07-15-2009 Budget Workshop General Fund OverviewVillage Clerk Village Council Village of North Palm Beach Residents David B. Norris William L. Manuel Darryl C. Aubrey Edward M. Eissey Thomas R. Hernacki Mayor Vice Mayor President Pro Tern Councilman Councilman Village Manager Operating Departments Village Attorney 0 at �g`Allilfl A ",'Itltr i i Pro;e ;, "i'verview" of the current Financial conditions of the 1� 1 � , 1 i,l � w•-x 2. Cu n a shed Budget Presentation Award Program , r'r1'1ce officers Association (GFOA);'a;. . y '?r tho rQ o�ed ;F1Y201 B et and discuss •... x I,�P/, 1 1 ,, 7 t�.yjj, � 1 s( hi yid t �i r Gill �1, ar�i�!� �n..� ,!..F�ir1: ? ",�`U'k�k1�! k "t•r r. i�'',f� a a �+ I" tsi W�ii,ry �?�?�� AN GENEIU I. FUND 9 Months Ending OBaOA9 FY2 u..a..d " aI Rmvimd2009ladpa 469 03445 REVENUE Tm m - Ad- Vtkmm Takml 11.757,107 3 44,i1R ttZ1Y 0"tO6 i 4 4,j7'f154 Uldily SemiccTao44* 2,6114103 101.M 01 a 3:44 ^4 Frmsdkilm 6b4a !34000 M."4 "13% 7340" Sata6el NOT"m 2WAIA S 15.044,014 110641 IMA % 2MS04 Lim m.A3izmi1l 804,000 $0wo 6i76% Mug 7nomg mftnmu, 1,344!,532 9424418 69J% 4.40114176 Chases rve Servhm 1A3.0W 11410ft 116,'Cf+. 4;4d540 Find B;.F"d6 urea 721Sb0 1131146 I:W.71% 3015 }nY almem lnama 354,014 23A36 144% 218 x 18 Dina 3trVYnue �Pc]li�lTgnt +p Fund Aalancm X0.4,014 - ddfnc 6 llcwmia0erl es liomtni 2:41014 29AU14 eY.tU% 2S�Yd(rb luawwaucRef4nda 0 1±t13N 43444% I,1M5 L,'Cdr5el9reniwi 18,314 78.tYai 82.57P TOTALRF4ZbM 30,801;7!2 S 41,673.351' avz% 17,+35.554 EXPENSE 43axsral:lom mmen:- t91lag4Cmadl 130.IA1 491,$55 718371- 123,113 Y414.6s 31anLKm 289.560 162.314 6643'% 214jwt lkunm.Rsaw�u.n 248A10 363A52 7YAS% t!'i,1415 'flusher%= 439.744 360.710 7..4911 XWO6 1nf=fftU¢m Tr_ehwlmay, 205.488 1161 a 76.61!1 211,189 'MaVA4uancy 170600 MAU 4989% .3k" VOW Ckfk 260.745 1,853,315 3113.435 6*36% =d# rulda: Safest - Police 1,37411183 316541" 6119141 3-NXI" FitmReuue 1,1#0,$94 7,875,377 3,14764249 64.79% t".067 Pub:- -- Wet% -Admin 320"10 14N1732 74464 2WAI* swtA 134ics 1,550A49 3,4111! 319 6935% k346.4d11 Facility Smkem C4lA70 449,2 1 7 bft $19,37'!1 S&cct:L &. amua des 1,149.822 773 1 SIA7% 9341fts Vchkirf,,- cu-ia 330.119 4X3,476 146.232 7S.7d% 2370M c4a mmi4y rAl- vciul =c4.Plu=ny d1 Ftyiwmu- u 2SU74 Win 7161% 116,4'17' Buildisy 5410,101 3311 473 9969% 46619x4' Cbd433flrnlucu ---1 131519 031,1'91 F7f1119 39...'0% tl%m Lc4wlrr So v. - Rmr"L.,." 11665,610 678918 "Aft 734.1112 Pz-ia 14,1ainIsmaure 589,777 418 71.0$% 387,47! Peel 46035 18098 60.74% MAX Tennis 35000 244671 d7.72% 137,457 Lil.uy 76d.070 3,153.214 570„813 7"S% 5,19.187 DOA Gha - D&I Sn. 1,543.100 1,123.743 859".'% 6'91.410 C-tiga ney 315.437 3534141 411.17% WDAV Akn433,epmmncwd ; 330,43' 2,15:,65'4 1$6„493 r!!T=l 2#41917 TCJTALF_NPFVMS S L',SGL, -i: i 43XdXO$ I 67A4% $ 138464912 4'ETR3i.'MIINI.+f?i9xf,RN49 41191AU S 74x547.523 VILL IGE OF NORTH F.- LM BEACH GENERAL FUND PRELIMINARY FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS Total Fund Balance - September 30, 21308 (4s Adjusted) Appropriated Fund Balance EsdMarrd Uoreseen-ed, Uhapprophated Ptmd Balance Esmncr'ed income FY 2008 - 2 Esrrn!rarrd . Unreserved, U napproprimd. Fund Balance Far Fiscal Year 2008 - 2004 FY 2009 Budget Appropriations of Fund Balance Res ft 200M7 Loan Payoff 234.775 Total Fund Balance Appropriations 1011.2008 -to- 0710912009 2008 -H ES'IL4{. = S S.'65,513 S,430,73 9 8,030,738 Note: 200&09 Appropriations vyill reduce OV3=06 Fund Balance. Based upon "proposed" FY2010 Budget Village Reserves are at 45 %! GFOA DISTINGUISHED BUDGET 