10-18-1990 VC WS-MMINUTES OF RECESSED WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1990 RECONVENED THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1990 Present: V. A. Marks, M. D. Mayor Jerry Gardner, Vice Mayor ~ Judy M. Pierman, President Pro Tem Al Moore, Councilman Manny Grinn, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen Kelly, Deputy Village Clerk 1?~1T.T. ('D T.T. Mayor Marks called the Reconvened Workshop Session to order at 8:15 p.m. All members of the Council and Staff were present. BILL NO. 628 - CREATING A COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD Discussion was held concerning Bill No. 628, a proposed ordinance creating a Country Club Advisory Board. The Village Attorney will incorporate the changes made, and this item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990. RESOLUTION - RECORDING OF FINAL PLAT FOR ALAMANDA EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY This item was placed on the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990. RESOLUTION - TRANSMITTAL RESPONDING TO PALM BEACH COUNTYWIDE PLANNING COUNCIL INTERJURISDICTIONAL REVIEW OF NPB COMP PLAN - POLICY RESPONSE ONLY This item was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990. POOL MANAGER CONTRACT After making corrections and changes to the contract, it was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990. GOLF PRO CONTRACT This item was forwarded to the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990, with corrections and changes. BUDGET TRANSFER FOR 20 MEGABYTE HARD DRIVE This item of business will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990. COUNTRY CLUB RESTAURANT LEASE During discussion concerning the renewal of contract, the Village Attorney was directed to carefully review the contract's terms. This item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990. SURPLUS TABLES AND CHAIRS Discussion was held concerning various quantities of tables and chairs that are surplus at the Country Club restaurant. This item will be placed on the Regular Session agenda of October 25, 1990. Mork hop. LEASE EXTENSION AGREEMENT - ANCHORAGE PARK ~. This item of business was dropped from the agenda and will be placed second on the Workshop agenda of October 25, 1990. PURCHASING REGULATIONS This item of business was postponed until October 25, 1990, and will be the first item on the Workshop agenda. There being no further business to come before Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. workstiop.