OCTOBER 13, 2011
• Present: Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
William L. Manuel, President Pro Tern
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilman
James Titcomb,Village Manager
Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All
members of staff were present.
Mr. Rubin reported on recent legislation that removes or restricts the ability of municipalities to
implement bonus programs for employees. Mr. Rubin explained the statutory requirements that a bonus
program must be eligible to all employees and must be performance based. Mr. Rubin noted that the
Village's Employee Service Award Program, which awards a monetary bonus based on the employee's
years of service, does not meet new statutory criteria.
Discussion ensued on non-monetary forms of recognition for years of service. Mr. Rubin will confer with
Attorney Lara Donlon to see what Council may offer that does not conflict with the statute.
Discussion was held concerning abandonment of a public roadway easement south of the Camelot Motel.
Mr. Titcomb noted maintenance issues with the road. Mr. Rubin advised that once the road was dedicated
by plat, it became a public roadway. Mr. Rubin stated there is no real distinction between a roadway
easement and a dedicated right-of-way, and while dedication of a roadway easement or right-of-way does
not automatically incur a maintenance obligation, once the local government starts to maintain the
roadway, it has accepted the obligation of continued maintenance. Mr. Rubin explained that because the
Village undertook maintenance in the past, it is required to continue maintenance unless the roadway is
abandoned, in which case it would become the property of the underlying property owner. Mr. Rubin
noted the roadway is solely on Lot 28, the Camelot Motel parcel.
Discussion ensued on maintenance costs. Community Development Director Chuck Huff estimated
$25,000 to $30,000 to resurface the roadway and bring it up to standard condition.
Discussion took place regarding local usage of the road. Mr. Huff stated Public Safety and Public
Works use the road but it would not be detrimental if it were no longer available for their use. Mr. Huff
reported that the property owner has advised that he will close the roadway to public traffic, if required
to maintain it. It was noted that the road is used for additional access to the North Palm Beach Marina.
Concern was expressed regarding dead-ending of the alley behind the 7-11 store and Carl's Furniture building,
0 as well as the impact on vehicles exiting the property to travel south on U.S. Highway 1. Mr. Rubin
advised that if Council wants to keep the road, the property owner should convey it to the Village.
Discussion ensued on the width of the roadway, and keeping it a two-way road. Public Works Director
Wiley Livingston noted the current stop sign should be relocated.
Council consensus was to retain the roadway,obtain title, and perform the necessary maintenance.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held October 13,2011 Page 2 of 2
Mr. Titcomb gave a presentation regarding the marine vessels and recreational vehicles code, and
options for addressing parking of marine vessels and recreational vehicles. Mr. Titcomb reviewed seven
recommendations. Mr. Titcomb discussed minor modifications to the Code of Ordinances to simplify
enforcement and compliance, screening and storage issues, and better communication with residents.
Mr. Titcomb recommended separating marine vessels from recreational vehicles and trailers in the code,
and creating separate requirements for vehicle types. Mr. Titcomb gave an example of a typical boat
and trailer configuration, and recommended allowing a maximum of 30' x 10' for the vessel size (per
manufacturer specification), excluding the trailer and outboard motor, with a 10% flexibility margin for
accessories only(not hull length) for practical enforcement. Mr. Titcomb reviewed the dry storage slots
and wet slips available at Anchorage Park and discussed options for reconfiguring layout and storage.
Mr. Titcomb recommended prioritizing Anchorage Park storage for boats on trailers. Mr. Titcomb
discussed options to address storage of recreational vehicles and trailers. Mr. Titcomb recommended
that Council consider scalable setbacks, positioning, and screening requirements based on lot size,
landscaping, and surroundings.
Discussion ensued on enhancing screening requirements. It was suggested that screening be required on
the rear property line and that screening aesthetics, particularly for gates,be addressed.
Discussion took place concerning separating marine vessels from recreational vehicles, and storage
options for recreational vehicles. It was suggested that recreational vehicles in compliance with the
maximum 30'x 10' envelope should still be allowed to park on residential property.
Council consensus was in favor of applying the 30' x 10' size envelope to the vessel itself. Council was
opposed to modifying the code to allow vessels or recreational vehicles to exceed the current size limits
on certain lots, subject to setbacks, lot size, landscaping, and screening.
The proposed code revisions will be brought back to Council at an upcoming meeting.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
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Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk