Application-The Tobacco Shop � t � 1
'villa(ye of North Palm Beach
Department of Community Development
Contact Name: l).- ai�o`3
._ # Iri
Address: �_.`"�= �.�`r�, Address: Cjo'
City/St4elZip: Cit I tatef ip:
, �-' -)-31416
Phone: ,- ,, 7°l ' a ;� , -� Phone:
Fax: - Fix:
Email Address: 6 C - , c as 1 ' C C4 ry Email Address:(_ u ,b {1011"_�(_. . C
Summary of Similar Use Request:
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o Completed Business Tax Receipt Application (BTR) included t= l ` c c .(; i y a L Gws 1
By signing,I have read and understand the conditions set forth in Ordinance 2007-16 of the Villages Code Ordinances. I also
authorize the Village of North Palm Beach Community Development staff,Fire Department,Public Safety and Public Works
Department(if applicable)to enter the property for inspection on site.
Applicant 14�� ��1�, r �— 1/r��f 0vv der a� � an�, __ °�� �
Date Date
Print NameTA-1W. me
� .,
Department Date Approved Not Approved - - Comments
(Sig nature) (Signature)
Public Safety
Public Works
Village Council
Please submit application to: 501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach,FL 33405
Phone: (561)841-3365
Fax: (561) 841-8242
014 _iIT} M\T.l.oPMENI DEP ART.�I A't BTR } ..
SItKAM,0't-AOR7R PALM€t-AC HFt ORIDfi.';:L+tl
PHONE ouij S_11-11,6 FAX i56 84i-&242 V11 I A M't3 0R6
Business Name: Individual Nun •,- �°
_." _
Printat Addt�ss: "�
l ".� �, %,lailiria.'Addresti
( 'j ...�f .'
i 4
Phone Number: (r
Fax Number: Cell ;tiumbcr:
E-_Mail.Address. Ir r' f Y.. Crt-,..,t t1'ebsLte.Address:
Federal lD1 or Social Security Number(Regatreci):
Start of Business Date: } ail
7 ype of'Bttsincss(I'lerase he sRt°crJ'tc. .1'rttrnti�c:o/I3treittes.t is rrfso rat atirec�l v"
Number of Employees: : Sgstare Footage of Occupancy: k�C Prc' ions t3se,"Occupance. " '
Are there any renm ations required ari or planned in order to occupy the proposed space:' Yes No
Do i,ou store hazardous materials or flammable materials? Yes
`Mate License Professionals
varne _Profession._ License Number rata ch ca rQLLc aascJ
Emergency Contacts t tfier-laoura cow aca ullbrm ation,rominerc:taal businesses onft/
Name Address
.f - Telc os ne Number
t e
Specialti License Information(If applicable)
Cosmetology/Barber Shop-No of Persons: Restaurant-No of Seats: l-lotel(Rpartments-No of Linits:
Stock Brokerage-No of Brokers: Coin Operated or Vending No of Machines: Boat Spaces-No of Spaces:
Fuel Dispensers...No of Pumps: Real Estate Broker: Real Estate Agents: Bot+ling-No of Lanes:
Retail cr. Wholesale Merchants-A%erage Yeark Inventory at your cost: �t .t-'t'f' "` lax Transportation: No of Vehicles:
:adult Entertainment
Does the proposed husiness usage constitute an adult dancing establishment as defined in the Palm Beach Cts Adult Entertainment C'ode'? Yes o
Does the proposed business usage constitute an adult theatre as defined in the Palau Beach 0% Adult Entertainment Code" Yes No
Does-the proposed business usage constitute an adult books toreryideo store as defined in the Palm Beach Cty Adult Entertainment Code? "" Yes _,�No
Does the proposed business usage constitute an adult actin ith that% ould require an adult entertainment license in Accordance with the Palnt Beach Count-%•
Adult Entertainment Code? Yes :'No
Describe the live entertainment that%N ill be perforated using the NartatiVe for Business form on Pave?of this application. If lire entertainment
inchades dancing of any type,you must specify the type of dancing and the state of dress or undress ofthe dancers.
