08-03-2011 FY2012 Budget Workshop_Public Safety & Public Worksr1 r rFn 1 h� i -101 rid -B (I ONE man w ■■■ ■1■ ��■ 11 all d. T r- i -- - Presented by: Jamie Titcom b, Village Manager Sarnia Janjua, Finance Director Village Clerk Village Council Village of North Palm Beach Residents Darryl C. Aubrey David B. Norris William L. Manuel Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tem Thomas R. Hernacki Councilman Robert Gebbia Councilman Village Manager Operating Departments Village Attorney 4 %i6",I TGNIGH i 1. Review area municipal Mil lage Rates and Service Fee comparisons.; _ 2. Review the CURRENT fiscal year budget as it relates to the Public Safety and the Public Works Departments. 3. workshop the Proposed FY2012 Budget by Department to include the Long Term Capitalization Plan (LTCP) 4iri�- kv� LANA m Milo, Fr I El 0 a a'�� Fee e� ;Ge . % c° v IG ,nom N�n�Rq�2p7p PftCPOSEUMILLNGE SEFi✓ICE^a. C1OH -RD VeSLitfiCdd iTEM3 aaietmm.. ra.snr.- •w..ere • ;tett�dWrr4 NORTH PA41,10EACH 6.9000 TAM Nolluditlonal3eauoe Fees Nn Nmn.nd Valorem Tax SMdwaSe AialxPVy Revc we co Muniupalty [se.ma�a awru vauem rar pr, 1 RAKER` L 8.0260 8A280 otsKer & E"r Rssdenbal water 41 198 plus �agr Carmcmal: VWtn Si T.90pblsuaage No NonAd Valorem Tax Thi=and Lbkg CMMamt Fksld[ndal. Sxner$ T 00 pis Usage Reremoa ro ltunicipalkir Tho.sa id Ca his COD Oebt C'omrerciaL Sauer1 7.00 plus sape Solid waca Avmo* W&M Clapaas FLagdmnal s1d.58 t^oaeaa bans .e-- ra<.eeenet Carom +dal. 887 94 Stamm Water rred 5,ze dnelktg $4 Sll phm STdm V,eyrer LUKE PARH ...... 95167 Mlllage 8Si63 Single unn T78.00 ply, - ._ ❑ebt 9.L 7 5vw= Fees 5Iled in Npp�4.d Valarem Tax Reuw 9 Rerydng Solid waare Au haritj single F'amiy. 5167.49 p'p Local. 9.9163 Ton! 102163 Mau. Hom&5 $1874: p$ la —o&oei ware re•a,w.� Mdor5.Rldp 4187 d9 Wn MJh,41sltlg s g7 98 attar spers Re�fur sspunrt ye t�1'loge R.99ay Mileage 0 416 Fif@4g:a55Nlr[ $cdnri wdSer. Lake Vrl]IN Ora 11 P° M3ird A hE l'lD4TN Deb[Svc 3031 Pebt9vc $e ge Llspusal $5.00 pem muPo plied try# ERlle SPlidykgi Atha, y Eleclndq R-hxe 8. ReW&g Total: 6.8030 Total: 683x7 Water Sfanm Smgle Femly. s1pS0 prn Tflpleal9uadrglex $12 50 phn Pevinw.+swn.. Tax Ral-W [ t.rydeTr•drymwxrat type MusD Urrr $1950 PIm 'IJU -PA LM y =j.C11 Mllage pdi Jv Mlllege aXu Water &Sewer 5 %autummue east yr -:cc • �- =�38 neht Sic ^2R NYdOx p(Mell" unit ale la pi s usage Fire Awes nt $25 Ww�eimg Smidwaae AUtnviy sav rpiers Gin: una 49 -86 plus asap& ise.meemrroa Pa. seam ,. a 46T6 Total IIAW Swrn Water j7r a dm— vanes Tat. --q Single rainy unit $ 9 -90 C"mardal Unit S 8 90 Al 71 sq R SaTtlnGGn. pMsieawtal Can Srax $19.00 p•m LamOerdal Can Semta !1800 m Reuse& Recycling S 13467 5Old wane Aulhodty 6.7671 SZ1,71 pmsiae—pel Wrap l a n0 Seivms Feea B fled in N on-Ad Valrem Tex (ptti Pm fir 101063,111) s""' W"" fawn, a,dona. w--in4 kanae �oai&ng on axaeon PALM BEACH GARDENS I.11gg• 5 , 390_ Millage 58390 NPB Cn ITr1pw Da. ueo::'•i 140 D.bt Six I 96 Ho Addivvnal Senxe Fees No No"d Vale rem Tax NPB C01nVVY Dc II l Rev,1 t m Municipalry Solid Wamt Awhonly Total: 5-5390 Tent 6-0750 F PfNaapn.p vrwro TV Flrm'uo' 38672 Serlces Fee Bled in Hon•Ad valorem Tax Solld V a*sw. Yep mrve, & RecIvAing Solid WaYr Author 2.WW Re sidertial Cudas ie 2010 511 53 iiae Ravaemdal CurrasKle 7011 $1194 LS: -POVaerwW —Tin e....W JUPITER Mnage 2 51x7 Millage 2 8t,32 Naar F. Se r lased m mcyer axe & usage nebrs. X904 Dehts+ 7166 Garbage. Recwd�ng,& Vrvd'tnaste Cal lecem Randent,al Curb Silo. $11.52 plmadh No Non-Ad Vela rem Tax NPB Improroman Di9rist 97 DelA T0411: 2.6016 Typrl axw SV1rfn WaterERV -851 mp}t dRipem 5 area Rev� e ro Munupalry NPB Irryr4+erte" piyyn5t 33 Mani Single Palmy Heine $x.37 pMt OEM Selld wa-ae A,.M. y t Mu10 F"y Uvng Vrrttt- TWon PERU ,antes o.a awa canna T� a.„,.,� ki- ��� 'np iii r I ' _ •• -,pert .. J d rV2011 Rerenuer Taxes: Ad- Valorem Toxes Utility Semce Taxes Franchise Fees Sal" & Use Taxes Licenses & Pa=n laurym•erntneJUel Charles for Sen-> .s Faces & F6rfeau"s lntesest Appropmred Fund Balance %Sisrellaoeons To tat P.Mennes- Expenditssres Gave_.! Governm.,.r L'sll. gc Counc4 L'slla�e \Saa�u Human Rrsourre s Ftoancr 1Gilliman0n TKhn010 �' Villa Se Attcrae1• Villa" Cluk 100,213 The i•1Lla=e of North Falco Beach 77.90% 102,454 120.123 122.453 130.801 217,629 General Fund ]3ud -, e15 UMMAKY 217,757 290.624 372.974 281,339 171,568 3rd Quarter Ending Jame 30, 1011 233,169 217,019 118.171 374,688 SAN7 71.11% 373,048 4s of Rr ised 484,076 425,670 2I5,897 2516,339 72.34% 3r6 Quarter r -ise41 3 B 6:t riar Xe■r Attecl A.t..l Actc.l [04.764 EnrLn6 6 +50111 13t1 t (TA et 75") 613139 30130116 09 +30:09 09.'30.'95 273.630 :54.635 260.373 1,032,904 1,492.490 69 -21% 1,073,78S L0,078,610 1.456,876 S 10,222,389 98.59% S 10,768.499 E 1L.051128 S 11517,350 S L15L5,365 1,625,865 61076 2,116,249 76.83% 1.6110,965 261.375 41239.002 UL4.071 819,902 1.1162..173 934,747 87.71% 847,529 3.207.328 L -M6,831 1313362 198,534 S 12,722,92I 277,307 71.59% 392,700 266.079 ?67,557 388,705 82 -88%11 862,873 65$,406 130931E 784,270 910.997 x80.016 1.047.144 927,630 1,228,728 75.50% 9:6,186 1.169.509 1304.391 1.516.074 1,676,234 1,841,727 91.01% 1,586,919 1.937.!15 1ki8.94x 1.288.773 0,498 123,008 133 ,300 92.2111 110,006 149.008 146.970 157.013 Traosier In Out 38,634 84,027 45,1111 147,025 280.218 (1346) 104.652 1.]5495] - 051 -178 0 -00% 31112,338 83.19% ?89.072 511 -4 -'9 94.930 60 _183 8.690 685.01,6 240 67 278.142 304.595 137,447 19,178,$07 16,41108E 13,457,350 88.91% 17,193,6"6 11,609,06 19,9114,323 10.74"1 100,213 128,496 77.90% 102,454 120.123 122.453 130.801 217,629 308,271 70.60% 217,757 290.624 372.974 281,339 171,568 236.627 72.51% 178,043 233,169 217,019 118.171 374,688 SAN7 71.11% 373,048 495,765 484,076 425,670 2I5,897 2516,339 72.34% 160 ,329 28S,430 282303 ]85,87] 133,586 170,000 7RS3% [04.764 153.356 134,083 122_646 106,055 2118,337 73 -5046 216,419 273.630 :54.635 260.373 PnL1Lc Shen: 184,146 413,306 44 -55%E 163,871 217.798 2141708 Len• Enforcemeru 3065,166 4,416396 69 -40% 3,112,542 4.158.345 3,73.322 4.683.893 Far. Restoe 2,878,373 2,662„06 70 -485. 