12-2001 NewsletterPwna aO Pwa[ 1z D[c[ra[n zool BULLETIN BOARD VII.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH HOLIDAY CLOSINGS North Palm Beach Little League Baseball Signups Village Manager's Office Village Clerk's Office will be held on Saturday, December 1st, 8th, and 15th and , January 12th at the Community Center and Finance Department from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM CLOSED We look forwazd to seeing you there. Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th Monday, December 31st and Tuesday, January 1st North Palm Beach Girls Softball North Palm Beach Library North Palm Beach Girls Softball begins again with team place- CLOSED meat day the fast Saturday in January. Playing ages aze 5 ' Saturday, December 22nd through Tuesday, December 25th through 16. The playing age is detemuned by the child s age as Saturday, December 29th through Tuesday, January 1st of December 31st, 2001. A copy of the child's birth certificate will be required. Public Services Department Registration dates are Saturday December 1st and Saturday De- CLOSED comber 8th from 9:00 AM until Noon at the Community Center Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th on Prosperity Farms Road. You can also register by mail. Reg- (Garbage pick up only on December 24th and December 26th istration forms may be picked up at the Community Center or at see page 8 for complete Holiday Refuse Schedule) the Anchorage Pazk Activities Center. Tuesday, January 1st The forms may also be printed from the league website: Public Safety Department www.npbsoftball.com (Police Department, EMS, Fire Department-Open) Volunteers fot coaches and sponsors aze always welcome. For Records Office more information call league President Jeff Simpson - 622-9544 " CLOSED Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th or visit the above mentioned website. Monday, December 31st and Tuesday, January 1st ,~Q.`P~Z~ .~Ut.L'91~Q2~.S Recreation Department CLOSED THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE COUNCIL Monday, December 24th and Tuesday, December 25th AND THE ENTIRE VILLAGE STAFF Monday, December 31st and Tuesday, January 1st WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND TO YOU Country Club AND YOUR FAMII.Y A SAFE AND HAPPY See Page 9 for Special Holiday Hours HOLIDAY SEASON VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ************** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE Pao WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 '~. ~' The Village NEWSLETTER Do IE~BER ~V ILL AGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, SUl t)$ tIWY #l, Noarn PALM BEAC n, PL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL David B. Norris, Mayor Edwazd M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor Donald G. Ncel, President Pro Tem Chazles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Joseph A. Tringali, Councilman Village Council members maybe contacted through the office ojthe Village Clerk at 841-3355 ViI,LAGE DEPARTMENTS Village Manager 841-3380 Village Clerk 841-3355 Finance 841-3360 Public Services 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Pazk 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Pazk 841-3387 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Non Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 Administration 691-3420 Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 In>fiJe tl~itl Ittt~ea Calendar Of Everts Publlc Servltxs Recreation Bu11eUn Board/Water ResMctlon PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Village Council ............................................................2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Code Enforcement Board .................................................1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m Constmetion Board of Adjustment & Appeal ...................................................... on call Country Club Advisory Boazd .......................................1st Monday, montlily, 7:30 p.m. Library Advisory Board ................................................ 4th Tuesday, montlily, 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission ....................................................1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Recreation Advisory Boazd ......................................... 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment ................................................................................. on call Al[ meetings are held at fhe Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One NOTE: The Thursdav. December 27th Village Cotmcil Meeting is canceled Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are now available on the Vil- lage's web site (http://www.village-npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available at Village Hall or at the meeting. . ~i . , . _* •: ~i: •: ~ ;k ~ UPCOMING EVENTS Y # i,° ~.. t •` - :p: :4~ ` TYee Lighting Ceremony Wednesday, December 5th at 7:00 PM at Village Hall (see page 10) = ~'- Hanukah Candle Lighting Ceremony Thursday, December 13th, 6:00 at Village Hall (see page 10) • Recreation holiday events (see page 10) • Village Safety Awareness night, December 11th, 7:00 pm (see page 9) Charter Review Committee: The Village Cotmcil is accepting applications for a seven member committee to review the Charter of the Village attd make written recommendations to the Council. Applicants must be Village residents. Applications to serve on the Charter Review Committee aze available from the Village Clerk's office at the Village Hall, 501 U.S. Highway One, 841-3355, and must be returned by Friday, January 4, 2002. Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.villaEe-npb.ore E-mail: villnpb(alevcom.net PAGE 2 DECEMBER 2 O O 1 COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 30-2001 Ordinance 31-2001 Resolution 81-2001 Resolution 82-2001 Resolution 83-2001 Resolution 84-2001 Resolution 85-2001 Resolution 86-2001 Resolution 87-2001 Repeals Div. 2, Dept. of Treasury, and Sect. 2-51, Treasurer's Duties, of Article III of Chapter 2, Administration, deleting references to Dept. of Treasury and amending duties of Finance Duector Amends Article V, Signs and Outdoor Displays, of Chapter 6, Buildings and Building Regulations by creating a new Sect. 6-110, Purpose and Scope of Regulations, adding subsection (5) to paragraph (B), Content, of Sect. 6-I 15, Per[nitted Permanent Accessory Signs, to provide for a noncommercial message. Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Letter of Understanding with 911 Management of PBC, which provides reimbursement to the Village for 911 call-takers salaries for fiscal year 2001-2002. Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Communications Site Lease Agreement with Primeco Personal Communications d/b/a Verizon Wireless, which authorizes the installation of a cell phone antenna at the Community.Centetboll fields. Creates a Charter Review Committee for [he purpose of reviewing the Charter and making written recommendations to the Village Council. Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a Roadway Lighting System Maintenance Agreement with FL Dept. of Transportation, which provides maintenance requirements by the Village of decorative lights placed on U.S. Hwy I by FDOT. Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Independent Contractor Agreement with William Bell, which secures services for printing of Village Newsletter. Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Agreement for medical director with Randall Woltl; M.D. Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk [o enter into an Agreement with Land Research Management Inc. for preparation and submittal of a small-scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment pertaining to annexation of a land parcel less than 10 acres. Resolution 88-2001 Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Land Research Management Inc. for preparation and submittal of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment pertainhtg to the constrained road way at a lower level of service (GRACES) designation of Prosperity Faints Road between Bums Road and Norttilake Boulevard. Resolution 89-2001 Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk [o enter into a 1st Amendment to Agreement with BEA International, which authorizes BEA International to design the security systems, phone and data systems and audio/visual systems as part of the Village Hall interior renovation project. Resolution 90-2001 Authorizes Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., dlbla PBS&J, which provides for contract administration for Phase I of the V illsge dredging project. Resolution 91-2001 Authorizes Mayor and Village G)erk to enter into an Agreement with Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., d/b/a PBS&J, which provides for engineering work for Conroy Drive water service project. 7 tea, ,~ {~ It k~ 1` 'f it e „. PAGE 1 1 Village Manager's Message 841-3380 Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Pot Pourri Debt Management Article Follow-Up In last months Managers Message I shared with you information re- garding the Village's debt and how we are managing that debt in rela- tion to the new projects we have been consWCting over the last four or five years. Thanks to a couple of telephone calls (which were greatly appreciated) a couple of citizens were curious as to what the interest rates were on the loans made by [he Village. It was a complete over- sight on my part to not include those in the message and for that I apologize. It was a very simple piece of data and the type of informa- tion most people like to know when they are talking about borrowing, debts and loans. So by popular demand here are the interest rates we received on those loans: • Information System Master Plan - $600,000.00 - 3.99% fixed rate for five years (2004). • Public Safety Building, Anchorage Park Activities Building, Community Center Ballfield and Osborne Park Concession stand - $6 million - 3.04% variable rate for 20 years (2017). • Village Hall renovation $1.2 million, Canal dredging $1.4 million, North Sub-station (property acquisition $93,500.00 (seed money), and Anchorage Park parking $93,500.00 (seed money) for a total loan of $2.8 million - 3.29% variable rate for 10 years (2011). Before the latest round of interest rate reductions by the Federal Re- serve Commission our interest rates looked pretty good. The bond market was riding high and borrowing rates were fairly low. The bond market, just not more than a week or two before this writing, fell and interest rates went back up a bit. Subsequently, we were looking like genius's when we bonowed the money and did not look so smart when interest rates went below the good rates we got; subsequently interest cafes have gone back up so now we aze looking smart again. All joking aside we feel we got good competitive rates for these borrowings and [hey have been serving us quite well. Hope this information satisfies the two good citizens that gave us a call asking for the information. Holiday Event Schedule For the month of December the Village has a number of special events occurring in which you might want to mark your calendars. These are all a lot of fun and they really give you a nice strong sense of commu- nity when you either participate in or come to observe these different events. ~~ Two of the strong characteristics of these special events are that they are all family and holiday oriented. There is not an event that we put on that we do not try to incorporate the type of entertainment that would be wholesome for the entire family regardless of age. The first big event you will see announced else where in this newsletter is the annual Ho]iday.BOat Parade that will take place on Saturday, De- cember 1" at 6:00 PM. We have made arangements to make the sec- ond fairway available to the general public to observe the pazade. If you have not been to one of these in the past they are really enjoyable and a lot of fun to see the boats coming up [he Intracoastal Waterway all decorated with their holiday lights. We provide some bleacher seat- ing along the second fairway but you are also encouraged and wel- comed to bring your lawn chair or a blanket and find a spot along the second fairway under the oak trees and watch the boats pass by; or, you may come in your own boat and anchor or idle around the NPB Waterway or the: north end of Lake Worth near Old Port Cove. The boats are literally so close to the shoreline you can almost talk to the people in the boats as they pass by. 7'he parade starts in the vicinity of Peanut Island just south of the Blue Heron bridge at approximately DECEMBER 2 O O 1 6:00 PM and usually makes it-to the north end of Lake Worth just en- tering the Intracoastal Waterway around Old Pon Cove and the Pazker draw bridge at around 6: I S to 6:30 PM. The second event-taking place is the annual holiday tree lighting at the Village Hall. This is always a fun event especially hearing the children from one of our elementary schools sing holiday songs as part of the tree lighting ceremony. We always have refreshments available after- wards and light snacks and the public is always encouraged to attend. The tree lighting ceremony rarely takes more than thirty minutes of singing and tree lighting and then we break for [he refreshments. The parking lot between the Library and Village Hall is closed off for this e3{ent to allow enough roam for citizens to stand and watch as the lights are lit. A third event which is new this year will be the lighting of a Menorah in recognition of Hanukah. Hanukah begins December 9'" and runs through December 17w. the Menorah lighting will be hosted by the Chabad House Lubavitch of Palm Beach which is the Jewish Center on Propserity Farms Road (the old Palm Bible Chapel). Orr the fifth night of Hanukah, December 13's there will be a candle lighting ceremony at 6:00 PM accompanied by a musician along with the traditional potato pancakes. The Menorah will be located in the same location between Village Hall and the Library and the public is cordially invited. A Big Thank You for the Great American Weekend We want to take this opportunity at [he beginning of [he holiday season to thank al] the volunteers that helped with the Great American Week- end. A special thanks to the Village's Recreation Department for the great job they did for setting up the Salute to America celebration that took place Sunday aftemoen and a special thanks to Eddie D'Ambra and Ray Brady for the work they and their comrrtittee did in setting up the Toys for Tots golf tournament and other special programs that took place Ihrougpou[ the weekend. Without the community support and the volunteers there would be no way of carrying off a program of this nature. In addition, a special thank you to Ms. Lil Cunningham for organizing the children's parade and special thank you to the twelve Veterans of the Normandy D-Day Invasion that were there to receive their medals from Congressman Clay Shaw. That was an extraordinar- ily moving experience and very heart warming to see these gentlemen come forwazd for their awards. The event was successful to the extent that the Village Council has directed staff to plan on doing this next year. The Salute to America Celebration was extraordinary in that we only had thirty days to prepare for it because it was in response to the September 11's terrorist attacks. Next year, hopefully we will provide staff and volunteers a little more lead time to organize and get the dif- ferent activities lined up for the weekrnd to make it even bigger and better. In closing, hope you and yours have great holiday season. As always, if you ever have any problems with any services provided by the Village at any level whether it is Public Safety, sanitation, garbage collection, recreation registration for athletic events, etc. please do not hesitate to call any of us within the organization at the department head level or at the Village Manager's office. We want to hear from you and if there is a problem we can solve we will do the best we can to resolve it. A big thanks to all of you for your wonderful support of this ex- traordinary community. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! t n~~ ~~ ~~ PAGE 4 PUBLIC SAFETY sas-2szs 560 U.S. Highway #1 HOLIDAY SAFETY As we participate in the usual holiday outings and activities, it is easy to become distracted and become victims of crime. Please take a moment to review the following tips for a safe holiday: 1. Please secure your purchases in your vehicle trunk. If your) vehicle has no enclosed tmnk, cover them so that they are not visible to strangers. 2. Park in a well lit, high traffic area. When returning to your vehicle, have your keys in your hand and be prepared to immediately enter your vehicle.- 3. Carry your purse close to your body, preferably with a strap across your shoulder and always physically hold on to it. 4. Try to carry a small amount of cash, or if this is not an option, be aware of those around you when you are paying by cash. People wi[b cash-ale easily farge[ed at a check out counters when they are paying for their merchandise: S. Dress conservatively, and leave the expensive jewelry for your holiday party, no[ the mall. 'Thieve target people with easily accessible neck]aces and bracelets that can be snatched off in a moment: 6. If paying by credit card, make sure that any carbons are given to you or destroyed in your presence. 7. At home, make sure that your windows and. doors are locked, even when you are home. All the wrapped presents look nice under the tree, but they are easy pickings for a burglar. Make. sure [hat your gifts are not visible to anyone looking in a window or from your front door. After the holiday, don't tell criminals that you have expen sive new presents by piling the boxes in the trash. Try to cu[ them up and dispose of them in opaque plastic garbage bags. 9. Above all, if you notice anything suspicious, please call the police. Always trust your instincts. If it doesn't look or feel right, you should call immediately. You may deter a crime and save a persons holiday. THE NORTH PALM BEACH DEPTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY WISHES EACH AND EVERY ONE A MERRY AND SAFE HOLIDAY SEASON. r, `'~ A DECEMBER 2 O O 1 KEEP YOUR HOLIDAYS SAFE . Make sure your home is fire safe for the Holidays! The joys of this season make Christmas, Hanukah, and New Year's Eve festive but can also create special risks of home fires. DECORATING: When decorating use lights that are in good working order, no frayed cords or loose and/or damaged sockets. Don't overload electrical outlets or mn extension cords under carpet, across doorways, or near heaters. Use an outdoor extension cord when decorating outdoors. Make sure all decorative lights are unplugged before leaving your home or going to bed to avoid . overheating. - . ~ CHRISTMAS TREE: Make sure your Christmas tree is fresh and away from fire- places, exits and heat sources. Be sure that your tree has a constant supply of water. Check daily. If you use an artificial tree, be sure it is flame-retardant.,. CANDLES: Make sure candles are well away from Christmas trees, deco- rations, curtains, and other combustibles. Don't leave candles _ .lit when.not_at-home.and never_leaye them unattended within the reach of small children. HEATING HAZARDS: Space and portable heaters should be kept at leas[ 3 feet away from anything that can bum: newspapers, fumimre, curtains, even walls. Use the right fuel and be sure they are properly vented. Central Heating should be inspected once a year and . cleaned prior to the "heating season". Fireplaces should be kept clean and foes kept small. Use a fireplace screen to pre- vent sparks from flying into the room. Don't leave children alone in a room with a fireplace fire. Never bum trash or pa- per, which can float up the chimney and possibly cause dam- age to your roof or your neighbors. Remove ashes in a metal container and don't store ashes indoors. REMEMBER, KEEP YOUR HOLIDAYS SAFE AND ENJOY THE NEW YEAR! VILLAGF. SAFETY AWARENESS NIGHT On December 11, 2001 at the Department of Public Safety Building at 7:00 PM the POLICE/FIRE/MEDICS will be hosting a Village Safety Awareness Night! This will be a very informative night, please be there! Please call Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300 if you would like to attend- PUBLIC SAFETY NEWS (Continued On Next Page 9) 6'+ ,~ PAGE 9 PUBLIC SAFETY (Continued from page 4) ~`, VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH "COMBAT AUTOMOBILE THEFT" C.A.T The "Combat Auto Theft" program is a vehicle registration pro- ~ gram with the North Palm Beach Department Of Public Safety in ti, which you receive a yellow decal to affix in the bottom left cor- ner of the rear windshield. i , The "Combat Auto Theft" decal affixed to the window of your vehicle indicates to Law enforcement that this vehicle is not nor- many operated between the hours of 1:00 AM and 5:00 AM. ~ r - If a Law Enforcement Officer observes a person operating your vehicle during those hours, he/she will reasonably suspect that "` ~t° your vehicle has been stolen. This Suspicion will constitute the `~t r} cause for the Law Enforcement Officer to stop the vehicle and its ', occupants. If you would like to participate in this program please contact Officer Sonja Heavey with the North Palm Beach Department of ' - Public Safety (561)'841-3300 or stop by [fie Piililic Safety Biiild= ing. SENIORS vs. CRIME, INC. Want to get rid of junk mail and telephone solicitations? Here's how -For junk mail simply take a piece of paper and fill out your °+„ ~' name, address and telephone number with your signature and ~ mail it to: Duector Mazketing Association, Mail Preference Ser- vice, Post Office Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9008. It Follow the same steps for Telephone Solicitations and mail that request to: Direct Marketing Association, Telephone Preference ,; I Service, Post Office Box 9014, Farmingdale, NY 11735-9014. ~~.' These services are free. Your name will remain on file with [his ,y~'j service for five years. The mailing service can also track your ~P i' ~ new address if you move as long as you have filled out a "Change of Address Fomi' at the Post Office. Please allow about 90 days before you notice a gradual reduction in your mail •; t ',: and telephone solicitations. 4 DECEMBER ~ 2 0 0 1 COUNTRY CLUB (Continued from page 5j SPECIAL HOLH)AY HOURS Administration O[f ce 691-3420 December 24th December 2Sth December 31st January 1st CLOSED CLOSED OPEN CLOSED Golf Course December 24th 691-3433 December 2Sth December 31st January 1st Last 18 holes 12 Noon Last 9 holes 2 PM CLOSED '~ Last 18 holes 12 Noon Last 9 holes 2 PM OPEN Driving Ranee December 24th Closed at~2:00 PM 626-0732 December 2Sth CLOSED December 31st Closed at 2:00 PM January 1st OPEN ' ~. Tennis December 24th Closed at 2:00 PM 626-6S1S December2Sth CLOSED December 31st Closed at 2:00 PM -- -- ...... -- January lst- - -OPEN.- ... - - Pool December 24th CLOSED 691-3427 December 25th CLOSED December3lst CLOSED January 1st OPEN Restaurant December 24th . Closed at 4:00 PM 691-3427 December 25th CLOSED December 31st New Years Eve Patty (Call for Reservations) January 1st OPEN 2001 Holiday Boat Parade ofYhe Palm Beaches Saturday, December 1st FIREWORKS AND FESTlVELYDECORATEDBOATS: The parade will begin at 6:00 PM on Saturday, December 1st, traveling along the Iniercostals Waterway north from Peanut Island to Jonathan's Landing in Jupiter. Favorite viewing az- eas include the North Palm Beach Country Club and the Vil- lage of North Palm Beach is a sponsor of [he parade. ~~ A few extra hints are as follows: Do no[ hang up on junk callers, instead ask them to put you on their "Do Not Call List". If you don'[ ask they can legally call you back, never fill out a product .warranty card, do not enter sweepstakes or contests, your name will be sold, and. do not print your home phone number on ~~ , checks. ~£ Holiday Boat Patade Chairman Amy Tolderlmd amounted that the boat pazade will again this year include a toy drive for the United Stales Marine Corps Toys for Tots program. Resi- dents and businesses along the parade route are asked to col- lect toys for the drive and, on the night of the pazade, signal the yellow and red toy collection tow boats with flashlights from their docks. The volunteer vessels and crews will collect the toy,donations. A spectator donation site will also be avail- ableat the North Palm Beach Comtry Club Golf Course. All toys` collected will be presented to the U.S. Marine Corp the night of the parade. PwcE a DECEMBER 2 O O 7 PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 645 Prosperity Farms Road North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 FLORIDA YARD TIP How to have a Florida friendly" yard Water Efficiently HOLH)AY REFUSE SCHEDULE Monday December 24th Garbage only Tip 1: Design and maintain a yard that thrives predominately on rainfall once plants are Tuesday December 25th, NO PICK UP established. Select drought tolerant plants as Christmas Day much as possible.. Wednesday December 26th Garbage only There aze many native and non-native plants that are attractive and need less water, or they are adapted for a Thursday December 27 Trash, Vegetation, subtropical/tropical climate-rainy season and dry Recycle season. In fact, many tropical plants will not bloom without a dry season such as the royal Poinciana tree. Friday December 28th Garbage only Monday December3lst Garbage only Some plants to think about adding to your landscape are natives such as cabbage palm, buttonwood, wax Tuesday January 1st NO PICKUP myrtle, cocoplum, fiddlewood, firebush, Bahama New Year's Day cassia, beach sunflower, coontie and dwarf fakahatchee grass. Non-natives that are not pest plants Wednesday January 2nd Garbage Only and will do well in a Florida yard are Washington palm, yucca, viburnums, golden dewdrop, jatropha, Thursday January 3rd Trash, Vegetation, plumbago, bougainvillea and crape myrtle. Recycle For more information call 233-1748 Friday January 4th Garbage only wwtw. pbcgov. corn/coopext USED APPLIANCE PICK-UP The Village collects old kitchen and laundry appliances a[ the Swale azea on Friday. Most appliances are too heavy and bulky to be mixed with the other trash and are picked-up by using special equipment and vehicles. Since these pieces are particulary un- sightly and can be a hazard to young children, please avoid placing these pieces out before Thursday night. CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP 1 / This year, the Village will collect old Christmas Trees along with other vegetation on Thursday of the weeks immediately following Christmas (see above schedule). After the holidays, vegetarion pick-up will return to the nomntl Tuesday and Thursday schedule. , ` 1 / ~ ~ ~ 2002 MARINA RAMP STICKERS \ 2002 Anchorage Park Marina Ramp Stickers go on sale December I - , 17th. Ramp stickers are only available to Village residents and are / 1 ~ required to be displayed by all vehicles using the ramp. The stickers will cost $25 for the Calendaz Year. Village residents must provide a copy of the vehicle registration of the towing vehicle using the ramp. The vehicle registration should indicate that the vehicle is owned by the resident. Only one sticker per tt vehicle will be issued. The sticker numbers will be cross referenced with the vehicle tag numbers for enforcement purposes. PAGE 5 COUNTRY CLUB 841-3359 951 US Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 COUNTRY CLUB (Administration Office) (561) 69]-3420 The North Pahn Beach Country Club is open to the public. We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of our amenities. We are a complete recreational Facility offer- ing daily fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size pool or an exquisite dining experience. We also offer both resi- dent and non-resident memberships for all activities at the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to offer! The Country Club will be closed Tuesday, December 25, 2001 in observance of the Christmas Holiday. For complete holiday hours see page 9. GOLF 691-3433 "~"~ •Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. ° Beeinners Clinics: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m Saturdays Call [he Golf Shop at 691-3433 to sign-up. December 23, 2001 Couples Event 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. If you have any problems, concerns, or questions regarding your golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pros John Scott, Jeny Childs, or Greg Weber are available to help you. Lessons aze $30.00 per half-hour or $130.00 for a series of five. Gift certificates are available in the Golf Pro Shop. DRIVING RANGE 626-0732 Hours of operation: Monday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. '/ Wednesday~unday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 i p.m. _L a DECEMBER 2 O O 1 POOL 691-3427 DECEMBER POOL HOURS Tuesday -Friday 10:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m Weekends 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday Closed Water Aerobics Water exercise classes are open to the public. Classes are $4.00 per session. Sessions aze held on Wednesday and Friday 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. TENNIS 626-6515 After a couple of very wet months, we managed to get out Wil- son Demo day in between the rain. The event was a lot of fun and everyone had a chance to try the latest Wilson racquets and win some prizes. Junior programs will take a break from December 13'" until January 7`~. Junior Holiday camp will be offered December 26's until the 29's. We expect a large turnout so please call the pro-shop and reserve your spot. Macel Agnolin Director of Tereus r""' ~`' Juuior Holiday Camp 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Instmction, Games, Competition Marcel Aenolin's JuniorTennis Development Proeram Next session begins January 7 X-Treme Kids Aees 5 thru 9 Tues. & Thurs. 3:15 p.m - 4:00 p.m X-Treme PlaverAees 9 & Uo Mon., Wed. and Thurs. 4:00 p.m - 5:30 p.m Tournament Toueh Advanced Juniors Onlv Mon. & Thurs. 5:30 p.m - 7:00 p.m. Tues. 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m Men's Drill Monday at 6:30 p.m. Ladies Drill Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Men's & Ladies Sineles & Doubles Leaeues Monday -Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Country Club continued on page 9 PwG6 f 0 DECEMBER 2 O O 7 ' RECREATION NEWS: 841-3388 r ~ i:. _ ' is r: :..~ '~; North Palm Beach Recreation Department HOLIDAY EVENTS .; k Tree Lighting Ceremony - Welcome the amval of the holiday season on Wednesday, December 5 at 7:00 pm at Village Hall. The highlight of the program will be the NPB Elementary School's 4 & 5th grade Choms singing your favorite Holiday songs. This program will be followed with refreshments, which are most generously provided and served by the NPB Yacht Club. Bring the whole family,!JJ~ ~`` ~ b +1~~:~ Hanukah Candle Lighting Ceremony - On the fifth night of Hanukah Thwsday, December 13th at 6:00 pm at Village Hall. High- lights of the program include musician, family fun and some traditional potato pancakes. Ho Ho Hotline! .Santa will be calling good boys and girls on Dec. 17 & 18. Kids can send their letter to Santa in his special mail- box that will be located just outside the NPB Library beginning Dec. 1. Forms can be obtained in the Children's Library or at any Recreation building. Santa's Jolly Trolley Rides -Join Santa in his Trolley for an exciting ride up and down the streets of North Palm in search of the best holiday decorations. The Jolly Trolleys will be festively decorated and playing all yow sing-along favorites! Everyone has [o sing! The date is Friday, December 21 from 6:30-8:30 pm. The cost is $1/person or $3/family. Kids can visit with Santa and then ride in his Jolly Trolley. ~+ .- .i~ Santa's Visit -Santa's annual ride through the Village on a fuetmck will happen on Saturday, Dec. 22 beginning at 10:00 am. Keep yow ears and eyes open and if he comes riding down yow street you can run out and wave hello! ~. Pr 1 i C 4 1 ;~ 1, '~ January class registration - A complete class schedule for winter classes will be in the January newsletter. Schedules are now available at the various recreation buildings and the library. Exciting new classes include: handbuilt clay sculptwe, Wire wrapped jewelry, more holiday crafts for kids, Kayak Munyon Island, Seuss on the Loose, Astrology, French, Morning Workout and much ,~ , more! Registration will be Jan. ] & 8 for NPB residents and Jan. 9 & I O for non-residents. Bus Tours -The Recreation Departrnent would like all to welcome Bill Egan to the Department. He will be taking care of many of the atlilenc programs, some special events and he is bringing back the monthly bus trips! He has a great lineup in place already. We hope at least 40 of you will take advantage of this program January 25's Seminole Indian Bingo Hall $25 Febnuuy 20 A day in the Everglades $55 ' March 6 Strawberry Festival, Plant City $50 April 18 - 21 Weekend in Nashville $425 May 17-19 Key West Weekender $265 June 19-23 4 Day Vegas Flyaway $499 July Summer Western Caribbean Crnise TBA For more details, call Bill after 5:00 at 841-3389. Reserve yow seat ASAP. Seating is limited. r+ ~ } ~~Y iY ' ~1, f PAGE 3 LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 DECEMBER NEWSLETTER SHARE A MEMORY OF 9/11/01 Write a short though[, poem or drawing on a 3x5 card and drop it off at the Reference Desk. We'll display these cards so that all [he people who lost their lives will not be forgotten throughout this difficult holiday season. (3X5 Cards are also available at Reference Desk). HOLIDAX_CLOSING: The Library will -be closed from Saturday, December 22 through Tuesday, December 25 and Saturday, December 29th through Tuesday, January 1st. BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18 @ 10:30 AM WE WERE THE MULVANEYS BY JOYCE CAROL OATES When tragedy strikes the "perfect" family, things fall apart. Discussion Leader: Marie Dodd, who has been running the Brandeis University book discussion group at the state and lo- cal level for over 20 years. The Genealogy group, the Treesearchers, will meet_on Tues- day, December 18 at 7:00 pm. This is an informal group dedi- cated [o helping people share ideas about searching ancestry. To sign up please call 841-3383. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FAMOUS BAKE SALE!!! MONDAY, DECEMBER 10 10:00 AM-7:00 PM mar/ x,~^ .,~. This is yow chance to sample delicious goodies from some of North Palm Beach's best kitchens! Ex- pect to £md holiday cookies, breads, pies, cakes, muffins and candies. You may even want to take home an assortment. If you'd also like to donate your homemade baked goods, bring them to the library on Monday morning. DECEMBER 2 O O 1 Raffles will include a gift certificate from Honey Baked Ham and a basket of special gourmet coffees. All proceeds from the Bake Sale benefit the North Palm Beach Library. Help the Friends of the Library by baking or selling and esne- ~cially by buying.[ ALSO, many thanks for supporting the recent Friends of the Li- brary Book Sale. It was a great success! IN THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY , WINTER HOLIDAY PROGRAM: THURSDAY, - .- IBEGEMBER-6 3:30 TO 4:30 PM Sign up sheets are now in the Children's Department for the An- nual Winter Holiday Program for ages 4 through 12. Pre- registration is required. Please call 841-3383 or come in. ALIENS MEETING: DECEMBER 7 3:30 to 4:30 PM Ages 9 through 12 will meet on Friday for library games. You are welcome to bring along a friend. Come in to pre-register or ca11 84 1-33 83. NIGHTY NIGHT STORY TIME :THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 6:00-6:45 An evening of bedtime stories and puppets to entertain children ages 2 through 8 and parents, too! Bring a friend to join the fun. ' WINTER STORY HOURS Please come into the library or call 841-3383 ` ~ / to pre-register yow child for our Winter Story O Y Hows which will begin on Monday, January 14, from .2:30 to 3:30 pm for ages 4 and 5, Tuesday, January 15, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm for -• ages 6 through 8, both of these drop-off pro- grams and Wednesday, January 16 from 10 to 11 am for ages 2 and 3 with parent. ~~ __ _ __ ~r 1J iJ \~ L1~iL ZJ it r v v i v E Y ~ A` i l Est L sst !~~ st c It ~~ + >E lt Xo~+ 1 ~ ~ A i Ad -.~ ~~ . - - 2---~- isirat on - m in ~ ~_ G-Golf ~~ -_,tti, ! ir l C C ~ , r L.