11 1 1 1611 OWN III! n t 111 1 t SMOV-1 LTJ I ■ The GFOA established the Distinguished "Budget Presentation Awards Programer" in 1984 to encourage and assist state and local governments in preparing budget documents of the highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA's recommended practices, it then recognizes those governmental entities that succeed in achieving that goal. ■ The entity has to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines are designed to assess hove well an entity's budget serves as a: 1 Policy document 2. Financial Plan 3. Operations Guide 4. Communications Device Budget documents must be rated "proficient" in all four categories to receive the award. The award reflects the commitment of staff' and the governing body in meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. The Village hasn't received this award since 1995! xw ijI :.J � ® I I � • • O • 1 fit's!; * +;•'�";,r;��'' ate' FaN. •N ' I•tha• taN ;; N•a�I:�4•ra1 IIR; X18 p. p� �.•'f: yly,..�• � + 't!!;.:4,li Y ?i . B' Clli ,rti tIN';;a, d !+r,� I • I I l �1•: I.uuu4•. 4''.:il' •k'„ 4s .1:.;:i 4<�!•�;1s, l•'!1'R• Iil�l I,Ind .�t�1 I I t ^!i;�i�i;(;'9• .4f•A� �I' I IKI I I d I�{•P 1 I I I tH� 1 �lai' NyW, q, 11i� �, , �I lu 11 I �I �(I N idR�N t i I'am �! ���. at �tr•!u �•. 1 I I i 1''.Y � _+I �R 9 y"r� t 1 (��. 4D ,r, •F.!9� .,9: �.�'' �r , ! i I � i • Y I�I II1 i;. �,I(H. ' 1 •Y��;a a t��" d" I I i i +1c1 tir 4 4.�•t11'' .�p'Y I t 1• N I I � :c. 1 ' i! h RIN I I I I *1 I I i i' nl'.�'IP;G lk�9.•. 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VILLAGE OF IVORTH PALM BEACH Property assessed Valuations 1998- 2010 xy» ')000 ____ ____�________ ________ _______- _ 1 1 1 ____ 4 ________1 _____ 1 __________ -- 1900 __t________�________r_______ 1 r________ r_____ __y________y________y________y_ 17— _y - LS__, --- - -- -- 11800 -------------------------------I --------------- -------- -------- 4 ------ 1 - a-------- a- ---- - --a-- -- �- -- - --- 1.700 ________ __ 4-_______ F__-_ ---- 1 ____F________4_____- _.._____ ___ _ ________.1____ 1 __.�___- ____4________ 4 ------ - --- _ -- - - - -- -- - - -- --- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- -- ;----- --- i-- - --- - -I -- ,.41,; - -- ---- ;----- - --; -- - -- -;- - -Ld7- i,500 -------- `-------- `------ --L- 1 1 1 -- ----- L--- ----- L- -- - - - -'- - -- -- ' -- - - -- '------ 1 1 1 1 1 - -' - -- ---- '----- -- -' -- --- -'- - - - - -- 1 1 1 1 > 14000 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1,300 ________L________L________L ________L________L _______J____ __ J________ J ________J________J________J____ ----1--- -- - - -- e i?OD -------- -------- L -------- ---------------- 1 1 - -- -- -'- -- -- -- -- - --- - - -; - -- - - -- -- - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - - -- .2 1,100 ------- L-------- 1-------- L-------- L--- - - - - -L --- J-------- J-------- --- - - - - -- -------- J-- - - - - -- -------- 1--- - - - - -• W t 1,000 _______-- , , r-- - - - - -- -------- r--- , _____ , , , , _______ , , iCC- - -r - -- --- f----- _ -1 - -- 1--- __- __l_- ___- _- l- ___ -__ -l- l--_-_--_T____-___- 900 -------- f- - - - - -- -- --- r--- ilS'-- f----- - -1 - -- Y-------1--------1--_---_-l____--_-1-------T-_-_____- _______ ----- r 1 800 ______ 1 1 1 - 4 -------- 4 -------- 1 1 4 -------- 4 -------- 4 - 1 1 1 y -- 1 1 1 600 500 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 300 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y_.___._. y________________ 1 1 1 1 J_____ ___y________4________.