1,19'7,163 2,541.543 1.709,447 1555923 General Sen-ue: -Public Safety 78.120 5,019,659 150,634 51.86 %e 82,998 120,939 139.359 130.757 Public Works; Lsbtan' 468,097 723,231 PubLc Works Adm n 263,693 363,326 72 -58!4 258,108 343.3-1 34032 265,775 Samnhon 1,032,904 1,492.490 69 -21% 1,073,78S 1.397.668 1.456,876 1.777.5]3 Facility Sc icft 403,960 719 -552 56 -14% 474,909 620.140 61076 553,459 Saes =s C Geonods 896,084 1,540.564 58 -17%: 1,246,373 1.543.441 1.1162..173 1550,32 L-eluda}laimenance 266,SL7 2,863,458 369.193 7- ^ -27%E 370,134 350.113 343.041 372.913 ombi=- ec-e pment & pisanus C Tennis 322,170 1,822,271 388,705 82 -88%11 318,245 402.968 Cosssmnoiry PI ... isse 184,146 413,306 44 -55%E 163,871 217.798 2141708 159,315 B"drug 346,530 431,185 72.027E 344,905 460.0x9 461,905 58L431 Code Eu[otcemeal 66,473 597,149 116,133 57.24% 73,844 90334 105,874 1SS.787 Leisure 5en7ces: Lsbtan' 468,097 723,231 64.72% 527,827 685,936 767,171 744.874 R40e2dan 680,712 977,786 69.62% 687,763 93373 017,567 MS73 Puk ]famtmaaca - - 0 -W% - - 534:15 900312 Pawl 298,791 439,601 67 -851. 228,731 306.531 395.011 ]43.931 Special Events 52 V40 8;,000 WAS% 58,002 77.666 72.021 14-073 Tennis 322,170 1,822,271 388,705 82 -88%11 318,245 402.968 361,439 181.707 Debt & Other Nt,t secs ice - - 0.00% 534,153 2154384 1,434.466 85053] Coutmgeun- 0,498 218,327 434% 16,765 43 -162 34,101 81.501 Traosier In Out 4311,992 431,002 100 -00111 163,490 163 -490 318,500 1.]5495] NOM- Depwuneztal 326,795 763,365 31112,338 83.19% ?89.072 511 -4 -'9 94.930 388,182 To fit Exp to di rum 12,573,339 18,457,350 68.124 13,297,727 19,178,$07 16,413,80 19,330y99 ter Revenue Over Expense 1 3,538_.244 S 5 3.995.835 S 431. >'S S 1.580.1'9 5 L� 6�] fr1oJ,f The 111age of f orth Palm Beach General Fund Budget Summary Combined 69.4% 31-d Quarter Ending June 30, 2011 I/o of Revised 3rd Quarter Revi {ed 1011 Budget Prior Year Ending 630111 Budget (Target 75 %) 6131110 Actual Actual Actual 09130/10 09,30 09 09/30/08 Public Safety: Law Enforcement 3,465.166 4.416,596 69.40% 3.111542 4.138.345 3,973322 4.088.898 Fire Rescue 1.874.373 2.662.206 70.48% 1.897.103 3.541.563 2.709447 2.555.925 General Services-Public Safety 78,130 3.019,659 150,634 51.86% S? 998 120.930 139,239 130,757 Public Works: Public Works Admin Sanitation Facility Smices Streets & Grounds Vehicle Maintenance 263,693 1.032,904 403,960 896.084 266.817 ?.863.458 363326 72.58% 258,908 343,822 341,232 265:775 1.492.496 69.21% 1.07338; 1.397,68S 1.456.876 1.777,522 719,552 56.14% 474,949 620,140 616,076 533.459 1.540.364 58.17% 1246,373 1.545.841 1.262,278 1.550.082 369,193 72.27% '70,134 350,213 342.,081 372,918 This question comes up every budget year as residents consider their tax bills. It's a fair question. Residents < ASpecial are very avJare that most of the valued services (fire and � police services, parks and recreation, and streets and sanitation) come from their local governments. However, the majority of the property (ad valorem) tax dollar goes to jurisdictions other than North Palm Beach. So, the answer to question can be ansvrered simply... Only 310 of your tax dollar goes to the 2� Village of North Palm Beach! ...and is where the 310 goes.... Public fetal 411.1 era- 0 14� Public Leisure W 5 Services Village of North Palm Beach Palm Beach 31% County 2111/o Palm Beach County Public Schools 3$% NFPW- rY2011 General Debt and Community Government Other Development 1 1 _ Pusue tivoRHS P" EA=Mw ., 2. 3 yam_ fiental Expense are 0-- three Categories: Personnel (Wages & Benef Operating Costs and Capital Outlays r�u _ Personnel Costs will naturally increase and although they are anticipated, th significant given that Personnel related account for roughly 74% of the Village's overall budget! ❖ Health insurance alone is anticipated to see a 6.87% increase in costs in this upcoming year. Compensation Overview GE & FPE Employees • Anticipates 0% Market or COLA Adjustment P & F Employees • Anticipates 0% Market or COLA Adjustment • Merit increase (0 -5 %) * Per Collective Step increase as required in the Bargaining Agreement Collective Bargaining Agreement(s) • 19.57% Village (Defined Benefit) 20.03% Village pension contribution pension contribution which is down ( +2.17% from LY) & 2% employee 0.43% from LY & 6% employee contribution from date of hire. contribution from date of hire. (LY 15.78% required + 4.22% catch -up provision = 20 %) • 15% Defined Contribution Pension Plan offering, which is mandatory for all newly hired non -union eligible employees. • 15% Defined Contribution Pension Plan offering, which is mandatory for all newly hired, "non- certified" PBA -union eligible employees. Ae I& VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Expenditures - Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012 By Department Leisure Services 52,451,084 Debt &Other 13.70% $842.697 4.77 °.� Community Development $942940 4.71 a 0 Public Works $4,092,404 22.88% By Function Reserve - General Employees Pension 5226,441 Capital 1.27% 5258.932 1.45% Operating S3.9951010-- 22.33% 55% General Government $2,144,290 oz $7.515,901 42.01% Contingency 5223,617 Personnel Costs are driving 1.25 °.''v the budget at 74% 0 Personnel $13,185,216 73.70% Total $17,889,216 Ir 1 2. Operating rIVILLAGj OF N011" �YIC�S p�P� ■rll LIc 5E - Operating monitored Costs are continually tracked and to ensure appropriateness of expenditures. All Operating lines have been � closely scrutinized bv Administration to arovide �,z for essential costs taking into current economic conditions. consideration the'k' a Pt f� I� U El Ell ■(I I� H.P.B. PL18" SAFETY a �-1 ❖ Capital expenditure continues to be made with special attention towards infrastructure maintenance and repairs. The Village is over 50 years old and is requiring amplified levels of care. Replacements of vehicles and equipment are also being made in accordance with the Village's -ong erm apitaliza iarr Ian... eo�r�r� .. - -_- - _71 - � 1 Law Enforcement 2. Fire Rescue - y;: - I Gen' ral Services (Building) HaRa" PALM ia��. � _� � Y c.�" � '� ' err..