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07-20-2011 Budget Workshop_GF Overview
Village Clerk Village Council Village of North Palm Beach Residents Darryl C. Aubrey David B. Norris William L. Manuel Thomas R. Hernacki Robert Gebbia Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tern Councilman Councilman Village Manager Operating Departments Village Attorney What we hope to accomplish this evening: W'#' 2. I- - pyerview" of the curren, itions k , U%,% %) Geiser 1 '0 3rd Quarter-e-IF r i '(F m m� - - - - - -- eral and Unreserved Fund Balance grew this past year FY n nc Q .2 -� ti to $10,443,099, an increase of $3 84,883 is neral Fund Revenues are tracking a ut 88118 er th those of the prior year target with the Village's .xaenses are tracking at Ti en ort olaaareciati+�n of 526 s rJ2011 Revenues Taxes. Ad- Valotem Takes Unitn 5u-ice Taxes Frouchise Fevs Sp I" &Ilse Takes Licenses & Permits Faingin�rammnl Charges for Smiles Fuzes & Forfertures hateresr Appropnand Fend BaLace }Sestethpeonc Total Revenues: Expenditures General Gmvynmenr. Village Council valage Manger Hum= Resources Fanan[e Information Technology Valage Arson t dia1e Clerk Guam! Senates- Z'sllaFe Ha1I public Ssfety: Lew Ecforumwt Fire Re roue GENIC Sm- kes-Pubb[ Safety Public W4aks' POW Works Admm Sensation Fetiliry Senubc St ers & Grounds Vehicle }fasaieamcr Conimuain• Development & Planning. C �ry Ple* B gig Code Easftircemenr Lersute Smn es- Librat7 R&c a non Pork Maiatenaace pool Special Eneois Twain Debt & Other, Debt sema - - 0.00% 534,153 ,254.384 1.439.460 859.931 Coaft4epty 9,498 218,827 434% 16,7 43.162 1 4,191 81.591 Trtosfvla'Ouc 431,992 431,992 h00007v ,490 163,490 31 &500 1.254952 38414- ISeparmeapi 326.795 768.285 392.8 289,072 51L429 94.930 388.182 Tout Expenditures 12,573,339 18.457.3. 63 i?es 11?97,727 19.17Si0T 18413,83.3 19.810999 der Revenue O%er The 3 dbp of North Palm Beach s 3.838,244 S 5 3995,83S S 531.578 General Fund Bedget5utamary 1.5!0,479 S (81,69 $3,838,244 3r4 Qarrier Ending Jeae 30, 2011 W f ali -d 3d Quartr Resbed 2 1 Budet nor Year AchW Actual Actual Ending 6'3011 Bud Te 4E) 6.31:46 0963/716 0930 :09 0930.98 10.078,620 S 10,221.,389 9L"% 5 10,768,499 S 11,053.12: S 11917.359 S 11,915355 !,625365 2,116349 76.83% 1,670,965 2261.375 I.39.002 1018.071 819.902 934,747 87.71% 847,529 1204.328 1256,831 1312362 198.534 S 12,722,921 277,307 71.59% 202,700 266,077 267.557 278,649 861875 658,800 13098% 781,179 910.497 Mold 1,047,144 427,630 1,228,726 75.50% 926,186 1369,509 1304,391 1316,624 11676,236 1,841,727 9101% 086,919 I.017,I15 1.678,948 1,28.774 12008 131,300 92.22% 119,096 149,091 146,070 157.0]2 36,634 84,027 45.98% 147,025 28018 (1,346) 594.652 - 951278 0.00% _ 60.281 8. 240 367 278.142 304,595 137.447 16.f11.583 18.457,3. 88.9249 17,293 Sf6 2f.609915 199!1.323 19.746,301 100,213 128,496 7799% 102,454 120,125 122 M 130.801 217,629 30B271 70.60% 217,757 290.024 272.974 212439 171,568 236A27 72.51% 178,043 233A9 257.019 218.821 374,688 526,897 71,11% 372,048 495 766 484.0 6 435.670 215,807 298,339 7234% 210,329 285,410 283.303 285.872 133,586 170,000 78.58% 104,764 153,356 134.083 112.646 206,055 280,337 73,50% 216,419 273.630 254.655 2610'13 82971 1,502,517 123,218 6734% 74,495 95.376 101892 113954 3,065,166 4,416,596 69A0% 3,1114142 4.158,345 3973.322 4,08808 1.876,373 2,062,206 70,48% 1,197,103 1341.563 2.709.447 1555.925 78,120 5.019,659 150,634 51.86% 82,998 IM930 139.259 130.737 263,693 303,326 72.58% 258,968 343.822 341.232 265.775 1,032,904 1,492,496 69.21% 1,073,785 1.397.688 1456,876 1, 2 403,060 719,552 56.14% 474,909 620,140 614076 3,4 896,084 1,540,564 58.17% 1,246,373 1.545,841 1,262378 1 S0, 266,817 2,863,458 369,193 72.27% 270,134 350113 342,081 3:2 a�A 184,146 346.530 411_IW 481.115 44.55% 72.0'.% 163,871 344,905 217.191 460.089 214768 461.9D5 o l ays �b 581.435 �e rah 66,473 597,149 116,133 57.24% 73,844 96.134 105.874 /O1.v- 87 •V g� /Y ` b 468,097 723,231 64,727E 527,827 685936 767,271 749,87 �et� 680,772 977,780 69.62% 687,763 933273 917,567 3 - - 0.90% - - 536,835 980.312 298,291 439,601 OAS% 218,731 306.581 34 248958 52,940 87,000 OAS% 56,002 77.666 2,018 04,073 322.170 1,822,271 388,705 82A1% 318,245 40 361.439 181.70? Debt sema - - 0.00% 534,153 ,254.384 1.439.460 859.931 Coaft4epty 9,498 218,827 434% 16,7 43.162 1 4,191 81.591 Trtosfvla'Ouc 431,992 431,992 h00007v ,490 163,490 31 &500 1.254952 38414- ISeparmeapi 326.795 768.285 392.8 289,072 51L429 94.930 388.182 Tout Expenditures 12,573,339 18.457.3. 63 i?es 11?97,727 19.17Si0T 18413,83.3 19.810999 der Revenue O%er Expense s 3.838,244 S 5 3995,83S S 531.578 5 1.5!0,479 S (81,69 $3,838,244 Palm Beach County Tax Collector Tax Distribution Schedule Fier_al Yaar 7nAA Fier_:tl Yonr )nmi Fier_al Yoar 9nin FknnI Yanr 91111 Total Ad- Valorem Less 5% Budgeted Ad- Valorem (95 %) Total S 11,915,355.32 Total $ '12,376,363 (618,818) 5 11,757,545 Actual receipt as % of budgeted ad- valorem 101.34% Actual receipt as % of total ad- valorem 96.28% $ 11,917,358.55 Total S 13,053,128.31 Total Amount $ 12,376,313 Amount $ 10,760,409 Amount (577,270) Amount Distribution: Date Received Date Received Date Received Date Received Current Tax Distribution #1 11172D07 8 125,655.41 111102008 S 320,824.89 11112/2009 $ 519101.58 111152010 5 123,516.20 Current Tax Distribution #2 11!2112007 1,385,D47.64 11125/2008 1,521,415.29 11/25/2009 1,691,199.53 11/24/2010 1,145, 179.87 Current Tax Distribution #3 12/1212007 7,421,9D6.82 12!1512008 6,983,844.77 1211602009 6,535,269.63 112/15/2010 5,355,013.52 Current Tax Distribution #4 12/2672007 479,381.74 12242ow 331,711,67 12130/2009 224.611.73 121292010 1,525,66148 Investment Earnings #1 119120[118 15,951.57 1114/2009 4,095.64 11132010 1,92530 1112!2011 1,160.27 Current Tax Distribution # 5 11232008 848,838.82 112102009 880,510.19 1/202010 648,807.00 1119!2011 615,399.12 Current Tax Distribution # 6 2!132008 256,702.78 2111f2009 297,600.46 21172010 259,565.88 2/16/2011 