04-2002 NewsletterPAGE le BULLETIN BOARD AFTERNOON GOLF SPECIALS AFTER 2:00 PM DAILY Ezpires Apri130, 2002 Cart Fees: Members 9holes $5.50 18 holes $9.00 Greens and Cart Fees: Residents 9holes $]5.00 18 holes $24.00 Greens and Cart Fees: Non-Residents 9holes $24.00 18 holes $39.00 B N E W S L E T T E R APRIL 2 O O 2 UPCOMING VILLAGE EVENTS: • Fahrenheit 451 Book Discussion -Thursday, April 11, 10:30 am at dte Library (see page 3) • Village Board Application Deadline -Friday, April 12 (see page 2) • Village-Wide Garage Sale -Saturday, Apri127 from 8:00 am -1:00 pm a[ the Community Center (see page 12) • Public Safety -FREE VIN ETCHING -Saturday, April 27, 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon a[ the Community Center (see page 4) • Summer Camp Registration - (see page 12 for full registration information) Read Together Palm Beach County One Book, One Community March 15 - Apri129 Read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 THE V I L L A G E **'******°'**** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FI, 33408 Book Discussion on Fahrenheit 451 Thursday, April 11, 10:30 am at the Library Call the Village Library at 841-3383 for more information PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 i .I >~~ n The Village .~PR.IL ""'""°~~ NEWSLETTER 2002 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, $O1 US HWY #1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 3340$ NORTH PALM BEACH ~ris~r~ht~~r~~7~~rti~r~~r~~~rt~~rt~~r~~`r~`r~~~~~r~~r VILLAGE COUNCIL ~ Come One, Come All::: ~ Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Mayor Donald G. Noel, Vice Mayor ~ Heritage ~ Joseph A. Tringali, President Pro Tem ~ ~ `~ fj 1 ~ ~ Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman p~~, ,/h~Q^ David B. Norris, Councilman Village Council members maybe ~ Day ~ contacted through the o;~ce ojihe ~ ~ Village Clerk at 841-3355 ~ parade and Festival ~ VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS ~ Satllrday, April 13th, 2002 ~ ~ P d b 2.00 ~ Village Manager 841-3380 Village Clerk 841-3355 Finance 841-3360 Public Services 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Pazk 841-3387 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Non Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 Administration 691-3420 Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 Inside Moil illooeo Village Council/Village Cledt Library Public Safety Solid Waste Collection Policy Calendar of Events Country Club Village Manager's Message Recreation/Heritage Day Bulletin Board 2 3 4 5-7 8,9 10 li 12-14 15-16 ara a eglnsat p.m. ~ Village Hall US Highway 1 ~ ~ Festival 3:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. ~ ~ NPB Country Club ~ ~ Poolside Festivities 7:00 p.m. -11:00 p.m. ~ ~r 75th Anniversary Golf Tournament 9:00 a.m. ~r ~ See Dapes 13 -14 for a complete Schedule ofEvents ~ ~ PLEASE NOTE: US HIGHWAY #1 CLOSING ~ ~ On Saturday, April 13th , US Hiehwav #1 will be closed from Golfview Rd. to ~ '~ Northlake Blvd. both North and South from 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for the Parade. ~ ~ ~} ~7~Y~Y~~7t7~7~7fir~r~r~7~7~r~7$7~7~'r~7~Y~'Y~S~~~7~7~zt`r~7~rv? ~ UPCOMING VILLAGE EVENTS -SEE PAGE 16 ~ Village Hall Staff and Meeting Locations Are Moving!!! Village Hall Renovation: Office Relocation and CounciVBoard Meeting Relocation The Village Hall renovation will commence soon. The interior of [he present Village Hall will be rebuilt with new offices and new Council Chambers. Office and meeting loca- tions will change during the renovation. The renovation should be completed in nine months (or earlier). Please Note the Following Relocations During the Renovation: • Council and Board Meetings -Village Council meetings and Board meetings will be held in the Obert Meeting of the Library (which is located behind Village Hall) starting during the second week of April. • Administrative Offices -The Administrative Offices in Village Hall (Village Man- ager's Office, Village Clerk's Office, and Finance) will be moving to temporary fa- cilities adjacent to the Library azound [he second week in April. See the Village Manager's Message on p. 11 for more in[ormation Visit us on our Web Side: h¢tp://www.village-npb.org E-mail: villnpb@evcom.net ;~ T H E V I L L A G E `'~'~ . NE WSL~ETTER APRIL 2002 PAGE 2 PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Village Council ..................................................... .......2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m Code Enforcement Boazd ...................................... ...........1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m Constmction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ....... ......................:.........................on call Country Club Advisory Board ............................... ........ 1st Monday, monthly, 7:30 p.m Library Advisory Boazd ........................................ ........4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m Planning Commission ............................................ ........1st Tuesday. montlily, 7:00 p.m. Recreation Advisory Boazd ................................... .......2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m Zoning Boazd of Adjustment ................................. .................................................on call Al[ meetings are held at the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One (ar the Library Obert Meeting Room, see page 1 under Village Hall Renovation: Office Relocation and Council/Board Meeting Relocation jar more injormation) Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are now available on the Village's web site (http://www.village npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available at Village Hall or at the meeting w F ~, COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 02-2002 Amends subsection (4), Prohibited Locations, of Section 45-20, Adult Entertainment Establishment, . . of Article II of Appendix C-Zoning, ro provide that restaurants operating under Florida 4-COP-SRX licenses are not subject to distance restrictions from adult entertainment establishments. Ordinance 03-2002 Amends subsection N, Location of Business for retail sales of alcoholic beverages, of Section 45-36, General Provisions, of Article III of Appendix C-Zoning to provide that abona-fide restaurant oper a[ing under Florida 4-COP-SRX license is exempted from the distance restrictions from retail sales of alcoholic beverages. Ordinance 04-2002 Amends General Fund Budget for fiscal year-2001-02-to appropriate funds-for design, permitting, and ~ constmction of U.S. 1 sidewalk from McLaren Road to Carolinda Road. Ordinance OS-2002 Adopts the 2001 edition of the Florida Building Code, including the amendments to the code as rec ommended by the Building Code Advisory Board of Palm Beach County and the Village of North Palm Beach. Resolution 06-2002 Authorizes a lease agreement with Resun Leasing for a modular building for use at the Public Safety North Substation. Resolution 07-2002 Authorizes a second amendment to lease agreement with the Benjamin Private School which