North Palm Beach Departrnent of Public Safety would like to thank everyone for their kind generosity. Since the program began a few months ago, almost 4000 cell phones have been given to senior citizens throughout Palm Beach County! We are still collecting cell phones! The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety, in con- junction with the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office collects used and new cell phones to distribute to needy seniors. This will enable them to summons for help if a regular telephone is inaccessible. If you would like to donate a new or used cell phone with bat- teries and charger, please drop them off at the North Palm' Beach Departrnent of Public Safety Building, 560 U. S. High-' way One, North Palm Beach. If you have any questions please i contact Officer Sonja Heavey 841-3300. PUBLIC SAFETY CRIME PREVENTION UNIT POOL TABLE RAFFLE The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Crime Prevention Unit will be raffling off a gorgeous regulation size slate pool table. Each ticket is $10:00 and will be available at the Public Safety Building from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM until July 4, 2002. The drawing for the pool table will be held on July 4, 2002 at the North Palm Beach Country Club. All proceeds will go to the North Palm Beach Crime Prevention Unit to pwchase Children Identification Cazds for Pazents and other items for ow Crime Prevention Unit. If you would like to view a picture of the pool table,.please feel free to stop by the Public Safety Building at 560 U. S. Highway One. In addition to winning the pool table, we will deliver (only in North Palm Beach) it to yow home and set it up . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Officer Heavey at 841-3300. (Country Club Continued from Page 8) PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 645 Prosperity Farms Road MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR'S CORNER North Palm Beach Florida 33408 DAVID TALLEY 691-3420 , ~Ir ~ I am conducting a survey to determine how we can improve the overall golf program at the Club; please pick one up in the Pro Shop and complete; yow comments are needed. ~ ~,, For those residents living on the Golf Course, please be alert to ~' vandalism activity on ow greens and call ow Public Safety Depart- ment if observed at 848-2525; yow alerhtess can help keep ow course in good condition. HOLIDAY REFUSE SCHEDULE "Hot Fun in the Summer', an outrageously fun series of events for families and friends, the next event will be held on Friday, July " THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2002 12th. Come to the "Junkaloo Boogaloo a reggage "Rake and " INDEPENDENCE DAY Scrape night, from 6:30 - 10:00 PM poolside. Food, music and NO COLLECTION games. Pool and Golf members, want to play tennis this summer? For only $100.00, you and yow family can play on ow beautiful FEATURE CODE OF THE MONTH courts; offer good from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Sign up now in the Country Club Administration Oflice. PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION (From Chapter 12.5 of the Village Code) - In all areas of special flood hazazds (Flood Zone A within the PUBLIC MEETING Village), the following standazds are requued: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 2002 AT 7:30 PM AT THE LIBRARY Residential Construction. New construction and substantial DISCUSSION OF COUNTRY CLUB NAME improvement of any residential stmctwe shall have the low- est floor, including basement, elevated to ar above the base The Village Council is holding a public meeting to receive input flood elevation, or eight and five tenths (8.5) feet above the from Village residents regarding a proposal from the North Palm crown of the road serving the structwe, whichever is the Beach Yacht Club to change the Country Club name. The proposal highest elevation. is to rename the North Palm Beach Country Club to the North Palm `Substantial Improvement" means any repau, construction or Beach Yacht and Country Club. Residents are encowaged to at- improvement of a structwe, the cost of which equals or ex- tend this meeting to provide input to the discussion about the ceeds fifty (50) percent of the market value of the stmcture Country Club name. either: (1) Before the improvement or repau is started, or (2) If the stmcture has been damaged and is being restored, VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH before the damage occurred. COUNTRY CLUB For the purpose of this definition, "substantial improvement" SUMMER GOLF SPECIAL is considered to cecw when the first alternation of any wall, - ceiling, floor or other structural part of the building com- mences, whether or not that