- z • ' — -- _ _ _ _ . _ - _ General Fund Organization Chart FY 2011 -2012 Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach Village Clerk 3 FT 7___� Village Council Village Attorney Village Manager 2 FT VILLAGE BOARDS -Audit Committee •Construction Board of Adjustment •Li bra ry Advisory •Pension Boards •Planning Commission •Recreation Advisory •Waterways Board -Zoning Board of Adjustment Summary: Change: 138 FT -1 FT 69 PT 23 Volunteers Human Information Community Public Law Fire Parks & Finance Library Resources Technology Development Works Enforcement Rescue Recreation 5 FT 6 FT 2 FT 2 FT 8 FT (. -1 FT) 37 FT 43 FT 24 FT 6 FT 1 PT 10 PT 1 PT 2 PT 12 PT 0 PT 43 PT 5 Volunteers 18 Volunteers Summary: Change: 138 FT -1 FT 69 PT 23 Volunteers Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Department r)ir,ectnr of P, iblic Safety 0 FT ( -1 FT) Chief of Police 1 FT ( +1 FT) Captains Clerical Specialist 1 FT Sergeants 4 FT Police Officer 16 FT Note: With the shift to traditional" Police and Fire /Rescue services along with respective disciplined chiefs, there is no longer a need for a Public Safety Director. This is a carryover from an era gone by and is no longer applicable. Administrative Coordinator 1 FT 2 FT Criminal I nvestioations: Sergeant Police Officer (Detective) Police Officer (Crime Scene) Special Operations: Sergeant 1 FT Police Officer (K -9) 1 FT Police Officer (Marine Unit) 1 FT 1 FT 3 FT 1 FT Public Safety Aide 2 FT School Crossing Guards 12 PT Reserve /Volunteers 5 Summary: Change: Emergency Dispatcher 6 FT FT = 43 Records Clerk 2 FT PT = 12 Volunteers = 5 Police Revenues FY 2012 Budget Backup Worksheet Revenues A0911 -Law Enforcement A/C 4 Account Name FY 2412 Proposed A0911-01100 BICYCLE REGISTRATIONS - A091-1 -03100 ACCIDENT REPORTS & I.D_ 1.600.00 A0911 -04100 COURT FINES 70.000.00 A09 11-04110 FALSE ALARM FINES 8.500.00 A0911-041 11 ALARM USERS PERMIT FEE 23.500.00 A0911 -04120 OUTSIDE SERVICES - A0911 -04130 PARKING FINES 600.00 A0911- 04140 SEIZED TAG PAYMENT 1.200.00 A0911 -04150 WATER RESTRICTION FINE - A0911 -08995 DONATIONS - A0911 -08999 MISC. REVENUES - TOTAL $ 105,400.00 PO 110C 0 Personnel The Pillage of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Law Enforcement 4ti Increase , ❑nKM21 2011 (Dec r ea ie) over Actual Acrual Actual FY 2012 Budget Budner 2011 Sudger 09 30.10 09.30.09 09 M;08 Regulal"Pa -v S 2.761,938 Ancho, Visual, &t Cormn Sys S 2,618,129 5% S 2,552,924 5 2.440,956 S 2,352,740 0"ertime PaF 188.000 Nlachiner}• & Egatpluent 188,000 0% 163AIt 145.055 197,221 Par_ -:isle Pav 51,698 3,001,536 51,698 0!i 51,162 51,371 43;100 lknefus, 0 Obi 0 0 4 ?3,139 -22oa Pension 607,203 116,852 531,396 1490 3!2,008 360,041 445,823 HealthItlstuance 431,511 382_59d 11% 356.729 283,188 308.164 FICA",fecheare 229.432 217,291 a4y 20I260 192,739 19M13 LTD- Insurance 15, ±28 13_'52 7% 14,004 13,292 14A13 Life Lmmlrance 3,644 4,643 0% 4,545 4,443 3,977 iL'IDA S Coulpen5au0n 55.641 83 R8O -34% 55,142 138,875 112,860 Other 7,150 1,351,309 6"475 447 s,s22 x,808 10,115 S 4,351.84= 5 3,099,061 dot 5 3019,307, 5 3,'38'68 S 3,682,131 Operating Adtertis= 250 500 -5455 0 802 3MS Books" PIZbheadous & Subscnpiieils 600 S00 20% 538 418 903 Confere=,!S & Sp-i"ax 0 0 044 0 L045 145 Con[rt emal Senwes 10-100 24,187 -58% 7,839 8,364 7,673 Emplv-,ve Relations 500 500 osr 454 35- r26 CW:. 0 1 & Lubricants 86 "500 99,359 -13': 78,&41 75,442 117,317 Lail" Fh&rce3 ivir Trust (Operanng) 0 0 01.4 14 088 1320 3,375 Liceuses & Fees 250 500 50e 2rs82 1,993 10,598 Materials & Supplies 26,030 28.300 -73n 20 ,049 24,8 26 30,490 Membershrps c& Dues 5 :0 800 -2944 605 670 812 Pnntine & Bmckne 800 600 064 1,058 179, 2,399 Rental 8,400 7,80❑ 9% 5,350 7,150 8,450 Repatr5 & Malntenance 37,900 47.940 -19% 24,056 40,054 52,725 Travel & Training 12,500 14,000 -11% 8.887 10,996 16367 UnZorr315 10.000 10.000 0r . 9,956 33.453 10" 107 Unhnes 9,900 10,000 -2% 9,710 10,061 ' -0 "307, Outer Operating Costs 0 0 oa: 258 201.220 2!3,086 -16" 131,712 201_.313 790,301 Capital Amomomv 57,59? Ancho, Visual, &t Cormn Sys 0 Capaal -L xx F}yfbreemmt Trim 0 COmprner Hardisare &- Softimre 0 Comtruction & Major Rena%ntim f1 Nlachiner}• & Egatpluent 0 67.582 Total Expenses S 4.614.64+ 73,449 -22% 54396 14,400 111,256 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 7.392 ❑ 0 0% a SASO 5 195 0 044 0 0 0 0 Obi 0 0 4 ?3,139 -22oa ;d,196 30,Z -42 116,852 5 1,116. ?96 aea 5 4.1 ;8.31: S 3.973.322 S 4.058.593 �e GP' NO \i a The Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Budget General Fund Capital outlay Department Information Technologv Microsoft Office Suite 'Upgrade Public AX -arks "Quick Tip" Dumpster Attachment Public Safetv Vehicle Replacement (2) marked Chiller KeDiacement General Services - Village Hall A.�C Chiller Replacement Parks g Recreation Pla yground Equipment ( *) (*) Funded by Developer Contribution Tot-M Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Capital Outlay Amount S 18,750 216.000 57.582 119.08? 50.100 15.000 S 258,932 Public Safety Capital Otithav $119, 82 Department: Law Enforcement Marked Police Vehicle Replacement $57,582 Due to the age. mileage and mechanical condition of patrol unit � 242 (2003 Ford Crown Victoria), and patrol unit 240 (2044 Ford Crown Victoria) both units are now in need of replacement. I am therefore requesting to purchase two (2) 2012 Ford Taunus tuarked patrol units based on available govenmienrt contract pricing. The marked patrol units will arrive frilly equipped and decaled at a cost of 528.791 per unit. Units 244 and 242 will be removed from service and sold as surplus. Dejurrrnent: General Services- Public Safety A/C ChWer Replacement 561.504 During scheduled repairs to tine evaporator coils. staff discovered the chiller unit's bottom had rusted out causing components to tuisalign placing strain on refrigerant lines, Having replaced two of the four compressors over the last tw -o years, this 12 year old unit must now be replaced. Village of North Palm Beach 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan FY 2012 -2016 Fand: General Fund Depaitment: Public 5afets %-Won: Lass Enforcement Lost b -• CIP Year FY 101: FY1013 FY 2014 FY 2013 FY2016 Total Budget Year (Year 91) (Ytar i 21) (Year 9 3) (Year 9 4) (Tear' 4) Deseti lion C111-rent Int-entot-c• Estimated Life - 411101tI0Rre - -' Patrol Vehcles 2007 (5); 2006 (1); 2005 (4); 2004 (1).2003 (1) 7 ears or 100.000 miles 57582 120.924 30,231 15L155 31,471 S 391,563 Patrol Boat 1999(t) 15 bag's 75.000 S 75,000 Un&Tcover Vehicles 2011 M 2M (3); 2W7 (1); 2005 M, 2004 (1) 7 Fears or 100.000 miles 4:4356 23.800 ? 