Country Club April 2012 Preliminary_as of 05-10-2012 The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary Seven Months Ending April 30,2012 Preliminary Year-To-Date as ofAprll30,2012 FY 2012 %of budget Prior Year Actual Actual Actual Actual Golf F&B Admin Total Budget (Target 58.33%) April 2011 9/302011 9/302010 9/302009 9/302008 REVENUES Driving Range $ 177,581 $ 177,581 $ 197,380 89.97% $ 143,164 $ 208,865 $ 174,929 $ 208,230 $ 213,103 Membership 606,696 606,696 664,970 91.24% 632,230 650,358 753,349 910,249 1,071,758 Cart Rental 564,221 564,221 1,019,820 55.33% 564,377 866,505 960,599 998,584 1,007,706 Walking Fees 27,729 27,729 41,560 66.72% 31,229 40,204 45,215 39,910 32,515 Greens Fees 669,079 669,079 836,500 79.99% 646,057 810,849 753,886 816,059 863,046 Lessons 68,102 68,102 100,000 68.10% 67,780 102,006 49,365 21,622 22,275 Tournament Proceeds 2,739 2,739 0 0.00% 1,909 1,675 3,470 508 21,790 Merchandise Sales 103,335 103,335 137,000 75.43% 82,908 133,349 133,324 133,386 138,512 Special Events/Camps - 0 4,000 0.00% 400 400 200 12,204 4,218 Food&Beverage-Lease Operation - 0 0 0.00% 0 0 28,241 192,735 175,753 Liquor Sales 128,991 128,991 256,622 50.27% 143,786 221,152 84,145 - - Food&Beverage Sales 266,562 266,562 591,088 45.10% 323,026 479,226 158,839 - - Sales of Surplus - 0 0 0.00% 0 0 124,000 0 0 Interest Earnings 3,102 3,102 8,855 35.03% 5,165 8,493 14,686 7,376 36,431 Other 44,634 (192) 3,915 48,357 42,900 112.72% 41,372 56,608 82,016 71,372 65,833 Total Revenues 2,264,115 395,361 7,017 2,666,494 3,900,695 68.36% 2,683,404 3,579,690 3,366,265 3,412,235 3,652,941 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary&Benefits 291,320 168,751 33,149 493,220 912,212 54.07% 540,351 892,066 715,637 558,813 521,249 Operating: Accounting&Auditing - - 5,911 5,911 7,000 84.44% 5,911 5,911 5,187 6,512 5,986 Charge Card Fees 35,636 4,872 0 40,508 62,798 64.50% 39,188 58,602 52,262 51,284 48,024 Contractual Services 690,684 13,677 4,139 708,500 1,223,415 57.91% 704,182 1,207,178 1,214,879 1,297,245 1,257,611 Entertainment - 3,650 0 3,650 12,500 29.20% 19,170 23,298 11,032 0 0 Rental-Equipment/Uniform,etc. 922 8,855 2,620 12,397 23,800 52.09% 14,967 22,112 19,120 113,737 113,503 Legal Fees 4,025 4,025 7,500 53.67% 1,260 3,395 11,652 2,488 3,623 Lessons 16,824 - 0 16,824 40,000 42.06% 18,508 27,386 14,580 5,684 8,927 Marketing&Advertising 10,417 698 0 11,116 50,040 22.21% 34,917 46,376 47,634 41,869 41,699 Materials&Supplies 30,150 9,895 1,654 41,699 78,119 53.38% 41,120 56,388 81,934 36,893 39,884 Merchandise 55,886 142,283 0 198,168 416,285 47.60% 247,083 373,348 184,527 112,418 105,496 Repairs&Maintenance 15,812 3,413 0 19,225 45,065 42.66% 16,137 27,625 52,748 17,388 19,692 Solid Waste Disposal 6,690 6,688 0 13,378 13,798 96.95% 12,542 12,542 12,040 9,866 0 Utilities 90,445 27,537 3,278 121,261 226,848 53.45% 119,665 209,567 207,725 238,622 204,514 Other Operating Costs 6,683 3,421 1,178 11,283 45,900 24.58% 32,882 42,666 40,590 31,106 52,505 Capital: Capital Outlay 15,000 - 0 15,000 15,500 96.77% 3,056 60,456 36,972 15,951 5,250 Debt&Other: Debt Service 197,450 197,450 394,901 50.00% 214,888 412,338 471,149 506,548 494,759 Golf Cart Lease 43,887 43,887 75,300 58.28% 43,887 75,235 160,626 71,157 71,157 Insurance-Prop&Gen Liab 23,254 23,254 39,864 58.33% 23,821 40,840 56,923 63,247 150,166 Contingency 0 0 209,850 0.00% 0 0 0 0 373,471 Total Expenses 1,507,807 393,740 79,208 1,980,756 3,900,695 50.78% 2,133,537 3,597,328 3,397,216 3,180,826 3,517,516 Revenues over(under)expenses $ 756,308 $ 1,620 $ (72,191) $ 685,738 $ - $ 549,867 $ (17,638) $ (30,952) $ 231,409 $ 135,425 Rounds 27,701 50,000 28,302 44,972 50,210 50,910 52,318