alternation affects the external dimensions of Ote structure. The tens does not, however, in- ~ clude either: (1) Any project for improvement of a structwe to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary or safety code L specifications which are solely necessary to asswe safe _ living conditions or (2) Any alternation of a structure listed on the national regis- Through October 31, 2002 for non-member residents and non- ter of historic places or a state inventory of historic residents. Eighteen holes of golf including the cart fee will be places. $28.00 which also includes a restaurant credit of $5.00. ` ' ' CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT AT 691-3440 WITH ANY QUESTIONS (Public Safety Coutiuue on Page 5) Pw6[ a COUNTRY CLUB 841-3359 (Administration Office (561) 691-3420) The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of our amenities. We also offer both resident and non-resident memberships for all activities at the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to offer! From May 1, 2002 through October 31, 2002 the SUMMER GOLF SPECIAL will be in effect for non-member residents and non-residents. Eighteen holes of golf including the cart fee will be $28.00 which also includes a restaurant credit of $5.00. GOLF 691-3433 'Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. ' Beginners Clinics 9:00 - 10:00 AM Saturdays. Call the Golf Shop at 691-3433 to sign-up. THURSDAY, JULY 4TH GOLF TOURNAMENT "Beat the Pro" Call Peo Shop for tee time. GOLF LEAGUES Monday -Thursday 4:30 PM If you have any problems, concerns, or questions regarding your golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pros John Scott and Greg Weber are available to help you. Lessons are $30.00 per half hour or $130.00 for a series of five. Gift certificates are avail- able mthe Golf Pro Shop. DRIVING RANGE 626-0732 HOURS OF OPERATION ,~~ Monday 8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. I` Tuesday 9:00 a.m to 8:30 p. m. Wednesday -Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. -~ + T H e V I L L A G[ N E W S L E T T E R J u L r 2 0 0 2 POOL 691-3427 JULY POOL HOURS Monday -Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Weekends 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Friday 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM GROUP SWIM LESSONS The last 2 week sessions will be offered during this month. Session 3 registration begins July 15 at 10:00 AM at the Coun- try Club Pool with lessons beginning July 22. For details, please call the Pool Office at 691-3427. WATER AEROBICS Water exercise classes aze open to the public. Classes are $4.00 per session. Sessions are held on Tuesday through Friday 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM. Kathy Andio -Tuesday and Thursday Joanne Bullock Wednesday and Friday HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME The next event will be held on Friday, July 12th. "Junkaloo Boogaloo, a reggae "Rake and Scrape" 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM poolside. JULY FOURTH EVENT Pool members only 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM Open to the Public 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM -Cost $1.00 Water Games at 4:00 PM TENNIIS 626-6s1s We're having a good start with the summer cam this season. For an extra $50.00 a session we will extend the camp until 12:00 noon. The kids will go to the pool area for supervised swimming. The Ladies Roster party is coming up and we ex- pect agood tumour. SUMMER CAMP Session 3 -July 8th Session 4 -July 22nd 9:00 AM - X-Treme Kids Camp (Pool day optronal) 10:30 AM X-Treme Players Camp Men's Drill Monday 6:30 PM Ladies Drill Tuesday 6:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM Men's & Ladies Sineles & Doubles Leaeues Monday -Thursday at 6:30 PM (Country Club continued on page 9) r~ ~. T r[ V I L L A O[ N F W a L! T T E R Pwae 8 JULY 2002 PALM BEACH COUNTY SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAM FOR HURRICANES AND OTHER MAJOR EMERGENCIES: APPLICANT INFORMATION Palm Beach County has established a Special Needs Program to provide for citizens with certain medical problems during a major emergency. The Special Caze Unit is a facility that has auxiliary electrical power, is wind resistant, not flood prone, and with phy- sicians and nurses on staff. Occupants are provided with non-dietetic food and medical supervision. To be eligible for the Special Needs Program, you must pre-register and meet the following established criteria: • Oxygen-dependent residents requiring electricity. • Insulin-dependent diabetics requiring Insulin refrigeration and supervisory medical caze. • Patients who aze too immobile and/or have chronic stable illness, but are not suitable for a