extends the lease termination date of the site being utilized as a temporary Public Safety North Substation. Resolution 08-2002 Authorizes a lease agreement with Williams Scotsman for modular buildings for use at Village Hall property during interior renovations of Village Hall. Resolution 09-2002 Authorizes an equipment lease-purchase ageement with Ci[iCapital Commercial Corp. for golf carts for the NPB Country Club. Resolution 10-2002 Authorizes a night depository agreement with SouthTmst Bank. VILLAGE CLERK NEWS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO SERVE ON VILLAGE BOARDS: The Village Boards, whose members serve at the pleasure of the Council, were created to advise the Council concerning present and future activities of the Village. All meetings are open to the public. Annual appointments will be made at the April 25th Regulaz Session. Appointees will serve for a period of 1 - 3 years, depending upon the Board. Applications are available at the Village Clerk's office, ar call 841-3355 for more infomration. Deadline for applications is Friday, 4/12/02. All applicants will be contacted for an interview with the Village Council. Code Enforcement Board Constmction Board of Adjustment & Appeal Country Club Advisory Board Library Advisory Board Planning Commission Recreation Advisory Board Zoning Board of Adjustment 2 Members 2 Members, 2 Alternates 4 Members 3 Members, 2 Alternates 2 Members, 2 Alternates 4 Members, 2 Alternates 1 Member, 2 Alternates AARP TAX HELP: Due to the upcoming interior renovation of the Village Hall, the AARP Tax Help volunteers have moved. AARP Tax Advisors will be available at Faith Lutheran Adult Day Care Center, 2nd Floor, 555 U.S.Highway 1, North Palm Beach, on Monday, Thursday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. ~~ .~~ I 4 ,~ 0 t i ^. I~ ;~ i r j.. ,III iL , ,. i iw'~ ii t~ PAGE 15 0000 North Palm Beach Yacht Club Launches Third Annual Junior Sailing Program North Palm Beach Yacht Club is sponsoring aSpring-Summer program of sailing instruction for junior sailors in the North' County area, aged 8 -14. The program is designed to provide personalized instruction for beginner, intermediate and ad- vanced sailors. The instruction program will use Optimist Dinghies, an 8 foot pram-style boat that is cursently being sailed and raced by 150,000 juniors worldwide. The purchase of a fleet of six din- ghies was funded by donations from area businesses, the Village of North Palm Beach, yacht club members and individuals. In- struction will be provided by volunteer members of the Yacht Club. The program will consist of four weekly three-hour sessions, conducted on Saturday mornings beginning April 27th. Classes will be limited to 8 students per session to allow each child to receive personalized instmction. An additional three 4-week sessions continue through September. The cost for each 4-week session will be $45 for County residents and $35 for North Palm Beach residents. Students will be required to have a Coast Guard approved life jacket and demonstrate ability to swim and tread water. Initial emphasis will be on "fun sailing." As each beginning student progresses to intermediate knowledge and skills they may choose to Team racing skills, and participate in local and re- gional regattas. The program will be conducted at Lakeside Park in North Palm Beach. For further information, contact: Marty Becker at 624- 7134. ~ 2p,„ 'G' /' T H E V I L L w G e N E W S L E T T E R AP RI L~2002 BUCKLE UP FLORIDA There's Just Too Much to Lose Buckle Up Florida wants to remind you that wearing a safety belt is the single most effective thing you can do [o protect yourself and your children in a traffic crash. Florida's law enforcement will be on the lookout for adults and children who are not buckled up. Don't put yourself or your family at needless risk of death, injury or getting-a ticket. Buckle..Up.Florida, it's the law. .. For more information on Florida's safety belt laws, visit www.buckleupflorida.com. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES ~~~~ ~~~~ APRIL 13, 2002 HERITAGE DAY PARADE AND FESTIVAL PAGH 14 THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R APRIL 2 O O 2 ~~~1~~~~~1~~~~~~hE~~~~ HERITAGE DAY PARADE AND FESTIVAL CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Irv'YY~r~Yfir$7Y`r~YY4t"~t~~Y~~7t~v`YtYt}Y~rttY~~"r~7~Yi~r{rY~~7t~r>!7Y}>`TYr~7t~a'7~r~Yx~r>`'rtf~7t~rt~r~7 ~ Heritage Day Neighborhood Challenge!! Think you're neighborhood is the best in North Palm Beach? Prove it ~ ~ by participating in the Heritage Day Parade. We are challenging all neighborhoods to place an entry in this year's ~ ~ pazade. Enjoy working together with your neighbors, have a great time in the parade and also have a chance to win ~ ~ a free block party for the "Best Neighborhood Entry", compliments of the North Palm Beach Recreation Depait- ~ ~ ment. Application forms and details available at the Recreation Buildings or on the Village's website (www. ~ ~ village-npb.org). Y~ ~YY $r {y ~ North Palm Beach Yacht Club Bike Brigade -All kids are invited to decorate their bike and ride it ~ {r in the Heritage Day Parade. The Best Decorated Bike will win a $250 prize donated by the North Y} q~ Palm Beach Yacht Club. This event is limited to kids 5-12 years of age. The children must have {r ~} good control of their bike and be able to ride one mile. Bikes judged before pazade and prizes ;;~ ~/- ~ ~ handed out at awazds ceremony following parade. If you aze interested in participating, contact Kay ~} ft Peterson at 841 X600. x~ ,;r ~ ~ ~ ~ Festival Activities -include live bands, rock climbing wall, bounce house, fire truck slide, family chaos contest, ~ ~ moon shot game, celebrity dunk tank, space ball, robo surfer, hi-striker, art wall, pony rides, trackless train, putting ~ ~ contest, dance and kazate demonstrations along with good foad and much, much more!! At 7:00 PM all activities ~ ~ move poolside for more dancing, music, games, food and fun! Invite family and friends to join you for this after- ~ ~ noon and evening of good clean family fun!! Show them that your Village knows how to put on a good event! ~ ~ APple Pie Co®test - Do you think your homemade apple pie is like none-other, to die for, the ~ ~ x absolute best? Well, we'll just have to see. This year we challenge all cooks to put their best ~ ~ •,',c efforts into baking their infamous, home-made apple pie and entering it into the contest. Who ~ ~ = knows, you might bring home the silver rolling pin! You'll never know until you try. Distin- ~ ~ guished judges will savor all samples at the Heritage Day Festival on April 13. Applications ~ ~ available at Recreation Buildings or on the Village's website (www.village-npb.org). ~ ~`r Y~ t`r tr {~ Chowder Contest -The annual chowder contest is scheduled for the Heritage Festival. If you can't bake a good ~} ~ apple pie, maybe you should enter the chowder contest! The legendary Chowder Contest trophy resides at the ~ x} Country Club. If you haven't seen it yet, stop by. Your name could be here too! This contest will be judged by the y} ~r distinguished panel of taste testers right before the apple pie contest. {~ ~r ~.