________. 'M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1(», 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1958 1999 2000 2001 2002 2009 2004 204 2006 2LY07 2008 2009 2010 Fe" Ytar IN d n.,...w W .A e......d r...1 A—" Y..r Yduu� Y.v YaWe.� Yw YJud� 1M3 TOAWN !tiff 1,]37,510�M 21Mi xAx3,D1xJtT 1 "3 T33A31,.34 !6N 1,1Vf, "3,111 26" xJ.T•I.G,^oc x161 031"1.1:.1 !6" 1,1!3,D0,!N 2436 M13.215A74 :001 OS1A13,310 !3a lA6T.64AT3x xoo! MAHAN 2a1 I. MMus Village of North Fahn Beach FY 2010 3Sillage Selection Options FY 2009 Xllage Rate FY 2009 Ad-Valorem Proceeds FY 2009 Final Taxable Value FY 2010 dross Taxable Value FY 2010 Rolled Back Rate Calculations for selection ofmiilla a rate: Fri 2010 Rolled Back Rate FY 2010 Majority Vote Rate A S 1,842,024,582 deem m waMe eetue (168,77.8,908) -9.16% S 1,673,245,674 7.4111 Increase I (Decrease) o -v er 2009 Ad- Rlllla *e Rate Ad-Valorem Valorem 7.411.1 S 11,781,038 S 23,511 7.5967 S 12,075,588 S 318,091 FY 2,010 Two- Thirds Vote Rate 8.3564 S 13,283,195 S 1,525,698 !Iiillage Rate Regnbred to retain FY 2009 . Ad- Valorem 7.3966 S 11,757,497 S (0) Retain FY 2009 XIMage Rate 6.6V7)' S 10,640,5 -53 S (1,110,90 Statutory Maximum 10.0000 S 15,895,834 S 4,138,33' h+Ianagees Proposed Rate 61.9999 S 1.1,126,925 $ (630,57`2 Village of North Palm Beach Taxable Value & Ad- Valorem Tax Revenue Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 • 2008 - 2009 MIlage RE to = 6.6977 ails F I Back Mllage Rate for 2009 - 2010 = 7.4114 ails Proposed Mllage for 2009 - 2010 = 6.9999 rrils • Ina ease from 2008 - 2009 Wage Fate = 0.3022 cols I MLIAIGETABLE MLLAGEcpnCNS _ FUI Bads Rate: 7.4114 Majority \/ate: 7.5967 213 Mote: 8.3564 Statutory Max 10.0000 2000 -2009 PROPOSED 2000.2009 ADOPTED 2000 -2010 PROPOSED 2009 -2010 RNAL Armurt ircrease Deaww ( -) over Prior Year %Irwease( +) over Pricy Year CROSSi4SSESSEDVALLE: 1,847,845,205 1,847,845,205 1,673,245,674 1,673,245,674 - 174,589,531 -9.45% BUACETARY TAXABLE VALLJE(95° /4: 1,755,452,945 1,755,452,945 1,589,583,390 1,589,583,390 - 165,869,555 -9.45% OPERAITNG MLLAGE 6.7322 6.6977 6.9999 6.9999 0.3022 4.51% MMAlIDADVALCFEM TAX REVE N LE- 11,818,060 11,757,497 11,126,925 11,126,925 - 630,572 -5.36% • 2008 - 2009 MIlage RE to = 6.6977 ails F I Back Mllage Rate for 2009 - 2010 = 7.4114 ails Proposed Mllage for 2009 - 2010 = 6.9999 rrils • Ina ease from 2008 - 2009 Wage Fate = 0.3022 cols I MLIAIGETABLE MLLAGEcpnCNS _ FUI Bads Rate: 7.4114 Majority \/ate: 7.5967 213 Mote: 8.3564 Statutory Max 10.0000 r i, . .. ..... . . will revenue y ea ..... ... ....... imates. ar �:rH, .lha:, b An A& Aft dft • - ;tat a do Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Revenues Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Fines & Forfeitures 0.8% Charges for Services 9.3% Intergovernmental 5.6% Licenses & Permits 3.4% Sales & Use Takes 1.3% Franchise Fees 6.4% Utility Service Taxes 10.5% Miscellaneous 0.1% Investment Income 0.5% Taxes - Ad- Valorem Taxes 62.2% $17,883,886 ®Taxes - Ad- Valorem Taxes ■ Utility Service Taxes ❑Franchise Fees E3 Sales & Use Taxes ■Licenses & Permits 0 Intergovernmental ■Charges for Services ❑Fines & Forfeitures ■Investment Income ■Miscellaneous t"ll61r;ie-re does the rtzo,3,, ey �I etnar This question comers up every budget year as residents consider their 8% Ps IM tax bills_ If% a fair nuestinn. Residents are very aware that most of the of Beach valued services (fire and police serAcest parks and recreation, and ���'������� t h i Palm 2C% streets and sanitation) come from their local governments. However, Bearer the majority of the property (ad vabrem) tax dollar goes to jurisdictions Palm other than North Palm Beach. seaen County So. the Answer to questiorn can be answered simply... Put! le south S Ch.a'. a Florida Only 330 of your tax dollar goes to the water Mornt Village of North Palm Beach! 