10-2001 NewsletterPAGE 12
BOAT SMART -Safe Boating Course
Presented by Palm Beach Sail & Power Squadron
October 24's to November 14~
at the William T. Dwyer High School, Palm Beach Gardens
Held weekly on Wednesday evenings 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
The Boating Course will deal with both sail and power boats.
Course material is $20.00, tax included, and instruction is free.
Have the whole family take the course.
Registration first night 7:00 PM to 7:15 PM
Register by email:
Water Restrictions -Changes
The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has
lifted their water restrictions for Seacoast Utility customers
and single-family homeowners or duplexes that use private
wells in the Seacoast service area. However, large comsump-
tive use permit holders, such as golf courses, recreational fa-
cilities, common area landscape and nursery irrigation remain
on the modified Phase II restrictions.
PLEASE NOTE: Even though SFWMD restrictions have
been lifted, the Village's Water Shortage Emergencies ordi-
nance is still in effect. This ordinance prohibits irrigation be-
tweenthe hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm every day (with some
exceptions including landscape irrigation by hand watering
using a self canceling nozzle and landscape imgation for 45
days for newly planted grass and foliage). Also, the SFWMD
has indicated that the water level for Lake Okeechobee is still
below normal. Below normal rainfall for the upcoming dry
season could again significantly deplete the regional water
source next year.
The District encourage homeowners and businesses to con-
tinue practicing_effective water conservation. For more infor-
mation contact the SFWMD at (800) 662-8876 or visit their
website at www.sfwmd.gov.
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
In God We Trust
"I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of
America, and to the republic
for which it stands, one nation
under God, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for all."
~ ~.~
The Village "-
~~°,~ "'~
~rAU~~~' N E ~N S L E T T E R
David B. Norris, Mayor
Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Vice Mayor
Donald G. Noel, President Pro Tem
Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman
Joseph A. Tnngali, Councilman
Village Council members may be
contacted through the office of the
` Village Clerk at 841-.1355
Village Manager 841-3380
Village Clerk 841-3355
Finance 841-3360
Public Services 691-3440
Recreation 841-3388
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Osborne Pazk 841-3387 i
Library 841-3383
Public Safety:
Non Emergency 848-2525
Emergency 911
Country Club 841-3359
Administration 691-3420
Driving Range 626-0732
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 626-6515
Restaurant 691-3430
Inside ehis issya
Village Council 2
Library 2.3
Public Safety 4,8
Country Club 5
CalendarOfEverds fr7
Village Manager's Message &9
Public Services 9
Recreation 10-11
Bulletin Board/Water Restriction 12
Please continue to remember in your thoughts and prayers those who lost
loved ones on September 11, 2001, those who were injured, the rescue and
recovery workers, our President and Congress, other governmental leaders
the military, and our nation.
Some of the charities assisting in relief efforts following the tragedies are:
• Red Cross: (800) 435-7669
• September 11 Fund: (800) 710-8002
• NY Firefighters 9-11 Disaster Relief Fund: (202) 737-8484
• World Trade Center Police Disaster Relief Fund: 1-888-697-1367
• Salvation Army: (800) 725-2769
• Washington Redskins Relief Fund (Pentagon): (703) 478-8900
• NY Police and Fire Widow & Children's Benefit Fund:
(631) 544-4616 (www.nypfwc.org)
To donate on-line or for more information on contributing to these or other
charities, or for other ways to help, visit the following website:
• Fire Safety and Prevention Fair -Saturday, October 6 (see page 4 )
• Halloween Haunted Forest -Tuesday, October 30 (see page 11)
• Village Fitness Run & Walk -Saturday ,November 10 (see page 10 )
Visit us on our Web Site: httpalwww.village~.or~ E-mail: villn b wevcom.net
Village Council ................................................................................................................ 2nd & 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Code Enforcement Board .................................................................................................. 1st Monday, on call, 6:30 p.m.
Construction Board of Adjustment & Appeal ................................................................... on call
Country Club Advisory Board .......................................................................................... 1st Monday, monthly, 730 p.m.
Library Advisory Board .................................................................................................... 4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Planning Commission ....................................................................................................... 1st Tuesday, monthly, 7:00 p.m.
Recreation Advisory Board ............................................................................................... 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Zoning Board of Adjustment ............................................................................................. on call
All meetings are held at the Village Hall, SOl U.S. Highway One
Village Council agendas, and minutes of Village Council meetings, are now available on the Village's web site (http:/lwww.village-
npb.org). Agendas are posted the Monday prior to the Council meeting, and will continue to be available at Village Hall or at the
Ordinance 22.2001 Amends Section 2-136 of Div. 2, Social Security, of Article V, Pensions and Retirement Systems, of Chapter 2, Ad-
ministration, to delete the provision that public officials and part-time employees are excepted from the benefits of
the system ofold-age and survivors insurance as authorized by the Federal Social Security Act.