`r ~ For more information ca11841-3388 ~r t~ ~r ~ ~ ~} t} ~ ~ ~"r ~`r ~ ~ Y} ~Y ~~tt`r~7~~7f'r~Yt~rdtt~v'7~r~7~7~7Y`r~r~7~r~7~rS7~'r~7~rrfir7;'ri}~.Y~7~7~7~rir~{7>^rYYt}~7~7~.7tY~'r ~I I e! PwcE 3 I,IBRE~RY 1~T~~3'S 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive Notch Palm Beach, Florida 33408 BOOK DISCUSSION: FAHRENHEIT 451 BY Ray Bradbury THURSDAY, APRIL 11 @ 10:30 AM Review by Bill Robinson Join us for a discussion of the book chosen by Palm Beach County for its Read Together campaign. Fahrenheit 451, the temperature at which books bum, is the story of a society where "firemen" burn books. An underground resistance azises in which people memorize their favorite classics, thus becom- ing living books. The power of the word survives. Bill Robinson, our book reviewer, received his B.A. degree in English from Northeastern University and a Law Degree from Cornell. He is the leader of several book groups throughout the area. We encourage everyone to read the book. The goal of this ini- tiative is to celebrate reading and engage the community in thoughtful discussion. Copies of the book, as well as the audiobook and video, are available in the library. Fahrenheit 451 can also be purchased for $4.00. Admission is free and open to the public. Please call 841-3383 for more information. c C~',. NATI®NAL LII3LBARY dYEEI~: A]~RIIL fl4-20 "A city without a library is a desert"...Augustine Burell Help celebrate National Library Week and return your long overdue books. Search your bookshelves, cars and closets and return them to the library or in the bookdrop. No questions asked. No fines charged. This does not apply to audiobooks, CDs or videos. BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: TUESDAY, APRIL 16 @ 10:30 AM RABBIT RUN BY JOHN UPDIKE Discussion Leader: Mane Dodd, who has been running the Brandeis University book discussion group at the state and 1o- cal level for over 20 years. TREESIEARCIIERS, the Library Genealogy group, meets on Tuesday, April 16 @ 7:00 pm. Anyone interested in sharing ideas about searching ancestry, please ca11 84 1-3 3 83. THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R APRIL 2 0 0 2 IN THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY SPRING STORY HOURS There's still time to join in the fun at the Spring Story Hours for ages 4 & 5 on Mondays at 2:30 pm, ages 6 through 8 on Tues- days at 3:30 pm, both of these are drop-off programs. Ages 2 and 3 attend with pazents on Wednesdays at 10:00 am. Children will enjoy a different theme each week with great stories, flan- nel boazds, puppets ,crafts and a movie. Newcomers are always welcome. Please ca11841-3383 or come in to the library to regis- ter. HERITAGE DAY PARADE: SATURDAY, APRIL 13 The Children's Department will be emphasizing traditional "Family Values" with a unique float encouraging families to read together. We look forward to your support along the parade route! "ALIENS" FASHION SHOW FRIDAY, APRIL 26 @ 3:30 PM Girls, ages 9 through 12, and their pazents aze invited to a Spring Fashion Show. Susan Kaplan, owner of Teen Heaven clothing store at Oakbrook Squaze Shopping Center will bring the latest fashion trends from Los Angeles and New York to our library. Be the fust to preview these fabulous clothes, modeled by some of our young patrons. You won'[ want to miss this entertaining and informative program Bring along a friend. Pre-registration is required. Call 841-3383. Lots of fun, games and prizes await you. Light refreshments will be served. g ~\ ~- C1fIECI~ OUT SOME OF OUR NEW BOOKS? We are grateful to the Lois Ann Gibson Memorial Fund for pro- viding us with donations that have given us the opportunity to bring lots of great new books into the Children's Library. We invite you to come in and check out some of these wonderful selections. CELEBRATE NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK: APRIL 1420 The Children's Department will be honoring National Library Week . If your library cazd needs to be renewed or you have lost your cazd, come into the library and renew it and receive a nice surprise along with a new card. If you bring in your overdue books during this week, we will forgive your fine. PAGE 4 ',} PUBLIC SAFETY ~ 848-2525 560 U. S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 POLICE EXPLORERS RECRUITING ADULTS The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety Police Explorers are recruiting adults to help with the Explorer pro- gram We are recruiting those of you who have some Law En- forcement Experience, but we welcome anyone who would be interested in volunteering then time to work with the Explorers. The Explorers aze students age 14 - 21 who aze interested in Law Enforcement. They meet every Monday night from about 3:30 PM -9:00 PM, in which they train and have meetings. In addi- tion to the weekly meetings, the Explorers volunteer throughout the community. If this sounds like the experience you have been waiting for and you want to enlighten, motivate and mentor our youths, please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300. RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS SECURITY SURVEYS The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety provides FREE security surveys for our local business's and residents. The purpose of conducting a premise survey is to determine ex- isting.physical_and.procedural vvea_knesses._and to recommend devices, procedures, and methods of application that will reduce or eliminate exposure to criminal opportunity. If you would like a FREE residential or business security survey please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300. PLANTS THA'I' MAKE A WITH CRIMINAL When we think of preventing crimes or discouraging potential burglars, our minds immediately focus on locks, alarm systems, fencing, guard dogs, security (bars, etc. There is another way to discourage unwanted access to our homes, however, through the use of certain plants and shmbs under windows or at other entry points. The plants and shmbs most often used to deter unwanted access have spines or thorns, which Ann discourage even the most deter- mined intruder. A word of caution: these thorns can hurt you too, so be careful. Most notably, the Spanish Bayonet can punc- ture skin, clothing or an eye, so.it is not recommended for use where children play. The listing of plants is provided by the Seminole County Sheriffs Office. These plants aze not meant as a cure-all for residential burglaries, but when used with other crime prevention tech- ' piques, they can be a very strong deterrent. Plants listed are as follows: Agave Century Plant, Bougainvillea, Boxthom, Cactus various species, Larissa, Crown of Thorns, Limeberry, and Span- ish Bayonet. BICYCLE RIDERS IN THE VILLAGE Always remember to wear youi helmet and look out for pedestri- ans as well as vehicles. Pazents, please remind your children af- ter dazk to watch out for pedestrians while riding on the side- walks. Let's all work together~to stay safe. ,~ .. THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER APRIL 2 0 0 2 . ORDINANCE REMINDER! A