11-2001 NewsletterPAGE 20 T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R NOVEMBER 2 O O 1 BULLETIN BOARD Water Restrictions Even though South Florida Water Management District BOAT SMART -Safe Boating Course (SFWMD) restrictions have been lifted, the Village's Water Presented by Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron Shortage Emergencies ordinance is still in effect. This ordi- nance prohibits irrigation between the hours of 9:00 am and to November 14s' 5:00 pm every day (with some exceptions including landscape irrigation by hand watering using a self canceling nozzle and at the William T. Dwyer High School, Pahn Beach Gardens landscape irrigation for 45 days for newly planted grass and Held weekly on Wednesday evenings 7:00 foliage). Also, the SFWMD has indicated that the water level PM to 9:30 PM for Lake Okeechobee is still below normal. Below normal The Boating Course will deal with both sail rainfall for the upcoming dry season could again significantly and power boats. Course material is $20.00, deplete the regional water source next year. tax included, and instmction is free. Have the whole family take the course Water Conservation (Adapted from South Florida Water . Management District Information) Registration first night 7:00 PM to 7:15 PM Although the immediate crisis is over, and regional water Register by email: www.usps.org/localups/palm or call Educa- shortage has recovered, conservation will always be very im- tion Officer (561) 863-1461 or Course Chairman (561) 746- portant. November 2001 mazks the beginning of the dry sea- 3977 son. Continuing conservation as a "way of life" can help to avoid, or at least lessen the likelihood of future water short- ages, and inconvenient restrictions. HOLIDAY REFUSE SCHEDULE The SFWMD is asking residents to voluntarily limit lawn wa- tering to three times a week as follows: November 12 Monday Veterans Day No pick-up ' • Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays for those with Gazbage Only November 13 Tuesday home addresses ending with ODD numbers November 14 Wednesday Trash & Vegetation ~ Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays for those with home November 15 Thursday Recycle addresses ending with EVEN numbers or those with no November 16 Friday Gazbage number in the address November 22 Thursday Thanksgiving Day NO PICK-UP For more information contact the SFWMD at (800) 662-8876 save trash, vegetation and recycle till following or visit their website at www.sfwmd.gov. week. November 23 Friday Garbage Only VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 ++++++++++++++ ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 The Village NEWSLETTER ~ ~ ~ - NOVE.7-~iBER 2001 V I L LAG F, O F NORTH PALM BEACH, SO 1 U $ H W Y # 1 , NORTN PALM BEACH, PL 33408 NORTH PALM BEACH VILLAGE COUNCIL David B. Norris, Mayor •°? Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor Donald G. Noel, President Pro Tem ~ Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman ~+ Joseph A. Tringali, Councilman Village Council members maybe contacted through the office of the ? Village Clerk at 841-3355 VH.LAGE DEPARTMENTS Village Manager 841-3380 Village Clerk 841-3355 Finance 841-3360 Public Services 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Pazk 841-3386 Community Center 841-3389 Osborne Pazk 841-3387 Library 841-3383 Public Safety: Non Emergency 848-2525 Emergency 911 Country Club 841-3359 Administration 691-3420 Driving Range 626-0732 Golf Shop 691-3433 Pool 691-3427 Tennis 626-6515 Restaurant 691-3430 ledd~ llsit Itlfar:~ GreatAmedcanWeekend 2-4 VIIIageCouncil 5 Ubrary 8- 7 Public Safety ' _7-a Public Services g .,_ Calendar Of Ever ', .1411_,;. CoulltryClub 12 ': Recreation --- 13-37 Village Managers Message 3g. Ie Bulletin Board/Water Restriction I 2d THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PRESENTS ~~~ V7LJ2LL/-U~ I~V~IJ~L~C~V~~N VV ~~LJ \~N~ TAND BENEFIT 'II'®~I~ IF®IE8'II'®'Il'~ ° VIE'II'IEIlSAI`~IS ~NI@VIIV®~ AIYIIDVIIC'II'III`/I~ [, ~mn~i~®IF''IIR'I'[~[IEi~~TIpETTI~~'Ilq'oR~Il Il~'IC~ITEd'Ilt'~I~EIKtI~~1R®~1[[~B~II/~'II~'tAR~''~'A~m~I~~rt~ q~}.r~rt ~111ll UJ llUllJ/~lly ~W1VllLH1ll /;11V~ 1Vll®1V11//L'illl91V®V. Il®lll[1L Ilbllll71 Saturday November 10th - See page 2 for more information. • Village Fifiess Run And Walk • Tennis Tournament • Pool Party & Cookout plus Entertainment and Dancing . Sunday November 11th - See page 3 for more information. ~~~~a~ ~® ~>mn~>rn~~ e ~~>nm Local Marching Band, Choral Groups, Medal Awards Ceremony, Human American Flag • Big Band • Free Buffet, Entertainment by National & local Entertainers. Monday November 12th - See page 4 for more information. • Golf Tournament • Color Guazds • Fly Over • Wild Blue Parachute Team IEI~'II'IIB~' IFIEIE IF®IR IFIE~'II'Il~11['Il'IIIES 5.4~'II'N>A~ASY ~ ~UJ~TIlDASY ii~~ ~~~~ii ((]ffii1~P3T~II1\[I~Qs~r,AI\~Trl[7I`~Ti~JI~~TAi~I~I~TI~E-D ~TIEV`~~J ~'II+'®irZ~YR~ ®1N 1Vlla`11 ~n~ ir' .`S1 llll®1 V ~~ll®1V ll' ®1N 6~®~J' ll` ®IN ll ®~~9 OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS: • Holiday Boat Parade, December 1st Starting at 6pm, See page 19 See Public Services Pace 9 For The Following Important Information: -Dredging Update -New Housing Code Visit us on our Web Site: htt ://www.villa e-n b.or E-mail: viBn b evcom.net PAGE 2 ~ ~-~-~ ~'. . ,~ 7:00 AM THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R "~ •` NOVEMBER 2 O O 1 ~ ;..~ m_ GREAT AMERICAN WEEKEND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10TH SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES >, ~:~ r Village Fitness Run And Walk Begins at Advantage Bank, U. S. Highway One See Page 13 of This Newsletter Or Call 841-3389 for information 8:00 AM -.3:00 PM t ,. 5:30 PM -10:30 PM OR MAKE A DONATION FOR "TOYS FOR TOTS" Arts & Crafts Fall Festival Community Center, Prosperity Farms Road See Page 16 of This Newsletter Or Call 841-3386 for information. Tennis Ttiurnament - North Palm Beach Country Club Tennis Courts Call 626-6515 for information Pool Party & Cookout Entertainment & Dancing North Palm Beach Country Club Pool & Patio Area Ca11691-3430 for information ~'*'TRY FEE FOR FESTIVITIES SATURDAY & SUNDAY " _ b BRING AN UNWRAPPED. NEW TOY - v~ ?I Pwce t9 Village Managers Message Continued From Page 18 Subsequently we have been able to enjoy salary in- creases, equipment replacements and normal operation and maintenance increases and still carry this level of debt without.a millage rate increase. This is predicated on the Village's "capacity to borrow". The upside of all this debt is we now have wonderful fa- cilities to use for the benefit of the citizens. When the auditors conduct the audit for the Village the debt obvi- ously gets accounted for; some questions are raised re- garding the impact on the Village's balance sheet. The response is the balance sheet begins to look fairly,posi- tive because the buildings themselves carry value and those capital improvements get picked up on the asset and liability balance sheets. Although we have incurred additional debt we also have incurred additional assets. which get calculated into the balance sheet. Those as- sets cant' an appreciation over a period of years that re- flects positively toward the Village's retained earnings (retained earnings is about as close to a definition of "net profit" that we aze allowed to use in the public sector). The net result is we get to place the value of the new fa- cilities 'into the balance sheet which offsets the annual payments for the debt.incurred. Hopefully this has enlighten you to the extent of where we stand with our current financial structure: This article is dedicated only to the general fund. We will discuss the Country Club Fund in a future article. As always, should you have questions or want to discuss the matter in more detail please feel free to call either the Finance Director's office at 841-3360 or the Village Manager's. office at 841-3380 and we will be happy to discuss with you in more detail the finances or specifically our debt management. Thank you. ,~ ? HAVE: A HAPPY THANKSGIVING ' I ~ . Veterans Day Remember Our Veterans -November 11th THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1 2001 HOLH)AY BOAT PARADE OF THE PALM,BEACHES: Saturday, December lsc