regulaz shelter. The official application form and Statement of Understanding must be completed with your doctor and returned to the Division of Emergency Management The Health Department will determine if you aze eligible for this program If you do not live in an area which must be evacuated prior to a humcane and have certain medical problems, there are alternatives to applying for the Special Needs Program: • Talk to your doctor about your sheltering alternatives to the Special Care Units • Install impact-resistant hurricane shelters • Installing or retro-bracing gazage doors for resistance to higher winds • Reinforcing roof trnsses or roof framing systems • Making arrangements with your oxygen vendor for an adequate supply of portable oxygen cylinders to sustain you in the event you lose electrical service. o Buy a portable electrical generator o Buy insulin that does not require refrigeration (with your doceor's approval) o Designate a safe room such as a bathroom or large interior closet and stock up on supplies (drinking water, non-perishable food, battery-powered radio, etc.) SPACE AT THE SHELTER IS LIMITED PRIORITIZATION IS BASED ON NEED! THERE IS NORMALLY A WAITING LIST: BE SURE TO PRE-REGISTER EARLY All eligible registrants must bring all requved medical supplies and equipment when reporting to the shelter. All eligible regis- trants should be accompanied by a cazegiver, as the volunteer medical staff will be unfamiliaz with your medical condition and treatment. We will try to assist anyone who needs transportation to the best of our ability but the primary responsibility for move- ment to the Special Care Unit is the individual. Following a hurricane, Special Care Unit occupants will not be released until the area from which they came has been determined safe for their return. The American Red Cross, the Palm Beach County Division of Human Services, and the Florida Departrrmnt of Family and Children Services will care fot SCU occupants whose homes have been destroyed or rendered unsafe for occu- panty. If you or a member of your family meets the established criteria for the Special Care Unit, we need to know your circumstances. Any information you provide us will be used only to properly provide for your care during a major emergency and Florida law protects the confidentiality. TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE Also available is a Transportation Assistance Program If Palm Beach County is threatened by a humcane some azeas such as bar- rier islands, property within two blocks of the Atlantic Ocean or Intracoastal Waterway and all mobile home parks may be consid- ered at high risk and ordered evacuated. If you live in an area that is ordered evacuated and you need assistance you need to regis- ter with the Transportation Assistance Program. Anylications for the Special Needs and Transnortation Assistance pro rg ams can be obtained at the Village of North Pahn Beach Public Safety Building or for further information about the Special Needs and Transportation Assistance Progratns go eo the web site htto:!/erww.co.®alrn-beaclu.Il.us/eoc/ or Ca11 5 6 1-7 1 2-6400 and ask to speak to the Special Needs Coordinator. ~i,~~,.. JULY 2002 North Palm Beach Country Club CALENDAR OF EVENTS JNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 1 2 R -Breakfast 7AM - 11 AM Lwch 11 AM - 4PM Dinner -Pot Pie Special G-MGA 7:30 AM, Oprn Sho[gw 12:30 FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Dri116:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM R - No Breakfast - Lunch Menu i 1 AM - 4PM Diver-Meat Loaf Special G - FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM ~X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM 7 14 R-Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM Lunch (Lowge) 1 1 AM - 4PM Dinner 4PM - 8 PM R-Branch 10 AM - 2 PM Lunch (Lowge) 11 AM - 4PM Diver 4PM - 8 PM S CCAB MEETING 8:00 PM R - No Breakfast Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4PM Diver-Meat Loaf Special G - FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Men's Dri116:30 PM 1$ R - No Breakfast Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4PM Diver-Meat Loaf Special G - FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Men's Dri116:30 PM P-Lesson Registration 10:00 AM 9 R -Breakfast 7AM - 1 1 AM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Diver -Pot Pie Special G-MGA 7:30 AM, Oprn Sho[guri 12:30 FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM 16 R -Breakfast 7AM - l l AM bunch 11 AM - 4PM Dinner -Pot Pie Special G -MGA 7:30 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 FPL League 4:30 PM P-Novice Swim Meet 5:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM Xdreme Players Camp 10:30 AM ladics Ihill 6:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM 21 22 R - No Breakfast 23 R -Breakfast 7AM - 11 AM R-Brunch ] 0 AM - 2 PM Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4PM Lunch t 1 AM - 4PM ' ~ - Dinner- Meat Loaf Special ~~ Dinner =Pot Pie Special Lunch (LOwge) 1 lAM - 4PM G -Innkeepers Golf Tourney 1:00 Shotgun G - MGA 7:30 AM FPL League 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 FPL League 4:30 PM Dinner 4PM - 8 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM .Men's Drill 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM 28 R-Bnmch ] 0 AM - 2 PM Lwch (Lowge) 11 AM - 4PM Diver 4PM - 8 PM - - - 29 R - No Breakfast Lwch Menu I 1 AM - 4PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special G -FPL League 4:30 PM -T -~X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00-AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Men's Dri116:30 PM f V R -Breakfast 7AM - 11 AM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Diver -Pot Pie Special G - MGA 7:30 AM Open Shotgw 12:30 PM -FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM - ,w - a w y ~. t1`_~~e1- i K.E Y A-Administration G-Golf ~,;._ ~; .~_~ - -- ~ . - = GM-Golf Maintenance R-Restaurant ' Telephone (561)841 3359 T-Tennis x_ _. Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S: Highway #1, North Palm Beach, Flonda 33408 ..(561)841-3359 w~ 3 R-Breakfast 7i AM - 11 AM Lwch IIAM ~4 PM Italian Buffet Dinner & Ent. SPM - 11PM . G-WGA'~8:00 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 A1S League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Double League 6:30 PM R-BreakfastP7 AM - I lAM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Italian Buffet Dinner & Ent. SPM - l1PM G - WGA~8:00 AM Open Shotgw 12:30 AJS League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Doubte League 6:30 PM 17 R-Breakfast 7AM - 1 lAM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Italian Buffet Dinner~& Ent. SPM - I IPM G - WGA'~8:00 AM Open Shotgw 12:30 AlS League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Double League 6:30 PM 24 R-Breakfast 7AM - 1 l AM Lunch IIAIM-4PM Italian Buffet Dinner'& Ent. iPM - 11PM G - WGP~8:00 AM Open Shol~w 12:30 AJS Leag`lie'4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM ladies Double League 6:30 PM S 31 R-Breakfast 7AM - I 1 AM Lunch IIAM-4PM Italian Buffet Dinner & Ent. SPM - 11PM G - WGA 8:00 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 ^ AJS League 4:30 PM , - - T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Double League 6:30 PM 4 4 HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY $ R -Cookout all day, poolside P -Special Events 10 AM-6 PM T- Stars n Stripes Round Robin LOAM G - "Beat the Pro' Golf Toumamrnt 11 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM Lunch IIAM-4PM Two for One Dinper & Ent. 5-11 PM G -Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Mixed Dri116:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 18 R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM Lunch I 1 AM-4PM Two for One Dinner & Ent. 5 -I l PM G -Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Mixed Dri116:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 2$ COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM Two for One Dinner & Ent. 5-11 PM G -Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Mixed Drill 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM The Country Club Restaurant and Bar . are Open Dai/y R- Breakfast 7AM- 11 AM Lunch IIAM-4PM Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM 12 R- Breakfast 7AM- 1 1 AM Lunch I lAM-4PM Diver & Entertainment 5 PM-I 1 PM "Hot Fw In the Summertime" Cookout and Pool Party 6:30-10:00 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM 19 26 R-Breakfast 7AM- I lAM Lunch I IAM-4PM Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-l l PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM R- Breakfast 7AM- 11 AM Lunch 11 AM= 4PM Diver & Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM 6 13 20 27 Email: club@village-npb.org R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM Lwch 11 AM-4 PM Diver & Entertainment 5 PM-I l PM "All you can Eat" Roast Night T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM Lunch IIAM-4 PM . Diver & Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM "All you can Eat" Roast Night T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM Lunch t 1 AM-4 PM Diver & Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM "All you can Eat" Roast Night T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM. Lwch IIAM-4PM Diver & Entertainment 5 PM-I 1 PM "All you can Eat" Roast Night T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM Cal/ 691-3430 for Information on Upcoming Restaurant Events