06-2002 NewsletterPAGE 12 BULLETIN BOARD Support your Racal Businesses THE V iLLwGE NEWSLETTER -~ JUNE 2 O O 2 THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATED UNWANTED CELL PHONES The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like to thank everyone for their kind generosity. Since the program began a few months ago, almost 4000 cell phones have been given to senior citizens throughout Palm Beach County! We are still collecting cell phones! The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety, in conjunction with the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office collects used and new cell phones to distribute to needy seniors. This will enable them to summons for help if a regulaz telephone is inaccessible. If you would like to donate a new or used cell phone with batteries and charger, please drop them off at the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Building, 560 U. S. Highway One, North Palm Beach. If you have any ques- tionsplease contact Officer Sonja Heavey 841-3300. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB SUMMER GOLF SPECIAL _L _L , Through October 31, 2002 for non-member residents and non-residents. Eighteen holes of golf including the cart fee will be $28.00 which also includes a restaurant credit of $5.00. VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 i 1 The Village b ~ NEWSLETTER Ju.~ 2002 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, 501 US HWY #1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH UPCOMING EVENTS/MEETINGS VILLAGE COUNCIL Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor VILLAGE SURPLUS SALE Donald G. Noel, Vice Mayor Monday, June 3, 2002 Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem ' 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM at Village Hall Meilia, Councilman Charles R. O David B. Norris, Councilman The Village is conducting a sale of surplus equipment including desks, chairs, file Village Council members may be cabinets, lockers, computer equipment, typewriters, telephones, microfilm ma- conmcted through the o;rce of the chine, desktop copy machine and old fire hose. This will be an open sale rather Village Clerk at 841-3355 than an auction. Cash or money order sales only. All items are as is, with no warranty or guarantee of any kind. All sales are final Items aze to be removed at . VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS time of purchase. The sale will be held Monday, June 3, 2002 from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Fire Garage of the Village Hall Building at 501 U.S. Highway 1. village Manager 841-3380 PUBLIC MEETING Village Clerk 841-3355 Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 7:30 PM at the Library Finance 841-3360 Public Services 691-3440 IDiscussion of Country Club Name Recreation 841-3388 The Village Council is holding a public meeting to receive input from Village Anchorage Park 841-3386 residents regarding a proposal from the North Palm Beach Yacht Club to change Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Pazk 841-3387 the Country Club name. The proposal is to rename the North Palm Beach Coun- Library 841-3383 try Club to the North Palm Beach Yacht and Country Club. Residents are en- Public Safety: couraged to attend this meeting to provide input to the discussion about the Coun- Non Emergency 848-2525 try Club name. Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 Other Information/Upcoming Events Administration 691-3420 SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAM FOR HURRICANES Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 AND OTHER MAJOR EMERGENCIES/ Pool 69t-3427 TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (seep. 11) Tennis 626-6515 Palm Beach County has established a Special Needs Program to provide for citizens Restaurant 691-3430 with certain medical problems during a major emergency. There is normally a waiting li b i l Al il bl i T i i st, e sure to pre-reg ster ear y. so ava a s a ransportat on Ass stance Pro- e Inside this itt~e~ gram. For information on registerine for these proptams see page 11 Village Council y Library Summer Hours Begin on June 3, 2002 (see page 3) Library 3, 4 HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME poolside at the North Palm Public SafeTy 4, 5, li. Beach Country Club, Friday, Juue 7, 6:30 PM -10:00 PM - An ouha- geously fun series of events for families and friends. Magic show, food, music, and PubllC Services 5 games (see pages 8 and ] 0 for more information) calendarotEvents ' 6,7 . Sunshine State Games Synchronized Swimming Event at the Country Club 8, 9 NPBCC Pool -June 14,15, & 16, 2002 (see page 8) Village Clerk ' 9 2002 National Night Out, August 6, 2002 (see page 4) Recreation Department 10 Bulletin Board 12 Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: villnpb@evcom.net PAGE 2 THE V I L L A G E PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Village Council ...:.............:................................... .......2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Code Enforcement Board :..................................... ......:....1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m. Constmction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ....... ............:.........;.....................:....on call Country Club Advisory Board ............................... ........ ] st Monday, montlily, 7:30 p.m. Library Advisory Board ........................................ ........4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission ...........................................'. ........ I st Tuesday, mondily, 7:00 p:m. Recreation Advisory~Boazd ...............:.....:...:......... .......2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. .Zoning Boazd of Adjustment ..........:................ .:....................................... on call All meetings (with the esceptian afccAB~ are held at the Obert Meeting Room in the NPB Library (1 st floor) The Country Club Advisory Board Meerings are held in the Herb Watt Building next to the Lrbrary and behind the Village Haa temporary trailers. Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are now available on the Village's web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available in the Clerk's office or at the. meeting. COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 10-2002 Amends sign code to provide that temporary signs advertising temporary uses as carnivals, revivals, sporting events, or any public, charitable, educational or religious event or function must be displayed no more than 30 days prior to the event; provides for display and removal of signs advertising political events or functions and campaign signs. Ordinance 11-2002 Amends General Fund Budget for FY 01-02 to appropriate funds of $11,163 for law enforcement over time pay of which $10,000 will be received from the FL Dept. of Law Enforcement block grant for dmg interdiction. 21-2002 Resolution 22-2002 Resolution 23-2002 Resolution 24-2002 Resolutiou 25-2002 Resolutiou 26-2002 Resolution 27-2002 t Resolutiou 28=2002 Resolutiou 29-2002 Resolution 30-2002 Extends thanks and apprecianon to Anthony Catanese for his service and leadership as President of Florida Atlantic University. Supports the decision of the Boazd of County Comrrussioners of PBC to restore the historic 1916 Palm Beach County Courthouse. Authorizes a Consent to Assignment [o Employers Mutual Inc. of McCreary Corp. administration contract. Authorizes an agreement with Land Research Management to conduct an analysis of the proposed annexation areas of Lost Tree Village, Portage Landing, and Hidden Key. Accepts bid of Kilpatrick Turf for one triplex mower Authorizes application for PBC Emergency Medical Services Grant Award. Approves annual support and license agreement for Munis SGL software. Appoints members to the Village's advisory boards. N E W S L E T T,E R JUNE 2 O O 2 1 Recognizes Annie Dougherty, a teacher at NPB Elementary, who is a finalist in the Special Programs Division of the Economic Council William Dwyer Awazds for Excellence in Education. Authorizes an agreement with Catalfumo Constmction for renovation of Village Hall. hi `J ... N R..~ PAGE 1 1 1 THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2.0 O 2 PdJBLIC SAFETY (continued from page 5) PALM BEACH COUNTY SPECIAL NEEDS PROGRAM FOR HURRICANES AND OTHER MAJOR EMERGENCIES: APPLICANT INFORMATION Palm Beach County has established a Special Needs Program to provide for citizens with certain medical problems during a major emergency. The Special Care Unit is a facility that has auxiliary electrical power, is wind resistant; not flood prone, and with physi- cians and nurses on staff. Occupants are provided with non-dietetic food and medical supervision. To be eligible for the Special Needs Program, you must pre-register and meet the following established criteria: • Oxygen-dependent residents requiring electricity. ` • Insulin-dependent diabetics requiring Insulin refrigeration and supervisory medical caze. • Patients who are too immobile and/or have chronic stable illness, but are not suitable for a regular shelter. The official application form and Statement of Understanding must be completed with your doctor and returned to the Division of Emergency Management The Health Deparhnen[ will determine if you are eligible for this program If you do not live in an area which must be evacuated prior to a hurricane and have certain medical problems, there are alternatives to applying for the Special Needs Program: • Talk to your doctor about your sheltering alternatives to [he Special Care Units • Install impact-resistant hurricane shelters • Installing or retro-bracing gacage doors for resistance to higher winds • Reinforcing roof tmsses or roof framing systems • Making arrangements with your oxygen vendor for an adequate supply of portable oxygen cylinders to sustain you in the event you lose electrical service. • Buy a portable electrical generator • Buy insulin that does not require refrigeration (with your doctor's approval) • Designate a safe room such as a bathroom of large interior closet and stock up on supplies (drinking water, non-perishable food, battery-powered radio, etc.) SPACE AT THE SHELTER IS LIMITED PRIORITIZATION IS BASED ON NEED! THERE IS NORMALLY A WAITING LIST: BE SURE TO PRE-REGISTER EARLY All eligible registrants must bring all required medical supplies and equipment when reporting to the shelter. All eligible registrants should be accompanied by a