330,674.05 Delinquent Real Estate Distribution # 1 2202008 4,544.89 2t2512009 5,598.35 2/242010 22,592.39 Current Tax Distribution # 7 3/1212008 211,972.07 311112009 256,012.86 3/1712010 143,445.30 3116/2011 186,005.72 Delinquent Tangible Distribution # 1 3/26/2008 8,320.18 3/2512009 2,509.57 31312010 7,851.45 414/2011 1,241.01 Current Tax Distribution # 8 411fif2008 636,882.25 4/15112009 626,300.45 4/142010 514,217.85 4/1812011 530,451.66 Investment Earnings # 2 5/7/2008 2,561.51 5182009 265.25 51122010 221.06 5/112011 119.79 Current Tax Distribution # 9 5/14/2008 59,815.89 5113/2009 104,419.76 5/19/2010 118,965.91 5/18/2011 190,989.43 Current Tax Distribution # 10 6/2512008 118,728.09 6129!2009 188,604.90 6/242010 80,899.90 6122!2011 72,964.70 Currant Tax Distribution #11 7/912010 (52,854.98) Tax Sale Distributi on 719!2008 333,755.50 711Woo9 368,781.07 7/212010 284,004.12 Investment Earnings 9 3 8/6/2008 1,187.57 8115/2009 574.35 8111f2D10 215.42 Delinquent Tangible Distribution #2 8/132008 4,515.48 8/1202009 12,121.03 8118010 2,587.36 Delinquent Reat Estate Distribution # 2 91102D10 34,159.27 Delinquent Tangible Distribution #3 9/162009 15,849.42 9/27/2010 2,016.88 Delinquent Real Estate Distribution #3 10162010 13,283.55 Delinquent Tangible Distribution #4 10113/2010 1,21738 Adjustments (Payments) Other (2,212.89) Other (30127) Other (776.00) Other (758.00) Total Ad- Valorem Less 5% Budgeted Ad- Valorem (95 %) Total S 11,915,355.32 Total $ '12,376,363 (618,818) 5 11,757,545 Actual receipt as % of budgeted ad- valorem 101.34% Actual receipt as % of total ad- valorem 96.28% $ 11,917,358.55 Total S 13,053,128.31 Total S 10,078,619.82 $ 12,376,313 $ 11,545,395 $ 10,760,409 (618,816) (577,270) (538,020) $ 11,757,497 $ 10.9 &8,125 $ 10,222.389 101.36% 100,78% 98.59 °Ia 96,29% 95.74°x° 93.66% General Fund Contingency FY 2011 Manager Contingency Original Budget 43,766 Expenses Field Office 1,197 Logo on Parker Bridge Tender House 666 Village Marketing Folders 1,776 N_ County Economic Board Meeting @ NPBCC Restaurant 177 RMPK Grant Application 3,5D6 Framing of Tennis Center Article 1 D Remaining Manager Contingency Council Contingency Original Budget Expenses: Political Forum - Chairs, etc_ Project GFaduation Networking Event Remaining Council Contingency 7,346 175,061 7D6 5D6 953 2,153 $ 860,420 172,908 TOTAL REMAINING CONTINGENCY 209,29 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENER U FUND PRELIMI . RY FUND BALANCE ANALY I Unreserved, Jndesimated Fund Balance - September 30, 2009 (As Ad;uste Ne:Ircomef(Lass) FY2009 -2010 431,578 Change in iestriercd fund b9arce 53,305 Designated - Small Business Grant (IDD.000) Unre served Jndesiguated Fund Balatiee For Fiscal Year 2009 - 2 C 10 Appropr_atiom 2010-2011 (we devil brow) (791,963) EstimaledNet In!otna:(Loss) FY 2010 -2011 0 E.rrmarel _ L:raner7ed_ UnarpropnatA Fund Ealance For Yea 2010 - 2C11 Percent A th fiscal ne�O2-51 dcpted Bu dget FY 2011 Budget Approariations of Fund Balance 0 R x#2411 -D7 Street 5igrs 270,819 0 R 42411 -DR C- ommmity DcwlopnimtSoftware 89,222 OFD x#2011 -12 Southwest Neighborhaod Projecl 431,922 Total Fund Balance Appropriations Fiscal Year 2011 791,963 � 1 x,058. z 16 394,883 1).443:099 (791,963) $ 9,651,136 55.13% \� VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND RESERVED, DESIGNATED PRELIMINARY FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS - (Departments only) Developer Contribution Recap Beginning Receivable Less: Amounts Received Fiscal Year 2009 Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2011 Amount Due from Developer Developer Contributions Used Year -to -Date Tennis Facility Pool Resurfacing Pool Equipment Room Total Contributions used to date Received Contributions Available for use 925,000 250,000 250,000 Feb 2012 250,000 (750,000) $ 175,000 150,000 160,000 55,000 $ 365,000 $ (a231ecl in this number) Fiscal Year 2011 Activity- Preliminary Estimated Reserved l Designated Fund Balance - 9/302010 Revenue Expense Net 09/30/2011 Library 22,529 2,384 (1,753) 631 23,160 Recreation 218,500 250,000 (55,000) 195,000 413,500 Public Safety 47,807 6,965 (5,792) 1,173 48,950 Streets & Roads 40,669 3,329 3,329 43,998 Village Historian 2,465 - (431) (431) 2,034 Dog Park 1,199 - - - 1,199 Support Our Troops 5,288 17,746 (13,233) 4,513 9,800 Small Business Grant 100,000 - (5,000) (5,000) 95,000 Total Reserved, Designated Fund Balance $ 438,457 $ 280,424 $ (81,209) $ 199,214 $ 617,671 Developer Contribution Recap Beginning Receivable Less: Amounts Received Fiscal Year 2009 Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2011 Amount Due from Developer Developer Contributions Used Year -to -Date Tennis Facility Pool Resurfacing Pool Equipment Room Total Contributions used to date Received Contributions Available for use 925,000 250,000 250,000 Feb 2012 250,000 (750,000) $ 175,000 150,000 160,000 55,000 $ 365,000 $ (a231ecl in this number) In addition, the Village maintains its services to residents at one of the lowest millage rates in the area... including municipalities with both significantly larger and smaller populations. 12 f y1 off � 6 ea d 2 0 Riviera Beach Lake Park Lake Werth Beach Beach West Palm North Palm Tequesta Palm Beach Gardens IMMillage Rates 8.9980 10.2163 5.3950 8.5165 6.9723 5.7671 5.9258 Where does all the money go... This question comes up every budget year as residents consider their tax bills. It's a fair question. Residents are very aware that most of the valued services (fire and police services, parks and recreation, and streets and sanitation) come from their local governments- However, the majority of the property (ad valorem) tax dollar goes to jurisdictions other than North Palm Beach. 