1,402 S 13945 58 Replammi Boat Etasines 2009(2) 3.6 �m 26.000 $ :6,000 liariue Unit Truck 2002(l) 7 fears or 100.000 tmte, '8.000 S A000 K -9 Vehicles 2008 (1) ? rears or 100.000 mile; 31,671 S Arl Cnme Scene Vehicle 1946 (1) 25 ytms 5 S Abroral- 31110n10rtrr: 57681 193.280 155.031 221,557 63,342 S 691•T91 3fachineii-& Equip we11r- 5004 1:2 Radio System '_008 14 seas S S'rrbtoral:lloeflintl3 & Eglrrprrlenr S - EstimatedTotalCost S ± ?;5: S 193,:54 S 156,031 S 22215$7 S 4334! S 691,79: Funding Source FY !012 FY 1013 Fl•2014 FY :015 FY 2016 focal Bodut Year (i ear 81) (Year t.1) (Year 4 3) (Year 9 4) (Year # 5) Zinged 57{82 193,280 155,031 3221M 63,342 S 691,191. Graat S Orhei I S EAmated Total Funding S 57. »S± 5 193,:80 S 15 ."1031 is ?.':,;57 S 63,34? IS 6 Wwl Operatitt8 Castlnereases Created by Project Description of Operating Impact: to operarine Impact Fire Rescue Fire Rescue Department Fire Chief 1 FT FT ( -1 FT) Captain 1 FT ( +1 FT) Fire Rescue Shifts: Fire Lieutenants 3 FT Fire Inspector Firefighter /Medics 16 FT Firefighter /EMTs 2 FT Volunteer Firefighters 18 Note: Reorganization of FirelRescue service to provide for organizational hierarchy. Removing the Administrative Lieutenant from the Union by elevating this position to Captain commensurate with expanded duties and responsibilities. 1 FT Summary: Change: FT = 24 PT =Q Volunteers = 18 Fire Revenues FY 2012 Budget Backup Worksheet Revenues A0911 -Fire Rescue A/C # Account Name FY 2012 Proposed A0911 -83105 FIRE INSPECTION FEES 35.000.00 A091-1-03106 FIRE PLAN REVIEW FEE -15.000.00 A0911-04600 AMBULANCE FEES 275.000.00 A09-11-08999 MISC_ REVENUES 7.800.00 TOTAL i j $ 332,$00.D� f lt# Personnel Salviy. . Rea-War Par' o--e:u-MI. Pay Piet -tiny Pay Benefits: Pensica Health Insurance FICA ]ledrearr L.T.D. insurance Life Insurance woriocc's Campematton Other operatong Books, Publications & 5ub5,criptious Conferences & Seminals C oweetual Sen.- ces Gras_ Oil & Lut uicants Licenses & Fees !Materials & Supplies Memberships & Dues Punting & Binding Professional Sen-ices Repairs R hfainrenance Ttm-el & Trrkt Utufamms Utihnes VohutteerFirefi hter Drill Pay Cdier Operating Costs Capital Anro=tic -e Audio, Visual & Comm Ss^s C'amputer Haydn are & Sc,&are Construction & 1'40r Renovation bUchmen- & Egiupnrent Total Expenses The Village of North Pahn Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Fire Rescue % Increase r original 2011 (1lerrcaw) over Actual Actual Actual FY 2011 Budget Budger 2011 Budget 09 :3010 09'30;09 019130 +08 5 1.668.123 S 1.577.013 6% S 1.548389 S 1,449,793 S 1,515,902 85,000 131,800 _ -W° 139.470 125.143 124,489 - 1,753,123 - 0% - 367,985 322,183 1416 306,683 283,467 270 -552 775.158 251,367 -10% 242,236 203,740 207,641 134,023 130,241 3 °.•0 122,340 114,766 116,825 9.653 9.070 6% 8.636 8,030 9,130 ?,59: ?.592 0°: 2,547 2.4$4 3,351 39,620 $8,145 -32% 39,023 169,188 139,032 - 779,031 0°v S 2,532,154 S 2,482„374 2% S 2.409.524 S 2„{:6910 S 2,386.921 950 1,100 44% 745 972 1,574 0 0 095 0 0 0 ?5.300 26,600 -5% 18,654 1,065 0 20.014 22,765 -12% €9,079 12,351 20,515 500 1,600 -69°.S 3,406 6,564 4,9?6 56.708 53,188 7% 13,462 37,62€ 43,048 819 819 0014 694 705 745 500 800 •38% 395 0 84 16,400 17,400 4% €5,613 15 ?54 15,812 15.500 13,700 13% 13.186 14,295 18.018 15.140 1060 -9% 13,645 9,455 16,297 13,000 13,000 041 10,354 17,948 ^4,684 1,000 1,500 -33% 1,006 1,332 5,119 10,806 10,800 0°: 11,800 1!,215 16.973 0 0 014 (0) 692 1,157 176,631 179,83? 4% 13:.039 129,430 169.004 0 0 ❑°.'a 0 194,900 0 0 0 0% 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 oae 0 0 0 0 0 0%: 0 38,207 0 0 0 0% 0 223,107 0 S 2,708.785 S 2,66? 106 2% S 2 541.563 S 2,709.447 3 2.F5a,92F Village of North Palen Beach 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan FY 2012 -2016 Fed: Genrral Fund Department: Public Safety mis on: Fine Rescue Cost by C[P Year FY 201: FT 2013 EY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 Total Budget Year (Year # 1) (Year 9 2) (Yeah # 3) (Year # 4) (f ear # Description Carrent Inventory Estimated Life lurOtNRtirY: Fue Enna 2003 (2) 20 gars S Yukon 2001(1) 10-years 35.000 S 15,000 Suburban 200" (1) 10Nran 35.000 S 351000 Su r. Truck 1981(1) 30)ears S S -10 Pick-Up TnA 2002 (1) 10wem 20,000 S 20,000 Qtutttu let Fire. S 1996(1) 20 yean S 'kinixtIance 2003 (1) 2010 (1) 5 tears 185.000 S 185.000 ubrarol.�rrfotnarirr.' 55,000 35,000 185,000 - S :7:,000 MachF elv & Equipment. Brea .AjrC ssor 1944(1) 231 rays S Cudiac MointoriDefthillator 2004 (2) 5 yeas 50.000 S 50,000 Self-contained Breathing A tus 2001(-)5) 12 wears I00,000 S I00.000 Hydraulic Ext xaon Tools 19 i9 (1) 15 gars S ThemW Imagmg Camels 2002 (2) 10 gars 35.000 S M1000 ubtotpdAfachinery J Equrpntertt 135,000 50,000 I Is 18.x,000 Esdw red Total Cost is 190MO S S,000 I S 1S {,000 I S is 460,00 Funding Source F1' 201: FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 3015 M016 Total Budget Year (Year # 1) (fear # 1) (Year # 3) (Year # 1) (Year # 5) 111112r - 190.000 851000 135,000 - S x40.000 Gran[ Is Other is Essimated Total Fundig S S.S,000 S 1851000 S is 4601000 -lnuual Operating Cost Increases Created by Project: S Descripfion of Opening Impact: No Capita! Request This Fiscal Year! A No TiI 7 ow i tRi' VILLAGE OF NORTH P ALM BEACH POLICE/FIRE RESCUE 1011N S. ATWATER COMPLIF.3 I 560... Operating Matenals & Supplies Postage Rental Repairs & Maintenance Utilities Other Operating Costs Capital Audio. Visual. & Comm. Svs Computer Hai&.are & Sofhlare Constriction & Major Renovation Machinery & Equipment Total Expenses The Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget General Services - Public Safeh, FY 2011 Budget 80 1,800 9,750 3,493 115.846 0 130.969 0 0 0 61.500 61.500 S 19'_,469 01u Increase!' original 2011 (Decrease) over Aortal Actual ?actual Budget 1.011 Budget 09130110 09/30104 091-1301,08 0 0% 10.829 315 1,156 1.800 0°lu 1.148 1.151 1,136 9.750 0% 10.528 10.787 9,638 11.700 -70% 0 0 739 127.384 -9% 98,434 115;174 103,589 0 0010 0 (0) 0 150.634 -13% 120,930 127,427 116,257 0 0% 0 5.992 0 0 0°.6, 0 0 0 0 0010- 0 5.840 14.500 0 0°.6, 0 0 0 0 0% 0 11.832 14 qo S 150,634 28° b 5 120930 S 139,15+9 S 130, "5" The Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Budget General Fund Capital outlay Department Information Technologv Microsoft Office Suite 'Upgrade Public AX -arks "Quick Tip" Dumpster Attachment Public Safety Vehirir Renlarement (1) marked 4;7 5R? A.�C Chiller Replacement 61.500 General Services - Villacre Hall A. C CliAler Replacement Parks & Recreation Playground Equipment ( *) (*) Funded by Developer Contribution Tot-M Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Capital Outlay Amount S 18,750 26.000 119.08? 