caregiver, as the volunteer medical staff will be unfamiliar with your medical condition and treatment. We will try to assist anyone who needs transportation to the best of our ability but the primary responsibility for movement to the Special Care Unit is the individual. Following a hurricane, Special Care Unit occupants will not be released until the area from which they came has been determined safe for their return. The American Red Cross, the Palm Beach County Division of Human Services, and the Florida Departrnent of Family and Children Services will care for SCU occupants whose homes have been destroyed of rendered unsafe for occupancy. If you or a member of your family meets the established criteria for the Special Caze Unit, we need to know your circumstances. Any information you provide us will be used only to properly provide for your care during a majoi emergency and Florida law pro- tects the co~dentiality. TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE Also available is a Transportation Assistance Program. If Palm Beach County is threatened by a hurricane some areas such as bar- rier islands, property within two blocks of the Atlantic Ocean or Intracoastal Waterway and all mobile home parks maybe consid- ered at high risk and ordered evacuated. If you live in an azea that is ordered evacuated and you need assistance you need to register with the Transportation Assistance Program Applications for the Special Needs and Transnoration Assistance nro rg a~ can be obtained at the Village of North Palm Beach Public Safety Building or for further information about the Special Needs and Transportafion Assistance Programs go to the web site httu://www.co.nalm-beach.fl.us/eoc/ or Ca11561-712-6400 and ask to speak to the Special Needs Coordinator. T x E V I L L w G E N E W S L E T T E R PAGE 10 JUNE 2002 Youth Group Theater Workshop -Youth in grades K - 12 will have the opportunity to explore the full spectmm of plays, musi- cals, and talent shows. They will experience acting, singing, dancing and set design. Classes will be held on Mondays between 2:00 and 5:00 pm at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. Each class is an hour in length. Choice of classes includes: dance, music, art, drama. The cost is $5/class. Take one class, two or three. This is a drop-in program, which will begin June 3. Youth can take any class they choose. For more details, contact Midge at 694-9354. Sizzlin' Summer Nights - If you missed Midnight Magic with Gary Midnight at the Heritage Festival, you missed a great magic show! As good as David Copperfield! He will be back for the First of the series of Summer Family Nights poolside at the Country Club. The magic show will be from 7:00-8:00 pm. on Tune 8`". Music, dancing, swimming, food and fun will follow. Food and drink available. Kayaking classes - On the second Saturday of each month, kayak classes are offered a[ North Palm Rec. The times vary according to the time of year. All equipment is provided. All you will need is [o preregis[er and show up! Several years ago the NPB Yacht Club purchased 12 kayaks. They allow us to use these kayaks in the classes, thereby keeping the cost of the class at only $18/ person. You will receive land instruction and then will get into the kayaks and out you go to practice your newly acquired skills! See what North Palm looks like from the water! Youth must be 9 years of age to participate in this program Speaking as someone who has tried canoeing several times -and hated each one- this writer found kayaking to be surprisingly easy and a whole lot of fun! Call the Rec. Dept. for more details. Munyon Island Guided ]Kayak Tour -Enjoy Munyon Island and MacArthur State Park from a different perspective - in a kayak! These tours will showcase the 45-acre Munyon Island's colorful history and natural beauty. Palm Beach County has spent $2 mil- lion since 1992 creating wetlands on the island and removing invasive trees in the process of completing the largest restoration pro- ject to date in the Lake Worth Lagoon. MacArthur State Park includes the most productive estuary in the Lake Worth Lagoon. Pad- dle under the 1,600-ft. boazdwalk as you explore this unique ecosystem! The Rec. Dept. offers this trip on the last Sunday/month. Price of $50/adults and $25 youth 9-17 years of age includes professional instmc[ion, guide, kayak, and all equipment. No experi- ence necessary! This group meets at MacArthur State Park. Preregister at the Anchorage Pazk Activities Building. Mah Jongg - Join the group on Friday mornings at Anchorage Activities Bldg. from 9:30-11:30 for games of Mah Jongg. Skill levels range from beginner to intermediate. The cost is $2/person. Horseshoes - How are your horseshoe pitching skills? Think you're pretty good? There are a group of people who meet at the An- chorage Pazk Activities Bldg on Wednesdays from 4:00 pm -5:00 pm for challenging games of horseshoes. You're invited to join in the fun! Shuffleboard -the courts at Anchorage just sit there -crying for someone to come and play! We have the equipment. The game is very easy, yet strategically challenging. If you would like to play, see the Center Staff for equipment. • PAGE 3 LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Flotida 33408 SUMMER HOURS BEGIN JUNE 3, 2002 ~..._.