5o, the answer to question can be answered simply - -- Only 310 of your tax dollar goes to the Village of North Palm Beach! ...and this is where the 31c goes.... South %I Water Ngmt Palm Eoach County Public srhooh 35% 40 odw 9% Palm Beach county Village of Hurth 22% Palm Beach 31`.4 --- South %I Water Ngmt Palm Eoach County Public srhooh 35% 40 S 1 411111111111111F MEW 1 yy Maw MW Public Public Leisure General Debt and Community Safety Works Services Government Other Development 0 ' P Joe I r a J. 0 O � _ J r I r r� I FY2012 Manager's Budget notes: Budgetary assumptions: 1. Estimated Taxable value "Decrease" — 3.1% ($318,105.) 2. Electricity, Water and Natural Gas 3 year average + 5% 3. Solid waste —10% increase 4. Phone current mid -year x two + 5% 5. Property & Liability Insurance — current year (no increase) 6. Fuel & Oil 3.25 per gallon x departmental usage history 7. C. 0. L.A. none 8. Employee Merit Increase — 3.75% and /or step advancement (according to CBA) 9. Pension Police /Fire 20.03% & General Employees 19.57% 10. Employee Health Insurance current year + 6.87% (inc. $94,860.) 11. Employee Dental — current year + 12% 12. Workers Comp. current year + 5% 13. (New) Inspector General Coast Allocation - $18,628. Note: Capitalization thresholds have dramatically changed forcuig traditional items into operational budgetary lines! Inspector General FY 2012 Cost Allocation Schedule Estimated Costs from October 1- September 30 (FY2010) FINAL Data CIP Adjustment Proportionate Share Invoice Date Invoice Date Invoice Date Invoice Date FY Total Expenses Adj. Expenses 10/10/11 01/10/12 04/10/12 07/10/12 Total FY 2008 -4.08% FY 2009 -.09% FY 2010 -2.72% oars County` 2009 $ 854,480397 S 23,24107 $ 877,722,264 54.87% $ 1,783,240 $ 445,818 $ 445,810 $ 445,810 $ 445,810 $ 1,783,240 Atlantis 2010 $ 1,459,424 $ 1,459,424 0.99% S 2,965 741 741 741 741 2,965 Belle Glade' 2009 $ 10,69t,S32 5 288,370 $ 10,898202 0 -68% $ 22,125 5,531 51531 5,531 5,531 22,125 Boca Raton' 2009 $ 87,791,127 S 2,387,919 $ 90,179,046 5.54% $ 183,214 45,803 45,803 45,803 45,803 183,214 Boynton Beach' 2009 $ 50,829,893 5 1,382,573 $ 52,212,466 126% S 106,078 26,520 25,520 26,520 26,520 106,078 Briny Bree2es' 2009 $ 283,710 5 7,717 $ 291,427 0.02% $ 592 148 148 148 148 592 Cloud Lake 2010 $ 32,743 $ 32,743 0.00% $ 67 17 17 17 17 67 Delray Beach' 2009 $ 84,562,787 $ 2,300,108 $ 85,862,895 5.43% $ 176,477 44,119 44,119 44,119 44,119 176,477 Glen Ridge 2010 $ 79,310 $ 79,310 0.00% $ 161 44 40 40 40 151 Golf' 2009 $ 1,577,634 $ 42,912 $ 1,620,546 0.101A S 3,292 823 823 823 823 3,292 Greenacres 2010 $ 4,637,389 $ 4,637,389 0.29% $ 9,422 2,355 2,355 2,355 2,355 9,422 Gulf Stream t 2009 $ 1,419,650 $ 38,614 $ 1,458,264 0 -09% $ 2,963 741 741 741 741 2,963 Haverhill' 2009 $ 860,512 5 23,406 $ 883,918 0.06% $ 1,795 449 449 449 449 1,796 Highland Beach 1 2009 $ 4,907,298 S 133,479 $ 5,040,777 0 -32% $ 10,241 2,550 21560 2560 2,560 10,241 Hypoluxo 2010 $ 658,528 $ 558,528 0.04% $ 1,338 334 1,338 Juno Beach' 2009 $ 1,119,758 5 30A57 $ 1,150,215 0.07% $ 2,337 $18,628.00 584 2,337 Jupiter' 2009 $ 29,485,504 S 802,006 $ 30,287,510 1.89% 5 61,534 L 384 61,534 Jupiter Inlet Colony' 2008 $ 377,579 5 340 5 10,270 $ 388,189 0.02% $ 789 1 1 1 197 789 Lake Clarke Shores 2010 $ 2,456,629 $ 2,456,629 0.15% $ 4,991 1,248 1,248 1,248 1,248 4,991 Lake Park' 2009 $ 6,881,381 5 187,174 $ 7,068,555 0.44% $ 14,361 3,59 3,590 3,590 3,590 14,351 Lake Worth' 2009 $ 37,483,120 $ 1,019,541 $ 38,502,661 Z.AI% $ 78,225 1 56 19,556 19,SS6 19,556 78,225 Lantana 2010 $ 4,914,290 $ 4,414,290 17.31% $ 9,984 2,496 2,495 2,495 2,496 9,984 LoxahatcheeGroves' 2009 $ 1,040871 S 28,312 $ 1,069,183 0.07% $ 2,172 543 543 543 543 2,172 Manalapan' 2009 $ 2,117,926 $ 57,608 $ 2,175,534 0.14% $ 4,42 1,105 1,1o5 1,105 1,105 4,420 Manizonia Parka 7 IS 1.009.318 41.18D S 945 S 27AS3 1.079.897 2,192 4 8 549 548 549 North Palm Beach' 2009 $ 8,925,936 S 242,785 $ 9,168,721 157% S 18,628 4,657 4,657 4,657 4,657 18,628 Ckean Ridge 2009 $ 1,837,819 S 49,989 $ 1,887,808 012% S 3,835 959 959 959 959 3,835 Pahokee' 2907 $ 4,356,617 $ 177,750 $ 4,081 5 118,500 $ 4,656,948 0.29% S 9,461 2,365 2,365 2,365 2,355 9,461 Palm Beach' 2009 $ 49,908,700 $ 1,357,517 $ 51,266,217 3.20% $ 104,156 26,039 25,039 26,039 26,039 104,156 Palm Beach Gardens t 2009 $ 22,964,205 $ 624,626 $ 23,588,831 1.47% $ 47,925 11,981 11,981 11,981 11,981 47,925 Palm Beach Shores 2010 $ 1,018,329 $ 1,018,329 0 -06% $ 2,069 517 517 517 517 2,069 Palm Springs 2019 $ 15,989,657 $ 15,989,657 1.00% $ 32,486 8,121 8,121 8,121 8,121 32,486 Riviera Beach' 2009 $ 36,510,490 S 993,085 $ 37,503,575 2.34% $ 76,195 19,049 19,049 19,049 19,049 76,195 Royal Palm Beach 2010 $ 10,149,873 $ 10,149,873 0 -63% $ 20,621 51155 51155 5,155 5,155 20,621 South Bay' 2009 $ 3,150,486 $ 85,693 $ 3,236,179 0.2G% $ 6,575 1,644 1,644 1,644 1,644 6,575 South Palm 8each' 2009 $ 580,349 $ 15,785 $ 596,134 0.04% $ 1,211 303 303 303 303 1,211 Tequesta 2010 $ 4,629,386 $ 4,629,386 0.29% $ 9,405 2,351 2,351 2,351 2,351 9,405 Wellington' 2009 $ 38,505,545 5 1,047,351 $ 39,552,896 2.4796 $ 80,358 20,090 20,090 20.090 20,090 80,358 West Palm Beach' 2009 $ 168,716,553 $ 4,589,090 $ 173,305,643 10.83% S 352,099 88,025 88,025 88,025 88,025 352,099 TOTAL $ 1,558,312,555 $ 218,930 $ 5,366 $ 41,134,206 $ 1,599,671,058 100.00% $ 3,250,040 $ 812,500 $ 812,501$ 812,500 $ 812,500 $ 3,250,000 ' 2010 data is not available for these municipalities. 2009 data was used for this chart. $ 3,150,000 $ 3250,000 2 2010 & 2009 data is not available for these municipalities. 2008 data was used for this chart. 3 2010, 20109 & 2009 data is not available for these municipalities. 2007 data was used for this chart. JIL I Ur. Values: in FY 2010 had a total gross 'lue of $1,543,308,420. For the forth ow, that v l -e -has again decreased- 128219QA. a further reduction o ;/o in "taxable" value.: . -z VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Property Assessed Valuations 1998 - 2012 2,100 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1.480 I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 2. 000 ------ -1 ------- 1 r------ -1 ------- r1 ------ -------- rI -- - - - - - 1 ------- T---- - - -r -- - - - - -7� I - - - --- � -- / - -rr ------ iI ------- r -- - - - - - 1,900 ------ 7I ------- ! r------ tiI ------- r - - - - -- --------------- 7- Y------- I r---- - -7 I - - --- - -- -- 1.600 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1, 700 ------ -1 ------- I r------tiI ------- rI ------ � + ------- r1 ------- 1-1 ---- - - + I - -- -- r- - - - - -Y ----- I r--- - - -Y -- ---- r---- - -ti I - -- -- I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 yty I 1,500 1 I I 1 , 1 f ,,43t 1 1 1 I 1 ______ y_______}______ y_____ __ }______�_______}_______I_____ y_______f ______ ------ f------ y------- }------ _ 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,400 ------- +--- - - - -1- --- ^ +------- r - - - -- ------- -------- ------- 4 - - - - - -- I I I I I I 1,300 ------ �___---- �------ 1- I ------ +------ � r ---- - - --I -- --- I------- +-I ------ � - - - -- i------- 1- I ----- ;------- 1 I ------ 1I - - - - - -- I I e 1,200 ------ �------- ------ �I ------- -I -- - - - --- - -- 1 1l------- ;------ -L - - -- ;------- L--- - - - ; -- ----- I - ------ -I - - - - - -- I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1,100 ------ �------- �------ �------- �-- - - - -�- ---- +------- 1------- y------ -� - - -- - �------ °�______ ;_____-- �---- __�- - - - - -- I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1,000 --- ---J-------- ------- ---90b?- -� -- -- - - - - - -- 1-------I-------;----- -- L --- - ;-------L - - - - -- -------LI ------Ji -- - - - --• I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 9900 ______J------ --------- __1 -__- 2 _J- __ -___1 ------- I------- 1__/I�4 -`L__ _.- ._.Iln �_... A ------- L ------ -------- 1 AH- t1171e -h1g it -Ill 2000 - - 1 1 1 __ J_______ __J_____ 1______J___- ___A__- __- _I_____ 1_______L______.l___-__-L_--___1_______L______J__-____- ! I I I I I I I I I I I 700 ___}_ J_______ L____ J_______ 1______ J ------- 1-______ I_______1_______L______1_______ L______1_______ L______ J_______. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 609 --------- ------- L------ J------- 1------- ------- 1------ ! -------- ------- L ------ 1 ------- L ------ 1 ------- L ------- -------- I I I IL I IL , 500 ______ J------- L------ J_______ 1______ J_______ 1_______ 1_______1_______L______1_______ ______ 1_______ ______ J_______. I ! ! I I I I I I I I 1 1 400 ------ - J 1 ------- I L - - - - -- -------1------J� -------1-------I-------11 -------L-1 1 -----1-------L-1 1 l -----1-------L------i-- 1 ------ 1 ! I 1 300 ------' ------- - - - - - -- J------- 1 - - - - -- -------'-------L------1-------L------1-------L------J------- I I I i 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 200 __ - - -_J- L______ J__----- 1_----_ J_______ 1___-_-_, __- __-- A-- .---- t------ -1-______ L______ 1_______ L ------- I I 100 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 20Q5 2006 2D07 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Fiscal Year Fiscal Assessed Fiscal Assessed Fiscal Assessed Year Valuation Year Valuation Year Valuation 1998 760,999,508 2003 1,137,570,525 2008 2,828,911,987 1999 763.517,430 2004 1,297,803,114 2009 1,847.845,205 2000 803,891,323 2005 1,438,036,209 2010 1,673,245,674 2001 901.813.310 2006 1,667,949,738 2011 1,543,308,420 2002 992.0118.426 2007 1.999,331,298 2012 1,495,262,994 Village of North Palm Beach FY 2012 Nlillage Selection Options FY 2011 Millage Rate FY 2011 Ad- Z'alorem Proceeds FY 2011 GROSS Taxable Value FY 2012 GROSS Taxable Value FY 2012 Roiled Back Rate Calculations for selection of millage rate: Retain FY 2011 lIillage Rate FY 2012 Rolled Bark Rate ]Tillage Rate Required to retain FY 2011 Ad- Valorem 6.9723 10,222.389 S 1,543,308,420 Decrease in GROSS taxable value S [48.025.426) - 3.1 °o� S 1,495,282,994 _ 7.2240 _Increase i [Decrease] over 2011 Ad- Millaze Rate Ad- Valorem Valorem 6.9723 S 9,904,284 S (318,105) 7.2240 S 10,261,828 S 39,439 7.1962 S 10,222,389 S - FY 2012 Majority Vote Rate 8.4175 S 11,957,217 S 1.734.828 FY 2012 Two- Thirds Vote Rate 9.2593 $ 13,153,010 $ 2.930.621 Statutory'Masimum 10.0000 S 14,205,188 S 3.982.799 I.Manager's Proposed Rate 7.2240 $ 10461,828 S 39,-139 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Taxable Value and Ad- Valorem Tax Revenue Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 2011.2012 Ain o Lin I Increase ( *] % Increase *j 2010 -2011 PROPOSED Decrease ( -) Decrease -j ADOPTED BUDGET I BUDGET I over Prior Year over Prior Year GROSS ASSESSED VALUE: $ 1,543,308,420 $ 1.495.282.994 $ (48,025,426) - 3.11 % BUDGETARY TAXABLE VALUE (95 %): 1,466,142,999 1.420.518.844 - 45;624,155 - 3.11 %0 OPERATING MILLAGE: 6.9723 7.2240 0.2517 3.61% ESTIMATED AD VALOREM TAX REVENUE: 10,222,389 10.261.828 10,261,821 0.39 1,''0 2010 - 2011 Millage Rate= 6.9723 mils • Roll Back Millage Rate for 2011 - 2012 = 7.2240 mils • Proposed Millage Rate for 2011 - 2012 = 7.2240 mils • Increase from 2010 - 2011 Millage Rate = 0.2517 mils • °Io increaseldecrease over Roll Back Rate 0.00% 1.00 MIL = $ 1,420,519 75 N111- - $ 1,065,389 50 MIL = $ 9!5 ?JII = $ 710,260 iri�i 1 if] 10 N111- - $ 142.052 Each .10 Mil = $1421052 MILLAGE OPTIONS Roll Back Rate: 7.2240 Majority Vote: 8.4175 213 Vote: 9.2593 S tatu tory Max 100000 r _ —~ Lr 1 sti m?tes for all valo F is 'projected to e .r , which ac nt, for 42.6l6 0 Propose t! t i . . is .I AMA Charges for Services $1,898,895 10.64% Intergovernmental $1,208,118 - ----- 6.75% -- Licenses & Permits $741,454 4.14% Sales & Use Taxes $263,423 1.47% Franchise Fees $1,O65,580 5.96% VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Revenues - Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012 Fines & Forfeitures $112,200 0,63% Utility Service Taxes $2.1 63,578 12.09% Investment Income $85,740 0.48% Miscellaneous $88,400 0,49% Ad- Valorem Taxes - -- $10.261,828 57.36% Total $17,889,216 ■ Taxes - Ad- Valorem Taxes ■ Utility Service Taxes ❑ Franchise Fees ❑ Sales & Use Taxes ■ Licenses & Permits G lntergovemmental ■ Charges for Services ❑ Fines & Forfeitures ■ Investment Income ■ Miscellaneous ternate Re -.1 ' .- Increase revenue without inc millage rate through thy. intr1 other services fqe a flat r ---km 4 r pXarnpl f - service f r fee, and and street repair Single Family 2,507 Multi - Family 457 (Less than 5 units) Multi - Family 4,636 (More than 4 units) Total units 7,600 Percentage of disposal costs 32.99% 32.99% 6.01% 61.00% 67.01% 100.00% 100.00% Single Family 2507 Combined Multi - Family 5093 Total 7600 Annual ooeratina costs Commercial assessment Provided by SWA Percentage of garbage Annual collection Annual collection generated service cost service cost per unit 56.68% $637,357.20 $254.33 3.55% $39,919.49 $87.35 39.77% $447,269.31 $96.48 100.00% $1,124,546.00 $637,357.20 $487,188.80 Total $1,124,546.00 $1,4 - $365,000.00 $1,124,546.00 $254.33 $95.66 Unit Type Garbage /T Vegetation Total Total Tons per Year Tons per Year Tons per Year (# of units x tons per year) Single Family 1.10 0.85 1.95 4,888.65 Multi - Family (Less than 5 units ) 1 0.67 0 0.67 306.19 Multi - Family (More than 4 units) 0.74 0 0.74 3,430.64 Total 3.361 8,625.48 Monthly collection service costs per unit $21.19 $7.28 $8.04 $21.19 $7.97 MUNICIPALITIES SERVICE FEE ( Single Family Home) SERVICE PROVIDED BY INVOICING City of Riviera $15.53 per month single family Waste Management Billed with utility bill 2 times garbage, 2 times trash Multi- family - condo's - $15.53 per unit on property City of Lake Worth $20.45 per month single family Lake Worth Tax bill 2 times trash, 2 times garbage, 1 recycling a week 1 bulk pick up per month. Fees are built in into the ad- valorem taxes which is sent out yearly. City of Palm Beach Gardens $156.00 per year single family Waste Management Tax Bill City of West Palm Beach $16.00 per month single family $16.00 per month multi - family per unit on property Town of Lake Park $167.49 single family $167.49 mobile homes $167.49 multi- family<5 /bldg $97.93 multi - family >4 /bldg City of Boynton Beach $13.25 per month for single family unit $9.50 per unit for multi - family City of Belle Glade $19.11 per month for single family unit Multi- family - dumpster rate (Commercial) City of Delray Beach $22.87 per month for single family unit Town of Lantana $20.00 per month for single family unit West Palm Beach Billed monthly with utility bill. Town of Lake Park Annual Fee City of Boynton Beach Utillity bill monthly City of Belle Glade Utility bill monthly Waste Management Utility bill monthly Town of Lantana Utility bill monthly rnvr• ,� -� Village of North Palm Beach (monthly average) $21.19 - single family / $7.97 - multi - family F 4 1 OF CTIQN PLAN: • Collec d age persorine J -y or rat water bills c st ti I itles master w, ��� �.,�— aert� a Tl.e- ViLlwg of North lxlmDeacb C,rurL Al Ea .l Bud peii 5 awuraL 2011- 2012BudreL eFn6wlYr:le � 17 Iac7 -0x13 Dr.CCG 93 �� 4cigiaaL2011 a,vr :011 1 J F F 9-111 f FSnrgai FLnelePi y Fln 4a�ot XrinLrl IIW.�IIIIIIF A room 1114,i11-114 �Lrinsl Il47iLI-IIM 3L TanrLS: TMLC -- �e LdValarcmIa-Lcs 10'.61,829 F. 10,222,3!9 03M 11,053,128 !j 11, ?17,350- $ 11- 915.355 Unhv Tnn-kcTin -cs 2,163,579 2, 116, 19 3:4% 2,7161,375 2.20 910011 2,018„071 F4onr•ha ---c Fc�-- ILAwd3590 931,147 14_04!: 1x1,328 1.26&E31 1,212.,5kn 6,Aca z G se Tm-.w 263,423 fi 13,754:409 2'77,307 3.01 2fb.r7 10,557 24x,649 Licenses & ?smuts 741.464 651i-w 11.55% 910,997 R16,01fr 1,0+7,144 ILL Lk! I;' u 1 e!L ULUt! UL a 3 1,808.111; 1,228,7217 A.W% 1,269.508 1.304,391 1,91 &424 C- LLUUre1ILJL 5Ul.Lt= 1,848.395 1,&41,'9-27 3.1074 1,937.115 1.6'8,948 1,x:46.474 T Lees -C POefi= IALMS 311,21010 133300 15.53 149.09a 14IL970, LST.022) ]Lmresr 35 ?40 84.027 2,A4% 360.118 9-1.3401) L94.052 Ap�pdaled3und53Laace 30,000 - 4A0% - - - _.nsceuzLeons LWD -4. ,4i 373.1 a? 39 +_545 13T.447 I nTal RRipn II at' I IIn 17111411TJ A Isla IV nIILJ.w S ILj."i1!1 IY?dh 'Alll Fspeadi Tucer �`,earra] 42vsxrn -t: Sfillagr C.auadl 145 3952 11496 119*% 120.121 122,653 130,801 VAL-dxe Mmnixrj 26T,074 71 - 13.1'Tk6 MO.1024 2:1 U74 292,339 HU-- lLesLriu+ces 242,030 236, 2id2% 233.159 2;17,014 218,821 P111 -1 Le: 534,069 52 15474 495.756 4841074 422 -,6ii1 IuEmwaut T 313,303 293,33& SA8% 285,410 7.82,303 295,872. TVALage Anomey 1 T¢,000 170.90Q 9% 153.: W 134_OW L21041) TVALage CLeAs 188,300 380.337 3 3'_.': ti ]:M-05 ZORS -93 tiara ral 4-'i ILiEw HAIL I'l ]{,��'l '], 141.Tr111 I'J+, -1.111 44 lil S�� 1[11 W). I I I Ut4 Ihihhr' aVpr}° Law I= mfercQnumt 4,614-,647 "2 ff6sm 4AW-'V. ]a �qft 4a6k6,4PC FSra Ra�ia 7 77tlt 785 I,FArl7W 1 459 Ole, 15;i.Ols 4�L'- ,.___r7LrS`4CnKG:- YLLSLcG2faty Dub Li,c Trti oi¢r_ 11k2,46P 7,515 :IM11 15DA34 27 -75"A ];It 3p 757 Public L-arlc, .damn SanLtorinm 360,783 1,189,546 3453,336 = ,192, 996 0.7M 0120'. f __ _ .c >f 1.43d,E'7'S•? ,C��• N 1,'T47S Yb�� PacilLty aen-iceo- 633,031 719,5 46 - 12.02.L;G _O 616,8x' 5S e },459 V ".,me ets & Coo., a<b 1 19',116 1, 2457,3-45 -3.9:1% , 543.6%11 1.2A %272. 1,550 06'2 Vt' z&Lk! hlaj LLeuaLUx 387,925 4-,0421404 349,193 5A2% 350.213 342,051 3724916 cuff=ULLLYD-eleluprllal &P]2, M" _ C4XL Ur ULLLL)- 3lhn,i ii r 232,109 222,239 4.447. 217,748 2.16,706 L591,3 15 BuaLiLLV 4MSSO 491,135 2.0174 41110,039 441,905 591,431 46Ll2 Etfom- umes- 117.1571 15+42,!40 121133 3.20% M-154 105 -074 151-.757 IAL }life SerTLZei: I lhrp n' h'711: yL�[1 f.E +-1.11 {1 nl4i 4in ril f'�:eI f4qHV4 HPrTPATInn IJ�Ii,'Ji5 yf'J, - Aal 1141 9i i., i MI f,wM! 9MV141 1) 9r6cM!gL3-tau»cu _ _ 73A09: _ 93kNIS 4401312 Pfinl 2gri sob 344,.601 - 13.27°.` 3M.511 3-95"1 2491,050 Sp-0rial EV .L 87,000 47, MM. 77.6&5 712,021: 04,6M3 Y'cm.a.is 3891070 ),451:(K4 349 5 73.109: 462.058 351,434 141,707 15rbL & Oth,cr: DPcbt sen-i,cc 0A09. 2r 5K384 1.439,964 $S ? 'O13 C- omtia� -ear 223,d1? 2111627 a19% 43.142 1 +,141 91,591 Rearne- Prasiaa 226,+41 - 060% - - - nwuSCej LL=Oul - - 0A074 13,440 31$,546• 1,254 ,9i2 :IuLL- 1?epajluL1LWL 39-2,639 392,$36 -0.1)3% 511,429 94,930. 319a;152 Tai UESpenLLfures 1'. 13139210 39,170,407 13.4.13 -abJ 19� tint j Rw ni,a 4 hAr 1- rpanaa \ ti t d!I y+'% rt I IF i'Y ti QIS,r pqnse ges Mi/In & Benefits) will ;cre c . � altho h t� are_ anxicipated, n a —u net— �felated costs account for oughly,;, J Village's overall budget! HoRTR nce �c e alone is anticipated t +ee a x.87% in his upcoming year alone�'� VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH co40fAiGe/ cDd� I o al i to e ent tr�a �fe mp � ast sev N&aWVA¢jg#oAlinualy evaluatE r` J. 5 1i -• a ■ jr-, boo - •� r tj • ate ies� 1 iRy 9 7 To t. • • .• 4 • ►.� IiP • • • �. • Na Workforce Reduction is -trey! IP ce R A multi-phased approach ti rage long -terry 'ej i :fabor esses and prUUUUL t us. - d=7-na the - ove ra I I workforce i R Thy A ion Plan The Plan was divided into four stepQ and it was anticipated that to effectively implement all components of this "multi- phased action plan" it would likely take 3 to 5 years. IIIIIIIIIIIII Ilh� lement hiring freez C area Vacan ' plovees to cr 1001/0 ve: em with NOW Outsourcing ome Iowi workforce costs whil increasi t a ifj/. EDMActively restructur the organization changes through position eliminations an pleasant remedy) 111111111111J1II - �ju- Village Clerk 3 FT Village Attorney Finance Human Resources 5 FT 1 PT 2 FT General Fund Organization Chart FY 2011 -2012 Residents of The Village of North Palm Beach Village Council Village Manager 2 FT VILLAGE BOARDS -Audit Committee -Construction Board of Adjustment •Library Advisory •Pension Boards -Planning Commission •Recreation Advisory •Waterways Board -Zoning Board of Adjustment Information Community Public Public Parks & Library Technology Development Works Safety Recreation 6 FT 2 FT 8 FT ( -1 FT) 37 FT 67 FT 6 FT 10 T 1 PT 2 PT 12 PT 43 PT 23 Volunteers Summary: hanger 138 FT -1 FT 69 PT 23 Voluntee FY2011 -241: Qnfrd FundBndW Perwwwl Changes FY 2012 I�r- rrerlt) FY 21)11'rcposed Position occupied by aornment 6alary + Be *fits) `Salir/ - B=refl -si Increase (Decreesei 1- Permit &Li."nsing Tack Yacant Thisposton has bear u-rfutided f)r afo,r ymm arc rare be deloted - S - 2. Fira RErscu& Lieutenant -Admin Ridrayr Lemma Goleta position LI 113,669 00 5M 1 13,65 .1} Fire =,n Aidr I � Mere �iiio-i C pai grade34 - 114,832 -00 3 1 1 8D .BC 3. Di rectDr of Pubic Sa ety Chie pcsitian eclassed k Poll cehiei no linanaal rra ci} 1 i ` id? ` $ 11,37.18 $ Total Inam5e (Decreise) S 1.133 1. As a result of the economic downturn and overall decline in building activity, one (1) fulltime [Community Development} Permit & Licensing Tech position has been eliminated. This position has been held "vacant" unfunded for the past two years 2. Reorganization of Fire /Rescue service to provide for organizational hierarchy. Removing Admin. Lieutenant from Union by elevating position to Captain commensurate with expanded duties and responsibilities. 3. With the shift to "traditional" Police and Fire /Rescue services along with respective disciplined chiefs, there is no longer a need for a Public Safety Director. This is a carryover from an era gone by and is no longer applicable. Personnel Summary GENERAL FUND F/T P/T LY= 139 69 TY= 138 69 +/- -1 N/C _ V"• Medical /Dental Overview Health & Dental Insurance: • No change in Healthcare Provider this year! • 6.87% increase anticipated for renewal (ea. 1% = $13,808.00 60 g6 Healthcare Insurance - Monthly Employee Cost----- HMO POS Single +1 Family Single +1 Family TY= $0.00 $ 102.88 $216.04 $79.21 $261.06 $461.21 LY= $0.00 $ 96.26 $202.15 $74.12 $244.27 $431.56 iiti 9 o (Defined Benefit) ensYon �Kntri ution which is down .43% from LY & 6% employee ontribution from date of hire. LAY 15.78% required + 4.22% catch -up rovision 0 %N 15% Define Coi —elan offering, whic: all newly hired I employees. rop )ution Pension ; mandatory for -union eligible i.V � h 0 for all newly hi , "no PBA -union eligib mplo tip:.► .°�-� � -���` 1_ ea r In • A9 ❖ Oper ati6g Costs are continual'�ytracked 1 and monitored to ensure appropriateness of 'rr expenditures. All Operating lines have been X closely scrutinized by A a p rovide- for ess sts. - co ation cod - M I i +fin -' �III� ��' LINIIJ3.11 PM bl 1�11Bf 1fIEIIIVI MI�II)�I —� JH d�p,llll��r 1 111 Ili l��ll1llillli lhlllil II IIII�,. *�'•°' ^`.. - �+�rrr.av� rr; ::: Nara• ," ! �tiU /1/wU1111N1NN111 �1 6,9* _. 4� __ J�k �rnyi�ul + in'nnml 11n uFix .n ......... u......... IIII 11ltill11 Ill it _ The tillage of North Palau Bench Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Budget General Fund Operating Highlights Description Ainouut Contractual Services S 817,384 * Street Maintenance Contract ($130,000) * Park Nfaintenince Contract (S298,200) * Pool - Independent Contractor (549,100) * Custodial Services ($106.164) * Facility Services - Outside Repairs * Various software support agreements. etc. Utilities 520,663 * Electricity ($329,859) " Gas ($24,833) * Telephone & Data (583,344) * Water &. Sewer ($82.627) Materials. & Supplies 509,618 * Materials. & Supplies (5269.988) * Office Supplies ($39,300) * Computer Supplies (S28,243) *Auto Parts Supplies ($91.000) * Library Mates ($81,067) Recreation Program Expenses (of€ser with Recreation Program Revenues) 455,750 Property: General Liability 392,639 Gas. Oil & Lubricants 232,063 Repairs & Maintenance 217.623 * R & M Automotive (560.000) * R & M Building & Grounds (574,730) * R & M Machinery & Egiupment ($33,300) " R & M P.A. & Communication Svstems ($25,200) *Tree T*immiug (510,000) Legal Fees 170,000 Solid Waste Disposal 78.455 Uniforms 40.880 Travel, Training & Conferences 46.069 Special Events 87.000 Professional Services 79.600 Total Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 Operating Casts I S 3,995,010 d•Capital ital en expenditure cc s ecial atti The Villas d is requiring The Village of North Palm Beach Fiscal Year 2411 -2412 Budget General Fund Capital Outlay Depai,tinent Information Technology Microsoft Office Suite Upgrade Public NA-orks "Quick Tip" Dumpster Attachment Public Safety Vehicle Replacement (2) marked A/C Chiller Replacement General Seii-ices - Villacre Hall A.