2007-097 Country Club Budget Amendment - Golf Course MaintenanceRESOLUTION 2007-97 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO AMEND THE 2007-2008 BUDGET FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSFERRING $1,440,384 FROM VARIOUS GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE ACCOUNTS, WITH $1,161,638 BEING TRANSFERRED TO THE GOLF COURSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT AND $278,746 BEING TRANSFERRED TO THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village Council approved a total budget in the amount of $1,656,094 for the Golf Course Maintenance Department for the fiscal year 2007-2008; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2007, the Village Council approved a contract with International Golf Maintenance, Inc. for golf course maintenance services at a cost not to excced $1,161,638; and WHEREAS, the Village Council wishes to amend the fiscal yeaz 2007-2008 budget to transfer $1,440,384 from various golf course maintenance acwunts, with $1,161,638 being transferred into the golf course contractual services account and $278,746 being transfen•ed into the council contingency account. • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section I. The foregoing recitals are ratified as true and incorporated herein. • Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the budget amendment for transfer of amounts listed below: Account # Account Name Increase Decrease L8045-33491 Contractual Services $ 1,161,638 L8070-49910 Council Contin enc 278,746 L8045-11110 Executive Salazies $ 75,631 L8045-11210 Re laz Pa 417,008 L8045-11300 Part-Time Pay 44,213 L8045-11400 Overtime Pa 25,000 L8045-11502 Uniform/Shoe Allowance 1,000 L8045-11530 Holiday Gifts 725 L8045-12110 FICA 41,070 L8045-12210 Pension-General Employees 99,025 L8045-1 22 1 7 ICMA Munici al Em to ees 12,669 L8045-12225 ICMA 457 Match 9,360 L8045-12310 Health Insurance 111,928 L8045-12320 Life Insurance 208 L8045-12330 L.T.D. Insurance 3,843 L8045-12410 Workers' Com ensation 54,779 L8045-33 1 1 3 Contract Labor 5,000 Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. L8045-33130 Physical Exams 500 L8045-33190 Professional Services 1,800 L8045-33410 Uniform Rental 7,500 L8045-33430 Tree Trimmin 7,500 L8045-34010 Travel 1,000 L8045-34110 Tel hone 3,500 L8045-34340 Solid Waste Dis osal 15,500 L8045-34620 R & M Bldg. & Grounds 29,000 L8045-34640 R & M Irri ation S s 2,500 L8045-34650 R & M Mach. & E ui . 2,000 L8045-34680 R & M Sts., Rds., & Paths 500 L8045-34683 R & M Golf Course 3,000 L8045-34910 Advertising 500 L8045-3 51 1 0 Office Su lies 750 L8045-3 5 1 1 1 Computer Su lies 500 L8045-35212 Golf Course Su lies 6,000 L8045-35213 Sho Tools & Su lies 5,000 L8045-35216 Irri ation Su lies 8,500 L8045-35217 Mach. & E ui . Su lies 37,500 L8045-35218 Auto Parts Su lies 500 L8045-35222 Trees & Sod 15,000 L8045-35223 Fertilizers 125,000 L8045-35228 Sand/Clay/ShelUTo soil 20,475 L8045-35230 Pesticides & Herbicides 60,000 L8045-35280 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 30,000 L8045-35290 Misc. Operating Su lies 1,000 L8045-35294 Uniforms & Shoes 500 L8045-35410 Books, Publs., & Subsc. 100 L8045-35420 Membershi & Dues 400 L8045-35430 Conference & Seminars 400 L8045-66210 Construction & Major Renov. 150,000 L8045-66490 Machinery & E ui ment 2,500 Total $ 1,440,384 $ 1,440,384 Section 3. The Mayor and Village Clerk aze hereby authorized and directed to execute the budget amendment for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 4. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF OCTOBER, 007. '^~., ~ J (Village Seal) ~~ ~i/' ~~ MAY R ~;,ATaTEST: -~~~~.~9~ ~~~ ~ ~~ VILLAGE CLE