Ordinance 23-2001 Amends Section 2-2(a), Budget Procedures, of Article I of Chapter 2, Administration, to provide that the Village
Manager shall prepare and submit to the Village Council a balanced budget for the operation of Village government
during the next f seal. year.
Ordinance 24-2001 Repeals subsection (3), Division of Signal Service, of Section 2-85, Divisions, of Division 6, Dept. of Public Service,
of Article [II of Chapter 2, Administration, and adds a new subsection (3) to Section 2-85, entitled "Division of Facil-
ity Maintenance."
Ordinance 25-2001 Amends subsection (F) of Section 6-I 12, Exempt Signs, of Article V, Signs and Outdoor Displays, of Chapter 6,'
Buildings and Building Regulations, to provide the times for erections and removal of holiday lights and decorations.
Ordinance 26-2001 Amends Section 45-2, Definitions, of Article I of Appendix C-Zoning, to provide a definition for "family."
Resolution 64-200] Appoints David Talley to the Country Club Advisory Board.
Resolution 65-2001 Supports small municipal fire and police departments in Palm Beach County in their efforts to maintain their munici-
pal identity and services.
Resolution 66-2001 Increases the fee schedule far emergency medical service transport performed by the Village of North Palm Beach.
Resolution 67-2001 Accepts the offer of Haas, Diaz & Co. to renew the agreement for an audit of the Village's General Purpose Financial
Statements for the fiscal year ending 9/30/2001.
Resolution 68-2001 Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a professional services agreement with East Bay
Group for engineering services for Phase 11 dredging project.
Resolution 69-2001 Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into a continuing contract with Post, Buckley, Schuh &
Jernigan, Inc., dPo/a PBS&J for professional engineering consultant services for the Village.
Resolution 70-2001 Authorizes and directs the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an addendum to lease agreement with Williams
Scotsman for modular building far a Public Safety substation.
303 Anchorage Drive
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
OCTOBER 16 AT 10:30 AM
A mystery of revenge and long buried hatred by the queen of
British mystery writers.
Discussion Leader: Marie Dodd, who has been conning the
Brandeis University book discussion group at the state and local
level for over 20 years.
The Book Discussion Group meets every third Tuesday at 10:30
a.m. in the Obert Meeting Room. The program is free and open
to the public. Please sign up at the Reference Desk or call 841-
3383. A list of the books to be discussed is available at the Cir-
culation Desk of the library. Multiple copies of the books can be
found in the "New Fiction" section.
Orchids! The Jupiter/Tequesta Orchid Society will present a free workshop on growing orchids on Tuesday Oct.
23 from 7:00-8:30pm. Do you have an orchid that isn't doing so well? Bring it in for a diagnosis from the ex-
perts! Discussion will cover the basics on growing, repotting, fertilizing and caring for Cattleyas, Dendrobiums,
Phalanopsis and Vandas. You will be able to purchase potting supplies as well as orchids to add to your collec-
tion. Don't miss this one! Please ca11841-3386 and RSVP your seat!
Feng Shui -Brings an essence and quality to our home or workplace that promotes peace, happiness and prosperity. This is the
ancient Chinese art of placement, creating balances and harmony in the home and workspace. It encompasses interior design place-
ment ofobjects, shape of buildings, and their floor plans. When feng shui principles aze applied to our lives, we can live at our opti-
mum, feeling vibrant and alive. Students aze requested to bring 3 "new" red envelopes (will be available at class). As in keeping
with Chinese custom, a small monetary amount should be in each envelope (coins are fine). The money is donated to charity. This
class will be taught by Mazsha Frantz at the AAB on Tuesday Oct. 4 from 7:00-8:30pm
Lessons in Kindness: Bringing Courtesy & Civility Back to Our Schools. Being picked on can be a really tough experience to en-
dure, regardless of your age. It's really hard to comprehend why some kids at school think it's their responsibility to make fun of
other kids! It can be so hurtful to the person being targeted by nit-picky, bullying peers. The good news is there is hope! You can
survive irl Lizzi Everett will share her experiences and teach you what this "bullying stuff' is all about! Guess what? It's not about
you! No charge! Class is geared toward 8-16 year olds on Tuesday Oct. 24 from 6:30-8:00 pm. RSVP your seat by calling 841-
Bridge Classes- Elaine Holmes will teach conventions, the 4'" part of the series in learning how to play bridge.
S ~, You will have had to take the first three parts to participate in this class. Her class will be $36-Tuesdays from
' 9:30-11:30 starting Oct. 9.
i ~ Hank Rosely will teach a bridge class for you beginning beginners. Some knowledge of cards is desirable for this
~ class. His class will be $36-Mondays from 9:30-11:30 and starting Oct. 8.
Mah Jongg -Cathleen Bozzomo will be instructing a beginning Mah Jongg class on Fridays from 9:30-11:30 at the Anchorage
Park Activities Bldg. The cost is $2/class! Learn the ancient Chinese game of chance. Mah Jongg is a game of luck and skill that
involves matching tiles. It is similar to rummy and 500 rummy. You will learn what it means to call out 3 barn, 9 crack, and mah
Jongg! Class begins October 5 and there is noneed topre-register. Just show up!
Holiday Crafts - we still have openings in Halloween Craft, 7-10 yrs., Thanksgiving Craft, 7-10 yrs., Holiday Cookies, 7-l0yrs.,
and Holiday Cookies, l l yrs +. Classes will be held on 10114,11/10, and 12/15 from 3:00-4:30. Cost is $12(class. Call the Recrea-
tiondept. for more information: 841-3386.
Dolphins Bus Trip - Calling all Dol-fans! The Rec. Dept. is sponsoring a bus trip on Sunday, Dec. 2 to
watch the Miami Dolphins play the Denver Broncos. The $65.00 includes ticket, transportation and re-
freshments on the bus. Game time is 1:00 pm. The bus will leave from the Community Center at 10:30
am. Tickets will go fast! To reserve your seat, stop by the Anchorage Park Activities Building with your
Arts & Crafts Fall Festival - Be sure to mark your calendars for the November 10 Arts & Crafts show that will be held at the Com-
munity Center. Show time is 9:00 am - 4:00 pm We have many new vendors this year offering an exciting variety of merchandise.
This is a great opportunity to pick up a holiday gift for that person who has everything! To avoid parking problems, plan on attend-
ingafter 12:00 noon. We hope to see you there!
Halloween Haunted Forest -The haunted Forest has returned! Ghosts and goblins will converge on
~~ , the forest at the Community Center on Tuesday, Oct. 30 from 6:30-9:00 pm. The cost of this thrill is
$1.OOPoody. They are looking forward to scaring anyone who dares enter their special area! For more
information, call 841-3389.
On Saturday, November lOd', Advantage Bank and the Village of North Palm Beach Recreation Department will present the 2nd An-
nual Village Fitness Run & Walk, a SK race and walk which will be followed by the Kid's 1K, a 1K race for elementary school age
children. All entry fees from the event will be donated to the North Palm Beach Elementary School PTA. The SK race and walk
will start at 7:30 AM at Advantage Bank and will be followed by the Kid's 1K at 8:45 AM.
Entry forms will be available at the Anchorage Park Activities Building, 603 Anchorage Dnve, the Community Center, 1200 Pros-
perity Farms Road, Advantage Bank, 741 U S Highway One and Running Sports, 813 Donald Ross Road. For further information
contact Larry Johnson at the Village Recreation Department at 841-3389 or Bill Schofield at Advantage Bank 840-7751.
The Recreation Dept. has openings in all of the following activities: Pre-register at the Anchorage Park
Activities Bldg between the hours of 9:00 am and 7:00 pm.
Get Smart! Brain-based educational techniques for parents and teachers of Pre K - 3`d grade. Kathy Skinner draws from a wealth
of strategies that are fresh, innovative and highly effective with primary grade students. Her experience, enthusiasm, and proven
strategies energize parents and teachers working to instill a strong foundation in young learners. This is a wonderful class for
those who are home-schooling their children. Some of the things you will team include:
• Brain-smart techniques and discipline strategies
• Brain facts concerning the development of children
• Components in a balanced literacy educational program
• Language to support your beginning or delayed reader
• The 7 comprehension strategies to use NOW with your child, and much, much more.
Register now for 9 hours of in-service for the price of 6... $150.00. Classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building
on Mondays from 4:30-6:00 pm beginning Oct. 1 or Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm beginning Oct. 3. For more details, call Kathy
at 546-4615.
Halloween One Stroke Painting class for kids 9 years and older is on Saturday, Oct. 6. Kids will be painting a wooden Happy
Halloween sign with pumpkins. All materials and supplies needed for the class will be provided. Paula Ransdell will introduce
your child to the technique of dimensional painting in one stroke of the brush!
In the Winter One Stroke Painting class, the kids will paint a tall welcome to winter wood snowman. What asense ofaccomplish-
mentand pride they feel from creating and completing a wonderful project in one morning! Price includes all supplies.
Babysitting - Presented by the American Red Cross on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 9:00 - 4:30, students will receive
their certification upon successful completion of the course. The one-day course will cover all the important areas
babysitters will be responsible for including: safety, first aid, children's health, games & playtime, developmental
considerations, etc. Participants should bring lunches. It would be helpful for them to bring a large doll which
they can practice diapering, etc. This class is for both boys and girls between the ages of ] 0 and 15 years. Cost is
$30.00. Class size is limited, so register early!