Plans aze moving full speed ahead for the 2001 Holiday Boat Parade of the Palm Beaches presented by the Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach County. The parade will begin at 6 p.m. on Sanrrday, December 1", traveling along the Intracoastal Waterway north from Peanut Island to Jonathan's landing in Jupiter. Favorite viewing areas include the North Palm Beach Country Club and the Village of North Pahn Beach is a sponsor of the parade. The night sky,will be punctuated by fireworks along the parade route as the lead boat presents the azea's only traveling fireworks display. It will signal the arrival of a parade of dozens of boats from throughout the area, all festively decorated with lights for the holiday season. Holiday Boat Parade Chairman Amy Tolderlund, who is also a board member of the Marine Industries Association of Palm Beach County, announced that the boat parade will again this yeaz include a toy drive for the United States Mazine Corps Toys for Tots program ~ "Last year we collected more than 2,000 toys, making us the second biggest toy collection drive in the county,' Tolderlund said. "We're challenging the community to help us beat last yeaz's record." Dockside Toy Pick-up - In a one-of a-kind effort, residents and businesses along the parade route aze asked to collect toys for the drive and, on the. night of the parade, signal the yellow and red toy collection tow, boats with flashlights from their docks. The volunteer vessels and crews from Sea Tow Palm Beach, Towboat LJ.S. and Marine Max will pull up to the dock and collect thew toy donations.. A spectator donation site will also be available at the North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course. All toys col- lected will be presented to the U.S. Marine Carps the night of the parade. Toy Donation Sites -Toys may also be donated at a network of Marine Industries Association businesses through the month of November. Public Parade Viewing Areas -Popular public viewing azeas for the boat parade include the Blue Heron Bridge, Phil Foster Park, and the Blue Heron Fishing Bridge in Riviera Beach, Kel- sey Park in Lake Pazk, the North Palm Beach Country Club, Juno Park and Bert Winters Pack.in Jupiter.:. , To enter your boat in the parade, for sponsorship.opportuni- ties or more information, call the Holiday Boat Parade.Hot- line at (561) 845-9010 or visit our website at www.pbboatparade.com. Pw6[ 18 Village Manager's Message 841-3380 Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Over the past five to seven years the Village has been ag- gressively improving the Village's infrastmcture and fa- cilities either through new construction or through renova- tion of existing facilities. The first set of improvements started in 1998 upon completion of the ball fields at the Community Center. Following that project the Village built the Anchorage Park Activities building on South An- chorage Drive. The next major project that we completed was the Public Safety Building on U. S. One. That build- ing was completed in 1999 and has proved to be an ex- traordinarily positive asset to the functioning of the North Palm Beach Public Safety Department. Finally, in 1999 we completed and implemented our Information Systems Plan. This brought every computer in the Village organi- zation, along with some new purchases, into a cohesive, integrated system with practically every computer having both Internet and Intranet capabilities. There aze four projects that are currently funded (i.e. the financing has been completed and in place) but the pro- jects aze in their infancy stage and are just now getting off the ground. The more advanced project is the canal dredging that is currently taking place on the North Palm Beach waterway. The spoil is being directed to a large filtering basin located at the old Seacoast Utility Plant at Anchorage Park. Village Hall is scheduled for a one hun- dred percent renovation to the interior. This project is in the architectural stage with the architect completing the construction drawings within the next few weeks. Once the construction drawings are completed they will be the base documents for the bids which will then be is- sued to contractors. Once awarded the construction should be completed by the end of summer or fall of 2002. An- other project that we have committed finances to is the Public Safety North Sub-Station north of Parker Bridge to service the Old Part Cove, Gemini, and Governors Point condominium areas around the Crystal Tree Plaza. The north sub-station is currently in the land acquisition stage. A final project in which financing has been set aside is the expansion of Anchorage Park parking to be located basi- cally behind the new Anchorage Park building to alleviate some of the parking that fronts on South Anchorage Drive and the tot lot. It will not be started until the dredging project is completed. The purpose of this article is to convey to you that al- though we have made these wonderful improvements to the Village over the past five to seven years there has been a cost accompanying these improvements. THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R NOVEMBER 2 O O 1 We borrowed a sum of money and it is important that you as citizens be fully informed as to what the cost of that ~ money has been. The following is a summary of the pro- ~~ jects and the amount of money borrowed in order to com- plete them: • Information System Master Plan - $600,000.00 • Public Safety Building, Anchorage Park Activities Building, Community Center Ballfield and Osborne Pazk Concession stand - $6 million • Village Hall renovation $1.2 million • Canal dredging $1.4 million • North Sub-station (property acquisition) $93,500.00 (seed money) • Anchorage Park parking $93,500.00 (seed money) Along with these projects and the money borrowed comes the annual payments on the various financings. The $600,000.00 for the Information System Master Plan is a five-year loan with an estimated annual payment of $134,000.00. The $6 million for the Public Safety build- ing, Anchorage Park and ball fields, etc. is a twenty-yeaz note from August 1997 through August of 2017 with an estimated annual payment of $545,000.00. The Village Hall renovation canal dredging, north sub-station and Anchorage Pazk parking along with $13,000.00 in contin- gency funds amounts to $2.8 million. That was borrowed on a ten-year note with estimated annual payments of $350,000.00. In 1996, before we started these projects, our annual debt payment had been reduced to zero. Over the next five to seven years, as we completed these projects and borrowed the money for the future projects, our annual debt pay- ment increased steadily to today's annual payment of $1,029,000.00. That debt payment will start reducing af- ter March of 2004 when the first small loan of $600,000.00 gets paid off. By the year 2011 it will reduce even more as a result of [he payoff of the $2.8 million and of course we will ride the debt for the Public Safety build- ing and the Anchorage Park building, etc. until 2017. When municipalities borrow money they do it on a very calculated basis predicated on what they view as their "capacity to borrow". Some cities have more capacity than others depending on their property values and their tax base. Because of the recent spurt in growth in the Vil- lage, especially in high valued properties, we have been able to hold the millage rate at much the same number because of the advent of these new values. This yeaz we were able to reduce the millage rate by a tenth of a mill. Continued On Page 19 '~ rl P'wo[ 3 T H[ V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R N o V[ M e[ 11 2 0 0 1 SALUTE TO AMERICA CELEBRATION Sunday, November llte -Veterans Day Schedule of Activities 1:00 PM "Keep America Rolling" Parade Decorate your bikes, skateboards, and strollers, etc. and meet in front of the Country Club at 1:OOPM. Call 841-3384 for information 2:00 PM North Palm Beach Golf Course -10th Fairway Salute to America Call 841-3389 for information 4:00 PM • Local High School Marching Band • Choral Groups • Special Guests -Commissioner Karen Marcus, Representative Jeff Atwater And Senator Ken Pruitt • Medal Awards Ceremony Special Guests -Normandy D-Day Veterans Congressman Clay Shaw Presenting • Demonstration Of New Voting Machines (2PM - 4PM) Theresa LePore, Palm Beach County Supervisor Of Elections • Human American Flag -Held on 10`h Fairway To participate please purchase a red, white or blue tee shirt at the Country Club any time prior to that Sunday or on that day, also. Big Band - Poolside, North Palm Beach Country Club Ca11691-3430 for information 6:00 PM Free Buffet, Entertainment by National & Local Entertainers Caricatures by Steve Sanada Portraits by Don Pottratz North Palm Beach Country Club Restaurant Ca11691-3430 for information ENTRY FEE FOR FESTIVITIES SATURDAY & SUNDAY BirIl~~ ai~n Uet~^vrapped Ne~v '~'®y or Make a Donation for "TOYS FOR TOTS" PAGE 4 THE V ~LLwG E NEWSLETTER' N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1 GREAT AMERICAN. WEEKEND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12Tx SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES 18:00 AM & 1:00 PM G 12:00 - 1:00 PM Leon Smith Memorial Golf Tournament Call 691-3433 for information. Longest Drive Closest to the Pin Hole in One Car Raffle Auction .Foursomes of Golf Ride for Six on the Goodyear Blimp Breakfast, lunch, Cocktail Party, Dinner for all Participants MID DAY FESTIVITIES Color Guards (Army, Navy, Air Force,.. and Marines) National Anthem Fly Over Wild Blue Parachute Team ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~,, ~ ~ ENTRY FEE FOR FESTIVITIES SATURDAY & SUNDAY -BRING AN UNWRAPPED NEW TOY - OR MAKE A DONATION FOR ~°TOYS FOR TOTS" ' ,,,, r ~ •,~ P•A G E 1 7 1 1 ~ ~r1. . THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R N O V EMBER 2 0 0 1 ~/~ `~~`'' UPCOMING HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES "(~ " ~/ ~ Attention Residents of the following streets: Kingfish Road, Kingfish Place, Inlet Rd., Hazbour Rd., Gulf Rd., Flotilla Rd., Flo- tills Ln., Ebbtide Dr., Driftwood Rd., Captains Rd., Bay Rd., S. Anchorage Dr., (west of US1) Anchorage Ln, Fairwind Dr, and Eastwind Dr. (south of Lighthouse) On the evening of Friday, December 21 the Recreation Dept. will be taking hundreds of people on Santa's Jolly Trolley ride up and down these streets, in seazch of the best, brightest ,most festive holiday displays! We aze chal- lenging you and your neighbors to really go all out this yeaz with the decorations. On Monday, Dec. 18, we will choose one of these streets to represent Santa's Special Street. We will designate the winning street as the Jolly Trolley Ride's main attraction. Tree Lighting Ceremony - Will be on Wednesday evening, December 6. The highlight of the program will be the NPB Elementary School `s 4 & 5th grade Chorus singing your favorite Holiday songs. The program will be ~~ followed with refreshments most generously provided and served by the NPB Yacht Club. `' ' Ho Ho Hotline! Santa will be calling good boys and girls on Dec. 17 & 18. ® Kids cansend their letter to Santa in his special mailbox that will be located just outside the NPB Library beginning Dec. 1. Forms can be obtained in the Chil- dren's Library or at any Recreation building. Santa's Jolly Trolley Rides -Alas, Santa has refued his sleighs. Tlris yeaz you can join Santa in his Trolley for an exciting ride up and down the streets of North Palm in search of the best holi- day decorations. The Jolly Trolleys will be festively decorated and playing all your sing-along favorites! Everyone has to sing! The date is Friday, December 21 from 6:30-8:30 pm The cost is $1/person or $3/family. Kids can visit with Santa and then ride in his Jolly Trolley. Santa's Visit -Santa's annual tide through the Village on a fuetmck will happen on Saturday, Dec. 22 beginning at 10:00 am. Keep your ears and eyes open and if he comes riding down your street you can run out and wave hello! For more information on any of the above classes or programs, call the Recreation Dept. of 841-3388. THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER T n E VILLA 6 a N E W S L E T T E R P A O H 9 6 NOVEMBER 2 0 0 t 1 P A G E 5 - Po O V E M a E R 2 0 0 1 Arts Crafts Fall Festival ~®V~dI1QDef' b®t~l 9:OO ECM-4:~o PM ~ Be sure to attend the Arts & Crafts Fall Festival on November 10 at the Community Center. Over 100 booths will presen4 hand-crafted items for you to purchase. Some of the items you will see include: hand crafted fur- naure, stained glass, plant sculpture, gaphite portraits, sterling and gold jewelry, hand painted clothing, holiday items, and much, much more! This ~'~ is the place to shop for that hazd-to-fmd item for the person on your list who already has everything! Most traffic will be in the morning. By com- ing after noon, you will avoid all pazking problems. We hope to see you there! ~~ Pine Needle Baskets - Enjoy making holiday decorations! The art of pine needle basketry! A fun workshop that when completed, can be filled with goodies! All that is needed is a ring, (I fmd the ones for cafe curtains to work the best), raffia, a blunt needle (that is used for needlepoint), a plastic soda straw, and loads of pine needles that you can get from your yard or the beach!! You will need to bring a small plastic bowl for water and an old bath towel. Holiday Crafts - in these one-day classes the children will complete an entire fun project that can be used for the upcoming holi- day! $12 fee covers all materials! Great opportunity to get the kids out of the house on a Sunday aftemoon! Drawing from the Right Sid@ of the Brai®-This in-depth study of learning how to draw has been introduced by the writer, Betty Edwards, and has worked with art students successfully. Exercises that will enable those that think they could never draw, actually become good aY it!! The study is fun, with fun exercises, and allows the student Yo "tune in" to their creative side. All that is required is a newspaper prin4 pad, charcoal sticks, and colored markers. Some exercises will be done eo music. Recr@a¢lon Depnrtm@ut is 1®ooing ff®r nuusIIPOneII®PS? We are looking for outgoing people to teach classes through our Department. Iff you can 4each shuffleboard, please contact us today! We are looking for someone to guide nature adventures and hands-on field Drips ffor ffamilies to local environmental pazks/areas. Do you know anyone who can instruct outdoor enthusiasts in the necessary skalls, equipmen4 and special knowledge to make camping and hiking more safe and enjoyable? If you or someone you know qualifies w do any off these activities or have another area of specialty, please contact Nancy at 841-3386. l.,oos@ eri8h Seuss - Come join Miss Marelen as we travel through the magical, whimsical worlds of Dr. Seuss! Each week will fea- ture a diffeeent Dr. Seuss book. Along with the story, children will create a craft project related to the story and participate in games. This promises to be a fun (and educational) experience for your preschooler! We are offering morning and aftemoon classes to accommodate all. See schedule above for days and times. Feng Shul III- this is a continuation of Feng Shui for all of those who have had class with Marsh Frantz. There is so much to Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese aet of placement that creates balance and harmony, that one can not cover or absorb it all in one evening. Please join us in learning how placement within the home or workplace can promote peace, happiness and prosperity. Hors@shoes - We have 2 horseshoe pits at Anchorage Pazk. Now all we need are some players! The horseshoes are open Yo any- one, during daylighe hours. Anyone interested in playing in a possible league (if enough are interested) can show up at Anchorage Park on Wednesdays at 4:00. ShutBeboard -the courts aze sitting unused at Anchorage! Where are all the shuffleboard players? We have all the equipment you need to trv out your shuffleboard stratesies. Stop by and play! Check with Center attendant for equipment. Youth Basketball Registration - Regiseer your 5-15 yeaz old child for the Winter Youth Basketball program. We will be accepting registrations a4 the Anchorage Pazk Activities Building from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm Monday through Friday and from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and on Saturdays from November 1 4heough November 19. Games will begin in December. T7te cose is $35 for NPB residents and $45 for non-residents. If you know someone who would like to coach, Ie4 Larry Johnson know at 841-3389. Turkey Shoot: Basketball Free Throw Contese - In conjunction with youth basketball registration, 4he NPB Rec. Dept. will have a turkey shoa4 at the Community Center on Monday, November 19. The contest runs from 5:00 - 9:00 pm with reg- istrationbeginning at 4:30. This free throw shooting contest will be divided into the following age goups: 5 & 6 yrs., 7 ~ 8 yrs., 9 $c 10 yrs., 11 - 13 yrs., 14 - 17 yrs., and 18+ yrs. The winner in each division will receive a $25.00 gift certificate. The cos4 of this exciting even4 is $2.00/10 free throws. Start practicing now! For mace de- tails, contact Larry Johnson at 841-3389. PUBLIC MEETIIT~d~ SCfdEDULB Village Councdl ................................................................................. ............................... 2nd & 4th TPtursday, 7:30 p.m. Code Enforcement Board .................................................................. ............................... 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m Constmction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ................................... ............................... on call Country Club Advisory Boazd ........................................................... ............................... 1st Monday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Library Advisory Board ..................................................................... ............................... 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission ........................................................................ ............................... 1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m. Recreation Advisory Board ............................................................... ............................... 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m. Zoning Board of Adjustment ............................................................. ............................... on call All meetings are held aP Phe Pillage fZad/, SOI SI.S. Highway One Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are now available on the Village's web site (http://www.village- npb.org). Agendas aze posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available at Village Hall or at the meeting. ~~~~~~~, A~~~®~ ~~~~~ Ordenance 27-20Ofl Adopts the Standard Housing Code, 1997 Edition, of the SBCCL, as the housing code for the Village, and makes amendments thereto. ®rdlnance 2ffi-B®Ofl .Adopts 2001-02 Budgets for the General Fund and Country Club Revenue Fund. ®rdinance 29-2®Ofl Amends the G.F. Budget for 2000-O1 to appropriate funds for Recreation part-time pay. Reso8u8ion 7fl-2OOfl Authorizes and duects the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an ageement with G & K Services for employee uniform and laundry service. 1ResoVutnon 7R-20Ofl Authorizes and duects the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a 4th amendment to J.E.D.L. lease to conduct food and beverage operations at the Country Club, which deletes the minimum restaurant charge of $10 per month for annual golf membership. Reso9ution 73-2®Ofl Accepts assignment from WCI Communities, Inc. of voting representation and membership on the gov- erning board established under a Declaration of Tmst, which provided financing for enforcement of boat speed zones on the Intracoastal and connected inland waterways. ResoVutiou 74-200& Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into maintenance ageements with Bell South Communications Systems for telephone systems in Public Safety, Village Hall, Library, Public Services and Country Club. Reso¢u8ion 7g-800fl Authorizes and duects the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an ageement with Graphic Systems Services for maintenance of the Village's printing press. Resolu8ion 76_200fl Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an ageement with BEA International for a master site plan for the Village Hall complex. Resoiutlon 77-20Ofl Accepts the proposal of Southeast Risk Managemen4 Assoc. to provide the Village with general liability insurance, property coverage insurance, workers compensation and other insurance coverages. Resolution 78-200Il Levies a tax of 5.60 mills on real and personal property located within the corporate limits of the Village on 1/1/Ol. Reso9ution 79-BOOIl Extends the zoning in progress for real properties within the Village tha4 abut Northlake Blvd., (othee than property lmown as Shoppes of Northlake) to 2/1/02. Resoiutiou ffi®-80OIl Increases the premiums chazged to temtinated employees for health coverage (COBRA) PAGE 6 LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 303 Anchorage Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER VETERANS DAY The Library will be closed on Monday, November 12 in honor of the Veterans Day holiday. TOYS FOR TOTS AT THE LIBRARY NOVEMBER 12-DECEMBER 15 In observance of Toys for Tots Weekend and November 11, Veterans Day, the Children's Department of the North Palm Beach Library will forgive fines for anyone bringing in a new, unwrapped book or toy from November 12 through December 15. New, unwrapped books or toys will also be accepted from anyone wishing to participate in this program. We thank you for your generous support. BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: TUESDAY NOVEMBER 20 AT 10:30 AM MRS. DALLOWAY BY VIRGINIA WOOLF/ THE HOURS BY MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM. Discussion Leader: Marie Dodd, who has been running the Brandeis University book discussion group at the state and lo- cal level for over 20 years. The Book Discussion Group meets every third Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Obert Meeting Room. The program is free and open to the public. Please sign up at the Reference Desk or call 841-3383. A list of the books to be discussed is available at the Circulation Desk of the library. Multiple copies of the books can be found on the card catalog. THANKSGIVING The Library will be closed for the Thanksgiving weekend from Thursday, November 22 through Sunday, November 25. The Staff of the Library wishes all our patrons a very happy holi- day. tF ~., Patriotic Pins: Red, white and blue pins are available at the Circulation Desk. Donations go to the Red Cross. Your help will be appreciated. THE V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R N O V EMBER 2 0 0 1 The Genealogy group, the Treesearchers, will meet on Tues- day, November 27 at 7:00 pm. This is an informal group dedi- cated to helping people shaze ideas about searching ancestry. To sign up please call 841-3383. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY GREAT BOOK SALE!!! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8,10-9 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 10-5 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10,10-5 Great books at great prices! Choose from books on subjects from arts to zoology, children's books, reference books, videos and much more! If you would like to help the Friends set up or sell, please ca11841-3383 or sign up at the Circulation Desk. All I proceeds benefit the North Palm Beach Library. ~~ The Friends now have a bulletin board in the library. Member- ship forms and a schedule of events, as well as timely articles, are posted. Take the time to look it over. The Friends' membership drive is in progress now. Forms are available at the desk as well as the bulletin board. Fees are $5 individual and $10 family. Donations are always accepted. IN THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY `. .~ . '` HARRY POTTER PROGRAM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15 3:30-5:00 PM We will present a special program on Thursday, November 15`" from 3:30 to 5:00 pm for all of those H.P. fans who are anx- iously awaiting the Harry Potter movie release. Children who have read at least one Harry Potter book are welcome to attend. '. They are encouraged to wear their favorite Harry Potter book character costume. We will play Harry's favorite game and there will be lots of surprises to geaz us up for the movie debut that takes place the following day. As usual, we will meet at Kings Crossing, Platform 9'/.. Call the library at 841-3383 or come in to pre-register. Do not forget to ask for the secret password. Library News Continued On Page 7 a,. t i ~. ,l i i it •~ ~~! li c~ I~ t. !t r THE VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R PAGE 15 NOVEMBER 2001 Scrapbooking,txg. T 9:30-]1:30 $15 t1/t3 YA Grenier Scrapbooking, adv. T 9:30-11:30 $15 a/zo vA Grenier Scrapbooking,beg. T 9:30-11:30 $15 tvu YA Grrnia Scrapbooking, adv. T 9:30-11:30 $15 12/18 YA Grrnia Stained Glass, beg. T 6:00-8:30 $50 1 t/6 6wk AA Proctor Stained Glass, inter. Th 6:00-8:30 $50 11/8 6wk AA Proctor (Stained Glass -register directly with Thurston Proctor at 846-7720) Sophisticates Tap M 10:30-1:00 $20/gels Ongoing AAB Krnnaknxht Sophisticates Tap,beginncrs W 10:30-12:00 $20 11/14 gwk AAB Krnnerknccht Sophisticates Tap Th 10:30-12:00 $40/16c1s AAB Krnnerknceht Tai Chi T 6:30-7:30 $40/6wk Ongoing Alt Kempf Yoga M 10:00-11:30 $15/cls Ongoing AX Germaine Yoga W 6:00-7:30 850/6wk register AX Gamainc Yoga Sat 9:00-10:30 at class AX Germaine Workshops/Seminars Reading Body Language for power/ love/success T 7:00-8:30 11/13 $10 AAB Apothecary Party M 6:30-9:30 11/26 $55 AAB Many classes also will have materials & equipment chazges in addition to registration fees. Students must be registered with the Recreation Dept. before attending a class. ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS AFTER SECOND WEEK OF CLASSES!! Requests for refunds should call 841-3386. Refunds will be prorated for classes attended. A $S.OOprocessing jee will be deducted and you should allow JO worla'ng days far refunds to be processed. Mah Jongg -Cathleen Bozzomo is teaching Mah Jongg on Fridays from 9:30-11:30 at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg. The cost is $2/class! Learn the ancient Chinese game of chance. Mah Jongg is a game of luck and skill that involves matching tiles. It is similar to rummy and 500 rummy. You will team what it means to call out 3 bam, 9 crack, and mahjongg! Body Language: How to read body language for power, success and love -How would you like to have the upper hand in every face-to-face situation from now on? How would you like to know, without a shadow of a doubt, what the person you're speaking with really thinks about you at the moment? Body language expert Ross Simmons will teach you to corectly read and interpret doz-. ens of body signals that reveal other people's tme attitudes, trne feelings and tme intentions including things they don't want you to know. Kids Winter One Stroke Painting class, the kids will paint a tall welcome to winter wood snowman. What a sense of accomplish- ment and pride they feel from creating and completing a wonderful project in one morning! Price includes all supplies. One Stroke Painting - In the beginning adult class, you will team the basic strokes to make wild flowers, leaves, butterflies, and birdhouses! Tlrree projects will be completed: a kitchen peg boazd, paint brnsh storage can and a seasons greetings snowman. In- termediate students will create fruit & cornucopia on a wooden table runner, moose reindeer ornaments, Christmas cactus & leaves, carnations & leaves. For more information on any of the One Stroke classes by Paula Ransdell, contact her at 743-6963 or visit her website at countrytole.com. School Days off - Kidz Klub will be offered from 8:00 - 5:00 on the following days the public schools are off: Nov. 13 Nov. 21. The cost is $16 for those children who are already registered in the program and $25/day for those who are not. On early release days, children registered in the programs will not incur extra charges. If your child is not registered, the fee will be $20 on the eazly release days. For you early planners, a Holiday Camp over the Christmas break will be offered at a cost of $135.00. For more infor- mation and details on any of these programs, contact Glenn Kramer at 242-0504. ~ .. ~ ' RECREATION NEWS (Continued On Nett Page) ~' PwaE 14 THE V ILLwG E NEWSLETTER ~ •~ THE V ILLw BN O V EMBeLRE 20081 N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1 ! P w G E 7 Mixed Media, lstgrade M 3:30-4:45 $40 n/tz swk vA Murphy Mixed Media, 2nd grade T 3:30-4:45 $40 11/13 swk YA Murphy Mixed Media, 7 ~ am grade W 3:30-4:45 $40 1 t/1a swk YA Murphy Tao/Jazz classes Preschool, 3-5 yR new beginners T 1:40-2:20 $55 10/30 Swk AAB Grant Preschool, 3-5 yrs I lyr dance) T 2:20-3:00 $55 10/30 Swk AAB Grant K-2vdgrade,(zyr+aance) T 2:50-3:30 $55 to/so swk AAB Grant 3'd-5th grade, (3-0yr+dance) T 3:40-4:20 $55 10/30 Swk AAB Grant 4th-6'hgrade,(a-Syr+dance) T 4:20-5:00 $55 10/30 Swk AAB Grant Boys 1"- 3rd ~ade, (2-3 yts dance) h T 5:00-5:40 $55 10/30 Swk AAB Grant Boys 4` -12 ~rade, (2yr+dance) T 5:40-6:20 $55 to/30 Hwk AAB Grant Teenage Girls 7 - 12'h grade, (a yrs+dance) T 6:20-7:00 $55 to/3o Hwk AAB Grant Preschool Pro grams ABC Kids II, 3 In-s yrs Th 9:00-11:00 $30 stns awk AAB Appleby ABC Kids I, 2 1/2-3 1/2 yrs Th 11:00-12:30 $25 l l/IS 4wk AAB Appleby Preschool Arts/Crafts, 3-5 yrs T 10:00-11:00 $20 t V17 4wk AAB Briley Cooking Kids, 3-5 yrs T 11:00-12:00 $20 11/13 4wk AAB Braley SeussontheLoose-3/Syrs. M 9:30-11:30 $40 nnz awk AAB Bayhs Seuss on the Loose - 3/5 yrs. M 1:00-3:00 $40 1 t/12 awk nnB Baylis Adult Classes Ballroom Dancing W 1:30-3:00 $50nowk or S5/ds AAB Pace Calligmphy,beg/inter. T 12:00-1:30 $25 tl/6 6wk AAB Bernstein Country Dance, beginning all ages W 7:00-8:30 $4/cls Ongoing OSB Carton Drawing from Right Brain Side Sat 9:30-10:00 $50 nn7 awk AA Bilers Duplicate Bridge Sun 12:30-5:00 $5.00/day AAB Panzenhagen Duplicate Bridge M 6:30-10:30 $3.00/day AAB Barnes Duplicate Bridge T 12:00-5:00 $5.00/day osB Guy Duplicate Bridge Th 12:00-5:00 $5.00/day oSB Guy Duplicate Bridge Th 12:45-4:30 $4.00/day AAB 1>oaa Duplicate Bridge F 12:00-4:30 $5.00/day AAB Guy Duplicate Bridge F 7:00-10:30 $5.00/day AAB Panzenhagen 7azzercl5e M,W,F 9:30-10:30 Ongoing OSB Hall/lange Jazzercise M,T,Th 5:45-6:45 register OSB Woschnik Jazzer-circuit W 5:45-6:45 at class OSB woscnnik Jazzercise T,Th 6:00-7:00 osB D'nocenzo Jazzer-plus Sat 9:30-11:00 os6 woscnnik Karate, beH/;nter. M 7:00-8:W $$0 Il/12 Swk OSB Matthews Kazate, adv. M 8:00-9:00 $50 11/12 Swk OSB Matthews Karate, inter/adv. T 9:00-10:30 $$Q 11/13 Swk AAB Matthews Karate, beg. Th 6:00-7:00 $50 Il/IS Swk AAB Matthews Karate, inter/adv. Th 7:00-8:30 $50 Il/15 Swk AAB Matthews Kayaking Sat 3:00-5:00 $15 1t/to AAB Adventure Times Kayaking ~ ~~, Sat 3:00-5:00 $15 tz/8 AAB Adventure Times Man Jongg, beg. ° ' ~.~~ F 9:30-11:30 $2/cls ongoing AAB Bozzomo _.... Oil Painting W 6:00-9:00 $45 una awk AA Filers One Stroke Painting, inter. M 7:00-9:30 $60 11/12 6wk YA Ransdell One Stroke Painting, beg. W 6:30-9:00 $60 1 u1a 6wk YA Ransdell Pine Needle Baskeu M 6:30-8:30 $SS 1 t/tz awk AA Filers ~C~~TI®N NE6i'S (Continued On Next Page) ,~ LIBRARY NEWS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6) PUBLIC SAFETY 848-2525 560 U.S. Highway #1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 COME TO THE TURKEY TROT TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 3:30 TO 4:30 PM Our special Thanksgiving program for ages 4 through 8! Come join us for stories, finger plays, songs, a movie and make your own special holiday craft. You are welcome to dress up as Pilgrims, Indians or turkeys for the occasion. Please call or come in [o pre-register. NIGHTY NIGIEIT STORY TIME THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 6:15-7:00 PM Enjoy a relaxing evening of bedtime stories, puppets, finger plays, lullabies and a movie. Wear your pajamas and bring your favorite sleepy-time pal. Ages 2 and 3 with parent, ages 4 through 8 drop off program. Call the library or come in to pre- register. ALIENS MEETING 1F'RIDAY NOVEMBER 30 3:30 TO 4:30 PM There will be games and refreshments. Bring along a friend. Call or come in to pre-register. ~):. WINTER HOLIDAY PROGRAM THURSDAY DECEMBER 6 3:30 TO 4: 30 PM Mazk this special date on your calendaz .Ages 4 through 12 join us for a unique holiday celebration. TOUR DE FORCE A Ride for Remembrance The 5`h Annual Tour de Force Bicycle Ride November 5°i -November 9~ The 2001 Tour de Force police chazity bicycle ride is set to kick off November 5'h. This year's tour will traverse from