__.-___..11, ADULT LIBRARY Monday & Wednesday loam - Spm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday loam -Spm Saturday loam - 2pm CHILDREN'S LIBRARY Monday & Wednesday loam - 7pm Tuesday, Thursday & Friday loam -Spm Saturday IOam - 2pm BOOK DISCUSSION: TUESDAY, ,pIJI~'E~ 18 @ fl0:30 AM has been postponed THE ROBBER BRIDE BY IJ~ARGARET ATWOOD Discussion Leader: Marie Dodd. Due to scheduling problems, this discussion will take place at another time or place. Please call 841-3383 for more information. TREESEARCHERS: The Library Genealogy Club will not be meeting from June through August. Meetings will begin again in September. This group, which meets monthly to discuss family research, is do- nating Family Tree magazine to the library. READ TOGETHER PALM BEACH COUNTY: The Fahrenheit 451 campaign was a success. Everyone agreed that this initiative succeeded in bringing our community together in thoughtful discussion and in celebrating librazies and reading. HEART OF NORTH PALM BEACH AWARD: The Library is pleased to announce that this year's winner, Betty Murray, is one of our special volunteers. In addition to her library duties, which she has been doing for over 20 years, Betty volunteers at MacArthur Beach State Park, St. Clare's, the County Coop Extension and the Friends of the Library. She's always willing to lend a hand and tmly deserves this award for serving her community. LIBRARY VOLUNTEER: In May, one of the library's long-time volunteers, Chazlotte Pope, announced her resignation. Charlotte worked at the Li- brary Circulation Desk for over 20 years. An excellent reader, she often suggested books for patrons and was unfailingly courteous and competent. Her presence at the front desk, on Tuesday and Friday, will be missed. THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 2 THANK YOU TO THE LOWE FOUNDATION for their recent gift of $10,000 to the Reference Department of the Library. These monies will go toward improving the Library's financial and philanthropic collection. A plaque was placed in the Business Reference Section thanking David & Patti Hauben for their continuing support in making this the best library "under the sun"! NORTH COUNTY ART SOCIETY For several years, the members of the North County Art Society have hung paintings and photographs in the library on a monthly basis. The organization has over 100 members from Jupiter, Te- questa, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Hobe Sound and Smart. They have monthly meetings with guest speakers and demonstrations and have 7-8 locales where their work is presented. They are always looking for new members. Call An- nette at 845-7619. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY All year the Friends have conducted activities to raise funds in support of the library, from bake sales to book sales. As a result, they were proud to present a check for $6500 to Karen White, Reference Librarian , in the absence of Nancy Moore, Library Director. The funds will be used to augment reading materials and other uses as determined by the library. ~~ A[ the March meeting, the officers for the coming year were presented: Penny Haas, President, Gretchen Zale, Vice Presi- dent, Bernice Sidel, Secretary and Margaret Davison, Treasurer. You are invited to join the Friends to help support our library. It is an essential part of our community. Any ideas for fundraising will be appreciated. MEMORIAL DONATIONS have been received in honor of Kathleen McDermott, Virginia Campbell and Mac Saunders. We are grateful to the families who have recognized the Library. Memorial donations are an excellent way of remembering a loved one or celebrating a special event. Please call Nancy Moore at 841-3383 for more information. IN THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY KUDOS AND THANKS ARE IN ORIDER: Miss Mary Ann and her wonderful staff would like to thank the people who had so much fun participating in the preparation of the Heritage Day Parade Float entitled, "Travel the Trail, Read Together". We were delighted to take part in this annual community event and we encourage others to come into the library and look for ideas and inspiration for future floats. Many [hanks to: Pat Atwater, Bea Halpern, Walt Holmes, Charles Mitchell, the Morrell Family, Joan Oskamp, Jake Paluck, Ron White, the Costume Connection, Dade Paper Com- pany, the Sanddollar Quilters and especially, thanks for the sup- port of all our patrons who stood on the sidelines cheering! (Continued on Neat Page) PAGE 4 (LIBRARY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3) The Children's Department gratefully acknowledges the con- tinued support and donations from the Lois Ann Gibson Me- morial Fund. SUMMER STORY HOURS: BEGIN Monday, June 3rd at 10:00 am for ages 4 & 5 and Tues- day, June 41h a[ 10 am for ages 6 through 8; these drop-off pro- grams. Ages 2 & 3 meet with parent beginning Wednesday, June 5th at 10 am. Please call 841-3383 or come into the Children's Library to pre-register. Each program is filled with lots of great books, flannel board stones, puppets, music, a craft and a movie. This is a chance for you to keep cool, get together with friends and start the day on a happy note! • . ~. - _.:. COLOR