reminder to all citizens on Ordinance 4-3: Persons walking dogs responsible for removal of waste and Ordinance 4-32: Per- sons walking dogs to cant' waste removal implements. Lets be courteous to all of our neighbors by carrying waste removal containers while walking our dogs and using them when neces- sary. This is not only an ordinance it's the right thing to do. HELP PREVENT A TRADGEDY AND RECEIVE A FREE GUN LOCK North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety wants to en- courage safe gun storage in homes to prevent the likelihood of tragic accidents. A locking device, when installed on a firearm and secured by a key or combination lock, prevents the gun from being dischazged without fast removing the device. Palm Beach County Ordinance Nttmber 200-038 requires a locking device on guns in homes where children might have access to the gun. Failure to comply with the new law could result in a $500 fine! To help gun owners conform to the new county law, the Palm Beach County Board and its Criminal Justice Commission are distributing FREE gun locks to Palm Beach County residents. If you aze interested in a FREE gun lock please call the Crimi- nal Justice Commission at355-SAFE (7233). In addition, the North Palm Beach Deparment of Public Safety will be giving away FREE GUN LOCKS. If you would like a FREE GUN LOCK or if you have any questions please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300. AUTO THEFT DETERRED FREE CLUBS The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety in conjunc- tion with Multi-Agency Auto Theft Task Force, on behalf of all the Chiefs of Police in Palm Beach County are giving away FREE CLUBS. The "Clubs" aze intended for the owners of the `"fop Ten" most stolen vehicles in Palm Beach County, which aze: Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, Ford Mustang, Honda Civic, Oldsmobile Cutlass/Supreme/Ciera, Dodge Caravan, Chevrolet Caprice, Toyota Corolla, Chevy Pickup, and Jeep Cherokee. If you own one of these vehicles and you would like a FREE CLUB, please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841- 3300. AUTO THEFT DETERRED Auto theft is a constant problem throughout the Country and in Palm Beach County. The North Pahn Beach Department of Public Safety, in conjunction with the Department of Motor Vehicles would like you to help us combat this problem by having your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) etched onto your vehicles windows. We will be providing `FREE VIN ETCHING Saturday, Apri127, 2002 - 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon North Palm Beach Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road Please make every effort to attend this FREE, event. If you have any questions, please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841- 3300. 1 t,~ . ti Ia ~r 71 .~ 4' THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R PAGE 1 3 APRIL 2 0 0 2 RECREATION NEWS (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) Bahamas Getaway - Juty 2(~28 - We had so many families on this trip last yeaz, we had to turn people away. We hope to charter a plane for our group alone, so we won't have to travel to Ft. Lauderdale for departure. This 3 day/2 night package for 5299/adult (children with 2 paying adults = 523) price includes roundtrip jet from Ft. Lauderdale, accommodations at the Royal Oasis Resort & Casino, hotel taxes 8r gratuities and all meals & drinks a[ [he Royal Oasis! Not included are government & airport fees, and Bahamas depart taxes. For more information on any of these trips, call Bill at the Community Center (841-3389) after 4:00 pm {7 {r ~Y t7 ~7 ~Y ~ >!7 5'Y v'Y ~S 1'7 {7 >!7 >"r tr t'r ~Y' ~ tY ~r ~7 t'Y ~Y >^t ~7 ~7 iY ~t {:7 >!r dt >!T z'7 YY ft ~# >'7 ~Y f7 ,'r t7 v'7 {Y ~t ~ ~Y Q;ome mne, Q;ome All:. ~ ~ ~ 3rd ArJnua/ ~Y ~ ~ ~e~itage day 1Parade and Festival ~ "Family Values" ~t Saturday, Apri113th ~ f7 ~ Parade begins at 2:00 p.m. ~ ~ ~ Village Hall to the North Palm Beach Country Club Parade Route: North on US #1 from ~ ~r ' _ __ Bike Brigade -Compete fora $250 prize _ ~ ~ Heritage Day Neighborhood Challenge! -Compete to win a neighborhood block party ~ ~ See next page for details >'r Festival3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. ~ The festival will take place at the North Palm Beach Country Club Apple Pie Contest, Chowder Contest, Country/Rock Band - "Savana" (3:30-5:30 pm), Classic Rock and Roll Band ~ "Night Train" (5:30-7:30 pm), Rock Climbing Wall, Bounce House, Fire truck Slide, and Family Chaos Contest. ~ ~ Moon Shot game, Celebrity Dunk Tank, Space ball, Robo Surfer, Hi-striker, Art Wall, Pony Rides, ~ Putting Contest, Trackless Train, Dance and Karate Demonstrations. ~ Plus Good Food {y See next page for Festival Activities tt {~ ,'r Festivitfles will continue from 7:00 p.m. -11:00 p.m. ~ Poolside at the North Palm Beach Country Club ~ Sing and dance along with "DJ Midnight Magic" ~ f7 Good Food and Family Fun ~ ~ For more information ca11841-3388 {r . ~ 75th Anniversary of NPB Golf Course it tr Heritage Day Golf Tournament - 9:00 AM ~ Come and celebrate the 75th anniversary of the North Palm Beach Golf Course ~ featuring; wood woods only, putting with wood putters on specified holes and prize for best oldies' outfit ~ ~ Call the Pro Shop at 691-3433 for more information. {r ~ {p US HIGHWAY #1 CLOSING: U.S. Highway #1 will be closed from Golfview Road to Northlake Boulevard ~ {r ~ both North and South from 1:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Apri113th for the Parade. Y2 ~ }' {YY}~7~7t'7~7~YY7~7~7~Y~7ti!7~7>!7~7~7Y$~'rY~~"r~`r~Y~Yf7t?~7t!7~7t}v`7~SatYti7fi'Y}~Yv'}'f7~7~77.7>!fi1'.t Heritage Day Information Continued on Next Page i It P A a E 1 2 THE V I L ~ w G E N E W S L E T T E R A P R I I 7 n n 7 Out2.com -Check out this great web site. The Recreation Dept. has listed all classes, activities, and events on the North Palm Beach pages of this site. If you have lost your newsletter or can't fmd the class schedule, you can go right here for the informa- tion-24/7! Little league game schedules are here, upcoming trips, classes -everything! Now you don't have to wait for your newsletter to arrive by mail. The NPB Library has events and activities listed as well! The site is constmcted like a hometown newspaper to give you local news and information. Simply click on Florida, Palm Beach county and then North Palm Beach. You are now in North Palm Beach's online newspaper! Next, on the left side aze the various sections of the newspaper -click on the one you wish to read! Pazents, coaches and managers can use this to post results, standing, statistics, and even stories with pictures!! Do you have a club or group that would like to announce activity, or does your condo want to make members aware of specific dates or notices? All aze encouraged to use this site! Best of all, it's free! It doesn't cost you anything to have information on this web site! The directors from the company that runs this website will be at Anchorage Park Activities Building on Wednesday, April ]0 at 7:00 pm to show how you too can use this terrific website. There is no charge