FY 2011 Financial HighlightsPRINCIPAL OFFICIALS (AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2011) DARRYL C. AUBREY MAYOR DAVID B. NORRIS VICE MAYOR WILLIAM L. MANUEL PRESIDENT PRO TEM ROBERT A. GEBBIA COUNCIL MEMBER T.R. HERNACKI COUNCIL MEMBER JAMES TITCOMB VILLAGE MANAGER SAMIA JANJUA DIRECTOR OF FINANCE MELISSA TEAL VILLAGE CLERK The information presented has been derived from the Basic Financial Statements and information provided by the Village. It is not intended to he a financial report under generally amepted accounting principles. About the Village of North Palm Beach The Village of North Palm Beach is primarily a residential community, having been incorporated as a political subdivision of the State of Florida in 1956. The registered population of the Village is approximately 13,000, which increases to approximately 18,000 during the winter months. Residents are generally in the middle to upper income brackets. Located in the northeastern quadrant of Palm Beach County, Florida, the Village has an abundant amount of waterfront property created by a number of lakes, canals, and the Atlantic Ocean. The vonnarn ing bneiv of the Village, can - sists of a five member Village Council, each of whom is elected to two-year overlapping terms. The Mayor is selected by majority vote of the Council and serves for a term of one year. Day to day affairs of the Village are under the leadership of a Village Manager who is appointed by the Council. THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA I ! to FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 About the Village of North Palm Beach The Village of North Palm Beach is primarily a residential community, having been incorporated as a political subdivision of the State of Florida in 1956. The registered population of the Village is approximately 13,000, which increases to approximately 18,000 during the winter months. Residents are generally in the middle to upper income brackets. Located in the northeastern quadrant of Palm Beach County, Florida, the Village has an abundant amount of waterfront property created by a number of lakes, canals, and the Atlantic Ocean. The vonnarn ing bneiv of the Village, can - sists of a five member Village Council, each of whom is elected to two-year overlapping terms. The Mayor is selected by majority vote of the Council and serves for a term of one year. Day to day affairs of the Village are under the leadership of a Village Manager who is appointed by the Council. Governmental Revenues Governmental Expenditures General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance Country Club Operations The following graph presents revenues of the Village's The following graph presents total expenditures of the The following chart presents the operating g governmental funds for the past five years. Village's governmental funds for the past five years. revenues and expenses for the Country Club for The following graph presents the general fund the past five years. unassigned fund balance (available, spendable resources) for the past five years. oP.M saran ■9ubb, W-k. 53,100.000 _.._ - -.. .. ec�atp lt,.,,,e a(�ea,q l„mnes - � eTaa �Imeatmmaam:al 0�1+iEK fa Smicm [SLicrnsesk Pem:ils ❑I.a,.�sn.,n.xn,.��,.,, nt:.a,.nl au e,,,,�i ■Urhttimtre B('mnmmirc l)n•R pl—iq �e>tl:erua•anniee,c geapwle>.tlai. �IdeOea [1016rr ------ - - - -- -- -. 90.000 812,000,000 - - - - - -- - — - ?5,000.000 :0.000,000 _— $z0.00o.000 1 S10,000,000 53.300000 ------ ------- 9,100A 0 ... —_ $15.000.000 10.000.000 _ SS.WC.OW -- — -- 1 5.0K000 $1JA00.00J $2.900.000 . - .. . -.. , . ..... _ ; $5.aoo.000 56,000,000 91,1100000 is«nron1 -. -1 -- - - • - --� - -� _ 2 x,09 a010 o:r (5,000,M) / s4,ao0,000 Components of revenues and expenses changed 2Ja� zoo; 200F 2009 2J I0 2ml as follows: Components of revenue changed as follows: Components of expenditures changed as follows: s2,00uoo Increase i 2010 2011 (Decrease) Operating Revenue $3,227,580 $ 3,571,199 $ 343,619 Increase Increase s. 2005 2009 tow 2011 2010 2011 (Decrease) 2010 2011 (Decrease) Operating Expenses 3,205,053 3,507,048 301,995 Ad Valorem Tares $ 11,053,128 $10,441,869 $ (611,259) Public Safety $ 7,021,231 $ 7,053,282 $ 32,051 Operating income (loss) 22,527 64,151 41,624 Other Local Taxes 1,381,022 1,400,538 19,516 Public Works 3,887,034 4,044,642 157,608 Nonoper ating revenues (expenses)(]23,167) (175,987) (52,820) General fund unassigned fund balance at September Franchise & Utility Taxes 3,465,703 3,389,303 (76,400) Leisure Services- Recreation 2,361,388 2,295,959 (65,429) Income (loss) $ (100,640) $ (111,836) $ (11,196) Intergovernmental 653,441 416,633 (236,808) Charges for Services 1,944,245 1,934,424 (9,821) General Government 2,496,342 2,402,241 (94,101) Debt Service 2,254,384 - (2,254,384) 30, 2011 was $10,668,660. This represents Operating revenues and expenses increased due Licenses & Permits 910,997 959,098 48,101 Community Dev. & Planning 774,121 790,937 16,816 approximately 62% of expenditures for fiscal year 2011. to the Village running the restaurant for a full Interest 280,218 97,743 (182,475) Capital Outlay 663,582 682,057 18,475 year in 2011. Club memberships decreased in Other 420,110 223,828 (196,282) Total $19,458,082 $ 17,269,118 $(2,188,964) the year, but this was made up from increased Total $ 20,108,864 $ 18,863,436 $ (1,245,428) 1 revenues from the golf shop and driving range. Excluding the restaurant operations expenses Total revenues decreased 6.2% over 2010. The Total expenditures decreased 11.2% from 2010, with the decrease was primarily due Ad Valorem Taxes. most significant decrease being Debt Service. The decreased by about $84,000 from the prior year. village paid off all the Governmental Long Term Debt in the prior year.