Ear Candling - "an old home remedy"- This is a simple but effective home remedy for removing excess wax
and the residuals of past ear infections. The process involves a long, tapered muslin candle, which is lit, and the impurities are
drawn out of the ear. There is absolutely no discomfort. Diane Finch will demonstrate and discuss this process and it's history as
well as make you aware of other types of home remedies that are being revived. Workshop is Wed. Oct 10 - 7:00-8:30 pm, $10.00.
Style & Blow-dry - No one ever really taught you how toblow-dry your hair, right? Your hair looks great when you come home
from the beauty parlor, but can you get it to look like that again? Stop the struggle! This class will show you how the hairdressers
do it! You will be able to easily make your hair look as good as they do! Be sure not to miss this workshop on Wed. Oct 17 from
6:30-8:00 pm at the AAB! _ __
RECREATION NEWS (Continued On Next
LIBRARY NEWS (Continued from page 2)
The Genealogy group, the Treesearchers, will meet on Tues-
day, October 23 at 7:00 p.m. This is an informal group of peo-
ple sharing ideas about search ancestry. If interested, please
A big thank you to Martin Kirschner for donating his beautiful
bookmarks to the library. They brighten up the Circulation
Desk and are loved by both children and adults. Martin is a
local artist and teacher of Chinese brush painting.
A special thank you to the North County Art Society for dis-
playing the artwork of its members in the library every month.
Calling all poets !Enjoy the company of creative minds ,learn
new forms and strengthen old ones. Critique, create and im-
prove. Starting Tuesday, September 25 from 2-4 pm and every
4d' Tuesday of every month at the Lake Park Library. For in-
formation,please call 575-2376.
The Friends' first meeting of the season will feature a slide
show and talk by Stephanie Grant, an interpretive guide and
long-time volunteer at the Blowing Rocks Preserve on Jupiter
Island. Ms. Grant will highlight the Preserve's conservation
efforts, which include the Indian River Lagoon protection,
native plant restoration and a sea turtle rescue program.
She will also describe the work of the Nature Conser-
vancy. This meeting is free and open to the public. Re-
freshments will be served.l'iease ca11841-3383 for more
The Friends of the Library is a voluntary, non-profit organiza-
tion interested in the promotion of good library service. They
offer the public an interesting series of programs, and hold the
Annual Book Sale, Famous Bake Sale and Book/Author
Luncheon. Please pick up one of their new membership bro-
chures the next time your visit the library and consider joining
this talented group. They can always use your help. Be a friend
to the library so that the library can be a better friend to the
ANNUAL BOOK SALE: November 8-10
Don't forget this special annual event. This is the perfect time
to clean out those bookshelves and help the library. Donations
accepted of books and paperbacks in good condition only; also
children's books, CDs, videos and sheet music. Please-no
Reader's Digest condensed books, magazines, old textbooks
or "buggy" books!
There is still time to join in the fun of Fall Story Hours. You are
welcome to enjoy stories, flannel board stories, puppets, movies
and crafts. Each week has a different theme. Ages 4 & 5 meet
on Mondays from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Ages 6-8 meet on Tuesdays
from 3:30-4:30 pm. Both of these are drop-off programs. Ages
2 & 3 with parent meet on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:00 am.
Please change your schedule for Tuesday, October 9th Story
Hour. Ages 6-8 will meet at 4:00 pm instead of 3:30 pm. No
other Story Hours will be affected.
OCTOBER 18T" 3:30 TO 4:30 P.M.
This is a special fire safety program for ages 4
through 8. The children will meet with Chief '~~~.•
J.D. Armstrong of the North Palm Beach Fire
Department and get to see a fire engine close
up. You will watch the firemen as they "gear up" for a fire and
you will learn what to do in case of a fire. The program prom-
ises to be fun and informative. Please call 841-3383 or come
into the Children's Department to pre-register. It's a program
you won't want to miss!
All children ages 9 through 12 -be sure to mark your calendars!
The Aliens Halloween Party will be held on Friday, October 26`"
from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. You must come in costume and everyone
who attends must participate in some form of entertainment:
sing, dance, tell jokes, yo-yo exhibitions, charades, etc. This is a
"sing for your supper" event. It is necessary to pre-register be-
cause we need to know how much refreshments to have on
hand. Please ca11841-3383 or come in to sign up.
A special Halloween Party for ages 2 through 8 will be held on
Tuesday, October 30d' from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Costumes are a
must! There will be a Grand Promenade, not-so-scary stories,
not-so-spooky flannelboard stories, puppets and a Halloween
shadow play.
Remember the saying: "Fall back, Spring ahead". On October
28`n be sure to set your clocks back one hour.
560 U.S. Highway #1
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
John S. Atwater 1923-2001
On August 24, 2001 former Public Safety Director and Police
Chief John Atwater passed away after a gallant battle with can-
cer. Chief Atwater served as a Public Safety Director and Police
Chief for the Village of North Palm Beach from 1978-1988.
Prior to becoming a Police Chief for North Palm Beach he
served with the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a Special
Agent and retired following an outstanding career with the FBI.