YOUR WORLD WITH BOOKS is the theme for the', 2002 Summer Reading Program. Pre-registration mns from May 20`h to June 3rd. The children that participate in this program will read at least five books on their reading level per week. They will record the titles of the books in their reading log that is in- cluded in the reading package they will receive when they sign up for this special event. At the end of each week the children will bring their reading logs to the Children's Department and Miss Mary Ann ,Miss Sue or Mrs. Saunders will stamp the log and give each child an added bonus to enjoy. This will continue for six consecutive weeks. The last week, the children will be given a certificate of completion from the State of Florida Li- brary Youth Program. t SPECIAL THURSDAY MORNING PROGRAMS: Children ages 4 through 12 are invited to attend special pro- grams each Thursday at 10 am. The fast of this series will be a KICK-OFF program that. will entertain the children and intro- duce them to the main theme for the summer, Color Your World with Books. The children are sure to enjoy these programs that are specially prepared and designed to bring laughter and excite- ment and a fun way [o end the weekly theme. A copy of the cal- endaz of events will be. included in each child's reading program NIGHTY NIGHT AND ALIEN PROGRAMS will be sus- pended during the summer months. We will resume in Septem- ber. HARRY POTTER PROGRAM JULY 10 AT 3 PMc As all fans know, Harry's 16'h birthday is coming up on July 31". The Children's Department likes to be ahead of everything, so we will celebrate it early this year. Children who have read at .least one Harry Potter book are welcome to attend this program There will be games and prizes. In honor of Harry's birthday, please wear your favorite H.P. costume. Call to pre-register and obtain your secret password. Fire up your Nimbus 2000 and head our way! ~ - ,• , ,. v, ~~wuE NC w5LETTE R ~-' JUNE 2 O O 2 PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 560 U. S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 2002 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT The North Pahn Beach Department of Public Safety would like you to mazk your calendar for August 6, 2002 for the 2002 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT!! This event is the nations larg- est, annual crime and dmg prevention event and North Palm Beach is taking part! The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety is asking ALL residents and business to participate in [his even[ by orga- i nizing block parties, cookouts, and flashlight walks in addition to taming ALL outdoor lights on and leaving them on through-, out [he night! This event is to send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. It is to let ALL CRIMINALS know that we care about our community and that these aie OUR neighborhoods! A strong community makes for a safe community. The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety will visit your neighborhood block party or apartment gathering to dis- cuss crime trends in your area and to answer any questions. We will offer a K-9 Demonstration, Motor Unit, Bike Patrol, Police Units, Fire Trucks and Demonstrations. If you would like to assist us and organize a neighborhood block party or if you would like to join in the celebration of National Night Out, please contact Officer Heavey at 841- 3300. GOPEDS There is a great deal of confusion regazding the legality Gopeds. Gopeds may not be operated on public streets, alleys, sid walks, etc. They may only be operated on private proper where the owner has given permission. The Public Safety Department continues to receive complair regazding gopeds. We ask that parents educate and supervi their youngsters regarding the use of these devices. The police are issuing citations for violations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Offic Heavey at 841-3300. 2002 LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FOR THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS The North Pahn Beach Department of Public Safety panic paled in the 2002 Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Sp cial Olympics. I[ was a 5 mile run, starting at Lantana Beach and ending at the Royal Palm Beach School. All agencies Palm Beach County were represented and the event was great success! (Public Safety Continued on Page 5) PAGE 9 (Country Club Continued from Page 10) MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR'S CORNER DAVID TALLEY 691-3420 Golfets,.want to "Own" a hole on our golf course? Adopt a hole and comrrrit to picking up trash on that given hole each time you play. Complimentary bag tag indicating that hole will be fur- nished. An easy and fun way to keep our course looking attrac- tive and inviting; for more information, call Dave Talley at 691- 3420. Ms. Katherine Sharp is now working in the Country Club Admin- istrative Office. Please stop by and welcome her. TENNIS 626-6515 We have just concluded recmiting, new ladies for our morning leagues and have created three new teams for the next season, a B-3, A-3 and an A-1, as well as Ate, B-1 and B-2. We now have a total of 6 teams for next season. We are one of only 2 clubs that has almost every level of play