for this workshop, we just ask you to call in (841- 3386) and RSVP your seat. Check it out; this is a really cool tool far all of us to use! Munyon Island Guided Kayak Tour - For Mother's Day, treat Mom to a Kayak tour on May S and then take her to dinner on the 12'h. Together you can enjoy Munyon Island and MacArthur State Pazk from a different perspective - in a kayak! This tour, spon- cored by Adventure Times, will showcase the 45-acre Munyon Island's colorful history and natural beauty. Palm Beach County has spent $2 million since 1992 creating wetlands on the island and removing invasive trees in the process of completing the largest res- totation project to date in the Lake Worth Lagoon. MacArthur State Park includes the mdst productive estuary in the Lake Worth Lagoon. Paddle under the 1,600-ft. boazdwalk as you explore this unique ecosystem! Price of $SO/adults and $2S youth 9-17 years of age includes professional inslmction, guide, kayak, and all equipment. No experience necessary! This group will meet at Mac- Arthur State Pazk. Preregister at the Anchorage Park Activities Building. Teachings of the Wheel - As 21" century women living in urban settings, we have lost touch with the wilderness of our spirits. Diane Finch will help you "remember" your essence and potential and lead you towazd your renewal of spirit. These monthly work- shops are not arbitrary events, but rather planned and deliberate. As seen on Oprah, each ceremony is based on an ancient Indian medicine wheel. They are prgressive workshops and each month involves an herb, azoma, moon, direction, angel, plant and ani- mal. April's workshop involves a moon in the budding tree, the spirit pathway of clarity and the ceremony of dreamtime. Let Diane help you get in touch with yourself. Village-Wide Garsge Ssle -The annual Village Wide Gazage Sale will be held at the Community Center on Saturday, April 27 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. Mark your calendars! Doors open at 8:00 sharp! For more information ca11841-3389. Summer Camp Registrations -Registration for all NPB Summer Camp Programs will be held at the Anchorage Pazk Activities Building. NPB Residents register Saturday, May 4 from 8:00-noon and then May 6 & 7 from 9:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m.. All programs have a very limited number of openings. Registration is on a first come-fast serve basis. You should bring proof of your child's age as well as proof of residency. Non-residents register for any remaining openings on May 8 & 9 from 9:00 a.m - 7:00 p.m.. A vari- ety of Camp Programs will be offered for youth 3 years of age and up. Complete schedules are available on the North Palm Beach pages of out2.com or a4 your local recreation buildings. Bus Tours - We took a full bus to the Everglades in February and all had a wonderful time! The gang that went to the Plant City Strawberry Festival thoroughly enjoyed the Wayne Newton show and came back with flats of strawberries to enjoy at home. If you missed these, don't fret, upcoming trips include: May 2 - Vluaya & lunch -Relax as the bus carries you to Miami for an enjoyable afternoon taking in the beauty of Vizcaya and it's gardens. The $45.00 price includes transportation, aguided tour of Vizcaya and lunch overlooking the beautiful Miami Bay. Can you think of a more relaxirtg way to spend a Thursday? May 17-19 -Ley West Weekender -This promises to be a weekend you won't forget! Prepaze to gear down as we head for "The Conch Republic" (as the locals call it). Trip price of $265.00/person covers our round trip bus transportation, 2 nights hotel accommodations in the heart of Key West (walking dis lance to Duval St.), a tour on the world-famous Conch Tour Train, and dinner on Saturday night. Sign up soon, as this will fill up fast! June 19-23 -Vegas Fly-Away - Enjoy 4-days in world famous Las Vegas! Your trip price of $499/person is based on double occu- pancy and will include round trip air from West Palm Beach, 4 night's hotel accommodations on the Strip and bus transfers. Op- tional excursions at additional costs on this great adventure will include ahalf-day flight to tare Grand Canyon, and a trip to the Hoo- ver Dam! Mark your calendars and plan on this exceptional trip! .•. ii i al 1 i ~! PAGE 5 THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R APRIL 2 O O 2 PUBLIC SERVICES 645 PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33408 North Palm Beach Residential Solid Waste Collection Policy Residential Collection Service Guidelines for Residents Garbage, Trash/Bulk Items, Yazd Waste, Recycling Customer Information Services (561)-691-3440 Garbage Service 3 times per week-Monday, Wednesday, Friday Please have your garbage placed by backdoor before 7:30 a.m. on your scheduled collection day only. 691-3440 9 a o' (1) Residential earbaee must be in standard 32 to SO gallon cans or sealed plastic bags with each container weighing no more than SO pounds. (2) All residential waste must be placed adjacent to driveway at backdoor location. Do not place garbage containers in the Swale area. (3) Garbaee cans must have ti hg t fitting lids and handles. be free of sharp and jagged edges, with bottom and sides intact. (4) Garbaee must not be stacked over water or gas meters, under low hanging limbs or u61ity wires, or in front of mail boxes. (S) The term garbage shall mean the refuse accumulation of animal, fruit and vegetable matter and any other matter of any nature whatsoever which is subject to decay and the generation of noxious or offensive gases or odors or which, during or after decay, may serve as a breeding or feeding material for flies or other germ-carrying insects and animals. (6) The Village sells plastic trash bags (at cost) through the Public Services Department. Do not mix garbage with yard waste (vegetation) '~'ash/Bt994~ ltemS 2 times per week-Tuesday, Thursday Please have your trash bulk items curbside before 7:30 a.m. on either scheduled collection day. Whenever possible, please combine piles of trash with your neighbor on or near a common property line. (1) Up to 2 tires, off the rim. aze collected curbside per veaz. Please place them at the curb on trash collection day. Residents who have more than two tires may dispose of them by bringing them to the landfill for a small fee or save them to dispose of at the Tire Amnesty Days held in March, August and December. Call Customer Service for more information 691-3440. (2) Debris from minor home repairs, uu to 4 cubic vazds includes items such as lumber (remove or bend over nails), fencing and paneling cut to less than 6 ft.in length and neatly stacked. Loose items as well as drywall and floor file should be containerized and under SO lbs. Carpeting must be cut to no more than 4 foot lengths, rolled up, and under SO lbs. (3) Maior anpliances. furniture and other bulk items may be placed curbside on either service day. Certain lazge or heavy items may be collected a day later depending on the availability of collection equipment. For safety sake, please remove doors from refrigerators, washers and dryers. Continued on Next Page TMe VILLwcB NEWSLETTER