50.100 15.000 S 258,932 Public Safety Capital Otithav $119, 82 Department: Law Enforcement Marked Police Vehicle Replacement $57,582 Due to the age. mileage and mechanical condition of patrol unit � 242 (2003 Ford Crown Victoria), and patrol unit 240 (2044 Ford Crown Victoria) both units are now in need of replacement. I am therefore requesting to purchase two (2) 2012 Ford Taunus tuarked patrol units based on available govenmienrt contract pricing. The marked patrol units will arrive frilly equipped and decaled at a cost of 528.791 per unit. Units 244 and 242 will be removed from service and sold as surplus. Dpli t- Iment: General Seri•ices- Puuiie Safety A/C ChWer Replacement 561.504 During scheduled repairs to tine evaporator coils. staff discovered the chiller unit's bottom had rusted out causing components to tuisalign placing strain on refrigerant lines, Having replaced two of the four compressors over the last tw -o years, this 12 year old unit must now be replaced. Village of North Palm Beach 5 Year Capital Improvement Flan FY 2012 -2016 fund: General Fund Department: Public Saretr Dhision: GrneralStnices -Public Safety Bldg Cost by CR Year r: 201'. MOD FF'.Ol4 FY :01; FY :016 Total Budffl( Year ( Year # 1) (Y ear N 2) (Year # 3) (Fear 5 4) (Year 4 $} Description Current Invalay Estimated Life wnnwrtiou & Major Reiwanorr: S - N1+totaL _ $ Machix#yy dr u' rrrtt: Replace 60 Ton A/C Ch& 10 10.12 SYar3 6LO s 61 500 dio Room M 21110 10.12 Fear; S - nbtotak 1 81.540 - S 61.500 Estimated Total Cost S 61,500 S 5 5 $ - $ 61.500 Funding Source FY :01: FF 2013 FY 2414 FY .'015 FY 2016 Total Budgtt Year (Year 01) (Fear 9 :} (Year # 3) (1-ear � 4) (rear t : } 'illage 61,300 - S 61.500 Grant $ flLPi" $ - Estimated Total Fundin: s 61.540 S S s s - s 61,300 Anna al Operating Cost Increases Created by Project: Descripdon of Operating Impact: No operating Impact The'Village of North Palls Beach Fiscal Year 3011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Public Safety (combined) �n IC Saf �b�n et ea 09 Lucrease f a Original 1011 Mecrere7 over I'I 2012 Budget Budget 2011 Budget ,lttu2l09 41J0 AchW09,30.09 actual W30.08 Personnel Salaxv: Hrgut -a Pay S 4A29,96I 5 4,195,14'_ 64y S 4.101.533 f 3,890,739 5 3,868,642 0-.VrbmePat' 273,000 319,800 -15% 302.561 270,198 321 ?09 Pan.- tanePay 51.69$ 4,754,659 51.698 0<0 S1,162 51,371 43,400 - 9enpftts: Pension 915.188 853.579 34% 818.691 743.547 716.375 He a] t]tlnseu3 uce 656,669 633,963 4ey 593345 486528 513,805 FiCA7rledicare 363,455 347.495 5ey 313,600 307,505 308,037 L.T.D L�ivauee 25,381 23.B^_2 7SY 22.691] 2022 23.763 Life I=-L r3nae 7,236 7,236 01h, 7.092 6,921 9.326 Woafrer's Cozrpen.�..ahan 95,261 151,825 -33% 94,16$ 308,364 251, &D2 Gdw 7,150 2,130,340 0,875 4% &52: 8,806 30,115__ 5 6,934,999 S 6,581.4145 414 5 6'328931 S 6.09-4,678 S 6,00 066 Operating ,Ld%�t:SZnE 250 500 -50x6 - 602 3.085 Bowls, PEtKications AC Subscrip iatu 1 ,550 1,600 -3% 1..'.8.3 1,391 :_.477 R Confere=e- Sc tewina _ 0 0 014 - 1,045 745 Coaffactual Services 35,400 50.787 -10% MA93 9,429 7.67; Employee Relauoni 500 500 0% 454 357 726 Gas, Oil & Lutmeanrs 106,514 122;124 -13*19 972M 87,793 137,S32 Law En_!Fmceeieat Trust (Operarng) 0 0 0% 14,083 1,3'210 1.375 Liceasea 3c Fees 750 2,100 -W.0 5.988 6.53? 15,674 Ltlatenah & SnppHes 82,838 81.288 2q4 55240 62,761- 74.683 11fem6erah4n &- Dues 1,389 1,519 -14% 1.'09 1,375 1,557 Pottage 1,800 1.800 Asy 1,148 1,151 i.I36 PL-tm-- & Bu,.irig 1,300 1.500 -19°y 1.453 1,792 1483 FroSr:;ianal Ser.-ice5 16 100 17,400 -646 15.613 15254 15,812 Reuel 18,150 17,550 3% 167378 17,937 38,088 Repair; Sr 111aiute� 56,$93 72.440 - ?lac 37:241 54,349 +1,48w Travel & Trainin8 21.640 30-SM -1Vay 97,jM 20,451 33,264 Uniform: 23,000 23,000 0% 19.409 317361 35,390 Utilities 326,6446 138,834 -900 109.141 126,568 129,015 Vo`•unteea FirefiEktw Drill Pay 10,800 10.840 Osy 12.800 11,215 I6,975 ofl a Opel atwg Cosis d 0 Osy ?58 6,'_63 5.891 111,8 «0 $74-r'52 -1144 437,710 161,167 575.%6 [:apical au10monve 57,582 73.449 -22% 54,196 198900 311.1-56 Audio, risuaL & Camas. Sy- 0 0 0A 0 5.992 0 Capiml -Law Enfmcement Trust d a 041 0 7,341_ 0 Compltet Hardware & Sol ware d a 041 0 8,854 5.196 Co=tntcu= & Majoa Rewr.-anm 0 0 0% 0 5.840 14,500 'Machinery - Egwynlew. 61.500 0 0% 0 38,207 0 119,092 73'749 624 51,196 265381 136,962 Toral Expense: S 7�516.901 S 7,229,436 44% S 6,820.837 S 6822,028 5 6,7'5.581 Public Words ilea*. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT 645 1 Administration 2. Sanitation 3. Facility Services -... 4. Streets, Grounds &Parks .... 5. Vehicle Maintenance General Fund Organization Chart FY 201 1 -2012 Residents of The Village of Forth Palm Beach Village Clerk 3 FT 7___� Village Council Village Attorney Village Manager 2 FT VILLAGE BOARDS •Audit Committee •Construction Board of Adjustment •Library Advisory •Pension Boards -Planning Commission •Recreation Advisory •Waterways Board -Zoning Board of Adjustment Human Information Community Public Law Fire Parks & Finance Library Resources Technology development Works Enforcement Rescue Recreation 5 FT 6 FT 2 FT 2 FT 8 FT (-1 FT) 37 FT 43 FT 24 FT 6 FT 1 PT 10 PT 1 PT 2 PT 12 PT 6 PT 43 PT 5 Volunteers 18 Volunteers Summary: C—C_ihmL 69 FT 69 PT 23 Volunteers I�. Itrar►WenW, Director of Public Works 1 FT Superintendant of Public Works -1 FT Accounting Clerk 1 FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 3 FT Summary: C) FT= 37 No personnel changes PT7 Streets &Grounds Division Sanitation Division Facility and Vehicle Division Supervisor 1 FT Supervisor 1 FT Trades Mechanic 111 1 FT Equipment Operator II 2 FT Trades Mechanic 11 3 FT Sanitation Driver /Operator 6 FT irrigation Tech ii 1 FT Sanitation Collector 12 FT Mechanic 3 FT Irrigation Tech 1 1 FT Grounds Maintenance Worker 3 FT Summary: C) FT= 37 No personnel changes PT7 Public Works Revenues FY 2012 Budget Backup Worksheet Revenues A0618- Public Works A/C # Account Name FY 2012 Proposed A0618 -03400 FEES- REFUSE COLLECTION 365.000.06 A0618 -03618 REIMBURSEMENT CC SERVICES 12.000.00 TOTAL $ 377,000.00 A 1500 -02223 SWA RECYCLING REVENUE SHARING, 47.273.00 TOTAL $ 47,273.00 The Village of NaFth Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Public NS-orks Administration 4o- Iucrelse I Origina12 011 (Decrease) os er Actual Actual Actual FY _'1112 Budder Budget 2011 Budget 09!30110 09130'09 0430:'08 Personnel Satan ReeularPaS S 230,038 S 228,896 0% S 277,456 S 209,956 S 15-#,744 Overtime Pav - - 0% - - - Part -tine Pag - 230,038 - 0% - - - 3mefits- PeMAM 45,358 46,028 -1% 49,819 50,450 35,684 Health Insurance 29.633 26.807 11% 26.555 22.639 15,109 FICA Medicare 17,587 17,499 1% 15,493 14,984 11.298 L.T.D. Insurance 11329 1,322 1% 1 274 1.205 1.004 We Insurance 324 324 04K 324 324 362 R'ork&s Compensation 1,803 2,949 -Me 1 ,950 14,988 14.460 CRher - 96,034 - 0% - - 5 326,072 S 323,825 191 $ 317,871 S 314,546 S 232,612 Operat ag Contractual Sen^ices 7.200 ?