I certify-that I have read this application and that the statements contained herein and on Page 2(Narrative of Business) are true and correct
to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the notarization of my signature of Page 2 applies to the entire application. I also understand
that failure to complete the entire application including Page 2(Narrative of Business)et`ill result in processing delays to my application.
BTR2008-01 .5 Rev 01 04 10
In addition to the Village of North Palm Beach Business 1 ax Receipt Application. please provide the fbllow im,documentation:
• Completed Palm Beach('purity Business Tax Receipt Application
• Articles of Incorporation and/or Fictitious Name Registration
• State. License iii`I al�jalicable)
• ''narrative of Business FRegieirr(lr
• [..Tome Business Affidavit (i,faj?j)lieable)
Business Nam
e: 1r+ ( if �'C L( - [ individual's ` \ : . t a ,
Please provide a detailed narrative of what your business is: � � �� +� �a� �.� >� �c '� �(ti`, ��
tx � ' y .. �.Cl)
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S"tA 11:CAF FLORIDA.COUNTY OF _� ? }R'1't 5���� 4._,� i.,+,R Pt EMCA SHANNON
ro ,r MY Cal MISSION�DD 950526
` EXPIRES;January 7,2014
The tor?oing instruinent:Gas ackno%4 lodged t'etvre One this day of t�C t l'C- 20 .. a Sanded Thna Notary Fu Urwdervrt fete 1-,e,--,tr: Af 1 LLao-��D
(Nance of person m mo stateineit)
Who is persomfli v known to one or has pro euced Identification�._..- -- --
Type of Identittcation produced: I f ) C�'t'i— �, ,�"NS�� ERICA STIAfi NOV
"'no did f Id neat take and oatT) av GOMMISSICN R DP
t _:KPIRES:Januar, 4
?�:ded Thna Nerf +
(Slgtiature oS Notary}
Completed NPB Application Completed PB County Application Articles of Incorp!Fictitiaus Name
Copy of State Licensing — Home Business Affidavit Payment Recd: Check
Signature/Zoning Compliance Officer: [)ate:
Si-naturer'Code Compliance Officer: - bate:
Signature/Fire Dept Inspector: pate;
Fee: S Penalty: S. Fire Fee:
Transfer: S __.. Unpaid Fees: S Advance Fee: S
BTR 008-t11.5 Rev 0 1 04 10
r .r�k�4 2: •h ',a Yi d'R 9._+ 1 �'i'. V 9. R..,. �w y A_.t d� 4r
�:C) EF�"CsI � EAR, �"A.T' �Jt)1 �c�rt17pc7int 1'�tr•kae �4�. Sc�it� a(�U
IS 7F IF-It 14,
4��4tit F�alfai E3�acl�, F=L 33�1t1
Tel: 061)471-5353 a Fax (561)47 1-5 355
February 6,2012
Village of North Patin Beach
Building Department
Re: 9084-9192 Alternate A I A,North Patin Beach, Florida
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter will serve as consent by the Owner of the above referenced property to allow within the
premises at 9088 Alternate A I A,North Palm Beach, Florida the use"novelty smoke shop."
If you should have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 561-471-5353.
Authorized ' at
Partner/Real Estate Manager
Member of
py y-�. fniernat�onee Council
JER?IFI �}E'�FIOFERYY C�CAMdfiV$.V of stlClp(tkng Centers
K4u11icodo h���S|�borynxmicodocmu�primuzpz?di�oUQ�|Ol6�/lDT�| cq����_
Sec. 45-16.1. - Si00ilar U00S^
(a) A use within o commercial zoning district not specifically listed as a permitted use, but
possessing characteristics similar to a permitted uoo, may be established upon written
application to the community development director for a special use permit.
(b) in evaluating an application for a special use permit for the establishment of similar use, the
community development director shall, in consultation with other village departmamtg, consider
the characteristics of the proposed uae, including, but not limited to, sizm, imtenpi<y, densiƒy,
operating hours, demands for public facilities, traffic impacts and business practices.
(c) Upon review and evaluation of the app|ica0on, the community development director ehuU
present his or her recommendation to the village council for final consideration on the next
available council agenda.
(U) The village council mheN conduct a public hearing on the application for special use permit and
determine whether the application meets the criteria set forth in subsection (b) above. The
village council shall grant Vrdeny the application by written order.