Tx¢ VILLwoB NEW SLETTER pwc¢ g APRIL 2002 Pwca 1 f APRIL 2002 PUBLIC SERVICES (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) (4) Construction and demolition debris will not be nicked up curbside.Construction and demolition debris (C&D) is defined as materials generally considered to be not water soluble and non-hazazdous in nature, including, but not limited to, stcel, glass, brick, concrete, roofing material, Pipe, Gypsum wallboard, and lumber from the construction or destruction of a structure as Hart of a (5) C'~j marts boat Harts ana m[emal wmbusdon ensures are not COUectetl anyttrrle. ~, (6) Do not place trashlbulk items in Swale area earlier thin the night before the scheduled collection time. Do not place trash on sidewalks or paved areas (7) The term trash shall mean any household refuse other than garbage. (8) The Village sells plasric trash bags (at cost) through the Public Services Departrnent. ~1,~ Do not mix trash bulk items with yard waste (vegetation). Yard Waste (Vegetation) 2 times per week-Tuesday, Thursday Please.have yow yard ~aste in the Swale. before 7;30 a.m, on your, scheduled. collection day only. Whenever possible, please combine piles of vegetation with yow neighbor on or neaz a common property line. (1) Yard waste is collet ~ by a different truck than the eazbaee. Keep yard waste separated [coin all other items. Yard waste includes grass clippings, leaves, shmb trimmings, palm fronds. Tree limbs however, must be cut to 6 feet or shorter Limbs should be stacked neatly in the Swale area. No single item can weigh more than 50 pounds. (2) Licensed tree trimming contractors are required to dispose of all cuttings and debris. Only licensed tree trimming contractors can I be hired. Please call customer service for licensing information at 691-3440. ~ i ,~ "p (3) Loose yazd waste such as grass clippings and leaves, must be in standazd 32 to 50 gallon cans or sealed plastic bags with each container weighing no more than 50 pounds. The Village sells plastic trash bags (at cost) through the Public Services Department to encourage such use. ( (4) I~ou have very lazge~t uantities of yard waste yow hauler may tag the pile for pick up on the day following yow scheduled vegetation day. 5 Land clearin will notibe irked u curbside. Land clearing is defined as the removal of dirt, rocks, or similar obstructions/ O e P n material from a parcel of residential land using mechanical devices such as a bobcat, backhoe, front end loader, tractor, bulldozer, etc. Removal refers to the physical action of the equipment digging, scraping, bulldozing, and/or pulling debris from the ground. Transporting legally cut vegetation from someone's property to the cwb using a, mechanical device does not constitute land , clearing. Call customer service at 691-3440 for more information. ~ (6) Check the Village newsletter for special amnesty days when expanded collection is available. (7) Do not place yard waste in Swale azea earlier than (24) hours before the scheduled collection time. (8) Do not place yazd waste on sidewalks or paved azeas. Do not miz yard (vegetation) with garbage or trashJtiulk items. ' t Continued on Next Page - ~ t ,. - £ P The Village Manager's Message .8413380 Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Village Hall Renovation -Moving Day . In a previous Manager's report we informed you that the modular office buildings (trailers) would soon be delivered and set-up on the shuffle board courts next to the Library. Herita a Festival & Psrade g As of this writing the three trailers are in and are in the proc- ess of having the electrical service installed as well as the The Village's third annual Heritage Festival and Parade, will telephone and computer cabling re-routed. Once the utilities take place on Saturday, April 13, 2002. The Parade which is are installed the employees will start moving into the trailers. being organized by the Recreation Department, will be bigger The main move will take place about the second week of and better than last year's. This year we will have a Scottish April. Bagpipe Band marching in the parade as well as a Dixie Land Jazz Group perfomung from a float. The children's bike brigade The temporary Council Chambers will be the Obert Meeting sponsored by the North Palm Beach Yacht Club, the Antique Room in the Village Library. All the Village's boards and. Motor Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Shriners and many others committees will conduct their meetings in that room: The staff has been diligently will be participating. The Library logistics of the move will be fairly wmprehensive; as just , working away on their float; it's always exciting to see what inennoned we are re-routing the telephone and computer ca- they come up with each yeaz. Ming which includes ow fiber optic cable that feeds into the Village Hall building. Once re-routed the telephone system The theme for the parade this yew is "Family Values". As al- will be activated in the trailers and that will be the day we actually move. The electronic recording system used in the ways, the Village continues to emphasize family participation Village Council Chambers will be set up in the, Obert Meet- and making this a very strong family event. It is very appropri- ing Room in the Library. The employees lounge, which ir- ate for the children to not only be in the parade but to come and eludes vending machines, refrigerator, coffee maker, etc. watch the parade and be a part of it. The parade will start at the will be set up in the kitchen area of the old Herb Watt build- Village Hall parking lot and pmceed.north on U.S. #1 and ter- thg The main copy-machine, the printing machine,-most of urinate at the North Palm Beach Country Club driving range. ow filing cabinets and many of ow reference books we keep The driving range will be closed that afternoon and the area on shelves in ow respective offices will be set up in the Herb will be cordoned off for various food and beverage vendors as Watt building. A small temporary conference table will be well as the different children's activities such as the rock climb, there as well where staff can wnduct their staff conference the bounce house, etc. meetings. Coinciding with the third annual Heritage Festival and Parade The renovation bid was awarded to Catalfumo Construction is the 75th Anniversary of the Golf Course at the North Palm Company following a competitive process. Theca bid was Beach Country Club. Through the diligent efforts of ow Coun- lowest at about $1.4 million for the project. They anticipate try Club staff and in particulaz Golf Course Maintetrarrce Super- completing the protect in about nine months if not sooner . intendent John Morsut we discovered through some historical Village Flags records that the golf course was.buflt 75 years ago this yeaz. It is believed that the original architect for ow course was Seth in yow driving around the Village over the past few weeks Raynor who was a highly renowned golf wwse architect dw- you may have noticed the flagpoles on Village properly are ing the 1920's and the 1930'x. The Country Club staff has az- carrying a third, light blue flag. This is our new Village flag ranged for an old fashion golf outing in recognition of the 75`h that the Council created and directed staff to have manufac- anniversary. Prizes will be given for those that dress best in the tared and posted on the flag poles throughout the Village. It old fashion golfing togs from the rum of the century (i.e. Imick- is the Village's light blue background with the ships wheel as ers, long socks and caddie caps). Some of the holes will have the primary emblem with the Village of North Palm Beach old-fashioned wood drivers and putters available for the golfers inscribed on the ships wheel. We ordered a minimum of to try their skills with some old fashioned equipment. these.flags in order to test the waters as to how the citizens receive them. If you like the flags let us know, if you donR Scan the rest of the newsletter for other events on that weekend. like. them let us know that also. Any suggestion you might It is designed for the whole family to have a great time; one of have for improving the flags are certainly welcomed and we the great side benefits of the Heritage Day: Festival and Parade will do ow best to incorporate modifications. Once we settle is the ability to visit with yow friends and neighbors for an af- on a permanent design for the flags we will then order them temoon. Look forward to seeing you.there - if you have any in bulk. If you raze to buy a flag contact Mark Hodgkins, complaints or suggestions on how we can better run the Village Recreation Director at 841-3386 and atrarrgements can be bring them to the dunking pool= yours truly will be there. made to incorporate yow request with ow next order. In closing,,hope to see you at the Heritage Festival and Pa- cede on Saturday, April 13, 2002 at the North Palm Beach Country Club driving range. Thank you. PAGa 10 COUNTRY CLUB 841-3359 (Administration Office (561) 691-3420) The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We welcome and encowage everyone to stop by and check out all of ow amenities. We aze a complete recreational facility offer- ing daily fees, so feel flee to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous match of terms, a refreshing dip in ow Olympic size pool or an exquisite dining experience. We also offer both resi- dent and non-resident memberships for all activities at the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to offer! GOLF 691-3433 'Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. 80 NEW GOLF CARTS JUST ARRIVED!! Junior Camps & Clinics -Starting in June Beginners Ctldcs: 9:00 - 10:00 AM Satwdays. Call the Golf Shop at 691-3433 to sigo-up. Apri113, 2002 HERITAGE DAY GOLF TOURNAMENT 9:00 AM Come and celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the North Palm Beach Golf Course -the Heritage Day Golf Tournament -on Ote morning of Satwday, April 13th. Wear yow "old" golfmg at- tire -knickers, ties, old golf caps, etc. prize for the best oldies' outfit. Special clubs to be used on specified holes -wood woods and wood putters. Join the fun. If you have spy problems, concerns, or questions regazding yow golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pros John Scott and Greg Weber are available to help you. Lessons are $30.00 per half- how or $130.00 for a series of five. Gift certificates aze avail- able in the Golf Pro Shop. DRIVING RANGE 6z6-o732 HOURS OF OPERATION Monday 8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m Tuesday 9:00 a.m to 8:30 p. m Wednesday -Sunday 8:00 a.m to 8:30 p.m _/ T H e V I L L w 0 B N E W S L E T T E R APRIL 2 O O 2 POOL 691-3427 APRIL POOL HOURS Tuesday -Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Weekends 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday Closed WATER AEROBICS Water exercise classes are open to [he public. Classes are $4.00 per session. Sessions are held on Wednesday and Friday 10:15 a.m to 11:15 a.m. TENNIS 626-6515 Ow 6th Session of the Junior Program will begin on April 1st. The X-Treme Tots program for 3-5 yeaz olds got off to a great start and we're almost to capacity. This months highlights are the Margarita Mixer on the 5th with a special price of $10.00 and Men's and Ladies Club Championships. We are recmiting for all levels on ow Ladies League, call for more information. Aori16t°-13th Men's singles and Doubles Club Championships Apri1271h - Mav 4th Ladies Singles and Doubles Club Championships Marcel Agnolin's JuniorTennis Development Program X-Treme Kids Ages 5 thru 9 Tues. & Thws. 3:15. p.m - 4:00 p.m X-Treme Tats Ages 3-5 Tues 8r Thurs. 4:00 p.m X-Treme PlaverAges 9 & Up Mon. and Wed. 4:30 p.m - 5:30 p.m Tournament Tough Advanced Juniors Onlv Monday 5:00 p.m - 6:30 p.m Thurs. 5:30 p.m - 7:00 p.m Men's Drill Monday at 6:30 p.m Ladies Drill Tuesday at 6:00 p.m Saturday 10:00 a.m Men's & Ladies Singles & Doubles Leaeues Monday -Thursday at 6:30 p.m. ~ T X e VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R P A G E 7 APRIL 2 0 0 2 PUBLIC SERVICES (CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE) RecVCliue Service Thursday -1 time per week Yellow Bin: newspaper, brown paper grocery bags, magazines, catalogs, cormgated cazdboard up to 3' x 3' (need to be flattened, look for waffled ridges). Please Do Not Place In Yellow Bin: 12-pack beverage boxes, tissue boxes, cereal boxes and plastic bags. Blue Bin: drink box, milk and juice containers, aluminum cans, aluminum foil and pie plates, glass bottles and jars, (all colors, but without lids or caps) and all plastic containers (except Styrofoam). Please Do Not Place In Blue Bin: light bulbs, mirrors or plate glass, plastic wrap or bags, steel or tin cans and Styrofoam. DO NOT PLACE RECYCLE BINS IN SWALE AREA EARLIER THAN THE NIGHT BEFORE THE SCHEDULED COLLECTION TIME Need a biu? Call customer service 691-3440 Household Hazardous Waste (1) Residents may take all items to the SWA Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (for disposal at no charge) to 6161 North Jog Road. The facility is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. and the second Satwday of each month from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m (2) Household hazardous waste cannot be collected cwbside. Residents may take limited items such as used motor oil (5 gallons or less - NO DRUMS), rechargeable batteries, auto batteries, propane tanks, fluorescent light bulbs and used oil filters to drop centers at SWA transfer stations. For a location near you, ca11 69 1-3440. (3) Paint Disposal. Latex paint (water-based) must be dried out completely before it can be thrown away with yow hash. To dry the paint, remove the lid, add sand, cat litter or saw dust. Leave uncovered and place out next to yow trash OR you may drop off any latex paint that could be reused at specially designated transfer stations for recycling. Dates, times and locations aze advertised in yow local paper year round. Please call customer service at 691-3440 for locations nearest you. Holidav Schedule: Check the Village newsletter For Holiday Schedules Senior citizens and handicapped residents may qualify for trash and vegetation removal assistance offered on a case by case basis. If you think you might have a special hardship and need such assistance, please contact customer service at 691-3440. Hazdship assistance will be determined by Village staff. Enforcement• When violations of the regulations described herein occw, a notice to remove or correct such violations shall be given to the owner or occupant of the subject property. The notice shall contain Ote request for removal within a time specified, and dte notice shall advise that, upon failwe to comply with the notice to remove, the Village ar its designee shall undertake such removal with the cost of removal to be levied against the owner or occupant of the property. It shall constitute sufficient notice, when a copy of same is posted in a conspicuous place upon the property where the violation occurred. The Village reserves the right to waive any of the policies described herein subject to approval by the Village Manager, Public Services Director or Public Works Superintendent ' } 4^ APIZII. 