in' competition. Summer camp is starting and we are excited about the changes we made with the X-Treme Kids camp now starting at 9:00 AM. The X-Treme Players start at 10:30 AM until 2:30 PM with the swim break at 12:15 PM. Camp begins June 10th with 5 two-week sessions THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 2 VILLAGE CLERK NEWS 501 U. S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 841-3355 Annual Board Appointments: The Village Council ap- pointed members to its Advisory Boards at the Regulaz Ses- sion of April 26, 2001. These appointments and term expira- tions aze as follows: Code Enforcement Board Ed Moore Apri130, 2005 Frank Manning Apri130, 2005 Construction Board of Adiustment & Appeals Thomas McCarthy Apri13Q, 2005 Scott Studer Apri13Q, 2004 Harry Ackerman Apri13Q, 2003 John Smarge April 30, 2003 Country Club Advisory Board Bob Below Apri13Q, 2004 Jim Bender Apri130, 2004 Joe O'Hagan April 30, 2004 Jerry Piemran April 30, 2004 Library Advisory Board Tom Farley Apri130, 2004 Erik Hinckley Apri130, 2004 Tillie Gardner Apri13Q, 2004 Marv Annis Apri130, 2003 Enrich Apri13Q 2003 ' Plannine Commission [ullihan Apri130, 2004 m Whiteford Apri130, 2004 t Wroblewski Apri130, 2003 rd Freedman Apri130, 2003 t Rennebaum Apri130, 2003 Recreation Advisory Board frill April 30, 2004 :ell Apri13Q, 2004 Emery Apri130, 2004 ~terson Apri130, 2003 Mays Apri130, 2003 teach Apri130, 2003 Zonine Board of Adiustment e Reeves April 30, 2005 hapin April 3Q, 2003 ;arvajal April 3Q, 2003 PAGE a COUNTRY CLUB 841-3359 (Adtninistration Office (561) 691-3420) The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of our amenities. We also offer both resident and non-resident memberships for all activities at the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to offer! From May 1, 2002 through October 31, 2002 the SUMMER GOLF SPECIAL will be in effect for non-member residents and non-residents. Eighteen holes of golf including the cart fee will be $28.00 which also includes a restaurant credit of $5.00. GOLF 69fl-3433 *Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. ° .F s ',. Junior Camps & Clinics -Starting on June 3. Beeinners Clinics: 9:00 - 10:00 AM Saturdays. Call the Golf Shop at 691-3433 to sign-up. Thursday, July 4th Golf Tournamen4 Call the Pro Shop for details GOLF LEAGUES Monday -Thursday 4:30 PM FPL -Monday ~c Tuesday AJS -Wednesday Pratt &c Whitney -Thursday If you have any problems, concerns, or questions regarding your golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pros John Scott and Greg Weber are available to help you. Lessons are $30.00 per half- hour or $130.00 for a series of five. Gift certificates are avail- able in the Golf Pro Shop. DRIVING RANGE 626-0732 HOURS OF OPERATION Monday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. d Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p. m. Wednesday -Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. _~ a THE VILLA 6 E N E W S L E T T E R JUNE 2 O O 2 CONGRATULATIONS TO NORTH PALM BEACH WGA The eight person team from the North Palm Beach WGA, com- prised of the lowest handicap players, has competed with 7 other clubs since the mid-1980's. This year, they had the best showing since 1994 when they placed 4th. In April 2002, the team placed 2nd, losing to PGA National by only 7 points. Congratulations, Ladies, keep up the good work. ®®~ 691-3427 JUNE POOL HOURS Monday -Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Weekends 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Friday 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM POOL CLOSED JUNE 14-15-16 Group Swim Lessons Three 2 week sessions will be offered during the summer. Ses- sion 1 registration begins June 4th at 10 AM at the Country Club Pool with lessons beginning June 10th. The 2nd & 3rd sessions begin July 1st & July 22nd, with registrations the week prior to their start. For details please call [he Pool Office at 691-3427 SUNSIIINE STATE GAMES The North Palm Beach Country Club will host the Synchro- nized Swimming event for [he 2002 Sunshine State Games on ,Dune fl44h, fl5th, ~c 16th. This will be a great chance to see the best from all over the state. WATER AEROBICS Water exercise classes are open to the public. Classes aze $4.00 per session. Sessions are held on Wednesday and Friday 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM. HOT FUN IN THE SUMMERTIME! An outrageously fun series of events foc families and friends; selected Friday nights from 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM poolside. Food, Music and Games. First event will be held on Friday, June 7th, "Cheeseburger in Paradise Party", for all you Buffet fans! There will be a magi- cian and ice cream for the kids. Upcoming series to be held on Friday, July ] 2th and Friday, August 2nd. Additional informa- tion to follow in upcoming newsletters. PAGE 5 (Public Safety Continued from Page 4) North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety currently has 2002 Law Enforcement Torch Run Special Olympics, T-shirt and Tank Tops for sale. All proceeds go to [he Special Olympics. The cost of the shirts is $12.00 each. Please contact Officer Hea- vey at 841-3300 if you have any questions or stop by the Public Safety Building, 