_200 0% 6,332 6,557 6,127 Emplo}ee Relations 100 100 0% 0 0 0 Gas. Oil & Lubricants 0 4 0% 30 365 667 Licenses & Fees 0 0 0% 906 508 500 Materials & Supplies 1000 2,040 0% 1.725 1.817 2,813 Memberships & Ihies 400 400 0% 450 255 300 Postage 250 230 14 °f. 239 225 106 PnntmF! & Binding 200 200 06/6 178 464 181 Repairs & M untenance 0 0 0% 52 4619 1:286 Uniforms 300 360 0% 491 101 402 L rilities 24.261 29.081 -17% 15,549 13.718 748 Other OperatingCmrs 0 0 010 CO) 217 977 34,711 39,541 -12% ig 951 26,636 14,107 Capital Automotive 0 0 0° o - 19.045 Computer Hardware & 5ofm are 0 0 0' /e - Construction & Major Renovation 0 0 0% - - - Machinery & Equipment 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 19.046 Total Expenses 5 350,783 S 363.326 -1% S 343,8= S 341.232 5 265.775 The Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Genel-al Fund IToposed Budget Facility- Services 25 Increase 1 Original 2011 {Decrease} over Actual Actual Actual F5.- 2012 Budget Budget 2011 Budget 09/30/10 09/30/09 09/30108 Personnel Salary Regular Pay S 189,737 5 181945 3% 5 180,6$6 S 258,873 S 241,446 Overtime Pay 1,500 1,500 0% 1.489 2.472 981 Part -time Pay - 191,137 - 0.0 - - - Benefits: Pension 40.266 39,929 1% =1514$ 59.614 43,530 Health Insurance 40.875 41,085 -1% 40.413 56.446 56.484 FICANIedicare 14,615 14,172 3% 122115 18.097 17.194 L.T.D. Insurance 1.116 1.082 Ph 1.03S 1.464 1.587 Life Insurance 432 432 01-fo 413 729 985 Worker's Compensation 4,835 7,707 -37% 5.710 26.652 25,799 Other - 102.139 - 040 12.963 - - 5 293.376 S 2891852 190 S 300,13' S 424.343 S 387,9.x+{ Operating Contractual Services 200,000 200,000 010 153.327 46.426 18,130 Egtupmeut Rental 1.600 800 104;16 6,593 676 0 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 9,100 13,400 -27% 8,796 8.355 10,521 Licenses & Fees 200 200 06n 75 75 125 - Materials & Supplies 39,500 42,504 -7% 43.093 41 203 62 =632 Repairs & Maintenance 59.600 59,604 0°6 56.006 42,406 55,063 Solid Waste Disposal 2$,455 29,000 -)% 25,044 23.416 16,867 Uniforms 1.100 1.200 0°a 1319 1.711 1,738 Other Operating Costs 0 0 0% 196 314 428 339.655 344,700 -145 294.439 167,583 165.505 Capital Automotive 0 0 0% 19.804 4 0 Capital 0 0 0 o 1.640 0 0 Computer Hardware & Sofm are 0 0 0° a 0 0 0 Construction & Major Renovation 0 85.000 - 100116 0 0 0 ldachmery &. Equipment 0 0 a, a 3.111 2?.149 0 0 85,000 -1000 o 2-S555 271.19 0 Total, Eapenses 5 633,031 4 719,552 Lau S 620,140 S 616,076 S 553,459 Village of 'North Palm Beach 5 fear Capital Improvement Plan FY 2412 -2016 Fund: C:rneral Fund IDepartment: Poblic Works Dhisiou: Facility• Serrim Cost by CH year FY:01: Fy2013 Fl-2014 Fy'-U15 F1''-016 Iotal Budget Year (Dear it 1) (Dear �'.) I.1 ear a. 3) (year 9 4) (i ear is 5) Desct' tion Current Inventory Estimated Life irrtormotrre: Colorado (1) IFYRS Bucket Truk ?000 (1) 12 vem : 1000 S 53,000 ]7odz.e' -]00 RAM ?402 (lr 1006 (1): 2010 (1) lOWU9 '6.CDO S :6.000 Sri koralAnivora6re: 16.000 {3106 - S 79,000 Con shwcoon &.tifajorReuorawtr. Re -roof stonee butldine 20 years — 55,000 S 55,000 Peruueter hall around PW 2011 _ `i#rs ------- alt OverlavPZC hil-mg Lot 15 years 3 111 S M.000 x wal Coreuruction & :1f or Rerrowbors 87.080 - 87,000 Ilaclsiupra•.F ETIpment Palm Racks for stora¢e 2010 10 vemi S Sit bfatal 1fachiurn• & Egtripmetrt - S - Esdmated Total Cost 5 - S 113.000 S 53,080 5 5 S 166,000 Funding Source FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 1014 Fy:U14 FY 2016 Total Budget Year Fear 91) (Year 9 2) (Year 0 3) (Tear 9 a) (Fran # Sy Pillage - 113.080 53.000 - 5 166.000 Grant S - Otiser S - Esrnnated Total Fmrding $ S 113.000 S 53.080 5 S - S 166,000 Auuual Oper acing Cost Increases Created by Project: S Description of Operating Impact- No operatin% Impart Personnel Salary: Regular Pay Overtime Pay Part -time Pat' Benefits- Pension Health lnstimce FICA,'tiledicare L.T.D. Instrance Life Insurance Worker's Compensation Other Operating Contractual Services Gas. Oil & Lubricants Licenses & Fees Materials & Supplies Repairs & M2wtenance Uniforms Utilities Other operatnig Costs Capital :automotive Computer Hardware & Soffts are Constntction & hlajor Reno�,ation Mach-wen & Equipment Total Expenses The Village of North Pahn Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Vehicle �laintenauce % Increase ! 06a nal 2011 03ecrease) over FY 2012 Budget Budget 2011 Budget S 130.511 1.500 - 132.011 27,966 17,856 10.088 768 324 2,590 59,~402 5 191.603 3.000 2.795 400 1-}_.800 -•}5.400 1.130 200 0 S 125393 4% 1,500 000 - 0% 27.509 210 17,267 3% 9696 4% 738 4% 3'4 0,0 4,006 -35% - 010 5 186,433 3% 3.000 ON 4.030 -3116 400 0 °.a 126,500 13°.,o- 47.500 1°.• c 1.130 0 °a 200 0 "a 0 0 °u 198,325 182,760 9% 0 0 0 °•c 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% Acrual rtual Artnal 09/30/10 09/30/09 09134/08 S 131.565 5 115.234 $ 172.878 652 1.308 625 30,659 31.861 42,188 17,038 14.732 28.830 8,712 9.323 13,324 699 675 1.146 324 324 572 2,627 8.196 12.564 S 182.76 S 180.6f-54 S 271,122 2,144 2.953 2,644 3,117 3.090 4.701 134 104 356 124.242 110.178 74,009 �7 524 108 0 919 1,064 1,075 9,942 9.835 9,329 (0), 0 0 167,938 127,331. 92,113 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 34.095 9.683 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0 35,095 9,683 S 389,928 S 369,193 6% S 350,113 S 342,081 S 372,918 Village of North Pahn Beach 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan FY 2012 -2016 Fund: Central Fund Department: Public Warls Dirisiou: Fleet N bin 0naact Cost by CIF Year FY :012 FY 2413 FY 2414 FP 2015 FY''- -416 Iotal Budget Year (Year 91) (f ear # :) (Year 4 3) (Year k 4) (Y-ear 9 St Desrii rion Corrent Ins-entory Estimated Life iatonfonra• 31 Ton Utihth l+ehrcie ?04+ (1) sears 26. C :6,0010 Sulkard.�nra+uornr: - - :6,000 - - S :6.000 Constm(c o+f& 3fajorRenmaolt: Fuel Tarn P liceme -w ?