3% s r Public Safety ...and this is where the 330 goes.... Public 'Works orks h, W7 440 OW Leisure General Debt and Services Government Other * 0 Community Development In addition, the Village maintains its services to residents at one of the lowest millage rates in the area... including municipalities with both significantly larger and smaller populations. I , 9A000- 8.0000- 7-0000-, 5-0000-z 3-0000 - 2.06407 - x 1-0000- 0-000 Piviera &each Lae.& Park Lake War.91 Vilest Palm Noi-h Pa"M TO Palm Scant quezra I Beach Beach Gardens - E MWaW Rates 1 8.4260 a.51 S-1 7-6500 7 191S 6.6977 5.7671 5-2500 The charts serve to demonstrate allocated costs both by Category and by Village Departments 14% 50/( 2009 General Fund Budget - by Category Deb Capital 800 40% o Operating 20% 68% 2009 Budget by Department 1 -701 9% 10% 21% 39% 0General Government ® Public. Safety ❑Public Works ❑Community Development ■ Park & Recreation ❑ Library ■ Debt Services rces Increase revenue without increasing the LM ti , a�t �ja 1 Y M1 p i E' tia• r h tr r r`i a� �w•r �'�.a krre ra• aF• a • §• •rP' ry+' a..a .:." ..; }gy��} s Collec 0 0 0 �jl ...�;i: `: •,� }t'a' � }hSam fail 9 }y, 1 11t� t Mi 1 r� }4 1 I fi;.•F'.:'3v. •Nt�ata h•hk�t a lraaa:l *''•ta' }� �' �'+'� a•F'� �C• � a - '�'S:a••a @t FF'•: hh :;ha•v �:;rl;'•:A,j;'' F : � I� '::.I::::�: :�:.::::::�::!f. �a., „�a�...�:'. ?.t Il,,;l:j l:t:;':A,h I.; hrk, Ftj:... .};h i;;fha;;7• :� }a;: v.ja:•�:ra;:arN,; aa;;, d; :;Maa••;h 'a;F a;;;haa;• }aa; ��h••, a;• I r. r l r i,llt ,k {�:itr;.at. ttla• +ha, +, ;>�,a;a•,�a;;;ra, a•.aaa;:•>:t^*,:+ '� �ra't••a::tt: .t, t• t; +'�,''�.; .; �g "t:�''�i''•>�a::.>:'':a•. �' I I I' r ' 1 I i ' 1: 1 I H' .I:;;};'•F: h'fi: i• a; ; h.;N •�yF •h a•' d�,7ya; •1:} •. {�y �•h ,.� ., •h a•' ;} <I: h •H.1•}:I'•1•: r •h: h•r : rF: li; f ::,:A:r,•::.r!.ry:ti ?:j!'(:j�(( N:,:ii:.i :4vi l�,: dii ^I:a:;I;F a• rN•t':M'�M 9L�7•W:'v9'•ba'•h• a.. 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'"' �: ��° � "�:F: .aat am •.tt ••� F F F N�'�`• i; : .�'a."• +:� l ". �d' Fapl ii 'a.r •.v :tj':1$: *.*tiaa:':i•Sia:r :';ry':pl; t.;7.: krt; *. � vai':!i2x•'��. *i pa• o a;W'a';r;�;t'�•;a'�1 `4. .gie $ '�j. � �:” %�g:) +„;hja: '•7;?;a'aSkH�t, �;Ni�'�i�'' .'�. t• H S'Yl'•9,y: ylil'4: t 1 r r i r 1 I,, r *t, ra r 1! i i'.'.rl :;r,,'w �•ra�a;!�•ra:: ?:�L a *S'a°L: *i'k� "�'• "• °• • *•::�a :• ., y;:•a�•. a�^'�y t �y�;tyat;n�; •. };i;r'�tt r �,tl t t 1 g;;�:� i*t a„�+r,., a�'ar.�'•,',r'. Ci r:yki kyr a:;.. , I I'• I•i'� �> � $ "::. °.': . I i r r l rl h t t t a Ili 1' r Fr,;3; v: r •ra• 5:a• •ti.'��a�. �� : +tt;. +a•.:t,A:• a•.;r,�a•;�a *`+.:^ta. d�,r uy r +�a eta *•i'.<ki �: P:�:;y:9.A i t V;r;rr�t q a t; i, Ida. a. a..l.; .. . a.�;� �;;.:i •I I �..!'. � i ,. ? r�l r ',n!.: FI 111.kc�' iE >�: tr.:wr�, :Fgr.ia. +:'kib: `• U,t•S!_a.'a'>M•!a:la" ��iu�'ar, ., F•�: 1; A; .4i v .n ,NIT" ge s B k } O s t s ,NIT" e 'u �3 , r ■ ■ �i 6 ■ j�or positns �g Village s i s., remainin si '" i�i' 'Ri x'MJ x� 'N"' n r.JJ"' more "Value" for''"' or "" " .... ',i, p�ssi� tix fJ _ ,y YJ,W' ✓Y " "'X,., JAJJ', J ,111, r J u "A�vi i ,� � ^Y�+3�+�a, s ��"`��"� �vi� ��,,�; xt �'���,�. .: ti .:� ��+� Jr�'"i J J���� � ,Jy�}' ���� J J• � " '�+�, �ss y inue to outsource 01, � . ii�� ,v�^ ins to reduce: workforce, sing service levels.W Workforce iReduction is key! 1 #' y _ _ a Ste [ m o Action Plan The Plan was divided into four steps, and it was anticipated that to effectively implement all components of this "multi- phased action plan" it would take roughly 3 years. Imeme' hi ; freeze for specific targeted areas and I ►i� otr h : . .' J Ia,' a Vacancies where practical. T , ad n sI . nd reoraan i o . )la I Village Clerk 2, F7 I (.-j"eneral Fund Residents of 7he MlIage of North Palm Beach. Viiiage Council Village Manzger 2 FTJ Finance F7 I 1 PT I Human Resources 2 FT I 1 I Worm ation Technology 2 F7 1 P7 1 Comr--irity 1eve opmen-. 9 F—I 2 PT I Public '.'ti,orks 40 FT (+:.! FFT) I Public, --- ireey 67 FT 11 PT 23 Volunteers 1 Library 8 PT 10 PT Parks & Recreation. FT (-2 FT 41 P7 ( -1 PT 65 IC f +1 IC I Village Atorney I Summary- 143 FT M PT -1 137' elo Ic �" IC Z3 VOIL'iteers F- 2000 -2011? Budget Personnel C h-inge. ° =gl ilr g Chsn,:_s t;nclr.des D .--n Sa:ary & E» ne''15): =Osa:or. occup!ad "v comment Pe-rilt & Llcenslr g Tsui 4a:ant un'unrsed p -.cnon :.1a ntar31ce 4 +: xwr FT v::nnt d_'.ele F,cE - -r P.-Ice Cellcer bacant delele pcstor ;pl:c ZVe7 A. de van"It a1y pcs- - r. Dlred:cr of Flnarca 5% Incent^ve F.'D `.n --ice T,' .e tir,!it= F!,av: Llautenari TIM ; ,hsns =_ C)n;r (ue!,.ePsnr m. ceprwn-) L 12ute!lari TXe Z,h„hy2 Dr ^.,•' !: CBpia" 11 FlreSighter,'M;edI- change to Flrersgr. -ward :=FAT: bUlge-ed 9 Step Vl A. -O tea. -Xs r Fc{. De _i2 3.cs- .n Recreaton Progrm" n - mr:11rator aid posnsn; grade 7er7ls sLpe -. s,r ;zzs *.cr Rec 3s£, ltd Re,r? :' - -L ^n S tpe,,.scr (t-we 21'.: P of Supesursor P."VtOr, Re', ass la Reora_a -inn vuperitsor fl-,ale 2'1: Pecr=auoq Suser,� s,- ^,s -or rec asses tr :n grzAe _2 -, grade 2 Recreation Sucer,' >s.. -,- E..tor r J;6seI 1r -rl grade 22 -7 y^ ^rye i` P',olrlana_er d,eiep2f' ::r Ir,et- r,en- Con-ractor PaM.Faoillttes Manager aid posclrn Qt it dps nl Recreation Supery s - D- d =- ele p,s -or Speclat E'rerus Coordinator YE'nant aid pos,=.n Dlrec :. -or Parks a Re, Pze Ior r - -c assel'r -n grade. 24 "2 ^yrale 3' erplJwce Sala i it -. per HR ,SpeVaisi. Pss!ror r_c asses Tram grade 27 m. grade 22: employee salary fr.,zer Der- Cvertlrle Rc- lu,r~y varoLs VNIsie ,_p3rtmer -s ,otal 1ncraaea Macroaae{ Proposed Personnel Cost 5 13 :064,651.00 Increase Ideereasel w - 'S 172.aC; {131,OEd.00;. $ 12,933,583.00 ($25,384.) : _5,7'_2.0 =; r dG,E�Q.O.i 10,4_6.0 =; 1G,124.G� CIM.auj {131,OEd.00;. $ 12,933,583.00 Parks & Recreation Director of Parks & Recreation 1 FT Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation 0 FT ( -1 FT) Recreation /Program Coordinator i FT' ( +1FT) Marina Wet Dry Storage, Camps and LC. Programs and Instructions Youth Art Instructor 1 PT Camp Counselor 10 PT Independent Contractors. 64 IC Parks Maintenance (Transferred to Public Works Irrigation Technician I OFT ( -1 FT) Grounds Maintenance Worker OFT ( -1 FT) Grounds Maintenance Worker OPT ( -1 PT) Parks / Facilities Manager 1. FT ( +1 FT) Anchorage, Osborne, Lakeside, Community Center, Pool and Tennis Recreation Supervisor Recreation Supervisor Pool Manager Recreation Assistants Pool Lifeguard Swimming Professional Tennis Professionals 4 FT OPT ( -I PT) 9 PT 20 PT 1 IC 2 IC Special Events Coordinator 1 PT ( +1 PT) -Heritage Day -01 of July (Fireworks) -Holiday Boat Parade -Holiday Tree lighting -Easter egg hunts Summary: Change: FT =7 -2 FT PT = 41 -1 PT IC = 67 Pe,rson.,,,nel Summary GENERAL FUND F/T P/T I C LY= 143 67 65 TY= 143 66 66 +/- n/c -1 +1 COUNTRY CLUB F/T P/T I C LY= 5 21 1 TY= 5 21 1 +/- n/c n/c n/c Health & Dental / United Healthcare • 10% increase anticipated for renewal (ea. I%= $12,732) Healthcare Insurance -Monthly Employee Cost (ncrease of 3`Xo') HMO POS Single +1 Family Single +1 Family TY= $21.46 $131.62 $215.87 $0.00 $159.96 $240.13 LY= $1 9.51 $119.65 $196.25 $0.00 $145.52 $218.30 Compensation Overview IMPROMMAN �� 11 _ / � l �.. •. • a;.aya•. dip AWA �q I: r' a a:�¢'I ihiN +" !Fi'"rN�a}' } }}.