the North Miami Beach Police Department to the Ciry of Alta- monte Springs. The Tour is a 5-day ride that averages ap- proximately 50-55 miles each day at a moderate pace (IS-17 mph) and will pass through 421aw enforcement jurisdictions. The tour is a fully supported ride with police escorts provided by the Florida Highway Patrol, Sheriffs Departments and local Police Agencies throughout the state. This is an awareness ride-not a race! Breaks are scheduled approximately every 12- 13 miles and the ride is de- signed to accommodate both inexperienced riders and sea- soned cyclists. Last year over 600 law enforcement personnel from across the state partici- pated with 55 riders completing the entire 270-mile trek to the Orange County Sheriffs Office. The inaugural 1997 Tour was dedicated to Trooper Robert Smith who was killed in the line of duty by a dnudc driver. The Tour has grown in size each year and we aze proud to an- nounce that as anon-profit charity organization, we have raised over $34,000.00 for families of fallen officers and law enforcement related organizations. This yeaz's tour will benefit the families of all fallen Florida Law Enforcement Officers that were lost in the line of duty during 2001. Our goal is to raise more than the $15,900.00, which was distributed to three families last year. The Tour de Force riders will meet the Centtal Florida Tour de Force riders on November 9'h in Titusville and complete the final stage to- gether. The citizens, media and various law enforcement departments throughout the state have supported the ride over the past four years' with great enthusiasm. If you would like to help sponsor this event through a donation or would be interested in riding, please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300. Thank you. Pu6lee Safety Continued ®n Page 8 PAGE 8 PUBLIC SAFETY (Continued from page 7) SENIORS AGAINST CRIME SEMINAR Tuesday, November 6th 7:00 PM North Palm Beach Public Safety Department The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety invites you to attend a seminw entitled "Seniors Against Crime". This free seminar will be held on Tuesday, November 6th beginning at 7:00 PM at the North Palm Beach Public Safety Department, 560 U. S. Highway #1, in North Palm Beach. The seminar "Seniors Against Crime" will feature guest speaker Buck Kinnard along with Officer Sonja Heavey, Crime Prevention Specialist with the North Palm Beach Public Safety Department. Mr. Kinnard is a former Palm Beach County coordinator for Seniors vs. Crime sponsored by the office of the Attorney General. He will be address- ing fraud and other safety issues for seniors. Crime Pre- vention Officer Sonja Heavey will be instructing partici- pants in home security. Seating is limited for this free seminar and you we encour- aged to call 561-841-3300 to make a reservation. DON'T MISS THIS SEMINAR DESIGNED WITH . YOUR SAFETY IN MIND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The response to the September 11th tragedy by the nations health departrnents has been very reasswing. A strong and flexible public health infrastmctwe is the best defense against any dis- ease outbreak-natwally or intentionally caused. However, Sep- tember 11th has caused us to look a[ "preparedness" in a new way, including prepazedness for biotetrorism. In an effort to pro- vide current and correct information we have included below questions and answers from the Center for Disease Control in relation to issues from the public and how these concerns should be addressed. Additional information is available at the CDC web page at www.bt.cdc.gov. Frequently Asked Questions Q) What should I know about smallpox? Smallpox. Vaccination is not recommended and the vaccine is ~~ not available to health providers or the public. In the absence of I a confirmed case of smallpox anywhere in the world, there is no need to be vaccinated against smallpox. There also can be severe side effects to the smallpox vaccine, which is another reason we do not recommend vaccination In the event of an outbreak, the CDC has clear guidelines to swiftly provide vaccine to people exposed to this disease. The vaccine is secwely stored for use in the case of an outbreak. In addition, Secretary of Health and Hu- man Services Tommy Thompson recently aanounced plans to accelerate production of a new smallpox vaccine. THE V I ~LwOE N E W SLETTE R' NOVEMBER 2 0 0 1 Q) What should I know about anthrax? Anthraz Ow cowse of action for preventing anthrax after exposwe in thecivilian population would be with antibiotics. Vaccination is not recommended, and the vaccine is not avail- able to health caze providers or the general public. We do not recommend that physicians prescribe antibiotics for anthrax at this time. We currently have enough antibiotics [o prevent the disease in 2 million persons exposed to anthrax, therefore we could rapidly get preventive medicine to those who maybe affected by this disease, which cannot be transmitted between people. Q) What should I do [o be prepared? Preparedness We continue to heaz stories of the public buy- ing gas masks and hoarding medicine in anticipation of a pos- sible bio[errorist or chemical attack. We do not recommend either. As Secretary Thompson said recently, people should no[ be scazed into thinking they need a gas mask. In the event of a public health emergency, local and state health depart- ments will inform the public about the actions individuals need to take. Travel Safety Due to the terrorist attacks in September, air travel has de- clined, but with [he coming holiday travel season, it is ex- pected that travel volume will rebound to near normal levels. Please take note of the following travel tips: AIRPORT THEFTS: With the suspension of cwbside check-in at some airports, it will be difficult to maintain con- trol over your luggage and personal items. Call in advance to determine if cwbside service is available, and if not, ask the service representative what assistance is available for passen- gers arriving with special needs or large amounts of luggage. While passing through security screening, be aware of people around you, as thieves will take advantage of any distraction on yow part [o remove yow items from the screening device. Be swe [o allow extra time for security screening and paper- work at check in. Airlines are recommending [hat passengers arrive at least 2 hows before the departure time of your flight. HOTEL ROOM SAFETY: Don't answer the door without verifying whom it is. If you are not expecting a guest, and do not know the person at the door, contact the front desk for as- sistance. When returning to yow room for the evening, use the main entrance and not an auxiliary entrance, as criminals target these entrances. Close the door secwely, and use all locking devices. Check all sliding glass doors and other win- dows, and be swe that they are locked. Don't display yow guest room~keys, or give. out yow room number. Don't draw attention to yowself by flashing cash, or wearing obviously expensive jewelry. Use the room safe or the hotel safe de- posit box to store valuables. Do not leave valuables in yow unoccupied room, or in yow vehicle. Report any suspicious activity to the Cont desk immediately. ~+ ~' ( ~~ PAGE 1 3 T H E VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 1 RECREATION NEWS: say-3388 VILLAGE FITNESS RUN & WALK SATURDAY NOVEMBER 10`b, 2001 SK RACE & WALK 7:30 AM KH)'S 1K RACE 8:45 AM On Satwday, November l0a', Advantage Bank and the Village of North Palm Beach Recreation Departrnent will present the 2°a An- nual Village Fitness Run & Walk, a SK race and walk which will be followed by the Kid's 1K, a 1K race for elementary school age children. All entry fees from the event will be donated to the North Palm Beach Elementary School PTA. The SK race and walk will start at 7:30 AM at Advantage Bank and will be followed by the Kid's iK at 8:45 AM. Entry forms will be available at the Anchorage Park Activities Building, 603 Anchorage Drive, the Community Center, 1200 Pros- perity Farms Road, Advantage Bank, 741 U S Highway One and Running Sports, 813 Donald Ross Road. For further information contact Larry Johnson at the Village Recreation Department at 841-3389 or Bill Schofield at Advantage Bank 840-7751. North Palm Beach Recreation Department Nov-Dec 2001 Class Schedule ~ ~>_F Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchora¢e Park Activities Building from 9:00 am - 7:00 pm on: North Palm Residents: November 5 & 6 Non-Residents: November 7 & 8 Yearly Nan-resident jee: $15.00/single $25.00/family Buildiut; Codes Anchorage Park Activities Building - - AAB 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Exercise ~ AX 603 Anchorage Dr. Anchorage Art AA 603 Anchorage Dr.. Youth Art YA 603 Anchorage Dr. Osborne Park OSB 715 Prosperity Fm. Rd. Community Center ~ CC 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. / Youth Classes Ballet, 7yrs+(1-2yrs dance) ~~ T 2:30-3:10 $55 10/30 8wk AX Chant Fenctng, 8 yrs+ F ~ 4:30-6:00 $40 11/16 8wk OSB Fomess Holiday Crafts Classes Thanksgiving Craft, a-6 yrs Sun 1:00-2:30 $12 l Ut t AA walling Thanksgiving Craft, 7-t0yrs Sun 3:00-4:30 $12 u/u AA walling Holiday Cookies, a-6 yrs Sun 1:00-2:30 $12 rvt6 AA walling Holiday Cookies,-toyrs Sun 3:00-4:30 $12 ivl6 AA Walling HolidayCookies,u+yrs Sun 5:00-6:30 $12 tvl6 AA Walling Winter One Stroke Painting, 9yr+ Sat 9:30-11:00 $12 Iv8 YA narlsdelt Kaza[e, beg/inter. 