560 U. S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM to purchase a shirt. CONGRATULATIONS PARAMEDIC TEAM DEADER JOE MCD~1fNNIS Paramedic Team Leader Joe McKinniss has been selected as this yeaz's distinguished "Paramedic of the Year" for Palm Beach County. Joe is a triple certified paramedic and the Team Leader of "A" shift. Joe has been with the Public Safety Department since 1988. Candidates for this award were submitted to the EMS Providers Association from all of the EMS Agencies in the county. Nomi- nations were reviewed by the award committee and Joe McKinnis was selected as the "Paramedic of the Yeaz". The North Palm Beach Public Safety Department would like to recognize this fine employee and offer CONGRATULATIONS for a job well done! STREET NUMBERS ON YOUR HOME AND BUSINESS Just a reminder to all Residents and Businesses in the Village of North Palm Beach, it is a Village Ordinance to have your numeri- cal address affixed to your home or business, which is visible and legible from the public sheet. This will help the Village of North Palm Beach better serve you, especially the Department of Public Safety. All the numbers need to be a minimum of three (3) inches in height on residential buildings and a minimum of six (6) inches on commercial buildings. The maximum height of all street numbers shall be eight (8) inches. All the street numbers need to be a sharply contrasting color with the building or home. It is also the duty of the owner of the building/home to maintain the numbers on the building in good condition. This will help us help you. Please make sure your house numbers are visible at night too! If you have any questions, please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300. WHERE WILL YOU BE DURING A HURRICANE? The Red Cross needs people like you to help us host a hurricane shelter in one of your neighborhood schools. Have a hurricane plan for you and your family before hurricane season begins on June 1st. Come join out volunteers and bring a friend. Please Ball today to be trained and ready 561-650-9121 Il-800-Red-Cross (Public Saffety Continued on Page Ill) THE V ILLAfiE NEWSLETTER JUNE 2002 PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 645 Prosperity Farms Road North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 HURRICANE SEASONS STARTS JUNE 1 Residents should plan early during or before hurricane season to trim trees and clear outside areas. The Village collects trash, garbage and vegetation and deliv- ers it to Solid Waste Authority disposal sites. The Village can only collect material if the disposal sites are open. The Solid Waste Authority may close the disposal sites anytime after a Hurricane Watch (36-48 hours prior to when hurri- cane conditions may occur) is in effect. The Solid Waste Au- thority will monitor the progress of the storm and may give the Village 6-12 hours notice that the disposal sites will be closed. As such, the Village does not have the opportunity to announce when collection will absolutely stop. Prior to the closing of the disposal sites, the Village crews work very hard to collect trash and vegetation that might al- ready be out on the street A Hurricane Warning (12-36 hours prior to when hurricane conditions may occur) is not [he time to trim trees and clear trash out of storage and out- side areas. There is never enough time, equipment or man- power to collect [he additional volume of trash and vegetation residents tend to put out with a hurricane bearing down on the area. Residents should plan early during or before hurricane season to trim trees and clear outside areas. During Hurricane Watches, residents should not place any additional trash and vegetation out on the street Residents will be responsible for securing any trash or vegetation left after the Village sus- pends collection service. The Public Services or Public Safety Department may contact individual residents to prop- erly secure such materials. Thank you in advance for your cooperation this Humcane Season. JUNE 2002 North Palm Beach Country Club .. .: ., ., ~~ - ~... • r~ ~ - ~:X" Y _ ~~ ~~ ALENDAR OF EVENTS CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Cal/ 69 1 2 9 d ~R-Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM Lunch (Lounge) 1 lAM - 4PM Dinner 4PM - 8 PM R-Branch ] 0 AM - 2 PM Lunch (Lounge) 11 AM - 4PM Dinner 4PM - 8 PM 16 23 R-Fathers Day Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM Lunch (Lounge) I 1 AM - 4PM Dinner 4PM - 8 PM G -Sunshine Games 8 AM Open Shotgun 1 PM P -Sunshine State Games Pool Closed R-Brunch ] 0 AM - 2 PM Lunch (Lounge) 1 lAM - 4PM Dinner 4PM - 8 PM 31•. R-Branch 10 AM - 2 PM Lunch (Lounge) 11 AM - 4PM Dinner 4PM - 8 PM The Country C/ub Restaurant and Bar are Open Dai/y 3 CCAB MEETING 7:30 PM R - No Breakfast Lunch Menu I 1 AM - 4PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special G - FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Men's Dri116:30 PM 10 R - No Breakfast Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special G - FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Men's Dri116:30 PM 17 R - No Breakfast Lunch Menu 11 AM - 4PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special G -FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Men's