� °�.j,,� + }a+••.+� �}*f }a,�'f la a:':r'`r •" "} N " + +a'�':F + + }} }ar�a�' G + } }} 4a�4 a t s t ;.ed• a + rw � , 5: � � r'. HI I N ,:t} 6 a�. }R:fta aa. as � fi:+ �' •m � Y�.� AA h + • • Nth +.+ + } + N 1 i i k ® M` i• . 7 ,I,.bfI; . l + aI , +�� . / ',"ice ;t•� R t + ° +, + Ck .; .taI .l. x l a .�.; ' }...:w + . N+N+ NN f • "1 N F i I "hI I .} a . + h-t h : . , • f +t i , .I ...h+a.. }+ +.•t . }.+..C.'�f"•'Nt..; + . +N. }.. a- .t.•.•,� •N•c a+•... &�<... • h�`}: ,'?z�} } • a} ¢• + "a+ ' •: } +. +'t• +a:: N:;° .'F�F: +'a;.+'•f.+•� @:I; a; Ma,g•3:. :�a;;ta :t t;:l�;f,:t••i;.;'�"t;• ,,., ;• p• a•: I�an�• r: k•• wt•k :t:P::kak ?:af:••kd;�:F' ?:O: �:ak'?:I; t. +'•t;.;ta;: +' k':!: A:aym;t •,;.;Na;.• ;:t•a;.,' 11 �!1 •a;�:}a } }+ Fay+• Fa;' ia; 7;. N •'•t'!i;';}?;1•' }:;,: +'r' + +'i +i i, t�i!Iji;•�FF'fip •1:i; :'?t't�i;:ii:i;:i��: ;F!;��t!;t t�h';Iii iiI hhl.Fi.. h'I +hh h�h i�h•h!, +' +!';t,,'�: •'9 �F hil i�h, i;I,N + }�y'+ + } }•, 'I'I�il ii'i.N . �Itr ; }'a;'!, } }++'�/'i }aa;F a;�N'a� }!t }'} }'td, + }a + +F 1,4F ti•t:Nhh. +a.. FF. .,h +F.,hi i::l•�;F FBI I "Fa;�h h�i; •hi;i;;hii;':h!:l+;hii INI tli i,li h'ia: h'"F t�Y:F,� a,+•, NF1,: iI. � ; +hh•,N',•N•;)7•f•4a•N• }'t4•}'{ i9: �r ' I}' a;'! ,a•'a;•!.+'� }'a;�!'a;' +'! }r;f'a �'�7;'%'a;'!, }' +': }'• ':N!,a;';,;� }'�aF ;7, a}+' I+' a;! ;F'•F."}'i;; +'a}a;'t!,a;'•NNi:a ii h "i Frl l•!: h'+ ih'+i• h' a;' !:F' +!, +'F!,a•' }'!�•:�•Fr +l'IS, ta, +ar + +h a't, +a;'tF +,l''• •p. f� � �'' tx +..a }.,.� .+a,r"b. -4 � e h.,.,. + }., +. �a;�l..:,�!a.d•_: .•+ } . } a;.+}+.; x++.+ 1, �.+ Na:. h+ �• a:! a:: i! a:: i!:" f" H: rhdy; hh` h++'• fF}•. t+, �• a ; +;r. +�+. +�t.+r +.,t ++. + + +.a;'�; ra•.•t +a•�4 I : Ny �y ® a''' =+ } •F'� •s F c�fr:•:�4k•. + + + } h . h v a .; a. kH::.l: n:h •i •f •: + + + + N + + + •t�' a• • Ntt:: x} ';p +.'�;..N�::;x.:��?�..hf.a•N: y; +I. ht �rty:•N't:.a'�.•. }v : F} Na}.} a• d;,• I•. F+ a;: F+ a;: FNF:: N, FF:+} a1i: �F, �FNI: F�; I:;: N. iA�; hl ;ly+jh *ffti; " {hr,F;1;h +Nitaha;; hti;;N,i:N } } }I;tt'� +9':'xa: • • dt•h ` +ai'1;3, by +a'' } a +!• + C�} W •h} 4.3 :;1 t N•N + N•N asr.. • }�. } }a;�;Na•.�,Nt.; tad;.} �a;.; Faa ;.;Nad;, +•ha;.;N,�1• } }t }� + +•*F FFF N } +, } }a h:N •N,ij• 1a•Y Yah t}+ hha I•h+ I•hh 1•r +t }i;.;t•N�,;; +a'4.;f}a;., _ ._ ._. ...+'+tN a� .. P h. +} •• •i � �::... ).it i!• ¢!::. N' N? ��• 4..+'! �.'!' f�1A; i'} t'}.'•'. �+'!::'•!+'!:: �3' i�!• N' � ::�I•'1;:�i•'i;::i:t'!:�:l:i..: lal;•F,Nt,:,l,•tF INI hii Fia. +a;i; �1; XIa:�:ba; d:Ma; i:id: %:Mt iha; :ii�'h ++ + ++t'kla;;:tt Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Operating Highlights Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Description Amount Contractual Services $ 641,186 *Street Maintenance Contract $130,000 • Park Maintenance Contract $298,200 • Facility Services - Outside Repairs $50,000 • Tennis Court Maintenance Contract $49,350 • Various software support agreements, etc. $113,636 Utilities 604,483 • Electricity $350,325 • Gas $26,523 • Telephone & Data $140,427 • Water & Sewer $87,208 Materials & Supplies 487,645 • Materials & Supplies $280,095 • Office Supplies $39,600 • Computer Supplies $14,550 *Auto Parts Supplies $71,000 * Library Materials $82,400 Recreation Program Expenses (offset with Recreation Program Rever, 467,200 Property /General Liability 356,082 Gas, Oil & Lubricants 288,506 Repairs & Maintenance 177,465 • R & M Automotive $38,340 • R & M Building & Grounds $61,000 • R & M Machinery & Equipment $30,500 • R & M P.A. & Communication Systems $25,075 • Street Striping $6,000 • Tree Trimming $10,000 • Other Repairs & Maintenance $6,550 Legal Fees 170,000 Solid Waste Disposal 103,000 Uniforms 50,850 Travel, Training & Conferences 46,647 Professional Services 42,000 Total Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 Operating Costs 1 $ 3,745,647 7-f i pi e4- Expenditure 1. M a ex enditure continue; to b with ecial attention towards p ut intona� Y P241'''� s Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Capital Highlights Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 19-119, O.'i I i Public Safety Library 0 :_ r; 1 MU Sft :: Overlay 300,000 •- Rqmir 20,000 StormDraina,W 83111 Pallette racl<s for storage 5,000 • .� 111 ' '•• 1111 Refs rhish public 10,642 (2) A/C air handlers 19,270 :11 1: 111 i� 111 29,912 1 111 Total Fiscal Year 2009 -2010 Capital Plan 1 $ 5479 712 17 IX \7`t 11! AL ervices 17ILLAGE OF �ORTH F- ALM BEACH DEBT SERN IC:E Original Loam Fund Bank Amount Issued Maturity Fears Fixed-Viriable C.urreat Rate Annual Debt Pmt Geme:al W- achoria $ 6,:60,000 199- 101- 20 'Variable LsPi 5 430,000 Total C4meral Fund S 6,564,000 S 434,000 Country Club R*achat a 3 600.000 2000 2010 10 Frted 5.22ai 3 90,000 Coumm Club Bans of America $ 4,893.6 73 2006 2024 18 :'ari3ble 4.22% S 304.901 Total Couatry Club S 5,:193,673 S 474,901 Total Debt Swdce 5 12,653,6; 3 S 943,901. Th a Villa ge of -North Palau. Beach Proposed B.udc,.,et FY 2009- 1010 Debt & Other Proposed Debt Sm ice Debt Sers:ce Resen-es & Contingencies CoimcH Contingency ? f16.9 =; ; '4� C 20.000 Od3er 0 '+ioa- DepattmentdCeo dSvcs- idbgeHa11 Property Cseneral Liability lnsumnce l btedsh & Supphes N eusl,etter Postale Rental Utibti,es Otber Ope2actg Costs; Total Expenses 3 56,082 4,500 37.500 35.000 12,100 33,804 1,000 FY 2010 vs FY 2009: S change (657,;159; % cbaige -37OLo S 130,000 ori;jnal 2009 Budget 2008 Actual 2007 Actual S 14-03,415 $ 859,932 S 996,136 4 1.254,952 393,884 139.43; 58,244 15.735 20.000 5,035 10.000 0 18,313 15.242 226,944 159.437 1,336,544 634.861 174.386 S 1.136.930 200.000 388,162 4 7-3;494 6.000 6,27 1 x,151 36.000 38,329 28,974 40.000 27,9"x2 33,191 .12100 9,467 10,323 31,837 29,r8 29.480 500 13: 5,0491 326.4-47 500,136 586.163 5 1.794,289 $ 2.696,611 S 22- ,.159 Village of North Palm Beach Debt Service 1998 - 2010 1,350,000 $1,308,415 1,250,000 $1 Iij 50n 1,150,000----- ,150,000 $1,073,888 $1,019,200 1,050,000 $1,019,840 $1,006,174 $949,428 950,000 $911,299 a 850,000 N = 750,000 R $668 660 $643,918 N 650,000 ~ $545,000 550,000 450,000 $413,872 350,000 250,000---1 i 150,000 50,000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Fiscal Year Village of North Palm Beach General Fund Expenditures Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010 Capital: $547,712 3.06% Operating: $3,745,647 20.94% By Function Non -Op Debt Service: Contingency: $430,000 $226,944 2_An01 1.27% Total $17,883,886 Personnel Costs are driving the budget at 72% Personnel: $12,933,583 72.32% By Department Leisure Services $2,399,014 Debt & Other 