(o) In granting a special use permi{, the village council may impose conditions necessary toensure
that the proposed use:
(1) Is compatible with the existing or planned character of the neighborhood in which it Would
be located;
(2) Will not have an adverse impact upon adjacent properties; and
(3) Will not interfere with the use of adjacent properties.
Such conditions may include restrictions on the size and operating hours of the proposed use.
M |f the conditions imposed by the special use permit are not met, the community development
director may revoke the permit. A permit holder may appeal the revocation of special use
permit by filing an appeal, in vvri#ng, to the Zoning Board of Adjustment within thirty (30) days of
receipt of written notice of revocation.
(Ofd. No. 2007-76, y2, 70'25-07)
minimum floor area of seven hundred other complementary uses. The CC district shall
fifty (750) square feet; an additional one serve as a transition between residential areas
hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor and intense commercial development.
area shall be required for each additional B. Uses permitted. The following uses are per-
bedroom provided. mitted in the CC transitional commercial district:
G. Conditions for permitted uses: 1. Financial institutions
L All activities, sales and storage of goods 2. Professional offices
must be conducted entirely within com-
pletely enclosed buildings with perma- 3. Florists
nent nonmoving outside walls.The follow- 4. Clothing stores
ing exceptions apply: 5. Stationary [stationery] stores
(a) Restaurants that qualify under out 6. Photo studios/camera shops
door seating provisions of Appendix
C—Zoning, 7. Sporting goods stores
(b) Marinas with enclosed new boat re- & Gift shops
tail display area may utilize outdoor 9, Candy shops
rear and side yard site area for ground
level new boat storage, rigging, mi- 10. Seamstress/tailor shop
nor repair and display subject to the 11. Barber shops
following conditions:
W Outdoor storage, rigging, mi- 12. Hair salons
nor repair and display areas 13. Nail salons
shall be completely screened
from the view of the street right- 14. Instructional dance/music studios
of-way and adjacent properties C. Conditions for permitted uses:
with an opaque wall or fence to 1. All activities, sales and storage of
a height of six (6) feet, goods must be conducted entirely
(ii) The area of outdoor storage, within completely enclosed build-
rigging, and display area shall ings with permanent non-moving out-
not exceed the enclosed retail side walls.
display floor area, including re- 2. No outside sidewalk of parking lot
t--," display"r ca office-pace,or storage (or) display of merchandise
fifteen (15) percent of the total will be permitted.
site area, whichever is less.
(Ord. No. 10-72, § 2; Ord. No. 4-73; Ord, No. 3. No manufacturing or production of
10-73, § 7, 9-13-73; Ord. No. 14-74; Ord. No, products for retail or wholesale will
14-76, § 1, 7-8-76; Ord. No. 22-82, §§ 6, 7, 9, be permitted.
12-9-82; Ord. No. 9-87, § 1, 5-28-87; Ord. No. D. Building height regulations. No building or
17-90, § 4, 6-28-90; Ord. No,. 23-90, § 3, 6-28-90; structure shall exceed two (2) stories or twenty
Ord. No. 27-99, § 5, 8-12-99; Ord. No. 03-2001, five (25)feet.
§§ 1, 2, 2-8-01; Ord. No. 2006-06, § 1, 4-13-06)
E. Building site area regulations:
See. 45-32.1. CC Transitional commercial dis- 1. Maximum lot coverage. Main and acces-
triet. sory buildings shall cover no more than
A. General description. This residential/com-� thirty-five (35) percent of the total lot
inercial transitional district is to provide for the area.
development of low-intensity business offices and 2. Reserved.
Su p. No. 32 2500
AjAl.�e OU1101
March 6,2412
In regards to our most recent inectingthe following is a current inventory list for approval.1 have
also ammended the name to The Village Tobacco Shop.I am currently in a learning curve and embrace
all the information and guidance I have received. I feel we are on the same page in regards to the most
recent issue involving negative inventory.Mr. Knight was correct when he stated,Mrs. Masi is a mentor
and while some things work for her they are not of my core beliefs. I appreciate that being brought to
my attention. Careful consideration will be made when forwarding any items to you in addition to this
listin regards to neccesity,profit,and how the item will affect the public and reputation of my business
and not neccesarily in that order.