^O? "0 rears S S +rSroral f aflrrr�,crron ,t .1fa ar Renos ario +f - 5 !rRCirrfrarl• i� j:r�frl�lnrafrr (iznera(or 2006 (1) 1 vears 5 S+fhtoralMnchwerI- & F rri near Esdmated Iotal Lost 26,000 - 5 :6.000 Funding Source FY 1012 FY .013 FY 2014 FT 2015 FY 2016 TOW Budget Year (Year 91) ('Year # 2) (Year 0 3) (Year 6 4) (Year # 5) 1- 91ane - ?5,400 is 26.000 Grant S - Oiher S - Esdwted Total Funding 25.400 - S 26,000 Annual Operating Cost Increase. Cheated by Proyeet: S Description of OperAng Impacr: la operldn-0 hnDict Personnel Salary_ Regular Pay overtone Pay. Part -time Pav Benefits: Pension Health Insurance FICf /Mrdtcare L.T.D. Insurance Life Insurance Worker's Compensation ether Operating Adt-ertising Contractual Sect -Ices Gras. Oil & Lidmeants Materials & Supplies Repairs & 't mtenance Solid Waste Disposal Uniforms Other Operating Costs Capital Automotive Computer Hardware & Sofhwme Construction 1;eno4 -dtloa 'Machinery & Equipment Total Expenses The I Mage of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Gener.-d Fund Proposed Budget Sanitation FY 2012 Budget S 780,406 10.750 - 791,156 163.782 231.023 60.}51 4,589 2,052 55,343 - 517.240 $ 1,308.396 1.400 0 81_?50 14,100 0 NUN 8.400 0 % Increase I Original 2011 (Decrease) Ewer Actual ActuaI Actual Budget 2011 Budget 09130/14 09!30'09 D9130108 S 76S,185 21 -Q 10.750 0 ?0 - 090 164,465 Oho 218.059 6% 59.516 % 4,517 1 °o 2,052 0% 58.535 -3740 21? -1Do% 5 1.316,296 -1% I,400 0% 0 0% 77,540 5q. 17.4,060 0% 0 090 75.000 -33% 8,204 ye.a 0 ❑qo 155,150 176,200 -120/6 6 4 Fa 0 ❑ 0qQ 0 0 040 26.400 0 0 °6 26,000 S 1,489,546 9 00/0 S 1,491,496 0 40 5 750,025 S 719,220 S 769,923 15,230 6,508 8,739 150,597 175.469 194379 215,072 189,049 210.552 53318 51234 55,216 4.343 4,210 5.02' 2,061 2,057 3112 59,275 17.4,060 179,328 4.483 12,910 - 5 1.284,358 S 1,334,716 S 1,426,071 1,155 1,156 1,156 0 0 4 66,632 66,200 92,970 13,228 13,472 37,331 0 7,577 17.012 20,771 26,782 60.306 7,374 6.703 7,492 4,170 269 187 113,330 122,160 216,353 0 0 134.998 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134,998 S 1,397,688 5 1.456,876 S 1,777,22 The Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2412 Budget General Fund Capital outlay Department Amount Information Technologv Alicrosoft Office Suite Upgrade $ 18,750 Public Works "Quick Tip" Dumpster Attachment 25.000 Public Safety Vehicle Replacement (2) marked XC Chiller Replacement General Services - Villaue Hall A, ,'C Chiller Replacement Parks & Recreation Playground Equipment ( *) (*) Funded by Developer Contribution Tot-M Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Capital Outlay 57.582 51,500 119.0821 50.100 15.000 S 258,932 Public NJ. 7orks Capital Outlav $26,000 Department: Sanitation ;:Quick Tip" Dempster Attachment S26.004 This project entails the purchase of an attaclunent that is connected to the hopper located at the rear of a packer truck. It allots for larger containers and protects the limbs of the collector. With the reconu nendation of holding off the purchase of a new packer truck for another year, we are looking into new ways or de -ices to enhance our collection capabilities and reducung our workers' compensation incidents. Village of -North Palm Beach 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan FY 2012 -2016 Fund: General Fund Npartment: Public Worts Dhision: Sanitarion Cost by CIP Year FY :01: 112013 FT:014 EY2015 FY .1016 Total Budget Year (Fear # 1) (Veer• # 2) (Year 4 3) (Year 4 4) (Year # 5) Desch Lion Current Inventory Estimated Life it +raEiiorire: Garbaee TnrLs —Q '901(1); 2002 (1);2004 (1); -1006(1); 2007 (2); 2009 (1) l;' :�__s 1: -. ' i 16 .994 S 313,404 L,zY= Leader 2003'(1) ":ear: 2 ' .000 S 125.000 S- I(I °icl -C' 2000(1) S 14.000 SrrTrtotaf.l:rtorriorire: 148.. {00 163909 11.4.000 - S 4 ►7;104 1fOChmofv & Ep1PRreril: S 'Qmcl- Ti ' !) ;wAnachmem i :e r; ,6 -NO S :4OD Sauita7an Utilm G eLic:e 1945 (1) :1497(2} 1998 (1): 1999{2); 2001 (4) 4 ,ear•• S S - Subroraf Math metj & Equrpnient 26.000 - - - - 24.000 Estimated Iot:d Cast j S 26.0001 5 168.500 1 S 163.909 IS 1:5,000 1 S S 483.409 Funding Source FY 2012 FV 3013 FF 2014 FY MIS FY 2016 Total Budget Year (Fear # 1) (Year 4 2) [Year 4 3) (Tear 4 4) (Year # 5) Ulaw :6.000 168 00 16,1.901 125.0001 S 453.404 Grant S Other S Estimated Iotal Finding S 26.000 S 163,400 S 163909 S 12x.000 S S 483.409 Annual Operating C ost Inrrmes { reared by ho xr: S Dew iiphon of Oper:ittng Impart: No ape3•atin: Impart Personnel Salary: Regular Pay Overtime Pay Pali -tame Pay Benefits- Pension Health Insurance FIC k liledreare L.T_17. Insurance Life Insurance Worker's Compensation Other Operating Contractual Services Equipment Rental Gas. Oil & Lubricants Materials & Supplies NPEDS Perm tting Professional Servwes Repairs, & Maintenance Uniforms Utilities Other Operating Casts Capital Automotive ComputerHardware & Software Construction & Major Renovation Machinery & Equipment Total Expenses The Village of worth Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Sheets K Grounds FI 2012 Eu(iger $ 337.7-16 3,000 - 340,746 70,6;15 82,338 X037 1.975 864 15,250 - 197,109 S 537,855 435,000 2,000 2LS53 •41,000 15,000 2,000 ?4.100 1600 137.708 0 0 0 681,261 0 S 1,219,116 % Inc =rase Oiiginal _011 (Decrease) over Actual Actual Actual Budget 3011 Budget 09!30;10 09.;3009 09!30 +03 $ 330,540 2% $ 327,620 $ 248,409 S 352.165 3,000 0010 2,071 1,495 1018 - 0% - 70,575 00,1 75,027 62,216 92,6L' BL604 106 81,477 51.536 71,290 25A96 2% 23,390 17.784 25.159 1,932 205 1,830 1,445 2.141 $64 06'0 8?S 639 1,1'2 22,670 - 330.