DriII ti:30 PM 24 R - No Breakfast Lunch Menu 11AM - 4PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special G -FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM - Ladies Singles League 6:30PM Men's Dri116:30 PM 4 R -Breakfast TAM - 11 AM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Dinner -Pot Pie Special G - MGA 7:30 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM FPL League 4:30 PM T - Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM 11 R -Breakfast TAM - 11 AM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Dinner -Pot Pie Special G - MGA 7:30 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Dri116:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM 18 R -Breakfast TAM - ] 1 AM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Dinner -Pot Pie Special G - MGA'7:30 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM FPL League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Dri116:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM 25 R -Breakfast TAM - 1 I AM Lunch I l AM - 4PM Dinner -Pot Pie Special ~ G - MGA 7:30 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM FPL League 4:30 PM ` - T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp-9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM K E Y A-Administration G-Golf GM-GoljMaintenance ~ ~- . - - _ ~...~ ~~~"z P Pool R-Restaurant Telephone (561)841 3359 T-Tennis .__ . Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Highway #1, Norfh Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561)841-3359 ~ for on J R-Breakfast i7 AM - 1 1 AM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Italian Buffet Dinner Dinner & Ent.iSPM - 11PM G - WGAi 8:00 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 AJS League 4:30 PM T - Ladies Double League 6:30PM 't %. 12 R-Breakfast 7 AM - 11 AM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Italian Buffet Dinner Dinner&Ent~~SPM -11PM G - WGA,8:00 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 A3S League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players',Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Double`League 6:30PM r, 19 R-Breakfast 7~~AM=11AM Lunch 19 AM - 4PM Dinner IIPM G-• 1,AIV1 Open S 0 ~ 12:30 A1S League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players,Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Double League 6:30PM agg 26 R-Breakfast 7rjAM - I lAM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Italian Buffet Dinner Dinner & Ent."ISPM - l IPM G - WGA~ 8:00 AM Open Shotgun 12:30 - ~ ~ ~= AJS League 4:30 PM ~'- - T = X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Ladies Double; League 6:30PM f r 6 R-Breakfast TAM-11AM Lunch 11AM-4 PM Two for One Dinner & Ent. 5 -11 PM G -Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM T -Mixed Dri116:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 13 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM Lunch IIAM-4PM Two for One Dinner & Ent. 5 -l l PM G -Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM Sunshine Games 8:00 AM Open Shotgun 1:00 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Mixed Dri116:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 20 R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM ' Lunch 11AM~PM Two for One Dinner & Ent. 5-11 ~PM G -Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Mixed Drill 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 27 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM R-Breakfast TAM-IIAM Lunch I lAM-4 PM Two for One Dinner & Ent. 5 -11 PM G -Pratt & Whitney League 4:30 PM - T--- X-Treme Kids Mini Camp 9:00 AM- X-Treme Players Camp 10:30 AM Mixed Dri116:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 7 R- Breakfast 7 AM- l1AM Lunch 11AM-4PM Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-1 I PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM 14 FLAG DAY R-Breakfast 7 AM- I IAM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM G -Sunshine Games 8:00 AM Open Shotgun 1:00 PM P -Sunshine State Games Pool Closed T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM 21 R-Breakfast 7 AM- I 1 AM Lunch 11 AM- 4PM Dinner & Entertainment - 5 PM-11 PM T- Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM 28 R- Breakfast 7 AM- 11 AM Lunch IIAM-4PM Dinner& Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM - T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM 8 Email: club(o~village-npb.org R-Breakfast TAM-IIAM Lunch IIAM-4PM Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-11 PM Prime Rib T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM R-Breakfast TAM-11AM Lunch l1AM~ PM Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-I l PM Prime Rib T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM 15 R-Breakfast 7 AM-1lAM Lunch IIAM-4PM Dinner & ~ Ent. 5 PM-I l PM + Prime Rib G -Sunshine Games 8:00 AM Open Shotgun 1:00 PM P -Sunshine Slate Games Pool Closed T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM 22 29 R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM Lunch IIAM-0PM Dinner & Entertaimrrent 5 PM-11 PM Prime Rib T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-tIAM Lunch IIAM-4PM Dinner & Entertavttnent 5 PM-11 PM Prime Rib T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM