07-10-1991 VC B WS-M~., ~g ,:
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T0: Mayor & Village Council
FROM: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager
RE: Budget Workshop Minutes - Wednesday, July 10, 1991
DATE: July 11, 1991
The following represents the North Palm Beach Village Council's
workshop session discussing the Country Club budget. Mayor Gardner
convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. All Council members were present
except Councilman Judy Pierman and Councilman V. A. Marks.
Councilman Marks arrived approximately 7:30 p.m. In addition, the
Village Manager, Finance Director, Golf Course Maintenance
,... Superintendent, Pool Manager, Tennis Pro, Mr. Dick Voss, Vice
Chairman of the Country Club Administrative Board and CCAB Board
members Mrs. Lucia Traugott and Mr. Frank Shone were also present.
The following items were discussed with the following changes:
Golf Shop Expense
1. L8046-33310 - Golf Pro Contract from $28,000 to $3,600.
2. L8046-34010 - Travel from $134 to $0.
3. L8046-34710 - Printing & Binding from $3,500 to $3,000.
4. L8046-34910 - Advertising from $1,800 to $0.
(transferred to Country Club Admin.)
Country Club Manager - discussion concluded that the Country Club
Manager would be a new position set up in the Country Club
Administration budget at $45,000 base salary, plus fringes. Detail
to be identified under Country Club Administration budget.
5. L8046-66210 - Construction & Major Renovation
.~ Golf Shop office area from $2,500 to hold
(consensus to consider this amount as seed money to set
up the Club Manager's office)
Mayor & Village Council
July 11, 1991
Page 2
Driving Range Expense
6. L8048- No changes
Tennis Expense
7. L8050-33433 - Tennis Pro Contract from $12,000 to
Pool Expenses
8. L8051-66210 - Construction & Major Renovation. Diving
tower from $18,000 to $0.
9. L8051-66210 - Underwater Lights from $16,000 to $16,000.
10. L8051-66430 - Furniture & Fixtures
Deck Chairs from $0 to $1,020.
Lockers & Locks from $0 to $1,200
Total: 66430 from $0 to $2,220
Administration Expenses
'~ 11. L8056-34910 - Advertising change from $1,200 to $3,000.
The advertising expenses are to be broken down per the
following classifications and amounts:
Advertising: $3,000
Tennis Advertising $500
Pool Advertising 300
Golf Advertising 1200
Legal Advertising 1000
The discussion ended with Pool expenses. Upon adjournment, the
next meeting will pick up with the remainder of the Country Club
budget for Monday, July 15, 1991. Meeting adjourned at
approximately 10:00 p.m.
This memorandum will represent and serve as the minutes of the
above stated Village Council workshop of the FY 91-92 budget.
cc: Department Heads