-'C Chiller Replacement Arnount S 18.750 16,000 57,582 6L500 119,082 50_10r_, Parks & Recreation Playground Equipment ( *} 45.00 ( *) Funded by Developer Contribution Total Fiscal Year 2411 -2412 Capital Outlay S 258,932 �j '14.'3• � �'' .:...:; t.RN 1 NPPPNN� � 3:"a+ '• +� � ..•+� �� \': ; � 1 ,,,i a is ����� � •� - - �y 'V� �r. ;�. ;tip .' PO The Vi1' JdWo - T©TAV m IL �� VT` VV ` The Village of North Palen Beach Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Debt & Other % Increase Origival 1011 (Decrease) Over Actual Actual Actual FY 2012 Budget Budget 2011 Budget 49.3410 0930,'09 09,30.48 Debt Senice Debt Sersice S 5 - 0% S 2,254,384 S 1,439,460 S 859,932 Reser -s-es & Contingencies Transfer to Other Funds 0 0 0% 163,490 318,500 1 X4,952 Council Contingency 178,893 175,061 200 21,000 400 58:244 Village Manager Contingency Reserve- General Employees Pension 14 ? 26.441 43,766 0 2°0 0° a 22,162 0 13,791 0 5,035 0 Other Operating Costs 0 0 000 0 0 18.313 450,058 218,827 106 °16 206,652 332,691 1.336,544 Non-Departmental Property; Genera! Liabihh- Insurance 392,639 392.838 00�o 511,429 94,930 388,182 Total Expenses S 842,697 S 611.665 38% S 2,972,465 S 1.86',081 S I.-M4,07 � 1 tri 1 Personnel . .-I A: 0p- erating�, n 6mttiluei A; Aj M� rn�c k .: �: � r ea — _L VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH General Fund Expenditures - Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012 Leisure Services $2,4 51, 0 44 13.70% Community Development $842,840 4.71% Public Wor 34 09240 , , 1 22.980.0 By Department Debt & Othc r $842,697 General Government 32,144,290 71, 999'0 Public Safely 57.51 5,641 42. U'1 ' - Capital 5259 1.4 Operating S3,995,310 22.33% By Function Reserve - General Employees Pension 5226,441 1,2i -08 f Contingency $.223,617 Total $17,889,216 Personnel $13.185.215 73.70% the budget at 74% iving T1.t- ViLlwg of North lxlmDeacb C,ruri Al Eaud Bud peii 52wauaL Fia6alYr:le 2011 -2012 Budrel 1.7 Iac T4264 : (Dr rn93G`. 4aginaL :011 a4v 2611 F F fill f HMAEai Rntl!ml 11n 15;t Xrina,l IM MIA A room I IM,i11.1IQ .Lrinsl 1147 -A1M R%v%MUas TMLC-: LdVakrcmIa-Lcs 10,.61,829 F. 10,222,359 03M. 3 11,053,128 !j 11, ?17,350- $ 11- 915.355 UnLisv TnniccTan -cs 2,163,579 2,126-W) 3:4% 2,761,375 2.20 91006 2,(I18„071 F4onr•ha ---c Fc�-- ILAWd3590 931,147 112_1).!: 1x1,328 1.2:5&E31 1,212.,5&N 6,Aca z G se Tm-.w 263,423 fi 13,754:409 2'77,307 3.01 26b.r7 10,557 24x,649 Liceaats & ?emuts 741.434 65DY M 12,55% 911).997 H 0,015: 1,0+7,141 1U Lk! I;' u 1 GR ULUt! UL a 3 1,808. 11;G 1,228,7217 - 1.68-:10 1,269.508 1.304,391 1,91&4M 'CLnurYSlUI5U1.6t= 1,848.395 1,&41,'9-27 3.1074 1,937.115 1.6'8,948 1,x46.474 TLnes -C POefOIAL S 113,266 133361) 15.23 149.09& 14IL979 L5T.42-7 1Lmresr 35 ?46 84.027 2,A4% 366.118 9-1.3401) L9 4.652 App PrJaled3uud33aLaace 30.666 - OA0% - - - I-Mcel12:12OUS "L MD -4.�� 376.12? 39 +_545 L3T.447' -1 at a l H RLp n II at' I KKK fIIn 17!115117,. i[1 ■!Y IV6119YMS 19M11f1 11,?JhA111 1=fpradi tucer {,earra3 Cvsxr* =t: VALagr Caund2 14553952 11496 119*% 120.125 122,653 130,801 VALbxe Mmnir er 26T,074 71 - 131.1'Tk6 M6.1024 2:1 U74 292,339 HU-- lLescnaces 242,030 236, 2,d2% 233.159 2;17,019• 218,821 P111 -1 Le: 53x1,069 52 15474 495.756 484107Vr 42'x,670 Iu.Cuuwaut T 313,303 293,33& SA8% 285,410 7.82103 295,872 TVALdge Anomey 1 T01,000 17agw 9% 153.: W 134-OW 121040 TVALdge CLeAs 188,300 380.337 3 3'_.': ti EM-05 ZORS -93 tiara ral Svn-irp :- .AILiEw HAIL I'11C,��', '], 141.Tr111 I'J+, -7111[ 44 1)l S�� I[I't W). I I I UA Iii h I i r tiatar}° Law I=aforcQn Omt 4,614,647 "2ff6 sm 4AW-'V. 22 4.,Ok6,4PC FSraRa�ia 7'Titlt4R5 I, FA 1459E 1,SSi3OAS n___ r7L rS`4CnKG:- Xub-Lc S2Fvty fiplAD 7,515fM11 15DA34 27 -771A :]Qr F�32 r# 757 10. 1�uKkWDikrz- 1}ublic L-arlc, .damn 361),783 3163,336 0.70`. f __ Rz SanLtadom 1,189,546 = ,192, 996 6124. _ .c >f 1.43d,E'7'S•? 117T,522%Y Paci3Lty aen-iceo- 633,031 719,5 - 12.0246 _6.L;0 616,0'7'6 551,459 ".,toe ete & 6]oo., a<b 1 19•,116 1, 7,57,3-45 -3.9:1% , 543.841 1.2,5 7.•278 1,550 06'2 Vt' z&Lk! 3x1niuleuauLe 387,925 4,1) 2.4047 349,193 5A2% 350.7.13 342,O&1 3724916 {`L1LLLE3U".V DT1 r1UpLwu1 & P1a"-1011_ C4XL UUUEUL)- 3ls�n�,i i, r 232,109 222,239 4.447 217,748 2.16,706 L591,3 15 33UMLELx 471),580 491,135 2.6174 4 10,089 441,905 951,431 4642 E.i'a[x- umes- 119•,7171 76+42,&9-0 121133 3.20% M-154 105 -074 151-.727 I e:stur SerTILZe >: I lhrpn' wl7 L;t7n f,+ -1111 {1 6!41416 ril e ?,lq.Hv4 H43r7a2hnn IJ�Ii,'Ji5 129-'7, -1771h 1141 pi i.,V i 41 f,wM! 9MV141 1) 9r6c hdsL3-tau=u _ OAO% 936.Y?5 4401312 DDad 2gri sob 344,101 - 23.17% 3M.511 3 S"l 2491,050 Special EV .L 87,000 47, OAO% 77.665 7 022 04,M3 Y'cm.a.is 3891070 ),451:(K4 3129 5 0.10% 062.058 351,434 141,707 ]`r 2,'a[ & Oth,c r: I)cb,t sen-i,cc OA09. 2r 5KI84 1.439,964 $S ? ,032 C'-da.ear 223341? 229,M a19% 43.142 1 +,141 91,591 Rearn'e- PE3Liaa 226,+41 - OAO% - - - nauSCej LL=Oul - - OA074 13,490 3- 1$,500' 1,254 ,9i2 :9u LL- 1?rpajLuiyWL 39-2,639 392,$36 -0.061. 511,429 94,930 39&,122 TO192ESpenalfules 1'269.132 17 972 Ei% 39,1'9-A4Q7 1RAM.8.i1 15a6,i�R�99 Lai j Rw niia I hAr Frranxa \ ti t d!I bnK 3 1 "Ilymp .1 PL,r9 i Establis s a "tentative" Millage Rate at 7.224 Mills. (F 012 Rolled Back Rate) �� f Provide a balanced budget for FY20�. ft D Provides for capital improvements. RI Provides for the replacement of essential (capital) equipment and vehicles. N ext ► ticipated 6.87% increase t m p fee" ccordance wit t - aininr -O.C., Agreements and ar et Adjustment to the Pa CJ No utilization OT PTIor years .4:- = reserves! employee Aim General Fund - Available Reserve Balances Less: Appropriations in FY 2011: Street Signs 270,819 Comm. Dev. Software 89,222 SW Neighborhood 431,992 Estimated Unreserved, Undesignated FY 2011 (792, 033) $ 9,651,066 Amount of FY 2012 Proposed Unreserved, Reserve General Fund Undesignated Fund Asa % of Reserve Available for # of Budget Balance FY 