Inventory List 'Ibe Village Tobacco Shop
16 oz.Pipe Tobacco
8 oz. Pipe Tobacco
Cigarrette Tubes
Top Rolling Machine
Candle Holders
Incense Burners
Books(self help)
Fine Cigars I Sm.Humidor
Various hats and caps(baseball,football
Novelty lighters
Cigarrette cases
Meditation Music
Plaques(spiritual,motivational and philosophical in nature
Essential oils(for burning
Pure oils(for perfirme)
Oil burners for said oils
Knick knacks(along the same line as plaques
Again I would like the opportunity to Thank Mr. Knight, Mr. Huff and yourself for your time and
attention to this matter.
Dolores LaShomb
Jodi Nentwick, February 13"', 2012
In regard to your recent e-mail the novelty items in question are as
follows, incense and incense burners, oils, candles, books, clothing and t-shirts, ashtrays,
and lighters, spiritual knick knacks, gag gifts, wooden tobacco pipes, spiritual jewelry,
bagged tobacco for the purpose of rolling your own at home, rolling tubes, cigars, rolling
papers, cigarette cases., hand crank rolling machines. Also the possibility orcandy, 20oz.
soda, and water by the bottle. I have sent you an e-mail in regards to the pictures we
previously discussed. I also have a conceptual floor plan for review .
Please let me know if
there is anymore information needed.
Thank You for your attention to this matter.
Dolores La Shomb
Page 1 of l
Nentwick, J dl
From: Dolores LaChomb [deelashomb@gmail.coml
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2€ 12 1:07 PM
To: Nent�,vick, Jodi
Subject: Clarification of Novelty Items
Dear Jodi,
In regards to your recent request for clarification of said novelty items, I would like the
opportunity to clarify my intentions. It is not my intention to open a"head shop". My main goal
is to sell tobacco for the purpose of rolling your own at home. I will not be manufacuring
cigarettes or anything pertaining to the manufacture of tobacco.
While this will be a family business as any parents(both of whom are in thier 70°s) will
be a big part of everyday operations. It is not my intent to subject them to situations and items
they will most likely be uncomfortable with. My intent and purpose will be to supplement shier
income and make it financially more comfortable for all concerned, as well as running a
prosperous and upstanding small business in the village of North Palm Beach.
I'm sensing there are some concerns in regards to drugs and the paraphenalia that is
connected to them. While I will be solely responsible for the items and wares ordered and sold„ it
is not my intention to harm anyone. I also do not plan to sell any items such as plastic baggier
and other items connected to the drug trade. I intend to sell 100% chemical free pipe tobacco.
A lot of thought has been put into positive influence and not putting items in the hands
of people that would shape anyones life in a negative manner,
My parents and I are current, active members of the Moose here in Palm.Beach
Gardens. We have had the pleasure of befriending many people there and they are awaiting the
opening of our business. They are the clientelle I am interested in capturing.
Although Mrs. Masi has a store that currently has some of the items I have previously
mentioned, I have made it clear that I will not be willing to follow all of her inventory
purchasing practices.
In regards to the name of the store I will be arnmending the word smoke to tobacco. To
read as follows, A Hidden Tobacco Shop.
Also the hours of operation under consideration are Mon - `Fues I I to 8pm. , Wed - Sat
11 to 9pm., and Sun I 1 to 6pm. If there are concerns with these hours,I will be happy to discuss
them and ammend as necessary.
Til[t11a�J tigdill For Your l:tr E`iitel LlUn
to this matter
Dolores La Shomb
Jodi Nentwick, February 13'h, 2012
In regard to your recent e-mail the novelty items in question are as
follows, incense and incense burners, ails, candles, books, clothing and t-shirts, ashtrays,
and lighters, spiritual knick knacks, gag gifts, wooden tobacco pipes, spiritual jewelry,
bagged tobacco for the purpose of rolling your own at home, rolling tubes, cigars, rolling
papers, cigarette cases, hand crank rolling machines. Also the possibility of candy, 20oz.
soda, and water by the bottle. I have sent you an e-mail in regards to the pictures we
previously discussed. I also have a conceptual floor plan for review
Please let me know if
there is anymore information needed.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Dolores La Shomb
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