About three years ago when the Village found itself between Po-
lice Chiefs Chief Atwater was brought out of retirement and
served as the interim Police Chief and Public Safety Director un-
til such time as the new Chief was hired.
Many of the employees worked with Chief Atwater during both
his term as Public Safety Duector and while serving as the in-
terim Public Safely Duecwr. 01i be half of file Village Council,
Staff and Employees of the Village of North Palm Beach we
wish to extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to the At-
water family. Chief will truly be missed.
North Palm Beach Police Explorers
Post 911
560 U.S. Highway #1
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
(561) 841-3300
Recruitment & Proi;rams
The North Palm Beach Police Explorer program, that has been
active for over 20 years, is designed for young men and women
between the ages of 14 and 21, who are interested in Law En-
forcement training, community service and recreational pro-
grams. The program is designed to broaden their prospective of
Law Enforcement as a career. We also want to build better com-
munity minded citizens who will be a positive influence in their
neighborhoods and schools. We work on leadership skills and
how to work as a team member with those who are leaders by
showing respect, dedication and commitment to the obligation at
hand. To become a member, the young men and women must be
enrolled in a school (Middle, High School, College, Vocational
School) and must maintain at ]east a 2.0 in each class.
The post attends both State and National Conferences to train
and compete with other Explorer Posts. The post works to raise
the funds needed for these trips. As fundraisers, the post has a
Flag Program and an Address Alert Program.
FLAG PROGRAM: The Explorers place American Flags out
on 7 holidays per year at various businesses and homes through-
out the community. The donation is $25.00 for each flag per
year. (See Village Manager's Message on pages 8-9 for more
ADDRESS ALERT: The Explorers paint the numeric ad-
dresses of homes on their driveway. This assists emergency
response teams as well as delivery personnel to quickly locate a
residence. The donation for each home is $10.00
**** Anyone interested in the Explorer program or the above
mentioned programs that are available please contact the post
Advisor, Officer Sonja Heavey at (561) 841-3300
Bike Registration
Attention North Palm Beach residents; Let's remember to regis-
ter our bicycles. This is one of many programs offered by your
North Palm Beach Public Safety Department. You can register
your bicycle by stopping by the Public Safety Building located
at 560 U.S. Hwy #1 between the hours of 8 a.m to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday. Information such as Bike Size, Color,
Serial Number, Make and Model will be recorded and this will
assist the Public Safety Department in identifying your bicycle
in the event it is lost or stolen. Your bike will receive a regis-
tration number, which will be affixed to the bike. The cost for
this service is $1.00. In the event your bicycle is last or stolen,
report it to the Public Safety Department immediately by call-
ing the non-emergency number: 848-2525
North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety
Invites you to attend
Fire Safety and Prevention Fair 2001
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2001 -10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Public Safety Building, 560 U.S. Highway 1, NPB
Mark your calendar and bring the entire family for an exciting
day. Activities for all ages, including safety demonstrations,
coloring contest, safety & prevention handouts, music,
karaoke, and free food and
Bike Rodeo!
Come see the Fire & Rescue Vehicles, Marine Patrol and new
Motorcycles! See for yourself all that your Public Safety
Department is doing for you!
For further information or if you wish to donate towards this
year's safety events please contact John Armstrong, Jr.
at 863-3000.
The Bike Rodeo will be held at the North Palm Beach Vil-
IageHall on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2001- 9:00 AM -
1:00 PM. Please bring your helmets and bicycles! (We will
also be providing helmets and bicycles).
For further information about the Bike Rodeo please contact
Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300.
Public Safety Continued On
Village Manager's Message (Continued)
We also received untold number of telephone calls from peo-
ple asking for a flag in their front yard; "unfortunately" we ran
out. We had just enough for our current subscribers. If you
care to subscribe the program is very simple. It is basically a
fund-raiser for our Police Explorer Scouts that are hosted and
sponsored by the North Palm Beach Public Safety Department.
These are fine young men and women that participate in the
Explorer Scout Program and they obviously need funds, as any
organization, to meet some of their expenses and costs. As an
effort to provide them with a community service project and
still afford them the opportunity of raising the necessary funds,
the holiday flag program was instituted a number of years
ago. The program is available to any resident or commercial
business in the Village of North Palm Beach. You are re-
quested to fill out a simple one page form and either drop it off
or mail it to the Public Safety Department accompanied with a
check for $25.00. The $25.00 is an annual fee and in return
the Explorers place a flag in your front yard or on the Swale in
front of your condominium or in front of your business for at
least seven different holidays throughout the year. The pro-
gram is so popular we actually provide the flags to some sub-
scribers in our neighboring town of Lake Park particularly on
Northlake Boulevard and U.S. Highway #1.