2011 ( *} Budget Amount spending months $ 17,889,216 $ 9 ,1 ,r ;r'a6 $ 9,651,066 $ - 17% $ 2,982,132 $ 6,668,934 2.00 25% $ 4,472,304 $ 5,178,762 3.00 35% $ 6,261,226 $ 3,389,840 4.20 Recommended 40% $ 7,155,686 $ 2,495,380 4.80 Minimum 45% $ 8,050,147 $ 1,600,919 5.40 50% $ 8,944,608 $ 706,458 6.00 ( *) Unreserved, Undesignated as of 09/30/10 $ 10,443,099 Less: Appropriations in FY 2011: Street Signs 270,819 Comm. Dev. Software 89,222 SW Neighborhood 431,992 Estimated Unreserved, Undesignated FY 2011 (792, 033) $ 9,651,066 rj 0 - li4 F) r ) -'r ) r m 0 d I ail r ! m1b, i sure on FY2012 Millage Options Village of North Palm Beach FY 2012 N llage Selection Options FY 2011 Millage Rate FY 2011 Ad- Valorem Proceeds FY 2011 GROSS Taxable Value FY 2012 GROSS Taxable Value FY 2012 Rolled Back Rate Calculations for selection of millaue rate: Retain FY 2011 lIillage Rate 6.9723 10,222,389 S 1,543,308,420 Decrease in GROSS tauble rslue S (38.025,426) -3.Pla S 1,495,282,994 7.2240 Increase 1 (Decrease) over 2011 Ad- Nlillaee Date Ad- Valorem Valorem 6.9723 S 9,904,284 S (318,105) FY 2012 Rolled Back Rate 7.2240 S 10,261,828 S 39,439 Millage Rate Required to retain FY 2011 Ad- Vaiore :n 7.1962 S 10,222,389 S - FY 2012 Majority Vote Rate 8.4175 S 11,957,217 S 1.734,828 FY 2012 Two- Thirds Vote Rate 9.2593 S 13,153,010 S 2,930.621 Statutory Maximum 10,0000 S 14,205,188 S 3,982,799 Manager's Pro posed Rate 7.2240 S 10,261,828 S 39,439 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Taxable Value and Ad- Valorem Tax Revenue Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 2011 -2012 Amount Increase ( *] % Increase ( +j 2010 -2011 PROPOSED Decrease i -) Decrease [ -) ADOPTED BUDGET BUDGET over Prior Year over Prior Year GROSS ASSESSED VALUE: $ 1,543,30$,420 $ 1,495,2$2,994 $ (48,025,426) - 3.11 %0 BUDGETARY TAXABLE VALUE (95 %): 1,466,142,999 1,420,518,844 - 45,624,155 -3.11% OPERATING MILLAGE: 6.9723 7.2240 0.2517 3.61% ESTIMATED AD VALOREM TAX REVENUE: 10,222,3$9 10,261,828 10,261,821 0.39% 2010 - 2011 Millage Rate= 6.9723 mils Roll Back Millage Rate for 2011-2012 7.2240 mils Proposed Millage Rate for 2011 - 2012 = 7.2240 mils Increase from 2010 - 2011 Millage Rate = 0.2517 mils % increaseldecrease over Roll Back Rate 0.00% 1.00 MIL = $ 1,420,519 75 N1I1- - $ 1,065,389 50 MIL = $ 9r, ?JII = $ 710,260 10 N1I1- - $ 142.052 Each .10 Mil = $1421052 MILLAGE OPTIONS Roll Back Rate: 7.2240 Majority Vote: 8.4175 213 Vote: 9.2593 Statutory Max: 100000 Millage Rate Total Budget Total Ad- Valorem Proceeds FY 2011 -2012 General Fund Proposed Budget Millage Options Alternate FY 2012 Manager's Lowest Millage Current Budget Proposed Budget without accelerated (FY 201 1) (@a Rolled -Back Rate) GIE Pension funding 6.9723 $ 7.2240 5 7.0626 Contingency (1.25 %) Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance $ Unreserved. Undesignated as % of total budget Accelerated G1E Pension funding Budgetary/Tax Impact: Increase /(Decrease) over 2011 budget Increase!(Decrease) over 2011 Ad- Valorem 17,506,072 10,222,389 218,827 9,651,066 $ 55% 17.889,216 10,261,828 223;617 9.651.066 $ 54% 226,441 383,144 39,439 17,659,944 1 10,032,556 220,750 9,651,066 55% 153,872 (189,833) .4- 'Acqu t.,ieW-sce%a millage ra.. ' simple majority v 616 of Council. uncil. d--. 9. Chi NOW- L- 1 416 It M arwin ear's FYZ0 M-91111111 F1,11M.1 4 CONCLUSION - Talking points: fact v. fiction 1. The Village's "General Fund" budget has been reduced by $1,802,732 or 9.15% over the past 5years. (19,691,948 in FY 2008 to 17,889,216 being proposed in FY2012) fn 2. The Village's General Fund Workforce has been reduced by 26 full -t i positions (outsourcing and redeployment strategies) since 2008. 3. The Village has successfully paid off all its debt service instruments and has obtained historic "Debt- Free" status! 4. The Village has brought in over $3.03 million dollars in Local, State and Federal Grants over the past 5 years. 5. Ad- valorem revenues (as proposed) will increase by $39,439 or 0.39% from that of this current year as a result of new construction and /or new properties into the Village. (as proposed, Ad- valorem revenues will have actually gone down by $1,495,717 since we started our cost saving initiatives!) 6. The budget (millage rate) can be reduced from that of the ""proposed--rate... Village FY2012 Budget Hearings September 2011 September 8th and the 22nd Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 County Budget School Board 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 a Y i 25 26 27 28 29 30 Notes: Public Hearing Rosh Hashana i Holiday must be held between the 3rd and 18th and after County Budget 5:00 PM North Palm Beach Village Council FY2012 Budget Workshop Proposed Schedule * The FY2012 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a guide only, dates and times are subject to change in accordance with the "public meeting" provisions of FSS. Day: Date: Time: Subiect: Wednesday April 13th 7: pm — 10: pm Council Goal Setting Wednesday May 41h 11: am — 4: pm Staff [budget] Retreat Wednesday July 6th 7: pm — 10: pm Country Club Budget (overview) Wednesday j_Uly 131h 7: 10: Gour&y Club -BudgeA (if neeessaFy) PM PM Wednesday July 20th 7: pm— 10: pm General Fund Budget (overview) Thursday July 28a' Council Meeting Manager's Proposed Budget Presentation Wednesday August Yd 7: pm —10: pm General Fund Budget (Public Safety & Public Works Departments) Wednesday August 10th 7: pm 10: pm General Fund Budget (Parks & Recreation, Library, Council, Clerk, Attorney, and Manager Departments) Wednesday August 24th 7: pm — 10: pm General Fund Budget (Human Resources, Finance, I.T., Community Development, Debt, and Other Departments) Wednesday August 31" 7: pm— 10: pm Budget Recap and Millage discussions. * The FY2012 Budget Workshop schedule has been developed to serve as a guide only, dates and times are subject to change in accordance with the "public meeting" provisions of FSS. Questions &Answers.? OR ��