13.41% $1,013,026 General Government 5.66% $1,853,315 Community Development 9.72% $808,638 4.52% Public Safety $7,002,530 Public Works 39.16% $4,600,833 25.73% Capital: $547,712 3.06% Operating: $3,745,647 20.94% By Function Non -Op Debt Service: Contingency: $430,000 $226,944 2_An01 1.27% Total $17,883,886 Personnel Costs are driving the budget at 72% Personnel: $12,933,583 72.32% rl- - ' - :AI r r� J tr � 5{ Personnel onti Revenues Taxes: Ad- Valorem Taxes Utility Service Taxes Franchise Fees Sales & Use Taxes Licenses & Permits Intergovernan entaI Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Interest M iscellaneous The Village of North Palm Beach Proposed Budget FY 2009 -2010 General Fund 0 rig ina12009 Actual Actual Proposed Budget 0 9/3 0/0 8 09/30/07 11,126,925 1,870,980 1,145,000 229,131 $ 14,372,036 611,400 V-A AO'O 1,004,568 Gez► �^ 1,664,832 G _V 135,200 85,050 0 10,800 Total Revenues: �e0� 17,883,886 Expenditures � e �O0. N. G eneral Government: V e $ 11,757,497 $ 11,915,355 $ 12,076,184 2,010,103 2,018,071 2,001,443 986,000 1,212,562 1,207,552 286,414 278,649 292,332 822,060 1,047,144 886,699 1,275,232 1,516,624 1,486,840 1,590,036 1,268,774 1,082,569 73,550 157,022 132,158 254,800 194,652 650,022 17 500 137 447 185 604 1 9,073,1 92 1 9,746,301 20,001 ,403 V illage Council 126,105 139,162 144,097 127,717 ��1 V illage Manger J G 299,684 289,560 282,339 356,049 H um an Resource //�� '♦ `a7 N4, 233,109 208,616 218,821 204,396 Finance %gy 526,182 489,744 425,670 416,460 Information Techno 304,744 295,488 285,872 236,740 • illage Attorney 0411, 170,000 170,000 122,646 151,924 • illage Clerk 276,117 260,745 247,577 226,617 General Services 123,904 2,059,845 126,437 111,954 112,669 Public Safety: Law Enforcement 4,259,057 4,338,178 4,088,898 3,993,518 Fire Rescue 2,597,615 2,898,594 2,555,925 2,317,469 General Services 145,858 7,002,530 138,605 130,757 133,920 Public W orks: Public W orks A clan in 348,959 326,016 265,775 280,883 Sanitation 1,525,549 1,558,049 1,777,522 1,713,290 Facility Services 672,132 641,370 553,459 493,111 Streets & Grounds (add Parks) 1,697,803 1,150,967 1,550,082 1,527,584 V ehicle M aintenance 356,390 4,600,833 311,029 372,918 293,318 C o m an unity D evelopm ent & Planning: Community Planning 219,645 213,468 159,315 202,231 Building 470,960 565,122 581,431 409,797 Code Enforcement 118,033 808,638 131,519 155,787 144,820 Leisure Services: Library 776,441 766,976 749,874 748,248 Recreation 956,239 968,618 960,573 897,882 Park M aintenance (moved to PtY) - 564,969 980,312 697,683 Pool 286,222 404,035 248,958 311,829 Special Events 87,000 97,000 94,073 86,203 Tennis 293,112 2,399,014 351,073 181,707 - Debt& Other: Debtservice 430,000 1,308,415 859,932 996,136 C on t i n g c n c y 226,944 159,437 81,591 40,977 Transfer In /Out - - 1,254,952 593,884 Non - Departmental 356,082 200,000 388.182 473,494 Total Expenditures 7 883 88 19,073,192 19,830,999 18,188,848 n. 9.8% Net Revenue Over Expense $ $ $ (84,698) $ 1,812,555 k F iN11:tir' n , will r�e IT" —O � �Ivw� "I. �k id 61 rlik li; ,I, i.l^Jy�P.FF`I;,h, IFA�lill I;�" 11 J' 11 I I' i i;f�Hi i I :I h.l�l h i I'dll �iji ,1 1 111 fl ;. .whl I t FI} 1 ;� -- I i"4 rr �,. i 1.:..: i hil a.ar i'. i i _ i --"'w. - m�R-g;•t j �.r s�'f eA.ri ..�a:?f * N '•`r Q _., _ . - +r hNl�J••rfl+ i•r +F •r� '4u�� I j � 11 rh N i i � +1 i i HI rvrj, F h .i F i i d �1: �r4• 1 � ar :j � � ha h i l l i� i y i i r!�I1 iii i r+ f� l• �1 �:*'*}I i 1 r* , x *•}N} � `. 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