6 yr+ M 7:00-8:00 $50 11/12 8wk OSB Matthews Kazate, advanced M 8:00-9:00 $50 11/12 8wk OSB Manhews Karate, beg. 6yr+ Th 6:00-7:00 $50 11/IS Bwk AAB Matthews Karate, inter/adv. Th 7:00-8:30 $50 11/15 awk AAB Mathews Kayaking,9yr+ Sat 3:00-5:00 $IS tt/lo AAB Advrntu¢Tima Kayaking,9yr+ .Sat 3:00-5:00 $15 Iv6 AAB Adventure Times Learning Lab M-F 2:15:00 $45/wk ongoing AA IGamer/Walling Kidz Klub M-F 4:00-5:30 $25/wk ongoing AA IGamcr/Walling RECREATION NEWS (Continued Oe Next Page) SAGE 9a (~~~ 1~~~~ ~~~ 0 841-3359 959 US Flighway 881 R!orth Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Aaflatun~n§Qra4uo>m ®ff4nse (561)691-3420 The Alorth Palm Beach Country Club is open to the pub- lic. We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all of our amenities. We are a complete recrea- 4ional facility offering daily fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a vigorous match of tennis, a re- freshing dip in our Olympic site pool or an exquisite din- ing experience. We also offee both resident and non- resident memberships for all activities at the Club. So please, come by and check out all we have to offer! ~~~~ 69Il-3433 °Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course. ° ]gealnners CVenles: 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Saturdays Call the Golf Shop at 691-3433 to sign-up. November Il2 `"toys For Tots" 8:00 Shotgun 1:00 Shotgun November 2S Couples Event 8:00 - 10:00 AM If you have any problems, concerns, or questions regard- ing your golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pro's John Scott, Jerry Childs, or Greg Weber aze available to help you. Lessons aze $30.00 per half-hour or $130.00 for a series of five. Gift certificates are available in the Golf Pro Shop. ~~I~AN~ ~/~~(~~ 626-0732 Hours of opera3iou Monday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. •'~ Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. T n E VILLAGE N E W S L E T T E R NoV Erw6ER a0o r p~~~ 69Il-34Y7 N®NEIJ1[]SE1121?®®1L IEIlOUI[8S Tuesday -Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday Closed @'Yter Aeroheos Water exercise classes are open to the public. Classes are $4.00 per session. Sessions are held on Wednesday and Friday 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. ~~~~~~ 626-6915 Srop by the Pro shop to sign up for the Fall Session of our Men's/Women's Singles or Doubles Evening Leagues. Leagues are open to adult players, members and non-members. 'd'®YS F®IEl 7C®7CS "Toys for Tots" Tournament 10 a.m. Saturday November 10 P~areee AanoIlen's .UuneorTennis -Deveionflment ]Pro~eram The four-week sessions of this after school program for juniors will be held November 19 to December 13 %-'Il'reme ESeds Aaes S tenru 9 Tues. & Thurs. 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. }Y-Treme ]~iaverA~es 9 &c Un Mon., ~c Wed. 4:30 p.rn. - 5:30 p.m. Tournamen4 Touab Advaneed ltuneors OnVv Mon. & Thurs. 5:30 p.m - 7:00 p.m. Men's Dr4e1 Monday at 6:30 p.m Ladies Dreli Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Men's & Ladies Singles & Doubles Leagues Monday -Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Margarita Miner -November 30th 6:30 pm, Round Robin, Dinner, Baz, Music Check in at the Pro Shop to get a copy of the social and competitive event calendars. For information ca11 626-65 1 5. Mazcel Agnolin Director of Tennis PAGE 9 pM o ~oc~ ~~c°3~roc~~~ 691-3440 645 Prosperity Farms Road North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 VERB II~~®lt8'1CAI~'II' -1`VIE9'Y fit®dJSIII`V~ ~'®IID]E The Village Council recently adopted a much stronger code establishing minimum levels of maintenace for residential properties. The new code targets deteriorated buildings, landscaping and driveways Enforcement of the new code will initially focus on the neglected properties around the Village. Education about the new code will take time. Residents should review the code below and consider how it might apply to thew own property. If you know your property needs some work to comply with the new code, please start making those improvements now. Call the Public Services Department with any questions regarding [his code change. Section Il5-2. Same -Amendments. The following amendments and additions are hereby made to the housing code adopted by section 15-1 of this code: 307.4. Care oQ Premises. It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of a residential building, stmcture or property to utilize the premises of such residential property for the open storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, abandoned boat, abandoned trailer, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building mbbish or similaz items. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every owner or occupant to keep the premises of such residential property clean and to remove from the premises all such abandoned items listed above. 1Landsoapeng. The entve yard where exposed [o public view must be landscaped. Play areas, flowerbeds, driveways, walks, etc., not intended to have vegetative cover should be clearly defined and maintained free of uncultivated growth. Landscaping shall be maintained so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance at least equal to the original installation and shall be mowed or trimmed in a manner and at a frequency so as not [o detract from the appearance of the general area. Any grass and brush growing in excess of nine (9) inches in height, dead bees, trash and garbage shall be removed from the premises. Landscaping shall be maintained [o minimize property damage and public hazards, including the removal of low hanging branches over sidewalks and paved azeas and those obstmcting street lighting and traffic control signs. Landscaping shall be kept free of visible signs of insects and disease and appropriately irrigated and fertilized to enable landscaping to be in a healthy condition. , All roadways, curbs and sidewalks shall be edged to ,prevent encroachment from the adjacent turf azeas. Buildings, Structures: The exterior of all premises and every structure thereon where exposed to public view, shall be maintained in condition that shall not show evidence of deterioration. All screened enclosures shall be properly fitted and maintained. All surfaces shall be maintained free of weathering, discoloration, ripping, tearing or other holes or breaks, broken glass, crumbling stone, brick or stucco or other conditions reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance. All building exterior wall surfaces shall be kept free of faded or chipped Paine, and shall be maintained in repair and condition to T H E V I L L A G E N E W S L E T T E R N O b E P9 B E R c 0 0 9 prevent deterioration, and must be repainted, recovered or cleaned when twenty-five (25) percent or more of any exposed surface becomes discolored or is peeling. All off-street pazking spaces and driveways shall be asphalt, concrete, block, brick or similaz smooth durable surface and shall be kept in repair. IIDREIlDflsIlNG UIPIIDA'Il'E After years of planning, budgeting and almost a yeaz of