The program is a great way to show your patriotism as well as
support the Explorer Scouts' ongoing programs. In addition to
what it does for ~ it also provides a great opportunity for
these young people to exercise their responsibility in making
the program work. These kids start at a very early hour (4:00
or 5:00 AM is not too unusual) to install the flags on the morn-
ing of a particular holiday. Those of you that have or use to
have teenagers know this is a major accomplishment to get
them started that early in the morning; but these young people
do it and they do it well. When the day is over they retrieve
the flags and store them away until the next holiday.
In response to the terrorist attacks the Explorers placed the
flags in the yards and the very next morning the phones started
ringing. Most of the calls were requests for flags from people
who were not subscribers; unfortunately we ran out of flags.
As mentioned earlier, should you desire a flag let us know by
calling the Public Safety Department at 848-2525 and request
a subscription form or you may stop by the Public Safety De-
partment and pick up a form, fill it out and turn it back in and
we will order the flags for you. The next major holiday where
the flags will go up will be Monday, November 12, 2001 in
recognition of Veterans Day.
Again thank you for your kind calls, your emails and signs of
support during these past few weeks.
P. S. For those of you with flags currently in your yards, we
will keep them up through Veteran's Day then remove them
that evening. This will represent two months and a day from
the date of the terrorist attack.
P. P. S. And finally, dare I be so bold byusing atax-supported
newsletter on behalf of the Council, Staff and myself to
say ....God Bless America! !
645 Prosperity Farms Road
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
Emergency Management and Disaster Assistance
The Village has been very fortunate in avoiding major disasters is
the past. Residents should be aware that various forms of state
and federal assistance might be available after future disasters if it
can be demonstrated that minimum levels of damage have
occurred. Therefore, it is important to promptly report all types of
damage which may have resulted from major disasters such as
hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding or the like. The damage might
range from serious structural damage to relatively minor local
flooding that enters the house. The more damage that is
reported, the greater the rhance is that assistance will be available.
In the event of a major disaster or emergency, Florida's sixty-
seven county governments and local goverments will provide
initial response and assistance. There are instances, however,
when an emergency or disaster situation exceedes the response
capabilities of local goverments. In such an event, local
governments can contact the Florida Department of Community
Affairs, Division of Emergency Management in order to begin the
process to secure supplemental state and federal disaster
assistance, provided either directly or by initiating mutual aid
One of the most important elements of a county's response to an
emergency or disaster is damage assessment. This process is
essential in determining what happened, what the effects are,
which areas were hardest hit, what situations must be given
priority and what types of assistance are needed (e.g., local, state
or federal). Emergency response can be more effective,
equipment and personnel can be better used, and help can be
provided quicker if a thorough damage assessment is performed.
Individual Assistance
The purpose of individual damage assessment is to determine the
extent to which individuals and private businesses have been
impacted by the disaster. The two basic categories of eligible
individual damage include:
a. Damage to Homes - A person whose primary residence has
been damaged due to a disaster may qualify for various forms
of disaster assistance. When damage assessors go into the
field, they estimate the degree of damage to the home,
evaluate the victim's insurance coverage and determine the
b. Damage to Businesses -Disaster damaged businesses and
their employees are eligible for certain individual assistance
What You Can Do
As soon as possible after a disaster event, contact the Department
of Public Services by calling 691-3440 to report the nature and
extent of damage to your home or business. Please provide a
name, contact phone number, street address and nature of the
damage. Village damage assessment teams will then contact you
to verify the damage. Please feel free to call with any questions.
PUBLIC SAFETY (Continued from page 4)
A Ride for Remembrance
The 5'" Annual Tour de Force Bicycle Ride
November S~ -November 9a'
The 2001 Tour de Force police charity bicycle ride is set to kick
off November 5`s. This year's tour will traverse from the North
Miami Beach Police Department to the City of Altamonte
Springs. The Tour is a 5-day ride that averages approximately
50-55 miles each day at a moderate pace (IS-17 mph) and will
pass through 421aw enforcement jurisdictions.
The tour is a fully supported
ride with police escorts pro-
vided by the Florida Highway
Patrol, Sheriffs Departments
and local Police Agencies
throughout the state. This is an
awareness ride-not a race!
Breaks are scheduled approxi-
mately every 12-13 miles and
the ride is designed to accommodate both inexperienced riders
and seasoned cyclists. Last year over 6001aw enforcement per-
sonnel from across the state participated with 55 riders complet-
ing the entire 270-mile trek to the Orange County Sheriffs Of-
The inaugural 1997 Tour was dedicated to Trooper Robert Smith
who was killed in the line of duty by a drunk driver. The Tour
has grown in size each year and we are proud to announce that as
a non-profit charity organization, we have raised over
$34,000.00 for families of falleh officers and law enforcement
related organizations.
This year's tour will benefit the families of all fallen Florida Law
Enforcement Officers that were lost in the line of duty during
2001. Our goal is to raise more than the $15,900.00, which was
distributed to three families last year. The Tour de Force riders
will meet the Central Florida Tour de Force riders on November
9`" in Titusville and complete the final stage together.