2®®2 North Palm Peach Country Club ALENDAR OF E~E1~TS ...rew w.. m wen n~crwr rower wDC ADCN TA THE PI IRI IC ., :. _. - K E Y . ~ ~~ ~~, .~ ~ R . ~;~ A-Administration ~. a r. , ~- ~_ G-Golf ~ ~ ~~, ~:: ,~_~~ _ - GM-GoljMaintenance J:, . - _ _: .- P-Pool R-Restaurant a Telephone (561)841 3359 ~~~' T-Tennis - .~_ , Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Highway #1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561)841-3359 Email: club@village-npb.org vv.a. -. _ --_ _ _ . - - ,~ . . • • - 1 CCAB MEETING 7:30 PM 2 R-Breakfast 7AM - 11AM ~ 3 R-Breakfast 7 AM - 11AM 4 R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM 5 6 R - No Breakfast ~ Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Lunch 11AM - 4PM Lunch 11AM-4 PM R- Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM Lunch Menu 11AM - 4PM Cabaret Evening Italian Buffet Din `edTalent Night Two for One Dinner 8 Ent. 5 -11 PM Lunch 11AM-4PM Lunch 11AM-4 PM Dinner- Meat Loaf Special G - MGA 7:30 AM Dinner 8 Ent: ~PM - 11 PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM Dinner 8 Entertainment Dinner 8 Entertainment T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM G- W GA'8:00 AM X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM 5 PM-11 PM 5 PM-11 PM _ Toum. Tough 5:00 PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 Toum. Tough 5:30 PM Pdme Rib Ladies Singles League 6:30PM X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM T - X-Treme PI•rlyers 4:30 PM Mixed Drill 6:30 PM T- Margarita Mixer 6:30 PM T -Ladies Drill 10:00 AM Men's DriII 6:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Ladies Double Lea ue 6:30PM 9 Meh's Doubles League 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM ~, i. 7 $ 9 R -Breakfast 7AM - 11AM 10 R-Breakfast 7AM - 11AM 11 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM 12 ~ 13 Heritage Day R-Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM R - No Breakfast Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Lunch 11gM - 4PM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11 AM Festival and Parade Lunch Menu 11AM - 4PM Cabaret Evening nedTalent Night Italian Buffet Din Lunch 11AM-4 PM Lunch 11 AM- 4PM Events begin at 2:00 PM Lunch (Loupe 11AM - 4PM 9) Dinner- Meat Loafs ecial P - G - MGA 7:30 AM 5PM -`11 PM Dinner 8 Ent. Two for-One Dinner 8 Ent. 5-1 I-PM Dinner B.Entertainment ' e T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM G- WGA 8:00 AM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM 5 PM-11 PM akfast 7AM-11AM R-Br Dinner 4PM - 8 PM Tourn. Tough 5:00 PM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM . X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM Lunch 11AM-4 PM Dinner 8 Entertainment Men's Drill 6:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Ladies Double League 6:30PM Mixed Drill 6:30 PM T-Ladies Drill 10:00 AM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM G.-Heritage Day Golf Tournament 14 15 16 R -Breakfast 7AM - 11AM 17 R-Breakfast 7AM - 11AM 18 19 20 ° R - No Breakfast Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7AM-11 AM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM ~ Lunch Menu 11AM - 4PM Cabaret Evenirig Italian Buffet NightlTalent Night lunch 11AM~3 f M Lunch 11 AM- 4PM Lunch 11AM-4 PM Dinner -Meat Loaf Special G - MGA 7:30 AM Dinner 8 Ent.,5PM - 11 PM Two for One Dinner 8 Ent. 5 -11 PM Dinner 8 Entertainment Dinner 8 Entertainment Lunch (Lounge) 11AM - 4PM T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM G- WGAt8:00 AM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM 5 PM- 11 PM 5 PM-11 PM e Tdum. Tough 5:00 PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM Rib Prim Dinner 4PM - 8 PM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM ' X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Ladies Double League 6:30PM Tourn. Tough 5:30 PM Mixed Drill 6:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM T-ladies Drill 10:00 AM s Drill 6:30 PM Men Men's Singles League 6:00 PM ~ Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM 21 22 23 R -Breakfast 7AM - 11AM 24 R-Breakfasl~7 AM - 11AM 25 COUNCIL MEETING 7:30 PM 26 27 R - No Breakfast Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Lunch 11 AM - 4PM ~ R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM -Lunch Menu 11AM - 4PM Dinner -Jimmy Keys 7PM Italian Buffet Night/Talent Night. Lunch 11AM-4 PM Lunch 11AM-d PM Lunch 11AM-4 PM Dinner -Meat Loaf Special G - MGA 7:30 AM Dinner 8 Ent'~PM - 11PM Two for One Dinner8 Ent: 5-11 PM Dinner 8 Entertainment Dinner 8 Entertainment Lunch (Lounge) 11 AM - 4PM T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM G- W GA;8:00 AM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM 5 PM -11 PM 5 PM -11 PM Tourn. Tough 5:00 PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM Open Shotlqun 12:30 X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM Prime Rib Dinner 4PM - 8 PM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM T - X-Treme Pliayers 4:30 PM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixer 6:30 PM Men's Drill 6:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Ladies Double League 6:30PM Mixed Drill 6:30 PM T - Ladies Drill 10:00 AM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM ~~ Men's Doubles League, 6:30 PM , 28 29 30 R -Breakfast 7AM - 11AM ^~ 31 R-Breakfast ;7 AM - 11AM ' R - No Breakfast Lunch 11 AM - 4PM Lunch 11AM - 4PM The Country C/ub Ca// 691-3430 for R-Brunch 10 AM - 2 PM Lunch Menu 11AM - 4PM ~ Cabaret Evening ` Italian Buffet Night/Talent Night 1 ReStaUCant and BaC information on Dinner -Meat Loaf Special G - MGA 7:30 AM Dinner 8 Ent'SPM - 11PM ' - Lunch (Lounge) 11AM - 4PM T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM' .8:00 AM G- WGA y are Open Da/I Upcoming Restaurant Tourn. Tough 5:00 PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 , BVentS Dinner 4PM - 8 PM Ladies Singles League 6:30PM X-Treme Tots 4:00 PM T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Men's Drill 6:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM Ladies Double League 6:30PM Men's Singles league 6:00 PM I