02-22-1990 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1990 Present: Judy M. Pierman, Mayor Jerry G. Gardner, Vice Mayor V. A. Marks, M.D., President Pro Tem Al Moore, Councilman Tom Valente, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk R(~T.T. C'AT.T. Mayor Pierman called the Workshop Session to order at 8:32 p.m. All members of the Council and staff were present. BILL NO. 593 - FIRE PREVENTION CODE A discussion was held concerning Bill No. 593, a proposed ordinance amending Chapter 12 of the Village Code, the Fire Prevention Code for the Village, by adopting by reference thereto, the Standard Fire Prevention Code, 1988 Edition, and the Life Safety Code, 1988 Edition, as published by the National Fire Protection Association and setting forth amendments to said Standard Fire Prevention Code. Our Village Attorney will redraft the ordinance and it will be placed on the March 8, 1990 regular session agenda. SOUTHERN BELL FRANCHISE AGREEMENT A discussion was held concerning a resolution renewing the Southern Bell Franchise Agreement. This item will be placed on the regular session agenda for March 8, 1990. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS A discussion was held concerning a resolution adopted by the Council in opposition to the repeal of the County's ordinance supporting the funding of school crossing guards. The Village Attorney will draft a resolution on this matter and it will be placed on the regular session agenda for March 8, 1990. PROPOSED TEE TIME RULE CHANGES AND RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP ADVANCE REGISTRATION A discussion was held concerning tee time rule changes and advance resident membership registration for fiscal year 1990-91. After a lengthy discussion, by both members of the Council and members of the audience, no decision was made on this issue. PRORATED TENNIS FEES This was removed from the agenda due to Council's lack of concurrence on the issue. REVIEW OF ANNUAL AUDIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 Because of the fact that we had reached our eleven p.m. curfew, this item could not be discussed. It will be placed on the March 8, 1990 workshop session agenda. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeti g was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. ~~ ~ ~ ~ Dolores R. Walke CMC, Village Clerk