The citizens, media and various law enforcement depamnents
throughout the state have supported the ride over the past four
years' with great enthusiasm.
If you would like to help sponsor this event through a donation
or would be interested in riding, please contact Oflicer Sonja
Heavey at 841-3300. Thank you.
• Plan costumes that are bright and reflective.
Make sure that shoes fit well and that costumes are short
enough to prevent tripping.
• Consider adding reflective tape or striping to costumes or
Trick or Treat bags for greater visibility.
• Secure child's name address and phone number to costume
or on a bracelet.
• Consider non-toxic makeup and decorative hats as an al-
ternative to masks, which may block vision.
• Read labels carefully to ensure that costumes are flame
• Obtain flashlights with fresh batteries for all children and
their escorts.
• Use chemical light sticks or battery powered lights in
place of candles in decorations and costumes.
• Openly discuss appropriate and inappropriate behavior at
Halloween time.
• Teach children how to dial 9l I and remind them that they
can dial it free at any pay phone.
• A parent or responsible adult should always accompany
young children.
Remind Trick or Treaters:
• By using a flashlight, they can see and be seen by others
• Stay in a group, never go off alone.
• Only go to well-lit homes that obviously expect guests
• Remain on well-lit streets and always use sidewalks
• If no sidewalk is available, walk at the farthest edge of
the roadway facing traffic
• Never cut across yards or use alleys
• Never enter a stranger's home or car for a treat.
• Always walk; never run across a street.
• Don't assume the right of way. Just because one car
stops, the others may not.
• Never consume food or drink items that maybe offered.
• No treats are to be eaten until they are checked by an
• Do not be afraid to call police if suspicious or unlawful
activity occurs.
Courtesy of Los Angeles Fire Dept.
Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager
In last months Manager's message it was conveyed that this
month's article would outline the debt management the Village
is now going through as a result of the numerous construction
projects we completed over the past five to six years. Due .o
the terrorist attacks on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 that art;
cle has been put off for another month with this article beinc
dedicated to the attack.
When the attack occurred the Village Council and Staff were
as shocked and numbed as the rest of America. Most of us
found ourselves standing around and watching the activities
unfold on the television set, as did many of you. We started
asking ourselves what can we do and it seemed the simplest
most basic thing in the world was to place our flags on the
rights-of--way as we do for major holidays. Little did we know
the reaction we would receive from the citizens. It was ex-
traordinarily positive and encouraging. We probably have re-
ceived more phone calls, emails and comments on that one
incident than any other issues facing the Village over the past
ten years. Many of you have sent very kind notes via email
and we certainly appreciate those; we are making every effort
to respond to each one. If you have not received a response
please bear with us as we will get back to you, soon!
(Village Manager's Message Continued Nezt Page)
951 US Highway #1
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408
The North Palm Beach Country Club is open to the public. We
welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and check out all
of our amenities. We are a complete recreational facility offer-
ing daily fees, so feel free to enjoy a magnificent day of golf, a
vigorous match of tennis, a refreshing dip in our Olympic size
pool or an exquisite dining experience. We also offer both resi-
dent and non-resident memberships for all activities at the Club.
So please, come by and check out all we have to offer!
Golf and Tennis Membership Renewal Kick-off
Golf and tennis membership renewal packets were mailed the
first week in September. Please remember to fill out your re-
newalapplication and return it along with your payment to the
Administration office by October I, 2001. If you have any
questions, please feel free to call or stop by our office.
GOLF 691-3433
*Remember NPBCC is a soft spike golf course.
Be¢inners Clinics: 9:00 -10:00 a.m. Saturdays. Call the Golf
Shop at 691-3433 tosign-up.
New Summer Special - 18 Holes of Golf with Cart
After 3:00 p.m. - $17.00 (+) tax.
Sunday, October 28
8:00 am -Open Shotgun
12:30 pm -Palm Beach Shores Golf Outing; limited openings
available for outside play
Call the Pro Shop for details b9i-3433
If you have any problems, concerns, or questions regarding
your golf game, the NPBCC Golf Pro's John Scott, Jerry
Childs, or Greg Weber are available to help you. Lessons are
$30.00 per half-hour or $130.00 for a series of five. Gift certifi-
cates are available in the Golf Pro Shop.
Hours of operation:
Monday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ~~~~
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday~unday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
POOL 691-3427
~ ~ a Tuesday -Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Monday Closed
Water Aerobics
Water exercise classes are open to the public.
Classes are $4.00 per session. Sessions are held on
Wednesday and Friday 10:15 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
TENNIS 626-6515
Stop by the Pro shop to sign up for the Fall Session of our
Men's/Women's Singles or Doubles Evening Leagues.
Leagues are open to adult players, members and non-members.