•0 16.051 29.148 471_580 3,036 -1W-16 11333 - - S 539,707 0% 5 539,426 S 412.672 S 584,100 451.000 4% 411.6 ?6 120_.910 105932 2,000 Oan 305 0 466 1K600 170,c 16.412 12,203 19954 56.000 -271 41.313 34,997 45.54 15,000 0016 10.643 16,529 19197 4A00 -50A0 93 2,591 4.106 26.000 -7% 36.907 1995 10.400 2,600 000 2.613 2,275 2512 152,438 -10°0 141.086 126,744 108.938 0 00.0 250 621 37 727,638 -6% 661, 299 324.864 317,090 0 0% 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 0 0 00.0 345:116 521.672 638,891 0 09.0 0 3.071 0 0 00.1b 345,116 524,743 648.591 S 1,267,345 4% S Le- 15,841 S 1462,278 S 1,550,08_ Village of North Palm Beach 5 Year Capital Improvement Plan FY 2012 -2016 twdr General Tuad Departtaear: publit Works Division: Sneers S Groauds Co by UP Yi it FY 201: FY 2013 FY 2014 FY HIS FY :016 Total Budget Year (fear a 1) (Year rs 2) (Year 4 3) (Year 4 4) (Year r 5) Desuiption Cut rent Ins eluoi -v Estimated Life aro�rtotrrr: 3.4 Tan Track (1.'2 Tea) 2002 (1} 10 geatx 22,504 S .11-500 P. Truck 2006(l) 12 veer: 5 F350 Track 1995 (1) 20 ran 24,000 5 :x.000 F450 Ctew Cab Truck 2000 (1) 11 year, 31.500 s A ;00 Ram 3500 Flatbed 2007(l) 15 vair, S 5 -10 Pick ?901 1 I2 nears 14400 S 14.000 Small Dum Tnuk 2000(l) 12 vein 33.750 5 33,760 lianalAstomatna_ 36 ,500 $9.250 S 129,790 construction & .Major Rena mfran: A halt Overlay - Sweets 2011 10 years 280,092 280.092 230.092 5 840 ,76 9 ounvy Club Fmkmj Lot (WO 201I 10 yen: s Service Alley W all 20 year. 400,000 5 400.000 Soushv4m XeithWihood - ueu• :idawalkx (') (`) See mote 20 veu: 5 8Aud Causaue ion 4 .Major Renoinrron 680.092 2811,092 280,992 S 1,240,276 Weekinery & £gn rp one a 1. Back Hot 1999(l) 15 yeas $0,000 $ 50,000 C ss a Tracso: Lase 1988 (1) 25 year i 5.000 S 1 =.000 Ford Tracrat 2006(l) 25 rem: S - uStatol3fackinery dr Egurpnrrnr 15,0001 50,000 - - S 61:,000 Estimated Total Cost S Is 731,593 1 S 330,092 S 369,343 S S 1,431,026 Funding Source FY 3012 FY 2013 FT 3014 FY MIA FY 2016 Total Ru dye t Ye ar (pear Y t) (Year 0 3) (Year M 3) (Year k 4) (Year 0 S) 'il1ag#-GeneralFuad 731=9: 330,093 369,34? - S 1,431,0:6 rant Is Other 5 Estimated Total Funding 5 097-.--s 731,593 I S 330,092 1 S 369,34: 1 5 is 17431,026 :) This project was idmti5e4 approred and $ended during Fiscal Ym 1011', hoxm-m since it was idtedi$edafter the Fiscal Year 2011 budget proms was complrt it was not listed an the 2011 CLa The entire estimated rosy (5431.992) was funded how the ViUjWs Urupprophztad, Uw%—tr •ed Fund Balance sa Fiscal Yaw 201 L The project is to*enad to be complete in Fiscal Year 2012 and is listed here for informational purpose. only. Anneal Operating Cott Increaus Created by Project: S NINE I Description of Opera ting Imp me to No operating Impact The Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2011.2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Public Works (combined) Capital .iutomouve D Caprtal 1) Computer Hardware & Sofhrare 0 Construction & Maw Re�loratiort D MachinerV & Egtupment 26,440 :6,004 Total Expenses S 4,092.404 0 043 19,804 0 % Inerense ' 0 (r,-6 2.640 0 0 0 Original 2011 (Decrease) over Actual :icrual Actual -100°0 1Y 2012 Budget 555,767 Budget 3411 Budget 09.3040 49,30.'09 09:30.'06 Personnel 85.090 -69% 379.671 585,987 812,619 S 4,211,913 1UA Salary: S 3,018.543 S 4.719,746 Ret ular Pav 6 1.668.438 S 1,636,959 2,•v S 1- 602.353 $ 155L892 S 1,691,079 Osermspe Pay 16,75D 16,750 0'a 19.442 11,783 12,362 r Pa-tine Pas- - 1,685,ISS - 000 - - - Benefnrs. Pension 3#8,017 348,506 Va 381 -249 3'9,608 398,203 Health Insurance 401.725 384.822 4 °e 389505 334,403 382,265 FTC? Dfedicare 125.778 126,369 ' °e 113 -189 110,422 121,137 L_T -D- Insurance 9.77+ 9,591 2 °a 9 -183 8.999 10,900 Life Insurance 3,996 3,996 0". 3 -950 4,073 6,153 Worl-ers Compen5aticw 79,821 125,867 -3' ?'a $5 -616 253,044 ?79,720 Other - 972,114 3.2-53 -I00'0 28.580 12,910 - 5 2.657.342 S 2.646.113 P4 S 2.624.068 S 2.666933 S 3501.869 Operating Advernsine 1.400 1.400 01": 1 -155 1.156 1 -156 Contractual Services 645.201) 661,200 -2% 5'3 -479 176.846 132,833 Employee Relations 10D 100 w/. - - - EqurpnrenrP.enral 3.600 ',800 29°/. 6 -897 676 466 Gras- Oil & Lubricants 114,998 10,530 2% 94 -988 40.213 128,813 Licenses & Fees 60D 690 &1 1 -133 679 991 Diarernals & Supplies 239.400 241,100 -1% 123 -6170 201.667 :'2,333 Membenhrps & Dues 401) 400 0°`• 450 255 300 XPEDS Peruu: tine 15,OOD I5X00 056 10 -643 16,529 19.197 Postage - 250 220 1490 239 325 106 Printmv & Biudine 20D 200 we 178 465 181 Professional Sen-ices 2,000 4,000 -501% 93 1591 4.106 Repairs & Mamtenance 13L70D 133.160 -1 °•e 120390 58.556 83.7x61 Solid Waste Disposal 78.455 103,000 - 24°x'0 45.815 50.19$ 77.174 Uniforms I3,63D 11330 1% 12.716 11.854 13.219 Udiltres 162.169 181.719 -11% 166.577 152.296 119.416 Other Opendug Costs 0 0 0% 4 -616 1 -4 -12 1,623 1,409,102 1,4 70,790 -44Qt 1,'_63,966 765,629 805.269 Capital .iutomouve D Caprtal 1) Computer Hardware & Sofhrare 0 Construction & Maw Re�loratiort D MachinerV & Egtupment 26,440 :6,004 Total Expenses S 4,092.404 0 043 19,804 0 154,044 0 (r,-6 2.640 0 0 0 D°G 0 0 0 85,000 -100°0 345.116 555,767 658,5?5 0 00.4 3,111 30,220 0 85.090 -69% 379.671 585,987 812,619 S 4,211,913 1UA S 4.357,706 S 3,018.543 S 4.719,746 Public Safety (combined) is up 4% or $285,455 over that of this current year as a result of an increase in personnel costs. Personnel accounts t for 92% of this Departmental budget. • Public Works (combined) is down 3% or $119,508 from that of this current year as a result of the decrease in capital outlay. Personnel accounts for only 65% of this Departmental budget. North Palm Beach Village Council FY2012 Budget Workshop NbicProposed Schedule t tvo %9cb OP Wednesday August 1O'h 7: pm 10: pm General Fund Budget (Parks & Recreation, Library, Council, Clerk, Attorney, and Manager Departments) Wednesday August 20 7: pm — 10: pm General Fund Budget (Human Resources, Finance, I. T., Community Dcvclopmu°nt, Dcb[. and Other Departments) Wednesday August 31" 7: pm — 10: pm Budget Recap and Millagc discussions. * The FY2012 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a guide only, dates and times are subject to change in accordance with the "public meeting" provisions of FSS. Day: Date: Time: Su b i ect: ® Wednesday April 13'h 7: pm — 10: pm Council Goal Setting ® Wednesday May e 11: am — 4: pm Staff [budget] Retreat Wednesday duly Oh 7: pm — 10: pm Country Club Budget (overview) ® Wednesday Julv 20'h 7: pm - 10: pm General Fund Budget (overview) ® Thursday July 28" Council Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation ® Wednesday August Yd 7: pm —10: pin General Fund Budget (Public Safety & Public Works Departments) Wednesday August 1O'h 7: pm 10: pm General Fund Budget (Parks & Recreation, Library, Council, Clerk, Attorney, and Manager Departments) Wednesday August 20 7: pm — 10: pm General Fund Budget (Human Resources, Finance, I. T., Community Dcvclopmu°nt, Dcb[. and Other Departments) Wednesday August 31" 7: pm — 10: pm Budget Recap and Millagc discussions. * The FY2012 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a guide only, dates and times are subject to change in accordance with the "public meeting" provisions of FSS. Questions &Answers ? 4 #]