~ o--[LK>fh -- i ~' M - GM ntenance ~ -~ __ a -Golf =--~- - -•€c __~~ -- ~ ~._ ~~~ P-Pool ~ ran` ' ,' Telephone (561) 841-3359 CALENDAR OF EVENTS - ~_-- T-Tennas _ ~ North~Palm Beach Country Club North Palm Beach Florida 33408 (561) 841-3359 Email: club@village-npb.org 951 U S Highway #1 , , , . . , COUNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC r . t t .. ,~ •: . '~' R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM ~ ~ , ; THE COUNTRY CLUB .:k. ': }- * , , ~ ~ . ~` ..• ~ ' * . ~ }'' ' * . • •~ • : ~ ~ .; Lunch 11AM-0 PM ,~ . ~ Call 691-3430 for k pp .y, RESTAURANTAND BAR ' ' - f -- ~ , ~ ~ :. - ~ k , Information on Upcoming Danner ~ Entertainment ARE OPEN DAILY ~'~~ Restaurant Events it~ w SPM - 12AM ~ :~ ~ _ .. DAILY L UNCHEONS - - ~ ~'' ~! • - t: . ; ~i ;~' Prime Rib i .. : ~ Y 1~' , , d ~ • AVAILABLE , .; :* .. ~ ~• ~ .•~ ~ r ~ * . .l 2 3 CCAB Meeting 7:30 PM `~ $ ;j 6 R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM 7 g ... _...:._. ...__. .. __ .._...._._ _. ._. _R-No Breakfast ----.-. _-. . _- _.-_R-Breakfast.7AM-11AM .--_ -. __ R,Breakfast 7AM-11AM .._._-- .. -__ - .Lunch IIAM-4.PM .. _ _..-R_Breakfast 7AM-11AM._.__ __.._R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM.-:_ -_ Lunch Menu 1 lAM-0 PM Lunch I lAM-0 PM Lunch 1 IAM~.PIN Dinner & Entertainment Lunch 11 AM- 4 PM Lunch 1lAM-4 PM R-Btvnch 10 AM-2 PM Dinner 4 PM-7 PM Dinner- Po[ Pie Night ItaliarNight ~ 5 PM-11 PM ~ . Meat Loaf ~ G-MGA 7:30AM ~ G-WGA 8:00 AM Dinner for Two Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment Ltmch (Lotmge) 11AM-4 PM T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 5 PM- 12 AM ~ ' 5 PM-12 AM ~ Toum. Tough 5:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM Pish n Chips & Prime Rib Prime Rib Ladies Singles League 6:30 PM Ladies Dri116:00 PM ~ T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Mixed Drill 6:00 PM Ditmer 4 PM-8 PM Men's Dri116:30 PM .Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Women's Double~League 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM ~ ! 9 10 11 12 ~€,'~ 13 Council Meetiug 7:30 PM 12 1$ .Happy R-No Breakfast R-Breakfast 7 AM-1 IAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-I lAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-l1AM Haldll$k8$ Lunch MenullAM-0PM Lunch IIAM-0PM LunchllAM-0~PM Lunch 11AM-0PM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM Lunch 11AM-0AM Dinner 4 PM-7 PM Dinner- Variety Show 7:00 PM Italian~Night Dinner & Entertainment Lunch ] lAM-0 PM - Hanukkah Begins Meat Loaf G- MGA 7:30 AM G-WGA 8:00 AM 5 PM-1 I PM Dinner for Two Dinner & Entertainment ` ~ T - X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Open Shotgun ] 2:30 PM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 Dinner & Entertainment 5 PM-12 AM R-Brtmch 10 AM-2 PM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM T- X-Treme. Kids 3:15 PM , ( Toum. Tough 5:30 PM 5 PM -12 AM Prime Rib Ltmch (Lounge) 11AM-0 PM Ladies Singles League 6:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM ti T-X-Treme Players 4:30'PM Mixed Drill 6:00 PM ~ Fish n' Chips & Prime Rib Dirmer 4 PM-8 PM Men's Dri11~6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Women's Doti "(c~1'gue~6:30"PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM ~ , ~; r.+ 16 17 18 19 ~~''~;, 20 R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM 21 22 R-Brrmch 10 AM-2 PM R-No Breakfast R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast ~7 AM-1 IAM~ Lunch i lAM-0 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM Lunch Menu 11 AM-0 PM Lunch 11 AM-0 PM Lunch 11 AM-0 PM Dinner & Entertainment ~ Lunch 11 AM-0 PM Lunch t 1 AM-0 AM Ltmch (Lounge) 11AM-4 PM Dinner 4 PM-7 PM Italian~Night - 5 PM-11 PM Meat Loaf Dinner- Pot Pie Night G-WGA~8:00 AM Dinner for Two Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment G-MGA 7:30AM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM 5 PM -12 AM - ~ 5 PM-12 AM R -Closed at 5:00 PM ~ Open Shotgun 12:30PM ~~ ~ ' b T -Mixed Drill 6:00 PM M ' D bl L 6 30 PM Fish n' Chips & Prime Rib '° Prime Rib T -Ladies Singles League 6:30 PM T-Ladies Dri116:00 PM T-Women s Dou le League 6:30 PM en s ou es eague : , . Men's Dri166:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM } V 23 R-Brunch 10 AM-2 PM 24 25 ' ^ ~^yJ ~~1 26 ) 27 R-Breakfast 7 AM-1lAM 28 29 Lunch 11AM-0PM Dinner 4 PM-8 PM R-Closed at4:00~PM r Ie, J _~~ G I ^~tT' ~"" R-Breakfast 7AM-.IIAM Lunch 11 AM-4 PM ~ Lunch l1AM-4 PM Dinner & Entertainment R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM Lunch 11AM-0 PM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM Lunch I IAM-4 AM 4r 1 ,p G -Couples Event 8:30-10:30 AM Administrative Office Closed ~' ! Italian Night 5 PM-11 PM „t,- 'Y. '~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i G-WGA•8:00 AM ~ Dinner for Two Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment 31 Open Shotgun 12:30 PM 5 PM -12 AM ' 5 PM-l2 AM 30 R-Branch 10 AM-2 PM R- Gala New Yeazs Eve Party COUNTRY CLUB CLOSED ~ T-Jr. Holiday Camp 10:00 AM T - Jr. Holiday Camp 10:00 AM Mixed Drill 6:00 PM Fish n Chips & Prime Rib Prime Rib Lunch 11AM-0 PM HAPPY NEW YEAR! FOR THE HOLIDAY Men's Drill 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30PM T - Jr. Holiday Camp 10:00 AM T - 7r. Holiday Camp 10:00 AM Dinner 4 PM-8 PM Adntinistrative Office Closed - R ~. k