Marcel Agnolin's JuniorTennis
Development Proeram
The four-week sessions of this after school program for juniors
will be held as follows:
September 24 to October 18
October 22 to November 15
November 19 to December 13
Christmas Camp Dec 26-29
X-Treme Kids Aees 5 thru 9
Tues. & Thurs. 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
X-Treme PlayerAQes 9 & Up
Mon., Wed. and Thurs. 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Tournament Touph Advanced Juniors Only
Mon. & Thurs. 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tues. 4:00 n.m. - 5:30 n.m.
Men's Drill
Monday at 6:30 p.m.
Ladies Drill
Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
Men's & Ladies Singles & Doubles Leagues
Monday -Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
We welcome Alex Vely to our staff. Alex will assist in building
our junior program. We will be starting a monthly satellite
tournament schedule for all age groups, running the entire sea-
son and will award points towards a final prize. Check in at the
Pro Shop to get a copy of the social and competitive
event calendars. For information ca11626-6515.
Marcel Agnolin
Director of Tennis
XQ+..tk. tea.[..., r~~...~k.
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Telephone (561) 841-3359 _,_
GM-Golf Maintenance
COUNTRY CLUB AND RESTAURANT ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC North Palm Beach Country Club, 951 U.S. Highway #1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 841-3359 Email: club@village-npb.org
~3 4 $ 6
R-Breakfast ;AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM R-Breakfast 7AM-IIAM
Lunch I IAM-4 PM Lunch l IAM-4 PM Lunch 1 lAM- 4 PM Lunch 11AM-4 PM
Italian Night Dinner & Entertainment
G-WGA 8:00 AM SPM-11 PM Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment
Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Dinner for Two 5 PM- 12 AM SPM • 12AM
T-Jr. Kids 3:15 Fish n' chips & Prime Rib Prime Rib
T-Jr. Players 4:00 PM Jr. Players 4:00 PM
Women's Double League 6:30 PM Jr. Tourn. Tough 5:00 PM T-Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM
) ~ 11 Council Meeting 7:30 PM 12 13
R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-l lAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-l1AM
Lunch 1lAM-4 PM Lunch 11AM-0 PM Lunch 1 lAM- 4 PM Lunch 1 IAM-4 PM
Italian Night Dinner & Entertainment
G-WGA 8:00 AM SPM-11 PM Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment
Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Dinner for Two 5 PM- l2 AM 5 PM-12 AM
T-Jr. Kids 3:15 Fish n' chips & Prime Rib Prime Rib
T-Jr. Players 4:00 PM Jr. Players 4:00 PM
Women's Double League 6:30 PM Jr. Toum. Tough 5:00 PM T-Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM
]'J j$ 19 R-Breakfast 7AM-11AM ZQ
R-Breakfast 7 AM-l IAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM Lunch 1lAM-4 PM R-Breakfast 7 AM-1lAM
Lunch I lAM-4PM, Lunch 1 lAM-4 PM Dinner & Entertainment Lunch ] lAM-4 AM
Italian Night Dinner & Entertainment SPM-12 AM Dinner & Entertainment
G-WGA 8:OOAM 5 PM -1 l PM Fish n' chips & Prime Rib ~ „~ ,,, ~ ~,
Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Dinner for Two Prime Rib
T -Jr. Kids 3:15 P-Palm Beach County High School
T-Jr. Pla erF 4:00 PM
y Jr. Pla ers 4:00 PM
Y Swimming and Diving Championship
P-Palm Beach County High School
T-Women's Double League 6:30 PM Jr. Tourn. Tough 5:00 PM T-Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM Swimming and Diving Championship
24 ' 2$ Council Meeting 7:30 PM Zl) 2~
R-Breakfast 7 AM-] lAM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-11AM R-Breakfast 7 AM-1 IAM
Lunch 11AM-4 PM Lunch IIAM-4 PM Lunch 11AM-0PM Lunch IIAM-4 PM
Italian Night Dinner & Entertainment
G- WGA 8:00 AM 5 PM • I l PM Dinner & Entertainment Dinner & Entertainment
Open Shotgun 12:30 PM Dinner for Two 5 PM -] 2 AM 5 PM -12 AM
T-1r. Kids 3:15 Fish n' chips & Prime Rib Prime Rib
T-Jr. Players 4:00 PM 1r. Players 4:00 PM
T-Women's Double League 6:30 PM 1r. Toum. Tough 5:00 PM T-Mixed Doubles 6:30 PM
R-Halloween Party Call 691-3430 for
R-Breakfast7AM-IIAM Information on Upcoming TENNIS
Lunch l1AM-4PM
Italian Night Restaurant Events After school programs for all ages will
G-WGA 8:00 AM be offered. Please call Pro Shop for
Open Shotgun 12:30 PM
details 626-651$
T-Jr. Players 4:00 PM
- T-Women's Double League 6:30 PM
~- - -