pemdtting, the Village Dredging Project has begun! The dredging process will take approximately six months to corrrplete Phase I (the canals and lakes connected [o the North Palm Beach Waterway). Work hours will be from 7 A.M. tiL 7 P.M., seven days a week. Phase II (the canals connected to Lake Worth) is still being planned and permitted. Phase I dredge material will be pumped in an underwater pipeline from a bazge-mounted dredge to a spoil site at Anchorage Pazk. After being allowed to dry, the j dredge material will be tracked away. As the dredge moves around the Village, boaters might experience minor inconvenieces. The waterways being dredged should be accessable at all times. Each typical dead end lagoon should take approximately one week to complete. Floating curtains will be located a[ canal entrances to control the rabidity generated neaz the dredge operation. The dredge contractor can temporialy remove the currains, on request, in order to allow boats to enter or exit a canal. Boaters needing access in and out of the canals should make contact with the dredge operator by hailing, honlang or watever other means seems appropriate. Curtains will be opened when the dredge is not opernting. Boaters should be mindful) of the dredge pipeline laying on the canal bottom (particulazly at low tide and azound azeas known to be shallow). Bouys will mark the pipe line location. Use caution and maintain idle speed. The typical dredge azea will restore a 30 foot wide channel to the original depth of -6.8 below mean low water. Boats, docks and mooring posts should not be affected during the operation. Due to pemtitting and liability concerns, the dredge contractor aavlt noe bs allowed to contract additional dredge work individually with property owners. The contractor expects to start hauling the dredge material by truck from Anchorage Pazk beginning around December 1st. The route will be along South Anchorage Drive between Anchorage Pazk and US #1. Please call the Department of Public Services at 691-3440 with any questions or complaints. HOLH)AY REFUSE SCHEDULE November 12 Monday Veterans Day No pick-up (observed) November 13 Tuesday' Garbage Only November 14 Wednesday Trash & Vegetation November 15 Thursday Recycle November 16 Friday Gazbage November 22 Thursday Thanksgiving Day No peck-up save trash, vegetation and recycle till following week. November 23 Friday Gazbage Only -~ N®VEIVIBER 2001-' ~`~ North Palm Beach Country Club CALENDAR OF EVENTS _- ~,r-=- Telephone (561)841-3359 ,~~ _, .~ K E Y A-Administration G-Golf GM-Golf Maintenance P-Pool R-Restaurant T-Tennis COUNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC r~ North Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Hghway #1, North Palm Beach, Fbrida 33408 (561)841-3359 Email: dubrwillage-npb.org ~, - ~ ~ - - . ,. GREAT 1~ 1 2 3 REMEMBER OUR r R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM AMERICAN HAPPY Ca11691 3430 for Lunch 11 AM-4PM Lunch 11AM- 4PM Lunch I IAM-4 PM VETERANS Information on Upcoming Dinner&Entertainment WEEKEND THANKSGMNG! ,, Restaurant Events SPM -11 PM Dinner for Two Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment T - X-Treme Kids 3:I5 PM SPM- 12 AM SPM - 12AM VETERANS DAY r~ Toum. Tough 5:30 PM Fish n' Chips & Prime Rib Prime Rib 1 O -12 NOV ¢' Mixed I)ri116:00 PM . NOVEMBER 11 ~ Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM ~ 4 5 CCAB Meeting 7:30 PM t) 7 ~~ 8 Council Meeting 7:30 PM 9 10 R-Breakfast 7 AM-1lAM R-No Breakfast R-Breakfast 7 AM-1IAM R-Breakfast I;7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-1tAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM Lunch I IAM-4PM Lunch Menu 11 AM-4PM Lunch I 1 AM-4 PM Lunch 11 AM-0 PM Lunch t IAMB PM Lunch 11 AM- 4PM Dinner & Entertainment R-Btunch 10 AM-2 PM Dinner 4PM-7 PM Dinner- Variety Show 7:00 PM ItaliarilNigh[ Dinner & Entertainment SPM-12 AM Meat Loaf GMGA 7:30 AM f' 5 PM-I t PM Dinner for Two Dinner & Entertainment Prime Rib Ltmch (Lotmge) 11AMj1 PM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM n Shot 12:30 PM ~ Sun .4 GWGA!9:30 AM P- District Swirtmting Chart~ionship T - X-Treme Kids 3:IS PM SPM- l2 AM GREAT AMERICAN WEEKEND Toum. Tou h 5:30 PM 8 T- X-Treme Kids 3: I5. PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM Fish n' Chi s & Prime Rib P T - "To s for Tots" Toum. 10:00 AM Y Dinner 4PM-8 PM Ladies Singles League 6:30 PM ' Ladies Dri116:00 PM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM ~ Mixed Ihitt 6:00 PM GWGA-Fall Classic 8:00-10:30 AM R-`"toys for Tots" Pool Party Mrn s Drill 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Ladies Double Lea a 6:30 PM Bu Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM 5:30.10:30 PM , h i„ 11 VETERANS DAY 12 GREAT AMERICAN WEEKEND 13 14 ~ l5 16 17 GREAT AMERICAN WEEKEND R-No Breakfast R-Breakfast 7 AM-I lAM c R-Breakfast ,t7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-1 IAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-l 1AM R-Brtmch 10 AM-2 PM Lunch Menu I lAM-4PM Lunch 1 IAM-4 PM Lunch 11AM-4PM, Lunch I l AM-4 PM Lunch 11AM- 4PM Lunch 1 IAMB AM Ltmch (Lotmge) 11AM-4 PM Dinner 4PM-7 PM Meat Loaf Dinner- Pot Pie Night Italian Night Dinner & Entertainment Keep America Rolling Parade 1PM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM GMGA 7:30 AM SPM -l1 PM Dinner for Two Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainmrnt Salute to America Celebratioe 2 PM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM GWGA 7:30 AM T - X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM SPM- 12 AM 5 PM-12 AM R -Big Band 4:00 PM Ladies Singles League 6:30 PM ' T- X-Treme Kids 3: I S PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM Fish n' Chi s & Prime Rib P Prime Rib R - "Toys for Tots" Free Entertainment Men s Dri116:30 PM Ladies Dri116:00 PM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Mixed Drill 6:00 PM and Butfet-6:00 PM G - "Toys for Tots" Shotgun 8:00 AM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Ladies Double League 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM T-Friday Night Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM Shotgun 1:00 PM l8 l9 20 21 ~ 22 23 24 R-Bttmch ]0 AM-2 PM R-No Breakfast R-Breakfast 7 AM-1lAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM ! ~ R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-l1AM Lunch Menu 1 I AM-4 PM Lunch 11 AM-4PM Lunch 11 AM-4PM Lunch 1 I AMA PM Lunch 11 AM-4PM Lunch (Lounge) 11AM11 PM Dinner 4PM-7 PM Dinner- Jimm Ke s Show 7:00 PM Y y~ Italian'?Ni t ~' ' R-Thanksgiving Dinner Bullet Meat Loaf G-MGA 7:30 AM 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment Dinner 4PM-8 PM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM GWGA;7:30 AM SPM -12 AM SPM -12 AM Toum. Tough 5:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3:15 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Fish n' Chips & Prime Rib Prime Rib Ladies Singles League 6:30 PM Ladies Drill 6:00 PM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Men's Dril 16:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Ladies Double ,;League 6:30 PM ~ T-Friday Night Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM , 25 26 27 28 'IF 29 30 R-Brunch 10 AM-2 PM R-No Breakfast R-Breakfast 7 AM-I lAM ~ R-Breakfast~7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-I lAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM ' Lunch (Lounge) 11AM-4 PM Lunch Menu l IAM-4 PM Lunch I IAM-4PM Lunch l lAM-4PM ~ Lunch l IAMB PM Lunch I IAM-4 PM THE COUM RYCLUB Dinner 4PM-8 PM Dinner 4PM-7PM Dinner- Pot Pie Night ItalianrNight Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainmrnt RESTAURAN/'AMJ BAR Meat Loaf C-MGA 7:30 AM 5 PM -11 PM Dinner for Two 5 PM -12 AM ARE OPENDA/LY G - COUpIBS EVent 8:00-10:00 AM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM G-WGA.7:30 AM T - X-Treme Kids 3: ]SPM Fish n' Chips & Prime Rib Toum. Tough 5:30 PM T- X-Treme Kids 3:1 S PM Open Shotgun 12:30 PM '~ ~ Toum. Tough 5:30 PM DA/LYLUNCHEONS ladies Sin les Lea ue 6:30 PM B B Ladies Dri116:00 PM T-X-Treme Players 4:30 PM Mixed Dri116:00 PM T - Mazgarita Mixer -Round Robin - Men's Drill 6:30 PM Men's Singles League 6:00 PM Ladies Double ~ ague 6:30 PM Men's Doubles League 6:30 PM Dinner, Bar, Music 6:30 PM ,91~AlLABLE t